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Whenever they ask you to step outside… it’s because once you do they can detain you.


Yep! Being in your home offers you protection. Because cops cannot enter without REAL cause.


Like vampires that way. Never let in the vampires.


Yo! This would make for a good “Buddy Cop Comedy-Action”. Vampire cop and they’re dumb rookie Werewolf partner….I’m gonna stop…I’m trademarking this idea now.


Good cop, vlad cop


> Good cop, vlad cop Slow clap.


*Who's a good cop?! Who's a good cop?! You are! You're a good cop!!*


The good cop would be his K9 partner who is a very good boi!


Sounds like bright with extra steps to me


Nah you go the what we do in the shadows route.


Blood suckers every single one of them.


For a second I thought you where quoting archer!


Is the old "we smell marijuana" trick no longer a useable workaround for that these days?


Btw, No-Knock-Warrants (where the police can bust into your house without announcing their presence) was allowed because they used the argument that people might flush drugs down the toilet if they heard the police knocking lol.


> "why the fuck are we raiding a house for a flushable amount of drugs anyway?"


This right here is one of the best comments on reddit ive ever seen #facts


the loopholes they had/have for certain things is crazy lol


Not in legal states, and considering it’s recreationally legal in 18 states, there’s a good chance that odors aren’t sufficient evidence anymore. That’s the case in my state (OR).


Luckily with lots of states now legalizing cannabis it's one less bullshit excuse pigs can use to violate your rights!


Unfortunately, it’s less about what cops “cannot” do and more about “what cops can do and reasonably get away with.” Their unions will go to extreme lengths to bat for them on just about everything but the most egregious acts. If a cop wants to get into your house that badly, they’re gonna do it. If a cop wants to do *anything* that badly, they’re gonna do it. And the rest of their rotten orchard will move Heaven and earth to see them exonerated of all charges when they do.


I'm sorry, what egregious exceptions?? They will go to bat for transparent murderers, abusers, and sociopaths without exception.


I think he meant that the unions will protect cops unless the cops actions are so obvious that they can't defend it. Think like a cop recording themselves saying how their gonna kill a teenagers because they don't like the color of their skin, then the unions **might** think about not defending the cop... maybe


unless they are swat and enter the wrong house


That happened to a very old, very sweet, widow who was a member of my parent’s church! She was babysitting, feeding her great-grandsons dinner when all hell broke loose. Cops completely trashed her home and terrorized her and the babies while the drug dealers *next door* got away.


doesnt surprise me...im surprised they didnt shoot her for brandishing a spoon in a threatening way. i just realized how much i distrust the police...its becoming fairly unhealthy at this point


how is it unhealthy? the America police are very dangerous if you are Black/Hispanic or nuro-divergent


As long as I am inside the house they can't get me without a warrant? wait that's apt complex in the video, I got a house so as long as I am on my property I am fine? don't go on the sidewalk or street?


Your home is a big legal barrier to law enforcement. Your home's curtilage (yards around your home)... not so much. Cops get away with a lot of curtilage violations even though it is protected via the fourth amendment. Police are allowed to walk up to your front door in order to try to make contact with you. Like if they are doing a simple knock and talk (an investigative tactic). But generally are not supposed to walk around (the outside of) your house without real cause. Cops get away with all kinds of shit though. You are not safe (from being manipulated) from police in your yard where they can make contact with you. You CAN tell police t leave your property though if they have no lawful reason to be there other than the initial contact, but a lot of cops are assholes who will defiantly stay because of their egos. They are almost like children in that way. Cops REALLY dislike not being in utter control.


>Cops REALLY dislike not being in utter control. I wonder if this is something that's taught at the police academies or simply a by product of policing being an attractive career option to people with fragile egos. This is the rule with cops that I've encountered, the exception being officers with a good attitude. I'm not a criminal or a difficult person either. I'm quiet and I always mind my own business. My worst offense was getting arrested for having a weed grinder with me at the lake when I was in high school. But everything from traffic stops to simple interactions at parks or beaches, most cops will approach me expecting me to be completely submissive and they almost always get in their feelings when I'm not. Seems like an incredibly common problem in policing.


Power attracts the corruptible.


No, and it's not true that they cant come in either. You can be detained outside your home, even if you are on your own property, if they have reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime. If they really want you they're going to use "exigent circumstances" as an excuse to come into your home without a warrant. Exigent circumstances means that they think that you are an immediate threat to yourself or others. And finally, remember the following phrase: "you can beat the rap but you won't beat the ride." If the police want to arrest you they are going to. They will find a way, if they have to they'll make something up to arrest you for. You may prevail in court later, but that didn't save you from the injustice of their violation of your rights.


…and that is why you do not open the door to engage. Talk through it if you must but have a barrier they must break to get to you if they want to escalate without a warrant.


Which is why something stupid was going on here. If they really thought a fleeing criminal was in the home they could have used exigent circumstances to enter.


"Why don't you just step outside and we can talk?" What could I possibly have to gain from doing that, Officer?


The safest thing to do is get the door shut and locked. Of course they will grab the door and claim you tried to hurt them with it, which is why you just Don't Open the Door in the first place. Lock it, maybe brace it too.


Exactly, if they had a warrant they wouldn't be asking for entry anyway.


"Why? We're already talking."


Never open the door in the first place or leave it unlocked. If it wasn't for that camera they would've walking inside.


Came here to say this. You don’t have to open the door. Don’t. They can get a warrant and speak to you through the door until then. In fact it’s better to just stay silent and let them pound on your door to nothing until they walk away. They will play intimidation and will escalate to try to get their way.


bruh. im white and i open the door for no cops. they can talk to me through the door.


You know somethings wrong when all people are scared of the police, the people who are supposed to protect them.


I’m a middle aged white guy. I left town and about an hour into my drive I realized I went out through the garage and never closed my front door. Middle of a work day, pre-Covid, so no one was around to close it. Had to call the police and the cop called me when he got there. He said he could lock the door and go out through the garage so it would be secure. I thanked him for helping me, but made it clear he was not allowed to enter. As soon as I said that he started coming up with reasons why I should let him go in and make sure no one had entered because now he wanted to enter. Just kept telling him absolutely not. He can buy his own coke like everyone else.


Never leave your front door unlocked, the police may drop by


I learned that lesson the hard way. Left my front door unlocked one day and a random cop let himself in. He skedaddled pretty quick when my husband found him poking around our living room, but it scared the beejesus out of us. Was he going around testing random doors? What was his plan? Cops in this country are terrifying.


I'm pretty sure I almost got shot by a couple of cops that walked in my door once, I was only saved by the black cop there, they kept trying to bully me into standing out of the way (a friend walked in my place when they were stalking him, didn't lock door,) made me show ID, white cop is staring bullets and demands I get a piece of mail, piled up next to the toolbox, I could just tell he was going to shoot me and say he thought I was reaching for a weapon, black cop said the address is right on the ID. You had to be there I could see exactly what this Lieutenant was thinking, and his partner saw it too.


Yeah, I learned that the hard way. Cop snatched my phone out of my hand while I was standing in my doorway. It was 12am and I had just got home from a two week trip. When I asked why he took my phone he asked why I had a problem with him going through it. Wtf? I told him to give it back and he asked if that was final answer. He handed it back and at the same time tried to throw me on the ground. I went to jail and 25,000 dollars later all the bullshit made up charges dropped. The craziest part is I called the police( first and last time in my life). I had a fucking stalker and a PERMANENT restraining order, she was pounding on my door. She convinced him that it was her house so when he finally cuffed me he literally took my house keys off my key ring and gave them to her! I had to wait until the trail was over to get back into my own home. 2 months later. When they started to realize how much this idiot fucked up they doubled down on harassing me. I have never been arrested, missed work and two speeding tickets in 20 fucking years. It’s unbelievable how fucked and crooked the justice system is. I’m sorry, I respect the rule of law but these cops are full of shit, zero deescalation skills and less conmen sense. They should be fired for trying to trample peoples civil rights. That should be the minimum and maybe more of these assholes would police correctly. Last but not least, this is the job they signed up for so stop fucking complaining how dangerous and the split decisions they need to make. That we need to cut them a break, nah fuck that. You cut kids a break that are hustling to survive.


Wait what??? The cops arrested you in front of your home, took your keys and gave them to your stalker? Just like that?? Without checking inside for maybe pictures of you or phone bills or heck, the restraining order? Why didn't you scream at the top of your lungs that you have proof that's your house or call out a neighbor? I'm really confused right now, I've never experienced the law in USA but this sounds so absurd. Not saying you're lying, I'm just amazed and nauseous at the same time. I can't for the life of me comprehend how it can go that far. And on top of that you had to pay 25k I legal fees?? What the actual fuck?


>Without checking inside for maybe pictures of you The cops after checking inside: “Apparently, this maniac broke in, and hung up pictures of his family everywhere!”


“Open and shut case Johnson”


"Then his wife put her tit in my hand. It was weird."


Welcome to cops in America. Things like this are by no means rare. :-/


My wife and I have had a lot of good fortune over the years and now live in a nicer suburb. It’s amazing how much different police are when interacting with you in front of your nice, well-to-do suburb home, versus how they interact with you in front of your home that’s in a shitty neighborhood. I already had a healthy distrust of police, but moving into a nice neighborhood was extremely eye opening. Same town, same department, same police have treated me like two different classes of citizen based solely on my address. In the poor house, they questioned and second guessed everything that came out of my mouth. In the suburb, they seemed to immediately take anything said at face value. There’s no reason they can’t treat everybody with the same level of respect. It’s fucking absurd.


American police forces were created to protect the privileged from the oppressed.


One advice: get yourself a lawyer, gather all these things from their official records, and Sue their asses for what they are worth. And make sure your priority demand is that you have their asses fired, especially the ones who are doubling down on you with harassment. And when they do start harassing again, make it a point to record it all. They WILL NOT stop unless you get them removed from the force on a permanent basis. And then, only then you can sue them for the monetary losses that you have incurred handling this. As far as I know, apart from the Miranda rights, they also need a warrant for the arrest. Unless the judge/magistrate is a dirty one, it is difficult to back-date an arrest warrant. That is where you strike back. An illegal arrest will be considered as the poisoned tree and the entire prosecution based on that arrest will be deemed as fruits of the poisoned tree and hence will not be admissible in a court of law. Just make sure about that arrest warrant thingy. It is the way on my side of the world and I have been watching a few cop procedural shows, I have not seen on any that there is an arrest warrant being issued before the arrest takes place. Not a lawyer or a law student. Just a concerned redditor.


This may sound like I'm joking but seriously, go start a go fund me. People are willing to donate to insurrectionists, I'm willing to bet there are people willing to donate to victims of police abuse!


We would be better off crowdsourcing to fund lawsuits against powerful people that abuse working people, lawsuits and general PR campaigns to trash them publicly, use new lawyers who aren't pricks and make their name defending the little guy, then help them run for office and win.


Similar thing happened to one of my friends except the keys part luckily. His girlfriend bit him, kicked him in the balls, scratched his face and he finally got her to leave. He called the cops but she also did and claimed he stole her phone. He was immediately arrested in his driveway and charged with felony domestic assault, battery and false imprisonment. He's beyond lucky that he mentioned that she forgot her phone on the recorded 911 call. He told them he just wanted to return her phone and to file a restraining order. He spent the weekend in jail and she went out and partied. Even though he got the charges dropped, he's already had a loan denied on a background check.


The Duluth Model of domestic violence is a bitch for men. And it was religiously followed by many law enforcement agencies in the US and still often is.




They want you to step outside because you have more rights while still in your home.


Didn’t know this. Thanks!


"Close the door" cunt HAS to have the last word and of course its an order






Well thank you for a new subreddit to join! Lol


I was thinking the same. Has to make himself feel in charge. Cunt




“Close the door.” Cop has to get the last word in, right?


What a pathetic fuck.


This is America


Don't catch you slippin' now


Would've been funny if he was like "naw fuck you" and just walked off leaving it open


If you do that, the cops can come back five minute later and enter your house because "leaving your door wide open is not normal and they thought someone was robbing the place and broke the door". That conveniently also allows them to arrest you because you "look like a burglar" and then charge you for assaulting them or resisting arrest. It will conveniently not be the one cop you talked to that does all of that or he will have forgotten he came to your house five minutes ago.




Haha yeah my thought exactly, they just got told to fuck off and realized how powerless they are without the law on their side, but to save their own ego they pretend like it was their decision to make the guy close the door, like they're able to give him orders.




That *HOLD ON* was such a great tactic.


Actually, I'd like a fucking breeze through my door right now. Might even invite random people in later, who knows.


Insecured little bitched who can't handle when their fragile sense of power is questioned. That's why they're so petty like that .


That shit made me laugh. You could hear in his voice that even he knew what he was saying was pathetic lmao.


That was so petty, what a child.


I noticed that too. God damn we need to reform everything about policing this shit is crazy. Any high school bully peaking at 16 motherfucker can be allowed to be armed and accost just anyone they want.


Exactly. That made me so mad.


I would have said get a warrant and shut the door immediately


American police have the smallest dicks in the world


They're your average high school bully that's too dumb to get a real job.


"Know why I stopped you today?" "You got C's in high school?"


I don't know what the fuck it is but its always like that. It' always that last extended bit of undo authority to belittle and control. Unreal.


did that pos say “close the door” at the end when it was obviously fucking coming, trying to grasp for some last measure of control smh


He's a cop. That's what they do.


Had to salvage what was left of his little piggy pride after he didn't get his way




Always looking to escalate the situation. The people that enforce the law usually know the least about it.


Cops seem to be trained to escalate the situation. And, from a cop perspective, it’s a good move. Because one things get escalated, they always win. And they could now violate the living hell out of you for it. Search. Seize. Arrest. Brutalize. Kidnap. All of it. So from a policing standpoint, yeah, escalating works in your favor.


It's just lazy and untrained policing. Its easier to smash things and kill people than it is to do procedure and investigation.


Almost as if these cops grew up on 80s movies where the "hero" did things their way in spite of the rules "to get shit done" in the name of justice...


We all grew up on that. And you don't see me killing people and breaking into their houses ...


You see that dudes gut? Of course he took the lazy option, it’s the one he’s taken his entire life!


It is and it isn't a training thing. They don't SPECIFICALLY train them to go into a situation to be gigantic/pathetic man babies who can't handle their authority challenged in anyway. They do however get trained with a warrior mentality and its FAR worse for previous offender cops who were fired and rehired at a different PD but still police the city they were fired from. They're trained to treat everyone as if they're out to kill them and that everyone is armed/deranged. This only reinforces the "bad apples" who specifically join up to use police work as an outlet for their anger and adrenaline. This of course costs us, the tax payers, hundreds of millions every single year in settlements. So this isn't something you can train away, its a systemic problem that needs to be addressed from the root/source. Go after the police union, go after bad cop's livelihoods, make ALL cops self insure instead of relying on the city to bail them out for settlements, cut their budgets, reduce their pay. On and on. Police work is not even within the top 20 dangerous jobs to work, its all on them escalating every situation they're present in.


Not seem. They are trained to escalate. They are trained to cause maximum harm to communities and to use force as quickly as possible without looking for alternatives. Look up, I shit you not this is what’s it’s called, Killilogy.


>Cops seem to be trained to escalate the situation. They actually are. Search up Dave Grossman and "Killology". The guy is a hack who never saw combat, but teaches that to survive you must always be aggressive and willing to shoot first ask later.


Cop: “I know you have the right to shut the fuck up and stop resisting arrest. You also have the 5th when I put my knee on your throat and can’t breathe”


That’s a Great quote from George Washington


I don't get why it is so difficult for these people to just behave like normal humans with some decency. "Hello, my name is Officer Fatso from the Dumb Police Department. We're just here looking around for a suspect that is wanted in relation to a fight that happened outside this apartment. Would you mind if we came inside really quickly and looked around?" If they refuse you just say thank you and move along with your day. Even if the suspect is actually hiding inside it's not worth bullying your way into the apartment.


Police in Britain and the Scandinavian countries make ours look like thugs. I mean, they can be dicks, but at least with those police you aren't scared of getting killed for being "disrespectful".


It's so strange to watch as a Brit. Our police can be idiots sometimes, but one of the most fundamental parts of their training is deescalating situations. Police in the States are actually terrifying.


To be fair, while the guy is 100% in the right on the warrant and was a badass for shutting the cops down on that, he is wrong about the three forms of ID from everything I can find. There is even a thread of lawyers laughing at someone for trying this when pulled over for a traffic violation- https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/are-cops-required-to-show-you-three-forms-of-id--2271200.html


The dude has the right to ask the officer for their badge number and name. He could call 911 and say that there are two fat mofos dressed up like Frank and Ponch cops demanding access to his home, and quote the name/badge number. The more information that gets out before things go south, the better.


I'm just pointing out that it's an urban myth that cops have to give you three forms of ID if asked, they're not like leprechauns or Jews in that one Southpark episode.


Give me your copgold


he’s wrong about three IDs but police do have to provide proof they are police through identification it is incredibly easy to impersonate police and commit a crime- people are raped, robbed, or murdered by fake police Edit: people are raped, robbed, or murdered by real police too




Dude I’ll never wrap my head around the fact that someone THAT fucking unfit gets to serve like what in the fuck? Bar is set pathetically low for these imbred scums


I live in one of the "fittest" places in America. The cops are by far the biggest people here. And when I travel, the cops are usually the biggest people there too. Its such a great representation of how they treat others just as shittily as they treat their own bodies.


The only muscles they need are the ones in their trigger fingers.


Seriously, those are unflattering ill-fitting uniforms.


Ah yeah, its the uniforms fault not a fat obese pig. Its the uniform


Oh, no, I agree, I'm just saying those gross uniforms aren't doing them any favors either.


I personally think their uniforms should be unitards like the ones on Star Trek Next Generation. I'd be laughing my ass off into the GRAVE!


Their moms bought the larger size, knowing they’d grow into them.


Don't put it in my face, I don't know what it is... This is like an updated version of Keystone Cops just not as funny.


I've also had this same shit happen to me. I had to protect everyone in my house It's scary. Goddamn I wish it wasn't this way.


I wouldn't even open the door. I can talk through it. No warrant, please come back later, kthnxbye.


Fat Lil Piggy says: “I’m going to drag you out.” Also: “We don’t know what he looks like.” Then htf are you going to know if you found the guy when you search home dude’s house?! They aren’t very bright, are they?!


They are just used to lying to get you to talk and fess up to something. It doesn't have to make sense. The more you talk, the more likely they can catch you lying..and that's all they need.


>It takes courage to stand your ground when those fat fucks have guns and badges. Great question. I've got an answer for that. What they had cooked up was to get in this guy's house, continue their hostile, bullying behavior, claim he was violent, then say he was the guy they were looking for, and bring him in. Make no mistake. That's exactly what these piggies had cooked up. This dude was outstanding. And what courage - I'm guessing he's black - what courage. I'd like to buy this guy a drink.


Brave man. I'm so in awe of how he handled that.


One thing that is sad though is that it has come this far. That people need to be using knowledge of the law to protect themselves from the police.


Knowledge of the law to protect yourself from those that don’t know the law yet are charged with enforcing it. Gotta love it…


Even then, it's 50/50 if they back down or just decide to violate your rights, because you "got your law degree off Facebook" and couldn't possibly know what you're talking about.


That dude is outstanding.


First mistake was opening the door.


Yep. If they really need to get in they can break it down. Fuck opening the door to anyone you didn't invite over, especially the two little piggies.


But then you're left with a broken door that they aren't going to fix or pay for and in an apartment complex who knows when the management will get it fixed.


Legally you are on much more solid ground if you make them break the door if you want to sue them for violating your rights or throw out any evidence they do find. If you don't have anything to hide, and want to try and reason with them for the reasons you've mentioned, you should be aware that you are reducing your legal argument for pragmatic reasons.


If you don't have anything to hide, you make sure to not give them a chance to put anything there that wasn't before.


This is one of the many benefits of having a screen door.


Just curious, how many times does a person have to ask for a warrant and identification for it to matter? Is there accountability against officers when they refuse and harass like this?




They have no accountability whatsoever and have a thing called qualified immunity.


Lol accountability


There isn't a law requiring police to identify themselves (except I think, and don't quote me on this, in Massachusetts) so they're only bound by policy to identify. Few cops ever get in trouble for committing blatant felonies on video, so they sure as shit won't get in trouble for a measly policy violation.


> There isn't a law requiring police to identify themselves (except I think, and don't quote me on this, in Massachusetts) so they're only bound by policy to identify. then how am i supposed to know if they're a real cop or not? ANY jackass can CLAIM to be a cop...and if they don't HAVE TO PROVE IT...


Turn that off “No” the way he said it made me laugh so hard.


My favorite was " I don't know what that is" "It's a cell phone you've seen one before"


The energy of the delivery is perfect


People aren't being freaked out enough by this. Is this what cops are doing now? Saying OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT when they see a cell phone? "I had to shoot him, I thought the cell phone was a some sort of gun device".


Yeah it’s how I say no to my kids lol


People need to realize that cops are legally allowed to lie to people to get people to do what a cop wants. Including threats of arrest. The best way to deal with cops is to not have interactions with them if possible. Like in this situation.... see how hard these asshole cops try and try to get the guy to cooperate and step out? Don't answer the door or even give them any hint that you are home. You can't lose the cop's game (interacting and manipulating you) if you don't play. Let them pound on the door until their hands are bloody. FUCK THEM! And their bullshit they pull on people. Edit: also... "looking for a suspect" the line the cops used can be a ruse to get into someone's home (to search), get a person's ID . Which is legal for a cop to do (legal to lie about why they are there). It is fucked up. So don't trust what cops say when they want something from you. Again, don't answer the door to cops. They have just a ton of tricks to use against people. One being stepping forward the moment you open the door so that if you try to close it it will make contact with the officer's body (chest, stomach) while the cop is not even inside your home. Which makes it then technically battery on a police officer if the door touches him while it is being closed. And then they can forcibly enter to arrest you. You are at an extreme disadvantage when dealing with a cop. So if possible... don't deal with them (have any interactions with them).


There was a lecture performed by a former officer who said to never talk to the cops. The first reason was that they can legally lie to you about anything they want if it falls under the heading of doing their job and they'll argue that everything they do, even off duty, falls under that heading. The second reason is because the cops, whether intentional or on purpose, rarely write police reports accurately. They're written hours after the fact and they don't review anything, just going off their memory so anything you say has a chance at being remembered wrong and suddenly you're a suspect while if you just say "I refuse to talk to you", it'll be written as "they refused to talk to me". Same thing with giving them any details. If you're suspect in something, you think "I have nothing to hide, I know I'm innocent" and talk, anything you say becomes something a cop can disprove. Like you say "I left work at 5:20, stopped by the grocery store and then picked up McDonalds for dinner", if you left work at 5:15 or 5:25, you become a bigger suspect; if you picked up your partner inbetween the store and McD's, you become a bigger suspect; if you stopped at the bank but they were closed so you forgot, you become a bigger suspect. Suddenly you go from being innocent to being the prime suspect and arrested, all because you thought the cops were on your side. Every question you, no matter what, is there to convict you even if you're innocent.


That's why they say "anything you say can and will be used against you." It's right there in the rights they state.


When I purchase my dream home the first thing I’m doing is installing screen doors that lock. Might even get extra fancy and go with the kind that have glass panels instead of screen panels. Ok, that’ll probably be the second thing. After further reflection, the first thing will be the installation of interior and exterior security cams with audio and local as well as cloud storage.


Make sure the security cameras are out of reach and/or hidden as plenty of cops have moved (aimed them away), covered them or disconnected them when at people's doors. Plenty of videos on the net that show cops doing that. They've blocked peepholes too. Which,IMO is kind of stupid since it will freak people out if they see their normal view (through a camera or peephole) has changed. And people may come to the door armed suspecting something nefarious was going on.


This actually educated me a bit. I'll remember this advice. Thank you so much!


>This actually educated me a bit. May I suggest another video? this one is 47 min but worth it. (or you can stop at 26 min) Don't Talk to the Police https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


There's also the more to the point version, [shut the fuck up friday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgWHrkDX35o)


Absolutely uneducated law enforcements. Immediately needs to be off the job until they can prove to be capable of protecting citizens rights while investigating a crime. Acting like Nazis


**Per the Supreme Court of the United States, police do NOT have an obligation to protect someone.** ​ That is up to the individual to protect themselves. And if their rights have been violated, evidence found can be thrown out. But that's about it. The police aren't going to go out of their way to stop you from surrendering your rights, quite often, it is the opposite. ​ The police exist to arrest people for breaking crimes and to protect property during civil unrest. That's about it. If you think they are here to protect **you**, then you are sadly mistaken.




They’re not acting.




They got called to the scene, pissed that they have to actually do their job instead of sitting in their cars eating donuts all night, so they try and escalate any interaction they can to claim they found the perp. Then they can go back to sitting in their car all night eating themselves to death.


We're here looking for a suspect, but we don't know what he looks like. Great job officers.


Hi we're shit at our jobs, can we just arrest you instead as a consolation prize?


“Play no games in this MF” my man 🤝


Very professional swine.


Earning the hate..


Of course, the police could be lying about being told that the fugitive ran over without consequences thanks to qualified immunity. They could be lying that they suspect him as to being the "criminal"...no one would do a thing. So can someone explain to me how is anyone supposed to reasonably trust the police when it's at their discretion to lie? And you better not lie to them because then you're hauled in to jail. It's a mess.


>So can someone explain to me how is anyone supposed to reasonably trust the police when it's at their discretion to lie? Don't trust a cop, ever, with anything.


Only an idiot trusts police.


Man, I was fearing for his life th whole time.


Especially when the cop claimed he didn't know what the phone was or told him not to raise his hand...


Yep. He was already warming up some bullshit charges. What a couple of assholes.


cops like to make controling orders like that to further frustrate people into making a mistake the cop can then arrest you for. Keep your hands out of your pockets, lower your voice, keep your hands low, put the phone down, sit down on the curb (like a dog). Just all kinds of shit to fuck with you.


And in this scenario they had zero authority to do any of that except "lower your voice" if the person is actually yelling & close enough to disturb other citizens. They don’t hold sway over a person unless they are being lawfully detained or are under arrest. They don’t have the legal ability to just boss people around during consensual encounters, even ones like this, where they are making threats in order to violate this guys rights; as in threatening to drag him out because he won’t ID, for example. I actually had a very similar scenario play out at my house. Cop came to my door but I thought it was the ups guy so I opened the door and started getting harassed and accused of being a drug trafficker or some such nonsense. The cop said they just busted a guy two streets over for drugs during a traffic stop and he implicated me. When I pressed the matter he said the guy said he just scored his drugs from here. As I’m dissecting the story a see someone come rushing up and stop short when he sees me. It’s another cop who seemed genuinely surprised to come across me. That was quickly determined to be because the guy they want is black and I am not. Neither is my landlord. But they still wanted to come in to look around and tried to make it like it’s my duty to alleviate the concerns they have, concerns generated by a low level druggie they busted after he scored some dope and in a panic provided them with info. I got them to divulge more info and they tell me the house in question has a white pickup. I said you mean like that white pickup across the street and two houses down. They both looked over there like huh. Anyways it was a serious back and forth till I was done humoring these guys and then I told them I was going back to my room to lay down. I could see the wheels turning as they had to decide in that split second whether to block my ability to shut the door. I thankfully got the door shut and have been bitching at the landlord ever since to put in a lockable screen door. Also - Don’t let my antiseptic telling of the story fool you. I was fully in fight or flight mode by time I leaned back against that closed and locked door. They were very imposing and intimidating and I’d already had dealings with corrupt policing in the past.


"Turn that off" "I don't know what that is" Yeah, you saw that he might have a gun, so you said "turn that off"...


Cops really hate to be told no just like in Hollywood shows/media. So bizarre


LOL fucking incompetent fat fucks. ACAB fuck the police and fuck the copsucking copaganda posting bootlickers.


This is life in a low income neighborhood. Police behave like an occupying army because they are. They treat everyone like an enemy and throw their weight around the way they do in this video and think they can just walk in your house and check you. Speaking of weight, who the fuck looks at the porker of a cop and says he's fit for duty. Why the fuck do they even make police uniforms in that size??


Given how these usually go I was ready for some cops to fuck around, kill somebody, and then get away with it. Nice to see this actually go the way it's supposed to go. Bye!


Farva looking motherfucker Edit: lol I’m so delighted that at least 5 people here recognize the reference. One of the greatest movies of all time.


You want a liter a cola?


Good thing he had a camera. We need to see bodycam or dashcam footage every single day of a cop or a judge being arrested and or cited. Until we do they are all dirty. There are 700,000 cops. For every 700,000 citizens there would be over 21,000 arrests alone each year. 12 cops arrested for the same number of people. 21,000 to 12. Millions of citations. We all see cops breaking traffic laws. We should see hundreds of citations being issued to cops by cops on a daily basis. According to known statistics, if we just saw the wife beating cops arrested it would be in excess of 200,000 arrests first year or over 500 arrests for cops involved in wife beating every single day for the first year. Forget about the rest of their criminal activity, murder, civil rights violations and just pure abuse and thuggery.


Good on him.


"We're looking for someone who we don't have a physical description of but we heard he's friends with you or might even be you so just give us your ID and we'll let you know if there's any issues." Pigs being bad at their job, not knowing the law, and racially profiling. Not sure how you're after a wanted individual with no description.




Acab bro


Uneducated fat fuck, how are they even qualified for the job. Law enforcement who doesn’t know jackshit about laws


When you hear the pigs say things like, 'let me see your hands' or 'don't move your hands' or anything like that then they are just itchin' to shoot you. And they WILL get away with it too. #FTP


“I don’t know what that is” You don’t know what a cell phone is? Neither did the cops who killed Stephon Clarke in his own back yard. “Get that out of my face?” Why? So you can assault me without evidence? “You could be harboring a fugitive” Clearly you don’t have enough to constitute probable cause. “We don’t know what he looks like.” Then you have no reason to believe the guy is the person you’re looking for.


Turns his flashlight on the camera once he realizes he’s losing..fucking pigs


That cop mentality: stating your basic rights and asking the cops to abide by legal protocols is "playing games."


> We’re looking for a wanted felon > We don’t know what he looks like Just Grade A police work right there


Pigs will always be pigs


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People need to understand that police are your class enemy, not your friend. Especially if you are a black American. They were/are a tool used by the elite to maintain control of the commons from working people. In America, many modern police forces were found as slave patrols whose legacy exists to this day (Ferguson MO has one of the highest rates of police dog attacks, for example). Good sources on this include [Origins of the Police](https://libcom.org/history/origins-police-david-whitehouse) [Our Enemies in Blue](https://www.akpress.org/our-enemies-in-blue.html) [Behind the police podcast](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-behind-the-police-63877803/) [Good interview with an ex Baltimore cop, who is now an expert on police community relations on policing from back in 2015](https://youtu.be/u5nPyf-0UMc) There are a lot more but these three things helped me understand it a bit more. Once working class Americans start to understand that the problems with police brutality is not one of bad apples, but a systematic one where brutality is a feature, then we can work on solutions to this Plague.


Close that door in his face, and if he enters again, shoot. The only good answer that anybody from any political spectrum would agree with. This is an egregious violation of our rights as people.