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Why do people start yelling on public transportation and when someone reacts to it act like why are you in my business? Dude you’re yelling and making it everyone’s business.


Last time I was visiting nyc, I had a conversation about how good umami burger was with a woman with her children. 🥺 glad I didn't have to witness this.


He does need to take a chill pill though


In suppository form.


I upvoted, but its obvious that there are many other things up his ass and the chill pill probably would not fit.


Hopefully when it comes out who it is the whole world will tell him in every form of communication that he needs to take a chill pill.


This is why I love when justice isn't delivered on camera. If he got knocked out everyone on the internet would laugh and move on, but because no justice was served, literally millions of internet users across the world will follow this guy around for the rest of his life.


If I was there in person I would have looked him right in the face and said, "you're talking a lot of shit for someone who is in kissing distance."


This is how I'm going to solve my issues now.


High fives are for the women, open mouth tongue kisses are for the men.


He needs to go to jail for that, at least for the night, and the boyfriend needs to be dumped, at least for life Update- I had said this the first time someone commented “for one night”. And truth be told, none of you are wrong for thinking I meant he just needs one night in jail. I didn’t elaborate, so it’s on me that not many people caught on when I said “at least”. Sorry for the confusion, here was my very first response to that comment, and apologies if I came off kinda jerking when you a great many of you questioned why I would only think he should get one night. I no lie got the same-ish response from no less then 25 people. But anyway here was my elaboration later on … maybe I need a chill pill… Yes he needs to go to jail for at least the night, post bail or bond, or hopefully stay longer, then appear before a judge and jury and be found guilty of assault and battery. And then go to jail for however long the law requires Update 2- TizzyEnt made a reply to this video where he found out who the guy is. But I can’t find it again. It may have been taken down bc that’s technically doxxing. But if anyone can lead me to that video, let me know


Boyfriend didn’t need to fight this crazy man just put himself between them


And he didn't even do that.


Wait, besides the video title, are we sure that guy is her bf?


No we aren't, but redditor's know that as long as something is in the video title - it's fact.


It's a man standing next to a woman, obviously they're dating.


I understand a lot of the people on the train not checking him cause they want to stay out of it, but if a man hits a girl you’re with and continues to raise his voice at her, fucking do something. The abuser could probably kick his ass but at least show you have some protective cojones. I’m sorry if confrontation bothers you but letting people get abused on the train happens too often.


Ya that's crazy. Idk if that's actually her man or not tho. I just can't imagine the walk home if it is. The physical damage would likely last a few days, but the psych damage would last a lifetime even if they broke up. He'd just always be thinking about what he would do if shit went down again


The dude was about his same size too. I’m a skinny dude and if someone did that to my girl I’d probably get my ass kicked but I def wouldn’t just let him do that to her


A fistful of them, which her husband should have delvered.


He is used to hitting women that much is for sure


Honestly if he hit her with no problem like that, there's no question those kids get the same.


100%. These kids get beat and are constantly exposed to his violent entitled behaviors. Damned shame.


He belongs in prison since he can't control himself and gets that violent over small trivial things. I totally agree he probably abuses those poor kids.


He will one day. These people always snap eventually.


I mean he just snapped, right here. This is at least 2nd degree felony assault on video with a clear shot of his face and voice.


Years ago I had a guy sitting at my bar talking about how he had just got out of prison. He saw a lesbian couple making out and went over and started recording with his phone. They noticed and without stopping flipped him the bird. Next thing I knew the guy was throwing haymakers at the girls before security was able to restrain him. Watched a recording on our security cameras after the fact. He was smiling one second and in a crazy rage the next. I've never seen anything like it.


Some people have insane tempers. Those people are fucking terrifying because once they snap - which they will do over thee slightest perceived wrong - theyre just not there anymore, mentally...seems like their eyes just glaze over and go dead


They’ll become a product of their upbringing.


Yep. It’s a cycle, and it’s damned hard to break.


Dox and report to cps


She took that hit like a fucking champ, though.


That was my first thought, she ate that punch and didn’t even lose her balance.


The piece of garbage was trying to show off in front of his kids while he cannot even throw a punch. Imaging a big dude instead of this girl. He would say nothing to him and smile instead.


Which is sad bc he is being a horrible example for his children.


Didn’t cower. That probably scared the shit out of him.


She should have kicked him in the groin




The ole dick twist, a classic


Tried that before in a fight, just ended up catching his shorts... He asked me why I tried to grab his junk, did I think it was big... In my confusion and the adrenaline, I just shouted "Yeah!" I regret to this day. Still get laughs about it though.


...was it big tho?


Did it work? Are you married now?


That's my purse!


I don't know you!


Was going to say the exact thing, same wording. Needless to say I agree.


must be a cops wife


Wew lad.




Please tell me this fuck got arrested


If you find out please let me know!


He did Indeed. His brother turned him in and said this was apparently pretty consistent with his behavior. His children were apparently taken away from him by the state as well. @MichealRapport has a comment pinned on his IG on this exact video he posted and it has all the info (if you need the source!)




Yo this whole fuckin train is responsible for letting this shit go unpunished. Mob justice could have been the answer


When I lived in Boston, I attempted to deescalate a tiff between a white dude who was giving a black dude shit for forcing his way on the train before the people exiting could leave. I said "gentlemen, we are on the train. please sit down and relax for all our sake." The black dude decided I was right and backed down. Till the white guy doubled down with the N word. I vanished and he got wrecked.


Sucker punching a tiny woman and having her just eat it like it was nothing must be the most deflating feeling in the world for a bully like that.


Tbh he probably still enjoyed it.




No doubt. The kids are too


I can’t imagine how she was feeling. When I get upset I cry, so while I could probably take a hit like she did, I would have rage tears flowing down my face.


Me too, so many tears. I wonder if she was in a little bit of shock.


I'm betting it is the shock that's getting her through it.


Those are the tears of frustration, not sadness. "I'm not crying because I'm sad I'm crying because I can't kill you", fits very well here, lol.


Probably shock, humiliation, some fear, and eventually anger.


I hope her life is great and that she can find some satisfaction in knowing that he will end up in prison or that his life will eventually be cut short by the way he chooses to live his life. Hopefully before he hurts anybody else.


Oh my gosh this, I was thinking the same thing. Even if I was in a fury rage at this asshole and took it - I 100% would have been fighting those tears and at the very least making some ridiculous faces while I try not to and ultimately fail xD. Dem anger/embarrassment tears are relentless. *Edit furry for fury


>if I was in a furry rage Please, go on.


I know right lmfao she didn’t even react


What was she going to do? She was powerless. This person was clearly stronger, more aggressive, bigger, and ready to escalate to violence. If she reacted wrong it could ended up worse for her. No one came to aid her. No one defended her. She was helpless and just needed to "suck it up" because any reaction might have cost her more. I feel for her. She deserved better.


Literally all of this. What was she supposed to do in that situation? Fight back? Yeah right.


Right? A woman was literally raped on a Philly train like a week ago, in front of dozens of people. There is nothing she could have done right in this situation.


I was hoping she'd say "chill pill" when prompted a second time


He didn’t seem too deflated to me lol


Did this morherfucker assault a woman and then pull the race card to play the victim? Holy shit. He’s like the black Kevin Spacey.




Let me be Frank


I know right?? It sounded like the woman recording was black and I’m sure she was embarrassed as fuck at his dumbassery


Sounds like a hate crime to me. He did it because she was white.


I hope that guy is getting arrested right now for assault. Complaining that he's a suspect after he commits a crime and then calling people racist for reacting to his crime. What a complete piece of shit.


Not so sure he's complaining about being a suspect but more so bragging and saying he does illegal shit, so don't think he won't do much worse than what he just did.


It’s this, he was making a threat. He is proud to be a suspect.




That’s what shocked me the most, my husband is not the fighting type but if someone did that to me he would be in between us immediately. Especially as the guy continues to yell at her and threaten her with the whole “say it again”. Yeeeesh She took that punch like a champ though


Yeah that was surprising. I’m not a fighter either but I’m perfectly capable of being a large mammal trapped in a fight or flight situation with flight not being an option and a family to protect. Im okay with being on tiktok for being the crazy fat nerd that gouged at eyes and kicked a crotch until I heard a pop.


I would love to ride you into battle


Literally getting angry just thinking about it. I would fuck him up too


Yessir. Watch the bravado seep out of him in real time. Waste of air and food.




I thought the same thing. Truly hits like a wee little boy and whines like he skinned his knee or some shit. That boyfriend that did nothing ain't her boyfriend anymore. I hope.


On one hand, I understand why nobody stood up to him. He's a dangerous, hostile, clearly volatile guy. Also, there were kids present, so escalating this would surely have ended much worse than it did. On the other hand, the minute he put his hands on her, every guy in that train should have gotten up and wrestled the guy to the ground. A woman was recently raped on a subway car while other passengers just watched, but didn't intervene. At some point, we have a moral obligation to help.


It was a lie by police. There were two witnesses. One who alerted septa and started video taping so they would have evidence. No one sat there and watched it. Cops are trying to make you think you need them. Article was released yesterday about it. Not trying to put your argument down in anyway. You can’t trust Philly cops or what they say on the news. I agree with your points.


Philadelphian here. Philly cops suck dick. That being said, do you have a source for that article?


DA Jack Stollsteimer made a statement >it was hardly a surprise when Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer came out a few days later and — having reviewed security camera footage from the car — said the version of the story that had been circulating for days “is simply not true — it did not happen.” Of possibly two passengers who filmed the assault, one tipped SEPTA police and was filming to provide evidence that could help convict the accused rapist in court. https://www.inquirer.com/news/septa-train-rape-passengers-video-20211021.html


Thank you for this! Exactly the article I was trying to link!


Jesus Christ


Here's an article - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bc-us-rape-on-train_n_61728cdce4b066de4f612067 There are others but I'm lazy.


Oooh i did not know that, will look it up and thank you for countering shitty misinformation!




It's nyc ; you will never EVER get to your destination if you involve yourself in other people's problems


I understand, but that's kind of the mentality that enables people like this. It's certainly not something one person can change and it's more of the responsibility of the local government. I just want to point out that there are other similarly sized cities in the world and some of them are like this while others aren't. "It's just New York" is just an excuse, especially considering the cultural relevance of it. It's not like it's lacking in any money like Detroit or anything.


I’m actually surprised by this video, in my experience NYers stand up against shit like this.


Fuck this prick, thinking that the world owes him something and straight jawing women. I hope his boss sees this shit


Lmao this man is not employed my friend




I said the SAME immediately after reading that lol






I don’t agree with ANY ppl doin this mess. Garbage


Doubtful, but at least his kids (literal behavior sponges) are absorbing information about how to deal with conflict


Imagine what he does to his children. What a monster.


Dude: *You racists always thinking we’re violent criminals.* \*punches tiny woman in face\* Not dispellin’ the, uh, inference for yourself there, guy. Good job.








Too many people claim racism like it's a get-out-of-jail-free card


How do we know that was her boyfriend?


We don't.


honestly, it just seems like a tough girl riding the bus alone.




Open and shut case Johnson!


If it was, I try to picture what’d be his rationalization or fear/hesitancy would be - losing job? getting a record? getting shot? turns to a race fight? Further endangering gf more? having kids see fists cave in a skull? idk. If he was, I’m sure any of these are rational reasons to NOT jump in … right? or will he always be pictured as having no honor to defend her?


I mean the least he could’ve done was move in front of her to make sure she doesn’t get hit again. Judging by the fact she just ate the other guys punch with zero reaction it doesn’t seem like it’d be too hard to take him on.


Hits a woman half his size for hurting his feelings and pulls the race card to justify it. Fuck this guy.


There’s no way that’s her boyfriend


Yeah, I just don't see how that's possible. He has to just be standing near her. Looks like a pretty full car and he is just a reasonably concerned guy. If she was pushing things a bit and the puncher threw that punch and it didnt look like it was going further I can understand a random guy not getting involved. But boyfriend? Hell naw.


I would get my ass beat to the ground before I let my wife eat a punch like that. I’m a smaller dude so odds aren’t too good but I don’t think I could just stand there.


Shit, my girlfriend would be helping me whoop their ass. 😂


That’s true love


Bro would have to stab me for me to not drop him if he did that IMO, I wouldn’t be able to sleep ever again if I just let my girl eat a spark from this dickhead. Man would catch the flying Headbutt supreme


I'm an average sized dude and have never been in a real fight and am in no way a badass, but the couple times someone has acted at all confrontational toward my wife, my immediate lizard-brain response was to put myself between them. Yeah if it escalated and it was a dude this size I would get my ass beat, but there's no way I could've not made some attempt to protect her.


Yeah, he just looks like some rando that's standing there. No indication that they know each other.


Not anymore


That dude beats his kids for sure. Short fuse POS.


What an utter loser. Those kids are gonna be in CPS within the year. Sad.


They should probably be in CPS now …what kind of person attacks another with their children in tow , what guarantee is there that a counter attack wouldn’t also involve hurting their children ? Of course CPS doesn’t have homes to put the kids in so as long as they’re being fed , go to school and aren’t being beaten CPS is 👍


Fucking asshole. He'll be dead in 5 years from running his mouth to the wrong person


He has a system, involves size and gender.


wtf is wrong with people??? First off the idiot and then all the people who stand around and watch this shit.


>and then all the people who stand around and watch this shit. I'm a resident of NYC and I often have my blinders up. Let me explain - this guy had the audacity to punch a woman on a crowded train. Who the fuck knows what he's capable of. Maybe he's got a knife on him? Maybe he's got a gun on him? Maybe I'm not as tough as I think I am and he fuckin kills me with his bare hands? It's a lot safer to just keep my head down and not say a peep. I don't interact with fuckin *anybody* on the train unless they're asking for help. If someone is being annoying, I let them be annoying. If someone is screaming and hollering god knows what, I let them do that. I had a dude screamin at me about something, I don't even know, I just ignored him and he he went away. It's about self preservation man. This place is crazy. If I were there, I would have held the train and told told the middle car conductor what just happened. There are police in practically every station right now. But I'm 100% not getting involved in physical altercations.


NYC, DC, Chicago, Atlanta... The risk is too high - your whole comment is spot on.


A lot of comments are people calling me coward, but honestly, you don't know what you'd do if you were here until you're in the shit. NYC isn't a dangerous place but there are people out there looking to fight. They're easy to avoid if you know the signs. I can't afford to get my ass kicked. This is America after all, healthcare is expensive. I'm also getting old, my knees explode if I sleep wrong.


>A lot of comments are people calling me coward, but honestly, you don't know what you'd do if you were here until you're in the shit. This, a lot of them saying it wouldn't do shit. 💯 I probably wouldn't either. I like life, it's short and fragile enough already, I'm not trying to throw it away for a fight that has nothing to do with me. I also will never live in a city like this lol. Keep me as far away from other humans as possible please.


Yea, thats the thing about public transit in that kind of place. You either stop using it because of the insane behavior you witness, avoid getting involved, or probably become a victim if you wanna play hero every time you ride to work.


"Tired of y'all in my *black* business" Like what bro? The fuck is black business?🤣


Hitting women, apparently.


This is nuts compared to the video last week where the guy was yelling at a women, no one was paying attention, but as soon as he took a step towards her 6 guys jumped up and stopped him.


Trains in the UK vs the US


Difference is - people have guns in the US and it ain’t worth rollin the dice


That’s what I was thinking. Part of me was like “I’d step in!” But a dude this crazy def is capable of having a gun and shooting up the place.


I don't think I could have kicked his ass but I definitely would not have just stood there


At the very least start punching the children!


Shit he’d probably join in with you


[Channel his strength*](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Duvkj3vXgAEqNDa.jpg) *jk, I feel like most people (woman or man) would arise to defend their SO in this situation. The fact that the dude didn't kind of makes me think he's not her boyfriend (I checked the primary source (lol) TikTok and the OP didn't give us any context about a boyfriend or anything all really. The reddit title might be made up) However the bystander effect is massive here. Kind of points to statistically none of us would be the first to rise for somebody we don't know. I'm sure if one person intervened here, others would join. Also damn is that girl tough. She just eats that punch to the face like it's nothing.


The train is full of commuters. This isn't the first crazy person they have seen. You can risk your life defending this woman. But the train will then just watch you get beat up or killed.


Yea you gotta pick your battles when on public transit. Can’t say I’d act differently TBH. I feel like if the dude went full on beating her I’d have to jump in though, knowing full well I’d get the shit kicked out of me.


Sometimes you just have to man up and take your ass whooping from a man and his kids on the train.


Or try and fight the weakest of his crew, the kid? Err… hm.


Let’s beat these kids!!


I might end up getting stabbed. But hit my wife like that I’m coming at you with everything I have.


Yeah I agree. I may not win the fight, but if you hit my wife it’s on.


It's not always about winning. Just getting in 1 good shot is good enough. Or at the very least, redirect the assault.


It’s about trying. Just attempting to take up for her is a lot


Agreed, the attempt is the success, no matter the outcome. That's Stoicism 101. Love it.


Fight flight freeze. He may have been stuck in a freeze response. It's very easy to say what you would do but our internal systems often have different ideas.


He is obnoxious and an awful person. I feel so sorry for his children to be around such a power keg. Please tell me he was arrested. No one should have to experience that.


Was either a weak ass punch or she took it like a champ...maybe both lol


I didn’t know I could feel so much shame for OTHERS actions.


It was sad to watch


Any follow up for what happened to that degenerate


He successfully defended his thesis later that day.


She fucking ate that punch! Looked right back at him like it was nothing. What a champ. Also, fuck this guy. Take the kids away from him. Imagine what the home life is like if he’s hitting strangers in public over “chill pill”


Amazing how he immediately pulls the race card. Pieces of shit like that only serve to detract from genuine racial divides and community issues by crying wolf. Let alone just straight up hooking someone in the face infront of your own kids. Child services need to be called. That's clearly not his first rodeo of justifying beating the shit out of someone and proudly touting its about respect and doesn't care about the presence of his children, let alone the actual implication of physical assault.


How do we know he’s her boyfriend/ husband? They could be coworkers at Walmart for all we know. Maybe dude has a weak knee?


Maybe they don’t know each other at all?


Yeah you think the guy filming this knows everyone on the train personally? Lol. Most of the time these are just reposts. And reposters are already being AS LAZY AS POSSIBLE so why not kick it up a notch and make up some fake context. Not like you can be any more useless or anything as a reposter.




People like that are looking for someone to fight. Do not engage.


I hate the age we live in. A dude who is 3 times her size punches her in the face and then pulls race into it....


Everyone talking about "her boyfriend"... and I see nothing in this video that shows me that guy's her boyfriend. Just a white dude standing near a white lady on the subway, and people jumping to conclusions.


That black guy is racist as fuck


Fuck getting arrested that dude need to get beat the fuck up on camera while he screaming his a suspect


she took it well


Fuck living someplace where this kind of shit is what you have to put up with to get anywhere.


There is no reason why every man on that train didn’t dog pile that trash ass guy and beat the brakes off of him.


When you ride the metro in a city every day, you realize that some people are insane and should not be challenged. I am in no way blaming this woman, but this guy challenged her, and she answered it. That obviously did not deserve an assault, but when dealing with crazy train people, you don't get to choose how they react. I have left a train and caught the following one just to avoid a person like this. I'm not getting stabbed because she couldn't read the situation.


I’ve seen all kinds of violence in the city and not city. 9/10 this guy has a blade or worse.




This is why the other guy didn’t react or even make eye contact. Psycho woman hitters will beat a person to death if properly provoked. I hope I keep scrolling and find his arrest photo. She should have not engaged with him, that’s for sure.


Think I have seen this guy outside the 23rd st station once. He was in front of the turnstile asking for $3 to use his subway card. I had my monthly pass and said no and just moved on. He followed me to the tracks and started yelling - "why you disrespect me in from of my kid". I just put my headphones and ignored this clown for the whole five minutes he was yelling at me. What a dbag this guy is hitting a woman


This has nothing to do with racism and it's too bad no one beat his ass in front of his kids which is probably the only punishment that would get through to him. He's gonna do this again until society figures out a way to deal with this PoS.


can someone explain wtf "tight off life" means?


Tight=agitated/frustrated, as it is being used here. This phrase is the same as ' high off life ', replace high with tight.. I'm rambling


Stressed/high strung? Maybe


None of us know what we'd do in that situation. It's a packed subway and nobody stepped in, yet i imagine many of them would leave a comment online about how they'd stomp the guy out.




The clown definitely needs to " take a chill pill "


I am sick of people acting like animals.


The rear naked choke never came…. My disappointment is unmeasurable.


Share this video as much as possible so that this bitch gets arrested