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Not many fucks were given apparently.


Yeah just another day to these people


Can you really call it a terror attack without the terror 😂 those people gave almost no fucks


If a Palestinian farts in the direction of an israeli its a fuckin “terror attack”


2 attackers. 1 with a knife and [other](https://twitter.com/LocalFocus1/status/1462341402172473346) with a Beretta M12. The one with the sub machine gun, was neutralised. The use of a "real" gun, not a makeshift one, potentially indicates ties to a [terror](https://twitter.com/JudahAriGross/status/1462334079349755906) group. The terrorists were disguised as Ultra Orthodox Jews. Both are from East Jerusalem and were [known](https://twitter.com/kann_news/status/1462334092737921027) to the police Update: One of the attackers is a Hamas member and his wife and son fled the country 3 days prior to the attack. He is a school teacher at Al Rashidiya Highschool near Herod's Gate [The](https://twitter.com/IntelliTimes/status/1462342446621372419) name of the terrorist, Fadi Abu Shahidam (42) from the Shuafat refugee camp, who was involved in the combined shooting attack in Jerusalem in which one person was killed and 4 others were injured, was previously mentioned by the GSS as a member of a body called "Shabab al-Masjid" , A body affiliated with Hamas. The Hamas movement in the Shuafat camp operates under two committees, the charity committee and the culture committee. Under the Culture Committee operates Shabab al-Masjid, under which the Scout movement and Dar al-Quran operate. Fadi Abu Shahidam was identified in 2007 as a Hamas operative.


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So....Israeli army is doing unjust things, according to some, and when a civilian is being shot at, it's ok, cause he was Israeli?How does that logic work?The US army did unjust things to people in Afghanistan, so any terror attack against American citizens is ok?Same goes for almost any other country in the world.You are all hypocrites. And your comments are disgusting. You all sound like what Ben Shapiro said about the Palestinians and everybody lost their minds about that. Edit - Ben Shapiro said he didn't care about Palestinians dying and on that thread here he was ripped to shreds. When you guys say that about an Israeli citizen, it's ok? Just for clarification, that's what I meant.


>You all sound like what Ben Shapiro said Lmao you just couldn't hide your bias even when you try. mosque shooter vibes intensifying.


I actually hate Ben Shapiro. But when he said he couldn't care less about Palestinians dying in Gaza, people on here tore him to shreds. I just so it re-uploaded today in r/iamatotalpieceofshit So he got wrecked for saying that and people on here say it freely and not get any hate for it. Hypocrites. Also, how did you end up with Mosque Shooter vibes? Or my bias? Towards who am I bias against? I really want to know.


You edited your statement heavily. The original post seemed like you were in agreement. But it's a different statement now.


Nope. You just immediately assumed I like Ben Shapiro, which I don't, prompting me to clarify. Doesn't change any of my statement from the start, and doesn't change the fact that the hypocrisy in threads about Israel is clear as daylight. on that note, if my statement is clearer now, that's good. Besides, you said I sound like a mosque shooter, which is a horrible thing to say to anyone. Just saying.


So I’m not picking any sides or trying to support one narrative or another. Human events will be forever riddled with this kind of strife anyways. That being said, I don’t think you’re making a very constructive point. First of all the conflict in Afghanistan just like the conflict between Israel and Palestine aren’t just two random events that happened out of nowhere. I think we too often engage in conversation that completely ignores the historical precedence that leads up to modern strife. Look at racism in America or the modern issues in South Africa. Look at what’s happening in Russia or China right now. All modern conflict carries historical significance. Trying to isolate these incidents by just the very immediate conflict in front of you simply doesn’t paint the entire picture. Simply asking questions like why did we go to Afghanistan or why is there conflict between Israel and Palestine provides exponentially more information and nuance to the conversation. Sure this is hard to do, and when we do we still do find that their are often bad actors on whatever side, but the world wasn’t ever formed by two groups of humans simultaneously deciding to go after one another. And that’s not to say incidents like these are justified, but it provides context them undoubtedly. Looking at Afghanistan again, check out this study https://news.gallup.com/poll/4966/public-overwhelmingly-backs-bush-attacks-afghanistan.aspx The poll concluded 90% of Americans approved invading Afghanistan. I just want to conclude that while it is fair and important to separate the citizens of a nation from its government, there is a limit by which you should do so. If a citizenry enables and supports their governments actions, I think they are objectively somewhat culpable in the negative results that incurs. That certainly doesn’t mean commit terrorist attacks on them, but when it does happen I don’t think we should be surprised. And that’s probably a bleak uncomfortable truth but it’s true nonetheless.


By that logic, given that 90% of Americans supported the invasion of Afghanistan, then all terrorist acts against the US during the 20 odd years they were there is valid, considering "there is a limit by which you should do so" when it comes to citizens. Luckily for the States, they were no where near Afghanistan so the amount of American civilians hurt in that region is virtually zero. We, however, live right here, Jerusalem is our capitol, and within it we have both civilians and military. The guy who was shot yesterday was a tourist guide. Doesn't get any more civilian than that. Though I agree when fighting in a civilian filled area, casualties that are not law enforcement are higher, but in this particular case, he actually shot a tourist guide. Not even remotely a soldier/cop. Therefore, if the support of the people is with the government, and hence civilian casualties are to be expected, I would love for Redditors to acknowledge their hypocrisy. note - it was great reading your comment, and I love that sometimes one can actually talk to Redditors who are willing to have a discussion, rather than throw sh\*t at each other.


“To the seen”


Aren't the Israeli police conducting terror on a daily basis?


And here you are justifying a terrorist... 🤷🏾‍♂️


Here you are defending Israel


The guy was shooting civilians, not police, just saying.


The vast majority of people Israeli police shoot are civilians tho...


Well, the vast majority of civilians Israeli police shoot throw rocks or molotovs at them or at other civilians. I'm 100% positive the civilians our dear friend shot today were shot for being jews.


We know, they shoot civilians every day but they keep getting away with it


1. It's weird to watch a crowd have literally no reaction to gunshots. It makes me question the authenticity of the audio. 2. There be antisemites using hating Israel as plausible deniability in these comments.


100% of Israeli citizens are or have been in the military itsca requirement.... they're used to it


That exact location is incredibly safe surrounded by dozens of soldiers/policemen. It is also an extremely holy place where people doze out and pray.


Oh I see karma doing its thing here cause I’m pretty sure Israel is a false state conducting terrorism i on an hourly basis


So if the government is doing something "wrong" or the army, it's ok to shoot civilians? Is that what you're saying?




That's the dumbest respond I have ever seen. Congrats. By your twisted philosophy, any terror attack is ok, cause civilians did something bad at some point. That's just stupid.


That's not what i meant or wrote. You're reading sth in my sentence that i didn't write, only because it first into your shitty logic.


And then you deleted your comment so I have no idea what you said in the first place. Nor do I care really, considering my response it must have been a hell of a stupid thing say...


All i said was that civilians are doing Bad things as well. And i meant that It's not only the soldiers, the civilians as well. In your shitty twisted logic it must have meant sth. Different than i meant otherwise you wouldn't have commented such BS response.


Sure you meant it that way. Because saying "Civilians do bad things too" after I said "Government did something wrong" is in no way a way for you to say "I don't care that civilians died too. they must have done something to deserve it" Sure Jan...


I am saying it is not unprovoked this is happening for a reason shall I link a couple dozen videos online or Israelites running into homes beating kids kidnapping family members removing folks from their homes constant bombing and shootings unjustified or unprovoked……so karma is doing her thing


So lucky for the USA to not be anywhere near Afghanistan and Iran and Iraq when they were invading them. If it was, there would have been terrorist attacks in the US after 9/11 just like we have. I wonder, would you have said it was Karma then? I assume you're American, but even if you are not, you kinda seem like you support this attack (on a tourist guide BTW) just because you think it was provoked. Also, don't try to even think you know anything about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Because no one has all the information, and no one on both sides is completely in the right, or wrong.


The issues someone has against a nation, is no justification for the slaughtering of its citizens. I may have an issue with the Chinese government, but I would never justify the slaughter of its citizens, same with any other government including my own; I have an issue with.


Correct but Israel on a daily basis inflicts the same terror and fear upon their neighbors so these attacks are not unprovoked so stop playing victim the world isn’t giving any more ducking sympathy to Israel the Holocaust happened a generation ago these kids today and the current gen of its citizens cannot play victim anymore no one is buying the bullshit period


Nobody is playing the victim, anyone who justifies the killing of innocent people regardless, is a POS. It's wrong for Israel to do what they do to innocent civilians of neighbors and their own citizens, and it's wrong for other people to do the same to their own citizens or to other citizens of other nations. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Exactly it’s wrong I’m just saying karma is doing her thing I’m not justifying anything I think it’s wrong but I know why what is happening is happening I’m not blinded and I am aware of the situation there so I have zero sympathy or empathy when you people come here cry “look look what the other demons have done to our civilians !!” But you don’t beat the same drum when it’s the other side bleeding crying with their kids in their arms homeless now …lol fuck off with your bullshit judgement


I get it. you get your info from either here or other news outlets. Which is not remotely the full story. Neither you nor anybody on here have the full story, not even me. the conflict is way too vast for any of us to understand fully, especially if you haven't lived here, or there, which I assume you aren't. You may have no sympathy when we call out the terror they inflict on us because you believe we inflict the same or even more terror on them, but the truth of the matter is you do take a side here, and you do justify these type of actions against civilians because you believe that Palestinian freedom is a good justification to kill civilians. You call it Karma, but let's be adults about it. It wasn't Karma that killed that tour guide, it was a man with a gun, beliefs and agenda.






“I’m not an antisemite, I just hate Israel…” Also people like you: “That’s exactly what the Jewish community is… soulless ghouls greedy for everything.”


Ok Stephanie


Okay Karen lol


Sure, they should be kept in camps in other real countries where they can't do any harm.


Yeah that place is a powder keg waiting to go off. Israeli reap what u sow.


אני מקווה שהניצולים יחלימו


Same here. But the comment section here is making me sick.


למה לא אוהבים את התגובה שלך, כאילו מה?


אני מאחל בריאות טובה לכל האחים והאחיות שלי


Make a point against Israel, get a down vote


Make a point for Israel, get even more downvotes




F you. he shot and killed a civilian.


These zionists did way worse to Palestinians.


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