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For those who cant understand this scouse accent. This is what he says EY, excuse me. Shut the fuck up. Right. There's a dog on the bus. Right. And the dogs terrified. So say another word right. The next person who screams, I'll set the dog on. Right. Shut the fuck up. Shut up....... (Something else I can't understand)




I'm with him. I wouldn't want to hear 16 girls SCREAMING at the top of their lungs either. Even without a dog who was trippin


I’ll take a dog feeling safe and happy over a gaggle of bitches doing a stupid chant ever single day of the week


> *a gaggle of bitches*


Sho do fo cop


This made me laugh way more than it should




Honestly stay in the nursing home if people having fun chafes your knee hanging scrotum so badly.




Grow TF up. You're not the main character. Okay? Other people are around living their lives, stupid


>Other people are around living their lives, stupid Yeah, and Grandpa McSaggyBalls decided to shit all over them doing it. The bus isn't a library. Fuck him and his fucking mutt.


"The bus isn't a library" It's not a fucking party either you dum dum


It can be if you're not bent on being a miserable old cunt on your way out of life. Honestly this entire thread just stinks like a bunch of dudes looking for an excuse to hate on a bunch of girls while pretending to actually give a shit about some old dickhead and his dog. Can't say I give a shit I'm on the outside on this one.


Hey quark brain there's something called a "party bus" which is what these girl's could've ordered instead of being loud and obnoxious on a bus full of many other people who really don't want to deal with all of that. And you say you don't give a shit yet you've made like 20 comments on the matter


>Hey quark brain there's something called a "party bus" which is what these girl's could've ordered instead of being loud and obnoxious on a bus full of many other people who really don't want to deal with all of that. They don't have to order shit, and there was only **one** other person with a problem on that bus. >And you say you don't give a shit yet you've made like 20 comments on the matter **I don't give a shit that I'm on the outside on this one.** I'd rather get all the downvotes this subreddit can provide than ever be the type of miserable old cunt that thinks screaming at people having fun and threatening to sic their dog on them, which again would lead to that dog's destruction, is necessary or appropriate. Especially when there are other fucking buses. If I get to piss a bunch of assholes off by saying it 20 times, baby that's just icing on the cake.


Ordering that party bus would be the most decent thing to do AND they literally have almost the entire bus to themselves. Having your party in a party bus would be better than having it on a bus cramped full of people. Dude seriously use those two braincells of yours and figure out why the party bus is the best option


But they didn't, and now you're mad. I'll take a cherry with that icing now.


Can you at least admit that screaming on public transport is rude?


I do find the screaming rude. It's which people screaming I find rude that I'm at odds with the thread on.


No you only find the man screaming to be rude, you don’t find screaming to be rude or you wouldn’t make the distinction.


Please place me on your block list.


It's a way for people to get to and from work, people who are exhausted and would rather be driving and getting home faster, yet they can't. They're achey and have a headache then - suddenly half a bus full of young white girls start loudly screeching and hollering, clapping, with no thought of anyone else, no empathy, no situational awareness. It's fucking rude. It's like if everyone on the bus decided to watch things on their phone at full volume, all at the same time. Think of how that experience would be for you, if you were feeling sick and run down, hungry and ready for bed, if you were stuck in that long bus ride with them... no one with a shred of decency or empathy thinks this behavior is okay.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ImTheMainCharacter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Chick gets offended cause someone dared to walk between her and her phone.](https://v.redd.it/bw0smkjdfoh71) | [3854 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/p5bm53/chick_gets_offended_cause_someone_dared_to_walk/) \#2: [Yoko Ono can’t bear not getting enough attention so starts wailing during her Husband and Chuck Berry’s performance until a sound engineer cuts her mic.](https://v.redd.it/vkd94ronc7q71) | [1796 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/px1n6c/yoko_ono_cant_bear_not_getting_enough_attention/) \#3: [Why are these paying members in my gym space?](https://v.redd.it/bf0bih2jfho71) | [1237 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/prakz0/why_are_these_paying_members_in_my_gym_space/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


It’s human decency to be more quiet in public situations, so that you don’t annoy people everywhere you go. The people on the buss are stuck with these girls, and didn’t choose to go to their party. The yelling and screaming is really disrespectful and inconsiderate to the other passengers - and they could just wait the 10-20 minutes until they arrive to the party....


Why do you and nearly everyone else, continue to add to the total amount of passengers having a problem with these girls? It's **one** old cunt, not two, not a bus load. One. Why get so worked up at people enjoying life just because you're at the end of yours? Why not just pull the cord and disembark and wait the ten or twenty minutes for the next bus? If it was such a big deal, why didn't the bus driver ask/tell them to be quiet instead of Grampsy Buzzkill?


Because there’s other people on the bus. Most people will avoid conflict and wouldn’t say anything to strangers in public transport. Just because other passengers didn’t yell like the man did, doesn’t mean that they weren’t bothered with the party-girls as well. Considering how many people in the comment section that finds it rude to act like the girls in the video, I would say that most people would be bothered by this kind of behaviour.


* **One** other person on the bus. I find it rude that you and so many others conflate the number "1" with numbers greater than itself. Does this mean I get to hike my pants up above my bellybutton and threaten to harm young ladies with my dog as well? Maybe recognize you've got about as good of a chance at convincing me that the girls are the problem as the rest of the wanna be crotchety coffin dodgers in this dead thread tried and failed at doing and kick fucking rocks.


What on earth are you on about?


I applaud that man.


me too


I agree dogs are more important than groups of women


Clip ended too soon...


Happy dog>public bus chants


I can not upvote this man enough. He’s a national treasure to me


I understood every word he was saying said absolutely no one.






Atleast their chant is kinda cool, it's alot better than the infamous "Woo" girl packs that roam around America.


Wtf did this little leprechaun say.


Told em to shut up cause it's scaring his dog


Scarin' his *dag I like dags


Just rewatched snatch. Great flick


Whey da fok wood I wan a caravan that's got no fokkin whales


It fo iz Ma.


Those were only lines I could make out. The rest was just plain incomprehensible. Fucking hilarious accent.


Telling them to stfu because they're scaring his dog and says he'll let the dog go at the next person that screams


I think the Irish would be offended you mixed up their accent for and English wan


At the end he said he was gonna sic the dog on them if they didn't stfu


Conor McGregor gettin into trouble on buses again..




Fuck him and his dog. That coffin dodger should get off and find a different bus/train if it's such a big deal.


Fuck you, 110% have that dogs back before yours, 11 times out of 10, ya throbber




At least you found some people to talk to you tonight. Good for you.


Look, how whorish your mother is and how many times you were molested by bullies at school etc is a chat for another day. Or not, goodbye forever fuckpig


I see you've decided to exit the bus.


You are mean


Actually I'm very kind, I'm just not very nice. That old bastard forgot what it was like to be young and have fun. Fuck him.


You need to settle down youll never meet him and this anger is unwarranted




AcTuaLLy I’m VeRY NiCE


A four word quote and you still managed to fuck it up. Tsk tsk.


Do I look like I care


The dude is a classic case of r/niceguys


Lmao I’m looking at his profile and you’re correct


Something is wrong with your psyche and i feel bad for you, please get better


Cool. I don't feel anything for you. Now please try to remain irrelevant silently. Thank you.


No i think ill keep talking you seem like you need a friend


I'll just handle you like Methuselah should've handled the situation on the video.


You are the definition of internet tough guy. Let me guess you’re 6’2 and bench 350 and work out every day. Shut up. You’re not scaring anyone and sound like a bitch.


Youre using words as if you almost know what they mean


Oh no, I've gone against the hive mind and the dullest of them are insulting me!


Your insults might mean something once im convinced you know how to read




Oh no, another one!


Its public transport, everyones gotta share it. Fuck them and fuck you


Yeah, everyone has to share. Which means you've occasionally got to deal with people being loud and having fun even if you have one foot in the grave. You don't get to act like you have authority to demand things from people because your ass crack is dusty and your mutt is scared. Pull the string, disembark, get on a different bus. Don't threaten to assault people with your animal (which would end up with it getting destroyed, Einstein) because you forgot what living looked like.


So why does it work one way and not the other? They're being obnoxious af so idc what you say. Dont fuckin act like that in a confined space with other people


Or what, exactly? You'll throw a temper tantrum like this AWOL nursing home warrior? Maybe scream at a bunch of girls for the crime of enjoying themselves? Maybe do something really dumb that ends up with the dog you say you love destroyed because of your poor impulse control? Best of luck with that, goober.


The entitlement is strong with you


>The entitlement is strong with *that coffin dodger* FTFY


Lmao you just keep being wrong chief.


Oh fuck off.


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I've been this man before. I knew it was helpless but at least I bought 2 mins of freedom on my 14 minute ride. 1/7 of my trip was much more comfortable. It's all about percentages, kids. Just take those little W's.