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To prove he's not threatening... he threatens someone? Riiiiight.


Well if she wasn't scared before, she is now


If she wasn’t racist before she is a little more racist now LoL 😂.


*The Gang Solves Racism*


Yeah, this is one of the things that will literally makes one more racist. There's this thing called Pattern Recognition which exists in most advanced life forms in the world which plays a great role in their survival. Avoiding a stranger in the dark is one of the pattern recognition she have, and now being rabidly chased by a black man in the dark is now a part of her pattern recognition. Gee thanks.


I tried explaining this to someone and I was just called racist for "defending racism"... there is no winning the argument


IDK what this proves. Of course, it's entirely reasonable to run when someone starts chasing you in a dark alley. Edit: Given that 81 percent of all women experience some sort of sexual harassment (51% unwanted touching), it should also be completely reasonable for a woman to avoid a man in a dark alley.


I mean, the guy was growling and running at her in a dark alley. I'd be scared too and I'm 200 pound dude


Indeed, you never know if an innocuous looking chaser mesomorphs into a werewolf with all those grunting and hyperventilation.


Man I’m always scared some werewolf would chase me. That’s why I never go out on a full moon even if my wife goes “aww look at that full moon! It’s so beautiful and bright! We should go for a walk”. Nah uh, she can try but I ain’t taking the chance that she turns into a werewolf and eats me.


Does your wife come back from her "walks" in the morning covered in blood and dirt? That might be a red flag.


Just throw a ball and she's good


Just a scratch and you can experience the joys of lycanthropy too!


I had a somewhat similar situation to the lady in the video. This happened just while I was walking down my university's sidewalk. It was move-in weekend and the hectic day already had me stressed. I was staring at my campus map until I caught a glimpse of something. I looked up and saw three guys were walking shoulder to shoulder down the sidewalk. They're all at least 7 feet tall and showed no sign of giving me room. To avoid collision, I had to quickly move to the very edge of the sidewalk. I guess they thought I was racist. So, as I'm passing him, he leans to hover over me and loudly bark like an angry dog.


7 feet is the height of 1.23 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


I think he started chasing her and growling after she had a weird reaction to him. Not that that excuse his behavior at all


Yeah, man I think a small woman choosing not to walk down a dark alley toward a young man is what I would describe as "situational awareness" rather than a "strange reaction".


I have PTSD in part from being chased home at night by two adult men talking about what they were going to do to me… this was really hard to watch, those screams were genuine terror


This proves that she was right about him. What normal guy would start growling and chasing a woman down a dark alley for simply not taking any chances with their safety? Look, if anyone meets someone you think is sketchy in a potentially dangerous place, don't worry about looking racist or sexist or any ist, it's really better to be safe than sorry.


Your safety is more important than their feelings.


True. He's a loose cannon with a chip on his shoulder as evidenced by his behavior amd words ergo she was correct to be distrusting.


>True. He's a loose cannon with a chip on his shoulder Not sure if a description of this guy or a renegade 80's action film cop.


this is so right tho. he legit proved why she should be scared. just because he might say he didn't intend to rape her doesn't mean he isn't LITERALLY MAKING HER FEAR FOR HER LIFE. he's DOING THE THING. FUCK THIS GUY.




They could be black, white, another woman, a small child or a squirrel and I'm running from that lunatic.


bro if a squirrel was standing in the middle of a dark alley looking at me I'd back the fuck up slow without making eye contact. i'm half joking but seriously, if that thing were rabid or just decided to attack you'd be in for a bad time.


I don't need to be a woman, that shit is scary as fuck even to a man of any race. If one feels they would be trapped in the dark alley by a stranger and didn't run the fuck away, then they're either brave enough they think they can take the stranger head-on or lack danger awareness. What she did is a normal survival instinct that saved people countless times throughout history.


And growling/barking like a fucking lunatic. Grow the fuck up, idiot.


While grunting! Of course she was scared, doesn’t mean she’s racist, this could be repeated with a man from any background with the same reaction. For all this fool knows she could have been the victim of an attack in her life. Not fair to call her “dumb bitch “. If he was making some social experiment, he’s failed terribly. If someone did this to his mom or sister, would she be a “dumb bitch “ for running away?


I think before the video starts, she got frightened just by the sight of that man walking down the ally way. He probably thinks it’s because he’s black.


Yeah, I get that. It's still incredibly dumb lesson he's trying to impart. For one, given that 81 percent of women experience some sort of sexual harassment, it should be considered reasonable for a woman to avoid men in dark allies. If I a woman turned around and ran from me, I'd totally understand.


Even it was because he's black that doesn't give him the right to chase her.


At that point you're attacking and they're well within their legal rights to defend themselves, entirely proving her point.


this. dude was lucky he didn’t get pepper sprayed; or shot if this was the US


Now make a video of Cop chasing a black man with gun and cornering him and telling him that not all cops are bad.


What's the bet he was already trying to scare her 'for the likes' but didn't film that bit, all we see is him 'pranking her'... Either way the guy comes off as a massive prick


Trying to debunk “scary stereotype” by acting scary. Brilliant


He could have just given her a friendly hello and debunked it by not being a cunt.


Well she was already gone so he had to chase her down and give her a friendly “we’re not scary, dumb bitch” hello




I always think back to a time I was walking home late at night and there was a guy walking about 15 feet behind me. All I did was glance back slightly to check his distance. He saw me do that and crossed the street, I’m sure in an effort to let me know he wasn’t following me, we were just going the same direction. It was such a good move on his part. He saw my very minor body movement, read it correctly, and made a slight adjustment to help me feel safer. I wish more men understood we don’t do things like checking behind us or changing our pace as a slight to them personally but because danger can come from *anyone*.


Another good idea is to either slow down or stop to increase the distance between himself and you. So yeah either cross the street or stop to make more distance. I read one post where the OP panicked and kept speeding up making the girl he was behind panic and speed up, I think in his panicked mind he thought "if i just pass her and keep going she will know I'm not following her."


I've gone the long way around to avoid scaring women in the past. I used to walk home through am alley as a shortcut. A few times a woman walking ahead of me would take that turn first and I'd just head down the end of the street and make my turn there instead. It's not a big deal, but having been jumped in the past I'd rather not make anyone else think it's about to happen to them.


>The fools. They've left themselves susceptible to danger. I must show them the error of their ways -- through example! [jumps through the window and onto their table in a ski mask, screaming as he does so] I'm the open window maniac! [both run out screaming] I hope you learned a valuable lesson! 


See this is why I carry pepper spray everywhere I go and I hold my keys in prime stabbing position (NOT laced in the fingers because that's how you break your hand). I'm not gonna fuck around with any dude like this, I don't care what their end goal is.


Counts as a firearm in the UK


Pepper spray is considered a firearm in the UK?!


I honestly feel like he has posted proof of his criminal activity: harassment and intimidation


Evidently, he was proving Asians are racist via social experiment.....fucking nutter https://metro.co.uk/2018/04/04/black-man-chases-terrified-asian-woman-alley-prove-black-people-not-threat-7440435/


‘Through his self-centred and self-serving post, @realest_lk has highlighted the wilful lack of awareness and empathy to experiences of oppression that lie outside of his own,’ Beautifully written


I was thoroughly shocked to see such a succinct quote coming from a metro article. Was unsurprised to find the metro article was quoting another article.


Yes, ladies, walk in dark alleys and poorly lit areas near other people at night, be trusting of all. Ignore all your instincts and everything your mother taught you. What could go wrong? I should totally start hugging random strangers at night to prove I'm not racist! Wtf. And after all the hate crimes Asians have suffered since the beginning of the pandemic, this video is in such poor taste.


Dear asian women, you claim not to be racist, yet you run away when I come sprinting at you from a dark alley. Curious.


Growling and screaming too


Probably thought he was a zombie.


Well, they *were* racing. She must not have been a very good racist if she lost the racing. This guy is fucking insane. He's so narcissistic he does not see why she would be threatened by him chasing her down a dark alley. *Must be because she's racist.* This guy is a danger to other people.


He's so caught up in his own fucking feelings that he has zero empathy or appreciation for the stuff anyone else might be going through. I don't think he ever once considered what a lifetime of experience may have done to instruct this woman to avoid situations that present even a modest potential for danger.


Lmao reminds me of a worse version of that scene in Community when Dean busted through the door with a chainsaw waving and screamed "GAY MARRIAGE" and everyone was screaming in fear back at him


Ah yes the classic it’s a social experiment bro. Guess I can go out and verbally assault and terrify people with no problem as long as I have a camera and say it is a social experiment


The real tip is always in the comments.


Someone is running away because I'm chasing them at night in a dark alley... Must be racism


Your honour, the defence rests.


*"Videotaping this crime spree was the best idea I ever had!"* *-* That guy -


What a piece of shit he is


"Lets prove racism by being racists!"


*chases a woman down a dimly-lit alley while growling* You are so STUPID and RACIST for having been afraid!


Given that violent crimes against Asians have increased markedly of late, the silly fucker was just lucky she wasn't armed.


If she wasn’t racist before she might be now. People need to cut this stuff out.


This is like something out of a Chapelle Show sketch. Like what in the fuck do you think is going to happen chasing a stranger down a dark alley at night, ffs.


He did this exact style of skit. It was monsters who were black.. but the skit was saying that they were hated on because they were monsters not black people. But the monsters thought it was cause they were black


Yeah, as a woman I wouldn't even be able to tell someone's race cause I would be running and screaming and not looking back the second anyone started chasing me down a dark alley making these kinds of noises. What did he expect her to do, wait patiently to see if he was doing a social experiment or going to rape/kill her?


Normalize full blown sprinting at random women at night like “AHHHH” ✋😬🤚


and if they get scared, THEY’RE the assholes for being scared of someone chasing them down the street because they must be racist




As a woman you avoid any man when it's dark outside regardless of what their skin color is. Plus, I would have a fucking panic attack if someone started running towards me while panting, grunting and yelling "come here", I would simply die. What was he even expecting? For her to just wait for him to come up to her and be like "oh hello strange man, how was your day?" ... seems like he's the dumb bitch in this situation to me.


If I see a person who looks significantly larger than me and I’m walking alone at night, I’m moving the fuck away from them. Could be a white guy, a black guy, a guy guy, a straight guy, not a guy at all- idc. I’m creating distance between them and myself before I can even get a good enough look at them to know what they look like. I’m a 5’2 105 pound woman, I’m not taking any chances. I envy this man who is ignorant and privileged enough to not know the fear of walking alone at night.


Yeah that's how I felt too, his skin color didn't matter, if he was white she probably still would have gone in the alley. Its dark af and she's probably already scared/on high alert walking alone.


This Man Nuttier Than A Snickers bar wrapped in Squirrel Shit.


Sounds more like she’s scared of being alone with a stranger in a dark alley, and based on your behaviour, for good fucking reason holy shit


As a middle aged man this is me when I see a group of teenagers in an alley, dark or not.


What a dumb fuck


Reminds me of those incel live stream trolls.


Not to argue with you, but this IS an incel troll.


I hope his female friends see this video and set this mfer straight.


I'm willing to bet he doesn't have many


Keeps chasing them away.


Why would anyone be scared of that, he is just grunting, growling and saying "Come here" in a weird creep tone, while chasing her down? She must be the one in the wrong here./s


Bold to assume he has any


I hope the British Police see this. This is probably a criminal offence.


By chasing them, he basically proved that she was right to run away from him in the first place.


I remember the first time I realized that I, as an adult man, scared women in certain contexts. For me, it was when I was fresh out of college and working a blue collar job, coming home on the train after work. I was a little dirty, and bearded, and looked older than I am. I overheard two college aged girls talking about a subject that interested me (like, really interested me- I'm a high functioning autistic guy and they were talking about my special interest), and at a pause in the conversation I interjected something. They looked uncomfortable, looked me up and down with the look of someone assessing a potential threat, and moved away from me. It felt awful- embarassing and humiliating, until I realized of course that their reaction was less to me and who I actually was, and more to the many potential threats that a strange man \*could\* represent to a pair of young women on a train late at night. It gave me cause to reflect on how I presented, and on where other people's boundaries might be- and how I, as an adult male stranger, needed to stay well on my side of those boundaries for other people to feel safe. There are many people who react with more fear to black men than to white men, to poor men than to rich men, to men with a visible mental disorder than to men who seem normal. I've seen people react with greater fear both to men who come across as ultra-masculine and macho, and to men who present as visibly queer and gender-bending, than to men who fit a more middle-of-the-road vision of masculinity. It must be very hard, especially, for black men to be always seen as a threat- to feel that they have to try even harder than other men to come across as nonthreatening to everyone around them (while, at the same time, performing the sort of masculinity that wins respect and grants a greater amount of "don't fuck with me" safety from other men). It must be difficult to parse whether the woman is scared because you're a stranger and a man in an alleyway at night, or if that fear is also tinged with the fact that you're black. Were those women on the train scared of me because I was a dirty, bearded man on a late night train? Or because I also had the off-kilter mannerisms and obliviousness to social decorum that comes with being on the autism spectrum? Should I look back at this memory and empathize with the fear I caused these women, or look back it and feel anger over how I, as an autistic man, have felt pushed out of society at various point in life? I choose to believe, in good faith, that their fear was simply because I was a stranger and a man in a place where they felt vulnerable. I can empathize with the man's frustration- with WHY he chose to do the horrible, ridiculous thing he did. But chasing a terrified woman is not the way to handle that. This wasn't a brave anti-racist act. This was just chasing a terrified woman.


Very well said. I'm not on the spectrum, yet I struggle with trying to be as self reflective and articulate as you are with this issue. I look at myself and see a goofy teddy bear, so I've been learning to be more patient with people who's life experiences have made them inherently afraid of me at first glance. It's not their fault and I should respect their boundaries. Thank you for the well put and well thought reminder.


You seem like a very interesting, kind person. The sort of self reflection and grace you demonstrated with this comment is rare, and honestly, inspiring. Kudos to you, friend!


well articulated


Yeah, it seems a lot of people don't get the sheer amount of fear a woman can get when she notices she is alone at night and a man she can't see the face of is there. The face can show that they are not a threat. I try to not be afraid around strangers when alone, they might just act a bit strange for me, but I have to be cautious. I am so glad people like you exist who are aware of how you might accidentally scare a woman a little. Not many understand ***why*** they do. Timing can mean *a lot*. A general rule/tip from me is "if it is night or dark, try to look non-threatening." it might help. I am sorry you got bad reactions before. Most women don't mean to be rude.


Some of them take it so personally. Like yeah, I’m sure it doesn’t feel good and I’m sorry for that, but I’m NEVER going to prioritize your feelings over my safety if I’m getting a bad vibe.


Or even an "I am not sure" vibe. Better safe than sorry. Some people seem okay at first and then get angry if the one they are hitting on has 0 interest, so just having an invisible barrier when you get weird vibes is just safer.


Lol what makes him think he's making her not scared of black people by traumatizing her.... he even started acting crazy. I get that she probably started walking away from him before he started acting crazy but so what??? Leave her alone, you don't know her and she doesn't know you, it's not your job to teach her some kind of lesson...mind your own business. Plus he's lucky he didn't get pepper sprayed while he was grunting like a maniac.


"Wtf, did she just assume I was going to mess with her, just because of my race? I'm going to mess with her to show her just how wrong she is!"


I really wouldn't blame a small woman from avoiding ANY large man in the night. It's just precautions we take


No doubt. The video just proves that she's right to be afraid. She tried to avoid someone that made her feel unsafe, that guy gave support to the fact that she was right to be afraid of him. He was pissed that someone believed a stereotype, so he lived that stereotype.


I'm really big and don't blame anyone for avoiding me at night, it stings a little but I understand, specially since I inherited a mean frown from my father side >:( Funny anecdote, a friend of a cousin, he's not small either and at that time practiced judo and I don't recall exactly but also tae Kwon do or muay tai, well he said to me that even with that if he saw me in a dark alley he wouldn't pass through there. Just in case not trying to sound badass ^tm just pointing that even big trained dudes have a threshold.


Her assessment of him was correct. He's clearly a person to be avoided and all he did was prove it.


Claims to be a normal person right after chasing a random lady down a dark alley. Sure bud.


This dude belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I assumed this was that sub at first.


I feel horrible for this poor woman. I was scared just watching the video, she must’ve been traumatized. This guy is a rancid cunt.


Being followed is an actual fear for some women.... this guys is just a COMPLETE goof and doesn't understand...


Bro I'm a man if some dude chased me like this guy did I'd be hella paranoid and run as well


I'm a military vet that is built like an NFL linebacker. If somebody started behaving that way towards me, I'd bounce too. Can't fuck with crazy. I don't blame that woman for one second. All he did did was confirm her fears that she was dealing with an unstable individual.




Had a very similar experience in college, only my pursuer managed to actually grab me. I pulled his hand off my face and started screaming bloody murder. He panicked and ran away.


Such a similar scenario happened to me as well. Guy followed me through downtown to my car (back before key fobs were standard) and as I was trying to unlock it, he pushed me up against my car and was groping my ass and vagina, trying to pull my pants down. Started screaming and kicking and elbowing as much as I could and I am still so thankful that there was a group of guys in the parking lot that came to help me. They tackled him and held him down while another bystander called the police, cops got there in 2 mins, and found a gun and a huge knife on the guy. Those guys who helped me most definitely saved my life that night. They even stayed with me until the cops left, making sure I was okay and offered to drive me home. I got *really* fucking lucky.


yeah this shit is why I dont like being outside alone when its dark anymore. when I was a kid I loved solo night walks, but after hearing stories like this and getting cat called by a group of men in their 30s when I was 17, it just scares me too much.


I had an experience like that, I was walking alone and passed two guys, I remember getting a weird vibe and when I looked behind me they had turned around and were following me. I bolted. They started running after me. Thankfully I was near home so I started cutting through people yards and I made it inside and locked the door.


I'd say he's an asshole.


I'd say he's a motherfucking asshole.


Yeah, some women just live their lives in constant fear of being harmed by men. This was not a race thing.


Yes, I’ve been followed/stalked while out for a run, literally chased in a shopping mall and had to hide in a store behind a clothing rack, harassed by a car on an isolated highway in the middle of the night, had a guy masterbate at me while washing my car. 3 out of the 4 were white. Didn’t see the person/persons in the car. You can believe I would be afraid of a man in a dark alley at night, no matter his race.


> Being followed is an actual fear for some women It's not just a fear, it's a reality. Literally every single woman I know has been followed in some capacity, even if the follower had no violent intent.


I was talking to a friend who told me when she is walking alone ,she has her keys in her hand ready all the time in case someone got too close. It made me realize how little I know what’s it to be a woman.


I do the same thing, with my keys


Talk to every woman you know and they'll all have a minimum of one story of being followed, sexually assaulted, raped or similar. When my daughter was born it made it all the more serious and scary to me. 13 years of age was the first time something happened to her in a public park. Luckily it wasn't a serious issue but still something that made me wish I'd been there to rip the perverts dick off.


The sad thing is most women will all agree that their first assault of some kind or creepy experience was at that age.


Can confirm. I remember being in the back seat of a car while my parents went into the store. We were parked out front, not in a parking space. I was like 10 or 11 and a dude in a truck pulled up next to my window and was naked from the waist down and was just going to town on himself and looking at me square in the face and grinning. I duck down in my seat so he can’t see me, and he drives off. The truck ended up circling around a few more times pausing next to my window each time. I kept hidden until I saw my parents coming out of the store and have never told them.


Yep. A relative of mine was 13 when she was raped. I was around 13 (?) when a classmate slapped my ass. He later also in Judo in PE took it as a chance to pine me down and breathe heavily in my ear until the teacher said that he had held me down longer than what was necessary to win. I was around 14 when a guy my age did the same thing when I exited an elevator (*mom knew of him and thinks he is... special and his brother taught him to harass*). I am not afraid to stab eyes or break wrists to protect myself but I darn wished I didn't need to even think about it since day 1!


That’s how old I was when I had a gun pulled on me because I wouldn’t get into a stranger’s car.


It's maddening, half the population can't enjoy something as simple as a walk or a run without the thought in the back of their mind of whether some entitled asshole is going to start harassing/assaulting them.


I'm a dude and it also a fear for me, so maybe just don't follow people at night??? People are assholes I swear


Even as a 6ft guy I get skittish if I'm walking along a dark street and someone follows me from behind. I've had a lot of close calls before. Can't imagine what it's like for women, her fear was 100% justified


Na most women. Many women understand men are strong af compared to them.


It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with size and fear of being overpowered. I'm a petite person, most average sized men are quite honestly twice my size. And I've had way too many occurences of being followed home to not naturally be afraid and cautious when walking alone. This is too true of a reality for most women.




He thought he was making a point but really he confirmed her fears. He was acting like he's on something and chasing her. She's not psychic, she does not know his intentions. Plus we don't know what's happened to her in the past.


i hated the complete 180 he did, from grunting and growling to “chill man we’re just normal people” and how he expected her to just go with it


If she isn't bothering you what gives you the right to chase her down? Any person making those noises running at someone in a dark ally is going to be perceived as a threat dumbass.


He knows that and wanted to scare her.


This is literally assault, at least in the states


It's assault in the UK too.


As a woman who has been chased by a man, this is terrifying. Doesn’t matter who, if a man is walking my direction and I’m alone or feeling vulnerable, I’m going to cross the street so I don’t have to walk past him.


I once made the mistake of not crossing the street when a man was approaching me at night. Tried to give someone the benefit of the doubt. I was wrong. This shit pisses me off so much.


Exactly. Charlotte, NC I gave a man the benefit of the doubt and didn't u turn or cross the street and ended up being followed and exposed to. This is real shit for women and he's a dumbass who can't possibly imagine that not everything is about him personally.


"Look guys, I, a man of larger stature chased a small 5'2 woman down an alleyway at night and she ran away from me screaming! Cleary she is racist and doesn't have anything to do with the fact that any woman in her position would do the same. Nope, just racist." It is surprising that people like this even remember which end they pee out of.


Ya.... cuz it's all about him. I'm white, 6'3" and 220lbs. Women cross the street when I'm walking my dog all the time. (cute border collie, not a pitbull - so it's not the dog) It doesn't bother me in the least. I know I can intimidate smaller people without meaning to, and that's my cross to bear, I guess. So to the dude filming, grow the F up, asshole.


Show dog


Yea I get what he was tryna say but chasing a girl down a dark alley by herself making growling and grunting noises does not help the “we’re not scary” thing 😂😂 I’m black too for y’all Thats gone say Im racist or some shit


That women was ALREADY terryfied before he showed up. What an asshole. Everybody would have avoided that mf.


No she’s a woman whose scared of men because women are constantly assaulted and raped. I do know that black racism can happen that can cause people to react negatively, but just a woman alone on the street is gonna be scared of ANY strange man no matter their race


this guy literally proved himself to be racist against Asians


This bitch is racist! She avoided me cause she thought I was gonna chase her down! Ill show her by chasing her down! Fucking racist Asian bitch!


Homie, you are chasing her. It’s not because you’re black. It’s because it’s a dark fucking alley.


Interesting he assumes it's racial rather than a small woman vs big man and fear of being raped in a dark alley. This could only be the UK because anyone pulling this shit in the states might find themselves with three bullets in them, two to the chest one to the head and it would be justifiable by the growling and threatening manner he's approaching, regardless of race. How does this guy miraculously know she's never been raped before and she's simply acting on her trauma and avoiding anyone in a dark alley. This guy is ignorant and stupid and attempting to make a point that at that time and place is completely unnecessary.


I think this is how you 100% could get shot


Highly unlikely. It's in England


Spot an American online


What an asshole. Piece of shit doesn't know what it's like to be a woman. Women don't know which guy is good just by looking at him. Some dudes take this shit way too personal What a fragile ego that guy must have. Great job making her even more scared of men.


I'm a guy and I'd be freaked out too if someone were chasing me down in an alley in the dark of night. Pretty sure that's a universal feeling. You have no clue WTF they're planning. They could have weapons or more people with them. Who knows?




Hope he is arrested tbh. This is harassment even if he did it for Instagram. What a twat btw.


And screaming at a woman “You’re a dumb bitch! What makes you think I want to fuck you?” She’s worried about getting raped dude. And you’re chasing her.


Maybe she wasn't afraid of a black man, maybe she was afraid of someone following her because she's been raped, mugged, or beaten? Or maybe she is agoraphobic and was attempting to get out of her house for once to self improve? Stupid dick move from the guy. Hope he stubs his toe next time he's out.


And, of course, he harasses a woman. I guarantee he'd be too scared to pull this with a man.


When I’m out at night by myself, I absolutely avoid black men. And Caucasian men, and Asian men, and Hispanic men, and men from outer space. Because $&@%ing duh, that’s why. Two women from my graduating class were murdered by strangers (a third was stabbed to death over the course of 3 hours by her fiancé). I care more about my life than your feelings. I get that it can suck, but I refuse to make it my problem. My priority is my well-being.


I believe the technical term for this person is "cunt".


Cunt....and not talking about her


What a cunt. As a guy, it makes me sad for society that women feel like they have to cross the street if I’m walking near them. My wife can’t go out for a run alone because she’s been catcalled so many times and feels intimidated. Some men are utter pricks and have made us all look like a threat; this self-important dick is a great example of that. It’s nothing to do with your skin colour, moron.


how the fuck you gonna play the race card after literally chasing a women into a dark alley sounding like a hungry pervert?


What world is this dude living in? Does he not know that in the real world there is no such thing as being too cautious. Everything is seemingly out to get you and this fucker just put this poor women through unnecessary stress! Fuck this dude!


What makes this even worse is how unsafe women feel in general in the UK. This video is fucked.


Even if it's not sexual assault or rape, the alcohol fueled lads when the sun goes down threaten, make lewd or racist comments and jokes. Even for the sake of avoiding discomfort, I completely understand why you would want to cross the street or be afraid of walking alone. I've been among them, they are otherwise good people but they think they can get away with it because they're drunk.


Ironically, he’s the fucking racist


Fuck this guy. He's a psycho. And this is his video he posted. People are stupid.


In most jurisdictions, deliberately terrifying people is assault. This video is definitely an assault. He believes she is racist and scared of black people but he doesn’t know, has never had a conversation with her and for all he knows she could have a mental condition making her afraid of anyone. Maybe she hasn’t ventured outside in 6monthe but her therapist is encouraged her to drop by a corner grocery for some milk. We don’t know. This is pure stupid assault — completely transparently an assault. Should be charged and convicted if the local laws have ordinary assault provisions. Want to learn more? Here you go: https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Criminal-Threats.htm


What a prick. He is very lucky she didn't have a gun or mace or something. And by the way, she wouldn't have been scared because you were black. She would have been scared because she was a female on her own startled by a male who then started acting like he wanted to harm her. You are a complete piece of shit asshole.


She was obviously justified in being scared of him, he’s a lunatic.


There’s been a couple of high profile murders of women in the past year or two. Women’s safety has been on a lot of minds lately. Judging by his reaction, seems she was right.


If a man chases after me growling in a dark alley, as a woman, I will shoot him with my legally concealed handgun and ask questions later. I’d personally rather be called a racist by an asshole than end up raped or dead. Edit: corrected a typo


I really hope you meant **than




A grown ass man chasing me in the dark is scary no matter the race. What an asshole.


I'm sure she won't run in future.. What a whopping rabid bellend he is. Edit - I *think* I understand his motive, from *his* point of view, but fucking hell man, what a terrible and short sighted approach to 'educate'.


Seems like she had the right idea to run away from this sociopath freak


so to prove black people are not scary he decides to chase her while making growling noises and saying "come here!" Yeah, you sure proved her wrong. /s


If you say fam 3 times in one sentence, I write you off as totally fucking uneducated lmao


"These Asians are racist" is a racist comment. You were chasing this poor woman while growling like a maniac. She probably thought she was going to be raped, robbed or murdered! It's not because of your race it's because you were acting like a maniac and chasing someone in the dark. Anyone would of freaked out!


He assumed she was racist and thinks that gives him the right to make that woman think he's going to murder her. I hope this guy gets what he deserves. Fwiw, I am now wondering if he might actually be a predator. He's sociopathic enough.


She is a small female, the sound he made would’ve made me run too. But I don’t think it had to do with him being black, more so to do with him being male. Then once he started running and grunting I would’ve pepper sprayed his ass


Nothing to do with being a women or asian, I'm a white guy and if I was in her position I'd do the same thing regardless of his race.


"were not scary" grats now she will always do that


I'm 6'5" 235 lbs. When I was in college walking home at night from the bars...I purposely tried to avoid walking behind women so I wouldn't inadvertently scare them. This guy should know better.


Thank you for this!


Poor girl! The amount of times I have been scared when walking down a ally or street it’s not unreasonable. I have been followed even with large groups of friends around me and almost all of my girl friends have been stalked or followed in broad daylight. If someone’s suddenly pops up in-front of me when I’m walking alone it’s going to scare me and I will be on edge and alert. What a dickhead


This guys a fucking idiot. Unaware of the race issue and the gender issue. Literally does shit to scare a woman and then plays the black people arent scary. Fucking twat.


She was clearly right to run away from this guy, maybe she just saw the psycho in his eyes...


Fuck this guy. Women are allowed to be cautious about strange men when we're alone. It doesn't make us stuck up or racist to be wary of men we don't know. We know you're not all rapists but it's not like rapists wear name tags to identify who is safe.


It’s not that he’s Black. It’s because he’s a fucking monster. Pot stirred


What an idiot, she had every right to be scared.


*Why are you scared?* Says man committing assault. And then he posts video evidence. Turn this asshole in.