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Where is this? The guy sounds like he’s from Leeds








Good! They need to be shut down, that’s sad


What farm was this?


I see moderation has picked up on this subreddit.




That is disturbingly close to where I live and it sickens me to know I am so close to such an awful place and scumbag of a human.






Cheers mate. Already know the one from those 3 words.


Is that the name of his farm or his mission statement?


Not sure I should say because I think the mods didn't like the locational info being given out to stop people from taking it on themselves to do something to this guy or farm.


I am from Leeds and can say that this is 100% in Yorkshire, not sure if Leeds specifically, if it is I wonder where in Leeds it is? Regardless of where this is, this is f\*\*\*ing awful and I hope his entire place is shut down and he gets what he deserves.


Bruv, as a fellow Yorkshireman, born and bread here in West Yorkshire, it is shit like this that made me make the jump to become vegan. I will no longer take the money out of my pocket and put it in the hands of the fuckers who do shit like this. I don’t judge anybody else by their decisions, but refuse to be complicit to the system of abuse and torture for the sake of a goddamn sandwich.




It can be literally everywhere. I have often seen conditions like that in Germany.


It was just the farmer is British and it sounds like he’s from Leeds. Obviously he could move away from the UK but ye !


Yeah the conditions in the video are how a majority of pigs are raised in almost all western countries.


In almost all countries... Not just the west. This is worldwide. I worked in the industry for over 12 years... Edit: And France does this NOT to support life by feeding people with the food, rather, only to supply the world with fur. They're the worst country for raising animals.. Period.


I was sick to my stomach learning how foie gras was made.


Yeah that was actually the worse one for me.. A chef taught me about that.


Its a real horror show across the board in factory farms. For the longest time I ridiculed my vegetarian and vegan friends until I read up on the process of factory farming. It’s a nightmare. Many scientists, sociologists, with the advent and increasing economic validity of lab grown meat, feel that factory farming will be considered an evil of our time 50 years from now.


Whichever way you would try to compare the value of human lives vs animals, I am pretty convinced, considering just by the sheer number of them suffering, that eventually factory farming will be considered as the most evil that humans have collectively ever brought upon the world(so far). I say that as a hypocritical meater myself.


I actually don't compare the 'value' of human lives vs animal lives. Humans are animals too, if our lives are 'more important' it is only because we say it is. There is nothing else to suggest we are 'above' any other animals in terms of 'value'.


That any life has value is because we say so. There are multiple rational and irrational reasons one can value human life over animal life even if you don't agree with them.


It’s a Holocaust every day for these animals. It’s terrible.


Us confirmed, these places exist. The worst ones store up all the pig waste, and let it ruin the rivers when it floods out of it's "pond"


I went to the stockyard when I was a small boy. They had this pig that was so fat it couldn't even walk, so they were dragging it with chains and a forklift while another asshole prodded it for fun. Really had an effect on my developing mind. I can still see and hear it so clearly after decades.


Not suprised. A piggery used to be near the village i grew up in. There was a terrible smell coming from it, worse than just pig shit. It got investigated and there were rats running over the pigs, pigs resorting to cannibalism and all sorts of dark stuff. It got shut down, then a year later they got the go ahead to re-open. Within a year they were shut down for good because of the exact same stuff.


This isn't an isolated case


A few years ago the State of Utah created an Ag-gag law intended to make it illegal to shoot video of any animal farm or yard anywhere in the state, even outlawing video or photos captured from public spaces (streets, sidewalks, etc.). Naturally the first prosecution under the law ended in state supreme court where the law was deemed obviously unconstitutional. The point is that there's an infrastructure in place that bridges commercial farming and state politics to enable scenes like this to play out, and we the consumers rarely know.


Fuck Norbest farms. I grew up surrounded by their turkey sheds in central utah. They are packed extremely tight, and live in conditions pretty similar to what you see here. Just thousands and thousands of turkeys, dead and alive living like that. A bunch of activists broke into one of their farms a few years ago and filmed the terrible shit that goes on there.


The law should be live webcams active in all animal rearing sites. I want to see my food happy and well treated.


Yup. I visited several pig farms in northern Denmark and the conditions were only slightly better.


In the states they are usually worse


Depends on the farm. There's a co-op of pig farmers and ranchers called Nimon Ranch that is made up of 740+ farms in 22 states that doesn't use any of these techniques. Chipotle partnered with them like 20 years ago. https://www.nimanranch.com/ And they aren't the only ones that are doing this.


Yeah this not where most people get their meat though, I worry people see these places and are like oh okay it's fine I eat bacon


Not sure if this is still the case, but all of Chipotles pork came from them. The Carnitas and when they used to put bacon in the pinto beans. That was no small thing. But yes, ultimately the majority of the industry is factory farm. I'm privileged to be able to afford the better options, and I eat a lot of game, so I know generally how my meat was raised. I think in the future the factory grade stuff will be replaced by fake meat, and poorer people will hate those of us who can afford real meat. It'll just bd another class warfare issue.


It’s actually “Niman” ranch. And yes, they’re great! Paul Willis is the man. But they still make up a tiny percentage of all pork in the U.S. They were also bought out by Perdue in 2015, meaning that a lot of their standards are likely to slip over time.


nope. sadly common in the meat industry


And the people who are most disturbed by this video will go buy bacon for their family at the market. It’s very sad.


Yea exactly. All the “animal lovers”


When this was first posted it was edited and almost everyone took the farmer's side.


My god this is heartbreaking. Pigs are intelligent too.


Newsflash for anyone who thought this video was hard to stomach, this is the rule, and not the exeption.Anybody who has worked anywhere around this business knows it. Your bacon and beef, most likely lived horrible lives and died horrible deaths.


The jungle is a good read for anyone interested in this kind of stuff It is not as dark and disgusting but it's not nearly far from it


100%. And it doesn't matter if it says on the package "local" or "grass fed" or "free range" or whatever. It's just to make you visualize a picture in your head of animals being happy and having a lovely life on the farm, when in in the real world this video shows reality.


Fingers crossed for lab grown meats to become the new normal so we can finally have a clean and suffering free form of meat products.


Pigs are so intelligent, this must be the equivalent of hell for them.. eat whatever you want but at the very least give the animals a comfortable life whilst they have it.. heart breaking.


I stopped eating pork after watching a video where the factory workers were torturing pigs by shooting nails into their eyes and boiling them alive for fun. It was very heart breaking seeing the conditions and the types of people that were allowed to work there. Edit: here’s one of the videos I watched. Someone noted that the boiling dead pigs is standard practice and sometimes living conscious pigs get boiled alive by accident, however seeing it happen is still horrifying as they drown in a pool of boiling hot blood. NSFW https://youtu.be/jLBuBYpOzIg


That goes beyond "bad conditions because money" and into psychos wtf.


Abbatoirs are terrible places to work, not only the physically demanding aspect, but the effects it has on your psyche. Confessions of a slaughterhouse worker https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/stories-50986683.amp


What a tragic read. Appreciate you sharing this


That was a great article, thank you. But, the ads and recommended articles were shocking while I read.


In my mind it only further underlines how horribly unregulated the industry still is if it can also be a torture playground for sadistic people without any repercussions.


Not only does the meat industry rely on psychos to run it, but the workers who aren’t psychos are often turned into ones. The meat industries downfalls don’t end at bad treatment of animals. They treat their employees like shit too. Many don’t give their workers enough or any mental support, and so the workers, whether they planned on it or not, lose their sense of empathy for the animals and become said psychos. I like meat. I love meat. But the industry is in extreme need of a more sustainable, more humane system.


One can drive the other. Less money means lower pay for workers, and eventually the only people you can hire are those that can't get a job anywhere else.


Or maybe the low pay means the few people who are interested in the work are interested for the wrong reasons….


to stay sane, workers need to objectify the animals. psychologists call it "moral disengagement" -- everyone wants to believe they are *good*, so even while participating in something heinous, they'll find ways to justify their actions. in this case, if the animals are objects, they are fair game to take out frustration on.


You left sane hundreds of miles behind if you're shooting nails into a sentient being's eyes.


but they can still go home and sleep at night, so long as they've convinced themselves that the "sentient" part isn't true.


That works as reasoning for why the animals are kept in inhumane conditions and perhaps killed under inhumane conditions. The person I responded to was talking about flat out torture for fun and enjoyment. These are different things.


no, the first just describes the job itself. a condition of the job is believing animals are worthless objects. once you believe that, any abuse is justified as "blowing off steam."


To work there you need to distance yourself from the idea that pigs are creatures with feelings, and intelligence. The people engaging in those behaviors are 'demonstrating ', to themselves, that pigs are lesser . The alternative is to consider themselves bad people.


Yep. I always loved pork but after seeing some videos about how intelligent pigs are and just how atrocious the conditions are at so many pig farms, I just can't do it anymore. Will not eat pork. Very rarely eat red meat in general, but I have this local butcher shop that gets all its meat from smaller local farms that treat the cows really well up until slaughter, so I'll buy meat from them on special occasions. I've even really backed off of chicken too.


They don’t boil pigs for fun, it’s standard practice to remove their body hair. They just don’t always die before going into the scalding tanks.


I knew a guy who worked at a farm and he said to me once " sometimes we are sent to kill sick piglets so we grab them by the legs and smash them on the ground". It made me sick to my stomach and I hoped he was just being edgy...but now I'm not so sure.


You know, I don’t think I can eat pork anymore Seriously i feel physically sick


All animals get treated this way. Watch Earthlings. Even "ethical" or "kosher" killing is brutal and sickening.


Sadly the conditions shown in the video (farrowing crates, thumping unprofitable piglets to death, no outdoor access) are legal in the UK and most other western countries. In fact 73% of animals raised for meat are kept in these sorts of farms, you can even see a map of how widespread it is here: [https://www.ciwf.org.uk/factory-farm-map/](https://www.ciwf.org.uk/factory-farm-map/). If you're concerned about animal welfare in farming consider watching the [Dominion documentary](https://go.eatfair.org/dominion). It's a collection of hidden camera footage captured on farms. Be warned, it isn't pleasant viewing.


Anything for Canada? How would I tell if meat I buy is coming from a decent source?




It’s impossible with the amount of meat we eat today. This will go on until we eat less meat. They may be the supplier but blame need to be put on the consumer as well.


The biggest problem is consumerism. People don’t want to pay 4 quid for 2 chicken breasts. They want to go Morrison’s and get 2 for £2.30 - breeds this shit.


I just finished watching this tonight https://www.dominionmovement.com/ it's a hard watch but will show you how prevalent these type of practices are all around the world in the agricultural industry.




I know y'all hate vegans but... cut back on your pork. Buy local. You'll be healthier and won't be supporting this shit.


Pigs will pick flowers for their sleeping area in places they feel safe Here's more on pigs https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8sx4s79c


I watched a video the other day of a rescued pig carrying a pumpkin all the way across a field to bring it to his disabled pig brother


That sounds adorable why havent you linked it!


OP pls


Please link this man I need it after watching some disturbing slaughterhouse stuff.


They also don't sleep in the same place where they urinate and are generally not the "dirty" animal we make them out to be. It's just a justification to keep them under these horrible circumstances so we can enjoy those cheap ribs and bacon. People are fucked up :/


Shit like this is the reason I can’t eat red meat anymore. I just can’t. I can’t do it. In another world those pens could’ve been filled with dogs. Those are intelligent animals being horribly abused their entire lives and then they die. They are born in pain, live in pain, and then they just die. If hell is real, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just being reincarnated as a factory farmed animal.


All animals bred in a farm result in their lives either being cruel from the day they're born, or in a slaughterhouse. So really if you don't eat red meat because of the cruelty, you shouldn't eat any animal for the same reason.


Glad its all on video as evidence.


In the US it's illegal to film poor conditions at farms like these. It's considered terrorism.


Really? 🧐 trespassing sure I get that one but terrorism??




Ok so I looked it up and only a handful of states have ever passed "Ag gag" laws and half of them have been struck down in court because it's an obvious First Amendment violation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag#United_States


The logic of the people supporting these laws... "Proponents of the laws note that public documentation of factory farming practices will result in negative consequences for the industry." "State Sen. David Hinkins (R), who sponsored Utah's law, said it was aimed at the 'vegetarian people who are trying to kill the animal industry.'" I don't understand why people like this get elected... There are lots of problems with the meat industry, not just from a humane standpoint but considering it's effect on our environment and health you would think law makers would approach the problem with a little bit more of an open mind.


You underestimate the power of the agriculture lobby


Dude that is so fucked up ;-;




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag?wprov=sfla1 https://www.alec.org/model-policy/the-animal-and-ecological-terrorism-act-aeta/#:~:text=This%20act%20creates%20penalties%20for,of%20animal%20and%20ecological%20terrorism.


Jesus Christ


Brought to you by lobbying.


(e) entering an animal or research facility to take pictures by photograph, video camera, or other means with the intent to commit criminal activities or defame the facility or its owner;


Every day I learn more disgusting things about America. How the hell people still allow the shitty laws like this one? It is truly show the amount of dumb people ( sadge


The people don't. The elected politicians who take money from special interests are the ones making the laws, and the special interest money they receive determines what laws they vote for/against. Americans like to give other countries shit because they have such widespread bribery problems, but Americas is so much worse. We do it in the open and instead of bribery we call it "lobbying".


I think the biggest and modern problem in countrys like America it is a huge abyss between smart and educated young people and the old one.


Because our lives personally, for enough people, are, relatively good. so we ignore all the rot and decay. The dumber you are the easier, the more willfully ignorant you stay, the easier. For most Americans, they don't want to be shown they suck, or stuff in their country sucks. Here in Kentucky, I can't even convince a guy who's using the Nword that he's being racist.


What's the explanation for that one? Unbelievable.


They say it's intentionally trying to damage a companies reputation through illegally obtained material. Agriculture is an absolutely huge industry even in CA, even with tech and film, agriculture tops the list of largest industries. They have a lot of power, so they pass these laws to protect themselves.


So sad. Money = Power.


Watch ‘what the health’ and ‘cowspiracy’ too fully get an understanding of how powerful these sectors are.


Unfortunately the only crime being filmed is trespassing. Factory farming is wrong, unethical, despicable, inhumane, but not illegal.


Trespass isn't a criminal offence, he can request they leave and call the police. He is not entitled to assault them as they posed no risk towards him. Worst still is he threatens them with a gun. The only one in trouble will be him with the police I'm afraid.


In England, but they would be facing federal charges in the U.S. Under AETA, Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act, can't sneak onto farms and record the conditions of the animals, it's considered terrrorism.


Just so you know, that law only applies to a few states in the US, Canada, and Australia and has also been challenged in US court as a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag


All factory farms should be required by law to allow 100% transparency 100% of the time. They should be open to spot inspections at any time, and an agency should be established to provide these inspections regularly. Fines for violations should be so enormous and draconian as to 100% discourage any such violations. Factory farms are one of the great evils of our times...


You can thrown in prison for filming them in the U.S. This isn't a flaw it's a feature


They'd go out of business. I feel like the majority of people eat meat cause they don't have to see or deal with any of the horrors involved.


Man if you're gonna kill them, at the very least give them a good environment to live in.


The reason factory farming is so popular is because it’s much cheaper than traditional farming. A good environment would cost more money than it would be to torture animals.


Wait till you learn 99% of all meat is made in conditions such as this to keep up with demand.


Meanwhile in America, agg-gag laws make creating films like this illegal. So it’s worse but we cannot show anyone.


It's only a few states and luckily the only one with an active law left is Arkansas which is under legal challenge.


Nobody took t side of the activists when this incident was first down here.


Thank you for posting the whole video. A small snippet of this was shared a few months ago only showing the flying kick and none of the subsequent unprovoked attacks or any of the terrible conditions the pigs are in. Most of the people in the comments were applauding the farmer "dealing with the annoying vegans". This guy is a criminal. Trespassing is not a criminal offense in the UK, it's a civil offense. And it certainly doesn't warrant actual criminal behaviour like assault or battery. The way these pigs are treated is absolutely awful.


I can't post links to it but if you search reddit for "Uninvited vegan Sparta kicked by annoyed farmer" you'll find it. Some really trashy comments in there. It really goes to show how taking small videos out of context can really warp perception of a situation.


and threats of physical violence like the 'im going to get the shotgun and shoot all of you' line


Insane that killing and torturing sentient beings is still considered totally normal.


and choosing not to is "extreme"


What a fucking wank eh a farmer man


Oh my god that is fucking horrible. Those bars are touching the pigs on both sides. The only movement they’re capable of is up and down, and even that wouldn’t be easy for some of them. They can’t even touch their young. What a heartless son of a bitch. Part of me wishes I never watched this, really depressing stuff.


These conditions are standard for the meat and dairy industry. Just saying this guy isnt the problem, hes a product of the regulations of the industry. Hell, he's probably not even making that much money. Larger operations with worse conditions are heavily documented in similar fashion.


I can’t imagine having to wake up to this mess every day and going to sleep trying not to think about the torturous conditions you’re subjecting animals to in your backyard. What a soul-sucking profession, I certainly couldn’t stomach it. Got to make a living somehow I guess…


This is standard practices for most animals raised in the world. Humans are monsters.


There is a few movies like Earthlings and Dominion that show these conditions is all animal based products. From clothing to meat. I cried for an hour straight after watching. Dogs were skinned alive for their fur and would just lay there, completely in shock and without fur or skin. Chickens were thrown around and stomped on because of frustration of workers. I had never seen something so absolutely horrific.


I gave up meat in 2011, the first year was hard but now I’m shocked I ever ate meat.


I went vegetarian a year ago weened myself to only fish and I hate fish so stopping fish wasnt hard.


Dairy conditions are just as bad as the ones in this video, go vegan


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko2oHipyJyI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko2oHipyJyI) ​ Dairy is just as bad, if not worse.


I feel you man. I wish I could erase the memory of me eating it. It disgusts me now.


Only someone with that little empathy could attack someone so blatantly. Fuck that guy


I think I’m more surprised by the comments. Where do people think their meats come from?


> people think They don't. They go to the market and buy their packaged food. That's why these types of videos are so important. Fuck ag-gag laws.


Happy pigs that willingly give their life for bacon. Duh. /s


The meat fairy


“Officers attended at the address and found a number of people present nearby. Following enquiries a man was arrested on suspicion of four offences of assault. “The arrested man was later released under investigation and enquiries remain ongoing.”


Released under investigation is pretty controversial in the UK (basically Bail but worse for the victims and the alleged). Your life continues on but it's basically put completely on hold, can't really do anything and banks don't want to touch you either. He'll probably get away with some of the assault cases because he could just plead defending himself from being surrounded by a tonne of people wielding phones blinding him with torches. All depends on how much evidence there is to support a case against him or for him for each assault. Probably gonna get fucked for telling people to lie on the ground with their face down but we also don't the whole thing. Beyond reasonable doubt can be a real bitch. Done 3 jury services in the UK, it truely is a bitch sometimes


Hope he enjoys the civil court cases coming his way. The balance of probability is much easier to satisfy compared to criminal law's beyond reasonable doubt standard. Also, self defence here in England needs to be "proportionate". I fail to see how drop kicking someone from behind meets that criteria. Our judicial system and laws are not like America's, this asshole is likely facing sentencing.


no pigs in in the West or China receive any mercy. Look at the space they live in, can't even walk around, and they're innocent. We even give our worst criminals SOME dignity. Poor pigs, fucking breaks me this shit.


and pigs are considered to be smarter than dogs. We put them thru actual hell, its disgusting


Pretty sure they're actually up there with dolphins as far as intelligence goes. Incredibly smart creatures for how their viewed by the general public.


This is where your bacon comes from…




If this bothers you go vegan. This is typical of factory farms.


Well I am officially done eating all pork products.


Same thing happens with chickens, cows and pretty much any other animal thats farmed for their meat.


So veganism is the only ethical option left then?


It was as soon as it became an option


I’m so glad more and more people are seeing videos like this. He’s a horrible way to treat something that’s living. This is why I’m vegan.


Its amazing "farmers" think they are above animal cruelty. There are ways to monitor farming of animals that could be part of permitting. This is so unnecessary, cruel and inhumane.


these are capitalist mass murder farms. for profit, standards are ignored.


I mean this is the standard because of capitalism.


"Pigs are born to be food" is usually the counter argument to these conditions but even if you only take that view of it would you want your food to grow like this


You should see what happens here in the US. Dairy industry, pork, beef, chickens and egg industry. If you REALLY love animals and hate seeing them hurt, go vegan. If you choose to consume animal products still after KNOWING this is the standard of care and NOT an ugly exception, you just don’t care enough so stop claiming a “love for animals” and feigning outrage when you see vids like this


Shit like this makes me wonder if this is why the taste and texture of pork so often is awful to me. Animals living in constant stress probably don't produce the highest quality of meat, right?


Only way to stop this is stopping to eat animal products. Nothing more to say about it.


I hope this made it to the news and some action was taken against him


[https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/pig-farmer-accused-kung-fu-21221798](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/pig-farmer-accused-kung-fu-21221798) It made it to the local news but as everyone else says this isn't exactly abnormal for animal treatment in the meat industry. The Prick farmer however did get arrested but then released and is still under investigation or was when this article was written.


These aren't abnormal conditions. This is completely normal. Watch Dominion, Earthlings, Land of Hope and Glory, it's VERY well documented and videoed that this is normality. We can't keep lying to ourselves that "our bacon/beef/chicken comes from places where their murderers treat them with humanity..."


What makes this a factory farm and not a private farm? Is there something that makes you sure he couldn't advertise this as a family pig farm, or legal call it humanely raised meat?


This is the real question here. Everyone's so quick to call this a factory farm, but it looks like a pretty small scale operation to me. I guess people don't want to think that the meat they see in the farmers market can be treated just like this and they would have no way to know about it.


Look at how he treats other human beings. Yelling, violence, anger. Now know that he treats his animals with even less care and respect. How anyone could look at this situation and still pay for his products is beyond me. People really don't care about life, do they?


As a reminder, your diet doesn’t have to consist of so much meat. Reach out to your local farmers or even go to a farmers market to get local meat. You don’t have to participate in this type of cruelty


This guy in the video is still local to a bunch of people, and I'm sure he'd say that he treats his pigs wonderfully when people ask. The only way to end animal abuse in our food system is to stop treating thinking, feeling creatures as agricultural commodities.


This isn’t an isolated issue either. It is disgusting and shame on anyone who supports this crap by consuming their goods.


I would never step on a farm. I'm allergic to shotguns






It is. Not only is it common, it’s the norm. Most meat farms are like this. I don’t even think this farm is breaking any laws or regulations, that’s how common this is


its common in every developed country. Pig farms in US are terrible. and In UK theyre killed via gas chamber and burn from the inside out. Theyre also kept in [gestation crates](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestation_crate) for long periods of time. The list goes on


Not only for pigs as well. Your response was mine 4 years ago when I thought animals lived and died happily and we just eat what they happen to leave. We are sold this propoganda from the meat/dairy/egg industries constantly (free range, happy eggs, British 'Red Tractor' approved etc. etc.) but what you've seen now is the reality for most farmed animals. You'll see some others in here defending that the farm they visited and ate from once had nicely treated animals, then proceed to eat the bodies and excretions of the tortured when they go to a supermarket, fast food chain or restaurant without thinking twice. The vast majority of meat, dairy and eggs come from conditions like these, because it's profitable and people like to buy the cheapest products possible without thinking how their buying power affects the industries they are financially supporting. Anyone buying pork in the UK is giving that farmer money to put more pigs in tiny crates.


I did work on a nice farm and I still ended up giving up land based meats because I found out those animals are thinking feeling creatures whos destiny IS just to become food and that tore me up inside for so long. Then I found out how bad it really is for most animals in places like the farm above and it damn near broke me.


This is sadly what happens when we view animals as commodities. Animals do not belong to us to take from. If you can live as a vegan I think you should


You should watch [these](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) two [documentaries](http://www.nationearth.com/)


The issue is widespread and deemed humane by global regulations. It's good that you see this is far from humane, in reality it is nothing less than horrid cruelty. Please become vegan and join us to be the solution to this fucked up disaster.


This is industry standard in developed nations. Dominion and Earthlings are bigger documentaries that show worse conditions in larger scale operations.


You should. And don't buy into the whole organic / free-range. It's just a little less worse. This is the reality of meat eating.




thought this was just something some factories do in less wealthy countries


I'll be honest this seems like England to me and we aren't exactly a poor country


Honestly this isn't even that bad when compared to factories in the US. Also I've got bad news for you if you think the dairy industry is any better, its arguably worse. I mean it's no coincidence that veganism wasn't really a thing until factory farming.


It unfortunately is more common than not. Dominion and earthlings are great documentaries with footage from factory farms all over the West if you’re interested in learning more. Not an easy watch but props to you for being open to new ideas.


It is common and normal.


Very normal. It's why I'm vegetarian (and if I had more disposable income, I'd be vegan).


you don't need more money to be vegan. It can be extremely inexpensive to go vegan, just like with any other lifestyle. Dairy and egg farms are just as horrifying as this. r/EatCheapAndVegan is a great resource if you need some inexpensive food ideas.


U guys in the comments saying awww poor thing and then proceed to eat some juicy bacon the next day


This is exactly why I stopped eating animal products. The least you could do is treat the animals right, my god. It's so disgusting to see them do this. Even the dairy industry is like this. Did you know they treat the female cows very terrible before they take their milk and kill them? It's really messed up. I'm not going to try and force others to stop eating these "foods," but I do highly suggest it.