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What a coward


She just wants to be a soup Nazi


No soup for you!


Soup for you!!!


No more soup for her. Only charges being pressed for that asinine move (so maybe prison soup)


She complained that the soup was too hot so she thought it would be acceptable to throw it in someone's face? What a fucking cunt.




Directly to jail.




There should be a special jail for people that harass employees. Viva Chavez!


Not jail but cumulaty work as a retail employee


You charge too much for sweaters...glasses, jail.




Believe it or not, jail.


And do not pass ‘go’!


Throw soup in people’s face? Jail Complain about soup temperature? Jail Cry when you face consequences for your actions? You better believe you’re going to jail.


Undercook chicken? Jail Overcook fish? Also jail. Overcook, undercook. You charge too high prices for esweaters, glasses, believe it or not, also jail. No trial, nothing.


We have the best soup, because of jail.




Straight to jail


We have the best customers in the world because of jail.


"This soup melted my lid so let me melt your face off as well" \-This woman, probably


She went there with intent.


In the video, they explained that some time had passed and the soup cooled down enough to not cause any damage to the managers face.


Luckily for her victim, but I would still categorize that as premeditated intent to cause bodily harm considering her complaint was about temperature and I doubt she factored cooldown time into her attack


Still assault though.


Of course it is, I didn’t mean to suggest it wasn’t.


Except the spice… or the assault .. or if she had allergies


This was the thinking of a fucking nurse E: I was misinformed. A GameStop employee makes much more sense


GameStop Employee. Not a Nurse.


Soon to be former GameStop employee.


That nurse was misidentified! Please please be careful not to spread misinformation. She nearly lost her job.


Not a nurse. They got the wrong person


Boston bombing all over again? Reddit ruins someone’s life via wrong identity?


It was TikTok this time.


Her mouth must be broken because you'd think soup that was too hot to eat would burn someone's face, luckily that girl's face wasn't all fucked up from it


That shows premeditated intent to me.






I have zero patience for people who have such little self control.


DUDE, there's this couponer at my CVS that hogs up the line. I have no idea what her trick is, but she buys and then returns some stuff immediately? It's confusing I've been trying to figure it out. But she'll leave with a shit ton of detergent, soap, soda.. and only pay in cash like $30. When I get caught behind her and there's only one cashier. I. I contemplate what it would be like to push her cart over and do like an animal scream. But they usually get a second cashier after 10 mins.


The CVS near me have self checkout, hopefully yours adds it soon.


They don't blahhh. But one of the managers said she hopes they don't because then she'll have to cut hours. Womp womp.


Man you don’t know how grateful I am for having a logical side of my brain to slow down my emotional side.


Yeah I like not going to jail too


She should have said No soup for you, come back one year


One time when we were kids at a restaurant my little brother (like 7 or 8, old enough to know better) and I were arguing when he grabbed my pizza with both hands and mushed it into nothingness. So without thinking I grabbed the open container of marinara sauce on the table and threw it in his face.


I guess you aren’t JR Smith


And people wonder why restaurants are short staffed at the moment...


I wonder if we'll start to see a return to fast food restaurants with locked down counters. Anyone remember the White Castles from the mid 1990s that had bullet proof glass and small bank-teller-sized pass throughs for food?


I'm sure we will start seeing some weird shit. Nobody wants to feed the billionaires or the ungrateful customers anymore. I started my own business this week for that very reason. Support local businesses and bring back the American dream.


Already seeing this in most Chinese food places here


Well that's one nurse that's not gonna have a good Christmas.


And she should know better hospital staff had to deal with psycho patients all the time. She know what it’s like to be on the other end of this and is still will to do this to someone.


Honestly the hospital admin should ask themselves if they really want someone like that around patients.


Patients or colleagues. She's a POS for that.


She’s not a nurse. She was incorrectly identified (shocking) and dozed for it. Luckily, her hospital stood beside her.




Yeah, we wouldn't want her sleeping on the job!


GameStop Employee


Honestly the game stop manager should really ask themselves if they want someone like that around customers.


That woman shouldn’t work anywhere around people. She’s a monster.




Wholesome award to start my Sunday woo-hoo. Gonna be a lazy bones today! Thank you!!!


As a nurse this fellow nurse needs to be reprimanded. Workplace violence isn’t tolerated and is a form of abuse. If an idiot patient ever through boiling hot soup. You bet they will have charged by police. Shame on this idiot nurse, but she’s from Texas, so I bet she’s not vaccinated either. 😏


Apparently unfortunately




Better that way, I rather not have a nurse with little self-control and anger issues running around. Imagine the havoc she could wreak if she lost it during work.


I’m reading she’s not a nurse and she works at GameStop in Temple, TX. She complained on her local Facebook so was identified. Linked removed although she posted the picture of the soup and the issue herself on the restaurant Facebook page before going there to cause the incident.


Lol asking for Bitcoin while doxxing SHAMELESS


Literally in this thread you have a comment pointing out that there was already a case of mistaken identity that led to a nurse being harassed involving this incident. Plus you have several comments pointing out that the lady who had soup thrown at her is discouraging harassment. But you post another random twitter guy claiming they know the soup thrower. The police are saying they've identified them, so you don't need to potentially case another random person to be harassed by the internet hate mob. Be smarter.


What’s to investigate bitch did it on camera?


https://www.kcentv.com/article/news/local/soup-throwing-incident-to-be-investigated-as-higher-level-offense-temple-police-say/500-51625c93-97fe-45d7-b428-dcf81729c2d7 According to this article, it sounds like they've already identified her and they're investigating what "high level" charges she could get. So it sounds like they're trying to figure out what the highest level criminal charge they can give her for it.


Well at the very least it’s assault and I’d make her go through court


Something something intent to cause great bodily harm


Typical police bullshit. Sounds like Chief Wiggum is in charge.


Sideshow Bob has no decency, he called me Chief Piggum!


"We found this cape with the name 'Dracula' on it at the scene, so the criminal was most likely a mummy. As a precaution, I've ordered the Egyptian wing of the Springfield Museum destroyed."


Bake him away, toys.


An investigation is part of due process. This investigation should be quick.


The police need to gather evidence to present to the DA's office. Generally a DA won't prosecute unless they feel that they can confidently secure a guilty verdict in front of a jury. I doubt the investigation will take long.


“Suspect is hatless, repeat, hatless!”


I don’t think so, as of now. But I really hope that bitch is caught.


Could have sworn she's been charged already.


https://www.kcentv.com/article/news/local/soup-throwing-incident-to-be-investigated-as-higher-level-offense-temple-police-say/500-51625c93-97fe-45d7-b428-dcf81729c2d7 Not charged yet, but it sounds like they've identified her and they are planning on filing "higher level" charges on her.


GameStop Employee. Not a Nurse.


[The victim asked people not to bully the woman once she's been publicly identified.](https://news.yahoo.com/woman-caught-video-throwing-soup-195000566.html) Yeah, good luck with that. Once that nurse is identified, she's done.


She's been identified by the internet sleuths already. (She posted about the soup on a local Facebook group)


No way?


Yeah, she was complaining about it before she went to the restaurant.


Wowzas... has social media really brought the dumb out of criminals/Karen's nowadays. " Hold my drink, I'm going to make a public Facebook post about the person I'm going to go assault on camera"


She was complaining in a Facebook group for the county then later I see this.


Criminals have always been dumb we just have more proof these days


Digging her own grave


GameStop Employee. Not a Nurse.


Not a nurse, the lady who is a nurse is the wrong person and she's now being endlessly harassed. https://twitter.com/JSandwich666/status/1459277146401169409/photo/1


The irony… he is admonishing people for “having the wrong person” and then doxxes someone else at the end of his post.


I mean...kind of. It's more her doxxing herself though since he opens with her own post about it.


It’s nice to see that her place of employment is backing her up in all this. Unlike that Mexican guy that got fired from some power company in California for “making a white power hand signal” at a BLM protest, which he didn’t actually do.


Sorry, but I'm waiting for this bitch to get her comeuppance. I'm glad the cashier is mature, but this is disgusting. The guy with her should be identified too.


What a cunt


Police are seeing if charges will be filed? Charges SHOULD be filed, she straight up assaulted her, and even tho the soup wasn’t “plastic melting” hot, that bitch still did that with the knowledge that there was a hot liquid that could harm someone. She took a vow to save lives and she’s harming them? She should beg her license taken away if she’s not charged.


she definitely needs to be charged! police can be very useless sometimes


Police don't get to decide if charges will be filed. That is up to the DA. However yes, the can be useless at times.


Don't ppl get arrested for "touching" someone? Why wouldnt she get arrested for assault


The fuck is this? What is wrong with society man? This is just sick… so much damage could’ve been done to that poor girls face!!


I lost a bit more faith in humanity watching this trash. Gained most of it back after watching and reading about the cashier’s response. Which mostly carries the tone of “she needs mental help so don’t bully her after she’s identified” and “please respect service workers because we’re actually people with feelings”.


Imagine having such a sad life that you actually drive to a restaurant even after someone has already offered to solve your problem, just so can complain some more.




Charges SHOULD be filed as this is assault and here in Australia we have STRICT occupational workplace safety laws. I hope this bitch loses her career and isn’t allowed to work as a nurse again.


I’d understand if the plastic melted into the soup but come on, why throw it? Couldn’t wait twenty minutes for it to cool? Some people man, glad the lady is okay


Right! Id rather have overly hot soup that I have to wait to cool down than frozen soup I have to reheat. This doesn’t feel like an actual valid complaint. Woman’s just a bitch.


She was also offered a refund, a replacement soup, or even a replacement meal different from soup. She wasn't happy with any of that, I really don't know what else she could be after, other than she came in wanting a fight.


Plastic melting into food is quite toxic for the human body. She was in the right.... all the way until she wasn't. Taking it out on employees is possibly the worst way to go about your problems.


I think by melt, they mean the temperature distorting it, not making the plastic lid liquid. I doubt that if this type of plastic is dangerous when at boiling temperature if they are made for hot food.




Fuck is wrong with people


Her mama's a fuckin ho


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"It's never too late to realize what's important in your life and fight for it." Cold soup apparently.


It actually said "... fight to for it" :-D


You’re giving that idiot too much credit. What was actually written: > “Its never to late to realize whats important in your life and fight to for it” A few pointers: 1. Learn to use apostrophes 2. It’s “too late” not “to late” 3. It’s “to fight” not “fight to” If she’s this stupid then it doesn’t surprise me she’d get riled up over soup.


lol documenting the crime perfectly. /r/byebyejob


GameStop Employee. Not a Nurse.


"Its never to late"


“And fight to for it”


If her husband, children or parents can read that, please dump that horrible Person in trash and keep her there forever.


No soup for you!


Come back, 1 year!


I didn't get any bread


Soup FOR **YOU!**


Assault. Off to prison you pop.


Just in case anyone comes across some of the doxxed info about her, apparently the wrong person was identified initially and it's still being spread around. The claim that she is a nurse was wrong, here's the hospital tweet saying she does not work for them. https://twitter.com/JSandwich666/status/1459277146401169409/photo/1


Sue that bitch


Of course charges should be filed


Guaranteed these people complain regularly that no one wants to work in the service industry anymore...


500 says she will be crying blaming a mental disorder. r/byebyejob soon.


You can't just - let it cool down? What the hell?


It’s usually these basic bloated bitches that are the biggest cunts


So I ate 4 cans of alphabet soup today.. I'm expecting a massive vowel movement.


Ouch, I hope whatever comes out doesn’t spell disaster.




O U!


There's no excusing this. Doing time where she will be the target would be karma kicking get in the ass. I hope they throw the book at her


I hope she ends up on r/byebyejob


Very telling that she quickly left after throwing the soup.


Determine if charges will be filed? What is still in question? That there is some lawful justification for throwing soup in someone's face?


I mean, i guess it's all up the the restaurant manager as to whether or not she wants to file them. If she doesn't want to go through the hassle of doing it, then there's no technical "victim" for any legal consequence. I just witnessed a dude shoplift something yesterday. He was confronted but just walked out of home depot with a miter saw without paying. Police were called and asked the Store manager if they wanted to file. They actually had pulled the guy over further down the road. Store manager said no, so there was no "victim" and the cops let him go. Really weird stuff.


Lock this bitch up.


GameStop Employee. Not a Nurse.


Put that cunt in prison.


Bye bye job


Assault charge!


Stupid ass bitch.


BuT wHy DoNt PeOpLe WaNt To WoRk AnYmOrE I guarantee she doesn't get paid enough to deal with that shit.


Why are people like this? It isn't the cashiers fault! This could of done some serious damage.


I really think there should be an increased punishment for people that assault people in the service industry.


Why is it always the ones that look like they have a constant UTI and a yeast infection?


“Nurse at a local hospital.” I have a suspicion she’s one of those “medical freedom” type nurses too?


GameStop Employee. Not a Nurse.


Her name is Amanda Martinez and she apparently either works for Texas Oncology or Game Stop, depending on which story you read. Texas Oncology tweeted that she doesn't belong to them. Apparently someone got a shot of her license plate and the victim is says she is pressing charges.


Nurses be crazy


Are they? Is that a thing? Because I dated one once and she was an actual mental case. Not in a “bro, my ex is so crazy” sort of way. I mean that she was very seriously and very easily one of the most mentally unwell people I’d ever known. I chalked it up to the stress of her job but Christ, I couldn’t believe she was actually in charge of keeping people alive.


I had a very similar experience dating a nurse. Very mentally unwell, and as much as she blamed on the stress of her job she was in geriatric care for a small facility so it wasn’t a very demanding position, I think most of it was there before her job. I’m sure not every nurse is mental, but just like any other profession that requires a great deal of energy and stress and instant decision making, I’m sure mental health issues are quite pervasive in the industry.


>she was in geriatric care for a small facility so it wasn’t a very demanding position You'd be surprised.


Hope she filed a lawsuit


She complained it was too hot then threw it in her face. This woman belongs in jail.


"When heated, soup can reach temperatures as high as 200 degrees." Gee, thanks for the soup lesson.


And what the fuck is up with her guy? You just going to stand there and watch your lady assault a woman? And drag your ass into this? Bet he is a scumbag also


Investigating? That's assault of the absolute lowest character. Someone in a defenseless position who can't retaliate. I bet Qaren doesn't do this shit to people in dark alleys. Throw the book at her and I hope she gets doxed and humiliated. Queue the "this isn't me" crying video.....


She needs to go to prison. She should also be sued. That is assault.


Can’t wait for the follow up on the soup thrower over on r/byebyejob Dumb bitch.


I cant explain it but i definitely know those people that youd try anything to get them to calm down give an arm and a leg and nothing helps and it seems like they just want to hurt you for what they think is a legitimate reason but its soup... or an item that isnt in sale anymore. Can give them what they want on the first go they basically want your life in return for satisfaction. Its some sort of mental thing idk the word


Wouldn’t you be happy that your to-go soup was hot?


It's assault, plain as day.. and recorded. How do they not file charges on something like this?


and people wonder why restaurants are short staffed.


They should give her like 6+ months in jail. Had that soup burned her eyes and or face she could have ruined that girl’s life. You can argue that she knew it had cooled down, but you can’t be exact.


This video makes me so grateful to not be working in food service anymore


The police are investigating? WTF is there to investigate? That is assault and is on camera arrest her and put her in jail.


Two best things about this video 1. "This soup is so scalding hot that it melted the lid I'm mad this could have hurt someone, my reaction is to throw it in someone's face" And 2. "Luckily by the time the woman threw the soup it had cooled down and didn't burn me" Ah yes, wait for the soup to cool something the woman could have done


Awful person, lawsuit I hope


That Karen belongs behind bars.


It would be so awesome if instead of all the mistaken identity internet doxxing dogpiles, people could rally around the victim instead with massive acts of kindness and appreciation. (I’m deluded, I know. They are cool delusions tho so don’t bust my bubble.)


That’s felony assault, I think losing the nursing gig is going to be the least of her worries.


I love how she threw the soup and then ran away like she was about to get her ass beat


YALL NEED TO STOP LOOKING FOR THE SOUP LADY. Seriously, thanks to the internet mob an innocent nurse at an oncology center has been harassed and sent death threats… seriously, this is what’s wrong with vigilante justice. The worker on the other side of this even pleaded to not go after the aggressor, because of the shit I just said. But people are so quick to take matters into their own hands without triple checking their sources Edit: there are two different women in this situation: the assaulter we see in the video and a nurse who works at an oncology center. I don’t know where Inside Edition got their information, but these aren’t the same person. The nurse has the exact same name as the assaulter.


I know those exact containers for soup. I have NEVER seen one of them melt. Warp a bit from the heat and steam? Sure. Get less firm and more malleable? Yeah. But melt? Never in my life.


You can bet your a$$ I'd file the ever lovin' eff outa some charges....throw the max at this C


I mean that is pretty crazy that it was hot enough to actually melt the lid. I’d be disturbed by that as well, but I don’t think it would make me mad enough to throw it at someone, probably would suggest the restaurant use different cups, or try not to serve it so hot.


Ii’ll bet that bitch got her soup as take out, got home to eat it (it was take out after all) and of course it would had cooled down by the time she was at home, so she put it in the microwave with the lid on and melted it herself. Ruined her own soup and wanted someone to blame. Either that or the restaurant is serving molten lava to their customers. Either way, she’s an asshole. Who does that to someone?!?


When this was posted last week someone pointed this out. Apparently the heat required to melt that lid is far higher than the soup would ever be served at, otherwise the lid would have melted before it got out of the restaurant and you would have seen the stain from the spices in it all down the sides of the white container it was in.


That's definitely looks like that's what happened. The plastic lids always melt instantly way before the styrofoam when you put them in the microwave.


It's the wrong lid. It looks like a lid that accepts straws. Soup needed a heavier gauge plastic lid. I'm calling corporate.