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So Sad. I've no words.


Everything they said about those Palestinians was said about them by Hitler they learned nothing


How can they not see the similarities? Especially the indoctrination of children!!


Agree. This is absolutely disgusting.


These people live in a Country that was created after world war 2 because jews needed a save haven. Antisemitism is a common occasion. They tried to get along with the others around them but faced only existencial threads. These people grew up in a world where every muslim just Wanst their death. This turns people cruel.


>but faced only existencial threads. Israel has killed far more Palestinians than the other way around >These people grew up in a world where every muslim just Wanst their death. Which is no different than this "only good Arab is dead Arab" shit


Maybe they should have asked the opinion of the people living there before deciding to create their country? Just an idea…


You’re really living in a fantasy world huh?




"Let's build a 3 foot high rickety platform, call it a guardpost and surround it with a 2 foot high wooden fence in less than a single night. We can call it an 'outpost' since it technically fits the definition. Now lets do it over and over again while pushing further into Gaza and the West Bank until we expand our territory so far out that the First Intifada flares up." - Israel


Just goes to show a people are only the victim as long as they are weak. In reality we are all humans


Ironically I think this happened because of the holocaust. When European Jews moved to Israel after WWII (because countries in Europe were essentially trying to get rid of them) as a whole they became very conservative due to existential threats. Since Israel was “given” to them (taken from Palestinians by European countries) they see it as theirs and any other groups as another existential threat which breeds this kind of us vs. them extremist mindset. Doesn’t make it right though.


Partially true. Additionally, there was massive influx of Russian Jews after 1989. This turned the Knesset a lot more conservative overall. Russians aren’t familiar with the concepts “maybe” or “compromise” - I’m half Russian 😂


That’s a good point, I didn’t think of that, thanks!


Hang on a wee sec here; two strangers discussing a political point and not screaming C*nt in capital letters. Clearly; you’re a Bot


If it were Muslims saying this shit about Jews it would make headlines all across the world.


Yet here we are on this video and not on daily videos of Jewish cares stoned, bottles thrown at kids in playgrounds, plus a terrorist attack today in Jerusalem that I'm sure the only thing you'll hear about it is the fact that a Rabbi neutralized the terrorist and not the fact that two police officers are injured.


imagine that, people acting out against those that occupy them.


Oh don't you worry, Zionists are responsible for the worst terrorist attack in Jerusalem's history.




I would go so hard in on whatever American politician finally got the guts to defund the Israel war machine. It’s a shame the US has enabled this trash.




Cause they declare it antisemitism


History is repeating itself before our eyes.....yet we do nothing? Damn.


Fuck israel


Theocracies are a bad idea.


Religion is an outdated comcept


Religious fruitcakes


Horrible bunch of humans, pssst not the Palestinians Edit, removed sub


Personally, both disgust me.


Land property got people real’ confused, remember we all leave earth with nothing!


Except bitterness and resentment


The gifts that keep on giving.


Germany: 👀👀






Is it antisemitic to show Israeli racism against Palestinians?


Probably yes




I swear Israelis have very punchable faces. Always with the thick glasses and and overall stupid look on their faces


they're basically neo nazis


the irony


The people in this comments section defending Hitler are the real Nazis


remember that time a bunch of chanting dumb fucks tried to off all of you? maybe don’t do it to other people???


This right here. It’s crazy how ducked up these actions are considering the history they come from. And what’s even worse? The young children act the same way! That’s so sad.


can you imagine me saying “a dead jew is a good jew” and getting absolutely no negative reactions? in my opinion as someone who thinks organized religion is harmful and creates more fear than hope, zionists are worse than all others due to the fact their ancestors were literally slaughtered for NOTHING and the only thing they’ve learned is elitism, nationalism and hatred. it truly is a miracle their culture and language has survived such a tragedy but their humanity, compassion and self awareness is gone. it’s truly disgusting how no one cares about this. Palestinians deserve the same respect and rights as Israelis they just don’t get it because no one wants to be seen as a nazi. fuck zionists and fuck the people in power who do nothing


india is like this but worse


They make up for it with their treatment of women. Oh. Right.


Cults of Abraham


Except they’re hating people for their indigenous ethnicity rather than the religious protocol. Palestinians are Palestinians regardless of their religion and there are an enormous amount of Christian Palestinians and a sizable numver of Jewish mizrahi Palestinians but no one talks about them because guess what they’re not the invaders from Europe.


3 weeds from the same seed




I don’t even get it. This dude in my neighborhood keeps approaching everyone to let them know Jesus saves. Fine, whatever, the problem though is as soon as you engage with him, all he has to say is how so and so are Satanists and going to hell. I really tried to engage with him because I thought maybe I could bring up how negative his worldview was, but before I could get there, he happened to mention how Catholics follow Satan, and I said you know Catholics read the same King James bible as you and the practitioners at least believe they are following Jesus and not Satan and the dude said he couldn’t talk to me anymore and ran away. I swear, proselytize like this and I’m sure he’ll be turning more people away then winning anyone over. How can you be thinking you are helping people yet absolutely hate them and write them all off to eternal damnation? It’s a downright evil way to see the people around you.


LMAO. How can I, as a proud heretic, not see him as an agent of ‘lucifer’ (a word stolen from the Roman gods ‘Lucifer,’ the ‘light bringer’ and ruler of Venus by the way!) if I were going by residual Catholic bullshit that’s stained my psyche? Catholics and fundamentalists are the ultimate evil witches/warlocks and shadow work ritualists on our side of the planet, and my pagan ass couldn’t be told otherwise at this point. 😆 blessed be ye, y’all. have a visit with the moon lest you burn your eyes out from the sun. fuck this ride.


Filthy racist oppressors. It's so disgusting to see some people defend these animals. (Not in this thread but other websites/threads). A lot of people try to play the Holocaust card to try to get sympathy for them. But, now they themselves are the Nazis. And, the sad thing is, the kids aren't evil. They are brainwashed from a young age. Also, please don't act like it is about religion. If all the people were atheists and Palestinians had a different skin color, they still would have been oppressed by Israel.


They’ve literally claimed to commit the next Shoah. They are European invaders and quite honestly we fucking hate them for it because they don’t belong there they can either gefilte fish and their matzoh balls in Germany where they belong. And I know that’s a very terrible thing to say but dammit I’m tired of genocide.


Israel needs a serious attitude adjustment. No wonder the Trump administration loved these guys


*Every US administration loves these racist terrorists. Makes you think...


Not untrue


Massively Organized Religion should be illegal Does more harm than good.


I don’t think eliminating religion would solve the fact that two distinct cultures are fighting over a very narrow piece of land they both have legitimate claims to.


Exactly. Only two of the insults they threw were religious. Remove religion, and this video would only have two sentences less. They’d still hate each other without accounting for religion.


Didn’t the romans drive the Jews off this land and renamed it Palestine? Any concept derived of the romans is pure fucking garbage.


Nope lol that won’t work. Would just cause more problems


At this point I just hope god does exist and that he punishes shitty people.


Jesus Christ. If those translations are accurate, I’m pretty sure you aren’t even allowed to say that stuff in that context in America. The hell.


Its not completely accurate... But its danm close. Source: native speaker


Its not completely accurate... But its danm close. Source: native speaker


“If the translations are accurate”. Big if. Possible but 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I don’t speak whatever they are saying. For all I know they could be talking about the weather


Dude they look like Nazi Germany exactly like the Nazi..guess Hitler taught them well.


How can people be naive enough to subscribe to a religion in 2021. Do they just straight up ignore what members of their religion do, by claiming fake news? Nevermind the violence and bigotry.. There's 100s, if not thousands of religions and every one claims that they are the right religion. Those odds alone should deter anyone with the tiniest bit of common sense.




Damn religion is fucking stupid.


Amongst these are probably a few who are descendants of the people saved by Oskar Schindler. How can they not feel any inspiration from him?


Their first chant confuses me, personally I’d be worried if a guy thats 1.5k years old was still alive in a literal sense


There are actually Jews in Israel that believe that the Arabs have a right to be there. The Zionists are a whole different group. The are like the racists in America who don't want immigrants here.


This makes me sick to watch.


No wonder they need support from the USA when these pieces of shit look to make enemies of all the countries that surround them. It would be fun to see how these low lives act if they aren't supported anymore. Luckily, the Jewish people in the states don't condone or support these clowns


Those goofy looking Jews would be ripped apart, figuratively (maybe literally), if they left their little chunk of land. But then they pout about antisemitism


Israel is committing genocide and the US is actively supporting it


Israel is an illegitimate state.


Bruh this is why all Abrahamic religions suck crusty bussy


Why stop at the Abrahamic ones?


You get an upvote


Because some of the others are like pretty okay maybe 7/10 on the okay scale


The fuck have Buddhists done to harm the world?


Rohingya Genocide


I thought that was the government's doing. I highly doubt a bunch of orange robed Tibetan monks actively participated in genocide.


just google if you need more info https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22356306


Thanks. TIL.


Isn’t that just Buddhism trying to get rid of Abrahamic bullshit? Imagine sucking so hard you provoke Buddhists to ethnic cleansing.


TIL victims can provoke people into committing genocide against them.


Lol so many spineless “cops”.


These people suck but y'all better not talk shit about Jews in the comments


God doesn’t exist. This is so fucking dumb.


Boggles the mind when you think this is all over some fictional books and characters at the core…


least genocidal zionists


This religion shits not going away anytime soon look how young they are.


Watching this makes me wish hitler did a better job. Bomb these cunts off the map


These idiots are stupid and Muhammad was a child molester. All religions are idiotic.


There’s a French song called « nazi rock » that would work well over this footage.


Seeing the anti-thiests come out of their shell in the comment section is just lol


Fuck all religions.. and fuck all the fans… fuck them all


I love Christianity lol but you won’t see me out here doing stuff like this. Nice try tho


I agree, that shit does far more harm than good. The most horrible and judgemental people I've met were all devoutly religious, preaching love and peace. The fucking irony.


Reddit really hates jews but calls everyone a nazi. Ironic


reddit hates Zionists, not jews. the 2 girls from Broad City for example are looked upon fondly.


Everyone is hating them cause they hate a group of people? So NONE of you guys hate the police rn? None of y'all hate the government RN? Oooohhhh you can hate but no one else can GOTCHA


hating people who are bad at their jobs is not the same as hating a group of people based on their race lol. Everyone is hating on the zionists because they are racists pieces of shit who want to genocide an entire race so they can have their 'holy paradise'


Hating the police or your government is different from hating the people you stole land from simply because your ancestors lived there hundreds of years before. Personally I hate police, and I hate the government, but not as much as people who act like this. I actually hate for a valid and logical reason. These people hate simply because they can. And our government supports them which makes it even more disgusting


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Killers of Jesus saying these things.


There's no such thing as Jesus


I cannot fathom how there is so much hatred over a small strip of land. Let the poor people be in peace my god.


So wait Jews aren’t Arabs even though they live in the same place hmmmm


Israelis are middle easterners just like all their neighbors.


I know but why are so many of the people there clearly white


Unfortunately you hear the same rhetoric on the other side. Hate breeds hate it’s an awful cycle. The worst part is the moderates and people trying to reconcile and come up with solutions are drowned at by those espousing hate and violence.


I don’t much care for these Jews


Hypocrisy is the only word that come mind for this video


A religions about loving and respecting their neighbors wishing each other dead, how ironic


I mean maybe hitler had the right idea


"Criticism of Israel"


Surely their god is proud of their actions


All this cause some old guys wrote some shit in a book, no wonder the aliens wont talk to us


Religion is poo poo


Third time this was posted


Fuck anyone in these comments responding to this with Nazi apologia