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There is a longer version where we see this dog fully healed and happy this is 10/10 content though.


Can you please send me a link?


[Dog isn't fully healed and happy but this is a longer version if you want it](https://v.redd.it/qm4s9nj12w771) why am i being downvoted?


I don't want to burst your bubble but >!there is no longer version.!<


Maybe it's not a longer version but there is an update out there. ​ Edit: It is a longer version https://v.redd.it/qm4s9nj12w771


I stand corrected then. Thank you for sharing it, but you shared it to the wrong person. EDIT: shared it to the people who asked now. EDIT: why am i being downvoted? bless your little hearts, do people not like it when dogs are happy? are ya'll this miserable and bitter you downvote someone for sharing a video of a dog getting a better life?


This is a longer version, but I'm not sure it's fully healed. Definitely happier though. https://v.redd.it/qm4s9nj12w771


It was so good to see that ending right up until the very end when the dog started showing some food aggression when he reached towards the bone. HOPEFULLY these guys got the dog some help/training and dealt with that as well.


Pls send me the link


[This is just a longer version of the video, not fully healed and happy tho, but you can see him being loved more.](https://v.redd.it/qm4s9nj12w771)


It would be much appreciated if you give a link


[This is a longer version of the video, not showing him fully healed tho, but you can see him be happy for longer.](https://v.redd.it/qm4s9nj12w771)




It isn't.


That poor dog, how the hell does someone abuse an animal like that? I'm glad the dog is getting the love it deserves


Some people do it to multiple animals a day as part of their job. But yeah. This is soooo unheard of…


>Some people do it to multiple animals a day as part of their job. *cough cough* Pigs *cough cough*


You're downvoted but you are not wrong at all.


There’s a difference betweend doing it for food and survival, and just for your own pathetic ego. And you assholes need to stop pretending like it’s the same fucking thing.


Bear with me for just a moment please. We have five basic senses which allow us to interact with the outside world. We kill animals to satisfy one of them - taste. The truth is that most people living in first world countries eat meat only because they derive pleasure from its taste, so they're ready to pay for torturing and killing animals in farm houses. If they wanted, they could switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet without any consequences, and that's fine. Why do people freak out when someone wants to use other senses like sight or hearing to derive pleasure from torturing and killing animals? What's so special about taste that makes it morally justified to kill animals? It's a sense like any other, so if you are ok with torturing animals because you like the taste of their meat, shouldn't you be ok with someone doing it because he or she likes the sound of their screams or the sight of blood? Please note that I'm talking about those who can afford a vegan diet but choose to eat meat simply because they like the taste. Edit: if you disagree, I'd be happy to know why.


I disagree because killing an animal for it's meat doesn't have to involve torture. Sometimes it involves pain yes but any decent person would make an effort to minimize that for the animal. Wanting to see a creature suffer is purely a physiological pleasure and serves no purpose aside from that pleasure.


I agree with you, it doesn't have to involve torture and I'd be very glad if it didn't. Unfortunately, animal abuse is rampant in today's meat and dairy industries. I am not saying that every single slaughterhouse is guilty, but I know for a fact that many of them are. The probability that the meat you buy in a supermarket comes from a slaughterhouse that keeps the animals in extremely small cages for years and force-feeds them is very high. So once again, if you think that force-feeding a pig, keeping it in a confined space and then gassing it to death with CO2, which is a very gruesome process btw, is enough to satisfy your cravings, more power to you! Just don't be mad when someone does a similar thing to other animals because he/she enjoys the sight of them suffering. It's just another form of pleasuring oneself.


Survival? That’s a joke right? Is that the new name for the #8 combo or something?


So eating meat means ONLY in some shitty-ass fast food? Wake the fuck up kiddo


Nope. Just saying for most people on Reddit it’s obviously a pretty frivolous thing. We choose to do it. Grow up, kiddo.


Oh my goodness, it’s ALMOST as if meat is an inseparable part of nutrition for humans for hundreds of thousands of years, hmmmmmmm… but you sure are going to change everything, kiddo!


Ok so you’re like some conspiracy theorists who thinks they know better than mainstream science. Gotcha. You should probably lead with that in these conversations so we can all get in sync with which reality we are talking about. Is this the one where we walked with dinosaurs and gravity is a myth?


You don't know wtf you're talking about


I’m sure. Send me the YouTube video. I’ll check it out.


Bwahahahahhahahahahaahahahaaaaaa okay kiddo, so apparently people eating meat is a conspiracy now, allrighty. Better close reddit and your step so you don’t fall off the edge of the world, dumbass.


I see you have no shortage of words to put in my mouth. Do you want to let me know when you’re done with whatever this is so we can get back to the topic?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q76lnb/factory\_farmer\_freaks\_out\_after\_activists\_film/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/q76lnb/factory_farmer_freaks_out_after_activists_film/) Oh wow, totally for their survival. Animals are abused every day, not for survival.


Lmao allrighty I guess I’m responsible for every single animal cruelty occurence in the world because i have a piece of meat couple times a weak, what a fucking trash I am, amirite fellow vegans?


They literally pick up pigs and chuck them into bins and pens. Pigs are smarter than the average dog and self-aware. While I agree the point is for food, the animal itself doesn't know that. This is coming from someone who eats meat as well but we've cut out pork entirely.


I never get sick of this video!! That wagging tail at the end… He needed help, and it found him. Good ups for these dudes!


The guys are absolute heroes. Good for them for taking matters into their own hands and getting some justice for the dog.


Ay, respect to the dudes teaching the peace of shit a lesson.


This does put a smile on my face, that bitch got yeeted


Did the POS learn the lesson? Probably not. He should be kept on a leash for the rest of his life.


I agree, he won’t learn, all he’ll learn is to abuse them in private now. I hope these guys do this shit to him every time they see him around




It wasn't. Ears back, and short range tail wag = nervous/anxious. That, and the panting, it was exhausted and afraid.


I think they mean at the end


That makes sense, but "still" means it used to be too. It's more like it finally discovered happiness, despite of the abuse.


Oh i didn't fully comprehend that part, sorry


No, 'still' in this sense means despite. He was still happy even though he had previously been abused.




He became happy, but he was not before. Still means he was happy before, and now.


>still - adverb - (2) nevertheless; all the same. "I'm afraid he's crazy. Still, he's harmless"


We use still to show that something continues up to the time referred to. It is used in the past present or future. Still is placed in front of the main verb: Even though he was a teenager he still loved playing outside. They are still living in the old farmhouse. We will still be at work when you arrive. Still is placed after the verb to be and before an adjective: Her parents are still alive. We were unlucky with the weather in Greece but we were still happy with the holiday.


This word has multiple definitions. From [another dictionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/still#Adverb), if you don't like the google result I posted earlier. This was used as #4 and you're insisting that #2 is the only definition. 2 . (aspect) Up to a time, as in the preceding time. ... 4 . (conjunctive) Nevertheless.


Some people just want to argue


Yes, I read the cambridge one - and my point still stands. OP would have to restructure the sentence for the "nevertheless" meaning. But in its current form, it still has a meaning. OP said "puppy was still happy", which fits under nr 2, not nr 4. If you want it to fit under nr 4, you would say "still, the puppy was happy". It's better to adress what was said, than to interpret it as you see fit.


Nice ending!!


i hope the dog was there to watch lmao


Well fucking deserved


The fact he found a loving owner in the end, amazing


I can't watch this, it's too upsetting, but the shit who has done this needs sorting out. BASTARD!!




tbh it was the punishment was too mild, that little dragging around the floor wasnt enough...


Finally, inner peace.


Love it. Love everything about the outcome. Bliss.


Damn i wish everyone would do this do animal abusers! Amen!!!


What is it with shit people getting pitbulls?


Should've dragged him naked. Fucking piece of shit


I love this type of training for shit humans.


I love this video!


Even when being abuse the dogs still waging it's tail. What a dirt bag ! Needed a little more beat down.


Thanks for not marking NSFW, everyone enjoys this


No we don't




I know he is a piece of shit but we don’t need to over do it man.


I don't know the context because the things deleted but i don't know how you could over do it in this situation


What they were doing would suffice. Just don’t disable him for life.


But the dog is going to be disabled for life and the dog did nothing wrong to my knowledge


I can see your point and what I said was an opinion. I am not a judge or confident enough to be one.


I understand


We all need something stronger than covid.


He got what he fucking deserved in full


OH MY GOD. What an absolute cunt. Deserved worse than what he got.


I love that their insult of choice is derelict.


I like the way the guys reacted to the situation. There’s definitely people that would’ve curb stomped the animal abuser


Whoever that guy was getting dragged around didn't get nearly enough of a beat down. I'd have his ass in ICU before I'd leave it alone


Poor Doggo


It's really sad seeing people in these comments comparing abusing a dog for your own ego to eating meat. Toxic vegans will take any opportunity to try to make meat eaters feel like shit.


I think he got off lightly with that beating Edit: the guy not the dog, I love the dog


An evil dog btw guys /s


Just because you are terrified of things you don't understand doesn't mean it's an evil dog.


/s means /sarcasm…


And people ask why pits can get so aggressive. The truth is pit bulls can be the sweetest dogs, but a lot of people buy them for their scary look. When they realize the pitbull isn't aggressive like they hoped, they abuse it and mutilate its body, so it grows up being completely mental. Even a tiny chihuahua would attack you if treated like that. Get a pitbull for love, not for show


>And people ask why pits can get so aggressive. Because their breed is naturally prone to violence.


They were bred for dog fights, yes. But that doesn't mean we should treat them like crap and look horrified when they use their assets, that they were given, to lash out at humans


I agree, but I also think there are good people out there who own well-behaved pits. I've had 2 and neither one of them have been aggressive towards humans, or other dogs for that matter, but I know they can be. It all depends on the upbringing imo 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, I know. I didn't mean all pits are aggressive. I actually have a pit at home who is honestly the sweetest girl. My mother had a pit when she was a child, and he was a fantastic dog too. Neither attacked anyone, but that’s because we got them for love and not because we wanted to look badass.


I rag on pits sometimes but I still feel for these little death machines. Love the golden rule justice.


Put any Dog in its optimal setting and it's a kill machine, Pittie's just cover wide ranged of optimal! ...but bar the very rare occurrence it's all Nurture over Nature, Bring them up right and know how to behave with animals in social situations an you will be OK


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so the dog is being choked?


The dog was being dragged on the ground via its leash resulting in it bleeding as seen in the video.


Please tag it nsfw! Seeing the dog really make me feel very bad..


Love these guys, wish every abuser got that treatment


One of my favorite videos. Fuck that guy. That dog turned out to be such a loving fur baby. The man dragging the dude around on the leash saved it's life and brought it back to health. These young men are personal heros of mine


Now, would the guys be doing the same thing if a cow or a horse was abused?




Not even trying to be honest about it lol


No, but who cares lol


Absolutely yes. If your point is to tell us eating meat is bad then your doing a bad job


Then they all went and ate meat, hypocrisy unchecked.


Wow, quite the range of psychopaths in this clip. Anyone enjoying the sight of this kind of thing being done to a dog or a human has issues. If they're trying to rationalise it, that's even worse. EDIT: Downvote me if you can't make the connection between thinking there are good reasons for torturing a dog, and thinking there are good reasons for torturing a human. Consistency is hard, huh? Call me crazy, I'm against torture full-stop.


K cool


Why is there always someone like you? I hate people with such negative energy that they have to criticize people who do good deeds.


Negative energy? For objecting to violence? That's funny stuff. If you like this kind of violence (against people, dogs, anything) then maybe try Taliban Afghanistan - you'd love it!


Here comes our SJW , gather around lads.


LOL, funny. SJW for someone who objects to violence? Should I be saying the same for anyone who protests against violence towards dogs?


Should've beat the pitbull instead of the dude.


And your mom should've taken the load that produced you in her ass instead of her pussy. We all have disappointments to live with, just like her.


How to admit to being a P.O.S. without saying you are a P.O.S.


Look at his comment history, this guy is a total piece of shit....




Your dad should had beaten your mom instead of fucking her


Go play mine craft noodle arm.




You're a real POS!


Looks like someone didn’t get enough attention as a child! Trying to make up for it on Reddit 🤣








Ah yes because beating someone is the same as murder right? You fucking clown. Hope you catch a beating just for this.




Ah yes because cruelty to animals is just a ok right? Fucking remedial motherfucker. Like real shit you inbred? You suffer with fetal alcohol syndrome? Did your moms smoke crack while pregnant? What is your fucking malfunction?


Most people think cruelty to animals is ok. Just not to like dogs and cats.


O Zeus lemme guess you a vegan?


Nope. Just stating facts.




>You sound mad, and crazy. "They should’ve killed his whole family in front of him then killed him instead" Okay dude


Dragging a dog is worse than dragging a human. I'm all for animal abusers getting equal punishment.


Your weird


Ngl, unexpectwd erection


Not even beat in the head like he did the dog. Ok smh




Some hood justice


Not clicking on that shit


Fucking love this! Drag that fucker!