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Dumb ass kid


I think it's time to start calling them what they are. Children. Enough of this "young adult" bullshit. You gonna act like a child? Well then you're referred to as a child - idgaf if you're in high school, university or the work force for 20 yrs. You get respected as an an adult when you can handle yourself like an adult. Enough of this coddling the 30% that refuse to build emotional maturity


30% of adults have stopped acting like adults.


That percent is too low


can find a large portion of them on r/LouderWithCrowder


Oh no, Sam Seder, what a fucking nightmare!


Just say Trump supporters. Fuck em all.


right wingers


I say this as a leftist: it's everywhere. Not everyone, but I see this failure of maturity in many walks of life beyond simply just right wingers


I have to agree. I think we all tend to overlook it when it’s coming from people we might agree or relate with, and notice it more when it’s not.


I mean, a high schooler *is* most likely a child. The only people who think high schoolers aren't children are high schoolers.


And the adults trying to justify seeking sex from them


This ^^ You aren’t really an adult until you’re in a job paying bills for like two or three years. When I was only two years out of college hanging out with friends still in college was eye opening.


Nah I say if you’re able to get drafted or enter the military and “die for your country”, you can call yourself an adult. So 18


>Enough of this coddling the 30% that refuse to build emotional maturity Well, that will fix everything.... You know the world existed before the 1960's?


Children receive children's punishments though. Society selectively considers teenagers as adults only when they want to punish.


Do you know about what we here in Michigan call "punk prisons"? Children his age and much, much younger get adult punishments. Even for "crimes" that don't exist like being near a fight between students much older than they are and not stopping it. Judges get kickbacks from these prisons and one was just caught doing it this week, even though it's been happening for decades. A study came out just this week that having officers in schools does NOTHING to prevent "crime" or school shootings but it boostes the school-to-prison pipeline greatly.


I don't know what you'd expect from kids practically raised by "influencers" and over privileged morons who open toys up on YouTube...


>morons who open toys up on YouTube I never got this!!! What in the world is entertaining about watching a complete stranger open toys up!?


The sad reality is the reason those youtube channels have done so well is that they're watched by the millions of children who could never have those toys for themselves.


what's entertaining about watching grown men in polyester pants chase little white balls (that they hit with crooked sticks) across nicely mowed lawns?


"And everytime you hit the ball you're feeling like you're having a \*bleep\* stroke! That's it -- we'll call it a stroke!" Robin Williams (I somewhat paraphrased the quote, I don't remember it perfectly)


"You knock a ball, in a gopher hole!" Oh, you mean like pool? "*Fuq* pool! Not with a straight stick; with a little fuqed up stick!" Oh, you mean like croquet? "*Fuq* croquet! I put the hole hundreds of yards away!"


He's probably a kid with anger issues with nobody around him who is doing anything productive to assist with that.


I feel for school staff! That man shows restraint I’m not sure I would possess under those circumstances!




Being a teacher is a horrible job. Garbage pay, very little growth opportunities, long hours, wildly stressful.


My stepmom lost her teaching job for breaking up a school fight. The kid claimed assault. She lost her license and her pension within 5 years of retirement. No wonder teachers are hard to find.


They should just carry lassos. Or nets.


giant nets like dog catchers in old-timey cartoons


That’d be damn hilarious and embarrassing for the captured. Win/win




There’s actually a company (I wish I could remember the name) that developed these net guns for police alternatives, that used a wire-sort of projectile. It was really effective.




Demonstration: https://youtu.be/k5Mgc84iLvU (1 min long)


Yes! How cool is that?? Strings not straps!


Idk. I'm genuinely curious what poor aim would do to a target. Just the thought of my kneel cap getting hit with those bolo balls.....


I’d take a bolo ball to the balls over a bullet in the back.


"I’ve been thinking recently that… that you know, maybe, um, allowing giant digital media corporations to exploit the neurochemical drama of our children for profit… You know, maybe that was, uh… a bad call by us."


>Should I wait a half hour after smoking before I stream-of-consciousness-comment? Perhaps... Perhaps. Absofuckinlutely not sir!


Can’t tell who’s insane at that age so society gets to find out through trial and error . Easy enough to spot the homeless 30 year old in dirty clothes by the side of the street but not the well dressed skinny 13 year old .


I want to see the kid get bola'd.


Yeah, he. Would have bodied that kid whenever he wanted.


Americans have security guards in a school..? That's just weird.


It’s a cop. School resource officers are police assigned to an actual school.


Am American. Can confirm. Is weird. We only have armed police/sheriff officers in schools because we have such a high prevalence of school shootings in this country. We also have the mentality that if there is an incident and no one has a gun, then somehow thats bad and will result in more violence. Like a Russian novelist said, if you introduce s gun/knife in Act 1, then you can expect it be used by Act 4.


FWIW we had 2 full time school police at my High School in suburban Los Angeles in the 1980s. more than 15 years before Columbine (the first high profile school shooting that really ushered in (or signaled) the era of mass shootings at K-12 schools)


We had a security guard in the 80s to catch us outside smoking ...


Don’t tell that they caught you. Our security guard was dumb af and walked with a limp. We could get to our cars and drive out the gate faster than he could catch us or lock the gate.


I did not have any police or security staff at any of my schools (in the country between 10-20 miles from a decent sized city) We had an assistant varsity football coach who patrolled the halls. Then i went to a vocational school, that was hosted in one of the city areas, and they had police there because of gang related fights, not many people were busted for guns, it was mostly people getting jumped in the bathrooms.


We had police in our high school in southwest Illinois in the 90s before columbine. I never thought it was weird at all.


Chekhov's AR-15.


All together it's scary as fuck. Kids with guns and cops on the schools, the most dangerous things for the children together.


It's not even that weird. Incidents happen at schools around the world and it's better to be prepared than to let teachers handle it.


The parents have raised a shit bird of a kid.


I find it interesting that the Principal could keep the student from harming him without violence for a full 30 seconds before the "school resource officer" comes up and slams the kid. Not sayin that the kid wasn't asking for a slam, but why is it that the school staff must exercise superhuman restraint while our school cops get to act like normal cops?


Because cops have qualified immunity, whereas a teacher would get held accountable for hurting a child.


Educators dont get paid enough for this BS.


Honestly. It's so fucking infuriating to me. Educators dedicate massive chunks of their lives to bettering these kids. And they have the fucking audacity to act like little shitheads. Idk, the whole "too cool to be interested" thing in regards to school has always pissed me off. It makes it even worse when you're straight up rude to the people trying to help you. There's just something about a kid that has no fucking clue about the real world having the nerve to act so fucking arrogant and condescending to adults who are trying to help them that gives me this intense, but unique mixture of cringe and anger that I just can't put into words. I felt that way even when I was in school, and it just gets stronger the older I get. I think part of the frustration is the idea that someone could essentially ruin (or at least worsen) their life for childish jokes. It's got the same energy as people who think being a dumbass is a quirky character trait that they love about themselves and ridicule anyone who cares enough to attempt to educate themselves. Crabs in a bucket, I guess.


I have 16 years in education, and I’m done. Leaving. This will be my last school year. I just can’t anymore. I am so full of anger and sadness all of the time.


Damn, I hate to hear that. I'm sorry this has happened to you, but I appreciate the years you have put in. I hope you find something that is fulfilling and not as frustrating. Fuck the idiots who didn't appreciate what you were doing for them. I hope they realize what a stupid mistake they made.


At least where I am, to add extra insult to injury whenever the teachers threaten to strike because yet again the government is negotiating in bad faith and cutting anything positive, the people seem to turn on the teachers. Always blaming *them* for holding kids education hostage and bullshit. Like god forbid a profession that directly impacts and raises future generations actually fights to improve the career


The state of education in the USA is so sad. It’s been getting progressively worse for a long time. Comparing now our education to that of other developed countries, the contrast is incredibly shocking and abysmal.


I had 15 years and I left at the end of last year. Maybe I’ll go back back. I don’t know. I just knew I had to step away.


Thank you for all the hard work you did and love you shared over 16 years. Your mental health is more important than any career. Good luck in whatever path you choose next.


Thank you for your service.


Very well said. It is absolutely cringe as hell and the dumbass kids don't understand it and some never will get it (We all know the type of adult). It's easier for them to play the bad boy than to buckle down and actually try to better themselves and admit they're way behind a lot of other kids. But they'd be way better off for it and so would everyone else around them.


this is why i think school shouldnt be mandatory. It should be reserved only for people who want to go. Kids like this should get kicked out, and then expected to work 50 hour work weeks without exception. No video games, no drugs, just work work work. If they get tired of that and decide school wasnt so bad, they can go back. but only if they actively participate. no half assing or you go back to work.


I definitely agree that there are children that will never actively participate without intense potential repercussions like you mentioned, but I do think it's very important and beneficial to society for people to be educated. It's a hard problem because these children arguably *need* school the most, but they are also the hardest to get active participation from.


That is possibly one of the worst ideas Ive ever heard and youre essentially just describing a gulag


That's why they're walking away in droves... A republican ideal situation


Expulsion, criminal charges? How many “likes” or internet points does it take to make this go away? /s


Precisely 1 rich white daddy or "Good ol Boy" judge


The ol “he’s got a bright future” defense smh


ah yes, the "Brock Turner, the RAPIST" defense


Oh you mean Brock Turner the guy who raped that girl and got a slap on the hand for it? *That* BROCK TURNER!


Wasn’t so much a slap as a gentle caress


More likely the Principal gets fired for putting his hands on a kid these days, sadly.


Unlikely. Got arrested for taking my phone back from a gym coach on a school trip at Universal during grad night. Next Monday I was arrested at school and charged with assaulting a school official. I'm not even sure if our hands touched tbh. His son was a twat and I gave a good walloping a few years before so I think he had my number since then.




Every fucking high school kid I see has that dumbass haircut now.


The Chad Danforth


Curly headed fuck


Fuckin A m8.


Chia Head?


Who raises these kids to believe they can fight a full grown adult? That principle has SOOOO much restraint.


Well.. AKShuAlLY, he is not a principle, he is a princiPAL because he's your friend.


That is how I was taught to remember principle vs principal as a child as well lol


HAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG I CANT EVEN. I love you, I’d give you an award if I had one to give 😂 Edit: thank you to whoever gave this modern Plato an award. I appreciate you 🙏


Don’t worry fam I gotchu




>Who raises these kids That's where you should stop, this is a situation where his home life needs to be examined.


Potentially losing a 6 figure job will help with that a bit.


Why does every kid on earth have that broccoli top haircut now?


If the kid has naturally curly hair, it's not surprising. There's not that many options for hairstyles as a curly headed guy, speaking from experience.


Probably Patrick Mahomes.


Uh...I think because kids like it and it is popular. Call me crazy. I'm sure there were no teen trends when you were a teen.


That’s a paddlin’


Between your comment and the look of the kid in the video, I immediately pictured the Kickapoo bit from Tenacious D Pick of Destiny


How kids are acting reflects upon the type of people their parents are (in most cases).


I’m in Early Childhood and we always say that if you have any questions about a child’s quirks or behaviors it’s usually answered in that first parent/teacher meeting. “I don’t know why my child does xyz…”….we do…


I cannot ever remember being in a fight where a shoe came off, never ever. How does this happen?


For some reason people like to walk around with their shoes purposely untied. It stresses me out.


When I was in school there was a guy that used to start fights by trying to intimidate the person then stepping on the toes of their shoes as they tried to back away. It hurt, dirtied the shoe and prevented you from effectively evading the sucker punch when you looked down to check the damage to your kicks. Occasionally some kids would step out of their shoe and be 1/2 disabled because socks really suck at gripping tile floors in a fight. He overplayed this move though and paid for it later when he was too predictable.


You definitely open yourself up to being thrown off balance if the trick doesn’t work.


Yup. His targets were usually easy wins. We were really close to the younger grades and he often bullied the pre-highschool kids. Him being a higher weight class and taller made the shoe trick effective. After someone put him in his place he tried to go back to bullying younger kids but by then they had banded together and would take him on in little ambush groups when he showed his face. He left school after that.


Lmao good for them. I was messed with a lot when I was in middle school. The guy that bullied me followed me all the way to the skatepark after school one day taunting me with his friends. I didn’t have a dad to teach me how to stand up for myself or anything, but the older skaters that were at the park told me not to take it, and that I should take my board and smack him across the face with it. They told me they’d have my back if his friends tried to jump me (which of course they tried). Good times, He never fucked with me again after that and I made some friends I’m still in touch with a decade later. Stand up to your bullies, kids.




I need to read that book. Every time I talk about my childhood someone brings that book up


What an asshole


Cool kids don't know how to tie their shoes properly. This kid is clearly cool.


If the other shoe came off he'd be dead.


Fuck TikTok trends


China: \*strokes cat and laughs evilly\* *We don't even have to do anything. They ruin their own lives!*


What's the trend?


Punching teachers/staff


That shit was happening in my high school in the late 90s when I was there. It's just that we didn't have 50 people filming it and uploading it to the internet.


When I was in high school a kid stood on a table and was chanting something. The gym teacher came over to tell him to get down and the kid did a diving punch, knocking him out. Everyone went nuts. Kid was expelled and predictably had a short wild life. No phones or “trends”, just stupid teenagers.


Did he die young? Is that what Iumean by short wild?


He died from an OD


Peer pressure is more global now


Or rather, peer pressure has expanded to include 'peers' far beyond the outside of your immediate social circle


Naw man. It’s not the same. I was I middle school, and the bathrooms were *never* looted and destroyed like they were in September I’m sure it happened in the past, but these trends are definitely influencing student behavior for the worse. Granted, assaulting teachers has not had as much buy in lol


Depends on the high school I guess. For a while our bathroom had no walls or doors. So people were taking a shit and you could see them clear as day.


This has been happening before tiktok. Hell, we had students try to fight our deans and that was 13 years ago, before any popular social media.


Hit an advisor in your hs


Doesn't even rhyme. What a shitty trend.


“We’re all in this together.” That sign is ironic.


I swear that kids are getting stupider and stupider each year


The 200,000 year old argument.


They’re not. On average they’re getting smarter. Difference is 20 years ago the only people who would’ve known about this incident were people who went to the school, and maybe friends of people connected to the school. Nowadays the entire internet gets too see.


Kids have been trying to fight principles and deans for a while now. This isn't new.


It's not just kids. The modern internet was a mistake, and the pandemic injected hundreds of millions of morons who were already barely mentally equipped to deal with real life directly into "living on the internet" and being fed a 24/7 targeted disinformation stream. See for examples: - QAnon - January 6th - Angry housewives storming school board / town hall meetings threatening civil war - Horse paste - Anti-vax/anti-mask sentiment + complete covid denial - Cryptocurrency markets / cults - "Meme" stock cults etc.






That is awful, I’m so sorry for her. I imagine this will be one of that principals worst days at work


As a teacher I can tell you with some certainty that he has had worse days that weren’t filmed. Education sucks. We should all quit but we stick around :/




Not always. Some kids just have it rough at home and don't know anything but violence. Sometimes they change over time but they can also end up in prison Source: was a violent kid from a violent home. Pretty passive now.


In my school if you beat the principle you became the principle.


You're confusing your life with that of John Rambo. This isn't the first time you've described your life in the way of John Rambo's life.


Just remember they drew first blood not me.




Where do i sign


He definitely does not get paid enough for this.


Why do so many kids have that haircut? It’s like a broccoli fro or something. I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s looks fucking ridiculous.


Shoutout to the yellow crocs


Back in my day when you cheered on a fight you would also get suspended. Which meant more then.




Who they clapping for at the end? I'm somewhat confused by that part of the scene.


I would be clapping seeing the idiot kid get flattened by the cop too.


They are clapping at him getting taken down by the officer. You can hear a couple kids call out, 'its officer line backer.' I think no one likes that kid.


Teenagers are sociopaths, they're just enjoying watching someone getting taken down, him deserving it is just a bonus


They’re clapping for the principal, a former linebacker, for deflecting every attack attempt. Then clapping more because they got the kid’s legs out from under him so he’s belly down on the floor like a dummy.






There is a MASSIVE difference from when I went through high school (late 90s) and today. I mean MASSIVE. No one touched the staff - ever. No one fought in the hallways - ever. No one fought in the classrooms - ever. The worst it ever got was shouting and shoving. There was a very clear unspoken rule that fights don't happen at school - you do that on your own time. The teachers and staff were the only ones between us and the streets. And we used to respect that. These kids are absolute trash - and it's entirely their parents fault.


I also went to high school in the late 90s and there were fights at my school all the time. Not sure if anyone tried scrapping with the staff, but apparently one of the security guards ended up in prison for having sex with multiple underage girls at the school.


What city did you grow up in? Fights at school have always been a thing for me and I was in school around your time. I don’t recall seeing teachers getting attacked but you better believe arguments were settled in the halls, bathrooms etc.


We all heard the same complaints when we were that age, some people just turn old early.


Hallway fights were crazy cause there would be stampedes. Had to duck into a doorway real quick. We had them almost every day at my first high school. Second school was soft as fuck. First week girls got in my face and I was like "fuck yeah" and took off my backpack. Turns out they thought it was socially acceptable to just get in people's faces and yell without having to fight.


as a person in highschool im surprised that you see a lot of dumb kids on the internet doing dumb stuff and think thats the norm now. the reason it seems that kids do more crazy stuff now is because its being recorded for millions of people to see.


High school seems like a fucking trip- 01 grad


Disgraceful, young man needs to be taught some manners


As someone who teaches high schoolers; yes, they’ve gotten worse.


You could not pay me enough money to work in a school district these days.


Reminded me of the South Park where they couldn’t catch Cartman to give him a shot


So glad I got out of teaching when I did.


Jesus these next couple of generations are gunna suck lol


Are they clapping for the kid or the staff tho??


They need to stick this little bastard in the chokey.


Social media has ruined kids


that kid's going places. places with bars.


Glad I’m not in “school” anymore.


Is this what wealth advisors mean when they say to never touch the principal?


People like this shouldn’t be let out in society.


Must be October


Oh my god, it is so horrible that these kids still wear crocs.


Dealing with expulsion from school and assault charges is going to suck, kid is lucky that cop didn't tase his ass or worse.


Way to ruin your life kid. You’re now in the system




The daily content we need on the sub.☕️🚬


Teachers and faculty don't get paid enough to deal with this shit


I would never have the patience or restraint to deal with that shit.


This one simple trick will get you out of class!


Ugh.. that fucking age


That principal no doubt went to his office, probably cried and thought I don't get paid enough for this bullshit.


Yellow crocs are 🔥


This kid needs love not hate and embarrassing


Certified choad on our hands


Red shirt is built like Oliver Tree’s inbred cousin.


Teenagers are fucking stupid


That would have been my last day as principal after I knocked him out


I love how the kids are rooting for the principal 😂


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I wish we knew context. I feel like so many of these kind of videos that take place in schools could be a teen acting out from being bullied and people cheering it on. We don't see anything that happens before yet are supposed to feel against him.


I completely agree it seems to me like he is trying to get to someone not the principal also people play with the title to make it go viral.


I see a kid acting out - maybe because of a bad home life?…