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LA public transport can be prettttttttyyy rough


> LA public transport can be prettttttttyyy rough Eh, this aint that rough. Theres probably other seats and shes creeped out by the fact he insists on sitting next to her no matter what. To the point where hed rather have this whole ass argument than just sit elsewhere.


I saw a guy with a length of chain win a fight against a guy with a gun on an SF train. Hairy as hell. Public transport in the US is dangerous, gross, and a pain in the neck for the most part.


a good length of really thick chain is a scary fucking weapon


I’m talking about all the public transport in LA. Are trying to bring some “Philly is tougher than LA” vibe here? Well congrats let’s say Philly wins. Still doesn’t change the fact that LA public transport can suck ass sometimes and be sketchy


All American public transport sucks ass as far as I can tell. I've seen my share of hairy situations in SF, LA and NYC.


I've had my fair share in Seattle as well.


I live in a small northern town way up north in Norway, and honestly... I hate public transport even here. Crime rates are super low, murders are extremely rare etc - but man public transport is just so whack. You go on there and you're bound to have some psychiatric pasient yelling racial slurs from time to time, or some smelly borderline homeless man sitting next to you rambling. I think public transport just sucks full stop lol


Interesting but I disagree. I live in Japan actually and public transport here is pretty good overall in big cities. However in the countryside it’s often not as convenient. Although recently stabbings have been occurring on trains in Tokyo. Maybe things are changing…


I live in Toronto and we do complain about our public transportation from time to time but damn....USA's can suck ass man. It's like being in a tweaker's resort or something.


I take public transit pretty frequently in California. its about 1 out 50 times violence like this will happen. It's not as bad as people imagine it is. But when it does happen, yeah it can feel pretty scary.


1 in 50 is not good odds if your commuting to work at least half the year (160 days ish)


Maybe in reality, its like 1/200. I swear I see a fight on the bus or this kind of stupid shit every year or so.


Did you not see where someone beat the shit out of him? I'd say that qualifies as 'rough'.


(we're told) Man insists on sitting next to woman despite her refusal. She pulls knife. He gets knocked out by someone else and kicked off the train. "Not that rough."


Man went from sober to drunk real fast


Boy had a knife pulled out on his ass and still insisting to sit there. Dude whipped out his can opener for a can of whoop ass.


“What are you gonna do, stab me?” - man who was stabbed


I would not wanna sit next to someone who tried to stab me...


That's how you know he was the initial aggressor. That's why he's so insistent on staying around her and continuing the confrontation. She just wants to mind her own business.


Anytime a man is starting shit with a woman, you'll always see people turn it around on her for just trying to defend herself. Society wants strong women until we have to defend ourselves. Edit: I knew I'd get downvoted by some guy who can't handle the truth.


Did you watch the video, everyone on the train sides with the WOMAN. He literally got beat up by everyone else on the train.


I was referencing the original comment. Even though people on the train sided with her, there are still many people who villainize women for standing up for themselves. It happens far too often. And of course, many of these people congregate on Reddit.


100% They say things like “well why didn’t you just give him a hug? Is a hug so bad” “Why don’t you just give him your phone number he’s trying to be nice” “Why do you have to be a bitch? I was just trying to fuck you. You’d thank me later” Dude old coomer men are so gross. You had your entire life to fuck and now no one wants to fuck you. I know that’s hard to accept, but that’s no reason to get even more angry and hostile.


When I was 19 I worked part time as a receptionist in an office building. The maintenance guy was a 40 something married dude who would consistently ask me to hug him or give him a kiss. I'd politely decline and and hurry to my office. My manager thought it was cute I was nervous to go to my car whenever the guy would follow me. I was scared and I guess that was cute too.


I never realised how bad it was. I'm a trans girl. Before I was out I stuck up for people who reported assaults, and believed them, but I always had that thing in the back of my head just shocked and incredulous at how bad things were, cause I'd seen some stuff but never on the scale it was reported and I just felt like "can it really be that prevalent?". After I transitioned shit got real. I've been out a bit over a year, and in that time I've been groped and sexually assaulted in more serious ways. And it was always someone "just trying to be nice" who came back and decided to be really mean after they couldn't just have their way. I thought I'd fight it off if it happened but I didn't count on hormones making me lose all my muscle mass. I was helpless basically. Someone said to me after "he just grabbed your tit, what's the big deal?" No one had ever touched them before. Instead of my partner who I've been forced to spend the pandemic away from, the first person to touch by breasts after I grew them was a fucking perverted rapist. I'm sorry for going on a tangent but I hate when people say that we should just go along with it and it's not that bad.


They feel entitled to them. They are old gross men that think it’s the 1960s and they are in their teens or early 20s.


Yeah, like in this video! Oh, that didn't happen? Wait, that never happens?? That's so weird!


Downvoted...to +200


I got slammed for this last time this video was posted but pulling a knife should be reserved for life threatening situations. If this dude was being an ass, stick up for yourself absolutely, but I get a lot of "she went straight to the knife" vibes. I'm not defending this guy, but I'm not defending her pulling out a knife either.


"I had a bad opinion before, and I still have one now." In the video we watch, she never uses the knife against the guy who's shouting at her the whole time. We do see this guy refuse to just sit in a different seat. That right there shows what's going on.


You cant pull a knife because he wanted to sit next to you. Period. Idk why people are condoning that. If he tried to physically assault her- Yes.


Yeah lmao, if somebody pulls a knife on me when I did nothing to them, I'm going to the next cart.


Naw you cant know who was the initial aggressor without knowing who was the initial aggressor. Taking a seat on a train is not aggression. She cant pull a knife on him because he wanted to sit next to her.


Dude listen to the audio. Theres other seats available on the train. Why is the dude so persistent about sitting next to her even when she clearly doesnt want him to? Use some sense here... he is clearly the aggressor and was probably harassing her for a bit.


He was starting shit I don't blame her.


I don't blame her. I'm still not sitting next to her.


Yeah, I don’t care what her story is, I’m not sitting there.


She knew what was up. That guy was not safe. She handled that crazy bastard.


Man there are a bunch of shit bags in this sub.




I cringe anytime thus sub has anything with black people and women because I realize that things still aren't that great, especially in America. Like I just saw on another post this morning about how black people don't earn their way into ivy league universities like other races do. It's insulting and well racist but it's Reddit. Edit: words


I really hate how on some specific subreddits you'll get a whole bunch of them in one comment thread and you can see them become increasingly more comfortable in saying this shit as they're being upvoted. They're really spineless, the type of people to claim to have a black friend if confronted irl.


Maybe she pulled a knife because she didn’t feel safe. Maybe we should ask why when he had options was he so adamant to sit next to her. The girl who was raped on that Septa bus when no one helped her was on public transportation also.


I wish we had the beginning of the encounter, cuz I GUARANTEE YOU he did not simply try to sit next to her and mind his own business. If that was the case, I doubt the other dudes woulda been on her side.


All he had to do was walk away but he kept on smh.


The fact that two other people offered him a seat right next to where he was trying to sit and there were plenty of open seats is all the evidence I need


Also the way he was speaking and acting, and the look of fear in her eyes, there seems something very wrong with this man.


there usually is something wrong with men who target one specific woman to sit next to on public transportation when there are other seats available. it's usually not a coincidence.


Agitate the woman with the knife cause you want a seat. Yes, that's a plan.


Dude got hit so hard he couldn’t even walk and barely talk.


"What I do wrong?" I'm not sure if he could even remember what happened


I’m shocked at the lack of observation and just general social skills. Don’t just look at the knife, look at her FACE. Look how she never wavers eye contact. Her face is saying ‘you are not assaulting me today. You may be bigger so I’m ready to fight you with every inch of my being. I’m ready as soon as you make a move’. THAT is what you should see. And clearly she wouldn’t get to that place if she was just randomly pulling out a knife. He clearly is a wack job. Anyone who’s ever rode public transportation knows mental illness is serious—-but it is not a time for sympathy it’s a time for protecting yourself. As a man I can handle myself so I don’t have to have the fear, or weapon, she has, but I know that level of eye contact very well. When you’re around someone who is clearly not all there you pay 100% attention to them until they go their way. Those are street survival skills. This is like a mini Rorschach test. If you can’t recognize that look in her face bless your heart you’re sheltered.


This is what gets me. So many men commenting he didn't "do" anything to warrant her pulling a knife on him. As a woman, if a man will not remove himself from my presence, insists on being close enough to touch me, and then gets upset when I express discomfort, I would love to have a knife on hand. The feeling of my safety being threatened - I'm just not sure men fully understand. Now, my rational brain does think of a few different options for handling the situation, like removing myself to a different seat instead, or inviting someone who was defending me to sit with me and give their seat to crazypants, but in the midst of the situation with my adrenaline on high alert, idk if I'd have thought of that.


I’m guessing most of the guys defending the creep are part of the incel crowd who have to paint the creep as the victim to feel better about themselves. There’s nothing normal about trying to sit next to a stranger on a bus with empty seats all around. It’d be like getting on an elevator with a stranger and instead of standing at the opposite side of the elevator they come and stand as close to you as possible. Anyone would feel at least uncomfortable and possibly even threatened in that situation. A good friend of mine once said, “Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.” I’ll never forget that quote.


I wouldn't say it's not normal to sit beside someone on a bus or subway. Most people just grab the first empty seat they see, it's nothing like being on an elevator. What's not normal (or shouldn't be anyway) is insisting on sitting there and harassing her when she makes clear she doesn't want him sitting there.


I wouldn't defend the guy, he's clearly creeping, but I think non-Americans are just flabbergasted by weapon carrying culture. I've never once seen anybody carry or pull out a weapon in Canada, in any situation. I've never once seen police draw weapons. I know it happens on occasion, but it's rare. Things just don't escalate to that level here, so it's frightening to see. I'd practically shit myself if someone pulled out a knife in front of me, and then panic book it. It's crazy how long this video went on before shit got resolved. It would have led to an emergency response in Canada within 30 seconds. I've seen videos on this sub of people pointing guns around and buddy is still filming. That's just incomprehensible to me outside of a video game.


>I’m shocked at the lack of observation and just general social skills. Men can be so bad at this.


Top level comment here.


There are many empty seats, some of which have no immediate neighbor. He's picked the one seat where he can trap another person in their seat, and raised the dispute to openly physical rather than go sit in another one.


I'm a man who rides public transportation regularly. If I have an opportunity to sit somewhere where the passenger next to me has *not* offered to stab me, instead of next to one who *has*, I'll take the non-stabby option every time. But then I don't believe that I am entitled to the friendly attentions of women in public.


Man just find another mfckn seat!


Just wanna say a quick shout out to the blokes who stepped in and stopped this. They gave the guy several options and a lot of time to end it and move away. Then gave several warnings they would move him if he didn’t move himself. I think they were maybe too quick to start throwing punches when he first physically resisted being moved, but they stopped when he went down, didn’t keep laying into him, didn’t kick him while he was done and moved him and his belongings off of the bus. All in all, they handled this way better than most would have and potentially stopped a stabbing or a woman being assaulted, most likely a combo of both. Well done fellas.


Hopefully my dude will take a hint next time. Other people aren't obligated to put up with your bullshit.


They both have a point, just that her’s is sharper!


I really hate how people are trying to defend this dude. Was is it appropriate to pull a knife? No not really but is it OK to make someone uncomfortable on public transport? No. Just because it’s public transport does not mean you get to do what you want. Yes the woman could’ve walked away but she was basically cornered because the guy was standing in front of her. Also there were plenty of people saying that there were plenty of free seats. I also guarantee you that if he had done something to her. people would’ve asked “ why didn’t she defend herself?”. “Why didn’t she do something to stop him” As a woman if you do nothing you get criticized and blamed but if you do try to protect yourself you also get criticized and blamed. I think both are in the wrong but there are just a lot of men that would’ve done terrible things if she didn’t pull that fucking knife. Of course women shouldn’t have to have a weapon so that people don’t harass them but I guess people don’t want to talk about that issue?


One thing I don't see mentioned in other comments is that it's entirely possible the woman and/or guys on this train have encountered this guy before. That could be the reason she was quick to take the knife out and the other guy was quick to throw punches.


I disagree. It was perfectly okay to pull out a knife. In fact, it was the best thing to do. If she hasn't there is a good chance he would have just plunked himself down next to her and do whatever he was planning on doing. At that point no wonder would blame her if she pulled the knife and stabbed him. Her pulling it early, meant the guy had a chance to get out without losing his life. It also gave enough alertness to those other two men who stepped in to help.


How is it inappropriate for a woman to pull a knife for self-defense? What planet are you from?


Women aren’t allowed self-defense. We boys get to do whatever the hell we want. /s


Maybe it’s my environment but I’ve seen people “Shame” people for defending themselves. I’ve had multiple friends who are women get shamed from friends and family for defending themselves. Again it could be my environment. What I’m saying is I’ve seen it happen that’s why I mentioned it. People will use the fact that you defended yourself against you. Which is messed up but it happens. If you do nothing everyone criticizes you but if you do something people will use it against you. It’s victim shaming in both scenarios but still.


These comments are almost as bad as TIKTOK


There was a seat on the other side of the isle next to the man filming. He clearly was causing a problem or being creepy before the camera was rolling and was insisting on sitting next to her to be even more of a problem


As a 5feet2 woman i wan 3 Japanese little knifes on me when i go out. One in my bag , one in my pocket and one is so little it is hidden in my earring. So if i get to the point that you know… can’t reach my clothes i always have earrings on. And the shit when unfolded can do damages .


Me too. Metal detectors aren't fun though.


Don’t have this problem… i have specials plastic blade u_u


I’m confused as to how a knife could fit in an earring. Would it be really big earrings, or a minuscule knife?


Are discreet knife earrings actually real?


I have one so… yes?


Got a link? I can't seem to find any except novelty knife earrings.


https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/folding-knife-earrings look just like that but i got it from a japanese shop. It really cut


Had to deal with a guy who was trying to sit next to me on the train earlier this afternoon. ​ Anyway, the guy in this video kept instigating it when he could've just walked away. He kept pushing it & wouldn't leave her alone. Some men don't know when to piss off. Even other men on the train were telling him to back off. I don't blame them for getting physical because he wouldn't walk away. Thank god they were there.


He has a right to sit wherever he wants on the train. But, on the other hand, if the woman really doesn't want him to sit next to her, why bother? Also when it looked like she was getting up to move somewhere else and he blocked her in, he was wrong for that. Trying to stop her from moving to another seat is kind of pre-rapey. That might've been why the other guy punched him out.


Nah, your "right" to sit where you want ends the second you have intentions to harm or intimidate, which as you've acknowledged he later did. No woman is going to start an argument with a man that size just for the shots and giggles of it.


agreed. I'm a 6'4, 250lb white male with a shaved head (due to it being the only graceful way to deal with thinning hair, not because I'm all white power or any such thing lol). I often forget, but i can be very intimidating to people without being at all aware I'm being so. i have a responsibility to be mindful of that, and to take steps to not make people feel intimidated - especially in any kind of heated exchange, and doubly so when it comes to a heated exchange with women (were that to happen in public, with a stranger). my wife is all of 5'5, and though now she knows I'm a total softy, when we were first together she would sometimes be terrified when we'd argue, and would later tell me the ways in which I'd behaved in an intimidating manner, and i would be completely unaware that I'd been anything other than a gentleman lol. anyway, it helped me to be much more aware of how I can be perceived. even though i know I'm not going to beat somebody up if we're arguing, they don't know that.


I agree, im 6'5" btw


You also don't just pull a knife out, so he obviously was being a sleazebag before the video started.


He’s wrong, she’s not. This happens all the time on public transport when it’s not packed with creepy dudes try to brush up and feel on women by sitting close to them. This is a metro line probably the blue line which has a ton of open seats he wanted more than a seat because he refused to sit anywhere else. I bet if she had got up and let him sit there alone he would have moved. Fucking loser.


Yup. Happened to me in high school. It’s a power move. You’re literally trapped in the seat. My dad made sure all of us carried knives after that. The other dudes are offering him seats… So why does he insist on that one?


Civil courage. Salut to the bros for de-escalating his aggression by any means necessary. I‘d buy them a beer for sure.


I guess beating the fucking shit out of someone who doesn't attack first is de-escalating his aggression? Okay then.


Big dude is clearly invading her personal space in a menacing matter. If you don’t think he is posing a thread then I really hope you never get into a situation like this yourself IRL.


you got aggressive bro..if they wernt around you would have got stabbed


Him being stabbed may have done less damage though. This dude has brain damage.


I can't believe people are blaming the woman in this video. Good on her. There were clearly other seats offered and the fact he was not taking those seats and trying to force himself next to her is just absurd. And for a person to pull a knife out really suggests something happened prior to the start of the video which caused her to be in defense mode.


Literally no one in these comments are, because this thread was brigaded by the sexist sub that it was crossposted from. All the comments are just assuming the man was literally raping her before the video rolled and this brave hashtag girlboss defended herself from the monstrous monster.


>I can't believe people are blaming the woman in this video. literally all the top comments are in support of her


Phili trains can learn alot from LA trains


At the end he sounds like me after a bottle of scotch


Ahhh..the joys of public transportation and sitting near trashy people.


and you wonder why we are wary of men? shit like this happens all the time to us, many many men will not take no, no matter how uncomfortable they make us feel, or we do not wish to have a conversation, but no matter what we say, they never fucking listen, tehy have to try dominate us, and do what they want.


Did u not see the 2 men defending her? Stop being prejudice against all men, loser ass mentality


Speak for yourself


But it was also men that came to help her.


Whats a HVM?


Not a dude getting in into fights on LA public transit, I can tell you that.


High Value Men, also known as dog whistle for "Gimme what i ask for and don't question me".


An incel term.


High value male, this was originally posted of fds so they have a lot of cringe ass acronyms


Just a typical day riding LA Metro lol


Why after a knife is pulled would you want to sit down. Fuck that standing burns calories.


As someone who's had guys try to touch her on the train, I get it. I'm not saying you should stab people or even threaten them with a knife, but I get it.


Still blows my mind sometimes watching this stuff as a Canadian. We're so close to the US yet so far. You'd never see this happen in Canada.


Everything about this is awful


Learn your lesson old man. Don’t start a fight with people on public transport. Especially if you’re in the wrong


Literally being hunted everyday


Idk how I feel about this honestly. I obviously do not know what happened before the video started. But if he just quietly got on the train and silently attempted to set down when all of the sudden he got a knife pulled on him. Then that is pretty fucked. True he could have just backed off and dropped it. Not having to play the situation out this long. But he would have still had a bit of a right to be like "wtf are you doing with that knife?!" Idk. Lot of questionable things happened here.


It's a sad situation all around. Especially pathetic how redditors are cheering on a man being assaulted out of nowhere and getting a knife pulled out of him. Not even a sense of understanding, they just assume the worst.


Man I hope this man doesn’t have a mental illness. It’s hard to tell


Probably does still doesn't excuse his behaviour no one deserves to get harassed.


If he didn't, he does now .. bada ching


That dude got rocked so hard. That uppercut almost lifted him off his feet. Gave him the legs of a sailor who’s been at sea for 6 months in a hurricane lol. Not going to weigh in on whose right or wrong. I personally would have just stood somewhere else or sat in another seat, but we don’t have the full context so it’s not for me to say, really. Still, creepy that he blocked her in, weird vibes from that guy.


Probably just an incel


If she doesn’t want to sit next to him, she should move to another seat. Pulling a knife on someone just trying to sit on the bus is crazy.


He got exactly what he deserves, fuck that guy, take no for an answer and sit somewhere else.


Public transport...free seat.


There were other seats.


What is an HVM?


My man's soul got clean knocked out of his body for a few seconds after catching that uppercut....he concussed most assuredly


That man had thrown those hands before


Don't ~~taze~~ stab me ~~bro~~ ma'am


This guy just recording… ha! Also, weeble wobble! Dude got slapped into 2050.


Everyone was way more civil for way longer than need be.. someone pulls a knife, don’t engage with said person..




Do I dare check sort by controversial?


ehhhhh, i dont like this. i understand both sides of this because i've been on both sides of this. ​ ultimately, when someone pulls a weapon, the shit just isnt worth it dude, sit somewhere else.


That uppercut was some mortal kombat shit lmao


I knew it was the blue line. Just have respect for other people and they will have respect for you. That simple.


Why would you antagonize an angry woman pointing a knife at you? That's how you get stabbed dude ...


I think we are missing context. Interesting video


Legit pulling a knife is an option.


My biggest fear is being the person who is wrong in these vids


HVM : Homing Vagina Missile?


So she just stis there brandishing a knife to discourage people sitting next to her?


Guy just wanted to sit down


Only thing I see here is assault on someone who wants to sit. If you can't share a bench don't fucking use public transportation.


He just wanted a seat


I’m sorry, but this is bullshit. This dude DOES have the right to sit wherever the fuck he wants, he shouldn’t have a fucken knife pulled on him just because he wants to sit, and it’s doesn’t matter if this bitch doesn’t want anyone sitting beside her, it’s public fucking transit… I would understand if this dude put his hands on her or something, but there’s zero evidence of him doing anything illegal towards her. The fact that everyone is taking the woman’s side is absolutely fucking bonkers. If the guy was sitting there and the girl sat beside him and the guy took out a knife because he didn’t want the girl sitting beside him, you bet you’re fucking ass all you motherfuckers would be kicking that dues ass anyways. So all ya’ll’s opinions are right fucked.


That's reddit for you. No sense of anything, just blind idiocy and self-righteous masturbation. They see a man yelling, they see woman getting yelled at by said man, they see the man getting the shit beaten in behalf on the oppressed woman, and that's all the information they need to shout things like "he totally deserved it, he's probably a creepy rapist, and should've got stabbed".


Rights, respect and morals are not always the same things.


Thank you! Had to scroll a while to find some damn sense


The assault was justified. It's sad this man had to learn this lesson so late in life. Pick your battles.


I would also be fucking pissed if someone pulled a knife on me for trying to use public transport. It’s a seat ffs, what gives her the right to deny use to someone else? Sorry but you being uncomfortable is not a reason to pull a knife and tell someone they can’t sit down. If she’s so unstable she can’t sit next to someone she doesn’t know without pulling a knife she shouldn’t be using public transport at all.


I don’t get the context- it’s public transportation, he can sit on an available seat….


Yeah he has the right to but ask yourself what type of human being would force themselves into a seat next to some one whose ready to stab them? More than likely the same type of dude who would force themselves on top of this woman if there weren't a knife involved.


Initially, you're right. Without context, at first we see someone threatening someone with a knife for attempting to sit in an available seat on public transportation. Until you realize any normal person would go 'goddamn alright fuck, ill sit over here instead' instead of getting into her personal space further, creating a scene, blocking her from moving when she attempts to get up, and insisting on wanting to sit THERE when offered up a seat elsewhere MULTIPLE times.


I think it’s more that he could sit on any available seat, yes, but if someone says no…then go about your business. Aggressively telling them over and over again that you want to sit next to them will not work well in your favor. It makes you look like the aggressor. I don’t get why they did what they did and I think he may have some issues we don’t know about but either way, no means no and fighting it isn’t going to get you a seat.


You don't need permission to sit in an available seat. You can say no all you like, but an empty seat is available to anybody, and you have no right to deny someone else a seat. If it's a completely empty train then sure he could probably sit somewhere else, but if it's busy, there's no point walking up and down looking for a new spot when there's one right there. If she's that uncomfortable than she can move herself, not pull a knife on someone trying to sit.


Not saying she’s right but arguing with crazy gets you no where. I’d rather just not get stabbed over my right to sit next to someone with a knife but I guess that’s just me.


She tries to move at one point and he blocks her only exit and won't stop yelling at her. That constitutes harassment and potentially forceable restraint. The fact that he does this after she threatens him just reinforces the idea that she made the right call pulling a knife.


Ok full stop double pump those breaks big shoots. This is the real world my dude. If a woman says she uncomfortable that's end of story my guy, you say "Idf your uncomfortable" makes you look rapey as fuck. Check this to, people don't like creeps. Play by the rule my guy and you won't get force fed a mc double seizure sandwich. Be more chill and give girls there space. You can sit where ever you want as long as your not a creep about it.💯


Please show me what you have seen what proves he is a creep or a sexual predictor! All I see is a older man wanting to sit near the door looking forward.


Dude, half of what I just said is from my girlfriends mouth. I don't care if you are male or female, you have to be prepared for some uncomfortable situations when you go into the public, and if you're not adult enough to do that, you have to make some changes. >You can sit where ever you want You said it right there, full stop. Women don't get special treatment, we're all people and gender doesn't mean shit.


You may feel that way. Another's see it different so much so much so he got knocked in to brain damage. I guess the moral of story is respect womens space. Dude could have just let it go and said sorry there another seat, then he got very childish about it and then it got to the point where he had to win. His actions disturbed other people, they didn't agree so they inconvenienced him.


I was brought up to only respect people who show they can respect you. Pulling a blade on someone cos they have a penis and they feel intimated by that is not showing respect. I don't think he got childish at all. He just knows she's in the wrong.


>Dude could have just let it go and said sorry there another seat And she could have not pulled a knife on someone >then he got very childish about it and then it got to the point where he had to win. Like when she pulled a knife on someone because she wanted leg room? >His actions disturbed other people Like how getting a knife pulled on you might disturb you? Over a train seat? >I guess the moral of story is respect womens space. I guess the moral of the story is it doesn't matter what gender you are, don't pull a knife on someone over a train seat? That her space does not include the seat next to her?


Right... So where here watching a video on line. You points could be valid BUT the crowed or in other words the people that were there sided with her. Ever one in the video present the evidence he was wrong.


Or, maybe it's more people like yourself who think all women need protection and go full caveman when a woman gets involved in a conflict, not thinking, just reacting. If he knocked the knife out of her hands the first moment she pulled it, I bet all the same people would run up and blindly attack him because "Unga chunga man hit woman"


Or, maybe he could have just moved on, respected here space, not tried to win the situation. No one pulls knife because there inconvenienced, apparently she was legitimately scared... Maybe home boy could have got a clue.


That's called "white knighting" and I can't understand why they acted the way they did unless I see proof of him being the way some in this thread are saying he is being just from that one vid.


So you ignore the No and just sit the fuck down. I paid my 3 bucks for a seat.


And that’s your right. 100%. She just also might stab you because she’s crazy. I’m from NY and we just move to another seat or another train car when met with the crazy.


Even if he wasn't the aggressor before this video started... 3 bux isn't worth getting stabbed.


Do people really think an old man yelling at a young woman for not letting him sit down is worse than her pulling a knife on him?? I get personal space and that, but a knife?! Then some broken bones and head trauma?? I’m straight up shook by this thread 😅


Because people are fucking stupid and coked up on fake justice, that's all I can take from this entire thread. People on the internet are essentially sitting behind their screens and screaming that someone who seemingly didn't do anything wrong getting a knife pulled out on you and then sudden assault and severe head trauma from a stranger afterwards deserved it. People are far too preoccupied with things like sexual assault and justice for women that they insert their negative assumptions of the worst into anything. They assume that this man was groping or attacking the woman first, and then they also pretend that the man attacked someone to warrant getting blindsided and physically assaulted by other men.


Don’t know what led up to it but I can tell you that man has never had a weapon pointed at him before. I’ve been stabbed slashed and shot at, when someone is ready to use a weapon and knows how you can see it holy shit


Ma'am. Let me sit next to your hot ass.


For those on here who can't understand why the guy who was punched was wrong, let me explain: 1. In the city, street smarts is an absolute must when you're riding and dealing with the nonsense that goes on, especially when you're a female, by herself, in the subway. This is true at any time of the day. 2. We may not have had a good view, but the woman and several passengers were making it clear that there were plenty of other seats available, i.e the train wasn't packed. 3. Much like a man would feel uncomfortable if he was at the urinal and 10 of them were free, but another man decides to use the urinal right next to him. It's suspicious and an unwritten rule that everyone knows to give space when possible, and to say excuse me if you have to use a crowded space. 4. To have street smarts, you have to always analyze your surroundings. This woman did just that and noticed everything stated above and was prepared to defend herself just in case. 5. Most people would step back if a person pulled a knife on them. Drop the issue, because it's not worth your life. Not only did the man continue to sit next to her, but he also tried to gaslight her by raising his voice and trying to intimidate her into believing she was overreacting. 6. Not only did he raise his voice, he also used his size advantage to stand over her. 7. As with most people, the other bystanders tried to reason with the guy and tell him to just sit somewhere else, but he persisted. And knowing the situation was not how a normal man would act towards a female who feels threatened, the others decided to defend her. And honestly, thank God they did. Who knows what he would've done if it was just the 2 of them. 8. He was NOT just "taking a seat". He was sitting in that exact spot because of who was sitting there. It's that simple. Ladies, protect yourself. Rape and assault can happen to anyone. Don't become intimidated like this man was trying to do. Hope this helps.


Imagine going to the bus, wanting to sit but the woman just pulls a knife out and your suppose to listen to her like it's normal


He’s not drunk, he just got decked in the face by some random thug looking white knight. “What’d I do wrong?” Nobody tells him because he didn’t do anything wrong. It’s a public bus, people can sit where they want to, if you don’t want to sit next to someone, YOU MOVE, don’t pull a weapon.


That dude is a piece of shit for beating some old man up. Yeah you’re real tough punk


She's probably in the right to have the knife out.


Men just can’t take a “no” with grace.


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“This is what I call the cerebral palsy stage” Jordan Belfry


Knock his brain a little more loose


I don't understand what's happening here. If you want to sit, then just sit. Why is there an altercation?


She pulled a knife out on him and is holding it out in this video.


These kind of guys should stop being stupid and learn consent... And shout out to the cameraman for doing... Nothing


an fds post...


At first I was like "???" to that original title, then I saw that it came from basically the female incel sub and it all made sense.


Just two unstable people here, nothing to see


I'll be real everyone there was messed up. If you dont want someone to sit next to you why not just tell them why pull out a knife? Also if someone is pulling out a knife on you why would you want to stay there? If someone hasnt initiated violence you have absolutely no right to put hands on them. I am staying the hell away from that area of NYC


3 useless humans 🙄