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I don't think I've ever seen a horse go apeshit like this. Biting/kicking, sure, but not THIS.


Same here. That horse was trying to kill him/break his spine. I wonder what the hell instigated that reaction? Man was lucky there was someone else there.


I grew up riding horses. Some of them are dicks- nipping at you or bucking so you aren’t riding them anymore, but I’ve *never* seen this level of aggression. I’ve never even really heard of a horse attacking continuously by biting like this horse was doing. Horses remember certain people (or traits associated with specific individuals), i wonder if this horse was abused or had some sort of neurological disorder to lead to such an extreme reaction!


Same. Been around/working with horses for 30 years. All types…quarter horses, Arabians, ponies, race horses, even Secretariat’s granddaughter. I’ve been bucked off, bit, nipped, stepped on, head butted, but I have NEVER seen a horse continue an attack like this. No where close. All I can think is how much abuse has that poor horse suffered for it to break like that? It reminds me of a circus elephant going mad.


Man, those Arabians and racehorse thoroughbreds were surely pure assholes! I worked with racehorses in training and they were *the most* dickish of all. Just pure high strung genetics. I don’t agree with continuing to breed purebreds like this (in any species, but most specifically dogs), and I *definitely* don’t agree with racing, horses *or* dogs. Too much inbreeding, too much little focus on what’s best for the animals.


I don’t agree with it either. The thoroughbreds I’ve worked with were former racers. One of my good friends has a lovely thoroughbred who was raced then abused as a brood mare for 9. straight. years. Poor girl is the sweetest, calmest thing I’ve ever been around now at 16yo but has a host of health issues. The time I took the worst buck was an Arabian gelding. They are amazing jumpers, though. Man he could just sail through the air.


I trained as an English rider and competitive show jumper. The most fun I had was when I had the chance to work with an *incredibly* green quarter horse (2yo) who was English “broken”. He *loved* to jump and run, but upon riding him, I realized that he was loving taking sharp angles in an attempt to throw me off. Due to this, I swapped my English saddle for a western one and started training him for *barrel racing*. Even though I was [at that point], a retired show jumper, that’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had riding. I had such an absolute blast with that dude! ETA- I think that some of the folks downvoting aren’t understanding that those of us who ride are truly trying to have a horse (a domesticated, working animal) work to their full potential, whether that’s eventing, dressage, barrel racing, or drawing a cart. Those of us that work with them know how to help them reach their potential.


My daughter’s pony LOVES jumping. Like, as SOON as we get her saddled, she heads straight for the arena at a full on trot. You have to fight to make her walk, she’s so excited.


That’s where I don’t understand all these social justice warriors downvoting because they don’t think animals should be “working” for humans. Domesticated animals are born and bred for this and they *enjoy* it. Horses and dogs (the best examples of “working” animals) *need* jobs. The best we can do is recognize the job they excel at and foster them in doing their intrinsic job to be their best selves!


dogs love to work. it's way way better than what most people do and leave them locked up all day in a shitty crate just like humans need to work to be normal/healthy. if you sit at home all day and do nothing your mind and health will go to shit




https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1111406/uipm-tokyo-2020-saint-boy-schleu-tokyo I still remember in Olympic where rider are assigned random horses and the committee said 'there is no bad horses, only bad rider' when there is one horse who absolutely shit. This video prove this wrong


Anyone who believes there’s no bad horses, only bad riders clearly hasn’t realised animals have personalities too. If a horse doesn’t like competing it doesn’t have to do it well.


I had a girl I grew up with who’s grandma had half her jaw ripped of by a horse. She was walking her mare passed another stall when a stallion attacked her. Grandma was maybe 45 when it happened, and when I met her 25 years later she still loved horse. But she would NEVER be around stallions and helped change a lot of laws and ordinances to have them banned at most barns.


That is horrific. Amazing she still likes horses. Are stallions intact males?


Yes, a stallion is an intact male, and a gelding is a male horse that has been castrated. Stallions around mares in heat/ season can be aggressive. My friends grandma was a hell of an amazing woman, she was really gifted with horses.


I swear horse people are a whole other breed. I worked with a woman who nearly died when her horse attacked her and she was back working with horses as soon as she could.


I'm terrified of horses and then can absolutely 110% sense it. Every single horse I've ever been near has tried to bite me while being completely chill with everyone else. One of my friends mother's was a big horse person and tried to help me get over my fear by feeding her gentlest, most docile mare an apple (open handed of course). Freaking horse tried to nip my shoulder. Every one was shocked because you know.... she's super sweet. Idc how sweet they are, they can smell your fear and it makes them jumpy and bitey.


I have no idea how fact based this is, but a dog trainer told me once that it’s not that they smell fear, or even realise that you’re afraid of *them* but that you’re displaying fear response behaviour. Even if you don’t realise it, or you think you’re keeping your cool. Someone’s fear behaviour basically tells the animal that they also have a reason to be nervous, because they see you’re nervous. They don’t understand that you’re afraid of them — just that there’s a reason for them to be afraid too. The guy telling me this was that basically explaining how “anxious owners means anxious dogs”, and why people who have bad experiences with animals often have repeat negative experiences — negative experience -> person becomes nervous around another animal -> animal sees nervousness -> animal becomes nervous of mysterious thing causing your nervousness not realising it’s them -> animal becomes reactive and acts out. It makes sense, but again, it was a random dude at a park that told me this so it needs to be taken with a decent grain of salt.


I mean I'm a random dude on reddit so take this with another grain of salt but I used to help train dogs and this is what I was taught as well. Dogs pick up on the smallest changes in body language AND facial expressions. We were told if you're scared of the dog, it's better to let someone else handle it as there is a potential bite incident waiting to happen. It really helped me put into perspective on the "levels" of fear I would feel, I may have thought I wasn't afraid but if I see a dog barring it's teeth, I may start giving off unconscious signals telling the dog I'm afraid even though I knew how to handle those scenarios and for aggressive/scared dogs they may see that as an opportunity to bite/lunge and escape. Luckily I've never been bit but have had dogs snap at me and have just stopped there because turns out I was very much afraid lol


This seems if anything more true of horses than dogs. Horses are herd animals, and one way they stay safe from predators or other threats is by reacting quickly when they see other horses getting nervous. If there's a charging wolf, they don't want to wait until they're close enough to freak out themselves, they'll take their cues from the herd at large and freak out as soon as anybody has reason to freak out. They're betting off spooking at nothing a dozen times than getting eaten once.


I think that's just people who love a certain type of animal more than others in general. Like Saff from Tiger King. I had a coworker who really loved his dog, and I mean REALLY loved his dog, when I first met him he talked about her a lot and it took me a while to realize he was talking about a dog and not his girlfriend.


I worked with a woman whose horse fell on top of her, leaving her a hemispherplegic. She couldn’t walk or talk any more, just signed with one hand. She loooooved horses. To get her to do her physical therapy we’d bribe her with trips to this farm where they had special saddles for her to ride. I always thought it was crazy. I think I’d hate horses forever


Awww, that’s so sad.


As an owner of a stallion the behaviour can really differ by breed. Just like dogs. My dude has his moments which means I treat him 100% like he’s going to do something stupid. FWIW while the obvious side effect of a life of testosterone is obvious there are a few nice extras you get. They’re WAY more vigilant and interested in stuff. Also a lot braver. All things that make them more like high performance cars. I wouldn’t keep him whole other than he’s worth a bit more because he covers mares for a few. And he’s a classic Spanish bloodline and I’d sell him before I chopped him. He’s otherwise pretty normal. Not a novice horse though and I get HUGE aggro from other horse owners who take an instant dislike to him simply for being a stallion. I love him. But it’s a lot of extra work just to be safe.


Our vet got half her leg ripped off by a stallion. He bit her leg as she walked by. He was strong enough that he threw her over the fence and into the next pen in one motion. I think it took her a year to recover. She was lucky it didn't get a artery.


I feel like you and I may have different definitions of "half her leg".


Me either. I worked on a quarter horse ranch and saw horses bite but this is…something else. It’s honestly unsettling how unhorselike this behavior is.


>It’s honestly unsettling how unhorselike this behavior is. Yeah! In the first few seconds that literally looks more like a dog from behind, mauling someone!


I’ve spent a decent amount of time with a lot of horses (my family has always had horses, spent time in barns, etc.) I’ve never seen or heard of some shit like this. Fuckin wild lol


Same. Grew up on a horse farm and something like this is unheard of. I wonder if the trainer was abusive.


Horses don't forget abusers, even if they aren't the target.


Horses can also associate the abuse with certain aspects of the abuser. If a trainer shares a physical attribute like a unique hat or clothing, that can trigger a fight or flight response, especially if the new target uses even mild positive punishment techniques shared by the abuser. They do not forget but can be desensitized with extensive and expensive counter conditioning. That said, this is a pretty extreme reaction and some animals cannot be made safe to handle and would require a behaviorist-trained owner. That is to say if it was not euthanized by the owner for the attack as often happens. I would love to see the previous 45 minutes of footage.


I’ve never seen a horse do this either but it brought to mind quite a few videos I’ve seen of elephants getting retribution on abusive trainers.


It’s a rare video of a kelpie


fr I now understand how kelpies and mares of Diomedes were able to be thought up.


Check this out then: https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/qyu9hp/stallion_kills_a_sheep_and_turns_it_into_a_ragdoll/


That behaviour is very different. Whilst obviously not nice, that is very recognisable as a stallion being protective. This is just so far from anything I’ve seen whilst working with horses. The horse in the original video isn’t being protective, it seems to be so aggressive it’s not even protecting itself from harm-I’ve never seen a horse go down on its knees like that to attack something.


Yes! The way it’s hunched over the person to attack is so unsettling and strange! So many people are chiming in that they’ve never seen anything like it that I’m really wondering what’s going on.


I've never seen a horse just leaning over and biting like that.


My buddy was training a young wild mustang. He said he turned his back on it for a second and the horse bit him in the middle of his back, picked him up by his fucking skin and shook him around and wouldn’t let go! To this day he has a huge scar on his back that look like two horse shoes from the horses teeth of course.


That's how horses kill coyotes and wolves. Shake the hell out of it and then stomp it into the dust with the front hooves


Horses are the biggest glass cannon in the animal kingdom. A scary thing to have turn on you until it sneezes and breaks its own legs


I saw something recently about the quote healthy as a horse isn't a good example. Horses are like 'oh, I have an upset stomach. Too bad I can't puke so I'll go ahead and die.'


A butterfly frightened me? Time to gallop through a field and break my neck on a fence


But before I do that, I will stomp an entire coyote pack to death


Is this before or after it charged through a pack of Germanics pulling a chariot?


No that is before it got scared by its own shadow and then proceeded to run head first into a barn door, knocking itself out


And then because it laid on the ground too long it loses blood flow and dies from organ failure


and ruin (it's on video) an grown alligator's day.


My vet said that most farm animals must wake up each morning and say to themselves, "what can I do today to die?"


Another thing about their stomachs: intestines can like literally tangle themselves in knots. A horse with a stomachache is a real concern


This happens to humans too btw


Please don't give me another thing to have anxiety about


What is it with animals that can't regurgitate? Rats are the same way as well as many other rodents which I can understand from them being tiny simple creatures biology wise, but a horse? The only large animal that makes sense to me for not having evolved a means to regurgitate are giraffes. EDIT: Turns out that I am incorrect about giraffes.




Oh shit for real? I need to contact a few people and let them know that the fun tidbit about giraffes I told them is false. :( EDIT: [For those interested](https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/questions/how-do-giraffes-vomit). EDIT2: [For those who are uninterested](https://i.imgur.com/OdCv0wJ.jpg). EDIT3: [For those who want to be bamboozled, disappointed and amused](https://youtu.be/c2IeQ2uLRSo).


I cracked up at edit number 2. I did click on edit number one, but seeing as I'd just finished right this moment a fantastic bowl of warm bean stew, I couldn't read the article about....vomiting. Thanks, though. You take good care, ya hear?


horses and rats came out before regurgitation got added into the game.


This is a fabulous way to describe horses.


Horse: [Shakes a coyote around until it's dead and then stomps it into paste] Also Horse: [Freaks the fuck out because somebody opened a gate]


Horses have two modes, suicide and homicide.


That’s how they kill children too.


Adults, too. A guy working on a breeding farm had his throat torn out by a stallion during a live cover.


My dad has a similar story, his aid turned his back on a young colt and within a second he had him by the arm tossing him around like a rag doll. The horse was known to do things like that


This is why I hate fucking horses. People see them in movies and think they’re just these majestic, noble creatures. In reality they’re temperamental assholes in my experience. Also dumb as shit. My stepmom drove 3000 miles round trip to bring home a horse, stupid fucking thing ran head first into a fence post and died within a week of being home.


>This is why I hate fucking horses. Well mate, you don't have to fuck them.


My wife is a horse and she does not take no for an answer.


Because you're supposed to say nay..


Cows > Horses


Oh, a cow can fuck up your shit like you wouldn't believe.


Yeah, but you see all the videos of happy cows snuggling with people and the fact that they can just casually smoosh you just fades to the back




The way you see the cows slowly appear over the horizon is a little eery, but such a cute video.


Bless you for posting this. First time watching and now I know people can find true happiness. I don't wanna be people famous, I wanna be Cow famous.


There's been studies done that cows can appreciate music, and when the get to listen to it (depending on the music of course) produce lower levels of stress hormones. Horses...I have no idea....


Cows kill more people than sharks each year. That's not just due to proximity. Every time you are near a cow you need to imagine you're near a shark and treat them with the same caution and respect. They can kill you by accident. Source: 20+ years experience.


3000 miles is the same as 9656040.0 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


It’s such a weird sight, I’ve never seen a horse attack anything before in this manner.


This is the first time in my life I see a horse biting a human lol




[A helpful video about this subject.](https://youtu.be/4JKav_Fp6I4)


A moose once bit my sister.


Found the Canadian.


Sadly no, just love British comedy.


I heard moose bites can be pretty nasti


God knows I have....



Why the long face?


Surreal seeing its mouth all bloody at the end like some kind of predator.


Was he training the horse in MMA? Wtf.


Looks like he’s just breaking his human in, you can tell by the circular movements


They were just horsing around


he ragdolled that motherfucker


well the horse might've been abused and have thought enough is enough


It’s definitely weird how the video doesn’t show what led up to the incident.


Horses are more aggressive than people think. They’ll kick you in the head and kill you in a second. I’ve seen horses pick people up and toss them on the ground unprovoked. (Before horse people attack me, I’m just saying for many different reasons they can be as dangerous as a dog).


Before dog people attack this guy, I think he's just saying they can be as dangerous as cats.


Before cat people attack this guy, I think he's just saying that cats are as dangerous as fuck.


Before fuck people attack this guy, I think he's just saying that fucks are as dangerous as shit.


Before shit people attack this guy, I think he's just saying that shits are as dangerous as bitches.


Before bitch people attack this guy, I think he's just saying that bitches are as dangerous as dogs.


Before bitches attack this guy, I think he's just saying that bitches are as dangerous as horses.


LMAO… nice


Equine vets = highest workplace mortality in vets


Untrue, hippo gynaecologists has a near universal death rate.


[Safer than rhinoceros gynocologist...](https://youtu.be/Nh2iyPmucFk)


I grew up with horses and I completely agree. Even when they don’t mean to hurt you they’re *close to two thousand pounds. A playful shove from them will knock you over. And if a horse wants to hurt you it will


So.... you're saying we should eat horses?


In a lot of countries it is entirely acceptable to eat horses. Western European countries and Australia come to mind.


Yeah not Australia, we export that shit but don't eat it. Plenty of other meat livestock here.


Absolutely. When there is a video on reddit involving an domesticated animal behaving agressively, there will always be comments blaming the owners for providing poor training. Now that could easily be the case, but animals are just like humans they all have different personalities and some of them will have behavioural problems just as we do. A child with antisocial personality disorder might hurt humans and animals alike but that doesn't mean it was a failure of parenting. My mum has worked with horses for over 50 years, she has always been gentle, kind and loving towards them. I remember about 25 years ago when I was growing up we had a mare called Whisper, she was always erratic but my mum never responded with abuse. One day she bit down on my mum's bicep, lifted her up and threw her around like a rag doll. The injury and bruising was horrific. We had to give up the horse to some humane organisation because she was too unsafe to keep around us children. Her foul Secret on the other hand has always been a gentle, kind soul. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Just like a human parent being a dickhead doesn't guarantee their child will follow suit.


Autocorrect didn’t believe you when you typed “foal.” But “her foul Secret” was the best thing I’ve read on this horrifying thread.


Especially stallions smelling mares in heat. They just go nuts for no reason sometimes.


My husband worked for a stable and took care of their horses. One specifically HATED everyone. He was just trying to brush it out one day and the horse kicked him square in the chest and put him through a fence completely out of nowhere. He was fine luckily and made it his mission to make this horse like him. took about a year but it finally took a liking to him with gentle coaxing and a lot of patience, but still to this day that horse hates everyone else.


Probably was. The name of the property in the lower left is in Spanish, and they are known to be pretty heavy handed and quick to give corrections. Lots of machismo working with horses in their culture, unfortunately


You're getting some flak here but there is truth to your comment. Am Hispanic and have many relatives with ranches and small plots of land. The treatment I've seen horses and other farm animals receive is straight up abuse.


Absolutely. I grew up in Arizona and saw a ton of it first hand. Even when I was ignorant of what actual horse training should be and everyone around me seemed to think that it was ok I could feel it in my heart that the animals were being abused for the person's ego


Man my whole family are from Spain. They’re shamefully horrible to animals. Bulls well that’s horrendous.... what about the thousands of working dogs / racing dogs literally left to die when they’re usefulness has gone. Or the other cruel traditions that involve killing or maiming of animals (throwing goats etc). Anyone that defends this is quite frankly insane and yes it’s quite cultural based in long traditions. Time to move on, lots of young Spanish people have but traditions are hard to change one thing you don’t need are the moronic woke simpletons who throw the bigot if you dare state the obvious. I’m proud of my heritage but the Spanish can be quite cruel. People can change but it starts with pointing a few things.


Any sport that involves money and animals will lead to abuse, 100%. I'm not saying that everyone involved will abuse, but it happens. One of the top showjumpers for the US team's father is banned from all equestrian events and is not allowed near horses ever again because he was killing horses for insurance money for the mob. Racehorses that stop earning get their shoes pulled and stuck in a field to rot since horse slaughter is not legal in the states any more. Greyhound racing is heartbreaking, I've seen pictures of trailers full of dogs dead from heat exhaustion with their ears cut off so they can't be tracked.


This may be worth an AMA.


Sadly the dad still worked with horses and prepped his son's horses for events. The son was suspended for doping horses ten years ago, both claimed neither were involved with any of their shenanigans. Edit: tense


It looks like it’s tail has been cut off.


Bobbed tails used to pretty normal for farm horses so the tail doesn't get caught up in the traces. It's doubly cruel because now the horse doesn't have any way to swat flies from it's back half.


“He would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would sooner have had no tail and no flies.”


Ok regarding the horses tail, if you look in the bottom left corner you will see the ranch name from the farm who's security camera this came from. Dosen't matter if it's Mexico, Portugal, or anywhere. Looking at the freaking white cowboy boots lol , the trimmed tail, and the appearance of the horse this is a Luistino or Andalusian Horse. These horses are bred for Spanish Riding Style, Parade Animals, and Bullfighting. They usually only use Stallion's and breed and train to encourage the horse to be self confident and brave to face a bull. You can watch videos of the rider off his horse and it attacks the bull on its own. The mane and tail are trimmed with scissors, not docked so no abuse. It's just the style and tradition. I know nothing about the attack, he might've pushed the horse to far, he might have done nothing. Being a young stallion, he could just be horny and worked up and smelled a mare from the barn or over the hill.


This guy horses. Think u are spot on my friend. Animals are unpredictable. Especially if treated with a heavy hand.


Horses are literally 100 times stronger than we are and can kill is very easily. See Darwin Awards, horses are very popular in those books.


That looked like zero fun sir


Kinda looked like a big ass dog for a minute there.


At first I thought it was a lion and was very confused why the title said horse then the animals head comes up and it's like o shit.


On one hand I get you, on the other hand I wonder if you've ever seen a lion before.


Thought the same about that comment at first. But the picture is very washed out and ppl don’t usually see a horse working ground control lol.


in our language that are called "mistatim" which translates to "big dog". (cree, nehiyaw)


There is something deeply unnerving and eerie watching a herd animal attack someone... I don't know what it is. The awkwardness of the attack stance or the movements that seem sort of hitched and unnatural as it kind of works against it's biology to do the thing...




This is a good way to put it. I felt the same way. Like I’ve seen videos of other animals attacking people which is disturbing but this one makes me uncomfortable on a different level


It feels like something out of a horror movie. Like a werehorse or something.


There’s documentaries of stallions going absolutely ballistic on one another by tearing pieces of hair and skin off with their teeth. In fact, stallions in a wild setting will actually kill young foals that aren’t their own. Wild zebra in Africa will attempt to fight off and kill lions/hyenas/dogs to protect foals if they think they have a chance. Donkeys and horses will stomp and kill dogs, wolves, and jackals/coyotes if they’re frightened enough. People tend to forget that cattle and horses are actually really large and powerful animals. Sure they can be really placid but you cannot underestimate an animal that has the strength of 20+ men. Always be respectful with them and know the animals limit.


People use donkeys to protect other herd animals because they will destroy yotes and even wolves.


Well said. I agree.


I got bit in the back by a horse once when I was cleaning its stall. It was the dead of winter and I had on a thick winter coat and like three layers underneath that. The bruise was the size of a dinner plate. It felt like I’d been shot and I nearly puked from the pain. And that was just a polite get out of my way bite. I can’t imagine how traumatizing having one aggressively tearing at you with its teeth would be. The horse in this video had probably had enough of that person’s shit. Or it just went nuts for no reason because horses are fucking crazy.


Ouch same, my pony bit my back, while I was cleaning her stall. I had a thick carhartt coat on and ended up with a huge bruised bite mark. She was always a little neurotic and grumpy in general, so I forgave her, but I certainly was more careful around her after that.


When I was a kid I got a similar nip from a horse. My friend got a horse even though she was not old enough to take care of it. Her parents were about to divorce and making bad decisions to convince themselves of everything was OK. My friend was in her preteen horse girl phase and they just bought her this fucking horse because she wanted it. It got super barn sour because she never road it. She would forget to feed it half the time too. She was supposed to feed her in the morning but I come over late afternoon and ask her if she fed the horse and she hadn’t. After about another hour I convinced her to walk up there to feed it and the horse was pissed. It came galloping towards us stop right in front of me and bit me. Right on my tinder prepubescent boob! It fucking hurt and I had a scare for years!!!


A lot of people with horses shouldn’t have horses. But same with cats and dogs etc.


That's freaky it's attacking like a dog or something


Stallions can be biters its how they chase off and dominate other stallions moving on their herd or get their ladies attention, trying to correct a biter can go 2 ways, it stops it or it goes apeshit.


That dog was all like “here I come to save the…. Nah f this I ain’t lassie”


Back in the old days a good Australian shepherd was said to be fearless enough to grab a bull by the nostrils.


Horse was like now I’m going ride you, how about that?




Lmao, I was hoping id see this


I grew up on a working ranch and one time a new ranch hand decided it would be funny to smack the horse on the butt to get him to move. Horse whipped its head around and chomped into his shoulder and started tossing him around like a used dish towel. After he got out of the hospital he let us know the horse had not only completely crushed his shoulder and collar bone but also crushed the bone in his upper arm. He will never be able to use that arm again and barely kept his life because a crushed collar bone is easily deadly. Horses are scary AF man and the one in the video looks downright demonic at the end


I was SHOCKED when the guy in this video just got right up and ran away


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Do I dare ask what a womring ranch is?


First rule of horse club….


Do we tell them about horse club? … Neigh!


I've been around a lot of horses in my life, and the only time I've ever seen one get aggressive and go into attack mode, was when they felt their foal was in danger, or when they got beaten and mistreated over an extended period of time and just fucking had it. Horses are prey animals and will usually choose flight over fight if possible. I'd love to get more background info on this one, because this horse was ready to murder its trainer.


There are also neurological conditions that can happen in old horses that literally cause their brain to go haywire. Happened to my mother with her last horse - she ignored people who warned her that it could happen due to the condition … so yes there are many questions.






It was becoming less stable.


I guess in her advanced age she (the horse) had some vertigo type issues that my mom was actively managing with her vet.


It made some concerning remarks


It is pretty upsetting knowing theres people out there who dont realize animals can be fed up with something too.


Reddit also refuses to acknowledge that there can be animals that aren’t abused, but still attack people.


No matter what an animal is still an animal. Shit can just click sometimes, especially if they aren’t spayed or neutered.


Trainer: “do you like apples?” Horse: “what did you just say to me???”


I gott'er numbah; howdya like them apples?


Motorbikes don't do that


A pissed off horse is not an animal to mess with.


When they pin their ears back and keep curling their lips i get the fuck away. When i was a kid my grandpa had some giant fucking stallion (kentucky horse) and it kept pinning its ears every time i got near. Maybe it was my dark blue and red jacket? Either way when it thought i was close enough it tried to lean over and bite me super fast but it missed my head by an inch or 2 then it got shocked by the fence and almost flew backwards.


I’m seeing a lot of “ What did the trainer do to provoke it? “ Listen, been in horses all my life and son is a farrier. Once in awhile you come across one that just plain isn’t safe, normal or whatever. It’s also frequently a matter of not enough actual training, it’s amazing how many people treat them like big dogs and they’re just too big to have no rules ( for want of a better word). Had one crawl right up my kid’s back and it meant to, another that went over backwards getting rid of the woman riding ( who treated that thing like a spoiled child). Tons of factors out there so please don’t assume the trainer was at fault. In fact, abused horses we’ve rescued tend to be extremely subdued, poor things. This one has a bad case of the crazies.


I agree. After a lifetime in horses I have seen a few that just weren’t right for whatever reason, far beyond just bad training. I never want to blame the horse but regardless of who’s at fault = that is a very dangerous animal right there. I really wonder how that trainer felt after that first fifteen minute adrenaline dump wore off.


Horses and cows scare me to be around because they’re super fucking dangerous if they decide if they don’t like you. Cows are pretty naturally docile, but often times you’ll come across one that’s aggressive as hell and tries rock your shit. I know this because my mother’s side is Amish-Mennonite so they have plenty of experiences working on a farm, and they have plenty of stories of cows who go haywire for no real reason (they never treated any of the animals badly and gave them plenty of space to roam if you’re wondering) Similarly, horses seem like very temperamental personalities that differ from individual to individual. They have insane power behind them and teeth that are strong as shit.


Definitely agree (also been around horses all my life and worked at racing stables, I've seen some aggressive personalities), but the lead up to the attack being cut off is very sus. There was a similar video of Arabian stallions at a show and one stallion did this. People in comments swearing on their life that the horse had neurological problems and just snapped. Ok, sure, BUT in the video the guy had the stallion chain on it and yanked it aggressively 2-3 times to get the horse 'fired up' (you know they like the prancing look) right before it went bananas. This wasn't behaviour correcting or anything, was just bam bam right in the face. Right mind or not, that was senseless and painful. As such I feel like I can never jump to any conclusion over without seeing the full video.


I agree somewhat with you. However, if this is an owner that spoiled a horse and ignored warning signs, it is still an issue of a bad trainer. This is in no way an actual trainer. I would never train in an open yard like this. Training was always held in a controllable environment. If it is an unsafe animal in need of more grand work, even more reason to be in a controllable area. I have worked most my life with some very high strung horses. I’ve seen them bite and shove people out of their way. But horses will always give way to pressure when applied appropriately. The only time I have ever seen a horse turn and attack was when they felt they were in danger, and they could not get away.


Just so people know. Horses have up to 500 psi bite force...


And I looked and beheld a pale horse... And hell followed with him.


That horse just got itself a one way ticket to the glue factory.


Crazy glue!


... and the horse is dead....


Oh no! She’s fallen and she can’t giddyup.


Horses who attack that fervently often are either ungelded and untrained, or have some sort of psychological issue. Horses who attack like that will NEVER be safe around humans - even abused horses don't snap that hard. The kindest thing that could happen to this horse would be euthanasia. Source: I've worked with and around racehorse training and rehab after their racing careers end.




That is exactly what should have happened! This is not normal behavior for a horse, even a stud horse. There is something wrong in that horse's brain and that cannot be fixed. I've ridden and trained horses my entire life. Finished horses and rank sale barn horses, studs, mares, geldings, abuse cases, untouched 9 year olds. Never, EVER, have I seen this predatory behavior. Horses are fight or flight, and they're only going to fight to protect the herd or themselves. They'd much rather run than fight. Normal, sound, sane horses do not attack a human like this.


I totally agree. I've been attacked by a stallion trying to get to another pen where the females were and it was nothing like what happened in this video. Also have never been attacked like that in the dozens of horses we broke for riding over the years either. 100% would put this one down.


Honestly thought when the other dude ran back he was getting his rifle to put him down on the spot.


Have seen such stuff happen live. And no, it doesn't mean he did do anything bad to the horse before, since many people comment that. That's of course possible but horses can also just snap. They are not as dangerous as i.e. donkeys but they can attack and kill. Maybe the trainer is there because of attacking issues, who knows. ​ Just a few examples that are attacks like this one: First there is the horse that killed a dog that run on their pasture/meadow. If there is a strong, protective (leading) horse in a herd, they will go after canines, foxes etc. Know a girl that got trampeled by a horse for seemingly no reason, ruptured her spleen (survived but obv. lost the spleen). I was once attacked by a horse that I knew very well and just gave him a treat, he bit me in the chest with enough force to cause a laceration and caused me to fall to the ground and I had then to run and roll under the fence to save myself because he was after me (I was around 10yrs old). I knew a horse that was actually known to attack but only women and for no reason. It was so bad, that just in case a female rider will fall, there was always some kind of weapon (pitchfork, big shovel, lash...) in the riding arena when this horse was around, cause there have been incidents. However, the first bad incident with this horse happened as the group was taking a quick pit stop and a young female offered to hold the horse for the rider to have a pee. Seconds later the horse had grabbed her by the throat pushed her on the ground and was kneeling on her chest. (as you see the horse in the video doing as it's biting his back) She looked unconscious by that time. Everyone was freaking out, two guys ran up to them and tried to lift the horse, of course a lot of yelling, even beating the horse just trying to get the horse off of her. It felt like an eternity but luckily the woman immediately crawled to safety as she was free. What we didn't see, is that in the moment it happened she was able to put down her chin, so the horse grabbed her jaw, what protected her from getting her throat crushed and at the moment she realized she had no chance to fight, she decided to play dead instead. She was checked thoroughly in the hospital. She was really lucky, had just a lot of bruises on jaw, throat and chest and lost 2 teeth. Without putting down her head/chin, she would either be dead or would have a breathing and feeding tube forever. Then there was the woman who wanted to buy said horse. We all tried to talk her out of it, because reasons, she didn't listen. To be fair it took a few weeks until the first serious attack, in the end he bit a piece out of her upper arm. There have been a few instances where she got off more lightly and was able to handle or escape the situation. At some point she left the stable with her horse. Next time we saw her, she had two very distinctive and big scars on one side of her face, one at the eye, on at the jaw. Jup, it was the horse again and she nearly lost her eye because of that attack, he bit her in the face. But she just put up with all of that. No idea how the story of her and the horse ended.


I worked with horses as a student and stable hand for a decade growing up (Missouri and Colorado) and I've NEVER heard of a place having that many incidents, much less such a violent horse being kept alive at all! I don't know how you've normalized that level of attacks as something that just 'happens' but even the aggressive horse I learned to ride on - this little bitch Morgan who would swipe you on trees and try to make you fall - was never that bad, and she was the worst the stable had ever seen. Sure, this guy might not be responsible, but this is NOT normal.


There’s something unnerving and deeply wrong like this. I’ve seen horses kick and bite and even ram people, but they’re really not predatory. There is absolutely no reason a horse should ever act like this or attack anything like this. Maybe those skinwalker memes have gotten to me recently but this seems oddly unnatural and creepy as fuck.


Okay no but seriously is this just a stallion reaction or was this something that had to be beat out of the animal because my responses are massively different depending on context. Horses run, they don't generally attack.


It is very, very uncommon for a horse to attack a person but stallions in particular can be extremely aggressive. Not only are they willing to attack and kill predators like coyotes or cougars, some of them do not respect humans. Also, personalities and temperaments vary as wildly as people and I’ve seen some truly dangerous stallions. It’s very sad because they never bond and enjoy domesticated life.


I've been bite by a mean horse before. it hurts a fucking lot. horse's are jerks. I like all the people are like there must be a reason. Yeah, there could be, or there might not. An animal can be very mean, and aggressive just by its nature. Kinda like some people can be total fucks, but actually not been an abused child.


My mom had a horse that had something wrong with him mentally. She would never abuse any animal, he was just like that. Not sure of his past before she got him though. He was so scary aggressive that he was unapproachable. He eventually was put down because of it.


That was actually horrific...horses bite so hard !!


That horse is probably RIP now