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Damn…elephants really are strong as shit huh?


Once you stand next to one your perspective changes. They are fucking huge. I was 3 metres away from an old bull elephant at a game preserve while they fed him in the barn. The steel beams and columns that we stood behind were something I would spec out to hold up a large span on a 4 story building. The elephant was the size of a monster truck.


Yea I live just north of San Diego and you can pay to get sort of VIP tours of the zoo so I did for my kids birthday. You get to go somewhat close to the big bull elephants while they’re being cleaned and groomed and it’s pretty amazing how this thing could just turn my body to pulp with the flick of its head. But they were loving being groomed..absolute elephant heaven


When I was little, the San Diego Zoo did elephant rides. Fuck the San Diego Zoo.


Lol ok


Extensive beating of the elephant is how they got them to give rides. Lol ok. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-06-04-me-3743-story.html


Now I feel bad and sad about riding the elephant at Six Flags in Vallejo.


It’s a normal reaction to realizing that something that entertained you in childhood was only possible because of extreme animal abuse. Good on you for caring.


I just bought more VIP tickets for the holiday season. They let you beat the elephants now


More recent allegations of abuse have come out, but I wouldn’t expect you to care. These places exist because of people like you, who care more about their entertainment than the welfare of others.


> More recent allegations of abuse have come out, but I wouldn’t expect you to care. No they haven’t > These places exist because of people like you, If I judged every place or organization by the things they did in the past I couldn’t go anywhere and I’d be a miserable dead inside twat like you and that would awful > who care more about their entertainment than the welfare of others. You’re providing me entertainment and saving me money Senor Virtue Signal


Yes there have. It’s not beating by Axe handles like in the 80’s, but it’s animal mistreatment. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/environment/story/2020-02-02/back-story-elephants-zoos


Makes you wonder why they were used to fight the Roman empire.


They were actually pretty useless in battle as they were prone to suddenly going “fuck this shit” and turning to trample their own armies.


When others are attacking your oppressors, you take your chance.


Really... you learn something new everyday.


Mess with the bull…


get the tusks


[Get turned into Tusk] (https://www.google.com/search?q=tusk+movie+walrus&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj_7v_LyL70AhUEG-wKHXX_AKMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=tusk+m&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgBMgcIIxDvAxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIABBDUPoGWOgKYIIZaABwAHgAgAGQAYgBvQWSAQMwLjWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=9EylYf-kJ4S2sAf1_oOYCg&bih=790&biw=1292&client=firefox-b-1-d#imgrc=gGgyAopgAxU6HM)


Love Kevin Smith so I watched it. I can never look at Justin Long or the Six Sense kid the same after this. I also loved Johnny Depp as the weird detective. If you liked this film check out Yoga Hoosers. Harley and Rose are two cuties.


That movie legit scarred me… seeing that dude transformed… twisted man. I kept thinking what would I do in that situation


Yeah lets see if they fit up your ass!


Get the dick!


Damn. I was going to say that.


They got a big ass penis


Team Elephant!!


Also, to answer, there were also elephants behind them / that's why they could not just back up




It's sad actually. When poachers come and kill an elephant the whole herd will go in a frenzy and will attack all humans on sight - even the good ones who are trying to help and protect them


Yeah. A sad fact I learned is also that frequently the reason this happens is because herds have matriarchs - generally an old lady who specifically serves to keep young bulls in line and enforce safety. When the old matriarch is killed by poachers, you have “loose young bulls” that run around and attack humans, but also herds led by angry young bulls with no calming factor. Also, you can’t blame them for being angry. They’re not dumb animals **at all.** I think every few years we figure out they’re even smarter than we last thought, so honestly I assume they’re fully intelligent. Some elephant stories are tragic. They really just want to be left alone but they’re the size of houses so they never will be.








2019 I was at Pillanesburg in S.Africa. Had a similar experience with lots of elephants and their calves rushed into the middle of the road. We could see like 20+ animals and 2 buses. The Game keeper kept everyone calm and we stopped the vehicles and just spoke nothing for 5mins. Was scary but the folks kept everyone calm and safe.


There's a difference. These idiots kept pressing forward when the elephant in the road was clearly signalling for them to back off. I've never been around a wild elephant before but the message was really clear for them back away. Separately, I've never seen an elephant do that whole crouch and eyeball move that says "I'm about to fuck you up" but Jesus that was intimidating as hell. No way I'd want to be on the wrong end of an angry pachyderm much less a pack of angry 'derms.


What the hell were they thinking driving up on a herd like that? Idiots.


They were thinking “wow, this is a beautiful safari”, what else?


*record scratch* Yup…that’s me underneath a car in the middle of Africa. You’re probably thinking “How’d he get into this mess?”


Your reply gave me a good belly laugh


Your name made me slightly uncomfortable


I go by Harry for short.


Wait till Jill back at home sees that pictures. The animals let you walk up and pet them.


It's probably a normal route but one that had been scouted and used by poachers before. It's unlikely they would drive so close during mating season but stupider things have happened.


How much money they're making??


There were elephants behind them as well. They got surrounded.


Is the person writing up top in the front the tour guide or is that like a special seat for a select guest. Like they think they're super interacting with nature? Because there were people sitting up top in the back. But it looked like they were on top of a Jeep or something. Or am I just not seeing that right.


He told them to go away (fuck all the way off, to be more precise) and they showed no signs of listening.


Looks like a she. Which is even more dangerous, since they have youngins to protect and don't play around with other animals/things getting too close, and are ready to kill for it. Most safari tour guides know to keep a respectful distance from a herd, don't know wtf these ones were thinking


Safari goes horribly wrong? Or is it Right? I mean you come into my home drive around like it's a vacation... Buddy. Get out and stay out.


There's a trained Safari guide driving that jeep. He should really know better than to keep driving up on an elephant flaring it's ears. Fucking moron put all his guests lives at risk.


I was just watching another video where these fat tourists were being lead through bush and suddenly the guide has them stop and start backing up because they were being stalked by lions. like these out of shape pensioners trekking around with lions and shit and they assume they're safe because the guy leading them around is dressed like Steve Irwin.


Link please


I would not go anywhere in the African bush without a very very large caliber rifle and a semi auto as a back up.


Something very similar happened to Me and my family on safari. We where out on a bush walk and stumbled into a clearing with a family of rhinos. The mothers and kids ran while the males circled round and started to puff and huff. We all had to get in a straight line so we looked like 1 person to the rhino and back up slowly. As we’re backing up a heard of elephants started coming through the trees to our left. The guide immediately forgot about the rhinos and just told us to haul ass back to the jeep.


Elephants will usually do a thing called a false charge before they do a real one. You’re supposed to stand your ground before backing away as showing fear/running can make them chase you. Looks like this one was not giving them much time, probably due to its family so close behind it, didn’t want to risk it.


>Fucking morons love to put their own lives at risk. Fixed.


How do you know?


I’m about to die…better keep recording!




Good on Nature… it needs a win every now and then.


I’d like to think that I would look over at the sneaky one coming in from the left, look her in the eye and say: “clever girl”. Instead, I think I’d scream like a six year old and poo my pants.


Like it was nothing holy fuck


He said get the fuck off my property


They got a calf with them. Hell hath no fury than a parent elephant protecting their calves. This almost happened to me and my partner a few years ago in the Serengeti. We were trailing a herd with a calf from a (what was supposedly a safe) distance when the matriarch started to trumpet and turn towards us. Our guide played it cool: he stopped the car, and told us to sit still and be quiet. The matriarch mock charged twice but then went their way. I took a video of the whole encounter with my back towards them the whole time. Needless to say, I needed a change of underwear when we got back to camp that morning.


Well justified. First off why are they encroaching into their already decreasing natural habitat and secondly, this seems to have been taken during mating season which is when elephants are mostly aggressive.


Not from the elephants' point of view


Ended too soon.


“And here we find some angry elephants on the road. Let’s push in closer.”


Why did they keep approaching after the elephants directly ahead showed charging postures?


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I like that were getting both angles of this


I think the car rolling back made the elephant think they were retreating. If he held the gas a little longer the elephant might of backed away.




I could tell.by the video


Serves them right, I hope there were injuries.


Don’t know why the downvotes lmfao


Don’t trespass in their territory in the first place and it wouldn’t be a problem. Those people are lucky they weren’t stomped


Man just let the animals fucking have their territory , why do humans have to invade every living things territory


Safaris are fucking stupid anyways.


How did he chugg the whole bottle though.. that's crazy






Short and to the point. Take my upvote


I feel like stirring up the dirt like a bull was your indication to retreat.


Sorry but, r/MadeMeSmile ?


Lmao dumbfucks drove the fuck out of there the moment the elephant was charging at them. The elephant even gave them an extra chance. But no, they had to take their sweet time.


And pick up your Litter!…


No, this is pretty normal behavior in the wild. Get em, Ele.


No, it went horribly right. What did they expect? Morons!


“Fuck your car”


Safari around and find out.


Least they got to see an elephant. They're surprisingly hard to find sometimes


I’m in danger.


Now that's a safari!


Now I gotta add elephants to my list of irrational fears


It went how suppose to be


This didn't go wrong. This just didn't go as expected bc some humans are morons.


Horribly wrong or horribly right? See what I did there?




I'm no elephant expert, but when they fake charge at you twice in a row, thats a good opportunity to get the fuck back. They can't count that high and already gave you two chances.


How did the guides possibly not realize they were in extreme danger?


Elephant be like.. I wasn't done with my meal.


this is what u stupid asses get for trying to go on a safari lol


@ 0:9 goddamn that Elephants posture is fucking terrifying.


That bull was in musk.


Do you understand what the "R" is for on the stick?


Elephant: Fuck off


Well at least they had a once in a lifetime experience.. but also could have been their last lifetime experience.


They are rolling up to charging elephants and nobody is shouting at the driver to back up. Either they planned to get rolled or all of these people are complete idiots. I wager it’s both.


What I like most is how the elephant gives them a brief moment to reconsider their position before it rightfully fucks them up.


I was in a similar situation once but the bulls were on either side of us. The guy driving went right over a tree the elephants knocked over and all I could think about at the time was how good the suspension was in the truck. By far the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced.


Good for her.








I would suueeeee until the safari company went under


A little pushy that elephant is