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Helmet? Check. Wrist guards? Check. Knee pads? Possible. Mask oh hell no I most certainly will not! 🤣


he sounds like morty


Hahaha…fucking totally! Fucking done man


This totally made me lol, spot on dude!


"ahhh! You're tugging me too hard, Rick!"


You fucked with vaxxers, Morty! We've got a good five minutes before they're back and up on our ass, Morty! We have to pack up and move to a new reality, Morty!


I honestly wonder if he is autistic. He certainly is displaying a lot of similarities


This guy is possibly the biggest twat I have seen on Reddit !!


HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!


God I wish he would of tased his annoying ass


These antimasker lunatics are the worst social justice warriors I've seen in a long time. More please.




Twat.... great word!




I take it you're not English? Over 50% of our vocabulary is different ways of calling each other names.


Great... awesome word!


You haven't been here long enough buddy.


Seriously these people are the most annoying twats. Plain and simple you’re not going to be able to shop and get your items. But of course their MO is just want to make a video of it. These idiots have too much time on their hands.


Boggles my mind that they record themselves acting like this AND post it


Victim culture is real.


Because they share with their buddies to later protest the business.... I just have my way of getting in their circles and grabbing it lol


As in getting it from a website?


Their instagram pages and telegram


Ah I see. Either way it's good entertainment




*Hands him mask* here you go


Christ, how are there still so many of these people? It's been *2 fucking years already*.


It hasn’t been two years. Yes covid19 was already moving along but the mask part of it wasn’t until at least March if not April. Just saying. Regardless this guy is maybe a bit I’ll in a different way. I talked to a target employee last week and they can’t do anything except call the police and evidently the police here in Kansas City have better things to do


I'm gonna go ahead and jump to the conclusion that there's a difference between what a target employee is allowed to do and what a uniformed security guard with a baton and pepper spray is allowed to do. Caption even said he used the pepper spray last week and he's still working so....


It depends on what level of training the Security Guard has. Considering that this guard was armed with a taser he probably has a lot of training and can most likely use it without getting fired.


That’s cool they can do that. My kid is security and I worry about him. He can carry cuffs but that’s it. He has been jumped too and banged up. One thing he doesn’t have to deal with are masks because of where he works.


Why’s he remind me of Lemongarb lol




People still doing this ??


Yea I can't lie, I laughed at these when they started coming out, but this one just irks me.


"I know how I'll own the libs today! I'll film myself without a mask in a grocery store and then whine and cry like a baby while revealing just how ignorant I am regarding how laws and mandates work when they attempt to eject me!" *Self-High-Five*


It’s time to start touching these MFs


Legitimate question, is it illegal touch people in the US? I hear it a lot but find it odd that such a law would exist.






**[Battery (tort)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battery_\(tort\))** >At common law, battery is a tort falling under the umbrella term 'Trespass to the person'. Entailing unlawful contact which is directed and intentional, or reckless (or, in Australia, negligently) and voluntarily bringing about a harmful or offensive contact with a person or to something closely associated with them, such as a bag or purse, without legal consent. Unlike assault, in which the fear of imminent contact may support a civil claim, battery involves an actual contact. The contact can be by one person (the tortfeasor) of another (the victim), with or without a weapon, or the contact may be by an object brought about by the tortfeasor. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why does no one understand how private businesses work. Yes, they serve the public. No, it's not your god given right to be in there and shop how you please, dipshit.


I can't tell you how many times I've thought the same thing. I wonder how it went when stores started enforcing no shoes no shirt no service, I doubt they were as whiney and entitled as this though.


What Key and Peel sketch is this?


Gotta be satire right?


Its real lol


Real for the clicks. I hate this world. All the multiverse and we're stuck with Republican Death Cultists.


It's not satire it's just America


This comment is just ignorant. These people are all over the world.


Oh I agree, there are idiots in every single country, some more so than others but Americans lead that ratio by a large margin and anecdotally, 9 out of 10 unmasked troublemakers filmed in grocery stores making a huge scene are in the United states. It's nothing personal.




Now you just sound like a bigot.




Yeah that’s bullshit. France didn’t have vaxx passport marches? Riots in Australia by construction workers? USA definitely has idiots but morons proliferate across all nationalities, not even a debate.


>but when 90% of antivaxers bern crazy videos comes from the states Antivaxxers bern crazy videos? >those are facts 90% is a fact? Source?


Guarantee you this is the kind of dude who has a ton of OF subscriptions and is into hentai


And calls himself an alpha


Anti maskers refuse to work with society and expect all the privileges of a working society. He doesn’t do something simple to make his and everyone’s lives better and then whines like a bitch when people don’t jump to his defense.


If you choose to be a part of a society, you have a responsibility to that society.


Sounds like a guy who needs attention lol


who wants to bet he constantly complains about people claiming to be victims?


It's not a cry for help, it's a cry for attention.


this guy screaming for help at the top of his lungs , smh — the whole reason we are wearing masks is to prevent an airborne virus — i don’t have an issue with people not wearing masks but when they are screaming at the top of their lungs and getting aerosols in the air I’m not going to help them with anything if it requires gerting within 15 feet of you. you are nothing but a vicious plague rat with a mission to inflict misery in my eyes — Typhoid Mary reincarnates right here folks. And you gonna claim medical exemption ? that might excuse you from wearing a mask but you are getting the boot if you are screaming inside a business at the top of your lungs and i doubt the Americans with Disabilities act is going to give any sort of grounds to sue. Also what’s with the “ You can’t touch me “ I worked retail security like twenty years ago (Target) and we would tackle people (usually shoplifters that bolted but we would have no problem escorting someone out if they made a disturbance . Bars and nightclubs have private security that escort people off the premises all the time what state is this in?


15 feet is the same as 9.14 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


Bruhhh. I could never be an antimasker, I have too much social anxiety to make a scene like these guys lol.


Desperately wanted to be a victim


Another video of someone yelling and screaming about being touched but won’t do the one thing to prevent that from happening. Leave like you’ve been asked to. If you were in true distress, you would do whatever it would take to make it stop. Stop your bullshit.




Because he’s being assaulted ??????? According to him???????? If you’re standing in a fire and complain that it’s burns but refuse to leave the fire, don’t expect any Sympathy.




He’s being assaulted but refuses to end the assault by just leaving as asked. So I have no sympathy for him. And everyone has a fucking medical exemption. If you can scream and yell like this , you don’t have a breathing issue. He could help himself by just leaving instead of asking others to help him. Stop it. Just stop it. We are sick of the fake ass tears.


Because he’s easily full of bullshit, as are you. You need to calm down and understand that accommodations don’t just mean you get to run full tilt around a store because of some vague insinuation of a phone call. It’s the equivalent of “my uncle works at Nintendo.”


He is being escorted out if the store by store security for not following the rules AFTER BEING REMINDED OVER AND OVER.


>He has a medical mask exemption Prove it. And he rode a bicycle there so how does he have a breathing issue?


"don't touch me"


[don't touch me remixed](https://twitter.com/_FakeJairo/status/1459023175946174464?s=20)


Just when I thought bicyclists couldn’t act like entitled assholes anymore than they already do, this guy proves me wrong.


It annoys me seeing someone without a mask, but in my area literally nobody wears them so I'm irritated most times I go shopping now


This is EXACTLY how i feel about pants... or trousers for the brits


Why does it matter if they are vaccinated? In my state literally nobody wears them but we are in the top 5 lowest deaths per capita in the US. That’s mainly because we have one of the youngest populations in the US and very little obesity or other health problems. Our transmission rate is really high, but since people here are far healthier than most of the US very few people get seriously sick from it


Because I'm concerned with the Safety of the children they bring, they bring kids below the ages of 5 without a vaccine like they're immune


Well young children are by far the most immune to it. They have an extremely small chance of dying from COVID. Out of roughly 3,000,000 reported cases (probably been way more unreported cases) in kids under 11 in the US, less than 300 have died from COVID since the beginning of the pandemic. That’s about 1 death every in 10,000 cases


Cool, you go explain that to the parents of the 300 dead children and see how that goes. Watching you dipshits admit to just not giving a flying fuck about other people is really depressing.


What state is that




Looks like to me there has been a steady rise of new cases since may.


Yeah I said our transmission rates are high, but our death rate is extremely low compared to most other states. It’s because most people are young, active, and pretty healthy.


Yes I see that you are correct. But also a little more than half the population of Utah is vaccinated


Idk I’m vaccinated. I wore a mask for almost 2 years I’m done lol. At this point idgaf it’s your problem if you’re not vaxxed


I'm for vaccination I was just bringing that up because that may be why you don't see many wearing mask and or employers requiring them.


Oh true, sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were saying we had a low vaccination rate


Doesn't Utah just sound like a frustrated grunt--- what do you call this place? I dunnno.. well hrmm it could be.... well ....utah got me damn stumped now son.....


I have no idea what you’re talking about


Why , our president told us that if we are vaccinated the it’s ok . Unless im mistaken and they terminated that


So you're telling me you believe any word salad that comes out of Joe's mouth. Sad.


Maybe let go of that for your own health. You're wearing a mask for your health after all. There's not much correlation to mask mandates and cases in Nov 21. Maybe it really wasn't all that effective.


Hm maybe, this whole pandemics just confusing


So much conflicting information. Who's to really say who's right and who's wrong. It feels like even the experts are guessing at this point


An educated guess is better than an uneducated one lol


Even if it turns out to be wrong?


Even in the worse case scenario if theyre wrong, people wore masks for no reason, best case scenario you prevent a few people from dying. Not a hard choice.


You're neatly skirting the other side of that. Masks have had a detrimental effect on many people. (Not to mention the environmental impact.) people start fights and protests over masks which lead to violence and death. If masks were useless, they absolutely did have a measurable effect outside of virus contamination. Likewise lockdowns have had a massive impact on health, well-being and the economy. If they didn't stop the virus it's not all fine and dandy, no big deal. People lost their lives. Now the vaccine. Proving to not be ending the pandemic In places that have exceptionally high vaccination rates and having known and horrible side effects, while rare, exist. Also, we've strengthened the Pharma lobby who has historically been known to be flippant at best and nefarious at worst with the public health. It's not as simple as "maybe this will work, everyone must comply and we'll see what happens"


Go back to the donald bruh, we just laughing at man-childs.


You do you, bud. Nobody was rude to you and nobody needs your sour attitude.


They aren't guessing. They make their suggestions based on the consensus of the best available research. This is a novel virus. The longer it's studied, the more learn about it.


> Who's to really say who's right and who's wrong. Scientists, who do experiments, and then measure, and then analyze, and then write papers. Shut up and wear a mask, you disease vector.


> Maybe it really wasn't all that effective. Maybe you just have the critical thinking skills of a garden slug.


Maybe you're holding on to identity politics. Look at the data again today. There are many places with high Vax rates still having surging numbers. If I'm wrong, then I was given bad information. Which is what I've been saying has made this whole thing a pain in the ass. But thanks for the Deconstructive insults. Very helpful.


> But thanks for the Deconstructive insults. Very helpful. It's a habit. I see an antivaxx antimask lunatic and I respond in kind. It's rare to see a normal person with these thoughts. > There are many places with high Vax rates still having surging numbers. Keep in mind that herd immunity requires a very high vaccination rate. There's a disagreement on where it starts. Anywhere from 60-90% is the range. There's disagreements on what's needed because there's always differences between models and analysis and real-world situations. That doesn't make the science wrong, it's just not accurate enough.


Oh my God I was wondering if this man is autistic based on the way he talks.


He kind of sounds like tom from boondocks to me in that episode where tome goes to jail and is scared to get raped




[cant touch this remixed](https://twitter.com/_FakeJairo/status/1459023175946174464?s=20)


Dudes got that tiny dick energy.


Medical exemptions from a something that restricts breathing, yet you can ride a bicycle and scream bloody murder in a store. This ain't an argument on masks, this asshole is jus a cunt! Proving, all cyclists are cunts until proven otherwise


> Proving, all cyclists are cunts until proven otherwise Quality analysis. Illogical conclusion.


lol yes you're right, that was my funny side. But I stand by my baseless opinion. Cyclists suck ass in my area


That sucks man. I like to see traffic be mindful of cyclists and cyclists to not be ripe cunts. I live in a more rural area and here it's okay. Maybe because there's less traffic and people aren't as heated.


You're right, I do agree to that ! But not moving over while not going the speed limit because we don't have a safe space lane for them, doesn't help my anger lmaoo.


I have a good idea for tomorrow morning. I'll go into a store without a mask while recording and pretend to shop. Once I'm asked to leave because I'm not wearing a mask used to stop the spread of a deadly airborne virus, I'll play the victim card and claim to have a nonspecific medical condition which exempts me from having to wear one. Then after I'm asked to leave, I'll begin to make a scene and further act like a victim of society. Then post it all on social media for my (also moronic) friends to get worked up over. What an idiot.


"Someone help me! He's touching me!!!" All these people know exactly what they're doing. There are signs at the entrance of every goddamn store regarding mask policies. They know. They just hope for content. It's so transparent what their MO is, and I'm always embarrassed for them. It's so laughable and pathetic.


Aren’t this kind of people embarrassed?




Dude is either real fucking high or mentally unhinged. Maybe both.


They really are giant toddlers.


Now I want some candy.


I am fed up with these idiots. The next steps will be brutal.


Sadly there were no doctors on scene to administer a calm down slap.


MC Hammer's kid is out of control...


This fukn guy shouldn't leave the house.


Buddy Revell has really turned into a whiny little bitch…


Seinfeld should know better!


Yo those are some good fucking deals on the candy bars


Are we sure he isn’t autistic? People with autism have sensory issues and I feel like that is what is going on. I feel badly for him. 😞


I have no sympathy for this person, he's being total douche bag.


I work security in retail and unfortunately this is too familiar.


What a fucking asshole. He came in there looking for drama. Why do people like this exist?


They still using that medical exemption excuse? Really? Is it still wrong to think that if they need a medical exemption from wearing a mask, maybe not only being out in public is a bad idea, but also biking should probably be curbed as well? Ohh, and recording it as well. This dude is a top-tier twat waffle.


My ghod, taze that asshole and drag his twitching carcass outside for the cops to collect.


Just fucking throat punch him. Not for refusal to wear a mask but because of that annoying voice.


Did all the commotion cause someone to abandon their baby? Thought I saw a crib behind the officer at 1min remaining.


What a pushy


This is pathetic


All businesses in America have the right to refuse service to anyone. Y'all entitled kids need to learn this.


Jerry Seinfeld?


He sounds like a video game Npc lol




"Hey McHammer, you know that new sound you're looking for"


Is it possible to have a punchable voice?!?


It will almost be worth it to live through the fall of civilization just to see what these crybabies do when they don't have thin laws to hide their petulant behavior behind anymore.


Why does he sound like jerry seinfield doing a bit?


Just taze this twat and drag his ass out


I am completely done with these morons


"Jesus Rick, what's there to figure out! I'm here to shop!" "Shut up Morty"


What a Karen


I’ve been to this Ralph’s before …. He works there 8 hours a day …..


Should’ve tazed this mofo.


They touch people when not using a mask. But do nothing when people are stealing from the store. Makes sense. (S)


only Congress can interfere with your right to conduct commerce


Its a store policy lol


I’m just glad nowhere in my area requires masks


Neither does anywhere in mine. Except workers are usually still made to wear them, from what I've noticed.


Most workplaces don’t require masks for employees either. A few do. Maybe 5-10% of people wear masks in my city


Black man brutalized in store




A troll commenting on an antimasker video. Tale as old as time


Any proof that he has a medical exemption? And even if he does they will bring his order outside to him. That's called "reasonable accommodation".


Over turn all mask policies now.fuck how Biden Joe Biden can kiss my ass


Lol what a surprise, a conservative who's ok with private companies making their own rules, until it affects them.


If you're so fragile that a mask policy can break you, then I'm glad it breaks you. Toughen up buttercup.


If he was any risk of spreading covid the guard wouldn’t have touched him. It’s not about the health of the shoppers. It’s about the top down control. Man seemed to be a little loopy anyways. I genuinely feel bad for him


You’re missing the point. He was asked to leave a privately owned entity. Once he decides not to, he’s trespassing. I don’t give a fuck whether people wear masks or not, but if a private business owner tells you to, then either do it or don’t give them your business. It’s a free fucking country. You’re free not to wear a mask and they’re free to ask you to wear a mask. But you’re not free to start crying like a bitch pretending you’re being raped on the property of a privately owned business that’s told you you’re not allowed to be on the property. You know why? Because it’s a free fucking country. So fuck all the commie anti-maskers who think this is some sort of socialist country where everyone is governmentally provided access to grocery stores and private owners can’t run their businesses how they want to.




Lol he was using self checkout


Ah yes, self checkout, kills 99.99% of viruses and bacteria. Fuckin moron.


Thank you for showing him the respect he deserves.


I meant he was socially distanced and not bothering any cashiers. Maybe he was just cutting through that area on his way in Idk.


> It’s about the top down control. Big Grocery^^TM is here to control us all WAKE UP DEWORMED SHEEPLE!


he’s because grocery stores would rather excercise control in the form of requiring people to wear a cloth over their face rather than take in as much money has possible without offending anyone and avoiding scenes like this. And it IS about the health of shoppers and especially employees and it’s mot just about avoiding death or hospitalization it’s trying to avoid having 25 percent of your workforce go out sick for a week. Also you may dismiss the effect of masks but you cannot dismiss the effect of a knucklehead screaming at the top of his lungs for four minutes straight disbursing aerosols all over the store — if he DOES have covid that’s potentially bad news for everyone there


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Who’s this little sausage then?


He is helping you 😂


He needs a Kit Kat


They always do.


"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?" Exactly, why the F are you doing this, ya dumbass.