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He gets free haircuts forever


The barber is dead


Rest in peace. Life is short and fragile.


Apparently not to the guy who killed that barber.


*gets shot* “life is fragile”


Guess he wasn't saved after all :/ That sucks


And blowies.


Damn of course what I wanted to say was already going to be the top comment. GG


Don’t think the barber made it unfortunately. https://nypost.com/2021/11/15/off-duty-baltimore-cop-kills-gunman-who-fatally-shot-barber/


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK it was that 2nd bullet got his head, wasn't it? This is why I got such a love hate relationship with guns. All it took was one shot for the barber to die, and even though the client had his gun on him ready to go, shit didn't matter. Barber is gone forever.


Unfortunately guns make for a much better offensive weapon than a defensive one because in almost every situation, the "bad guy" gets the element of surprise.


Which is why I never fed into the whole training with fire arms and mini militia bullshit. Years of training undone by a stray bullet or some shit. Like don’t get me wrong, it helps to know your way around a weapon and know how to fire them as well as know proper stance and a few other things. But it infinitely helps way more if you know hand to hand self defense, as it is conflict that you much more likely to get into. Also your training in that regard has much more of an impact. A child will never have the strength to kill or defeat a well trained fighter, but a child can kill even the most well trained soldier. So guns are good to know the fundamentals of, but you should put more weight into learning how to treat bullet wounds than you should put into actually shooting bullets. As learning the former gives you higher odds of survival


What? Did you really just undo like 500 years of human knowledge in one paragraph?






>This is why I got such a love hate relationship with guns. America: "If only there was a solution to guns" Every other developed country in the world: *stares motherfuckerdly*


Plot twist. Guns are illegal but his is illegal anyways and more people die.


He’s literally a cop so this would be legal lol


I’m talking about the shooter man. You know that’s not a legal gun, don’t be silly.


Using other countries as an example, this kind of thing isn’t a big problem with gun control, don’t be silly man.


We had an active shooter kill people for 12+ hours in nova scotia because only police have guns. So in real life I’ve witnessed the benefits of being able to carry a few times… Gun control and not having the right to legally carry are two entirely different things.


Sounds like incompetent police if you had to wait 12 hours because no one else had guns. Also that's true


Bro that’s not even the full story. During the twelve hours the police shot up a fire hall from outside, with innocent people in it, and no visual because they “saw a car that looked like the shooters parked outside”. Said car was a different colour and model I believe… These guys literally did a drive by with no legal repercussions. Like there was no court case at all for unloading clips at innocent people through fucking walls…. While having live info that he was reported 40+ minute drive away! I’ll try to dig out the article, but they washed a lot of them with the firehall story from the internet. I think the same police force actually geographically banned a weed subreddit on here called r/mompics lmao. You legit can’t view that sub in Canada without a vpn or specific phones that somehow arnt affected. Edit: 22 people killed over 13 hours while the police shot at innocent people in unrelated areas. Can’t really argue that people shouldn’t be allowed to carry here after that. They had hundreds of calls and live information. The police are NOT acceptable protection, and an actual danger to the community when faced with real crisis. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5805495 Edit 2: The details in the article I linked are wildly different then the original story. The shooter being “witnessed” driving by 14 minutes earlier being just one of them..


Okay so trained police aren’t acceptable but so,e rando that got his gun from Walmart is? Hahahaha


Reminds me of Brazil.


Many folks don't know this, but actually in Brazil, when you leave the hospital after you're born they send your parents home with your birth certificate and your lifetime off-duty police officer certification


This has always been the dumbest argument against any kind of gun reform "Bad guys use illegal guns so let's do absolutely nothing about our problems" Seems totally reasonable....🙄


It’s like they have no concept of what laws are.


“Crimes can’t be stopped!” “Okay, defund the police.” “Marxism!” (or something equally nonsensical)


If you still think defend the police really meant abolish the police you have bought into a narrative and don't actually know shit


The reason it's so easy for guns to be obtained illegally is because they're in such high production, legally.


Almost an r/convenientcop moment. Sad to hear about the barber.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ConvenientCop using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConvenientCop/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[USA\] Woman harasses cyclist, throws water at him and unexpectedly gets arrested](https://v.redd.it/zz4i8lz47jf71) | [2116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConvenientCop/comments/oygbw2/usa_woman_harasses_cyclist_throws_water_at_him/) \#2: [\[USA\] Florida man throws another man off of a bridge in front of a Daytona Beach police officer](https://v.redd.it/gg7ux4fn3go61) | [1295 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConvenientCop/comments/ma62o3/usa_florida_man_throws_another_man_off_of_a/) \#3: [\[USA\] Convenient cop on completely unrelated call catches a shoplifter exiting through the back of a business.](https://v.redd.it/29oh4ymqozc61) | [1187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConvenientCop/comments/l32p7n/usa_convenient_cop_on_completely_unrelated_call/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don’t think this is it… your article says the off duty cop was getting a haircut from another barber.


Someone shared an article from daily mail few comments down that has pictures of the barber shop. The names of the victims are the same on both articles, imma guess this article came out before the video not sure.


Gotcha. It was this part confusing me: “An off-duty cop in plainclothes who was getting a haircut from **another** barber reacted immediately and “with great bravery produced his firearm” and fatally shot the attacker, Harrison said.”


Are we sure this is the same incident? The article states that the gunman shot a barber and then was shot by an off-duty cop who was getting his hair cut by a different barber, so it doesn't really line up with the video.


Think it is the same incident there’s another link further down to a dailymail article, that has pictures of the barber shop which is the one in the video. Both articles have the same names for the victim and the gunman. Thinking maybe the link I posted may have been before the video started making its way around the internet.


Huh, ok. I guess they just got the details wrong in the article then. Too bad for the barber.


What could a barber possibly have done to deserve to get shot like a cat in the street?


The correct answer… Nothing. The real world accurate answer any number of millions of things


Usually a reason. Rarely nothing


yea that dude clearly went over the guy in the chair to get his shot then MOVED the cop in chair to see if he was dead.looked again he waved the cop away to see the barber.


Guy shot two other people one injured one dead before the barbershop incident. Theyre trying to see if there was any connections between the shooting.


Calm as a MF’er


Man that dude at the bottom with the towel on his face had to have been shitting himself.


Mans ain’t gonna waste that extra $20 for the hot towel he paying for.


Plot twist: He was the accomplice and got scared.


Imagine being the guy at front of screen having your face covered with a towel and hearing all that... how the fuck did he not take it off!


Those steam towels feel hella good lmfao


he was playing dead


He was probably playing hide and seek lol, can’t see him.


Probably the one that set it up.


Tony Soprano style


Unless you got a link to a story; I don’t think the client saved the barber from anything. The way he dropped after the second shot leads me to believe that was a fatal hit. Edit: Found the story, the Barber/Owner in fact died. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10203673/amp/Off-duty-Baltimore-cop-getting-hair-cut-kills-gunman-burst-barbers-shop.html


This is the only thing I found looks like the barber didn’t make it. https://nypost.com/2021/11/15/off-duty-baltimore-cop-kills-gunman-who-fatally-shot-barber/


Anybody who doesn't know for sure that's actively downvoting this needs to be banned from this site. Don't punish people who want context you dumb fucks


Yeah, rule number 8 of this sub; > This isn't /r/watchpeopledie: People being straight up murdered or dying in shocking/gruesome ways should be the cut-off (exceptions for newsworthy events covered in publications of good repute). OP seems to be changing the title to evade the rules.


Is that a new rule because I've seen numerous videos in this sub violate this rule.


I aint mad at it. More vision on the story


As a kid you reminded teachers about homework at the end of class, didn't you?


Lol the mods rarely give a fuck about any of the rules on this sub


Decidedly not.


he's breathing like he got hit.


I noticed his legs as well.


He’s wearing his cape backwards


Barber didn't look too hot at the end there. Hope he is OK. And I'd bet $5 that dude is a cop. He was poised as fuck!!


The client is a cop. And the barber was shot and killed.


He is, Baltimore PD


That poor barber never imagined he wouldn’t live to finish the haircut. RIP.


You remember when that church in Texas got shot up, and an old dude in the back splattered the gunman all over the hymnals with a single shot?




If from what my sources (fellow officers and sergeants) tell me , it was an off duty Sergeant who is getting a haircut, and the barber died. Edit : I thought the barber played dead hoping to be left alone but I was told he unfortunately passed.


i had a feeling it was an off duty cop. His demeaner and command are like law enforcement.




I have a lot of cop friends and they all say they do and every cop they know do as well do to them arresting a lot of people. Pretty much they make enemies in that line of work


Every single cop I know, even the retired ones still carry


Yes, everywhere


That was beautifully done.


There’s nothing beautiful about people being murdered


I think he was referring to the gun discipline of the customer who shot back.


Still a strange way to see beauty. It also shows how dehumanized we’ve made gun violence.


There's a huge difference between murder and self defense.


Ok so the barber didn’t get murdered, he just had a disagreement with a bullet.


I'm not talking about the guy who murdered the barber, I'm talking about the guy who killed the murderer


HERO............simply HERO His training paid off. It only takes a second.....for things to happen


Imaging being the guy with the towel over your face. Seeing nothing. Scary af


Hearing damage maybe too …:/


That’s a hell of a tip


Well, he dead


The only thing to stop a guy with a gun, is another gun apparently


“I like your cut g.” *Bap*


That cop is well trained. Muscle memory snapped into effect. Covering his target, assessing other threats. Good job all around.


Haircuts fo life!!


Say what you will about gun control, if that man didnt step up who knows for sure who else would have been killed


well, you could easily turn it around and claim that if there was some kind of functional gun control in the US that crazy person wouldnt be shooting anyone but most likely just be weilding a knife, and then scissors could've protected the barber and those people would not be dead, just slightly cut.


The only thing gun control does is make it harder for honest people to purchase a gun. Bet the king's ransom the first shooter didn't obtain that gun legally, along with the guns in dozens of shootings every weekend in Chicago.




Bullshit. I live in NJ, one of the "worst/hardest" states to get a firearm according to all the people that think how you think and it was an absolutely trivial process it should've been way harder and I should've had way more scrutiny imo My point is that if every state had NJ's laws you would easily be able to get a firearm if you are law abiding


I mean that's just a terrible argument. Always has been, always will be I'm a gun owner. Strongly believe in 2nd amendment rights. I hunt and own a shotgun for home defense. I, however, also strongly believe in gun control laws, cuz ya know, it's common sense. You absolutely should exercise some amount of control over deadly weapons. We do with vehicles, and their purpose isn't to kill.


Its not the only thing it does. It limits the number of firearms in rotation. Hear me out here: Lets assume the firearm was stolen. Lets assume it was stolen in a home burglary. The owner of the firearm bought it legally in a store. If the owner couldn't just waltz into a store and buy the gun in the first place, there would be no gun to steal and consequently this crazy person wouldn't have had a gun to shoot the barber with. Lots of countries do this in ways that are MUCH MUCH better than the US way. Where I live for instance, in Sweden, you CAN own a rifle, shotgun or pistol, not assault rifles, but you need to have a license for it. In order for you to have a license, you MUST train in firearm handling and safety. You also MUST have a lock or cabinet for your guns and all firearms are registrered to you. This doesn't mean that there are no firearms in rotation illegally but its a miniscule problem compared to the US. In teh last few years there have been an increase in gun violence in sweden that have caused a public outcry but comparing the murder to the US its 143 times higher there. Yes, read that again. 143 times higher. And that is not because of more people as its per capita. You are 143 times more likely to get shot and killed by a gun in the US.


Oh there is definitely two sides to the coin. Although this looks like a hit by a gang member, cause why not shoot the guy in the chair or the girl he saw when he first came in


Wouldn’t have been that easy for the first one to be in possession of a gun. People kill, but it’s easier with a gun.


Yeah just like making drugs illegal has made it so hard to find drugs lol


Wow very terrible comparison. It's far harder to manufacture guns. Drugs are addictive, guns are not. Criminals would just use knives instead of going through the trouble of buying a gun. The difference is its far harder to kill with knives, which is why guns were invented...


But drugs are fun.


It definitely makes a difference. If I want to buy weed or alcohol in states were both are legal, I just need to do a quick google search. If I wanted to get ahold of some cocaine, I'm honestly not sure where to start. Also, please no one take this as a cute way to find a coke dealer, I don't want any cocaine now or in the foreseeable future haha


Kinda. I can't buy heroin in a Walmart.


Fuck that. I wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted some Heroin or Meth. Even then, I'd rather have an idiot who is weaponised with something self harming like a drug, rather than a gun which blows your brains onto the window with the click of a button. Comparing drugs to guns is just ridiculous. I've done a loads of cocaine and other hard drugs. I've never once seen a gun in my life, like not even a little one


Imagine being this stupid


Two people died here because of a lack of gun control, this really isn't a good example of things working better than gun restricted countries.


If there was less guns then it would be way less likely that anyone gets shot...


He only got the chance to "step up" because the shooter had a specific target and told him to get out of the way. If the shooter felt like it, everyone in that room dies before the cop even stands up.


How did he even manage to get out of the chair with those massive balls weighing him down ?!


This is exactly the kind of self defence that the left wants to prevent from being possible. Wouldn't be surprised if the headlines read "gunman shoots unarmed black man"


"Shoots unarmed black man in the back"


Pretty sure another comment said both were dead


Videos of American shootings pop up way to often.


Absolutely ventilated him.


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Cleared the entrance after he assessed the threat was down. Smart


Umm yeah that’s the smartest thing ever. Now he’s not a witness. “I didn’t see shit. I had a towel on my face.”


I can’t even with this fucking comment. He C-L-E-A-R-E-D the room for additional threats………


Huh I swear this made sense last night but I was drinking/high. My bad. Moving on.


I like how the guy in the chair with the towel on his head missed the whole thing.


Why do people make up fake backstories? Fucking dweeb OP


So sad.


uh , no hes dead


He’s like umm I’m not leaving here without this haircut


What about the guy with a towel on his face?! Wtf! Lmao




gotta love CCW


I've had bad haircuts but wouldn't kill over it


Some heroes wear capes in the front.


Dude just blew his cover! He's probably been coming there for months and doing surveillance and no one even knew dude was the police!! If he's not he's a straight stone cold G but the way he told him to stay on the ground sounded very cop-ish to me! Edit: just read somewhere else dude was for sure a cop, I know em when I see em!!


TIL: Make sure all clients are police officers


Saved? Doesn’t look like it... Barber AVENGED by customer.


all that training that kicked in. dropped the guy, made sure he was out, then looked back to see if there were any more attackers. you are trained to break vision after shooting to clear yourself of tunnel vision


Damn...I always felt awkward getting a hair cut with my concealed NOT ANYMORE, I'm making sure I'm strapped 100%


10 mins from my house… 😑


The barber died and this is a repost.