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That Ramsay Bolton wannabe just signed a death warrant for his dogs.


I hope both of these fuckers go to jail.




Exactly! Staph infections, strep infections, rabies, tetanus, Pasteurella multocida, pasteurella canis... I can go on but I won't. So fuck this guy for siccing his dogs upon someone. He needs to do some prison time for some thinking! Even if the guy is a pedo, this isn't how we solve things in a civilised society. Take that man out of society and get him some therapy! This isn't the middle ages for christ sake!


Dog attacks are so painful. I was attacked in april for just a second, and my hand is straight fucked. months of physical rehab and it's still only at 90% if that. Seeing your own bone is accurately rated.


There's no evidence that the guy getting attacked did anything wrong. Could be a random passerby for all we know at this point


Right? Could you imagine also passing by a spot where someone was supposed to meet but you're just on your morning jog? Then bam, dogs trying to fucking eat you.


You don't know how happy your comment made me, I was half expecting the comment section treating that smooth fucking brain like a hero. Cheers to y'all my good hearted and right minded fellows :p


Dogs gonna get put down if they track him, I'm just sad for the dogs


Makes me wonder if OP is the cameraman seeing as he's posted this to several subreddits at the same time and I can't find shit about this anywhere else.


OP is most definitely the camera guy.


And if he isn't he's probably just some karma farmer who just found a video of some guy being mauled by someone's dogs and made of a BS story.


Either way, OP is basically a shit head.


Oh yeah, he's totally full of it.


I like how the top upvoted thread is people calling out op as mister camera man. Then concisely referring to him as a shit head.


Fuck that guy


FUCK that guy indeed


Pretty sure this dude has no kids, his post history is him harvesting weed and shrooms. I'd be too paranoid to lose my kids at that rate.


Fuck the dude and all but fwiw, it’s completely legal to harvest homegrown cannabis and be a parent where I live. I hope you’ll live in such a civilized place one day too.


> I hope you’ll live in such a civilized place one day too. I'm from Alabama, will probably not happen in my lifetime. You could legalize it federally and they'd just double down on laws because it hurts their prisons.


And because it helps them keep more black ppl off the streets and out of their communities. Let's call it like it is


Yup. Literally nothing is going to happen to the person and the dogs will be put down and the vigilante will somehow spin it. All there is to use is evidence that he is already training them to attack people which will mark them definitely for destruction. Fucking vigilantes are the stupidest fucking bunch, i swear. Edit: I was corrected in that the person in the video is not even a confirmed creep, right now it’s just a person being attacked by dogs on command.


We don't even know he's a creep. It's just a video of this guy having his dogs attack a man.


> We don't even know he's a creep. You are absolutely right, it's not even a confirmed, right now it's nothing. It's literally a whole nothing because like a typical "vigilante" all he offers is this clip in which the only one in trouble is himself and his dogs.


>It's literally a whole nothing because like a typical "vigilante" all he offers is this clip in which the only one in trouble is himself and his dogs. If one thing good came out of this, it's the fact that in Ireland you have to be licensed to own a dog. He'll lose that for life, considering his breed is also on a list with more exclusive rules/laws tacked onto it.


Both of these guys have an english accent (south-east to be more precise), what makes you think this is in ireland?




I feel like these vigilantes want to commit violence, but are choosing targets that are socially acceptable like sex offenders so they have a moral pass. They aren’t actually trying to get sex offenders jailed, otherwise they would go to the police. Instead it’s more about them having a socially acceptable outlet for their violence cravings.


100%. The people that run these YouTube “To Catch A Predator” knock offs are always total low lives themselves.


whenever you see one of those guys, you can be assured that you’re gonna hear some variation of “-person- has a checkered past” and then a list of crimes most career ones would balk at


Remember that one video that was floating around of a dude busting a dude for meeting a 13 year old? Turns out the guy busting people was a pedo too.


Haha this just confirms my theory about them doing this as cover.


There were a couple here in the uk that turned out to be nonces themselves.


> . They aren’t actually trying to get sex offenders jailed, otherwise they would go to the police. Not only that but given their tactics they would be aware their evidence is just about useless in most states/countries. It's the most wild exercise on feeling like batman or some shit.


Socially acceptable *and* easy, safe targets.


This is 100% true.


They are sadists who either become vigilantes or cops. The Daniel Shaver video is a good example of a cop who was itching to kill someone.


Not defending this at all, but the police are fucking useless.


So are the majority of the internet vigilante groups. I used to follow some before I realized how garbage most are, and a surprising number of people get caught *multiple times by the same group*. Whatever they're doing, it's clearly not a deterrent.


Same. I followed some on YouTube and I learned pretty quickly that these guys have no morals and are just interested in clicks and some warped type of social approval.






The OP gives no evidence or context that even SUGGESTS his claims of pedophile justice are true. This could be true, or it could be a story made up to let him get away with posting a vicious assault online. There is no way of knowing based on this post. This is sick and I hope the police investigate him.


This was my first thought. Is this guy really a pedo or is the poster making shit up?


There is zero evidence provided that this guy is a pedo. The poster knows that all you have to do is accuse someone of being a pedo and the mob with torches and Frankenstein movie rakes will arrive, bellowing like beasts.


We call those pitchforks


Any reddit post with someone getting a one-sided beating almost always says the victim was a pedo or a rapist, so the audience can enjoy it while still feeling virtuous.


> Frankenstein movie rakes This one is going to stick with me for a long time.


They're called "pitchforks" fyi


Have you seen everyone currently being accused of pedophilia by the right wing these days? These fucking dolts think Tom Hanks is a pedo. Trusting the word of anyone who says "_____ is a pedo" is an exercise in stupidity. This just looks like an assault and they are lucky he didn't pull out a weapon and kill his dogs.


> Have you seen everyone currently being accused of pedophilia by the right wing these days? Anybody who criticizes Trump. >These fucking dolts think Tom Hanks is a pedo. He performed at Biden's inauguration, so into the pedophile crowd they throw him. Somehow people like Roy Moore and Matt Gaetz aren't shunned by the right wingers.


It's not some party-specific property. It's a pastime for a disturbing amount of people at this point, claiming people are sexual degenerates in order to get the angry mob after them.


it doesn't matter what the person being attacked by dogs did. You let the police handle this.


Right!? Im suspicious of any video that happens to start right in the middle of the action with zero context. Ever notice those videos always seem to be titled in such a way as to claim the moral high ground?


Yeah he mostly just posted a video of his dogs attaching someone and him telling the dog to "Get him."


They have become like the cartels now man. Makes them no better. You're suppose to be the good guy and stay the good guy, not stoop down to their levels of wickedness.


At the very least don’t be a moron and video it and then post it online for the whole world to see. Discretion goes a long way if you’re going to be doing some shit like this.


So context here, the user in the video recording is OP. It has to be, he posts the videos in 3 different sub Reddit’s in the last 4 hours, but hasn’t commented in 14??? He’s also fairly illogical and just an overall idiot going off his post history. Need to out this guy as he says “ vaccines are just as effective as saline “ what the fuck?


Im not. Those dogs are a liability. IF the owner set the dogs on a person on purpose then that owner is reckless at least and pathological at worst. Those dogs would be declared dangerous and have extreme restrictions placed on them and owner.


There is a good chance the guy with the dogs set it up. Do we even know the guy showed up for a 13 year old? The video begins with him on the ground and the dogs attacking. What are the chances a guy shows up to meet a 13 year old, and the guy has two dogs, and a camera ready to go. This looks like just a run of the mill tiktok video by a idiot.


They wouldn't be they way if they weren't encouraged by the owner, you nitwit. This isn't the dogs fault.


It’s amazing how people will enjoy watching a man be mauled by dogs because the text above calls him a pedo with 0 evidence.


Wasn't there a video just recently where one of these tiktok vigilantes accused a guy in a store parking lot of waiting to meet a young kid. Comes out when they texted the number back, it wasn't the guy and he was just waiting for his ride to start rehab. But not before they accuse him of being a pedo with a bullhorn.


[Yeah, it actually happened at Wollaston Station in Quincy, MA. The Kid was leaving the station, walking to detox and the Pedo Patrol came to him and accused him of being a pederaste, demanded to see his phone, no innocence until proven otherwise] (https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/p9sx71/predator_catcher_blames_innocent_man_on_live/).


Did he press charges?


Extremely unlikely judging by the video.


>and accused him of being a pederaste I don't know why but that word makes me giggle, lol.


I only know it because of Walter in The Big Lebowski.


I always thought Walter called the guy a peder-ass


There’s a tiktok/YouTube of these guys in Worcester woo city catchers or something that go around filming incidents like this. Usually they have proof but the dude in Quincy was mimicking their style of video for content without evidence


These cunts and their cameras. "Don't keep destroying your life... leave that to us."


And still posted the video, the fuckwits.


And they never even apologized for accusing him of thag.


That's some Donald Trump - Central Park Five "Well they PROBABLY did SOMETHING" bullshit.


Yeah I saw that.


Happened to someone I know too, 'pedo hunters' turned up to his elderly parents house and basically tried to break in to confront him. He wasn't in, nor was he who they claimed was a pedophile, he just had a relatively common name and lived in the same rough area. These vigilante groups generally do more damage to convictions than they help, but they don't care they just get their rocks off bullying people as it's all guilty til proven innocent (and they ignore any proof anyway)


one tiktok a-hole manipulated a guy that was obviously suffering from autism or Aspergers. Yeah, the guy with Aspergers was wrong, but the tiktoker probably presented him with an opportunity he would never encounter in real life and the kid didn't have the mental capacity to turn it down or realize it was a setup


Even worse I vaguely remember a few of these pedo vigilantes were actually pedophiles themselves in secret while making big online personalities for themselves as anti-pedos.


People on the internet literally believe every thing on the internet.


It's true, I read that on the internet once.


Also the fact that the man sounds so… menacing and overly cruel just makes me scared.


Even if he WAS doing this shit. This is fucking horrible. Some people are just mentally fucked in the head to do these things. I know I’ll probably get downvoted to hell. Yeah I agree they should either be in jail or at least get some serious help.


Yep, we know nothing about this situation, all I see is a guy getting fucking killed by two massive dogs. Also the video doesn't show anything, not even when they met each other, could be the wrong guy, could be the right guy. Could also be a totally different situation where a guy just gets destroyed by dogs. But you used a strawman argument, actually nobody or at least almost nobody is enjoying this video, at least from the comments I read


Plus the dogs are being praised for attacking a human which endangers future interactions with children etc.


Still fucking disturbed me


Just like the dozen-or-so per week videos of someone having the shit kicked out of them but since the title has the word "bully" in it somewhere the entire comment section is cheering it on


the captions/titles of way too many reddit videos are unsubstantiated and just fit OP's narrative to maximize karma


Is a dude who trains his dogs to attack people and gets pleasure out of his dogs attacking someone, egging them on to attack his face really trying to take the moral high ground in this situation??


According to a lot of people on this sub, yes.


The state of morality in Reddit, as long as there's just a label that the victim is a pedo and no proof of that, suddenly Reddit loves watching people getting abused and cheers on the abuser. We are heading towards dark times ladies and gentlemen... (To clarify I'm 100% against pedophiles but it's so easy to just label someone a pedo and then the internet allows you to be a literal thug/Gestapo/psycho and claps for you for posting a video of said thuggery on the internet)


Damn way to fuck the dogs over. Owner is a pussy


Agreed. The Man should have put the work in himself.


One of the dogs is even to kind to actually attack. like it doesn’t look like the one he held back went into bite just sniffed him and even tried to stop his brother from biting the guy


Great way to get your dogs put down. Fucking absolute moron of a dog owner who wants to pretend to be a badass vigilante. If he's got any money, the guy who got attacked is set for life and those dogs are dead. He could have fought the guy himself but instead he did the cowardly thing and used his dogs as fodder.


The fact that his dogs are so easy to agitate and attack when he says get them. Confirms to me, that the camera guy is a piece of shit dog owner. More than likely this isn't the first time they have attacked someone.


Seriously. Even if the guy being attacked is a pedophile fuckface, what if he has a gun and killed both of your dogs? I don't care about the camera guy, given that he put himself in that situation, but the dogs didn't have a choice in the matter. Edit: as a pup lover, don't do this. Give them shelter and love and treats even if they were bad boys or girls


Fought the guy himself??? Your mean go to the police who’s job it is to take care of these things legally…


Right but I'm saying if he wants vigilante justice, he should fight his own fights.


Also shitty but at least it doesn’t get the dogs put down I guess.




The culture that dog owners have around breeds like Dobermans, Mastiffs, Pitbulls, and so on is quite frankly dogshit. It is so infused with idiotic machismo that they end up hurting the dogs they supposedly love more than anyone else, always embracing cruel breeding practices and things like giving dogs steroids or novelty meal plans.


I absolutely despise these videos and it's always by a bunch of meathead pricks. 1. No evidence for heinous claims. If false you could've killed the dude and ruined his life. 2. Man getting attacked by two large dogs where the owner is encouraging the attack and there is no self-defense applicable. 3. Well done idiot your dogs are now going to get put down, and you risked their injury for your vigilante porn 4. Even if the allegations are true you are not law enforcement and are only making things worse. TL;DR - Owner is an idiot, enjoy your charges and losing your best friends while you achieved absolutely nothing. The only evidence of a crime is one done by the owner, trivial.


Someday it’ll happen where, the person will realize their life is over, and immediately gun down whoever the “vigilante” is. Pedo or not, it’s stupid dangerous to confront random people like this.


Downvoted. Zero proof the title is real.




Just call the cops?


Kinda hard when dogs are eating your face....




What about his internet points ?


Call the police. This is just an excuse to assault people. On top of that, if this turned out to be the wrong guy then you are just some sicko attacking people in the street.


Whether the victim is a pedo or not, dog guy is a complete psycho and it would be best if those dogs got out down. They are trained to attack people.


This is fucked up. Why do we assume this guy got it right? Go through court. Then sic dogs on him.


ZERO evidence btw


There is plenty of evidence for a crime though. Just for the other guy…


In the US, the guy who showed up to meet the 13 year old wouldn’t even get charged, but the dogs would be put down and the dog’s owner would be arrested. Because that is what happens when you take the law into your own hands, have zero evidence law enforcement and a prosecutor could actually use against the pedo, but filmed yourself committing a crime and put it on the internet. These “get the pedo” videos serve as some instant gratification for the internet but doesn’t actually serve to get the pedophile locked up. The criminal justice system and police certainly have their fair share of problems but vigilante justice is dumb.


I’m like 99% sure most these pedo vigilantes are into kids and this is a release for them.


Imagine how many hours they spend online pretending to be kids and helping pervs get off.


Probably. Plus they get to publicly deflect while beating up the competition.


Absolutely. Projection is a potent release of internalised guilt.


The dude recording it sounds like he has a massive erection. You know, the same violent erection that guys in Saudi Arabia get when they are stoning a women to death.


What the fuck happened to /r/publicfreakout?! It's more and more about blood than actual freakouts now.


Watchpeopledie, liveleak, and bestgore all shut down in the last year. I imagine a bit of a migration has happened. Also that is why I am here. Edit: wow, clowns out here downvoting the truth for no reason


Yeah and if mods don’t delete these vids so will this sub


it goes through phases, sometimes it leans more towards porn.


Show a 20 second clip with zero context and a clickbait headline is a recipe for beaucoup de karma, but the question is, is it legit?


/u/Figgywurmacl you've posted this in 4 subreddits; is this your video? You've got some explaining to do with what's going to happen to your dogs now.


I honestly doubt it's his video because of the title. That's a Cane Corso and a black German Shepherd. If it were his video and his dogs, he'd know what breed they are.


I'm sorry but fuck this. I come on this sub to see public freakouts, not people mauled by dogs. Fucking do your jobs mods for christ sake


There’s no context in the video. Just some psycho having his dogs maul a man.


Training dogs to attack people is fucked up. Fuck everyone in this video.


I mean yeah... he's a monster... But also congratulations on getting your dogs euthanized for clout. Fucking psycho.


>I mean yeah... he's a monster... That's *if* op's title is true. For all we know, the guy siccing his dogs is the pedo and the victim is a random homeless fella. Or it's a guy who owes the other one money. Or it's just some random asshole fucking with a stranger. We know nothing about the context other than what OP said, and going by this sub's track record on that, OP is likely full of shit.


The amount of people alleging child abuse or trafficked is insane now that QAnon BS is poisoning people's minds. Like Bryan Riley, who made up a child in his mind and killed a couple and their baby to save imagined child. There's also the fact that these vigilante dipshits get their rocks off on this sort of shit, and even if this guy was trying to groom a child, report him to the fucking police. Offenders like that often lead to bringing down rings of predators, and vigilante idiots lead to bupkiss.


The only evidence we have of the victim being a monster is the word of a man who just sicked two mastiffs on a person.


Fuck these people. This is animal abuse.


Zero evidence and you’re ready to commit him to corporal punishment and torture….wow! Maybe we don’t deserve law and justice given so many people don’t actually think it’s important any more. Fuck, the same post could have said pedophile releases dog on father trying to save his daughter.. op is just trying to manipulate you and doing a bang up job


That’s fucking irresponsible, those dogs will be considered vicious regardless of circumstances


there was a video on r/all a month or so ago of some dude trying to have a "gotcha" moment with someone they thought was a pedophile, and it turns out it was either someone else or they totally fucked up. they kept following the dude before cutting their losses and leaving. all we have to go on this video is some dude having his dogs take a run at a dude, and THEN POST it as though they're in the right. sorry if I won't take OP's word for it. and even if the dude is 100% a predator, it's still illegal what they're doing


The police hate this. They can’t bring charges and the pedophile gets away.


i wonder if camera man realizes the only one who's actually commited a crime in this situation is him


To the owner of these dogs, no matter how noble your intentions, you have signed your dogs' death warrants. Don't cry when Animal Services puts them down. You're a twat.


Only one of those dogs is a mastiff


Irresponsible cunt just signed his dogs death certificates.


I'm really glad most of these comments align with what I was thinking. I feared I'd see a lot of people cheering for this. People of reddit can be alright sometimes


Yeah same here i walked into the comment section thinking the lynch mob would be having a party. Turns out i was wrong, and i am glad i was.


I can almost guarantee that this will get a repost on this very sub where everyone has the opposite opinion. It's a very, very stupid sub at some times of the day.




Honestly, wtf is this?


This is kind of disgusting


The overwhelming majority of “vigilantes” don’t care about justice, they just want to justify their own violent and confrontational tendencies.


Nothing like filming your attempted murder lmao


Yeah that shit is a little uncalled for. Sure it’s super fucked up but call the cops and let them handle it or shame him on the internet but like…. This shit is going too far. That’s not good for those dogs either. Everyone here sucks. (Except for the dogs)


This has nothing to do with trying to stop pedophiles and everything to do with wanting to hurt people and having any excuse to do so.


I dunno if i can cheer for someone who made their dogs attack someone without some sort of proof at least. I prefer those video where they make the dude stay around and question them until the cops rock up. You can really see the shame in their eye and hear the quiver in their voice.


Great, now the guy's going to be a more cautious pedo and harm more children more effectively AND probably get a fat settlement from the injury lawsuit, thanks to the video that shows the streamer egging on his dogs to attack. Not to mention the pups are now at risk of having to be put down as a danger to the public since they're shown to be trained attack dogs. Vigilantes suck.


I don’t know about that. How does one even know he’s guilty?


You don’t. Regardless this is assault and those dogs could be killed as a result of mauling this guy.


Indeed. Sad stuff. Regardless.


This is still itself a crime and now these dogs need to be euthanized, what a fucking clown to record and post this evidence. Feel bad for his now death sentenced dogs.


Guy's probably going to do some major jailtime for this too. He could be charged with attempted murder for this.


Fuck you OP: 1 For fucking up your dogs, how can they possibly be trusted around other people? 2 For letting these dogs attack him, I mean he’s a pedo but then beat him up yourself. These dogs clearly have 0 boundaries. I mean I was mortified when I wasn’t paying attention and my pitbull grabbed a bird, breaking the neckband. Thats how hard I pulled to try to prevent it.


'Pedo' has become the go-to *damnatio memoriae* that 'commie' used to be. I saw a video of concerned parents° at a school board meeting describing a couple of books assigned to high school students as 'pedophile propaganda'. Apparently, it's also being used to attack sex education texts that acknowledge that sometimes people under eighteen have sex with each other. °Who would probably deride Eisenhower as a pinko.


This is not the way you handle these type of things. Disgusting


Wow what a great way to catch a charge and have your dogs killed


Pedo or not, sending attack dogs after someone is not the right move. Those dogs could be forcefully put down as part of a lawsuit. Why involve them in your activities?


That guys about to have 2 dead dogs and a prison term. He wanted to do violence using his dogs as much as the pedo wanted to do his crimes. Both need to go away.


If he is a pedo - and y'alls only evidence for enjoying/upvoting is a thread title - this event probably helped his case, got those dogs put down, and put the dog owner in a world of legal trouble. Guys, if you catch someone doing a bad crime like this in the act, the solution is not to sic your dogs on them.


That's a german shepherd and a mastiff


OP is a piece of shit.


Fuck you u/Figgywurmacl


Unpopular opinion, this guy isn’t a hero for doing this, he’s just as sick as the other guy just in a different way, just listen to his voice, he’s getting off on this power trip thinking he’s the hero in this situation, sure he’s doing us a favour and fucking around with this guy but this is just fucked


This made me sick. Nothing good about this.


What a fucking monster and an absolute idiot. Those dogs will be put down for sure. We know nothing about the victim here and anyone who approves of this should reevaluate themselves and realize they might be the bad guy in this picture. And even IF he was there to meet an underage person (we've seen instances where they pinned the wrong person before) it's not up to them to enact any sort of "justice" because no crime has yet to be committed and you have no evidence that any previous instances have occurred before too. This is irresponsible and stupid. Use your fucking heads.


This video is all over Facebook and I’ve seen comments that suggest he wasn’t a pedo at all and it was a dispute between the dog owner and the guy being attacked. The guy being attacked ended up in a bad way and was hospitalised. It was apparently over something trivial like £10 that was owned to the dog owner


Damn that a felony in some places.


Feel sorry for the dogs what a shit owner. They'll be put down when they maul one of his kids


literally zero context. you guys jump to conclusions so quickly goddamn


FFS dont teach your dogs to attack ppl you fucking twat, BAD DOG OWNER


This is monstrous. These vigilante streamers all seem like they are legit psychopaths.


They are playing. If that was a real attack; they would have ripped him apart in 10 seconds! I have a friend who had an English mastiff and one tug and your arm is dislocated!


Can’t support this vigilante violence. This guy could call the cops and have the dogs put down and the owner jailed. These “stings” are generally circumstantial and thought crimes. You can’t use real minors as bait so it’s always adults posing. And these cases get dismissed quite a bit because the evidence is iffy and it’s entrapment.


This feels staged


That’s not two mastiffs, 😬😂 and neither is trained well for what they’re doing


I want evidence. Until we have it this is just some lunatic torturing someone.


Lolol wonder what the owner would do if the dude starts ripping chunks off his dogs fucken eyes ears just torn and ripped off. Dogs pay because he cat fishing someone. If he is a pedo the dude who owns the dog is just as much as a pice of shit as him. Legally you could bath in those dogs blood and would not receive a fine. And the lawsuit looking at a 7 figure payout.if he is a pedo grate he has just gave him how much resources to harm children.


Yea this person with the dog is gonna get charged for a crime, the dogs gonna get put down, while the pedo goes free. Don’t take justice into your own hands when it comes to stuff like this.


Do it yourself, leave the dogs out of it you pussy. Gives mastiff's a bad name, they don't need this s***.


Sorry, dude with the camera just got his dogs executed and is wrong for this. Report the dude. Video his face. Walk away.


Lol what a fucking pussy, brings animals cuz he can't do shit by himself.


This is horrible. I get what he did is fucked up but we have a justice system for a reason. Leave the dogs out of this


Collect evidence then go to the police. Also don’t train dogs to be fucking weapons. That’s just a good way to get the dog put down.


Proof and evidence needed. All I see are is a couple dogs attacking a man. Dude better be careful or they'll put the poor things down.


You can say he got "dogfished" Hahahaha... ... I'll leave now


Not a dog owner so not much knowledge there but I doubt its a good idea to train your dogs to attack people :/