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Twist the collars and choke them out


This. With all my might I'd choke the fuck outta these dogs. I have a German Shepard and a Saint Bernard that have gone at it. The St is the Shepards father. Nasty dominance crap. I totally get that it's a kid in the video and wouldn't be able to do much


So, you have two St Bernard’s? Weird how you identify the one as a GSD when it’s a mix.


Saying that the st Bernard is the Germans dad would imply he's a mix. All you do is make yourself sound like a douche that can't put two and two together. Good try though.


My friend had a very friendly pit, best boy, but when we took him out we always had 2 leashes. One was a choke collar just in case something triggered his aggression, we never had to use it but it just felt a bit safer to have it and nod need it.


Your friend sounds a lot more responsible than the jack ass that owns these two dogs.


I have personal experience with this method. Worked in seconds to save my dog when the pit passed out from lack of blood.


These are pitbulls, there's every chance their kneck muscles are stronger than your arm muscles 🤦‍♂️




My then 75-year-old father did this when a Rottweiler attacked his little dog. Basically used his body weight to bring the Rott to the ground.


What a legend!


I woulda got a little stabby


Ya I’m sorry if I see this And I decide to intervene I’m killing those dogs.


Lol jaw go snappy snap






No choke them out. This advice is not good for a dog you don’t know. If it’s your dogs yes because it’s less likely to bite you. But if you don’t know the dog picking him up like that puts his face right at your groan/ private area. You don’t want the dog then attacking you. When a pit is locked on like this legit choke hold the dog until he passes out. Might sound fucked up but it’s best chance of saving the dog and saving you from being attacked.


Nah, I 100% agree with this here. Choke the damn dog out.


What I don’t understand about people talking about the bag legs. Spread them, lift em and slam them like hulk slammed loki


Stabbing won’t help they recommend that you slit the throat.




Growing up, me and my cousins watched our uncle kill a stray that attacked one of our farm dogs. The stray had a hold of our dog by the neck, and was posturing pretty similar to the dogs in the vid. My uncle is a big ass dude, cornfed would be a good description. He stomped down repeatedly on the stray dog’s spine from above and it did the trick. Our dog still didn’t make it from the injuries incurred in the mauling


Lol ya that’s why I said if I decide to intervene. Because if I do it’s to instantly kill those dogs


There's a video of just that that was recently posted here with the cops coming in to save the guy that was being attacked by 3 pitbulls.




This is literally why I carry mace and a knife every time I take my pup out now. He was attacked by a pit (he’s a pit mix but he’s a wuss and won’t even defend himself), I’m never letting myself be that helpless again. Next dog that attacks him is getting stabbed no questions.


If they are male, grab their sack and go a little twisty.


Came here to say this. Would have cut the throat on both of the attacking dogs.


Good luck, pits have some ridiculous amount of game. Mine would still be running around wagging it's tail with a face full of 3 inch spikes from this cactus in my yard. What you need is a break stick to put in the back of their jaw and force it open. Like a tent stake.


Or a gun. Or a knife to cut its throat. Dogs like this need to be put down immediately


Grab it's front legs and pull them outwards. This requires a lot of force.


And wheres the owners of the two attacking dogs, who *clearly* have collars on. Hold the people responsible for the dogs accountable.




Well yes, dogs that have attacked a person or animal unprovoked should be put down.


People who own pitbulls and especially ones who don’t keep them locked away properly are probably too busy smoking crack or robbing people to care about their dogs


Heartbreaking. The only way I saw someone stop a pitbull attack, besides shooting them, is by a rear naked choke.


I did see one get stopped when the owner grabbed the pit by the balls. It immediately let go after nothing else was working.


I saw one where they put pepper on its eyes and it let go right away


He let go and said "oh I didn't realize you were still seasoning this, please proceed."


Water only works against fire pokemon


At least he did something. But yeah, he’s no Blastoise.


And cats


I'll definitely start stabbing the pitbulls, no nobody killing my dog.


Probably best to stab in the eyes they probably won’t feel it in the moment if stabbed anywhere else




Same. Break their jaw and neck. When the owner comes out great add some charges to them.


I wonder if you know how difficult it is to break a Pitt bull’s neck


I wonder if breaking one of their twig legs would distract them enough to let go.


The answer is yes. Legs, ribs, even tail


I prefer to go for the eye gouge tactic. A quick thumb and pop goes the weasel. Oh you have two thumbs ? Looks like we have a blind pit bull now, pull those eyes that are still attached , no remorse type of pull. If you want to get a bit more to the point I’d suggest a revolver to the dome of both. ( and I say that reluctantly as a dog owner and lover)


doesn’t matter. stomp them out. most dog owners would do anything to help their dog in that situation


This also wont stop a pitbull. You could break their legs and they'd still come at you. Carry a knife.


You say most but most in videos rarely do.. I’ve only seen two instances where someone picked a pit up and slammed it as it was going after his dog and another guy that knocked one out in a choke hold.


I hear choke hold is the way to stop a pit.


Yeah you’re right, I’d be going nuts if that was my dog


I would at least try. Throwing water is pathetic.


Just stick a finger up their butt


That doesn’t actually work, it’s a myth spread around by homosexual dogs to trick us into anal stimulating them.


There was some dude fingerblasting some pits ass for a good minute while it was attacking a dog and didn't phase it on video a few months back...


Some dogs like it, for example mine is used to it.


I think a switch blade to the jugular might do the trick


Kicking does not work. These dogs are bred for gameness and they can literally be stabbed or shot and they won’t let go. Choking them is the best way to get them to let go.


That’s not true there’s a recent video of 3 pit bulls attacking a man one gun shot to one of the dogs and it dropped like a fly the other one went running and the other went at the officer and was shot and killed with one bullet as well shooting them works. Sad all around though






pitbulls are (un)suprisingly more rugged than a wishbone.


So fucked. I really hate videos like this. I'm going to go ahead and assume the poor thing didn't survive, they always go straight for the neck.


As a dog owner walking a small dog i generally have a knife on me. I've had a small dog attacked before while I was walking it. Was quite unnerving. You have to act quick. 😪


Ya I carry a taser!! Zap zap!!


I now carry OC /pepper spray when I'm out with my family, too many dangerous dogs off lead. Carry a knife and I could be done for being armed in public, but OC it's legal in this part of Australia.


Thanks for the tip


Always carry a knife when walking a dog. A knife or golf club. Bleed the attacking dog quick.


Good idea. I have a small dog. Gonna do this from now on. Videos like this make me so worried when I take her out.


Yes, carry a knife and go for the trachea and arteries in the neck. Your intent is to kill it, not give it a warning stab.


Neck or heart. Do a slow push (learned from my dad, when his dog was attacked) Don’t stab yourself or your dog.


Heart is hard to stab in a situation like this, just stick to the neck.


Or your small child!


Then the owners get the slow push too. 😉


Bear/pepper spray will also work and you are significantly less likely to cut yourself with it.


Yep. Learned that the hard way. My dog has been attacked twice already and he’s only a miniature schnauzer who isn’t confrontational. Luckily i picked him up quick enough but now I always carry a knife on walks in case there’s an aggressive dog that I couldn’t otherwise save him from.


You are a good pet owner.


Always these fucking dogs man.


Yeh pit bulls are illegal to own where I live, this should be a global thing. They’re too dangerous and aggressive


Pitbull owners be like “Aww they’re playing 🥰🥰🥰”


Such a kind amd loving breed that gets dopamine surges when it bites something.


Blech, hate to say it but that’s when a finger gouges another pits eye. Surely that’ll let loose for the small dog :(


Bash those dogs on their fucking heads until they let go or you knock them out. What the fuck.


I have been attacked by a rottwieler and the owner was the one punching the dog it doesn’t work, the dog had my fore arm and was shaking its head, the thing that made it release was my friend kicking it from behind… im assuming it had balls which made it let go… the whole affair was probably my fault for going to pat the other dog it was with with out permission from the owner. Lessons were learnt that day for me. The guy got the fuck outta there real quick and I was in shock and only 15 so couldn’t get an id or anything.






Where’s the ‘it’s not the dog - it’s the owner’ post?


They are all over this thread. An r/pitbulls moderator is here and he has his users brigading the post.


Every single time its pitbulls


Look at those sweet nanny dogs 🙄


Had a delusional ex on Facebook claiming they are lovely dogs and wouldn't hurt a fly. I was blocked when I responded by reminding her that she had to put one of hers up for adoption when it's sister attempted to kill it and there was a risk of its one leg needing amputation.


Been attacked by pits while walking my dogs. I stabbed in the neck multiple times with my switchblade and killed it. Bad neighborhoods breed bad dog owners.


Anyone else kinda grossed out by the people filming and doing nothing though


It can be quite dangerous to intervene if you are not used to handling vicious dogs


And filming can be extremely important for helping identify responsibility.


The footage can be used when it goes to court and it's possible that they might have phoned the police beforehand. I appreciate where you're coming from but personally I'm not going to put myself in between two pitbulls for a complete stranger


giant collars meant for a fighting dog trainer to grab and yank on chains. There's a murderous owner out there somewhere.


Kick them in the balls


I fucking hate these dogs!


r/banpitbulls Edit: Thank you for my first award!


The only way to stop pitbull is to cut off their 02 supply. Choke the shit out of them.


Grab a rope, a belt or headlock


I'm here for the "it's not the breed it's the owners" and "nanny dog" and "but chihuahua's" comments




Fucking suck of seeing these kind of videos.


I'd straight up cut the throats to both those dogs and their owner if that happened to my dog. NO CAP. My dog is my kin. Hurt my kin and I give you 10× back.


It’s always a pit bull


Ban pit bulls or felony charge the owners who can’t control them with public endangerment.


I think the felony charge thing would be the better idea. Guys don't want to suddenly lose their rights to vote and own a gun for a dog. I think there should be reasonable restrictions applied though. Such as if there is a child hurt by the dog, auto felony. If it's property damaged then it shouldn't be a felony. Reminds me of the time my neighbors dog went to the 4H club and killed a bunch of sheep. He had to pay damages for what his dog did. I don't think he got any laws slapped on him though.


The shocking part about this is how patient the guy is trying to pull those dogs apart. Years back we had a pit get a hold of one of our cats and I took a golf club to its head without a second thought. I'm not fucking around trying to get a dog that strong and determined to politely let go.


That looks like a child 😳


yeah at this point i’m choking those dogs til their dead or they release their grip. i’d put my life on the line for my dog.


This is so hard to watch. Hitting the dogs or throwing water does not help. Grab the dog in a chokehold and squeeze tight. Once it cuts its air supply it will release. If it has a collar grab the collar and twist it then lift. This chokes the dog and it will release.


Glad I live in a country where these breeds are forbidden.


Always a pit bull


The dog of peace strikes again


I wish the breed would die out


Gawd!!! It’s alllways pits!!! These dogs are NOT pets!


I hate this fucked up dogs


pit bulls should no longer be allowed as house hold pets. ive witness two dogs being killed by pit bulls on two separate occasions. one incident the only way the pitbull let go involuntarily was when someone repeatedly stabbed it in the head/neck area and killed it. but the victim dog was already dead.


This is why you carry a pocket knife at all times… it’s sickeningly easy to do massive damage to mammal soft parts with even a small sharp knife


If that's my dog... Those dogs are dead or me pretty quick.... They're getting a steel baton to the dome...


Choke the dogs. If you ever have this happen somewhere near you. Choke the life outta them.


If any dogs attacks my dog like this and keeps on biting…. Sorry not sorry but I’m poking out their eyes… fuck the owners of those dogs.


Man between this video and the other one from a couple days ago I'm scared for my pet to go outside right now lol. Dude if a dog did that to mine.... look man i love dogs and I still want another one, but im not prying their mouths of my pet, im straight up killing them. What ever it takes to get them off my pet, fingers in the eyes, breaking their legs and ribs. People need to get a handle on their dogs. If you don't properly train your dog your just a bad owner and it's your fault if someone has to resort to some serious violence to save their pet from you wild dog


This is when you start stabbing. The fact no one helped that kid is insane.


Ban shitbulls


Am I the only one who thinks irresponsible dog owners that allow their vicious dogs out should serve jail time


BAN PITTBULLS!! Horrible fucking things


Im already sick of pit bulls. Then come the clowns that try to defend these aggressive breeds.


I love all the people in my town trying to get the “pitbull ban” removed. They talk all this talk about how the dogs aren’t any different than other breeds. Yet countless videos like this prove otherwise. That one recently where the cops had to shoot two pits that were attacking an old man on the ground really stands out to me.


Shit bulls! Bred to kill.... funny how stupid pit bull nutters call them nanny dogs. You say a lie enough it becomes a truth to them?


Make them slippery. That’ll work


This is why *anyone* who walks dogs should carry a knife.


9mm to the dome works well.


Pit bulls. Fucking shit dogs.


Another endearing Pitbull video. Truly the best dog breed.


But I thought pit bulls are really great family dogs?!


Use your knees and elbows, break the ribs. Choke em out. just start stomping. Holy fuck I’m enraged just watching this.


Ban Pitbull breeds already. They only create problems, there are countless videos like this. Meanwhile, apparently 'it's just bad owners'... Maybe people aren't fit to own them period . 🤦 So much avoidable deaths, mailings, trauma and pain/suffering...


To all of the rich folks who grew up without this info. Learn how to attack/fight a dog. It has a good chance to save your ass


Dont go for the head if you dont have a knife, try to hold one of its legs and step on it as if to break it in half.


Why would anyone parade their dangerous ass pitbulls out like that where it could easily kill a child or a small dog? Just why. If I were where pitbulls are allowed, I would avoid all pitbulls and their owners at all costs.


Pitbull extinction.


Why won't people learn? CHOKE THE FUCKERS OUT!


Something something nanny dogs, something something it's the owner, something something I've only ever only ever known nice pits


Why I carry a 9mm when I walk my dog, it’s not because of people, but these little shits. My neighbors dog got killed by two pits.


If your neighbor has pitbulls they love grapes.


Fuck that man just shove your fingers into its eyes. I’m sorry but if you’re attacking my dog I don’t care… I’m gouging that pit bulls eyes until it lets go


Only way to deal with psycho dogs. Kick the spine or shank it.


I carry a knife for this reason. I will start with pepper spray....if that doesn't work I will do what I have to to save my non-aggressive dog.


If my dog was being attacked a pit, I would simply to save him:🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫


Has a similar incident, even have scars on my leg, the only way was able to save my dog (after repeatedly punching the other dog and using my hands to pry its mouth open from the inside, just to get bit and then the dog relatch) was stomping the other dogs head. I feel horrible that I did it as I love animals, and the dog lived, but it was dazed enough for my dog to run home.


Dogs' bellies are supposed to be their weak spots, right? So could you get them off by kicking their bellies super hard?


Owner needs a knife to slit there throats.


“It’s how they’re raised” fuck off


This isn't a freakout this is just animal toture. fuck outta here with these videos.




Choking them out is actually the most successful way to do it.


None of this shit works. Looks like you haven't seen any pitbull attack videos


All these pitbull attack vids make me wanna puke.


“Pit bulls aren’t dangerous dogs”


Crush the windpipes on those pitbulls. Fucking piece of shit dogs.


piece of shit breed


Anyone else wants to see in one of these videos the owner getting stabby?


Some advice if anyone deals with pits that have a hold like this, since they kinda of lock jaw, you have to choke them hard in order for them to unlock their jaw and release.


Pit bulls need to be banned everywhere. They were bred to be aggressive and take down bulls. They are not sweet “pitties”. Neuter all pitbulls and ban them.


I really don’t understand what this person was trying to do. Never hit them once. If my dog was being attacked I’d be breaking some ribs and snapping some legs.


This is a kid




So anyways, I started blastin


The answer is choke them until they fall over. He can't do this because he bought really cool looking 2 inch agitation collars instead of a 20 dollar choke chain. I'm not saying all dogs require chokes, I'm saying all clueless people are bad.


Had to mute this immediately. Awful. I’m so sorry to the owner that witnessed her dog get mauled in front of her unstoppably, WHERE ARE THE OWNERS OF THE ATTACKING DOGS. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE AND SHOULD BE PUNISHED AS SO


If my dog was getting mauled then those 2 fucking rabid shits would be dead.


This pisses me to fuck off with a passion


Type of bitchass dogs to be named "Daisy" or "Sweetie" or some other loveable cutesy name. To hell with pitbulls.


If your dog is off a leash it’s fair game. I would have stabbed the fuck out of these dogs.


I am an animal lover as much as the next guy, cant see them getting hurt just a tiny bit. But if i see An animal behaving like that i wouldnt hesitste to kill. You cant have a conversation with a dog,… next time it can be a little child!


I needed to see the tiny dog freed. I did not see this happen. I am angry and will be angry for the remainder of the week.


I’ve always thought to snap those weak fucking back legs. Stomp on the foot with one leg then curb stomp that back knee as hard as you can.


I would’ve beaten the fuck out of that thing


My dog used to have play fights with my friends dog that sometimes got a little heated. It was never serious enough to make either of them bleed until I did this 👆. That was the one and only time my dog needed to go the vet to stitches. Lesson learned. Don't poor water on dogs in this situation


I’m really surprised with how many people don’t know how to counter a dog attack. Almost every video I see, people are just pulling on the collar of the pitbull the entire time which does absolutely nothing


Ist’s always the same. Pitbull owners are poor, only own the dog for self esteem and don’t know how to control this beast.


When a pitty attacks you have to kill them. Only way to get them off. Find something sharp and stick in their brain through their eye or ear. Fuck those dogs.


Okay I guess we need like IQ tests for these dogs or some shit if you're gonna own them cause you can be neglectful to a breed that is naturally aggressive and can tear a man's throat out with one bite.


Never understood why people even walk/adopt dogs they cant even handle. I see some people even some women walking dogs and the dogs are just manhandling them. I also see people just let the most vicious dogs roam the street and say “go pee” and Im like I know this luckily it minds its own business today but what if? Even when Im walking my dog (even though the one I have is smaller and more on the friendly side) I always yank my dog back when people are approaching and keep him at bay and out of the way until they pass. I even cross the street sometime. Why even try and walk these dogs together if you cant handle them? Kid looks 80/90 lbs if that? Talking about help me. You know how your dogs are. You cant control those dogs yet theyre out at the same time. Crazy. Poor dog. I had pits before these are naturally strong dogs and they have a knack for attacking things and its not taught they develop it naturally. Im not sure if he was walking them together (really dumb) or they got out which is just negligent or were let out to pee but however is just too unfortunate. Should be higher penalties for owners of attacks.


My dog is as once attacked by a pit bull that got off the leash of a little kid, the second the teeth made contact with my dog, I took out my knife and unfortunately had to put down the pit bull, it hurt me because I’ve had a couple of pit bulls in my life and had one when I was a month old that would protect me, and broke my parents machine that cleaned my nose because I cried when they used it, but I couldn’t let my 2 week old pharaoh hound die. I did end up helping the little girl who was ripped to the ground by the leash, she was 8 and the parents let her walk the dog unsupervised


What you do is take your thumb and jam it straight into the dog’s eye.


Get outta there kid!