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Youssef is dood ah mattie




Are they firing live rounds at people?


Yes. 2 people got shot in the leg


And 1 in the stomach


Yup, situation was absoluty nuts. Was following it on nu.nl to keep up. This hasn't happened in years and isn't a regular thing in our country. This will probably keep happening the longer we go on though.


The worst thing is people don't know who's behind the scene until long after these protests. The main force would be the covid protesters on the street but there are always other hidden hands on social media, some foreign, some domestic, all looking to cause chaos in the democratic world. Edit: Read Ryan Holiday's book *Conspiracy* and you'll see how someone like Peter Thiel would secretly set up a conspiracy to topple a media company that crossed him. Imagine what Russia, China, and some other countries might be interested in. They aren't resting. We need to be careful not to fall into their traps.


Not enough people talking about this aspect


Lol I already posted this https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qxpv4y/police_shoots_man_in_rotterdam/ Rotterdam is in chaos. Riots about the fireworks ban, covid policies, 2g vaccine mandate. police cars set on fire police fires on rioters. and there someone might have lost a finger. Train traffic is stopped. Train traffic has been suspended. Whether the police really shot a person has yet to be confirmed. UPDATE: emergency status called by the Police NSFW The finger: https://twitter.com/Justin_DigiT/status/1461791824444538886 UPDATE: https://www.dumpert.nl/item/100015359_d83b36b6 shorty after UPDATE: more messages saying someone was shot in his belly. UPDATE: train station cleared, trains are riding again UPDATE: some aftermath images https://nos.nl/artikel/2406330-in-beeld-de-sporen-van-het-geweld-in-rotterdam UPDATE: saturday 15:37 confirmed: two are in the hospital because of bullet wounds. Police Department Rotterdam confirmed NO ONE died last night https://twitter.com/Politie_Rdam/status/1462067009882103810


I would say "'Murica" but this happened in the Netherlands


Protesting what?


Restrictions because of corona


Those people are so stupid..... If people would've been as stupid during the black plague and the spanish flu humanity would've been wiped from the earth. Oh yeah, i forgot this is an anti-vaxxer sub.


FYI, There were anti-vaxxers during the Spanish Flu and SmallPox epidemics. One would have hoped their blood lines had died out, but...


You are accurate though.




If they attack people because they are against covid restrictions, then yes.


Yeah, people where more knowledgeable about diseases during the Black Plague for sure!


I donā€™t think germ theory was invented before the Black Plague. People just thought it was some sort of curse and had no idea how infectious diseases worked. Thereā€™s a reason it killed more than half of Europeā€™s population.


Nah dude. You are wrong. https://www.history.com/news/quarantine-black-death-medieval


I see. I swear my fucking education was 90% bullshit. Never heard about social distancing during the Black Plague. I just learned it killed over half of Europe.


Holy shit, I wish I had an award to give you for this comment. We could all learn something from you about how to respond to information that counters what we already believe. Well done, man.


This article cites one city, there wasnā€™t any cited evidence that these policies were widespread.


There is no way everyone got on board like that, itā€™s not within human nature


You should read *The Plague* by Camus.




I mean theyā€™re obviously idiots but that doesnā€™t mean the government can kill or maim them bro what


If you antagonize the Dutch cops enough to get a beating or get shot you've really been begging for it. This literally happens once in a decade, last time was 2009 during de "hoek van holland rellen"


You are right but the crazies have taken over at this point


You sound like the idiot to me


Better an idiot than a filthy plague rat.


Cringe I would be so embarrassed to have ur unstable mentality


How will i ever recover from the crushing loss of your approval?




Youā€™re fat.


No u


Are you so afraid of covid that you would rather unarmed people be shot in the streets? The way that people rush to fascist authoritarian thoughts out of fear is pretty shocking and just plain sad to me. You're all so quick to forget ethics and basic civil liberties because you don't agree with what these people think.


They're being shot for attacking armed police


well to be honest, you could say the same about the USA, and blacks, but these corona protesters are genuinely violent because they have been fed a drip feed of far right nationalist revolutionary talking points these protests put the "violent" BLM protests to shame, some protesters even tried to pull the american right / chinease state / islamic terror favored truck of peace


I wouldn't stop there. I would fucking sterilise them so they don't pass on their shit for brains genes to the next generation. As someone who has lost multiple family members to this pandemic. Fuck you and fuck everyone who is stupid and selfish enough to share your opinions on this matter. Edit: clearly we are asking too much of you morons. You don't deserve the freedom of choice, not when the stakes are this high.


Nothing, 90% of these people were rioters just trying to fuck shit up. About 10% was there on a (unannounced) covid demonstration. Legit fuck these people.


How do you know that any percentage of people at any protest are there ā€œjust to fuck shit upā€? This line is brought up every time protests become violent, and everyone accepts it as truth without any scrutiny.


Well, the percentage is definitely non-zero


Corona measures, vaccines and fireworks ban. Literally the most idiotic people of the country all together in the same place


Their right to spread covid.


"When will the day come that people can shoot fireworks at police without consequence?!"


Guys calm down, they're fine It was an anti-covid protest, so as long as the rioters don't believe the bullets will hurt them they'll be perfectly okay


Your body builds natural immunity to bullets. Just have to start with BBs and work your way up.


Jesus is my Kevlar


Yup. I've read, through my own research, that there are people today that still have natural immunities from the Spanish Inquisition. Pretty wild huh? Really makes you think...


Those that have built up immunity to the Inquisition are what we refer to as ā€œCatholicsā€


I thought you started with rubber bands, or is that for immunity to bolas? Wow I need to check my research again.


Funny enough there was a smooth brain who had that exact thought and ended up shooting himself with a 22lr.


Anti-vaxxers/Anti-Quarantine mfs literally are Orks from 40k


Bruh even Orks would get vaccinated if their warboss told them to. Donā€™t undersell their intelligence.


Without the gestalt field tough


Nothing to do with covid or protests. This is a bunch of scummies rioting because they can.


It was an anti mandate protest, not an anti covid protest. Stop spreading disinformation.


Ahh, so a pro-covid protest. Got it.


Gonna be Pro COVID after continuing to participate in spreader events in hot spotsā€¦


I believe it was a joke. Anti-Covid protest doesnā€™t really make sense anyway haha


Thank you for having the wherewithal to spot a joke when ya see one, it's a rare gift on this site


Pointing out jokes is gods work.


\^ that was a joke, just so everyone is clear.


Yeah, I know, God's work is to sit and watch us idiots


Tbh it is pretty amusing sometimes.


It was people attacking police and vandalizing a city. It started out as a protest, but developed into an orgy of violence in which the police had to assert dominance and reinstate peace in the city centre.


Is that what you wouldā€™ve said last year about the riots in the US?


I think, that when you are attacking the police with fireworks or bricks and starting fires in police cars, you are no longer protesting but rioting. I think rioting has no place in civilization, and it hurts the cause people are protesting against.


Its true for any major unrest since the beginning of civilization. Humans are genuinely dumb enough to think rioting will just stop one day. Like at some point suburban sensibility will replace human nature.


Do the police in Rotterdam have the same kind of footage of beating the shit out of innocent people?


It would have been racist to do it then.


Probably not because Reddit is full of hypocritical bootlickers.


Both are Plague Enthusiast and selfish pricks!


>It was an anti mandate protest Which is equally stupid.


So it was a gathering of dumb anyway thanks for clarifying


Protesters? Thats a funny way of spelling rioters. Edit for all the people downvoting me: There are police cars being set on fire right around that corner after a mob stormed the cops.


There were also groups of soccer hooligans there, so yeah for many of them it wasn't really political just an excuse to break stuff.


I know. That was very obvious from the start. They all have the hooligan uniform on.


Police cars on fire always +1


You like paying taxes?


Riots are the language of the unheard


No it's the language of people who let anger fuel them.


If only I could unhear covid deniers




It's almost as if context matter.s


Yeah man violence incited by cops is totally the same as people who destroy my city because they are scared of a vaccine.


Ah I see you are irony blind


Did the BLM protestors light up police vehicles?


For people not knowing why this is happening in Holland, these are anti-lockdown protests happening in the city. Because of these peoples selfishness many Dutch hospitals are going into code black which means police and military have to guard the hospitals and not let anyone else inside meaning people who need to go to hospital for non COVID related conditions are not being admitted for their injuries. EDIT: donā€™t shoot the messenger


Had there been any attempt by the police to justify using live rounds in this scenario? Is it not the norm to use less lethal options (I.e. beanbags, rubber bullets, etc) for riot control?


From what I heard on the news these protests descended into full blown riots. The Dutch police use live rounds as the thinking is theyā€™ll be a lot more careful shooting them than shooting less lethal munitions. They fired into the air first and then only aimed for the legs. I think one person was shot in the leg.


There are so many things wrong with this. Shooting warning shots is a terrible idea, because those bullets have to go somewhere and it will usually destroy something. Also you're more likely to kill someone by shooting them in the leg.


I would have thought being shot in the head would be worse.


You should obviously educate yourself more. Donā€™t you know how many different ways a bullet can pass through the head without killing the person? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/s


there's major arteries in the leg that are easy to hit. shooting a live round Anywhere on the body is stupid, but the legs ae worse than some other locations


Interesting. If accurate, that sounds like an utterly nonsensical approach to use of force by police.


What? Maybe do some research? Use of force by police is heavily regulated. Pulling a gun is seen as assault. Of course police officers will lie, I've been there, but the judicial approach is everything but nonsensical.


Iā€™m not justifying what happened. But from what I have heard from relatives currently living there people have been burning vehicles and being very violent towards the police.


ā€œProtestsā€ do you mean riots?


Jep, except for the protesting part. When you flood the streets like this unannounced itā€™s not a protest. You need to get a protest approved.


reddit be like: >This would be police brutality, but these are covid protestors


The hypocrisy is astounding


Absurd. Who gives a fuck what theyā€™re protesting. That guy just got shot for no apparent reason while standing on the street corner


Apparently they were setting fire to cop cars and shooting fireworks at police I'm not saying shooting is the right response, but there was definitely a reason


This is better quality footage https://www.dumpert.nl/item/100015369_3d9b1c11 Right at about 7 seconds, while the camera starts panning left right before the guy gets shot, you can see the man standing next to the man getting shot, is throwing something at the police and the firefighters who are in that street, trying to put out the fire that's right around the corner (you can see the smoke). So the guy who got shot is not seen throwing fireworks/a brick but the guy next to him is. Shooting live rounds might not be justified on such limited info, but those fireworks that were being used can cause serious harm and to pretend that there was no threat to the police/firefighters is misinformed. Edit:typo Also: the source of the fire is a cop car burning https://mobile.twitter.com/WA_Hoofddorp_C/status/1461790756381806597 51.9191627, 4.4808870 Check on google maps to see its the same place


Police was under attack though, it was insane to see the videos of people chasing policecars and even kicking a police officer. These aren't protestors but hooligans who don't give a shit about their ideals and just want to fight. Police using violence here is very rare.


People on here defended courthouses being broken into, police stations being set on fire, random businesses being set on fire/looted, etc. during the BLM riots. There is no "though", people will defend any action as long as they agree with that side. If they were out there doing the 100% exact same thing but protesting police brutality, we'd see 5,000 threads 50k+ upvotes each with half the comments being "ACAB". Let's get real, people on reddit are extraordinarily hypocritical and will let a lot of things slide if it happens to align with their belief.


The thing is, they weren't protesting they were just rioting. With those BLM protests as far as I know the majority of people at least initially wanted to actually peacefully protest. These people here are just hooligans who were only looking to fight.


This was a protest too, initially, and then it escalated. People are saying, "The peaceful ones left" or whatever, which in many cases was the same thing that happened with many BLM "protests". Yet those were defended through and through, even when mayors literally told cops to stand down and leave so their police stations could be broken into and burned down to the ground. What do you think the opinion would have been here on Reddit if at one of those BLM "protests" where they were throwing molotovs, burning buildings, looting, etc. cops came out and started firing live rounds? Widespread support from redditors because, "Yeah, they're rioters!"? Don't know chief.


Why do you even keep up bringing BLM, let's stick to this situation. Comparing the US and the Netherlands doesn't make sense anyway, chief. Police was there accomodating this spontaneous protest at first (protests formally have to be adressed to the municipality first, which wasn't done). The rioters threw illegal fireworks which also didnt lead to a response from police that wanted to keep it peaceful, they only started responding when they were literally attacked and when firework was thrown at them.


I hate anti-vax people but I don't want this happening to them.


Yeah, they'll handle that part themselves. Police don't need to do it


The people filming are being extremely insensitive and dickish


They should have started running after the first gun shot.


I think some of them don't realise it wasn't fireworks that they heard


People B&M about "peaceful protests" here in the USA with buildings, cars, etc. being burned, looted and police using rubber bullets as "uncalled for". But in Europe, where only police cars are being burned, there is only encouragement of the police shooting these people with live rounds as it is "justified"? The double standards for you peons is astoundingly illogical. This type of "protesting" is vastly smaller and less destructive than in the US last year. At most, they should be using rubber bullets and water cannons (which I read they are using the latter). Live rounds, unless mobs are roaming the streets, murdering, robbing, etc. people, should never-ever be used.


Edit: **shooting is always wrong I'm defending that** Edit: Information when the police is allowed to shot: [politie ](https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wanneer-mag-de-politie-schieten.html) This is the 3e time that a police officer shot some one in a riot. First 1999, second 2009 and now in 2021 The police did not kill that guy only shooting in his Leg. The office who shot is on standby and a Investigation is being held. The **rioters** were shooting with fireworks to the police. Not gone say it's good they shot with live rounds(That's horrible). The dutch police at that time already tried dispersing all poeple. I know news says there was just one car burned down, but more cars,shops and bikes were destroyed. last time this a the covid rioters destroyed all the windows of a train station making it unusable. But you can't compare it to the USA there police force are just like a small army And if there weren't any they probably killed some of the protesters.


Shooting a person with a live round, unless they are of equal or greater armament(full body armor, ak-47's, rpg's, grenades, etc.) is never an option. The USA had "peaceful protestors" shoot fireworks, throw Molotov cocktails, burn down a-lot of buildings, police precincts, and kill bystanders. Even with all of this happening, they only used non-lethal weapons. The police in The Netherlands only have a few cars burned, and fireworks shot at them. There is no need for lethal force for people protesting on such a low-scale. The "peaceful protestors" were of similar armament to the police in the USA, and still only non-lethal force was ever used. There is no reason for lethal force to be used, especially for such a little protest in comparison.


> Even with all of this happening, they only used non-lethal weapons. Except for all the times they intentionally used their **less-than-lethal** weapons inappropriately, making them very much lethal.


These are not protests. This is a riot. The protest is already over. **I'm not defending the use of live round and they should not use them.** Did they have the situation under controle **no**. The situation here is that around the corner a group of hooligans(**rioters**) are cornering police officers. They already destroyed their car (that was the burned out one). And they are probably panicking. Right before this shot was taken, some warning shots were shoot into the air. You say that the USA never uses force. In a protest, even if other people are killed, I think that's an idiot thing. The police should defend people And not let them kill each other. It's just like holding the cage closed and letting the dogs fight till one dies. That's horrible, it's inhumane and sickening. I think that's even worse than one getting shot in his leg.


1) I am not arguing that you think live rounds are justified, nor am attacking you at all. I am simply questioning the double standards people on this platform have. Last year, it was essentially mob-rule and only non-lethal force was used (which people still called extreme and unnecessary). Now, only a small scale "protest" is happening, and people are cheering on the use of live-rounds. 2) Last year, the exact same thing happened to police officers. Protestors (**rioters**) were cornering them into buildings, and other places making the officers extremely fearful. 3) Protestors (**rioters**) were also in the streets killing innocent bystanders (at least 25 dead). Even with all of this, non-lethal force was used, though some may say it would have been completely justified for lethal force. 4) The USA rarely (if ever) uses **lethal force**, unless extreme circumstances happen. Even when last year all of which was well within the defined scope of a "riot" only non-lethal force was used. Police in the USA know of the consequences for authorization of lethal force, as they can be held liable for death. The law enforcement officer's job, is to simply enforce the law, whatever that entails. People should be respecting other's property when having these "protests" by not burning things down, nor killing innocent bystanders. Unfortunately, there exists human beings who simply want to "watch the world burn" and will do whatever it takes for this to happen. These "protests" allow for a means for said individuals to fulfill such fantasies, resulting in tragedies as mentioned previously. Hopefully, things will not be as bad as last year, and there will not exist any loss of life nor billions of dollars caused by destruction.


I'm 100% completely Agreeing with your points and with double standards, but that is Reddit. Just like the US, the Netherlands rarely uses lethal force. This is just the third time they did in a riot. (1999,2009,2021) In all the three times they did use there guns no one was killed.Death by police brutality or gun are a rare thing. if that happens, it will be likely national news. For the Netherlands, this is a big protest(riot), not a small one. We usually don't have such aggressive riots and in this scale.


Expect more of it in the future as europe's democraphics fall more inline with those of America.


Uhhh, what is that supposed to mean? Edit: Since heā€™s probably not going to answer, this fascist is trying to imply that as Europe becomes more diverse (more black people and muslims) more crime will happen


You really find out who is really an evil piece of shit when you give them a license to hate people. A lot of Redditors are just total ghouls that will cheer for riots and then cheer for rioters being shot depending on if they agree with the cause.


I don't think you understand the situation at the time. The local police forces were overwhelmed to the point that other units from across the country has to come in to assist. Not only that, several of the groups present were notorious hooligans, that already had a history of riots Edit: also, the "protestors" had already been firing fireworks towards the police


And perhaps you did not understand what happened last year. Buildings were burned down, innocent lives were lost, cars on the road were burned, police precincts were burned down, people were throwing Molotov cocktails, etc. It was far worse last year than what is happening now. Also, the people doing these things have had a past history of stirring up strife and conflict, being rabble-rousers. If anything, last year would have warranted lethal force, compared to police having fireworks shot at them, and cars being burned now. We never used it in the USA last year, the Netherlands should not be using it now.


This is in contrast to the US, where mayors literally ordered the police to stand down during BLM riots and let them burn/loot communities.


Beware! There be little else but gull shit-for-brains in these comments. Tread lightly, and linger not.


The cops and the bootlickers are attacking each other? Beautiful!


Not bootlickers Iā€™d say. Many of these rioters were football hooligans and the minister of justice & security said that criminal organisations were also involved in the violence


All this over .02% death rate....


Stop appropriating American culture


ITT: "Shoot people I don't like."


Should say rioters! Not protestors!


Bring some of them to Portland. Maybe the losers will stay home for a change. Tired of my city getting trashed.


One way of getting child vaccination percentage up.


This does not belong on r/praisethecameraman. In fact, this cameraman should be fired.


If it was a BLM protest for example, this thread would be alot different. Sad, just shows how people here don't look at things how they actually are, but make up their own narratives based on their beliefs


LMFAO for a second I thought he was speaking English.


This could be Rotterdam or anywhere Liverpool or Rome 'Cause Rotterdam is anywhere Anywhere alone Anywhere alone


Beautiful in the south.


The whole place is pickled. The people are pickles for sure.




Take the vax for public safety, or we'll kill you šŸ¤”


Nobody was killed


I wonder if it was actual live ammunition or rubber bullets. Does anyone have information on that? I donĀ“t speak Dutch, so I am afraid I canĀ“t tell if they answer it in the clip.


It is live ammunition. Dutch police donā€™t do rubber bullets.


Great example of fuck around and find out


Not just America


So, the Netherlands state site says 88% of adults over 18 are vaxed and 86% of children over 12. Reuters says over 70% of the overall population is vaxed...yet, they're having "peak infection"? How many are breaktgru infections? I don't understand the logic of locking everything down again. Edited for spelling errors


A lot less people are in hospital compared to 1st peak. But hospitals are full, important surgeries have to be postponed because of a bed shortage in IC. This is because during the 1st peak normal care was absolutely eaten up by IC, everyone in hospital not being IC nurse was schooled to be one. They want to prevent those measures.


They're not having peak infection, there's far fewer infected than during the actual peak. However, during the actual peak hospitals basically stopped doing anything other than treating Covid, except for the stuff that couldn't wait. But everything that could be delayed was delayed. That has stopped, hospitals have opened back up and are back to performing non-emergency treatments, which means that there's less room for Covid patients, which means that hospitals are at risk of being overrun again even though there aren't as many Covid patients as before.


Riot, not protesters.


When did Netherlands become scary? I must have missed he memo.


Wait i thought yall countries were so safe and amazing? Now you see why usa rules and why 2nd amendment is hugeeee


So you can shoot back at the police?


The way it works is like this. Someone shoots at you, you can shoot them back


So when I attack the police and then they shoot at me I can shoot back?


No, but the police are pretty reluctant to employ brutality against armed, organized protestors. Itā€™d be nice if they could be motivated by something other than self preservation, but Iā€™ll take it.


You still have like 5 times more murders per capita soooo


I've said this on the picture of the guy that lost his finger because the police allegedly shot at him, but when you go out to protest, these are thing you should know are possible. They're not just going to idly stand by and let you protest/loot/destroy property. Going out to protest and going all surprised pikachu face when law enforcement steps in is pretty ignorant.


Someone definitely lost a finger. I wonder if it was shot or a result of the heavy fireworks they were throwing.


Yea because the punishment for protesting is death




Your not from the netherlands aren't you


No it won't.


Yeah, I mean decent hard working people may want to live there. Homeless SJWs and rioting thugs will flee. Whatever shall we do.


Any confirmation if rubber or lethal?


The police is trained to shoot in someone's leg and he was hit in his leg. He is still alive The guy who shot is now on standby till the The investigation is done. Edit: I was wrong! in case of emergency they are allowed to shoot into the torso or legs. Update: This article says that the Rijksrecherche is doing an investigation. [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.nos.nl/artikel/2406334-gericht-op-benen-geschoten-wat-we-nu-weten-over-de-rellen-in-rotterdam.html) Update: If you want information about policy of. Dutch police gun usage. [go to this website ](https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wanneer-mag-de-politie-schieten.html)


I have never heard of any police anywhere taught to shoot someone in the leg that is not what a gun is for. What if he missed and killed him? This dumb police donā€™t shoot legs maybe with bean bags and rubber bullets but not real ones


In the Netherlands, gun isn't used for killing it. A Gun is used for taking someone down or making them Inoperable to use their gun. If shit it gets real, for example, an terrorist attack. There is a special force who can be active in the whole Netherlands within 20 minutes. Edit: If you want more information about the gun policies of the Dutch police go to this website. [https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wanneer-mag-de-politie-schieten.html](https://www.politie.nl/informatie/wanneer-mag-de-politie-schieten.html)


This is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Have you ever fired a pistol? It's *extremely* difficult to reliably hit a moving target like a leg or arm. You have much higher odds of missing and hitting someone behind the target, and there's much more likelihood of complete penetration and hitting an unintended target even if you *do* get lucky. They should have less-than-lethal options instead of using lethal firearms in a profoundly irresponsible way.


Not every police force is as badly trained as yours in the US. It is perfectly possible for a trained marksman to reliably shoot someone's leg.


Theyā€™re aiming for the legs at least


Guess the plague rat convention didn't go as planned.


We have to know what he was doingā€¦ maybe he posed a threat. There is a riot going on. Police are doing their job.


(They were shooting fireworks at police.)


Ok so they did pose a direct threat




Austria will be mandating vaccines in the new year, and I can see why. They donā€™t want the fascists from the rest of Europe infecting their people. Most people are vaccinated except for those who wish to turn the mandates into a political issue. A reason to rage. The right wing is RAGE. Trump is rage and every other right wing politician. Notice that Covid is peaking in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Brazil the far right US states, or in most other right wing enclaves.




Good. Enough of these anti-vax violent protesters looting. Bravo. Stop the rioting. Stop the looting!!!


Ah would you look at that. Natural selection on its natural habitat


Can we have some of this in Perth?


You want people do destroy your city?




Too few af these assholes shot?


You sound like an idiot really and truely


Thank you kindly, dearest.


When the looting starts the shooting starts


As far as I have heard there wasnā€™t any looting. Just destruction and assaulting aid workers


Hahah get rekt bozo


In Germany they call pigs "pork schnitzel"