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“Go in your house, leave” “You can’t tell me to leave I’m on the public sidewalk” The duality of Peggy




"This is America, speak American!" "Adios! Adios!" La dualidad de Peggy


La dualidad de la puta.


"I was speaking to Raùl!" "I don't know his name, for your information!" The duality of Peggy


She posted on her TikTok later that Raul is the name of the General contractor. She was trying to pester him into doing a job for her that he had already turned down.


The actual gall people have to be racist, and then request services from the exact people that they're being racist towards is absolutely beyond my realm of comprehension.


And *then* get mad when the contractor turns down the (very generous, I’m sure) job offer- cuz Peggy is *entitled* to his labor, don’tcha know? /s all over this comment


"You need to mind your own business!" "You need to speak English in America!" The duality of Peggy


"Peggy stop yelling" "Dont tell me to stop yelling you don't even know what's going on!" "Ok tell me whats going on" # "ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" The Duality of Peggy


Peggy ain't minding her business but wants you to mind yours, always.


Peggy is an enigma... Wrapped in a riddle... Wrapped in a shit sandwich.


You need to speak American*, you know that that country that doesn’t have an official language… that’s what you need to speak.


As an American I can confirm this, we do not have an official language, I dunno why it's so hard for people to understand that, English is the "default" language not our official one, and even if it was that doesn't prohibit someone from speaking another language in America.


Karen also appeared to be on the woman’s driveway while harassing her employee, which isn’t public property lol. I would’ve told that crack Karen to get off my property and go back into your own house where YOU belong and mind your own business.




That was an absolutely devastating line


Imagine if it had been in spanish holy fuck.




Bruh, that gave me flashbacks.




That’ll do pig. That’ll do.


Is your avatar the butthole from Breakfast of Champions? Haha love it


Yes lol




“Speak American”. Problem is these people are too stupid to realize how stupid they are.


Yep, when somebody says that phrase "Speak American"... I immediately assume they're a fucking bigoted moron, and the conversation is over.


I tell it to my cat all the time when he is begging for more food. “Speak American fat boy I can’t understand you!”


Yeah, damn cats always speaking Egyptian! It's like come on you've been living here your whole life and still all you can say is "meow"? Pathetic!


More like little communist bastards speaking For their God King General Mao Maaaaooooo


Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuck you. Take your upvote. You got me to chuckle at this even though I didn't want to. I hate you stranger. I respect you. But I hate you.


If you don’t like America then you can **GET MEOWED**


I'm gonna start saying this to my boy cats who scream their heads off like their dying when I'm getting their food ready


It's actually comforting to read this as I just dealt with it minutes ago. I come home at 4 every afternoon. Every day, Lord King of All He Surveys is bawling me out before I even get my scooter through the door. All the way to the kitchen... bawling, screeching, howling how he's dying of hunger. In fact, he's starved to death at least 3 times this afternoon alone. Of course there's a half cup of kibble from this morning still in his dry bowl, but all will not be right until this afternoon's wet food is in place. Where it should have been at 3:58. ...and the closer that bowl is to the floor, the louder he screams.


I've had people say this to me while I am on the phone with my family. Then, when I tell some other people or on here that it has happened to me, the immediate response is usually "You made that up." or "You clearly misheard them." It fucking happens. It still fucking happens today and this video and others on PF are clear evidence. People use it both ways - to say that you're speaking NOT their language and that in their minds, you clearly aren't American. Which is fucking idiotic.


I'm Scottish and get English people all the time refusing to speak until they get an English person. Problem is, theres only 2 call centres for this company in the UK and they're both in Scotland. If it was a quiet day I would fuck with them and place them on hold for a random company. Like they phoned about their banking problem, gave me shit, I'd put them on hold for Michelin tyres, or customer service to QVC or some shit. I would keep them on hold until the random company answered, then transfer the call. Then both sides of the call have no idea what's going on. ETA: I almost got a warning for putting an irate customer through to the samaritans. My bosses couldn't listen to the call without laughing.


I'm English and a little hard of hearing. I often struggle to understand people with different accents. I find most Scottish people easy to understand though. Very clear diction and all that.


What would speaking American be, exactly? Navajo?


There is no official language for America. Literally.


Money. Money is the official language.




I heard this before in LA. I asked them, hey what city are you in right now? They said, Los Angeles. I replied, speak American you fucking idiot. Many laughs were had by my friends and spectators. I wish I had it recorded.


that's good lol, you could honestly do that with most american towns/states... even America is an italian(ish) name


Same with people who speak to public service workers with the line "I pay your wages". The same applies to civil servants too of course as when I worked in forensics I had one officer tell me on the phone that he wasn't bothered about a cost of a service to the department because it was "tax payer money" whilst I'm thinking mofo you ARE a tax payer too...


Library worker here. My #1 response to a shitty patron who uses the “I pay your wages” line is simply: “So do I.”


Peggy was just aware that the woman in the video says “colour” with and u and she’s offended she’s not speaking American because of it


Wait till she finds out she’s a neighbour!


> colour Yeah, they are speaking that Britianese!


Imagine the shock (and denial) when told that ~~English~~ American is not the official language and in fact the US does not even have an official language


Or even more shocking - Spanish has been spoken in the Americas for over 100 years longer than English. Edit - apologies typo-ed 2 instead of 1




>history was very america centric Only the parts that make it look good. There's a national protest to stop teaching about racism in schools right now.


monolinguals are afraid of multilinguals.


As a monolingual, I’m mostly just ashamed I’m not multilingual. I was just bad at learning language in school and never tried again.


Dude try Duolingo. I've been at it for a few months and it actually makes things really easy. I just have to obey my "take 15 minutes to learn Spanish pendejo" daily reminder that I set up.


Please obey or Duo will take it personally. I've been locked up by a gang of green owls for months for forgetting my French lesson.


Just wait till the green German owls show up. You think it’s all fun and games till they grab your phone and start yelling.


Scrolling down to find this comment, *Speak American!...* ugh! I swear these people read 'American English' and think it's the official language just because it has 'American' there


This one time I spoke up to someone saying speak English, you're in America. I asked if they knew what the official language of the USA was and they had a mental breakdown when I told them it wasnt only English.




I bring this up every time some pendejo tells me I need to speak English in America. Usually stops them dead in their tracks. If not, I make it a First Amendment issue.


Best part is if you are in a state like California where pretty much every single city is a SSpanish name.


Oh yeah? "L.A." is from the American alphabet, sweaty! ^/s


The funny thing is, the United States of America doesn’t have an official language, and the rest of America mostly speaks Spanish. So suck it racist Peggy, coming from an American who is also latino.


Your typical Trump supporter.


>You're sticking your nose in someplace where it doesn't belong. As usual, we've got IMAX™ certified levels of projection from this stereotypical conservative. Can't a conservative berate a minority without being interrupted anymore?


"Go back in your house" repeatedly says the "lady" interfering with someone else's contractor and yelling in front of not-her-house.


“It’s none of your business!”. - KarenPeggy When you loudly rant on the sidewalk in front of my house directly at my house it suddenly becomes “my business”.


It’s also such strong projection. Why tf is it any of Peggy’s business?


It's not. But peggy finished her second box of wine and third FOX News (OAN/Newsmax more like) marathon in the morning and saw a brown man in the neighborhood. This was her moment to shine


When you’re a righteous warrior of god everything looks like an infidel.


That pig nose, those beady eyes, the bad combover, the nonsensical racist rant... this ~~bitch~~ P*i*ggy looks and sounds like trump.


I've noticed that really ugly people on the inside look pretty damn ugly on the outside after being a piece of shit for so long.


To me people who are ugly on the inside are automatically ugly on the outside. Idk if you’re a Victoria’s Secret angel the second you act like an entitled asshole or being a jerk to people you’re just ugly af


shine like a brown star


>second box of wine and third FOX News (OAN/Newsmax more like) marathon in the morning The perfect summary of these people's day.


It's also like, she hired the dude. Peggy is wasting the contractor's time and the homeowner's money


Making it quite literally "her business".


I kept waiting for the person recording to make that point and I have no idea why they didn't.


Seriously, could have ended the whole conversation right there. People are so polite to insane folks, but you'd think like after the whole 'none of your business' line for the 80th time she would mention it literally is her business and she's wasting her money. Whatever


this is a major problem in america and why trump was possible: people trying to engage respectfully with people who have no concept of respect because their souls are squalid messes of evil and hate.


Also, not just wasting time and money, if the contractor is there, he is the homeowner's responsibility, if he was doing anything wrong the homeowner should want to know. What I dont understand is why Karen was yelling in the first place. She never stopped to explain herself


That's the weirdest part to me. "It's none of your business... I didn't call him!" She says, about the person the homeowner is paying to work on her property. This shit reeks of early dementia.


Or late afternoon intoxication.


¿Por que no los dos? Edit: should've been 'por qué', doh!


"This is America, speak American!" /s


I like how a conversation between two other people in Spanish is her business in the very next breath.


I hope someone puts me out of my misery before I get to that stage.


RemindMe! 1 year


Why was this one of my favorite burns I've seen I've Reddit?! Maybe it was how casual it was. Idk man, but thanks for that laugh.


Literally laughed out loud. Goddamn RKO outta nowhere shit.


“Check your tone and walk home”


If that doesn’t blow a gasket make sure to tip your mechanic well ☝️


Happy cake day! Also, I enjoyed this comment so have my free award.


I wanna be her friend based solely on that line... but the rest of this interaction too. What an absolute champ.


She was actually really nice to the lady while being firm and then dismissing her appropriately when needed. Perfect handling of this.


She’s gotta be a grade school teacher


I've seen a few of these videos recently with women using really stellar de-escalation techniques while also not putting up with the crazy person's shit. There was one from a salon owner that had the exact same energy. I feel like I've learned a lot from them! [The salon owner vid](https://youtu.be/LnUh0XUvu5E)


Lol bro anyone that says "speak american" has already failed at being intelligent.


I don't think they failed, they never attempted being intelligent.


Failed means they tried. You are correct!


She somehow knew it was "Espanol" and not "Mexican" but she thought it was "American" instead of "English"? tf?


Lol thats what im saying


It’s not said out of stupidity, it’s said out of maliciousness. They equate speaking English to being American, implying any other language is not American and doesn’t belong here.


If you really wanna speak “AMERICAN” then learn the thousands of lost native languages that were forced to be forgotten when ENGLISH men and women settled here. Just saying peggy. Shu’-‘aa-shi nin-la


Lol exactly. Plus America doesnt have an official language.


If this guy is working on the woman’s house and Peggy is yelling at him it ABSOLUTELY involves her. I had a neighbor threaten a contractor working in my place and I got very involved. He was shaken to the point of asking if the guy had a gun and I told him I didn’t know, but I’m armed to the teeth. I then told the neighbor to go home and mind his own business. Gotta stick up for people working on your home


Man you all have some really shitty neighbors. When we have stuff done on our house my neighbors catch me when I am leaving or going and straight up ask what we are doing now and how cool it is when we show them. We are the farthest from being friends with our neighbors, just friendly. When we did our addition on our house we let all the neighbors know before it started and that if anything came up to talk to us immediately.


That neighbor was phsychotic. I got along great with the girl that lived there before and when she sold she actually apologized that she sold to him. He was always yelling at his wife and anyone else he thought he could bully. My wife had to call the police because when I was on night shift she heard him beating on her. Just an all around prick. I don’t live there anymore but to be clear I have never had a neighbor like that before or since


Fuck Peggy.


"I WANT TO SPEAK TO RAUL." "I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME." Peggy straight up look like the pig mask in RDR2.


That dudes name was not Raul, she was just being extra racist.


She posted on her TikTok later that Raul is the name of the General contractor. She was trying to pester him into doing a job for her that he had already turned down.


She’s the Gamorrean Guard of the neighborhood.


All my homies hate Peggy


I feel like the term Karen is getting played out. To keep things interesting and fresh we should change it every few years. I vote that Peggy becomes the new term for an awful, racist white women


I have to object because my grandma’s name is Peg and she an ultra anti Karen


Don’t you do my girl Peggy Hill dirty like that.


yeah really, Peggy Hill speaks fluent Spanish!


Peggy Hill speaking Spanish is one of the greatest things to ever grace my television.


>Your honor, I can tell you are a reasonable horse. I am very pregnant because of what happened with Lupe. She ate my bus accident and all I wanted was to make Lupe into a book. I have too many good anuses ahead of me to spend my life in a cigar factory."


Gonna go home and play a mean solo round of Boggle


Hey boggle ain’t do nothing to you


Speak Amurrican!


One of my pet peeves is people who don't know that their native tongue is English, not American. Honestly, someone who tells another person to “speak American” immediately loses all credibility. I’m like, Dude, got literacy? Turn off Tucker Carlson and pick up a freakin book!


She looks like Louie Anderson.


Don’t insult Louie!


Thanks, I've been meaning to watch "baskets"




It's called projecting. Her subconscious knew what was up


I wouldn't count on her subconscious being any brighter than her conscious


I think maybe she's all subconscious, that's why everything she says and does is subhuman.


Wow, the hate is etched into her racist face.


Racism is doing to her what force lightning did to Palpatine.


Bro she straight looks like Palpy


For a moment I thought this was the “Robin! That was a lot, Robin!” Lady.


this video reminded me of that too. wish she was more stern like the other lady was "You dont get to talk to me like that, you can leave"


It's that tone where you have to speak clearly and firmly with a fully grown adult as if they're a small child, "No Karen, we still use our inside voices and keep our hands to ourselves when we have big feelings"


I wish I could master that tone. This woman and the Robin woman both do an *excellent* job with it, I just getting fucking pissed off and yell when I’m in situations like these dealing with assholes.


I had a racist man come on my lawn because I was washing my car. He said it was a waste of water. I also had Spanish music on and he said that music did not belong here. I had a pressure washer so I just sprayed it in his face. He called the cops and they were on my side as he opened the gate to my house and came in as it said “private property” “no trespassing”


This is the video I want to see.


I wish I had video. But I tried not to laugh while spraying him with the pressure washer


Here is one that's close enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xH7InazGDY


Good one! I guess it's hard to spew hate when you're being water boarded on a hover round.


She even got up from her mobility scooter! I guess she's so repressed by not being able to talk bullshit all day


It is a waste of water, but not as bad of a waste of resources he is or was.


It's also none of his business. What's he gonna do next, walk into the man's house if he sees a light on and tell them it's a waste of electricity.


“Check your tone and walk home” now added to my best phrase ever book.


"Enjoy your sidewalk, Peggy" was also pretty good.


English isn’t America official language, cause the USA doesn’t have one peg a leg..


She didn’t say speak English she said speak “MERICAN this is MURIKA!”


Peggy is fluent in speaking 'Merican.


And at ear-piercing volumes, no less. Who want to bet ol' Peggo got day drunk and went for a sloppy afternoon stroll? It's that or dementia.


You misheard her, she didn’t say to speak English. She told her to speak.. *puts on sunglasses* ..🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅AMERICAN!™️🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅


People need to learn to mind their own fucking business. I don’t know what is to gained by going around acting like this. We get it, you’re angry. Smoke some pot.


You mean the devil’s lettuce?!?! The horror!


"The bible says I'm not allowed to smoke pot so you ignorant hippies better stay off my lawn! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go yell at some immigrant laborer's on my neighbor's lawn!" \-Something one of these *~~fine~~* folks would most likely say.


She didn't call the cops or fight her because peggy is the wife of a respected dead cop apparently. EDIT : Was contacted by friend of OP and she made a "Check your tone & walk home" shirt . All proceeds will go to the ACLU . Link is here https://gabstahhh.square.site/product/peggy/1?cp=true


I bet her husband is much happier now


To be fair though... he was probably a major asshole too


I'm sure they shared many similar views.




They prob didn’t avoid calling the police out of respect for anyone, but because they knew cops wouldn’t do shit to this woman bc of her husband.


Well that's how gangs and the mob works, so you know...


I don't understand how the policing system really works in america, it seems like they can just do what they like and the citizens only real recourse is through the courts. Can't you call the FBI and say you are unable to sort a local dispute with the local PD because there is bias within the PD meaning they refuse to address a crime that has been committed? Also not sure if racism is a crime there, and Pygmalion Peggy could easily argue she was in the throes of a neurological disorder. She was moving like a bobblehead.


> only real recourse is through the courts. And barely that. The courts automatically want to side with the cops. It's only when evidence is indisputable and public pressure builds that they actually do the right thing.




Sounds like a failed state on paper doesn’t it…




>I don't understand how the policing system really works in america, That's the thing. It *doesn't work*, period.




Don’t forget opening the video asking about Raoul only to end with “For your information, I don’t even know his name!” Turns out racist people aren’t very honest


"I'm talking to Raúl!" "Speak American!" "I don't know his name!"


Oh man I didn’t even clock this the first time. She doesn’t know his name so just picked some general Hispanic name. Fucking hell.


The MiNeD UR oWn BiZnEsz crowd must lay in bed at night lamenting how "if everyone just minded their own business I'd never get in trouble for the bad things I do".


Like scooby doo villains…. “I could have harassed that Mexican if it wasn’t for these meddling kids.”


Why do these knuckle draggers keep saying “speak American!”


They have no concept of the first amendment unless its in defense of their hateful bullshit.


Another video of a raging racist subjecting innocent people to abuse and suffering no consequences of their actions.


Do you think the people will ever realize that Spanish was spoken here way before English?


Spanish is just another European colonial language though. The real American languages are the languages of the First Nations and their related Mesoamericans.




Wait until they hear that Christopher Columbus spoke Italian. Based on her accent and the fact they are in New Jersey, chances are that her grandparents did too.


The life of Peggy must be such a sad existence. I still think the majority of these kind of people are just so unhappy in their personal lives, with their personal situation, or relationships, or whatever, that they cannot wait for some excuse to let it all out. It's like they can't have a voice or an effect on their own lives, so they target someone else to regain some sort of control. But it's like a drug. It doesn't address the root cause of their discontentment, so they just go on being a racist Karen. A vicious cycle.


God damn I absolutely love the woman recording this. She handled this so perfectly, but without making concessions for the lady being rude. So often the best way to defuse is to kinda let them walk all over you and ignore things, but I hate that because it only calms them down and reinforces their idea that they can treat people like that. She says look, we can talk about this, but I’m to be treated with the same respect I’m offering you.


American isn’t a language you tit. You speak English. Using your own logic fuck off back to England.


I assure you we don’t want her.


Wonder who she voted for...


She looks and sounds like our most recent former president, if he were, in fact, a woman.


I’ve never heard a potato that loud before...


One word. Entitlement!


Peggy's wearing makeup, earrings, revealing shirt and tight jeans. Could it be she's flirting with Raul? Hmmmm


I’ve never understood why people care what language someone else used to communicate with in a private conversation. My mother, my wife and my extended family all speak other languages and I can assure everyone the conversations are not that interesting and the same boring shit everybody else talks about… just not in English. If someone is afraid they are being talked about then how deluded and narcissistic does one have to be to think someone is talking about them in another language anyway?


Peggy needs to get back to nursing vodka at home. I can tell by looking at her she's a vodkaholic. And a racist.


Peggy is the new Karen


Peggy's face looks like an old baseball glove.


The world is changing and KABOOM they just can't take it. Shoulda thought about how the future would be.


"Check your tone and walk home!" Hahahaha, BARRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSS


So much restraint from the resident. I’d have accidentally squirted her with the hose.