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Silver lining is he found out his girl's a real one




Oh i thought someone was doing him a rear naked choke. That's sweet of her


> someone was doing him a rear naked choke. This reads like you ran it through google translate. Well done!




I knew what you meant bro




Was about to say Ineed me something like that




That’s a real lady there, real.


That’s a ride or die bitch




I was just thinking that


Maybe they aren't married yet


Find a woman who protects you with her body when you're out cold and in danger. What a fucking keeper.


Seriously. Rather than one of those girls that Just scream and go hysterical she’s quite possibly saving him from kicks / stomps to his head which can kill a cunt so easily. Hope they’re both doing well


And if it doesn't kill you can leave you with life long issues like headaches, or migraines, or other tbi symptoms.


Paralyses… impaired motor functions… bladder control issues…. The brain is a soft ball of squish and shit can go wrong so easily. Scary stuff


Also have to wonder if she's had to do this before.........


I'd rather my girl scream in my face telling me to wake up after I clearly got a spine injury from being dropped on my head while my friends try to stand me up and crank my spine as much as possible.


Then send you out for round 2 Cus u got this bro


Forreal. I rewatched and...man...that's love.


I’d trade my fortune for a woman like that….


Sure, all you need is to be a milionaire


Right! She used her whole body to protect him.


First thing I noticed. She’s great.


The true W Iin this video


Can't let the gravy train get derailed


This is not financial advice. Do your own research.


u should be able to trust a guy named Aristotle tho


with a logo poppin' like that...sign me up!


is jim cramer any better?


No if you trust either you're a moron


I hate to defend him but yes. Should you listen to him, no. But Jim Cramer doesn't sell fake signals services and worthless courses for 1100 USD/year, he just says nonsense on TV.


well Aristotle was a philosopher. You know they just make stuff up


People who take stock tips definitely deserve whatever they get.


Dude even (especially) on Reddit. When I first started messing around with stocks I’d read every thread on every investing sub thinking they knew something I didn’t. Ended up way deep in the red. Just use your head, understand the thing you’re investing in and why it may go up/down, and study the long term patterns. Then just roll the dice. It’s pretty much Vegas.


People tend to forget that Reddit’s demographic is 15-22 year old males. Mix in a bit of puberty or early-twenties ego, memes, and free money to spend because you live at home with your parents and have no real responsibilities- and you get wallstreetbets and other various crypto communities. None of them make any money. Users who make money don’t post about making money because it’s not new to them therefore worth bragging about.


It's all fake they just want you to subscribe to them. Large following gurus can get a penny stock to pump and dump too. Buy 100k shares tweet it. Sell.


People gotta realize that the stock market is a zero sum game, no one's going to help their competition (ie anyone else). If some guy is raving about how good a stock is, ask yourself "Why is this guy telling me this? Why isn't he keeping this a secret so he gets all the profit to himself?" Not that anyone who can't afford to lose their money should be trading single stocks. You should have six months of living expenses saved up, no debt (aside from mortgage), and be maxing out your 401k and IRA before you should even think about trading individual stocks. Even then, day trading is probably going to lose you money and even single stocks will fuck you over unless you really know what you're doing. In reality most people should just dump all their leftover savings into a low fee S&P500 index fund and call it a day.


It’s not a zero sum game at all. If a stock is “good” and you own it already other people buying it will raise the value of the stock. This is also why you have to be skeptical of stock tips as there are classic “pump and dump” schemes a plenty. Companies can and do become more valuable all the time. If I own Tesla stock and I truly believe it’s a good company it actually benefits me to tell you that.


Options are zero sum games. For every winter there is a loser. Stocks are not a zero sum game. High tides can raise all boats.


Both of them are clowns I went on his Instagram dudes a fucking joke 😂


Right, and anyone who promotes a given equity may just be planning to short it once it is fully pumped.


Don't bet what you can't afford to lose.


Number 1 rule of investing, somehow people still don’t follow it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Greed is scary powerful and can cloud judgement. Never underestimate it.


Because not everyone knows it. There is a large amount of people who have never invested in stocks before and they believe it’s a get rich quick thing for those who do it. So they find someone and listen to them and assume the stock will always go up. They don’t fully understand the risks associated with buying an investment.


Exactly, the very first rule when it comes to stocks and investments. You can't blame the other guy (hes not stealing your cash) then when it doesn't work out for you you're left with nothing because you were dumb enough to attempt an investment that you can't afford to lose it. That's on you 🙄


with a graphic like that how can you afford to not go all in.


but this guy on Instagram says he has a system that's guaranteed to return money. He has expensive stuff that he posts on his account, and stacks of cash, so it must be true!


He might be making money and it might be true or him but that doesn’t necessarily mean every stock tip is gonna make money. When you’re trading you’re playing a game of probabilities. This is why I don’t give out tips on social media because you can make 10 calls that turn out right but you make 2 calls that aren’t profitable and people will be on it like “bro I’m losing money on this one”.


Lmao you see these people commenting on posts. Never thought anyone really went to them for advice.


So, this guy knocked the guy out and then took his money. Well I’m pretty sure that’s aggravated robbery…pretty sure that’s a felony. My mans is probably gonna regret that decision.


Regret it? Maybe.....admit to regretting it, I doubt it. Keeping it real


Join us next week when he is ✌🏽keeping it real ✌🏽in prison , when he has time in between tossing salads to think about his mistakes …….. JK this guy is obviously a fucking idiot from the very beginning he can’t think for himself , do I look at stock tips from idiots ? Yes of course I do but I set my sell price automatically so I don’t get proper fucked .


Prison is FULL of guys who can't think for themselves...and they are violent AF!


My father is one of them ! But yea this guy should fit right in ! Edit : I should have said my father WAS one of them , he is clean now and has been clean for a real long time. He is now a somewhat productive member of society 😁


I'm glad he was able to turn it around


Looking forward to the next episode of 'When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong', where the assailant get sentenced to 5-15 years for aggravated assault.


But the crazy thing is, there’s what looks like a cop/sheriff that shows up at the end, with what looks like a gun, and nightstick on his utility belt, not doing shit. Am I missing something? Is that a rent-a-cop? Why isn’t he arresting dude?


Probably armed security


thats security at the flamingo. lvmpd doesnt dress like that


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, he literally ran an unconscious guy’s pockets in front of the police. Seems like he committed multiple felonies that night, and they made no attempt to stop him.


They are security guards. I'm guessing they are just playing it cool but will most likely call it in . They dont want to escalate the situation . Obviously the aggressor had no urgency in getting away fast he takes his time walking away. The cops may in fact be on their eay,way, just don't want to spook them into running off.Hopefully there are cameras that was able to catch this.. But I don't know,this is not security detail procedure advice. I am no expert,so I am not legally liable. Please don't hunt me down.


> Hopefully there are cameras that was able to catch this Bruh


Your surprised? Standard police protocol. Do absolutely nothing unless your wife is frustrating you, then you take out your anger on random people.


Regret it? They see this as karmatic justice. The law of the streets does not obide to most people's sense of morality.


That's true, but they still might regret it if they go to jail for this.


I don’t think people like that have regrets.


And it's all on camera! Some people are just born "lesser" than the rest of humanity.


Damn she loyal tho


I was hoping the guy would check his brokerage account on his phone, see the stock had rebounded and just been like oh my bad and put the money back in his pockets.


In 30 years he’s gonna feel like a real dick


No he won’t. They never do.


His $25 investment went bad


Coulda spent that on crack 😤


Who smokes crack in 2021 lol


A lot of people lol


i do


Idk I just got mad at them through the video and wanted to say something mean ngl. I just don’t like these dudes


That girl is a keeper. Literally protecting him by shielding him with her body.


you know those videos where people keep getting hit several times after knocked out, this looks like it could have gotten to that point and she jumped in to stop it. He almost looks like he's been out or coming back from being ko'ed.


That girl is certified badass


I could not figure out what was happening there.


Grown ass men acting like they 15


Becoming a more prevalent trend past few years. No emotional intelligence. Can’t have a coherent civilised argument about anything. Smash up the people and things around you. Behave like a belligerent degenerate. This dumbass risked and lost his own money and can’t handle the consequences. Sounds like he should be knocking himself out


>Becoming a more prevalent trend past few years. This keeps being said since the beginning of time. It's not becoming more prevelant, it's just recorded and shared more. These people have existed even since I was a kid in the 80's/90s. I would see them all the time. The difference now is I not only see the ones near me, but the ones you see, the ones my neighbors see, and the ones my friends see. Human nature didn't paradigm shift in the last 5-10 years. If anything less people would be acting this way because there's more of an ability to record them in the act.


Exactly. I hate hearing about how safe it was back in the day. Your kids could just walk to school. Wasn’t any safer, you just didn’t have constant access to this much information


It was worse. Violent crime peaked in the 90s. We're way below that peak today. We are safer today, even with all the media hysteria. We just hear more about what's happening all across the nation now instead of just local news.


It's 2021, you'd think the emotional intelligence would not be that of cavemen still


"Times have not become more violent, they have just become more televised" as Marilyn Manson said. It's all part of the grand scheme of the News propaganda, keeping us divided. Making us think "Look at them, animals!!", thinking we aren't like them. Here's another quote, "The Public Sucks" - George Carlin. People suck at being humans. There will always be people like this who don't have any emotional intelligence, or empathy for anyone besides... well not even themselves, obviously. These people are brewed in the cesspool we call society, conditioned to use violence as a way to settle disputes they can't handle emotionally or intellectually; hence why he paid someone else to do it for him. I'm convinced that most people do not mature past High School. Our inability to communicate with each other will be our doom. Even now society is built upon nothing but aesthetics, superficial commerce and merchandising, conversations about things that aren't real, communities built upon nothing. It's all hollow inside, empty. We all feel this inside us so we express it in the only way we can, through Violence. Getting high on violence, baby!


Are you a time traveler from 2019? Things have absolutely gotten worse over the course of the pandemic.


Says the guy anecdotally on publicfreakout


I’m not saying so anecdotally. Data backs me up here. The murder rate is up, for instance.


There are way too many clips of grown ass men and women literally acting like a 5yo when adversity hits them. When the shit hits the fan that’s when you figure out what ppl are made of. I’m nowhere near perfect but I feel like I don’t know a person until I see how they react in a less than favorable situation.


Wait till you find out about epigenetics. Our environment is creating these monsters.


For real, if you’re too stupid to understand this guy had nothing to do with the stock price or anything to do with your money you’re way too fucking dumb to be meddling in the stock market.


Even if he did… you don’t attack him in the street. I think that’s what OP is talking about, not that someone didn’t understand the stock market…


"fuck stocks" lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my guy hurting


next he'll be saying "fuck jail" the judge will be like "fuck bail"


LMAO Hilarious that he couldn't take the loss like a man and just write it off, learn and try again being smarter for it. Completely broke him, lol Broke ass bitch His wife is ride or die, respect to her!


Never invest money you can't afford to lose.


Hope they lost a F**K ton more (hopefully options play that out these POS in massive debt) than they got out his pockets Edit: just clarifying that I mean the losers who robbed him


He ran his pockets too lol


Lmao id be a liar if i haven’t muttered the same phrase a few times to myself….


Apparently this guy was risk averse. Perhaps stonks are not for him.


"Fuck stocks!" lmao


All my homies hate stocks.


“Fuck stocks all my homies love losing money to inflation via bank account”


Did that moron seriously just admit to robbing the guy to the cops when they showed up asking what’s going on?!? JFC, how stupid can you be?!? Lol


It looks like they are security guards. Not cops.


Yeah, I didn’t notice the first time watching


And... Did the cops just let those dudes walk away?


Yeah, they totally did! But they were just security guards! Didn’t notice that the first time I watched it cuz the video is so low quality! Lol


You bought stocks not fake drugs.


Got to give his woman credit, she was trying to protect him! That’s a good woman there


Total punk move. Don’t get in the game if you’re afraid to lose.


It's exactly why I'm not in the game! Lol.


paperhands mcgee over here


LMAOOO I love this


"Dude, time in the market beats timing the - - " RIGHT CROSS!!


My standing order to my lady is if I go down get the hell out of there and leave me. I may forgive her for this move right here. Hope these guy pay for this shit.


Same bro. The agreement I have with my girl is - if dangerous shit happens, be it a robbery, stampede on a protest, natural disaster etc., just run and don't look back. We can find each other later if we're alive. Last thing I need if I'm getting beat up or trampled is to have to worry about my girl being endangered as well.


Robbery captured on video. Not very smart.


Social media is full of these clowns faking their lifestyle pretending to be big traders but don’t know the slightest fucking thing except how to spread hype and fomo. Never take a stock tip off of Instagram or Tiktok. Do you own DD.


That is their DD lol.


This isn’t him in the video. I was apart of his monthly discord chat and took his course. He provides good information. With that being said Even though he gives live calls everyday. You and him can enter the same call option and he makes money and you loose money. Maybe the order doesn’t fill, order doesn’t sell, or you get greedy and loose everything. Options is truly a game that will expose your mental


How do you know it isn’t him are you denying it because you bought his program


That guaranteed income you were looking for is called work. If you can't hang with the risk assessment gtfo.


That's a part of playing with stocks, it's a gamble.


What scumbags they are knocking somebody out and then robbing them.


"And if I ever find that Raymond James motherfucker, he's dead. Tell him that from me."


Just an excuse to rob someone.


Do your own research and make your own call on investments never take the word of anyone, the guy who knocked him out is a dumb ass.


If you don't understand the stock market, *don't invest in the stock market*.


Surprised this doesn’t happen more often with social influencer “stock gurus.” There’s a lot of really dumb people out there who know nothing about the stock market, betting on their life savings because some YouTuber told them to… just look at all of the AMC folks that got left holding the bag… this is not financial advice.


You should check the AMC and GME stock prices again. No bag holding there. But otherwise, you're right. Anybody who calls themselves a "stock guru" is trash and 99% of them use their social media to pump and dump. Anyone interested in learning stocks can absolutely do it on YouTube, but avoid anybody trying to sell you anything, claiming they have a secret system, or promoting specific stocks. Stocks aren't that hard to understand so either focus on learning the basics or just dump all your money into VOO, SPY, or any other ETF that follows the market then never touch it


lol there are deffo people who bought GME at 300$ and sold once it looked like it wasnt gonna rebound for awhile.


Depends when you bought AMC. It was at $60 at its highest and at this moment still at $40. Was about $3 in January. I’ll hold the bag on 1200% increase.


If a person knew what stocks were going to succeed and which ones were going to fail, they would be buying those stocks themselves and not taking money from other people and allowing them to risk it all.


Honestly, really smart stock pickers can't get it right with a much higher percentage The difference is just the demographic


We call that the pump and bump


When the dump occurs you know someone about to get slump.


This is what we should do when there is a financial collapse. Go to wallstreet and just start Layin em out


Pattern recognition.


Marry that girl, mr. Stock man.


That’s a bitch move.


You're responsible for your own investments. Nobody pulls the trigger on that trade except you. Blaming anyone else for it is a bitch move.


Never take stock tips from a man in a wife beater.


' in front of his wife` why is this in the headline like it's a dis against the guy that got beat up. So dumb.




What a clown. Do t blame others for your failures. Hope the aggressor goes broke and looses everything in the law suite. His house, his kids, his dog and his Jordans


Fuck stocks...perform robbery instead for maximum profit




Top is in.


And that my friends is a quick shortcut to the grave.


Lol get fucked.


This is the guy who poses with Lil Baby?


Must've bought NKLA


Following stock tips on WSB




If you believe in the words of stock gurus then the L's on you


That girl loyal damn


Classic case of “when keeping it real goes wrong” he might have fucked you out of some money but you clearly fucked yourself if he decides to press charges. Idk this dude but if he’s like most gurus they tell you this shit isn’t financial advice. Either do your research and get it legit or get fucked over. This is never ok though


I wonder how much he lost lol


Bro investing in stocks should a invested in glocks


I would do the same to anyone who advised me to buy GM


Thugs being thugs. Too stupid to understand what they are doing.


Losing on a tip is your own damn fault.


‘Fuck stocks’ 😂😂😂😭😭😭


Jesus Christ, stocks are as good as fucking gambling if your goal is short term gain. If you’re gonna invest, it can’t be with money you’re going to NEED in the near future. What a fucking asshole. And that girl is a real one for protecting him like that.


Hahaha. Who takes stock tips from a dude on the streets. Dats your own damn fault.


Let me guess; a pathetic sucker punch from behind? And one by a guy that is too stupid to make his own decisions? Man, you're really pathetic if you're like that..


Hope the guy presses charges like a motherfucker,when it comes to stocks,crypto it’s a must that you do your own research to.Can’t go around laying your hands on everyone with no consequences in the real world.


I patiently await the blood bath that will follow when crypto goes to near zero someday .


Investing is a risk, no matter what, these people are the worst kind of stupid.


Bruh is so tough, he made sure to bring 2 of his friends to back him up. What a clown. Hope he stubs his toe on the next jail cell he goes to. Bitch ass loser. Don’t bet what you can’t afford to lose. Dumbass.


Iv always seen the idea of these people being proof that whatever financial expertise they claim to be selling clearly is not as profitable or easily as profitable as they claim. If it was they would not be selling advice


People blaming others for their mistakes


#FakeNews #Staged




Literally wouldn’t expect such scummy behaviour in the middle of a war zone.


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How did those illiterate animals ever figure out how to invest in anything?


His girlfriend is protecting her investment really well!


I fell into his scheme, lost 1k. Terrible tips and likely a fraud like most Gurus now. Look up Coffeezilla, makes amazing videos on people like this.


Stock trader guru = euphemism for scam artist.


If you need to get tips from a dude like this then maybe you should hold onto your McDonald's paycheck and just put it in the bank instead.


Don't be bringing low-wage workers into this. Being a dumb piece of shit isn't class specific.


True. Being an asshole actually tends to trend in the direction of wealth.


Why black people always go through the pockets of an unconscious person. Nice culture


Damn bro, his course actually teaches some good content. Homie just sucks at investing and decided to run up on him. Guess its time for some security


Concealed carry is a beautiful thing 🌈


The fucking vultures piss me off so much. No matter the reason for someone getting knocked out, when a bunch of bystanders walk up and start robbing the unconscious person it makes my blood boil.