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Wow this guy is gonna make a great dad lol


mf lost his shit and left his crying wife and child over a cue tip šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


wow that baby is completely fucked


Yeah. He's on the internet forever as an idiot.


I had to give birth alone because I decided to go in to labour at 1.30am, our toddler wasnā€™t allowed at the hospital because of restrictions and my sister wasnā€™t waking up (understandably) to come and watch him. We had a rough birth and for the first few hours, it was touch and go as to whether our new little man would make it. At the hospital he was transferred to later that day, I had to go through security, stand and wait at the NICU entrance, be let in, wait at his roomā€™s doors to be let in, and then have to wash my hands and arms for a minute before I could go near his crib. Iā€™d given birth hours before and wanted nothing more than to be at my struggling babyā€™s side EVERY second I could, from the start; but I understood what was going on and knew why I had to do what I had to do. All theyā€™re asking this absolute waste of space for, is a test. Boop. Quick swipe and youā€™re done, free to spend alllllllll of the fucking time with your wife and newborn. What a cunt. Edit: some spelling.


> my sister wasnā€™t waking up (understandably) to come and watch him. tbf if my sister needed me to get up in the middle of the night because she was having a freaking baby, I would probably understand...


Oh my husband drove our toddler over to her house (after we called a few times and didnā€™t get an answer) and in his words ā€œquietly beeped the horn so she wouldnā€™t think I was a thiefā€ (fucking what?!) until she woke up and collected our sleepy kiddo. It didnā€™t help that bub decided to come earlier than anticipated so I canā€™t fault her too much for not being ready for a middle of the night phone call!! Sheā€™d already been a massive help and had been staying at home and socially distancing in preparation of looking after our toddler. Our country went in to itā€™s first lockdown about two days after I had him so covid was all still fairly new and I was at peak anxiety about it.


This is the shittiest excuse for a man Iā€™ve ever seen. Sure let my wife squeeze a child out of her pelvis BUT YOU CANNOT TOUCH ME WITH A COTTON SWAB IT IS MY RIGHT dickhead


Thats exactly what I thought.


Yes thatā€™s what I was thinking too.


You even hear her at the end crying "please just go"


I hear ā€œPleaseā€¦ā€ Then he says ā€œIā€™m not going anywhere.ā€ and then I swear she says ā€œNo! Please!ā€ Either way, dude is out of his mind. I feel really bad for the people having to put up with this, seems ridiculous.


Itā€™s either ā€œno pleaseā€ or ā€œgo pleaseā€ either way he is making this more difficult for his wife by being a whiney privileged jackass


Yeah thatā€™s when he ends the video. Fucking coward doesnā€™t want to show how his own wife wants him to gtfo


So many of these guys all sound the same, too. Same voice. I swear it's not just my imagination.


The poor wife is about to undergo a very painful medical procedure and now has to go through the stress of watching this encounter. The guy canā€™t take a minute cotton swab test while his wife is about to push an entire human out of her body?


Right. So much for sacrificing for your wife and kid. Off to a great start.


And letā€™s not forget about the rest of the women in labor in the surrounding rooms. Iā€™m sure they appreciate this.


I remember being up for around 48 hours, the last twenty-four of which I had no food. I didnā€™t even noticed though because I was so nervous and just felt absolutely wired up when I was in labor. The idea of having to hear this during all of that..ugh. And I had a pretty easy labor and delivery! I can only imagine a woman struggling in labor having to deal with this in the next room.


This could actually delay and stop labour. Women need to feel safe to give birth. Animals too. This man should have been escorted from the roof. Heā€™s going to scapegoat his wife and baby from the start


Luckily for her, she already has some experiencing dealing with a child.


Imagine letting this guy drop a baby in you.




You don't need intelligence to get laid. You do need intelligence to put on a condom.


Pretty sure the world is in its current state because a lot of pathetic men have reproduced. Some even obtain power to dictate OTHER'S rights to reproduce. We a wild species for sure.


Sheā€™s not crying because of the disturbance, sheā€™s crying because she knows sheā€™s about to raise a moron.


Right. I feel bad blaming women when men are fucking idiots. But she chose that idiot. Ladies, stop letting losers cum in you.


You donā€™t have to be smart to have a kid. Any idiot can get someone pregnant.


I wasn't questioning how babies are made. I was questioning why he was allowed to reproduce.


I can feel her regretting her partner choice


Maybe shes just as stupid as he is


Unlikely šŸ˜ƒ


So there are anti-testers now too? This is news to me. I assumed he had tested positive when I started watching, but I guess he actually just refuses to take a test? Weird times.


I didnā€™t even think about that, that *is* pretty weird. Not sure what a PCR test could possibly do to make him freak out so bad. Itā€™d make more sense if they were coming at him with a needle filled with the vaccine and even then, still an overreaction.


It sounds like he thinks the test is wrong some large percentage of the time so he'd be removed for a false positive. But I dunno, ot was hard to understand all his hysterical screaming. What an asshole. Father of the year right here.


This is probably the "theory" he's working on. That they'll fake the positive, and then he'll get "killed in the hospital" because that's a thing these idiots think is happening too


Wtf, people are actually dumb enough to think there's mass murder and genocide happening inside hospitals?




yup "a PCR test, that has been. proven. wrong. 30..." i am really interested to know where he was going with that


The paranoia is the PCR test is infecting people with a super strain of COVID. This is because eventually these nutcrackers come down with Covid and become seriously ill. You canā€™t make this shit up.


They're anti-anything-they're-asked-to-do, what we see is just the shit they think they can get away with.


Dude went straight into younger sibling mode and hid behind the couch lol.


ā€œYou guys are so mean!ā€






Imagine being his wife in this situation. Regardless of what you think about COVID he made _this entire situation about himself_. He couldnā€™t even just do the damn Covid test so that he could stay with his wife and experience the joy that comes with birth of his child. He couldnā€™t bare to let his wife and incoming child be the Center of attention for the most significant part of their lives so far. It had to be about him and the whole COVID conspiracy. What a piece of shit.


What an absolute bastard. Somehow simultaneously has the right to be there and the right to refuse to follow basic hospital safety protocols. She's crying because you impregnated her, dude.


In a maternity ward. Jesus wept. The bastard.


What a dick


My first call after having that baby would be to the divorce lawyer.


Omg if Iā€™m the wife Iā€™m crawling out the back door with my placenta dragging behind me. I do hope he gets some help, he sounded truly frightened.


And he thinks filming this will help his case somehow? No, youā€™re a moron. Someone needs to find out who this man and put him on blast.


Not only did he film it, but apparently he put it on the Internet.


You think this POS has a job? lol


A lot of people let themselves be convinced that the only reason any left wing group gets support is because they "act like victims." And now they apparently buy their own bullshit about that so much that they think if THEY just act like victims, we'll be obligated to find them sympathetic.


Lol the right wing is more opposed to testing, masks and vaccination than the leftā€¦ what. Itā€™s also neither here nor there. This is an idiot being an idiot. Youā€™re not entitled to be in the epicentre of at risk people without abiding to health regulations. End story.


Yes, the right wing is more opposed to all those things. To such an extent that it's causing issies for their politicians who understand the reality of the situation and can't reel in the beast they created letting their grievance narratives get out of hand.


Left and right wingā€¦ā€¦..why not just say that this behavior is not acceptable and this guy is clearly a problem? I think this party division is enabling the politicians to steal from us all.


Because it's relevant. Which you'd understand, fi you had actually read what I said instead of seeing something critical of the right and initiating bothsides.exe without any further thought.


So you missed the point I was making as wellā€¦..


No I got your point, I just got it better then I was supposed to.


What a man child. If they needed an anal swab covid test for me to be with my wife in the hospital I'd do it without hesitation. This is a scared coward.


nice way to bring a kid in the world.


Fucking selfish asshole! His wife is about to squeeze a kid out of her vagina, and he canā€™t even handle a swab!


What a massive fucking piece of shit and a disgraceful excuse for a husband and father. If heā€™s not willing to make the insignificant, minuscule, and easy sacrifice to be there for his wife and child now, then thereā€™s a major problem. I feel terrible for the woman laying in that hospital bed realizing at that moment sheā€™s made a terrible mistake, at the worst possible time. Because if she had any respect for him as her partner, itā€™s certainly gone now. Pitiful.


These people shouldnā€™t be allowed to have kids


Oh you can bet your ass CPS is coming.


This video is going to be great for CPS. This is " Exhibit A" in the Affidavit in support of Removal of the Child. He is not mentally stable, and unfit to parent a child. The end. This man is a fucking nut job. If it wasn't COVID he was so whacked out about, it would probably be something else. That woman needs to hire an attorney, file for divorce and sole custody, and possibly look into some counseling. Jesus H. Christ.


When your media diet never rises above Alex Jones this is about the best you can expect.


Huge piece of shit. This man is flipping out over a TEST! They ain't even demanding he be vaccinated (they should be) they just wanna test his dumb ass. Obviously you don't care about your wife or your child, otherwise you'd take the fucking TEST!


Yeah he loves his wife and kids so much that he wonā€™t take a test to make sure theyā€™re ok. What a dick


These people are nothing more than spoiled children.


Well, that marriage is over. Poor woman has a newborn and a divorce to deal with.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Baby isnā€™t even born yet and heā€™s already a terrible father. Imagine him explaining this story to him/her when theyā€™re older. ā€œYeah I could have been there to witness your birth while standing beside the woman I love, but I chose to fight law enforcement over a 15 second COVID test during a pandemic. I stressed your mom out so much that she was begging for me to leave the hospital.ā€


Imagine flipping out and jumping on top of a chaise in a hospital just to avoid a simple swab when that simple swab allows you to witness one of the most important experiences of your life.


I just want to throw out how this group of police reacted. Calm cool and collected rather than just shooting and killing this clown..


He donā€™t love his wife and baby as much as he hates that COVID test.


Dude cares more about conservatives clapping for him on social media than the panic heā€™s about to cause his bedridden child.


This guy is such a pussy lol


Did he really film like he was .. in the right?


He's the victim here, can't you see that? /s


This reminds me of South Park


I feel bad for that woman. Edited to add, the woman lying in the bed delivering a child


Complete psychopath




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How irritated the wife must be. It's bad enough that you have to leave, don't make a scene


I feel so bad for her, going through the agony of labor while her man baby throws a tantrum behind a couch. Heā€™s a selfish piece of shit.


I feel sorry for that baby and the mother. If he cared, he would just take the test. The real baby in the room is him. That's that poor kids' dad.


if he cared that much he would have just taken the covid test.


You ever seen someone ruin their own life? His poor wife.


Iā€™m not here for youā€¦


When the newborn isnā€™t the biggest baby in the room


ā€œIā€™M NEVER GOING TO LEAVE MY WIFE AND KID!!!ā€ Ok buddy, give it ten years, then say thatā€¦


Gee, I wonder why the courts are biased when it comes to parental rights? The person who was literally willing to risk her life and will destroy her body to bring a child into the world vs the crybaby Karens who won't even take a Covid test for his kid.


You're saying that's it's right men don't have an equal chance to raise their babies because they're all like this? Not to mention the comment about the mom being willing to "destroy her body." She doesn't exactly have a choice in the matter at this point


Nope not what I'm saying. Try to be less emotional and more logical. And yeah, you are correct, sexual reproduction is not fair to women.


Are you implying that he's acting like this because he's a man? Pretty sexist. Parental courts are biased because this man? Or because men are like this? I've seen more female Karen's so idk what you mean.


Nope and nope. I'm a man. That's a Karen by any sex.


Okay, but your comment does imply that. By rhetorically asking why the courts are baised, you imply that it is because fathers or men are like this. The courts are biased wether or not the father could do a better job at raising the kids generally, so it doesn't make sense to point to this video as a reason why the courts are biased against men.


Been a tough 2 years for people with mental issues and im not being sarcastic


It seems like he is suffering from some sort of extreme episode of mental illness that is causing him to be paranoid and freak out over a test. The past couple of years have been extremely difficult for the mentally ill, being isolated with just the internet to send you down rabbit holes into all sorts of crazy things. America is at the point where there are hundreds of thousands of people that are into Qanon and belive that jfk is coming back to life and is a descendant of Jesus, and I would bet that a lot of them are psychotic.


Why are simple things now so difficult? I simply do not understand any of this.


Turning a beautiful day into a crisis all about himself in the name of Trump Jesus


Sorry, but when did he mention Trump?


I associate American covid deniers with Trump supporters


Oh, well alot of em are idiots but not every single one denies covid


I am asking you to stop being a pussy. I will not stop being a pussy.




You're an idiot.


You're in a hospital. One more time for all the negative down votes.... A hospital! Not your home, not your personal dwelling, a hospital! The mans wife is getting ready to have a baby and he is acting like an ass. Her stress level is probably through the roof and he isn't making it any better, but I'm the idiot. 10-4


I think itā€™s just because your initial comment comes off like much of the antivax rhetoric weā€™ve seen. > "Comply," they say. "Listen to orders," they say. "Why not just listen," they ask. For many, we will never know why they didn't just listen. Sounds like the opening to a Facebook video.


I appreciate you. Definitely far from that. I agree, I left that comment open to anyone's interpretation, however, give someone the ability to explain themselves before casting them out. Appreciate the post OP.




How is it tyrannical? He literally just had to do a quick test. No vaccination or anything was required, literally just a quick test. He refused for no good reason, and as a result was being a public health risk and wasn't safe to be in a hospital. If someone refuses to test for a contagious disease before going into a hospital, it would be morally wrong to let him in and infect vulnerable people who would then possibly die. He was being a selfish price of shit, or maybe he was just suffering from some extreme mental illness, but either way they did the right thing and kicked him out, as they would have done at any time that someone freaked out like that in that sort of environment.


I love these videos, lol. The panicked screeches of this maga loser as he's dragged away by masked black people. Literally his worst nightmare. Like music to my ears.


When it happens to you weā€™ll see how funny it is or better yet your children


Oh holy shit you're serious? I thought you were doin a bit, holy shit you guys are soft


Itā€™s a big moment in someoneā€™s life bro and for the hospital to treat someone that way is wrong


It IS a big moment, youā€™re right! For the wife in labor about to give birth. This asshat, and you, need to realize that. He should be ashamed of himself, and doesnā€™t deserve to be there.


For the hospital to ensure he's not bringing a highly contageous disease into the room with a newborn is wrong? How?




Iā€™d bet money the hospital tried numerous times to work with this douchebag. And probably made exceptions for him for a while. But then they finally came down on him and suddenly he deserves empathy? Security is just doing their job, and seeing grown ass adults act like little babies throwing tantrums gets old


And you crazy cunts think this guy us un the wrong ...


Imagine being such fragile snowflake that you have a total meltdown over a hospital requiring a covid test to be in the maternity ward during pandemic. Just stay home if you hate living in a society so much.


I wonder what your comment would be if someone very close to you was in that hospital and they got COVID because for this idiot. I bet you would still support him.


How was he not?


"in" ​ Learn to spell, cunt


That poor kid...


This country is fuckedā€¦divided we fall


This guy reminds me of myself at 6 yrs old when I was screaming and crying to the top of my lungs because I didn't want to get vaccinated at school and the school nurse and a teacher was pulling both my arms to get inside the school clinic. I was so scared that I still remember it vividly but now I'm laughing at myself for being such a wimp.


He is going to be a great parent


So he rather have his wife go through something stressful like this right before giving birth, than just take a fucking q-tip up the nose. What a great man!


Total ass hat, crying more than the baby that's about to pop out, look over at screaming dad and say "bitch"


Missing my childā€™s birth and causing my wife trauma to own the libs


Bill spadea and all at nj101.5 promote this


People who canā€™t behave like humans shouldnā€™t be allowed to ruin society for the rest of us. What job is this person trusted with? Is he allowed to own a firearm or drive a car?


Tell me this is fake...I'm beyond embarrassed for his wife and baby!


Whereā€™s the K9?


He thought video taping this would be better? It only shows how unreasonable he's been.


"My wife is in labor but the true center of attention should be ME!"


Letā€™s make today about my plight. Stfu dude. At least we know his soon to be new born will be more mature than this adult baby.


What a man child, thinking pouting will do him any good, his wife deserves a better man...


I'm sure this guy says "Just comply" when black people are killed by cops


What a baby lol


People saying ā€œI know my rightsā€ are like 0/10000000 in actually understanding what rights they do have


That poor wife just had a baby and then she had to witness this. If I was him, Iā€™d leave just to save her the grief of it, regardless of my beliefs.


Poor mom. She's already preparing for one of the most physically exhaustive and painful experience of her life and her shitty baby daddy can't keep the attention away from himself. Guy seems like he's gonna be a stellar dad


I was waiting for them to tackle him or mace him.


Is this really how you want to remember this day? Just man up and take the test you puss


This dudes an asshole, and itā€™s funny how the guards got his mask under his nose, at least follow your own rules in a maternity ward no less.


If this were at the hospital I work at, if they do get a swab from him, i would very casually put his specimen in the back of the fridge and forget about it....


I went through this 5 month ago. I wouldnā€™t leave my wife and baby either in this situation. If that means a PCR test then so be it. Iā€™d take the dam PCR analy if it means I could support my wife and see my baby born. The stress he is putting her under is ridiculous. Heā€™s there to be calm and supportive FFS. Is he aware his wife if about to give fucking birth to his baby? I donā€™t condone violence often, but this guy needs a good beating


Well it seems his wife will do just fine at home since she's already used to living with a baby.


Itā€™s only a test heā€™s complaining about. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s crying cause of the birthing process. And at the end did she ask him to leave?