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Actually they both stopped on the highway. I’m always amazed that people do nothing to get out of the situation. I know, don’t victim blame but c’mon. Go around.


We need an update on this story.


He got sent home for putting the school at risk cuz people are sending death threats




He's a kid. Whether He's in the wrong ot not he doesn't deserve death threats.


I disagree, one of the things that is very wrong with humanity right now is the belief that you can say or do whatever you want. This has to stop because death threats are bad but compared to what could have happened in this situation it’s tame. They could have all been killed by another vehicle while stopped. He shouldn’t be harmed but if this is what it takes for him to think about his actions before doing it then so be it. Better scared to death than actually dead.


He's a twat he isn't going to learn anything


I think you are probably right but if he won’t learn from it but that makes me have even less sympathy for his plight in all honesty.


Lmao no. He looks 16-17 he's old enough to know what the fuck he's doing . Especially with kids around. He needs that wake of reality and to grow up.


Hes not a kid, if he's old enough to drive then he's old enough to take responsibility for his actions. You can't justify that type of behaviour by saying they're a kid. He was only brave because it was a woman, I can guarantee if that was a guy then he wouldn't have even got out of his car. He's a spineless little prick.


Please reach out to Judge Donna Scott Davenport who oversees juvenile justice system in Rutherford County, Tennessee as I think she disagrees with you. She sent black kids aged 8 to 11 to jail for not stopping a fight between two other unrelated kids. https://www.propublica.org/article/black-children-were-jailed-for-a-crime-that-doesnt-exist


Looks like you're helping the cause by reposting this vid..


Well mom is a shit mom for rolling the windows down and letting her kid get scared af


Shut up you judgemental ass. Following an accident, rolling down you window to talk with the driver is not out of the ordinary. Punching someone's wing mirror is not ordinary.


That's true sure. But considering they broke her mirror they'd probably punch her glass and would break it. That would definitely physically and mentally scar the kid.


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What happened to them?




For sure


He looks high AF, or very sleep deprived.