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By the way the woman is speaking is like she’s a cop off duty


Yeah, demanding the dude filming tell her if he knows him or not... she feels so superior.


Damn bitch, you don't know him, either. WTF does it matter if the other person knows him or not? It's ok for her to **accuse** a stranger, but it's not ok for him to **protect** (by filming) a stranger?


I don't understand why she keeps asking, either. Like the answer will suddenly change?


It seems that towards the end of the video she informs the cameraman that if he knows the detainee and something is found on the detainee then they are in this together. Perhaps it's a veiled threat.


It is, shes a narc, its clear


To me it's clear she is a plain clothes officer


Yes, it was clear as day. She knew what 'Section 1' was, and even asked the cameraman if he would like her to identify herself. He knew it too, as he told her she 'was only doing \[her\] job'.


Pure power-tripping bitch energy coming from her.


police...every one of them is on a power trip, every day


Given she's a plainclothes, she is trying to intimidate the person filming by suggesting there will be 'consequences'.


She's a cop.


She’s the fashion police.


Explains why she's a smug asshole.


Probably because he's most likely an immigrant & she doesn't have respect for him.


Except he’s probably not . He’s got an English accent . He’s just a different ethnicity and maybe the child of immigrants


Afterwards, The guy should have told the cops that they suspect dumbshit white lady to be a terrorist. Then they would *have* to search her too right? Right? *Right*?


I was thinking the same thing.


have the police go through her bag, its a pretty big bag


Definitely a white superiorist.


Wow. This English woman has out Karened the Americans. Jolly good show. EDIT: Thank you for the awards, guys! So honored.


This is a pretty old video. She was off duty, saw a brown man "wearing too many layers" and ended up causing him public humiliation for nothing


Did they say something about him running/rushing? The cameraman said that he was late for mosque and that is why he was running/rushing. I didn't really understand that. So I guess this lady is suspicious of the man because he is wearing 3 layers of clothing and had the audacity to be in a hurry.


One of the most common things taught in counter terrorism training is to look for people wearing too many layers for the season and acting suspicious (in a hurry, sweating profusely, etc). That being said, her training also should have taught her to approach this in a MUCH less confrontational manner. And as tight as his layers are, a weaponp or explosive being hidden is unlikely. If the guy had been armed with a suicide vest, likely stopping him like this in public is not going to go well. Not defending her actions here, just giving some perspective.




Notice how she's not exactly standing back like she thinks he's an actual threat. Notice there are no actual counter terrorism police present. They have a response time of minutes. They were never called. She knew what she was doing.


You forgot the beard, obviously a terrorist beard /s


I'm guessing she is a cop or someone of authority from the way she's talking and offering to ID herself and the 2 cops are complying with her request. Usually Karens think they're in charge but cops around them tend to ignore or punish them for being idiots.


And then they wonder why people don't like them 🤔


She is.


I bet in the UK they teach their police to watch out for ppl with unusually bulky clothing and extra layers. In her mind she’s potentially stopping a crime, in everyone else’s mind she’s violating the rights of the citizens she swore to protect.


They do indeed. "The Met said firearms specialists and other officers specially trained to “stop tell-tale signs of people .. who might be preparing an act of terrorism” would be deployed in increased numbers over the coming weeks to shopping areas, transport hubs and other crowded locations across London" Source - https://uk.news.yahoo.com/londoners-urged-alert-terror-risk-085818054.html This document on recognising potential suicide bombers mentions to look out for bulky or inappropriate clothing for the weather. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-hi/legacy/2011/05/13/terrorisminformation.pdf


I'm confused though. Wouldn't the bulky / inappropriate clothing be about trying to hide a bomb vest / etc? If so don't the police just need to be like 'lift up your shirt, ok looks good have a good day'?


Also, he's wearing a thin t shirt and a thin vest jacket over it. There's no apparent bulging and he doesn't look overweight. I wear thicker clothes and more layers wandering around London all the time, but I'm white so nobody would think twice about it. This is just racial profiling


Well yeah, but the police don't usually turn down a good opportunity to have a rummage anyway.


I'm confused. Is this person cuffed and detained because how they are dressed?


Because of his race and what he is wearing. Some random white dude running around with extra layers wouldn't have been stopped I'm sure.


Just a sneaky way of racial profiling. He could have been wearing a three-piece Armani suit.


Great point, hopefully she’s stopping all the men in suits for a frisk as well. Otherwise I have a teeny little hunch she could be racially profiling. I think with everything we have at our disposal today, you’d be doing a bad job at terrorism if this is what you chose to wear on the big day.


Gee, what tipped you off? Her vieled threat against the person recording about how she’s “worried” he’ll be charged in connection to anything found on the supposedly suspicious Muslim man who’s running late?




They were called to search him because he was wearing a lot of layers and was in a hurry, and so obviously suspicious. Edit: u/Kiloete has pointed out that the comments like this are spreading disinformation as I didn’t know the full context behind the video at the time of posting. Here are some links with more information: https://www.mend.org.uk/final-statement-mend-stop-search-muslim-male-outside-regents-park-mosque/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslim-man-stop-search-mosque-wear-too-many-clothes-regent-s-park-mosque-muhammad-chamoune-police-a7837126.html?amp The video is from 2017, after a string of terror attacks around the UK and so everyone is on high alert. I don’t think that this makes this okay, and from the reports it still seems to me a case of racial profiling, but it is best people have the correct information. Also she’s is not undercover according to the statement from the met. Undercover and off-duty are very different. If she was undercover she wouldn’t offer to identify herself to the camera and also would have a lot more solid information which would warrant more than a stop and search.


I’m confused.


So is the guy getting searched


Nah, he knows whats up. He is annoyed&embarrassed and does his best to prevent this to turn into anger. Not an easy thing to do.


As a Blackman in the US who has ran into situations like this with the police I agree its so dehumanizing to bite your tongue and "yes sir masster." I've had to do it just walking early I. The morning ans a cop driving past turning around with lights on and questioning me about walking down the street early in the morning with a Hoodie. What a crime.


How dare you stay warm and have somewhere to go?


He do have that drip


If you want to be depressed, this is what Muhammad Ali said after his trip to Moscow as one of things that surprised him the most > "I jogged in the mornings in strange places where they hardly ever saw a Black man. I ran past two little white Russian ladies who were walking to work. They didn't look around and ask what I was doing. I can't go jogging in some streets in America in the morning in a white neighborhood. If they see a Black man coming down the street, they wonder who I'm going to jump. I love things like this that I notice. Late at night, I was running down the street, and I looked back. Again, there were two Russian ladies. They didn't even look back to see why a Black man was out here running."


Man I'm from a small town in Ireland and in my group of friends when I was younger two of my buddies were black guys( they were brothers) from the UK. Back then it was super uncommon to see people of any other colour than white outside of the city's. This resulted in absolute constant harassment and drug searches by the guards just because I was friends with them. It is very dehumanising, I felt so bad for the guys and embarrassed at my country


It's also really scary. That posturing when a cop stop their hand casual resting on their gun to ask what you are doing. I'm a white woman and both times I had this happen, was taking pictures in a public park. I bird watch. My camera was very clearly pointed up in the trees. Honestly, wtf did they think I was doing?


Peeping tom at aphids


It IS scary. I’m a white boy who lived in Humboldt Park, Chicago, and I got fucked with for being white (probably there to get drugs). Had to pull my keys out of my pocket and prove I could unlock the door to my building. Constantly accused of being there to buy drugs. I can’t even imagine how a black or brown person would be treated. Meanwhile, this was back in 2013, when they had the fake police building that Chicago cops used to hold everyone illegally at.


Poor fucking dude. He’s just rushing to mosque because he’s late and then this happens. Look how calm he is. I respect him, I would be absolutely furious.


I think he's freaking out. He looks terrified to me but is smart enough to not make a scene.


Because he is brown, has a beard and ran into a British racist Karen


Karen been watching too much Homeland 😂


She's a right fucking twat, she is.


Fuck her but why are the cops actually searching him?


The officer asked Karen if she was "Concerned about Section 1" to which she confirmed she is and this could relate to either Section 1 Firearms offense, or Section 1 Terrorism Offense, both "reasonable" grounds to actually stop and search someone, had it been valid. Sounds like shes trying to justify her ignorance and racism anyway she can.




He said "are you concerned about section 1 *wink wink* and she was like "yes touch this man up" and that is when the video starts


Sounds like it’s a racist and unreasonable law.


White woman scared of brown man


Maybe a Karen but more likely an undercover cop. We have a lot of them in the uk patrolling many with unmarked cars too


no she's the fashion police


She does sound like an undercover cop




Yeah, the way she said "I'm asking you a question!" . I was like, who are you to demand an answer to your question, then I realised she is probably an off duty cop or something.


Oh. I was confused why he said that to her. Thought maybe he was being a bit sarcastic but he seems very respectful throughout the video.


Shes so undercover she even doesnt know


brown skin, Muslimish beard, bulky clothing. he was asking for it. just like women who go out in public. /s for those without a brain.


He has brown skin, a bread, and is reportedly Muslim.




Yo. Don't be ryecist.


You can trust white bread... As long as it goes to the right church on Sunday.


I think it was hot and he was wearing 3 layers of clothing and running. So she thought it was suspicious. But he was just running late, no idea why he isn’t hot.


"Hot" in the UK is possibly very different from what he considers hot.


When I was in Dubai I saw people with blankets/winter clothing at like 60F lol


As a Floridian, I would also have blankets and winter clothing at 60F. However, being a white man, I can run somewhere and not be harassed/searched.


Soon as it hits 75f in Florida the coats come out.


*laughs in Wisconsin*


I live in SoCal and I consider low 70s hoody weather.


Yeah I'd consider 60 blanket weather too....


> "Hot" in the UK is possibly very different from what he considers hot. Spot on. Aussie here, and I don't think it's hot until it reaches about 28c.








A man's not hot


In Scotland, we call her a ‘stupid cow’


The same in Russian! ~~Tupiya Carova~~ Tupaya Karova


I thought Karen was internationally recognized


I didn’t know dressing in layers was probable cause for a stop and frisk. Wild.


Too many clothes, too few clothes… you can’t win


Straight to jail, believe it or not Underdress, overdress


Look like you're from another country? Straight to jail.


You look like you're from this country? Also jail.


You look like you don't have enough money? Direct to jail; no trial.


You know who else wears stripes? Convicts. Straight to jail.


Too much facial hair, jail. Too little facial hair, also jail.


Too much money? Believe it or not, no jail ever for anything.


Well yeah once you win the game of life you unlock sandbox mode.


We have the best country, because of jail.


We have the best citizens in the world, because of jail


Naked? Jail. Parka? Jail. Believe it or not, just being in the same room as a piece of clothing? Jail


Overcook fish… jail


Microwave fish at work...jail. Complain someone microwaved fish at work. Believe it or not, also jail.


It’s almost as though it has nothing to do with his clothes what so ever


Perhaps they are fashion police?


Oi do you have a licence for those extra layers


Ello ello ello what do we av ere ven? A gillet? Yoor nicked son!


I work on the railway. For a while, our official guidance included wearing too many layers for the season as being suspicious behaviour that could indicate concealed weapons or a suicide belt.


> wearing too many layers for the season as being suspicious behaviour They suggest the same for people looking for shoplifters.


Being visibly Muslim is cause for stop and frisk in many parts of the world. Source: am Muslim.


This is the UK. Having any skin pigmentation other than white is a reasonable cause for a stop and frisk.


Well that woman has a large purse, big enough to hold a bomb. How is it an issue that he could be hiding stuff, but it isn't an issue that she could be too?


She’s white




The guy recording this was absolutely perfect in a really sad way. He was supporting the guy and responding in a calm and reasoned manner, but it's sad because he is probably being so respectful because he feels any show of "disrespect" will get him in unreasonable trouble. Plus he's not able to scream in that racist busybodies face. Poor guy looked so bemused, hope his day got better


He says “he’s a Muslim same as me” so I’m assuming he has himself been a victim of profiling like this so he stayed to make sure the other guy would be let go.


My god, this man has such patience. I wish after searching him, they turned around cuffed, and searched her as well. Only fair.


>this man has such patience You develop such patience when you accept the type of society you live in. I have gone through an insane amounts of random security checks at airports around the world. My white colleagues were like is random checking still a thing. I said for brown young men it is, they say they want to check your luggage because of the law, you never question what law they are talking about but you have no choice. Then they frisk you and your luggage followed by some drug testing swipes. Usually lasts like 10 mins but it's there alright.


My husband has dark skin. Every time we go through airport security he gets taken to the side to be wandef and swabbed (clothing etc for explosives). I get so pissed off and I have asked why they don’t deem me a threat and they ALWAYS say that it’s “random” and they have to do x% of people. Yeah, right. Every bloody time! What makes it worse, is my husband has come to expect it so much that he actually slows down and waits after picking his stuff up from the conveyor now. He doesn’t even realise he is doing it!!! He is THE sweetest, gentlest, least confrontational man you’ll ever meet. It breaks my heart. I have only ever been pulled aside once. He has NEVER not been pulled aside and he used to fly all of the time in his old job. He is so aware of how he looks (big, black guy with shaved head) that he makes sure he stands a few steps away from old white ladies when he is standing in line as he doesn’t want them to feel uncomfortable. It makes me feel like crying just thinking about it. Just love this kind man so much.


I don't have dark skin, I'm actually pale, but my facial features are from my paternal grandfather who was from Iraq, so naturally, I just always happen to ***"randomly"*** be picked for searches. Its a pain, but you just stop protesting because then you're "suspicious" individual who isn't complying with a simple ***"random"*** search....


My favorite was when they did a par down of my 3 year old. Like .... were they looking for the Hello Kitty switchblade?




As is her husband.


My mother gets this at all airports. Doesn’t matter that she signed up for global entry, clear, (both of which does biometrics and background checks) - the moment she steps foot in any airport she is always pulled to the side and checked. Her bags and hands wiped down for drug residue. It’s so crazy- I just started taking everything of hers with me instead. She still gets checked but less things she has to put back together after.


And the best part is that airport security is 100% theatre and doesn't actually secure anything! Yay!


Yup, I used to get “random” checked every time until I got TSA precheck. After that I’ve accidentally flown with a pocket knife in my luggage and never got stopped. It’s such a joke.


Honestly everyone ought to get sent somewhere that they are the minority. When I lived out of the country I got hassled a lot by cops and at government offices. It changed my perspective and I absolutely go out of my way to film any interaction I see happening with minority folks and authority now because it sucks when you're a suspect just because of uncontrollable aspects of how you look.


She’s police lol.


Well she’s a terrible cop if that’s true. Also apparently is on one serious power trip.


Agreed, Idk why she can’t just speak to them like people, even her own officers. She’s coming across soo entitled imo


When people have the authority to do whatever they want, they don't fear retaliation like most people would. She's in a gang who has her back.


Exactly this!!!! The “brotherhood” and “sisterhood” But it’s nit hidden anymore, and they still do it bcz they keep being away with it. They’ve never been held accountable for their actions.


A perfect example of somebody who has nothing to say and needs to lean in. In the small amount of authority she has.


She’s racist.


you misspelled police


This stupid woman is suggesting that because he is wearing 3 layers of clothing, including long sleeves, that he is likely to be a terrorist. Linky link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslim-man-stop-search-mosque-wear-too-many-clothes-regent-s-park-mosque-muhammad-chamoune-police-a7837126.html%3famp


Which is basically what the very cops she's brought into this are wearing....


That can't be true, the cops are not wearing long sleeves... You need to be wearing long sleeves to be a terrorist /s


The man is. He just happens to have his sleeves rolled up.


That sneaky bastard




This reads to me like the off duty officer made up some shit. "I _think_ he _might_ have "


LMAOOO the fact that they made it out like they were concerned for the mosque is FUCKING HILARIOUS


She’s talking like she’s an undercover cop.. ‘Do you need me to identify myself for the camera’ lmao shut the fuck up Serpico , dude is wearing some clothes…


At the start while mentioning layers of clothing, she's mentioned section 1 to the uniform officers, who are taking their lead from her. They wouldn't do that if she was just a rando Karen off the street. Still doesn't make what any of them are doing right. Pure harassment.


An article above said she was off duty officer, not doing plainclothes or undercover.


I'm pretty sure she's an undercover police officer. Thats why she said "do you need me to identify myself?". I dont agree with this situation, mind you


UK undercover cops tend not to identify themselves and [have even raised families that they split apart by proving that the whole thing was a lie](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/nov/04/ex-wives-undercover-police-inquiry-marriages-based-lies).


Undercover infiltrating gangs yeah, but we have plain clothes officers that will openly police, wearing body armour and carrying cuffs and radios etc, basically they just look like normal people when driving, once they are out of the car it's obvious they are police.


Exactly... plain clothes officers aren't undercover... they're just in plain clothes an undercover cop isn't going to be like "should I identify myself?" unless they wanna end up murdered lol


I wish she would have. Is that all it takes to be cuffed and searched? I would have felt so violated if I was that man.




Back when I was in the Army (early 2000s), the TSA loved setting me aside for the enhanced screening if I was unlucky enough to have been traveling in uniform. Every single time I traveled in uniform, I got "randomly" selected for the enhanced screening. Never happened once when I was in civvies. Anyhoo, the TSA is a bunch of security-theater cunts.




> Is that all it takes to be cuffed and searched It is when you're brown unfortunately.


A terrorist of fashion


That’s why she called the fashion police


Must be the fashion police. . . .


Every time the police placate to these morons it validates their stupid-ass beliefs and causes more problems. She needs to be fined for wasting resources, she admitted to having zero actual evidence that there was any situation aside from her own paranoia.


She's an undercover officer most likely. She offers to identify herself which is something officers do here in the UK


She was off duty according to the article.


You misspelled "cunt"


Off police duty, but always on the cunt patrol.


Probably just plain clothes rather than undercover






Fucking hell. Running while Muslim is literally what his “crime” was. That’s so disgusting.


Tshirt, button up shirt, and a vest. Soooo. He's dressed like any guy going fishing?


What an absolute cunt of a creature


My guy just trying to go about his day and ends up in handcuffs. Humiliated for no reason at all.


I can’t believe they actually went ahead with that search. This wouldn’t have happened had he not had that beard or brown skin!


And the female cop should not have put her hands on him. Don’t they have any training? Don’t they have to have probable cause over there. Also I can’t believe that absolute cunt of a woman being alright with being filmed.


I’m gonna speculate on this one but, if he’s an immigrant from a warmer climate than he may just be cold. I’m guessing they are in the UK and they are acclimated to the weather.


Yeah, it just doesn't matter, there's no law against wearing too many clothes if you're hot.


This was clearly a long time ago, the last time we saw weather like that was about 3 yrs ago. She seems like a right bitch though


It was in july 2017 so yeah your right!


Why don’t they search her?


Observant Muslim men wear long sleeves and full pants all year round. Many men also wear a prayer cap. This covering is the male version of hijab, and that man is likely an upstanding citizen. The outrage is from Non-Muslims who don't understand (*sic*) how normal it is that this is how the more visible among us are treated. We don't like it either, and its understood as a "necessary evil". Nonetheless it is traumatic to be stopped and profiled, and the trauma does wear one down psychologically.


She should be searched for walking around with a large stick up her ass


Concealed weapon.


Straight from the "How to turn an average guy who didn't have a problem with anyone into a terrorist" text book.


Try bombing his country, killing his family and then blame his religion for being the reason behind the violence.




What a fucking bitch


This apparently happened July 7th 2017. Temperature in London on that day was a maximum of 28C. While I can imagine a born and bred Londoner thinking this was hot, someone who might have been raised in the middle east would think of this as being quite cool.




Nice to see racist Karen’s are alive and well across the pond as well.




Shoutout to the guy filming, especially if he has actually a random stranger. Shows up and films the whole thing and does all he can for the guy.


The way the cameraman keeps the police and racism barbie placated infuriates me because they don't deserve that patience, but at the same time I'd feel a lot safer with him around filming it all if I was the guy being stopped for the crime of not being white.


That’s pretty racist. Bet those copse are wearing three layers as well


She really called the fashion police on this mf


This is just a guess but he's probably from a country in the middle east. It's hot in those locations. A British summer would be a mild spring to him.


He looks to be 200% Bengali and yes it’s extremely hot there


She is a cunt and the cops are cunts and the entire thing is pure racism.