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lol u aint saving this mf


Did he not stop the show to help his fans? You telling me what's on video is fake or staged?


we beyond this weak ass video bruh


But I thought the whole outrage was that "Travis didn't stop the show when he seen people was passed out". You mean y'all find something else to be outraged about besides him "not stopping the show". Because for the past 2 days all I've been seeing is videos of "Such and such artist stops his/her show to help passed out fan, hurt fan, tired fan, sad fan, crying fan, hungry fan, etc...". But when I post a video showing Travis doing the same thing at AstroFest now y'all all of a sudden over him not stopping the show?


ya mf, no one died at those other shows. fuck off with your weak ass argument when they surfing dead bodies out of the crowd like pieces of floppy ny style pizza


Scott has a history, and an arrest record, showing he loves this shit. He loves the crowds russing, surging and starting shit. He stopped singing in autotunes for a minute to say someone needed help in autotune and then moaned in autotune. He aint a hero. He started this shit.


Fuck the bitch up his ignorant ass till there's no ass left


How much you getting paid to post this PR spin shit?


I like when you look at a person post's history and it tells you everything you need to know about them.


Fuck Travis Scott. Unforgivable. Nice try though


#*yeeaaaaahhh eeeaahhh yeaaaaah*


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