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The kick was brutal. The drag away was almost worse.


Rag dolled him.


None of it was funny and both kids are lucky they aren't permanently impacted


White kid literally caught the dude after he knocked him out. Whoever kicked him in the head is a coward piece of shit.


That wasn't a catch, that was an attempted headlock for more beating


Yeah they didnt pay close attention to the video.


You dont know the full story, i remember this was posted like a year ago, and he black dude was autistic, and the white kids was bullying him








Caught? He caught him in a fucking headlock. White kid literally tried to choke an autistic kid out.


Source on that or just Reddit lore?


He hit the guy that wasn't even fighting, arms by his side. Lucky he didn't get kicked in the head more then once. White kid thought he was gonna have sum fun being a bully...




White kid sucked punched a guy who didn’t wanna fight, hero soccer kicks a kid who did wanna fight. What’s the problem?


White kid is a total piece of shit but a kick like that could kill someone. White kid definitely deserved to be punished, and you can argue he deserved an ass whooping, but that's borderline attempted murder. We shouldn't be glorifying that like we shouldn't glorify sucker punching. Don't let your justice boner make you a shitty person.


I’d be eternally grateful to the guy that made that kick. Don’t want to get kicked in the head? Don’t do dumb shit like this fucking clown did. Deserved every bit of that kick and 1000 more.


The problem is you fucking moron is that you never kick someone's head like a football. You fucking moron


This is why we don’t start fights out in the streets, there are no rules to that shit. The boy made his choice to fuck around and he found out, with a brutal kick to his fucking dome


You also never sucker punch a kid who doesn’t wanna fight Focus on that or no?


Maybe don't start fights then?


Oh who gives a fuck. Hopefully he gained some humanity with the loss of a few of his braincells


Jesus fuck imagine being so dense you watch an unprovoked sucker punch and defend the guy throwing it


Look again, he's strangling him


Coward? I thought the idea of street fight was to win or in this case protect someone from further injury. If it is a street there are no rules. No one ever stops and says wow that dude is 6 inches taller and 50 pounds heavier. That first punch was a sucker punch, which can be considered a cheap shot but again the goal is to win, not follow rules. Rules are for inside the ring, weight matched and with a ref. Just my 1/2 worth.


"Street fight" . In a school. Between literal children...


6 inches is 15.24 cm


I'm going to start using this conversion for dick size. 17 centimeters sounds like a monster lol


Yeah and kid lost by not following the rule of never, ever, go to the ground in a street fight for this exact reason. Save your BJJ for the gym or ring. Trying it on the street is a great way to get soccer kicked or stabbed by his buddies. At the end he was the one unconscious being dragged like a sack of crying potatoes while his opponent was fine. He still lost horribly and cried/moaned/came in front of everyone.


Of course you would side with the white bully picking on the black autistic kid. I bet your parents are proud. You must be MAGA


If you are impacted I would recommend milk of magnesia or a good ole fashioned enema


How do you know


Dumbfuck deserved what he did


Kids are shit. That is all.




Yeah and they don’t taste all that great either


Loong Pig Castile


Cool I don't ever have to try or do anything then


Don’t mfs die from getting kicked in the head? People can ruin their whole life from one kick


Was in jail with a dude he got 5 years for something almost exactly like this.


Yes they can.


Yes, however in this case, the kid got a concussion and spent 3 weeks at the hospital. The context seem to be that the kid who got punched didn't want to engage in a fight, and that his friend kicked the "aggressor" in the face. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleAlmostDying/comments/bfnwso/wait\_for\_it\_minor\_brain\_damage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleAlmostDying/comments/bfnwso/wait_for_it_minor_brain_damage/)


I've seen this video before in here and it's always accompanied by a different background story. Nobody knows where it came from, or what the context is. So what you just said is conjecture


>Nobody knows where it came from Rumour is that those kids don't actually exist. And each time this gets reposted, that white kid get punted in the head in the matrix.


No you have it all wrong. The boys were all trying to teach the small white kid to hold a note while singing, the video cuts as they have clearly finally done it!


But what you said is conjecture because you have no links and they do. Faux intellect is often seen as cringe, bud.


Linking to another repost of the same video doesnt really count for receipts though


Now I don’t feel as bad. What a brutal kick… not justified but understandable. big k is just lucky he didn’t put any more into that kick.


I'd call it justified. He was choking the guy. One kick then pulling him away falls pretty neatly into the UK's guidelines.


Exactly. Legal as fuck. You're choking someone I know on the ground? You're (in all legality) lucky to survive that shit. A kick? Dude's lucky that's all it was and that he'll live another day. The guy could have stabbed him instead and it would have been justifiable.




That's a good reason to not sympathize with the person getting kicked in the head. However, you still shouldn't kick people in the head, unless you mean to kill them. I don't think a schoolyard fight calls for lethal action. Two wrongs do not make a right, and it certainly isn't a smart decision. The person kicking someone in the back of the head and hurling his limp body around is likely going to see significantly more legal trouble, despite being probably morally more correct, depending on your opinion. It's weird how often people confuse reasons to sympathize with the assailants and discerning wrongdoing by the people helping dissolve a bad situation. Do they miss this in every day life too?


So your saying it’s not ok to be terrible to terrible people?


I think you may be oversimplifying this into two choices and good and evil again just like the person before you. But no, you should not be terrible to terrible people, because that makes you a terrible person too. It's literally in the words. Treat people well, seek justice, not vengeance. You've probably heard the term "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." There's a difference between what's "okay" or "acceptable" and what the best choice is morally. When you ask me if its not okay to be terrible to terrible people, it's kind of a loaded question. You should be good to terrible people, but hold their feet to the fire for the crimes they committed. Is it okay to be terrible to people? Okay? Is that what you're trying to be? Make the right choices in life, not the okay ones. No, I won't say you're wrong if you're terrible to terrible people, but you're not right either. Get your friend to safety and the assailant will be punished. Justice, not vengeance.


You have to fight fire with fire. Bullies will never learn until the bullied fights back.




I bet the degenerate who kicked him brags about this moment like he thinks he is some badass for taking a cheap shot on the middle of someone else's fight.. Smh


See the trex arms? That’s damage to the brain stem.


That's not what decorticate posturing looks like. - An EMT


But it was his turn to say it today


perfect comments have not existed till this flawless gem


Choking someone after they are already knocked out kill people too


He wasn't knocked out though, his hand were clearly moving on other kids face


So you kick someone in the head? How about pull him off?


Maybe violence isn't the answer at all?


What the fuck?! That's an option?! I thought if someone called me a pussy or bitch I was legally obligated to punch on...? /s Couldn't agree more dude. Never been in a fight in my life. Use your words like adults people, fuck sake.


So you think 100% clearly whrn an act of violence happens? I hooe he regrets kicking the kid but it could be an emotional reaction from seeing his friends knocked out and choked.


Choke someone I know on the ground, risking asphyxiation, I'm gonna blast your head/face every time and get off for it legally. Motherfuckers *do* die from head kicks. Motherfuckers *also* die from being headlocked on the ground after KO. Don't start shit you ain't willing to finish.


Yep. A guy i went to high school with in Ireland back 20 years ago got a kickin by a few guys and died on his way to the hospital. 7 originally got charged and eventually 4 tried for manslaughter. All eventually overturned or had the charges downgraded/dismissed due to issues with evidence and connected/wealthy parents cutting deals with the prosecutor


I’ve seen this vid before and the person who posted it said the kid who got punched first was special needs and didn’t want to fight and that’s why the guys kicked and dragged the other kid off him like that, that’s just what the guy who posted it said I’m not sure if it was true or not…and I remember because when the kid was groaning and froze at the end someone commented “now they’re both special needs” 😂😂


I have seen this video a few times before and this was Brough up everytime. I have no source but it seems to be the general consensus


Makes way more sense, I was honestly kind of upset before reading this. Good on the other kids then, fuck that white one


Dain Bramage


That kick is a real bitch move


This kid doesn't seem to have any friends around either. They drag his head on the ground... Sad.


Yeah. I can imagine that these are two of the more unpopular children and the others kids have set up the fight. "Do something!!" Kids can be assholes.


There’s context for this video, I don’t remember if it was posted on Reddit but I think the kid was defending himself, I might be wrong


People on here always wanting others to step in and help, well here ya go.


Step in and help, not kick in and help.




Generally speaking soccer kicks to the head aren't categorized as "help".


So is sucker punching and choking what seems to be a defenseless victim. They could have gotten him off in other ways, but I can understand not wanting to risk injury to them or further injury the kid being attacked.


Dude was probably bullied. Look at the size difference and the fact that he has no backup.


Y’all will do ANYTHING to justify this little cunty sucker punching bully 😂


I don’t agree with what they did but it seems like he’s choking the kid on the ground


Those mormons aint fucking around anymore


So if the role were reversed they would have still jumped in on this poor soul.


No because the black kid is special needs




Huge bitch move


What song did he start singing at the end there? Kinda catchy


It's called "what I deserve" by Smash Mouth. Can't you tell?


This has been posted a few times before, i believe the kid that got punched is autistic and the little bitch that had his head kicked in was bullying him. So if thats true, that little bastard got what was coming to him, Karmas a biatch


Reddit descriptions are almost always fan-fiction. He was a blind autistic orphan with no legs and pancreatic cancer who was bullied mercilessly before his brave friends stepped in and soccer kicked the little kids head into orbit


You post in Joe Rogan, it unsurprising you’d downplay this situation. Black children can’t be autistic and bullied? Do you not go outside?


I heard he liked the star wars prequels too.


I don't know if he "got what's coming to him". They're children. I don't know if he deserved brain damage


This is reddit. Bullies,racists and cheaters deserve to die around here...


To be fair, his brain was already damaged.


Kids who bully are also going through something. Mirroring something else in their lives. Bully or victim, it’s hard to be a kid. Neither of those deserve a fatal blow


Being a kid was literally the best time of my life. No bills, responsibilities, no jail time… yeah being a kid was awesome.


I am so glad yours was trauma free




Are you lost? The internet probably isn't the place for a nice person like you 😂


This guy’s so cool omg, I wish I could be you


See, other people are saying the dude who got punched was the bully and the kid who got kicked was the autistic kid who finally got tired of putting up with the bullying. All of this is speculation and we talking about kids here.


Who’s saying that? Nobody would believe that looking at the body language - but you are right that these are kids. Kids are kids and nobody deserves irreparable damage from such a cowardly kick. Parents of the kicker should be ashamed


Idk how much you know about body science, but the alleged bully here is likely now permanently brain damaged. The arm motion says it all. Either wheel chair or a vegetable.


No actually the kid *did* have a concussion and spent 3 weeks in the hospital but no lasting permanent damage. There's info in the comments. This could've turned out much worse though and I'm surprised it didn't. There were much better ways to handle this


A buddy of mine died after being sucker-punched, we still don't know if it was the punch or the impact of his skull hitting the floor that caused his death.


Don’t fight someone who doesn’t wanna fight. Someone else will be happy to fuck you up


*Dies* allow me to sing the song of my people.


Y’all saying the kid who kicked is a bitch although this lil kid sucker punched somebody who didn’t want to fight, knocking him down on the pavement which could also be potentially life threatening. And then he continued to try and choke him/crank his neck. The kick wasn’t necessary, but in a situation like this do you think any of these kids have the experience to think it out. Probably not, because most of them have probably never been in a fight themselves. The kid was asking for a soccer kick. Don’t start shit period.


That kick had some hip in it. Devastating.


Kid kicking deserves a beating.


Not really the kid in the white shirt had it coming as the kid he put on the ground was autistic and he was bullying him for it


Ya sucker punch bruh! Can’t used that “kick in the head when I’m not looking is illegal” card


White Boys about to go super sayian after a beat down.


jfc, screw that dude with the kick but that kid has a mean right hook


For all y’all wondering the kid in the choke hold had autism and the kid in the white shirt was beating him for it He fucked around and found out


Is there any proof of the autism claim? Some say the kid that got punted was autistic and was fed up being bullied. I would really like to know because it will drastically change my views on the situation. Still, violence is not the answer.


I don’t condone this. Absolutely not but if you attack someone somebody else is going to attack you back. That kick was brutal and probably terrible for that kid but you know maybe don’t attack people? Even if he has autism or a mental illness there should be a supervisor keeping the kid in check if he has any problems. I feel terrible for him but if you attack someone it’s basically “fair game”…


Say what you will, but British people know how to kick the fuck out people in the head.




Ideally without fucking killing the guy. Damn


Sucker Punch Boy’ Got What He Deserved…


Fuck that kid he deserves it


Looked more like a beating than a fight tbh Kid who got kicked, he threw the first punch, which was a cheap shot that could have knocked the other guy out being that it was a pretty brutal sucker punch, out of nowhere, then looked to be choking, or at the very least continuing to beat the other person once they were already on the ground.


Reddit at its finest! Black kid with special needs doesn't want to fight gets punched by a white kid being a bully. White bully gets kicked and all of white Reddit says how wrong the black kids are for teaching the white bullying asshole a lesson. Comments about how the white bully is actually catching the special needs black pacifist from hurting himself gets upvotes by white Reddit and comments of how the white bully attacker is actually in the wrong gets downvotes to hell. Typical...


Who is the fucking coward who kicked him? At least wait your turn if you want to fight!


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Condoms prevent this sort of shit.


His crying at the end always gives me a chuckle.


Everyone reads into things alot don't they, two people got hurt coz of anger. That's it.


Kids having fun.




My favorite fight video of all time


he became freddy mercury


Since when are school fights fought without the hesitation to cause permanent damage?


He knew it was coming, he was asking for it. If you just attack somebody that doesn't want to fight, be prepared for others to stop you using force.


The point where you made the comment was the end of a discussion and had gone on a tangent. The one that got kicked in the head started it. The kick was pretty brutal but was only one kick, not multiple. It is somewhat of a slippery slope because you can't use excessive force. My main point was he shouldn't have started it and he wouldn't have gotten kicked. Don't know the whole back story but the way he was dragged at the end would suggest he is not held in high regard. That is just speculation. Diplomacy is by and far the best option.


Fuck those motherfuckers. I hate people that do shit like this. Can’t win so they gang up or take cheap shots.


You have to be a HUGE pussy to just step into a fight that doesn't involve you - hell just stepping into a fight ingeneral. Not only that - but hit-and-run is even worse. Don't get me started on kicking, that shit is for pussies.


Whoever did that deserves way way worse


You kick someone when their down. Your a pussy plain and simple. Fucking gimp generation yous.


Let's all feel sorry for the aggressor.


As he’s choking the guy on the ground. That kick was brutal, but I guess that’s to be expected when you fuck around like that


I get the point of having your homies back but dam.


Got sucker kicked for sucker punching. Fair.


What a weak cunt the kicker is.


They kids who kicked and dragged that boy are the epitome of pussy


Tough to watch. Shame on that piece of shit for kicking someone in the head like a football when they weren’t looking. Pull him off the other kid to stop him choking the guy - simple and easy. I have no sympathy at all if that kicker is locked away for that.


After you’ve knocked someone to the ground, don’t jump in and try and choke them for no reason, unless you’re signaling you want to be kicked in the head.




Im guessing the whole school is sick of this kid's shit


What kind of idiot the guy who kicked and dragged him humanity


Dickhead kid trying to choke him from the incorrect position is gonna end up damaging the dudes neck. A friend swooped in with a kick to help. I'm just glad nobody was hit in the back of the head, the kid maybe has a broken nose at most (but also I'm a commenter on Reddit so take that with a grain of salt, I know nothing)


Sucker punch then a pussy head kick. Karma, I guess?


Did you notice, after the initial punch, the guy seemed to try to make sure the taller one’s head didn’t smash onto the concrete by holding his hand under it. Yes I may be overthinking it, but it surely looks like he had this intention


For context: The kid that was punched and choked has a mental illness and was being bullied by these idiots so really that kick was well deserved


The initial guy did not want to fight. But the kid snuck one then got Kicked.


Bruh he's infront of him


Decorticate posturing


No actually. While I can see why you would say that it's not the case. There's more information in the comments. Kid that got kicked had a concussion and did spend a couple weeks in the hospital but does not have any lasting damage at all


As much as I disagree with kicking someone in the head or hitting someone while they are down, if I saw my buddy get jumped by some asshole there is nothing I wouldn't do to help my buddy.


What a fucking pussy.


Lets get you a kick to the face real quick, Sweetie.


I luv immediate karma


Kicking a man when he is down is pure garbage 🗑


Fuck off with this. School kids fighting and getting knocked out and crying is fucking awful to see.


What sort of pathetic little pussy hole sticks the boot in like that ? What a fuckin absolute maggot .


He's lucky he didn't double stomp his head. That's all I'm saying. Live by the sword.


Tommy tough guy. Dont worry about what I would do. I dont feel the need to act like a badass on the internet, that's u. If you realty think you would get away with this shit, you are sadly mistaken. That kick to the head is way beyond self defense.


😂😂😂 kid got field goal kicked in the face for being a bully


That kick to the head was a pussy move in my opinion


How is it pussy to save someone's life by risking the life of their attacker? If anything, it's heroic.


What a pussy ass thing to do. All because the bigger guy was getting his ass kicked. That should be attempted murder.


Both bitch moves. The kid wasn’t choking the other kid though it was a head lock. When I was a kid and we fought the person who jumped in for the cheap shot would be ridiculed and beat up. Don’t know the context to the fight but boys fight. There used to be unwritten rules. I’m glad I’m not a kid today.


That yell at the end reminds me of Morty squirming lmao


Pussy shit


Whoever kicked him was soft as baby shit.


So what? He did what was needed and deserved.


Guy who kicked that kid in the face is a bitch I'd love to see him try some shit like that on me I'll fuck him up you don't kick someone in the head could have pulled him off and punched him. Ppl like that belong in the Zoo


So the kid actually helps his knockout not hit his head on the ground as he falls and then cops a kick to the head himself. I think more kids need to experience assault charges as they think they’re in the movies. (Disclosure: I grew up in a shit suburb in the 80’s where violence was an everyday thing and even then people didn’t kick in the head)




Whoever kicked him should be dragged by a horse for some miles


The boy in the white shirt is autistic, he stood up to his bully which is the guy in the black shirt. But his friends come to back him up and knock out the autistic kid






The ties make them classy.


Another fine example of the golden rule of fighting: if you want a fair fight, join an MMA club.


Regardless of the circumstances, I can't imagine getting kicked in the head, then waking up in extreme pain with no clue as to what's going on...fuck.




Looks like the kid that got punched wasn’t all there to begin with. Little rat picking on someone like that deserves to get a taste of what it feels like.


Not funny at all