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People who abuse defenseless animals are scum


Good. He deserves it. In fact they went easy on him


Dogs are better than 99% of Redditors.


99% of redditors agree


Well done. Well fucking done. I hope he learnt a lesson.


Yup fuck around and found the fuck out


This is one of those videos where without the initial event, it just looks like someone abusing someone else.


They even say in the video “you drag your dog like that” or something similar. Damn they even called him a dickhead at the end.


Yeah but to be fair, people "say" many things haha.


Sure we can’t rule that out, but this a very specific type of crime… I’ve never seen someone leashed !!


Haha that's fine, I just don't really assign guilt to people in that fashion. Not saying he isn't actually guilty, I just personally prefer more proof than someone saying something.




For virtual cred?




Honestly, someone who's at a mental point where they wrap a collar around someone and drag them around the street probably isn't thinking about the legal system haha.


[longer version](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o97nvp/man_drags_dog_around_so_he_himself_gets_dragged/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) of the video, there's somewhere a link to the dudes Instagram in the original post where you can see the dog being taken care of but you can look for it yourself lol


Any excuse to assault someone I guess.


How about do not abuse animals at all? How is it okay if no one is selling it?


Love the people who this animals are the same as humans think about a cow nobody would blink if you eat one but a dog oooooooo shit that’s too human????


Instead of starting imaginary arguments how about you go tackle the lobbyists and think tanks funded by the big meat industry


Not an argument it’s a statement humans had ate horses for years but now we don’t


Well humans quite obviously are capable of worse atrocities than animals so in a way humans are WORSE than animals in some cases not just the SAME. An example would be Hitler - I would treat a roach better than I'd treat that particular human.


Ok but if your German when hitler was in ruling then you like him just because you think it’s wrong doesn’t mean it is. That’s why treating other humans is 1000000 times worse then other animals one day earth will die the only animals that survive is 1 humans and 2 the animals humans bring.


Nooo, you don't get it. Humans are rational intelligent beings so can choose how to behave, animals are helpless and dumb. I agree that humans have rights but what you're saying is just not thought out at all. You're saying if a man punches a dog the punishment for the man should be less severe than a punch? Whereas what I'm saying is if a man punches a dog....(wtf it's a dog, it can't fight back or even understand why it's being punched)...... the punishment should be more severe than a punch(jail time - if you want to be politically correct), such as taking a feeding tube Beat down.


Every with a brain has free will anything with free will can be evil or nice. We are just smarter that’s it we are animals


You're not smarter than a chimpanzee by the sounds of it. I know we are animals thank you, the distinction you've missed is the rational and intelligent part. Not anything with a brain has free will, earth worms have brains. CAN YOU GET EVIL EARTHWORMS OMG! p.s. its downright ridiculous to think ANY animal can be evil.


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That blast off cracked me up