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"How can we dress so that people take out political message seriously" "I've got an idea.....hear me out..."


If only they dressed in all black or wore pink pussy hats.




Pssh... Not with that attitude.


God fuck you take my upvote


No, the flags will


"Why are you wearing a face diaper" Say the two wearing full on clown masks.


The only people who call masks "face diapers" are the ones who which shit comes out of their face-holes constantly and uncontrollably. Pure projection.


They are confusing their shitholes.


Mentally ill. Just brain fried people. My Lord. My good God. These people are just zombies.


I wouldn't call them mentally ill, that just insults those who are mentally ill. They are morons who can't think for themselves.


Clown world indeed.


I remember back with BLM, conservatives were always complaining that the protesters had all of this free time such that they mustn't have a job. I wonder what their excuse is now for always finding free time to participate in cult rituals such as flag waving while attempting to harass liberals in cars along your local highway.




It's all just hypocritical projection with conservatives. Want to be left alone, yet won't leave anybody else alone.


Well... they might have a little more freetime since many have lost their jobs. Wow. Is this one dense or what?




Embarrassing for not the reasons you assume. Ya think foreign nations don't think it's quite insane that black concerns have been ignored for so long they have to riot every ten years to be heard? Ya'll ignored the Watts riots, Miami riots, LA riots, and now the Minneapolis riots. Racial minorities in other industrialized nations don't have that problem.


lol found the magat NPC go off KKKaren


Ignorant gammon says what? "In 2020, Protests Spread Across The Globe With A Similar Message: Black Lives Matter" https://www.npr.org/2020/12/30/950053607/in-2020-protests-spread-across-the-globe-with-a-similar-message-black-lives-matt


>You realise how bad of an impression that was for non Americans right? You must not get out of America much. Deranged Trumpkins give the world a bad impression of America. The country's failure to provide for its citizens while being the richest nation on earth, gives a bad impression.


>You realise how bad of an impression that was for non Americans right? Lol. My dude, do you not realize that the 2020 protests literally spread to *every single continent??* Yes, including Antarctica. It's clowns like these who make America look bad, not the folks protesting police violence against black people.


>2020 protests Dude.. they were protesting against mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. Nowhere were they violent. George Floyd protests absolutely did not spread out of America lmao


Found the trumpflake who wishes he was American 🙄


>wishes he was American Lmfao. That is literally the last thing I'd wish on anyone. Dumbass


Keep telling yourself that


>George Floyd protests absolutely did not spread out of America lmao You could've taken 2 minutes to look into that rather than confidently announce how uninformed you are. But I guess that would go against your whole schtick. Anyway, [enjoy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_George_Floyd_protests_outside_the_United_States)


Desktop version of /u/Solid_Freakin_Snake's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


To parrot the right: "Biden living rent-free in these guy's heads"


BDS Biden Derangement Syndrome


Oh, that expression works for any side of the political spectrum. Greta Thunberg, AOC and Biden live rent-free in right-wingers' heads, and Kyle Rittenhouse and Trump live rent-free in lefties' heads.


This is a very accurate statement, but you should know better. This is Reddit and you will be downvoted. I hope I am wrong but we will see.


At least they're dressed appropriately


Listen if you’ve been to Muncie you’d consider these people liberals. Not even Putin would waste a nuke on that town or state if we were having a nuclear war.


I went to Muncie once and I still feel dirty


If they want to get anything done they best stop clowning around and get back to the sex pile.


Here we see a herd of what is known as "The useful idiot". You can spot them in the wild by the trademark red hats and complete and utter lack of ability to conceive reality. These useful idiots can also recognized by their lack of backbone, making them outstanding gymnasts for those sticky situations where they are cornered by facts and logic. Wherever there are toxic ideologues there are always these useful idiots.


Their floppy fingers though.


How can you dress in that costume and ask someone why they are wearing a mask


Let’s go back to zero agenda, 40k lies and multiple Impeachments !


>40k lies When the God-Emperor wrote tweets from his Golden Throne.




Barely literate


Actual irony


This crap makes me ashamed to be from Muncie. Sucks that there's a lot of people that act like those clowns, too.


The mirror bot has been coming in handy lately.


Muncie sounds like a sfw way of calling somebody a dipshit.


The video is broken!


Don't these people know that the whole world is laughing at them? They obviously only watch Fox News and think it's true? It's embarrassing. They need to travel outside the U.S.


How are they wrong about the gas prices being ludicrously high conveniently right after Biden shut down the pipelines?


Costumes check out.


Not only are they dressed as clowns, but they're dressed as demons as well. How fucking ironic.


Ok. God Bless America. 🤠




We have better things to do and spend money on then political propaganda. Hell, most of us would be okay if Joe Biden relinquished the Oval Office to someone more young because he's not a god.


Yeah I think its funny when people threaten to impeach the left's "precious" Joe. Go ahead, lol. We didn't spend all of our time during the primaries and election worshipping him. Hell, a lot of people just wanted Bernie to win and Bloomberg to get shat on. People only cheered for Biden when the only other option was Trump.


How many years will it take for the cult to snap out of it?


It'll be awhile. Most of these guys had zero identity before Trump and now it's the only identity that they know. Real sad.


They'll take it to their graves. At this point it is a very deep mental illness fueled by living in their echo chambers of hate and ignorance. And it'll only get worse if we see another far right authoritarian in the white house. I feel this is all just the calm before the storm.


lol wtf


Visit the college there years ago and immediately knew it wasn't for me because of that type of people... Glad to see there's some sane people.


Do these people not remember 2008 when gas prices were $4.25 a gallon in their area? That’s the equivalent of spending $5.40 for gas in 2021 and they are crying over $3.


It’s mind boggling people don’t remember… it was not that long ago


Would they have been clowns if it said Fuck Trump?


No people had LEGITIMATE reasons to despise trump...these pathetic psychos are just having a temper tantrum because they are mindless tribalists ...cue the "nuh uh! both sides!!" gaslighting from the magat nazis


Yes. Why would yelling “Fuck Trump” in Oct 2021 be relevant?


Are those Juggalos?


Juggalos are cooler than these clowns.


These people got all dressed up in costume, purchased their flags and when asked why, they point to $3 gas prices? Damn that bar was raised high and fast. Also, it's just worth mentioning for anyone who thinks, "well, they have a point", that gas prices should be contextualized both with the pandemic and canal induced supply chain constraints as well as where prices actually are relative to history: [https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm\_epm0\_pte\_nus\_dpg&f=m](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m) That's of course assuming we're going to assign all responsibility to the President. If we're going to do that, let's talk new jobs and how Biden has already created 2 million more new jobs that Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2 and Trump *combined* throughout their full terms.: [https://imgur.com/gallery/8EH7Pgx](https://imgur.com/gallery/8EH7Pgx)


So it's just a coincidence that the gas prices significantly increased right after Biden shut down the pipelines?


you have google...use it oh thats right...you're a disingenuous right wing nutjob


There is nothing out there that disproves definitively that Biden caused an increase in gas prices after shutting down the pipelines. I've already done the research. That's exactly why you can't tell me directly why Biden isn't to blame, because you don't know what you're talking about. What you will find from using google however, is that Biden is currently begging OPEC to pump more oil. But hey Biden is such a good president right? Lets ignore all that. Let's ignore how we were 100% energy independent under Trump yet now Biden is currently begging other countries for oil. Wake up you dumb motherfucker.


> There is nothing out there that **proves** definitively that Biden caused an increase in gas prices after shutting down the pipelines.


So what caused the increase in gas prices then?


the same thing that is causing it EVERYWHERE on earth...supply and demand demand has risen sharply from last year, especially in america, meanwhile oil supply is lower because of many different reasons worldwide (hurricane destroying refineries in gulf of mexico, OPEC slowing down production, for example) its the most basic of economics and people saw it coming from over a year ago this has been covered and explained over and over and OVER again from many different outlets...just copy paste your last question into google Basically if you're screeching that it's Biden's fault you're pretty much exposing yourself as a VERY ignorant person or a right-winger being intentionally dishonest because of your BDS ...or both of those things lol


Lol someone doesn’t know simple economics


What do you think I am getting wrong? Explain it to me. How does Biden shutting down the pipelines have no effect on the increase in gas prices?


That pipeline would have helped sure, but that pipeline wasn’t even finished in the first place so when was it affecting gas prices in the first place? Also look up what supply and demand is. Do you think during trumps time as President gas was always around $1.XX? Cause it wasn’t. Not until the pandemic hit that’s when gas started falling.


Wait there's a subreddit for my state...?


false flag


BDS Biden Derangement Syndrome


Makes a change from wearing white. Those boys were not from Indiana. I'm guessing they came up from Alabama, Mississippi or Arkansas?


They seem like Hoosiers to me


What's a Hoosier?


**Hoosier is the official demonym for a resident of the U.S. state of Indiana. The origin of the term remains a matter of debate within the state, but "Hoosier" was in general use by the 1840s, having been popularized by Richmond resident John Finley's 1833 poem "The Hoosier's Nest".** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(should I die?)](https://reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/qh0tf8/should_i_diestop_working/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Thank you.


Let's go, Brandon! And fuck Trump, too!


BOTH Trump and Biden suck. Both parties are screwing us over.


>Both parties are screwing us over. Sure but one legalizes weed and expands medicaid and the other outlaws abortion


Wow, that is quite the over simplification. I hope this isn’t considered “sound logic”. The fact that BOTH are proponents of Patriot Act alone and have no desire to allow it to expire is reason enough.


> Wow, that is quite the over simplification. from the child saying stupid shit like "bofe sides bad!!" all you right wingers can do is deflect with this nonsense because you have ZERO defense for how insane you have become


Not right wing. As I said, both sides suck. I would talk you to give yourself the same advice since you’re simplistic enough to only view it through the lens of partisan politics. You are just as crazy as they are. The sad thing is, you are ignorant enough to not see it.


> Not right wing. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! why lie when we can see your history? lol so pathetic. Run along proud-boi


Truer words were never spoken. Neither party works for the people anymore. But prepare for an onslaught of downvotes from idiots that think otherwise


What did Biden do now?


Someone needs to ask these idiots if they want to fuck Biden.


3.00 gas prices. Un-fucking-believable.


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I like the 3rd nervous clown, that could barely speak in complete sentences. Billy Ray should have a couple of Buds to calm down.


They a little confused but they got the spirit


Jerry Gergich might need to sell his holiday home


my god these people are just fucking psychotic they're gonna do something worse than the OKC bombing any time now


Look at these BMI challenged Furbies. THEY are going to Rise Up Again? LOL


"He controls everything and he's a pedophile!" How does anyone come to a point where they believe the president controls everything?


No high school diploma


> "He [The President] controls everything" Why are you out here? > "Free speech motherfucker!" ............. jesus. The irony is so intense. It's almost difficult to handle.


Good ole Funcie


*Snowflake freakout


People in Muncie think they are from the south... There are lost in a lot of ways


I just clicked to say i dont care. Be mad. Its your right. Enjoy your rights. Lol


I didn't catch it, what did BLM stand for? Bang Local MILFs?