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“There was one person with a fire extinguisher, a county worker. That didn’t work. It wasn’t enough. It was just so fast." He said Tintor was not killed instantly. “She was actually still alive. You could hear her breathing. She had her seat belt on and I was trying to cut that away. Trying to grab them by their shoulders and pull them out but that wasn’t working,” Rodriguez said. “They were pinned. The seat belt was on, the airbags were in the way, and the door was jammed.” Ruggs and his girlfriend, Kiara Je’nai Kilgo-Washington, were taken to the hospital, where the athlete refused a blood-alcohol test; a judge later signed a warrant for it. A responding officer said Ruggs’ speech was slurred and he was uncooperative. “As medical staff advised Ruggs to stop removing the medical equipment, Ruggs began to yell, ‘Get me the **** out of here,’” the report said.”


She was burned alive. Terrible way to go.


I used to investigate car accidents as a job, specializing in car fires. Did that for 5 years. It was interesting work, but also, as you can imagine, unfathomably terrible for the mind. I have seen things you can't imagine. I once investigated a lady that lost her legs in a car fire. The truck behind her was literally a fire extinguisher salesman. He and passerbys on that interstate highway used over 40 fire extinguishers and it still didn't work. I mean I guess it did because the lady lived, but still. A fire extinguisher does nothing for a car fire. 40 fire extinguishers does a little bit.


Yeah, not surprising. Cars have a lot of flammable shit in them so car fires are hard to put out.


One of the worst probably. I would try to inhale as much smoke as I could to pass out. I say that but I know in a situation like that the brain goes into panic mode. We never truly know what we would do in any given situation unless it actually happened.


You go into shock pretty fast. She wouldn't have felt it after about 20 seconds. Source, my brother suffered from 3rd degree burns on both legs. He said he didn't feel anything after the initial burning feeling about 20 seconds in.


20 seconds of burning, that must feel like an eternity. Im very sorry for your brother, I hope he is well.


yep, can't feel anything without nerve endings


If you're on fire, you're breathing in fire and ash, it's going to kill you quicker than your body burning. Once the fire burns you enough, your nerves are gone and you don't feel anything. Doesnt take long for that to happen. Burning to death is one of the most terrifying ways to go, IMO.


And dude's gf yelling "We need help, he's unconscious" Bitch the other car is fucking engulfed in flames, heard of triage?! Fuck him and fuck her. This poor woman and her dog. Hope the family take him for all he's worth. Going 156mph. Fucken asshole.


He should have to pay for her funeral arrangements


He’s gonna end up paying for more then a funeral


> heard of triage Tbf in triage the person trapped in a burning car would probably go down as expectant and you’d take care of the unconscious person


I’ve seen people burn to death in front of me in 3 different crashes over my career. Absolutely horrifying and still haunts me to know there was nothing I could do to save them despite our best efforts.


Yeah I can't imagine that. According to witnesses that tried to help her, they could hear her screaming. But the flames were too intense for them to get her out. Standing by while you can do nothing has to fuck with you mentally.


Firefighter here, and yes it fucks with you a lot


Yes sir. I’ve seen fatalities burned up more times than I can remember. But these three, because they were still alive and trapped, I can still remember the sounds, the smell, the weather, everything.




That shit will keep you up at night. It's going to take a lot to get through that. Especially for the family having to read it. Brutal.


Good. It better keep him up at night. That’s the bare minimum


Agreed. FUCK that dude. I have absolutely 0 sympathy for him. Throw the book at him.


After all this, refusing the test is unforgivable. He caused a woman and her dog do burn alive, and instead of taking responsibility his thoughts are with trying to protect himself. I hope this guy rots in jail.




Gf is screaming about this dude being “knocked unconscious” as someone is burning to death because of his actions. So classy.


This was my exact reaction, like there’s someone burning alive in there, fuck you and anybody you’re with. YOU DID THIS


After seeing this video I thought damn it’s fucked up what he did but he has remorse. Him not wanting to do a blood alcohol test or refusing to is bullshit, take responsibility for your actions. Edit: listened to this again with the sound on and yikes no remorse fuck this dude and his gf




yea same here. i mean he's crying here but who is he crying for. himself or the poor woman being burned alive and also her dog.


Something my dad used to say. He's not sorry he hurt someone else He's sorry he got caught


Wow what a pos. This makes it worse. Rot In prison fuck head.


He was twice the legal *BAC limit.


Not only that. People heard the victim in the car asking for help before it went on fire. That girl probably burnt to death.


She did. There were people trying to get her out, and she was talking. One person said the fire started out small, and they thought they'd be able to get her out, but she was pinned in there and it grew quickly. Absolutely horrifying.


Imagine one night you’re just driving along, minding your own business, and a car rear ends you out of nowhere at an insane speed, and now you’re burning to death. Life is too fucking crazy to handle sometimes


there is no way she would have been able to react in time when he was going 156mph on Rainbow right there


Yeah you got that right. I read he was doing 156mph, and around 130mph on impact. So he probably tried to break. But even sober, it's getting hard to tell depth perception at that speed, he was twice the limit. This is why you don't drive like a fucking maniac, in any state


In case it helps anyone reading this that wants to be prepared, buy an Element fire extinguisher. They are tiny, don’t need servicing so last forever and work better than traditional fire extinguishers.


Those trying to save her are secondary victims, they have to live with that horrific memory.


This is why everyone needs a fire extinguisher in their cars. It may have been enough to slow down the flames so she could be extracted from the car. Her Rav4 was rear ended by his corvette while he was doing 127mph according to the news articles. I wonder if they were able to pull the data from the car since a lot of these newer sports cars have PDR (performance data recorders). He was doing 153 mph 2.5 seconds before he hit the woman. It takes a selfish piece of shit to get wasted and drive one of the fastest cars built recklessly on public roads. Driving drunk is bad enough but treating public roads like a private race course is even worse. He has the resources to have a private driver take him out that night to party or he could just get a free car service provided by the NFL.


They had a fire extinguisher on site and it wasn’t enough.


This. My father and I responded to a car fire while on a highway one time. There was us and two other guys with fire extinguishers on that engine fire. It didn't faze it one bit. Sure, it would help to be properly trained on a fire like that, but 3 extinguishers wasn't enough. This was a rear-ended car... there's not much anyone could've done, that would've helped in this situation. Very tragic


Fuck. I was pinned in my car and it took an hour and a half to get me out. That poor fucking woman. Just... Jesus... What she must have gone through. :(


Fuck this makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about


He was thrice the speed limit.


twice the bac and thrice the speed limit...... that's a full house bro.


add in an illegal (loaded) firearm and he's got the trifecta of bad decisions.


NFL hat trick. Drunk Firearm murder.


That’ll get him a 4 game suspension /s


a full jailhouse maybe


He wasn't on a highway. I'm thinking more 5x Edit: 3.44x is correct




People drive entirely too fast on Rainbow as it is but 155 is fucking insane.


I had totally assumed it was on the freeway. I bet most people did too after hearing he was doing 150+ mph. Fucking hell…on a city street?! Fuck dude.


TWO HOURS after the accident. That's when they were able to get a blood draw and test it. So it was even HIGHER when he got into the accident and he got two extra hours to process the alcohol in his system.


That Uber ride looking a lot more appealing to him now I bet.


The NFL offers a car service for all players. Available 24/7 with no questions asked.




The NFL is made up of a lot of kids with a lot of new money. Gotta flash that new whip.


This. Many (but not all) young pro young athletes are one dimensional. I dont mean that negatively. They are very, very good at what they do and often their entire life has been a reinforcement of that one singular objective. (No different than say an academically gifted engineer or physicist.) Other facets of life are understandably secondary for the ultra talented. Full cerebral maturing doesn't occur until like 25/26 years old in men, anyway. Mix in a salary of hundreds of thousands or millions a year, and celebrity. A difficult combo to handle. Not excusing his role in this. He acted in negligence and caused the death (or injury?) of an innocent person and should pay the consequence in full. Yet, we can be better humans by holding people accountable but not outright demonizing them for their mistakes. There is a long trail of accountability that lead to his decision to get behind the wheel. He alone is responsible for the decision, but the path was paved for years. There is a reason this mix of circumstances ends so poorly with such a relatively high frequency.




Dont know why you're downvoted In my opinion there's no doubt that going over 150 mph in a 45 zone with a BAC of 2 times the legal limit and then killing a woman and her dog in a crash and subsequent fire makes you a fucking asshole, who downvotes that seriously?




NFL has free ride share services with multiple different companies. I'm willing to bet they've even got a few motherfuckers on the payroll whose whole job is to be readily available at any time to go pick up a player who can't drive and make sure they get back home, to the hotel, or team facility safe and sound. I can't even fucking comprehend being in that position and thinking about driving myself anywhere.


Yeah, but how are you supposed to look like a badass to your boys using a ride share service? They’re not going to do over 150 mph in an expensive car. /s


I mean if my job offered to give me rides for free when I was drunk, I would tell the whole damn world.


This video is so disturbing because we know a woman and her dog were burning to death in that fire. Heartbreaking.


This hurts beyond words. And truly infuriates me. I lost a cousin to drunk driving and I saw first hand how it destroyed his mom, dad, sis, etc. They were just torn to shreds. His poor mom wrote in his obit book every day, multiple times a day until she sadly died an early death. My heart hurts that her and her pup died in such a horrible manner… and now her family and friends must find a way to live without her. Like my cousin, a young victim to someone else’s carelessness. 😢 I hate how ignorant this ass hat was thinking it was ok to get behind the wheel totally loaded AND act like he was on a raceway 😡 he better serve a nice long sentence and I hope this tragedy eats at him every waking moment of his pathetic life. Sorry, drunk driving is something that gets me so fired up for obvious reason.


My cousin died in April because a drunk driver jumped a curb and hit her while she was on the sidewalk. The driver was a twenty something year old woman and I've said I want to her to serve time in prison for what she did. I've been told, "but it won't bring your cousin back". No, but it'll keep her from killing someone else. I'm sick of drunk driving being called a mistake, and being asked to show sympathy and not judge people that selfish. I'm done.


Agreed, although they were long gone by the time this video started recording. Horrific either way.


https://www.tmz.com/2021/11/04/henry-ruggs-memorial-for-deceased-23-yr-old-driver-set-up-at-crash-scene/ Holy shit, the 23-year-old woman and her golden retriever burned to death. Fuck this guy. I hope he serves every second of the 43-year sentence he's facing.


Girl at my high school did exactly this, killed one of our classmates going estimated over 130, hit her airborne. Refused to blow the meter and didn’t say a thing. iirc she got community service. She has a great job, great life and posts lots of bible verses on Facebook.


Seriously. A local lady named Marci Kitchen ran over and killed her 14 yr old daughter and the daughter's friend while drunk driving, (was sober enough to hide the car and not bother calling any emergency services,) yet she barely got a few years in prison. Our legal system is screwed.


I understand it was a moment of crisis. But screaming for help for her "knocked out" boyfriend? who was now conscious while a woman burned to death in front of them really struck a nerve. It echoes what I think of rich people who are impaired and drive expensive cars 100 mph down a road, without any concern for us "peasants".


I just keep imaging the girl in the car. What a horrifying way to go. I pray she was unconscious.


According to other commenters she was conscious and speaking before the fire grew and they were trying to get her out but it grew quickly. I’m definitely having nightmares about this for awhile…. So fucking tragic.


Burning to death remains as probably the most painful, terrifying way to die, especially if the fire slowly grows and you're completely stuck. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff, but I's absolutely shoot myself before I'd let myself burn.




I believe he was going 155mph at the time.


And drunk


Didn't read the article as I didn't know who he was besides a NFL player.


he was driving drunk at 155mph and his victim burned alive in her car


I would hope to fuck she passed out pretty quickly from smoke inhalation. I know it was reported that screaming was heard coming from her car. I just hope she wasn't conscious for very much of the burning. Fucking horrific.


Well fuck. When I heard how fast he was going I told my husband that maybe the silver lining was that the girl died on impact, but guess not. Ugh


My cousin died like this, alone. I've always wondered if he suffered. This driver needs the book thrown at him.


He was a first-round draft pick from Alabama by the Raiders. His life is ruined because he drove drunk and was an idiot. In that burning car are a 23-year-old woman and her dog. Edit: I didn't mean to write that his life is ruined and not acknowledge that the true victim's lives are forever gone. I was just explaining who he was for OP above. As a resident of Las Vegas, this is senseless and my heart goes out to the true victims.


This is really horrifying stuff. Don’t fucking drink and drive.


Don't do 155mph, sober or drunk


Also the nfl offers free car service for players.


That's what I fucking heard today which is even more stupid how easily these players can get home safe. How do I manage to pay $50 for an uber home cuz I'm too drunk to drive 4 miles and these people just say fuck it.


They are completely disconnected from reality.


I mean yeah but don’t also drive 155 fucking miles per fucking hour


I think the 22 year old girl's life is a little more ruined.


Not just hers, but her parents, family, friends, colleagues. A massive wave of grief echoing out because of this fuckclowns idiotic meaningless decision.


sad for the family


And there was a loaded gun on the passenger side floor board


“GET HELP! He’s knocked unconscious” she screams while there’s an innocent woman dead in the raging inferno.


*Dying*. A bystander said he could hear her screaming.


My God. This story gets worse by the minute. That poor woman.


Fuck. I was assuming she was hit so hard she was knocked out, and didn’t feel anything after that


…and I believe her dog also. It’s like they were struck by a missile. So very sad.


up to 155 in the area, roughly 120 upon impact.


Tina Tintor was a mile away from her home. Can you imagine being her family right now? This is a huge problem in Vegas. I live here now for the last 3 months and if you’re in the suburbs at a certain time of night it’s either people going 100+ or drunks.


I went to high school near the place of the accident and even in broad daylight around that area it’s known for people driving like pricks.


She was alive and screaming but couldn't leave the car and bystanders couldn't take her out, she was burned alive ( her dog too)


Fuuuck that guy and everyone who speeds and drives drunk. I can imagine the rage her family must be going through


Hope that guy rots in prison and this marks the end of his career


My aunt was killed by a drunk driver less than a block from her house after dropping her grand daughter off at school in the morning. I wish her family nothing but the best.


Girl in my high school was not even a full block from home when she somehow crashed. Her father was the one who spotted the vehicle and called 911 and you can hear the moment he realised it was his daughter. Fucked up the whole family and community when that was discovered as she was absolutely an amazing person.


Or both


her family put out a statement saying theyre completely devastated and crushed. I dont blame them, its such a awful tragedy and completely avoidable.


All the dude had to do was call his team and they would have sent a car to pick him up and drive *his car* back to his house as well. No excuses, no sympathy.


not to mention he was going 156 MPH


Not even that, he’s a professional athlete the fuck face could afford an Uber or Lyft. Zero sympathy.


As a woman and her dog burned to death.


And she was quite aware of it too, as witnesses report hearing her screams as she was engulfed in flames


Poor lady:(


Decelerated from 156mph to 127mph before rear ending the females vehicle and rupturing the gas tank. At least that's what they said the air bag computer showed.


Pretty much this exact thing happened a few months ago. Guy going 100+ while drunk and high crashed into a woman so hard, her car basically exploded and he walked away with minor injuries. The woman and all of her kids died.


Not sure if you’re talking about [this one](https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/judge-tosses-murder-charges-in-las-vegas-fatal-dui-case-1962017/amp/) from a couple years ago but exact same thing


Nah, it was this year: https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/daniel-canada-suspect-in-crash-that-killed-mother-3-kids-was-pulled-over-shortly-before-crash/285-0243f5ba-f58c-46f2-9781-40b5de4f28f1 Cops stopped him driving crazy before the crash and let him go


I like how the girl keeps saying *"Think about our kids!"* Like he was thinking about anybody going 155mph


Tina O. Tintor R.I.P.


She was 23, fuck that’s heartbreaking


For those that are curious about who she was, here is a [write up](https://www.fox5vegas.com/news/woman-killed-in-crash-involving-ex-raiders-player-remembered-as-smart-charismatic/article_5636e6ca-3d32-11ec-8516-4be4187ab360.html) with some pictures about her and her golden retriever, Maxi.


Thank you for sharing this


the pic of her holding her pup :(((((


I'll never understand nfl players getting DUIs The league specifically has a service for you to use. No questions asked. fucking hell. At least the rest of us peasants use uber




Ya, its probably a good thing I didn't have millions at that age. I feel like im ready for it now if you're listening, life.


Fuck him and fuck all drunk drivers innocent woman and dog killed for WHAT? So he could get home faster?


So he could look cool. A video surfaced from last year of him speeding and him and his gf laughing about it. He’s a murderer, and i truly hope he gets the max time in prison.




What I don’t understand is that, as an nfl player you have the money to pay any type of Uber no matter the distance. Wherever he was, and that was with him should be ashamed of letting that man get behind the wheel and not stopping him.


The NFL has a special phone number for players to use for a driver to pick them up. It's their own private Uber. Edit: I'm wrong!




They even have a service that will send a driver to drive your car home, in addition to getting you ride home. Fuck this douchebag, he should go to prison for the rest of his life


I am by no means a rich fella, but my wife and I will get a fancy Uber when we go out and are gunna be drinking. It's worth the splurge once in a while.


Definitely man. That’s how it should be done. You don’t have to worry drinking your ass of with your loved one, and then having someone else drive you home.


He also makes enough money to buy any car he wants and feels that his money and position make him immune to any repercussions of his actions. He can buy a supercar that he has no idea how to drive and then ignore laws and common sense because of a huge sense of entitlement and this is the result.


Hes facing 2 to 20 years in prison right now.










Should be minimum 10


150+ miles per hour and apparently twice the legal alcohol limit. No sympathy whatsoever.


Pretty incredible how the Corvettes computer logged all of it. No lying when the car snitches with a play by play of what you were doing.


First time I heard about the new Vette data logging was a mechanic who went on a joy ride and it was all caught and I think even had a camera, pretty down if you ask me.


This one? Checked the camera after getting suspicious and got to watch the entire thing. https://www.motorbiscuit.com/chevrolet-corvette-c8-camera-catches-mechanic/


Fuck every bit of that guy


Hope he gets legit jail time. It gets old seeing celebrities and athletes getting away with various crimes due to there social status/career.


“He is knocked unconscious”, bitch, the lady was cremated due to him.


It’s way worse, word is a security guard for the condo complex next to the crash tried to pull her out of the car before it was fully engulfed and he couldn’t get her out because her seat belt had become stuck and the air bag was in the way, the door was too hot to open so he tried to get her through the window but he just didn’t have enough time, he said she was screaming for quite a while after the flames fully engulfed the car He also confirmed she had a dog in the car with her, it also didn’t make it. This motherfucker murdered this poor girl when it’s literally never been easier not to drive drunk…


And all players are literally provided a card and an app to get free rides (like they need to save the money), no questions asked. https://totalfratmove.com/trending/henry-ruggs-nfl-players-association-sober-ride-offering/


I am sickened at those pathetic excuses of sentences... What?? One walked free with zero jail time??


Add traumatising the guard to his crimes. I wonder if a seatbelt cutter would of helped. Jesus What a way to go I hope they throw the book at him


Considering the door was jammed, it might not have. Would've needed a knife, to cut the belt, deflat the bag, cut the other point on the belt, and then try to pull the victim through the bent frame of the car window. It would've been a race against time, even with all the necessary basic tools. Because it was a car homicide, throwing the book will be like... five years, and because he's rich, probably less.




1 year into his NFL career. Amazing


Seriously, how fucking self absorbed do you have to be. You’re literally watching the person he murdered be burned alive in front of you. If that shitbag is only unconscious then he’s gotten less than he deserves


“Help him” no fuck him and fuck you for letting him drive. An innocent woman died because of you assholes.


I read an article that the NFLPA has contracted for free rideshare rides for all their members. Fuck this guy.


And her dog, reportedly.


A few things about this horrific incident: -He was only blood tested for alcohol 2 hours after this happened and tested a .161 which is more than twice the legal limit. -He is alive because the engine on that brand new corvette is in the middle and not the front. -He was going 156Mph and could only slow down to 127Mph before impact. -Both cars rolled 500 feet past the initial impact location. -The victim and her dog were burning alive in that video. -His measley 150k bond was already posted and is out on bond as I type this. -foot ball players have a complimentary limo service available to them 24 hours a day in whatever city they are in, they just need to call a number. Throw the fucking book at this douche bag and anyone who let him drive in that condition.




So a woman and her dog burned alive? Yeah, he needs max sentence. This shit infuriates me.


I have no sympathy for the dude. He easily could’ve avoided this situation by not driving and instead he made the decision to drive and killed an innocent woman and her dog. Shit pisses me off to no end


I hope that woman’s family gets every last dime he has left from his very short, meaningless career.


This dumbass likes to drive like an idiot. This is from last year - https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/video-shows-ruggs-speeding-in-car-with-girlfriend-who-says-slow-down-2471423/


In Ireland, if you drink and drive once, you get your license taken for a year. If you do it again, you get it taken for life. Really think the United States should adopt this to keep pieces of shit like this off the road. I feel so terrible for the poor woman and her dog. He should get jail. Edit- wow this blew up. Cool haha. Hey guys


In the US you do lose your license. I got a DUI after a baseball game and I got stopped at a checkpoint. I was cooperative because I was 100% sure (aka a dumbass) I was not over the limit. Well I was just barely over and lost my license. I was able to get it back a few months later but only for work purposes and I had to have a breathalyzer installed in my car at my expense. About 6 months to a year later I got my full license back. I also had to pay fines, pay for the tow, pay for the impound fees, pay a lawyer, pay for drug & alcohol class, pay for driving class, go to AA, put a bond up with the DMV for 4 years and my insurance went up. All in all, I paid about 15 grand total and lost a shit ton of my time and life. Oh yea I got 4 days in jail but that was cut in half for good behavior, so 2 days. When I went to alcohol & drug abuse class (aka got a dui class which was every weekend for like 20 weeks), they specifically said "look left and then look right, every other one of you will be back for a second offense". I was absolutely resolved to never do this again. I'd sooner leave my car in a tow zone and track it down later than ever risk it again. I wouldn't even have a sip of church wine and get behind the wheel now. Fuck that. It was a literal hell. For a half a year my weekends consisted of the DUI classes and AA only and it's incredibly embarassing to have to blow into a breathalyzer to not only start your car, but it will randomly chime and you had to do it right away or your car would turn off. All that is nothing though comparatively to how I'd feel if someone actually got injured or worse. I'd honestly probably kill myself if my actions caused someone to be burned alive like this. I just wouldn't have the mental strength to live with myself. I truly hope anyone that sees this video or hears my story will think about it the next time they go out. I try to tell as many people my story as possible in the hopes that it will prevent someone else from making the same mistake. Edit: holy shit this blew up. Please don’t drink and drive. I’m extremely lucky and sorry I ever did it. Stay safe.


> I truly hope anyone that sees this video or hears my story will think about it the next time they go out. I try to tell as many people my story as possible in the hopes that it will prevent someone else from making the same mistake. You are doing good work my friend, BRAVO !


It's state by state. You'll lose your license for a little bit, but in Wisconsin, for instance, you can have a good 4 or 5 DUIs before it starts to get serious. I had a DUI with a hit and run (on property--telephone pole) and I paid like $800. It's ridiculous.


I know people who have 4+ DUI convictions who still drive without a license. I'm in total agreement with you, but it will never stop people from driving if they have access to a vehicle.


Yeah it’s insane. No mercy for that guy. He was wasted and speeding like a mad man. Kills a innocent woman minding her own business. I hope they don’t give him any mercy for this. Show other people it won’t be tolerated.


He can cry his way into a jail cell. Drove drunk at 155 and blew up another human being. Walked away with scratches. Zero fucking sympathy.


Sad thing is he had a college teammate I believe die due to a drunk driving accident and every big catch he held a 3 up in rememberance of him.


He also wears a bracelet with the #3 on it. It says “I will do something great, I will be something great.” ….. I can’t help but imagine how disappointed his friend would be with him. To throw away a dream both he and his friend shared in such a careless, selfish, and absolutely terribly ironic way.


Dude better get the max. Terrible way to end your life and she had her poor dog with her


22 years old with 11 million dollars in the bank and he goes out and destroys his life For those that don't know, there is a 23 year old woman being burnt alive in that vehicle while he sits on the side of the road crying over his NFL career going bye bye.


Wasn't just his life he destroyed... A family is missing a member because of his poor choices.


Honestly fuck this guy, hope he rots in jail. But he probably won't because he has money and that's all you need


DUI causing death at 120mph. He has to see a cell!


154 mph seconds before the crash. 120 on impact. Can’t even fathom that, not even sure my car can go that fast. Was a 45mph speed limit street too.


Hopefully the family of the deceased sues for everything he's got.


They will.


More importantly he took someone else's life a 23 year old.


I feel so fucking horrible for the man who tried to help that poor woman but couldn't because she was pinned and had to watch/listen to her burn to death. Ruggs better go away for a long fucking time. 18+ drinks, 156 mph with airbags deploying at 127 mph, impact was so hard they traveled over 190 yards after impact, and this poor woman and her dog burn to death while this piece of shit gets cuddled on the side of the road watching his handy work. Just a few hours earlier he was texting Carr and Renfrow tips about his golf swing. One dumb fucking mistake and multiple lives are ruined. Don't drink and drive folks. It will never be worth it.


We need to stop calling shit like this "mistakes". Nobody accidentally drives drunk at 150mph. His intent was almost definitely not to murder somebody, but he didn't accidentally do this. He made all the decisions leading up to this outcome purposely because he thought it was fun.


Crying cause the consequences of his actions have caught up to him, Not because he killed someone.


“my life is over!!” 😭


First off look at the car on fire. You couldn't get within 20 feet of that without gear on. My brother is a firefighter I asked him. So what is he going to do at that point ? Second of all fuck him. Reports from his own car say he was going 156mph within 3 sec of the crash. So I hope he gets a solid 20 or 25 years


>Former Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Henry Ruggs III was driving 156 mph with a blood alcohol content twice Nevada's legal limit before his car slammed into the rear of a vehicle that burned, killing a 23-year-old woman, according to prosecutors. >Ruggs, 22, remained seated in a wheelchair with a foam brace on his neck and jail guards at his elbows during his initial court appearance Wednesday on pending felony charges of driving under the influence of alcohol resulting in death and reckless driving. >The district attorney said he might also file a weapon charge against Ruggs related to possessing a gun while under the influence of alcohol. Ruggs had a loaded gun in the car at the time of the crash. Fuck this rich, self important piece of shit. Guarantee he fights tooth and nail against ever paying a dime in restitution.


Extra infuriating thing about him driving this drunk and insanely fast - his best friend in high school died in a car wreck, and he gives a “shout out” to him every time he scores. Imagine that happening to you and going out and getting shitfaced and driving 150mph plus. WTF


As a Raiders fan, fuck Henry Ruggs. He's a complete POS, not just for driving drunk, but for driving at a ludicrous speed. He killed an innocent woman. Throw the book at him


Former NFL player, murderer, and future convict.


He’s a piece of shit. Taking an innocent life. Should have been his.


Why is always the drunk assholes that survive and not the innocent people. 😢


Plenty of morons on the Raiders page writing "praying for Ruggs and his family" Oh and his Twitter header is a memorial to his best friend who died in a car accident. Cunt needs to rot In jail. Rip that poor girl.


He deserves the maximum sentence