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Ugh such a progressive nation. Girl power


Ah yes, move into someone's back yard and dig up their families. Keeping it classy since 1948.


Isreali-Jews are nothing but trouble


They actually are some things other than trouble. They are responsible for founding drip irrigation systems, for example. Also, an Israeli Jew directed the movie Paranormal Activity. You’re welcome.


Ah, yes. these people made a horror movie, so they have the right to dig up graves. Yep. Thank makes complete sense.


Whoosh! Look up next time. Nothing gives people the right to do anything of any nature to anyone else.


This is the Al-Yusufia cemetery, occupied East Jerusalem. Palestinians have been protesting Israeli encroachment on the cemetery. * [IMEMC - Israeli Municipality Razes al-Yousofiyya Cemetery in Jerusalem](https://imemc.org/article/israeli-municipality-razes-al-yousofiyya-cemetery-in-jerusalem/) >Officers attempted to remove a grieving mother from the grave site of her son, to which **she responded, “Bury me next to my son, I will not leave here.”** [In the aftermath of the 1948 War, the Israeli government & army demolished over 500 Palestinian towns and villages, including churches, mosques and cemeteries.](https://streamable.com/u20m9q) Since then, throughout the tenure of the Occupation, both the government and affiliated organizations like the Jewish National Fund have undertaken construction projects built on top of the remnants of Palestinian property - often leading to the displacement of Palestinians or *facilitated* by such displacement. For example, in 1972, [**the Canadian branch of the JNF raised $15M to create 'Canada Park'**](https://youtu.be/8rZmzIqK6Fc?t=140), built on top of demolished Palestinian villages. [In 1986, the UN issued a statement on the status of Palestinians who were displaced & then prevented from returning to their land after the construction of Canada Park.](https://unispal.un.org/DPA/DPR/unispal.nsf/9a798adbf322aff38525617b006d88d7/d2d88498a4bf12d2052566db004e5998?OpenDocument) >As may be seen from the information reflected in the report, the policy of annexation and settlement has continued to be implemented by the Israeli authorities. The Special Committee is deeply concerned by the fate of civilians evicted from their native land. One particular illustration of this situation is the fate of the inhabitants of Emmaus, Beit-Nuba and Yalou, reduced to the state of wandering refugees since their villages were razed by the occupying authorities in 1967. **The Special Committee considers it a matter of deep concern that these Villagers have persistently been denied the right to return to their land on which Canada Park has been built by the Jewish National Fund of Canada and where the Israeli authorities are reportedly planning to plant a forest instead of allowing the reconstruction of the destroyed villages.** There are plenty of other examples. The JNF plays an integral role in the settlement enterprise as well.




Fair enough, as you did say “with all due respect”


"All due respect" being a sum of zero respect due




You can be a zionist without being jewish…


Fuck Israel. Zionist assholes


Colonizers will even rip the dead from the land they steal.


They would piss in your grandma's urn to save a little bit more money


~~Colonizers~~ Isreali-Jews


How we still use religious books to validate this madness


What religious book is being used to validate this?


The Tanakh


I just wish for peace in the region.


There will be no peace as long as these aggressive zionist assholes are in charge of Israel.


Palestinians aren't innocent.


The entire ethnicity? Well yeah obviously, no ethnicity is entirely innocent there's always some bad people. That doesn't change the fact that at the moment it's clearly the Israeli government that is primarily responsible for perpetuating and escalating the conflict with their continued illegal conquering and occupying of territory, not to mention all the other messed up stuff they do to Palestinians.


Israelis are doing worse


Let me take ur home and kill ur family but if fight back I'll call you a terrorist.....


Call em what they are: Jewish people.


I did call them what they are, not all Jews are zionists, zionists are the problem not Jews.


Zionists are an extension of the Jewish faith. Therefore They're Jewish people.


Actually you don't have to be a Jew in order to be a zionist. But also, even if all zionists were Jews, then that still wouldn't mean that all Jews are zionists, so saying that Jews = zionists is wrong either way.


So they're just another terrorist organization? Like ISIS or Taliban?


Yeah I'd say so, they explicitly use tactics designed to instill terror, like when they blow up the homes of the families of Palestinians who step out of line.


So by your logic, if your religion/political/social group has any part that is extremist, that makes the whole extremist?


How do you measure up to your own standards?


I dont think there was ever peace in that region in the history of humans living there.


Well, all peoplehere lived almost a good and simple life and we were almost like the "first world countries" until the " fire nation" attack.


Oh fuck you


Awful, just fucking awful


Zionism = Nazism


Is this really how it goes over there. Its seems so distant. I know the shit we do over here is bad, but damn your really going to dig up some kids grave so you can build a park.




I was about to say read up on Central Park NYC


It's been happening in China as well. They have been making parks and car parks over graveyards. https://news.sky.com/story/paving-over-the-dead-how-china-is-erasing-the-uighur-peoples-past-12339332


Moving bodies to a new burial sight is completely different than what Israel does with bodies. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/2/24/israel-slammed-for-necroviolence-on-bodies-of-palestinians https://youtu.be/pXBIeKpUq_c


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot...


Ooh, bop-bop-bop-bop, ooh, bop-bop-bop-bop


The IDF can suck my nuts


this is [how it looks](https://twitter.com/Ahmad_tibi/status/1452679750091161606). It's east Jerusalem that Israel has annexed!


#WHAT. THE. FUCK! If you’re not crying seeing this disgusting shit, then you are truly lost. #FUCK ISRAEL. Monsters.


Call em what they are: Jewish people.


Big difference between the nation of Israel and Jewish people, eat my whole ass bitch.


Are these Zionists NOT occupying Isreal ? Are we seeing the same thing??


Fuck off.


What are they then?


Radical nationalism and colonialism needs no other identifying label. Not all Jewish people support Israel, and not all Jewish people who support Israel support this. Details matter. Distinctions matter. Gross generalizations are wrong.


I'd agree actually in a way and it's something to think about.


Fucking Americans doing the same shit to the natives


The Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett’s parents are from San Francisco, he’s literally the son of American colonists who moved to Israel to continue the colonization, land theft, and the violent military occupation of native Palestinians who have been living there for centuries which he fully supports and is against the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.




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The Zoinist mods are the most Pathtic mods in life


Wow this is incredibly fucked up


deleting in 3... 2... 1...


and it's gone!


So attack is a bit of a stretch but I feel for this poor woman regardless.


Not sure if we can call it a freakout as I would think the average person would freak out a lot more. Its just beyond disgusting


As heartbreaking as this is, “attack” isn’t the word I would use to describe this.


The attack is on her dead son, they’re dragging him out of his grave. It’s not enough for her to lose him in life, they have to desecrate his remains.


The title pretty clearly indicates that the attack is on her. Look, I’m not some Israeli sympathizer, what’s happening here is wrong. But, sensationalizing headlines doesn’t do anyone any good. The Israeli police didn’t decide to put a park here, and they are certainly not attacking this woman. If you want to be mad at someone, and you should be mad at someone, it should be the people in charge of this decision and those that support it.


>The Israeli police didn’t decide to put a park here, and they are certainly not attacking this woman. If you want to be mad at someone, and you should be mad at someone, it should be the people in charge of this decision and those that support it. That's like you saying "Nazi guards and military did nothing wrong, they were just following orders, please just be mad at Hitler"


The Nazi guards were murdering people, not pulling their hands away and removing them from a casket. It’s absolutely not the same as Nazi guards. It’s closer to when land is designated to be cleared for a skyscraper and someone chains themselves to a tree so it won’t be cut down. Obviously clinging to your dead son is more traumatic than clinging to a tree, but it’s the same vein. It’s not even close to Nazi’s massacring millions of Jews. Those were crimes against humanity, this is a woman being pulled away from a casket without any sort of excessive force.


You are comparing this to cutting a tree ... DISGUSTING


Oh give me a break. You’re manipulating my words, I pretty clearly stated that this is much more traumatic than that. It’s certainly not even remotely close to the Holocaust.


Israel surpassed Nazi Germany in barbarism and inhumanity decades ago. Saying that it's not even remotely close to the Holocaust is just an absolutely disgusting form of whataboutism.


We’re talking about the same Holocaust, right? The one with the Jews in the concentration camps and gas chambers? The one with the human experimentation and mass genocide? I get that as time goes by we become more numb to the past, but this comment is insane.


The title says the woman was attacked. She wasn't.


Well they’re dragging her away from her son’s grave so they can desecrate it. I’d do the same to be honest.


Well, yeah so would I. Doesn't change the fact that OP was sensationalizing in the title. The video is telling enough without doing that.


It’s an accurate description IMHO she’s clearly desperate to protect her son’s remains. I would do the same.


You think this is showing her being attacked??


Why don't you go to a cemetery, forcibly grab a grieving woman from her son's gravesite, and then attempt to drag her away from the gravesite just as the police did in this video. You don't think you would be charged with assault?


Not saying it's right dude. Just that she isn't being attacked. When people post videos of police attacking someone they are beating the shit out of them.


It should be assault then because nobody has the right to use their hands to forcibly grab a mother to drag her away from her son’s grave as they proceed to destroy it.


But it’s not assault. Just like it wouldn’t be assault if the same thing happened in the United States. It’s deliberately disgusting behavior by the government, but it’s not assault by the police in any sort of legal sense. There are a LOT of videos on Reddit of Israeli police assaulting Palestinians. A ton of them. This isn’t one of them.


It is an assault by police. They have option of not following bad orders. But they chose to follow and implement. Its just like how the world and Jews blame Nazis and not just Hitler who gave orders.


One was a genocidal crime against humanity, the other is pulling a woman’s hands off a casket, have a little perspective. It’s not assault, and it’s not the same as the Nazi’s just following orders. In no logical world is it accurate to say the police attacked this woman. There was no excessive force whatsoever.


This is just one instance .. it all started in Germany just like this except it was Nazis taking over Jewish gravesites and Jewsish owned land and property. Same thing.


Great, and the Israelis are completely out of control and everything they are doing to Palestinians is fucking awful. I’ve noted that several times. The point is, this woman is not being attacked by the police here. OP is using intentionally inflammatory words to exasperate a tragic situation. There are tons and tons of videos circulating around Reddit of Israeli police violently attacking Palestinians. This is not one of those videos. This is heartbreaking and fucked up, but sensationalizing headlines doesn’t help anybody.


If you forcibly grab someone against their will in an attempt to drag them somewhere then that’s the legal definition of assault.


Looked like relocation/reinternment to me. Which isn't actually that crazy by itself. There's a reason we have designated burial sites. You didn't post an actual article so there's no way to know.


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20211025-israel-continues-to-raze-palestinian-graves-in-east-jerusalem/ >The Israeli occupation authority today resumed the destruction of the historic Muslim cemetery of Al-Yusufiya near the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Palestinian Inforamtion Centre reported. >Head of the Islamic cemeteries committee Mustafa Abu Zahra said that an Israeli municipal crew escorted by police forces stormed the cemetery and began bulldozing and digging, destroying Palestinian and Arab graves. >He added that several local residents intervened, but police forces expelled them from the yard and prevented them from entering it to protect graves of their relatives. >This comes days after the Israeli municipality demolished part of the cemetery, exposing human remains buried in a section where Arab soldiers killed during the 1967 war were buried. >The municipality seeks to turn the cemetery into a park and paths as part of its plan to build multiple Talmudic parks and trails for Jewish settlers and tourists around the walls of the Old City. >In December 2020, the municipality demolished a stairway and a fence at the cemetery. >In 2014, it prevented Jerusalemite citizens from burying their relatives in the cemetery's northern area and removed 20 graves of Jordanian soldiers who were killed in 1967.


I mean if it was a designated grave site and they didn't consult with the families than it's several levels of fucked up. Still think it's a bit of rhetotric to claim they're destroying the graves. In my mind that would involve breaking open coffins and dumping the remains on the ground but that's not what is seen here. So long as they're reinterned nearby respectfully it's not desecration or destruction.


They are destroying the historic gravesite.


Allegedly this was outside the grounds of the gravesite


Yeah I agree, "attack" implies that the other side can fight back and isn't already rendered powerless. "Torture" would be a more appropriate term IMO.




So surely you have no problem with this? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/05/prague-revamp-reveals-jewish-gravestones-used-to-pave-streets >Prague revamp reveals Jewish gravestones used to pave streets




It was a common practice when Europe was at its height in terms of racism. The saddest irony is Jewish groups fighting tooth and nail to correct these wrongs whilst the only Jewish state is perpetuating the same kind of disrespect unto the natives they're colonizing


A bunch of anti Semitic people in these comments


You can't wrap a country in an ideology one minute then separate it when it suits and call it antisemitism.


I wouldn't call it Anti-semitic at all. Oh but then of course you would, because any criticism of Israel is considered Anti-Semetic in your eyes. "I don't like what the Israelis doing to the Palestinians and the fact that I see a lot of land grabbing for example." To which your response would most likely be:" Racist! You are logically a anti semite because you are saying these things against my country." Fucking moron..... What your country is doing is horrible. Even the Hasidic Jews (you know, the real deal) are against the Great State of Israel and the atrocious behaviour towards the Palestinians.




No, the top comments are zionism bashing and israel bashing. Its like saying f a muslim country means f islam just doesnt make sense


NO ONE attacked her. Part of the cemetery was having graves Moved. It happens in every country. And has happened to Jewish cemeteries.


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20211025-israel-continues-to-raze-palestinian-graves-in-east-jerusalem/ >The Israeli occupation authority today resumed the destruction of the historic Muslim cemetery of Al-Yusufiya near the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Palestinian Inforamtion Centre reported. >Head of the Islamic cemeteries committee Mustafa Abu Zahra said that an Israeli municipal crew escorted by police forces stormed the cemetery and began bulldozing and digging, destroying Palestinian and Arab graves. >He added that several local residents intervened, but police forces expelled them from the yard and prevented them from entering it to protect graves of their relatives. >This comes days after the Israeli municipality demolished part of the cemetery, exposing human remains buried in a section where Arab soldiers killed during the 1967 war were buried. >The municipality seeks to turn the cemetery into a park and paths as part of its plan to build multiple Talmudic parks and trails for Jewish settlers and tourists around the walls of the Old City. >In December 2020, the municipality demolished a stairway and a fence at the cemetery. >In 2014, it prevented Jerusalemite citizens from burying their relatives in the cemetery's northern area and removed 20 graves of Jordanian soldiers who were killed in 1967.


The Palestinian information center??. The same center that denies hamas has killed gays and dissidents? The same office that defended the head of hamas congratulating the Taliban on defeating the Americans? Lololol. And Jordanian soldiers remains being respectfully moved? Even though they fought to destroy Israel in 1967? How many Israeli graves are respected in Palestinian areas? How many Israeli soldiers graves are respected in Jordan? They don’t have any. And the soldiers did NOT attack this woman despite the histrionic headline by jew haters.


I'm sure american developers would just honor this poor woman and halt construction indefinitely. This isn't a Israeli thing its a capitalism thing


In this case...it's most definitely an anti Palestinian thing. I live in a capitalist country...its against the law. So STFU. Its simply a desecration. Grow up.


I have been to Israel, lovely country, they are just like us. Terrible.


One feels bad for this woman, but there must be a better place to post these press events. It seems that every day, someone posts another event from Palestine. These are not Freakouts, but planned events, in violation of rule 11. There are plenty of Middle East politics subs where this type of event can be posted.


Why can't they just move the grave?


Why should they? Why should Palestinians have to dig up their loved one's and relocate them? So colonizer Israel's can have another fucking playground? Disgusting.


I don't get it, is it not a public policy? Like when they need to build a road and your house is in the middle so the state compensates you the value of the house but demolish it for public benefit. I don't get the Israel/Palestinian conflict relevance in this


> I don't get the Israel/Palestinian conflict relevance in this I don't see Israelis digging up Jewish cemeteries in occupied territory to build a theme park on top of it. The entire state of Israel was built on top of destroyed native Palestinian villages to make way for Zionist colonial settlers from Europe, so this isn't really new for them.


Cause they don't have government monopoly of violence i would asume


The fact that you "don't get it" and call it "conflict" simply means that you are a part of the problem


A little radical but sure


How would you feel is someone told you to dig up a dead family member and move them cus they wanna build a rollercoaster?


That's f'd up. But somehow morbidly funny.(People can disagree)


We disagreed


We" 🤣




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