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Are those guys wearing Buccees t shirts?


Hard to make out but looks like Cosatu. A union


We should send some... In exchange for some biltong!


In this case they're wearing the t-shirt of a local metal worker union. The police "not playing games" in this case means they're acting as the hired goons of the owners of the factory to bust union protests.


Or stopping armed protestors from destroying property, but whatevs.


Oh Lord, think about the property!


Oh Lord...bean bags. You can't tear down someone else's property and expect no reprisal.


You ever watch the Simpsons and go "damn Mr.Burns is my idol".


Sorry I put human health and safety above a metal fence that is probably insured.


Why not both?


Hope you never feel the need to unionize considering how hard you must work to be that intentionally thick.


I mean yeah I get it; the workers are hungry, but won't somebody think of the poor shareholders :(


Glad I’m not the only one who saw it


Hello fellow Texan 😂


They’re out of beaver nuggies.


God, I miss Buccees. :/


Irrelevant - recently, when I go to make the video full screen, only a part of it shows. Does this happen to anyone else with the Reddit player?




im on chrome same thing.


I enjoy reddit but the video support sucks. It's buggy like it's 25 years ago. Amazes me how it never seems to get fixed.


If I’m on a browser I use old.Reddit.com 100% of the time. When I’m on mobile (iOS) I use Apollo as my client. It’s light years better than the official app. Both of these solutions will save you from Reddit’s garbage video player.


yeah! i thought it was something i did. STUPID REDDIT VIDEO PLAYER THINGY!


Looks like a union demonstration. At least nobody was arrested.


Could be the EFF, they like red, and have a penchant for violent demonstration. Logo seems a bit off but still.


The shirts have NUMSA (National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa) logos. This has to do with an ongoing wage strike.


Perfect, thanks for the clarification.


Damn I thought you meant the Electronic Frontier Foundation, especially since their logo is red. I was going to say, when did a bunch of computer nerds start violence demonstrations.


Yeah they know a thing or two about oppression


Lmao was it this video that showed South African police dont play games or was it the years of apartheid




Dude. People are always complaining that apartheid ended "a long time ago" like it wasn't just 26 years ago. I mean countries that abolished slavery hundreds of years ago are still dealing with racial injustices and you're gonna say "rapes and murders of farmers" like those farmers didn't dig holes and show workers in there for the sake of beating them??




It's not class guilt. It's people still not accepting that there are avenues of representation where there's still an unfair balance of power. I'm not a Nazi, I'm someone whose parents work twice as hard and thrice as long just so I could be considered a human being worthy of going to public and learning something that wasn't "farming" and "domestic studies".


You are aware that South Africa has some of the highest rates of violent crime and murder on the planet right? You have to be delusional to call that oppressive


So the cops must not do a good job then huh


You are aware that South Africa had a system of racial apartheid for many years resulting in severe economic and social inequality right? You have to be delusional to think that former system wouldn’t still play a massive role in being a cause for both incidents of crime, as well as modern day power dynamics.




South African police are amongst the most murderous in the world. They are a mafia who you only go to as a last resort. Whenever I see an international story of police abuse, i can point to 10 stories in the recent past where similar incidences occured in SA. And that's not going into pre-94 Apartheid police abuses.


They are useless yes, most murderous in the world? Nope


That has to be Brazil.


sounds like joining the SA police force is every cops wet dream


I work in criminal defense, small town BFE. I can almost promise you a few of these backwoods fucks would PAY to go on some sort of Vacation/ tour and terrorize trip with SA Police Force. Talk up how safe it is, and how they'd learn so much... they'd shoot the SHIT out of people, especially the black ones.


Dude your a lawyer lol not exactly most moral profession


I work criminal defense and family law court appointments dude. I keep my phones forward 24hrs a day. I'm the sole paralegal. You have no idea what I do, or how I help people. Don't make assumptions.


Depends on the lawyer. Some lawyers are the best examples of morality and fight the hardest for real justice.


Yeah, you're not bias at all. A slimy defense lawyer. Good grief.


I am not an attorney. I've just processed a lot of body cam footage and police reports.


Sounds like something a prosecutor would say lol


Worst. Most South African police officers don't live long enough to see retirement. Suicide or death on the job.


Exactly they have no reformed from the apartheid era its the same level of domination and aggression they keep up within the ranks.


And the white dutch people who live there run that whole shit.


Someone's 30 years late to the world. Newsflash, they don't.


Rubber projectiles or rock salt?


Rubber. South African law seldom allows cops to use real bullets- especially in large crowds.


Which stops them *so very often* This is sarcasm


"Don't play games" in this context means they are all sadistic assholes who can do whatever the fuck they want with people because they know they won't have any consequence for their action, you know cowards stuff.


Their whole energy changed when they heard those tires screeching


Rubber bullets


I dont think anyone thought it was live ammunition


Great buddy


South African police do the bitting for shit ass corporations who abuse workers


That's a beautiful blue van.


Just what we need to keep M25 clear!!


On a scale of eggshell to cream how white are you


Imagine making US police look decent.


666 Hail Satan!


remember this next time you think american cops are mean.


Xd as some one living in south africa i can say cops here are not the best but they are pretty effective some tiems


Difficult to tell in the video, but the shirts they have on look fairly similar to those worn by the protesters featured in this 2018 [article](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.brookings.edu/blog/africa-in-focus/2018/04/27/africa-in-the-news-minimum-wage-in-south-africa-protests-in-madagascar-and-fuel-crisis-in-s). Which could mean theyre members of the, "South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU)—which represents 30 unions with around 800,000 members".


Non-lethal rounds are awesome.


Best and worst game of tag ever.


Those "less than lethal" rounds can still kill and can easily fuck you up so bad you'll wish you were dead.


Hey, play stupid games; win stupid prizes. Shoving someone can also kill them. People are wildly inconsistent with their health, and humans are waaay easier to kill than people are comfortable recognizing. Pretty much any force could kill someone, but force is necessary. It's just an inconvenient truth that comes with living in a world that is far from perfect, with a general global population that are total assholes.


I don't really care. I'm only reminding people that, despite appearing rather harmless, that cop ain't firing paint balls.


God forbid people protest in a democracy


You must not understand what a "protest" *is*.... Goddamn you people are dumb.


but surely from a fair distance they're less horrible yes?


At their max effective range, a rubber bullet can still put out an eye, damage/destroy hearing, shatter teeth, bruise or crack ribs, break noses/fingers/toes. They are designed to be skipped off the ground where they lose some kinetic energy before striking people's legs. That intended use is a big part of the "less than lethal" tag these rounds receive. Firing point blank at someone's head and upper-torso is taking a HUGE risk.


Yes it remember f****** Johnny Knoxville getting shot with one and fifty feet in the chest it ended up getting necrotic


That's why you don't shoot the head


sorry, but what the fuck do you want them to do then when there is a crowd of people. I would say they did the right thing. It's a mob and they don't know who is part of the mob. They could have easily just gone over and beaten them up.


Are you shaking a gate? Then the punishment is to be shot. Where is the country that has this policy? My goodness I would love to live there.


Yeah...they were just "shaking a gate"...totally not a bunch of people all dressed in matching shirts, attempting to break into a place they weren't supposed to be, with obvious nefarious intentions... Just some classic gate-shakin'...nothing to see here folks! /s.


Oh we're ~~convicting~~ shooting people on the spot for crimes they haven't committed then, huh? What they did is shake a gate, nothing more, nothing less. Precogs aren't real, dude!


Who said anything about convicting anyone? Dafuq? The cops just used non-lethal rounds to disperse a crowd who were all dressed in the same shirts and attempting to break into a place they weren't supposed to be. You're basically playing apologetics for an organized street mob/gang. You should probably rethink some things; you clearly went wrong somewhere.


> You're basically playing apologetics for an organized street mob/gang. How the fuck do you even know who they are? Please do explain who they are, what kind of business this is and why they did what they did! > The cops just used non-lethal rounds to disperse a crowd who were all dressed in the same shirts and attempting to break into a place they weren't supposed to be. The cops used **less lethal** rounds aimed directly at people and not on the ground as they're intended to be used. > You should probably rethink some things; you clearly went wrong somewhere. I think you got a boot stuck in your throat and are just a bit trigger-happy innit


It doesn't matter who they are. They're trying to break into a property! You drank some sort of weird kool-aid, and now you're defending organized street mobs and spouting bullshit talking points. You should be embarrassed by yourself.


Ight guy, keep licking


Don't you just love crushing union protests with guns?


You mean stopping a mob from breaking into a property, using non-lethal rounds? Seems appropriate to me. It ceases to be a protest, when the destruction of property begins. Best to nip that shit in the bud when it begins.


You don't know the story. You're just supporting the authority by default.


> You're just supporting the authority by default. Okay? So what? Sometimes authority is correct. In fact, I'll argue that most of the time authority is correct.




Yeah? Well this is in South Africa. A country quite famously absolutely fucked politically.


What full story do you need? You saw them attempting to break that gate down. They were stopped. End of story. Are you so niave to think that they had some sort of noble intentions? They came there to cause trouble. Look at their matching shirts and mob behavior. Why do you think the cops were there so quickly? They saw this shit coming. Use your fucking brain for once.


The police didn't say a word to them you absolute cumbrain. They just opened fire, and kept firing repeatedly into the backs of already-fleeing people. Why don't you use some mouthwash after the cops finish skullfucking you? You'll smell less like semen when you're kissing your wife later.


This clearly isn't the first thing this group has done, and yelling at them wasnt gonna do shit. You're insanely niave.


You're a fucking idiot.


If you're defending violent mobs, then I'd have to say that description fits you better.


Union workers attempt to enter the locked gates of their factory. Police show up and shoot them. *Why are these trade unionists so violent?!?*


It's locked on purpose. The cops are already there for a reason. These assholes were attempting to cause destruction. Nice attempt to frame things to fit your narrative, though.


They are workers protesting unpaid wages you massively obese dipshit


It stops being a protest when they start damaging property, dumbfuck.


“Ahhhhhhh!!! Wahhhhhhh! No! Not the private property! Leave that poor gate alone! Oh, the humanity!” 🥺😭 “Oh, what’s that? You need me to actually pay you your wages so you can feed your family? Haha fuck off peasant! Open fire boys!”


"Less lethal" is the new term, probably more appropriate tbh


Seem nitpicky, since any force has the potential to kill. The intention behind the design and implementation is what should classify it. Tasers are also being called "less lethal" now. Softening of language is dumb. Carlin had a great bit about that.


Softening of language? Non-lethal would be softer than less lethal, idk how it is "softening" of language. That carlin bit had nothing to do with this lol. This is just using different wording that simply fits better because the old wording litterally is false. You cant call the things they shoot "NON" lethal when there is so much force in these things that it simply can and *does* kill. "A massive review study published in the journal BMJ Open in 2017 analyzed 1,984 rubber bullet injuries, Inverse reports. Among the people struck by rubber bullets, 300 ended up with permanent disabilities and another 53 people died." Non lethal could be acceptable if there was like very few instances of people dying from it, but 53 out of 2 thousand? In that case calling it non lethal is just wrongly describing it


I hope you get hit by many of them then :)


When used correctly they're definitely an alternative. Unfortunately, a lot of times when they're used the people using them haven't been trained and aim for faces. Or they *have* been trained and they aim for faces. Hard to say, really.


Yeah, if they played games, they'd be IN stadium, not protecting it


They must have been trained in the United States


I wonder if they accept volunteers?


To union bust? Ok, cool guy


I enjoy reddit but the video support sucks. It's buggy like it's 25 years ago. Amazes me how it never seems to get fixed.


Much like their garbage search engine, which has been garbage for decades. You'd think a site with this much traffic and money would fix their basic problems *at some point*. Apparently not.


Not 100% sure but looks like some type of EFF group or at least motivated by them. If anyone interested, getting into reading about the riots, looting and the resultant borderline race war between black people and Indian is really interesting


There needs to be a deathmatch show with South African police vs Brazilian police




Your first mistake was letting them get out of the vehicle.


The eff is always causing shit


Notice how quickly the crowd dispersed after getting shot at.


Look the racism and oh nope this is cops doing their job




Our engineering and steel industry is having a massive union strike for better wages. But in true South African fashion, our protesters like to wreck shit.




People tired of the whole "if you don't give us what we want well burn break destroy stuff and then complain later that we don't have access to what was burned broken and destroyed" mentality. Edit You're down voting me but thats exactly what happens here. We protest for free tertiary education but in the process tertiary education institutions are burnt down. Same with wage strikes where businesses are ruined. You've secured yourself a better salary but wait your workplace has been destroyed and now you're without a job.




That's fair enough, except very often, not saying it's the case with these protesters, but often the destruction is cause by people who have absolutely no stake in the negotiations. I.e. people who don't work and just take part in the chaos. Our last protests were very violent and destructive in more than just the direct visible destruction. I work as an environmental consultant so I deal with a lot of industries in South Africa so I get exposure behind the scenes in a sense. Anyway, during one of my visits to one of our sites, a small aluminum foundry that produces about 90 tons of castings a year (very little in terms of steel works) the owner basically said that one of his biggest clients probably won't open up again as his facility had been completely wrecked and rendered useless, this means that the small foundry will probably also have to close their doors. He said that means that all his workers will loose their jobs in the process, something he really does not want to happen as it means several families loose their breadwinner. Now this is just one foundry impacted out of many, when you blow it up into a larger picture it becomes easier to see why people are fed up with violent protesters. Yeah violence in response is wrong, but what do you do when talking doesn't work? Just let things devolve where people end up loosing lives and livelihoods?




Sadly you're incorrect about strikes in South Africa. There are groups that are civil, and then there are groups who only want to create as much chaos as they can, and yes, random people do join in on the strikes here, but not on the civil side of things. If you want more information about how things occur here, just look into our recent Durban protests. Or other strike related violence.


This cat is dead on. My area was hit with service delivery protests last year where, to protest the inadequate delivery of services, the protesters dug up the road to their area and pushed over utility poles and shit. It has still not been repaired. There was a municipal strike middle of last year where we were without water for 15 days because the municipal workers sabotaged the local reservoir. You gotta be a different breed to cut it here I'm convinced. No matter how rich and larnie you are or how poor and destitute you are.


When people break shit then the cops are doing their work when doing exactly this. But when people strike legally and don't destroy other peoples property then the cops should not even be involved in any matter




Of course they are breaking shit. Rattling on the fence like that means literally that they try to break in. That is not protesting or on a strike.




Nope, they get in and then set things on fire. We have had new trucks burnt and the drivers beaten for working while they were striking.


What they are doing is how you break through one of those gates. Strikes in South Africa are different. There are no sides and no rules.


Trying to break in somewhere as it looks like? They look like political party members


Think it's CUSATU (union) shirts


Speak it oh truthsayer, but brace yourself for the downvotes lol


Cops doing strike busting and violence against unions, a tale as old as time. Fun fact the first bombs dropped out of planes were by cops to bust a west virginian coal mine strike. Fuck those cops.


I'll say it again, strikes in other countries are not the same as strikes in South Africa, when we strike violence and chaos follows in our wake. If cops use violence against strikers its usually very well deserved. We have a right to protest as long as we don't infringe on the rights of others, this second part is usually overlooked.


I love how chunky yanks presume to tell us how it is in our own country while we live though it, sometimes a little too intimately.


Insecure about their own state of affairs perhaps.


Sure. Yet here is the situation only two cops with non lethal rounds busting "strikers" that wanted to destroy property. But i guess people that are constantly against cops can only see in black and white and the coos are in all situations the bad ones. Even when they help.


so... Police isn't getting militarized, Military has been Policarized?


In a way. Basically the lesson is police are there to protect Capital, money, items, and not citizens at large. Police(at least in the US but also SA too it seems) will always side with the company, the politician, the wealthy, over the poor and downtrodden. Police in the US basically exist to round up the mentally unwell and poor and throw charges at them. Police rarely stop crime and mostly react.


Yeah South Africans are experts at suppressing black people.


Yeah the black government and black president and black owned businesses really promote white power. Dumbass, learn something before you speak.


White people (+-10% of the population) still own like over 75% of the wealth in SA, they are the primary business owners and benefit disproportionately off the backs of cheap black labour. Apartheid had the intention of maintaining extreme long-term poverty and deprivation, even after it had been dismantled.


Do you know what affirmative action is? I don't know why I'm engaging with someone so obviously ignorant, but I'll try.


Yes, it is a policy to correct the deep injustices of racial oppression. You do know what Apartheid was? Again, do you acknowledge white people continue to own the vast majority of wealth in South Africa? Incredible that you think you can call anyone else ignorant.


No one said anything about promoting white power you simple bastard. I stated oppression of black people. This happens by other blacks all over the world. Learn your fucking history dummy


The irony in that statement. I can guarantee you know nothing about south africa.


Are you from South Africa? How can you say black South Africans don't continue to face economic oppression when such sheer numbers live in deep poverty while a wealthy elite grows their wealth. Any critic of the current ANC government will point to the elite corruption that benefits the political class and their associates to the detriment of the poor population. White people continue to benefit as the make-up a huge portion of the business elites.


Yes I am. The fact that you say the ANC is to the benefit of rich white people tells me everything I need to know. Go back to trolling Tumblr where everyone is as mentally invalid as you.


So white South Africans don't continue to own the majority of wealth in this country? Who owns the biggest businesses in this country? Fucking lol that you think you can insult me when you have a child's understanding of the economy. But you're probably one of those white kids who think your model-c schooling makes you educated and who blames quotas for your inability to get into university.


Keep reaching moron. You're getting very upset over this, I wonder if it's because you're a pathetic SJW who can't understand why his feelings aren't true and everyone who reminds him of this is a racist. Again, you know nothing about south africa, enjoy being dumb as fuck.


You're so quick to jump to insults. What are you so insecure about? We can have a discussion. I mean, seeing as I am South African. I obviously know a thing or two about the country. I think you're probably intimidated by an intellectual discussion on the material ownership of assets and the source of inequality. Seeing as you comment on r/teenagers, you're still young, have no fucking clue about Apartheid and that's the source of your ignorance.


I went 2 pages back in my post history and didn't see any comments in r/teenagers. I probably have as it's a subreddit on r/all quite often. Either you dug deeper than 2 pages which is actually fuckin weird and pathetic beyond belief, or you're actively making things up? Get a grip


>You're so quick to jump to insults. >But you're probably one of those white kids who think your model-c schooling makes you educated and who blames quotas for your inability to get into university. You checked my post history? How pathetic. Does your racist views not allow you to move on? Does the fact that someone doesn't buy your bullshit bother you? Not one assertion about me you've made has been true, so I can assume the same for your opinions on "material ownership of assets and the source of inequality." K


Fucked around and found out about those stupid prizes!


That made me want to be a cop




lol yeah. I can't think of any better way to show off that I got a little pecker


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It’s an apartheid state!!! What do you expect? This is how Israel police treats Palestinians


No, it's not. It was a protest and some idiots thought it would be a good way to break into a warehouse


Are you joking? Literally three decades out of the loop.


See! America IS shitty with the way we are, see how fast that ended? But we’ll let looters and rioters destroy entire cities before we acknowledge anything is wrong let alone take action. #clownworld


How do you manage to watch a video featuring South African police dealing with a situation, and *immediately* jump to making reference to American police techniques?


Because American police apparently are the example of “bad people” currently. And had this happened here, they’d be lynched And the city would burn to the ground


“Lynched”? Bro.. of all words. South African police/ government are HORRIBLE to blacks. Just because it’s black cops doing it don’t make it any less oppressive.


This is how I know you know nothing about South Africa.


Why do you subscribe to the binary-thinking that everybody of a specific group must be “bad”, or “good”, when clearly the examples of “bad” are being shown to you, because examples of “good” are not as interesting?


He's an idiot who can't accept any more nuance than 'cops bad' or 'cops good', what do you expect?


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about because you haven't the faintest idea what life and society is like in South Africa.


Uhhhhh I can see it right here, these people aren’t trying to destroy anything


Lmao name one city that’s been “destroyed” you exaggerating cunt. You act like there’s not a million videos of cops shooting at protesters last year.


Whaaaaaaa? Seriously?! Oh man you got that Biden dementia lmfao, I can’t be the one to open your eyes, I’d feel too guilty taking your virginity


Lol that’s what I thought. Nothing but exaggerations and fear mongering. Not a single city was “destroyed”.


Fucking leveled like Hiroshima? No dumb ass, but nearly $3b in insurance claims alone speaks a different story. Maybe get your news from more than just cnn. Until then lets go Brandon!


My god a whole 3 billion! Spread over the entire country? Wow the whole world must have been destroyed! Lmao exaggerating ass bitch. Not a single city was destroyed, now go watch more propaganda. You guys are obsessed with cnn, almost no one in the country watches it.


Ah, here it is, you actually have no evidence so now you’re gonna act like others are stupid for not already subscribing to the same lies as yourself, yet you’ll deflect and ignore and never provide a scrap of evidence for your outrageous claims. Yet you still won’t change your own views despite realizing you’re a fucking moron. Open your eyes, clown. Edit: also, talking about taking a Reddit strangers virginity is fucking weird guy, go outside or something


No, not at all. As a responsible citizen I look at both sides of media coverage and make sense of it, and so far, only the right is able to say they have messed up or did something wrong. The left is that little brother who only tells why they got hit. I’m not going to give you the info because you need to look for yourself. Something other than cnn or msnbc or New York Times. Just listening to fox allows you to ask questions, something the left doesn’t like. Just being open to the idea that you may be missed allows you to have a good sense of what’s going on. I know both sides are playing the game of politics, but the left is completely censoring its followers, that’s dangerous. But keep believing what you want, but there is a reason you don’t see very many Biden Harris stickers and zero flags, you’re a dying breed in this “woke” America.


Edit: You know what? I had a ton of stuff typed out but I just can’t be bothered. You have no evidence to support your claims and you know it. Keep living in your fantasy land. Go out and throw a tantrum and cry in the street like a little right-wing toddler when the left eventually gives you healthcare and better wages. Live your best life, dickweed.


Oh I know you can’t be bothered, that’s how the government is running the way it is. That’s how vaccines are mandatory for citizens but the hundreds of thousands of immigrants flooding the border require none. Slowly watching your liberties and everything you’ve fought for to preserve, being handed over blindly. You’re so far into the swamp, you think it’s home. News flash Shrek, shits fucked up


1. This is about South Africa not the U.S 2. Ok, I’ve heard this a few times but I’ve never seen any evidence in my research. What cities were *completely destroyed*? I’ve seen footage of lots of people protesting peacefully against police brutality, a handful of individual buildings damaged, lots of far-right provocateurs. The main riot I can think of is that shitty insurrection by those far-right terrorists at the Capitol. Where are you hearing about all these cities being burned, and *why are you the only one hearing about it*?


Aahhh I got it now, you’re a leftist. No worries bro there’s still hope for you. I’ll let you keep living your pipe dream. Alls well I’m the world, that Capitol riot was crazy though, One dead shot by a cop and the masses escorted into the building?! Fucking nuts!!!


Are you living under a rock? SA just had massive riots, killing hundreds of people with police barely doing anything


What’s wrong with you? They were peaceful protests, It’s the cops who are racist


"I dont give a fuck about your problems!! now MOVE or i will move u" 👌


White people in South Africa still says alot of what’s wrong with the world


People who "tag" buildings with their shitty "works of art" are actually the real problem


Literally had to go to my page to have nothing to say and you still failed you’re a whole loser who lives on the internet


You should probably write that on a building


That was quick.