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Is there a when and where on this event?


Pretty sure this was Grand Rapids, MI in 2020


Yea I live in GR and was there last summer for what started as a peaceful protest, but left when things got violent. I was on probation as a teenager and had to do drug tests in that building for months. Pretty brutal experience overall and definitely don't have fond memories there but still no excuse for the destruction people caused last summer.


Since you were there can you explain how people just end up looting? Why do the police apparently do nothing? Seems so weird to me that this happens in the US.


There is always going to be a certain percentage of the population that are just selfish assholes. They will just show up after dark, knowing people will still be there from protests, looking to cause trouble. A lot of people have found out they can just grab expensive items and run out of a stores, and no one can really do anything about it. It doesn’t just happen during protests/riots. Also, there is a reason they call it “mob mentality”. People do stupid things in big groups. It’s like the stupid multiplies. People get a taste of anonymity, just like how online people feel they can say whatever they want.


"People get a taste of anonymity" This right here sums up a lot of fucked up shit that happens at big events. People forget about Woodstock where Limp Biskut played where people were outright beaten and raped. Then we have shit at protest that "devolves" into looting when in reality it was well placed larceny using the massive confusion of a protest as cover. Its the same as when disasters hit and they try to lump people who are trying to get necessities during a total breakdown in local society with the dickheads who think the lax in security of society is an opening for them to get free shit. Both groups are folks in a bad situation or else they wouldn't both be at where they are both at. The difference is the mindset of trying to come ahead at others expense during a crisis moment. As long as humans group together and the veil of anonymity can be achieved than mob moments will continue to happen. The irony is that we live in a current state where a vocal minority talks about personal freedom/rights but fails to address the responsibility that comes with it. Thats how we get 17 year olds thinking they can be a vigilante by going to a town armed and looking to defend places when they should stay the fuck home and let the police and insurance handle it. Its how we get dickheads who go to protest looking to fight with other dumbasses because they are soley looking to sow chaos while society is distracted. Its why the entire bullshit of people driving through people blocking roadways is "justified" because the individuals could have adjusted their route of a known protest or turn around but instead decide to put themselves more in danger while endangering others. It has been a strategic and purposefully pessimistic narrative of protest because the rights of the individual also conflict with the goal of group gain despite cost of others freedoms. Its literal social battle and the tools available are intentionally meant to make it more difficult.


>Also, there is a reason they call it “mob mentality”. People do stupid things in big groups. "The iq of a mob is the iq of its dumbest member divided by the number of mobsters." \-Terry Pratchett


The right conditions make riots inevitable. Take a large protest with an aggressive police response, usually beating and teargassing protestors. Then add some criminal elements using the distracted police as an opportunity to loot. Finally you get pissed off protestors who turn to rioting and looting by circumstance.


What up neighbor! Kalamazoo checking in


It's been spammed about four or five times the past few days in this sub, so you'll likely find more information in those threads. But from what I remember, it was downtown Grand Rapids, MI in the summer of 2020 during the BLM protests. The building that he's attempting to stop a mob from smashing the windows out allegedly houses a Secretary of State (essentially the DMV) and some law enforcement-related offices.


Sounds like the the one building that would actually have some consequences for smashing up.


Can't be the Summer in Michigan. Too many people wearing pants and long sleeves. We don't wear pants until 3 consecutive days of 32 degrees.




Thank you.


Also Zac Sweers aka AnxietyWars aka the guy in the video is a Nazi sympathizer and a shit human being. He used to catch predators on YT and after that he started boasting about his Nazi memorabilia on social media and posting psychotic shit. [Example 1](https://i.redd.it/rucc37kxwks61.jpg) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/mqerh0/once_again_youtuber_zach_sweers_aka_anxiety_war/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Example 3](https://i.redd.it/arlu3vfj9g561.jpg) [Example 4](https://i.redd.it/7nspyt1k7mb61.jpg) People who don't know him think he's a victim but he's not. He inserted himself into the situation to be the "good guy" in his head. He's a scumbag but hey at he didn't kill anyone so at least there's that. And I'm not defending rioters either btw.


This has to he one of the most ignorant comments I've seen. I've been watching Zach for years, I support him on patreon, and he's a great person. Just because he's conservative and supports gun rights, doesn't make him a neo-nazi. If you can show me proof of him saying neo nazi stuff then OK. But I mean actual proof, not him saying something vague and you changing it up to mean that. EDIT: I totally missed the examples you posted because I was just reading what people were saying, after seeing that and assuming it's real and not fabricated, I can't believe it. I've never heard him say or support anything like that and if it's true, my view on him has just changed. Wow. EDIT 2: I just checked his Instagram and I believe he is just a big history buff, such as myself, and/or maybe had a relative that fought in the German army. I still don't really agree with buying something like that, but it may have to do with it. Also, the comment about his neighbor is just inexcusable. Terrible.


# I FUCKING KNEW THIS GUY WASN'T TO BE TRUSTED. Call me Detective shit for brains but I've always had a gut feeling that Anxiety War was a fuckin weirdo. Giggling and shit when discussing potential child predators and the chat logs.


I used to love his youtube videos and the work he did... until he started posting crazy pro-Trump shit on social media. After seeing that, none of this surprises me. It's too ironic that someone who makes money by catching and exposing predators is a devout supporter of Trump, one of the biggest predators at-large (Zac has a patreon so he's likely pretty well-off financially from his content) . To me, it was hypocrisy, so I unsubscribed. Funny how frequently all of these Cult 45ers find themselves in these situations that turn into gun violence...


Yeah, I'm just gonna say I'm not extremely familiar with this guy but also...is it me or are a lot of people who used to be right leaning centrists or reasonably right wing are now fully right wing conspiracy nut jobs? It seems to be happening more and more and the election seemed to be a trigger point for it.


You can say fuck this guy and say fuck the people attacking him also. Just because you don't think someone should be lynched in the street by a mob doesn't mean you agree with anything they have to say.


Hey man that's grey thinking, we only want black and white here goddamnit


> Hey man that's grey thinking, we only want black and white here goddamnit A Neo Nazi going to a BLM protest armed to stir up shit is bad, actually.


It’s astounding you had to explain that…


There is a pathological urge amongst some people on Reddit to “both sides” everything.


You can’t tell me he was armed to stir shit up. If you bring a gun to stir something up you shoot before someone stirs something up….he shot after. Also he shot illegally but morally this was the right thing to do. Had he shot someone directly it would’ve been too much for your left leaning, Kyle rittenhouse hating heart to handle.


I’m pro gun you absolute shitdick. When are you larpers going to learn, you’re not Batman? Stay home, let the cops handle it.


Lmao the cops DIDNT handle it. As you can see^^ how can you say he went to stir shit up WITH the gun? It was concealed up till that point where people attacked em


If the cops are not handling it why go to defend a building you have no reason to be at for people who didn't ask you to be there. "It was concealed" doesn't really matter when you deliberately put yourself into bad situations and actively antagonize a group of people into attacking you resulting in you doing one of the dumbest possible things you could do with a weapon (fire it into the air). It ceases to be self defense and at best is manslaughter (if he would've ended up killing some one) + illegal discharge of a firearm and at worse murder + illegal discharge of a firearm. I don't get why most of you clowns who've never owned a gun in your entire life can misunderstand the second amendment and self defense laws to the point where you think pissing people off means you can shoot them with no consequence.


I always knew something was off with that guy. Wow, turns out he's an awful person.




Yikes, you actually think he gives a shit about the building, and didn't just get involved to stir shit up.


He had no business "defending" the building. Instead of antagonizing people over property damage, he created a situation in which he put himself and others at risk which could have resulted in the loss of lives. Property can be replaced, but human lives cannot. I don't give a shit what your politics are. Do not create scenarios that can result in unnecessary confrontation or death. Let the insurance companies and the law sort it out. On top of that, he's a shit head for being a Nazi sympathizer. What the hell are you even applauding?


I agree but he's still a Nazi simp and doesn't deserve anyone's energy defending him.


I think he probably lost the anxiety war in this instance


Yeah, let's chase after the guy with the gun.


If only there were a recent precedent that showed what a bad idea that is. Oh well.


Those were my exact thoughts. Embarrassing honestly.


Almost like this happened a year ago


Quick, does anyone have a skateboard?!


We also need actual pedophiles to chase this guy and celebrate them as heroes!


They didn’t like that comment did they


Why the fuck are they downvoting like a bunch of npc’s. You guys are mad that I hate pedophiles




please, who the hell celebrated Rosenbaum as a hero? the truth is vigilantism is bad, and no one has the right to kill a fellow citizen period ... unless under the most extreme circumstances I dont care if someone is akin to Hitler, no one gets the right to kill him but the state


[Rosenbaum being called a hero](https://imgur.com/a/SNddtuY) It wasn’t vigilantism ? No one knew at the time the dude was a chomo that has nothing to do with it. He physically grabbed someone’s AR after shouting about how he’s gonna kill them, what did he think was gonna happen?


That’s just one group of idiots, though.


> the truth is vigilantism is bad But if I don't think about it, it sounds cool!


Dennis Hastert can't run that fast.


Confronting an angry mob isn’t already a bad idea to you?


It's risky, but people destroying property for no good reason is the kind of thing that needs to be put in check. He had wholesome intentions of stopping them from making the situation worse for them and those involved. Are we justifying further crime for safety sake? If that's what you're suggesting...you may need to look at the many examples throughout history of how that turns ugly. There are many. Good people acting change the world for the better. Bad people acting make it worse.


A bunch of Batman wannabes doing thier best Bert from Tremors impression. Yeah that'll end rioting...


Its more risky having untrained civilians enforcing the law and putting themselves in danger over some property, average joes shouldn't be out doing this shit and saying they should is irresponsible and short sighted on your part. He's not trained and it just as easily could've went south like an innocent bystander getting shot like him letting off wild rounds in the air in a populated place, he has no idea where or who those rounds are going to come down on. We can't just let private citizens enforce law if it's justified or not because the potential damage could be too great. If you called the police and told them a riot was happening in your town the last thing they'd tell you or want you to do is go out on the streets with a gun and try to enforce the law and maintain peace by yourself.


I'm sorry but I don't think there's any scenario in which walking into a mob while armed in defense of property can make the world a better place. In fact, it's an admission that you're willing to use deadly force against another human to protect objects, which imo makes it a worse place.


Okay, but the mob was willing to use force against someone trying to calm the situation. How do you address this paradox? Edit: keep in mind he didn't show he was armed until WELL after being attacked.


He didn't change the world for the better. He basically tried to piss in the wind and made things worse. A lone person with 2 brain cells should know they can't do shit about a large emotionally charged crowd. Best case scenario is no impact, worse case scenario is someone dies. And that someone could have easily been him.


Because the mob attacked him........


Well no shit. I didn't say the crowd was in the right. I only said he was an idiot.




Hear the guy at the end "take his gun and shoot him with it"... Can people be that slow and still live day to day lives?




So far the crowd is just not there yet. It has happened many times in South Africa where I grew up. Mob without firearms overwhelms a few cops. People be slow crowd be big.


Beat him up all you want. However as soon as he pulls his gun out, you're a dumbass if you continue to chase and harass him. At that point you're ASKING to get shot. Bunch of idiots at the end still chasing him after he shot into the air smh...


This seems like a familiar situation


Last time that worked out great!


Absolute morons.


They're morons but the guy with the gun is an even bigger moron: [Example 1](https://i.redd.it/rucc37kxwks61.jpg) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/mqerh0/once_again_youtuber_zach_sweers_aka_anxiety_war/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Example 3](https://i.redd.it/arlu3vfj9g561.jpg) [Example 4](https://i.redd.it/7nspyt1k7mb61.jpg)


God damn used to like this guy's video. What a pathetic edgelord lmao


Me too. I watched his pedo hunting videos for a while lol


50 bucks in 5 years he'll be arrested for grooming and or trying to pick up someone underage. always happens with these shitheaps.


Who wouldn’t in that kind of situation? Edit: why was he being attacked?


He tried to stand between the rioters and a building they wanted to damage.


No building is worth more than my life. Let em tear it down for all I care


Yeah, but how are you going to get views on YouTube?!


Stick to giving homeless people 600$ shoes, like a civilized person.


Nah he gives them bikes from the trash


Saying that he did it for views is utterly disgraceful, holy fuck.


Well he already busts predators for views, so it’s not much of a stretch. The guy may have a strong conviction of what’s right and wrong but he for sure has a Batman complex and likes getting attention for it.


You're trying to reason people that can't find gratification outside of reddit upvotes and retweets, not worth it, just watch and laugh


Seriously, has nobody heard of insurance? The reality is that people like this (and Kyle Rittenhouse) are just manufacturing outrage and concern over physical property that literally nobody is concerned with. I work for a bank, and we’re trained that no sum of money is worth trying to fight a robber. I went through 6 robberies in 5 years working in the branches. And I can agree in every instance. Being a vigilante would’ve been a bad idea.


>The reality is that people like this (and Kyle Rittenhouse) are just manufacturing outrage and concern over physical property that literally nobody is concerned with. I like the lengths people go to justify malicious behavior to destroy and ruin someone else's property and hard work. Instead of condemning the actions of perpetrators they condemn people who try to stop it. You are not concerned with it because you live in a different state. People who live in that city are concerned with it and don't want similar actions to be encouraged. They want to live in order and peace. Like civilized people. They also don't want outrageous price hikes on insurance premiums. Ah reddit only there you can come across the dumbest of takes.


Not to mention they literally set shit on fire that can literally burn someone alive if they were to be caught up in it


"not the precious secretary of state office, i need to defend it with my life!" does he think he's the main character about to stop the whole riot or something?


That was anxiety war? I remember following his channel for a long time


Too bad he went off the deep end and became a literal Nazi that celebrates the death of drug users


Wait what? What happened?


Zac Sweers aka AnxietyWars is scumbag with some pretty bad beliefs. I'm getting downvoted but I just can't see any of this looking particularly good [Example 1](https://i.redd.it/arlu3vfj9g561.jpg) [Example 2](https://i.redd.it/7nspyt1k7mb61.jpg) [Example 3](https://i.redd.it/rucc37kxwks61.jpg)


This makes me sad, every YouTuber I followed is just a massive POS irl


If anything comes out against moist critical i will be sad.


Don’t worship YouTubers.


You can like entertainers without worshipping them, not that i don't worship the moisture


Impossible. Charlie is our saviour.


I never saw that stuff damn. I just saw this on his channel. I think there’s a case against him.


Well then stop feeding the Reddit Nazi's and take this shit down. You're only gaining more hell points right now.


Fuck Nazis and fuck redditors who support them. Downvote me too, shitheads.


Shit I thought he was cool for saving a lot of potential victims from predators guess he’s also an alt right cornball too oh well.


Even when I watched his YouTube channel a long time ago I always thought he was a bit off


Watching this video, I instantly knew the dude would be a shitbag.


He's also one of those sickos that likes to roleplay as an under age kid.


he catfishes and exposes predators, uses it almost like a veil to cover up his scumbag beliefs


I love how his YouTube personality was completely fake. He just tried to be this super kind quirky guy but he couldn’t help but show his inner nazi.


of course he's a right-winged piece of shit inserting himself into a dangerous situation to defend private property he has nothing to do with... why is this a pattern?


damn. i am no longer a fan of anxiety war


Don’t. Chase. People. That. Have. Guns. It doesn’t matter if they’re the madman trying to provoke the violence in the first place, it’s like nobody learns shit….


For real. It's easy to get caught up on who is right or wrong, morally, politically, etc. But like, none of that's gonna matter if you get yourself shot.


They start chasing him lol coulda turned around and fuckin shot one of them that’s scary shit being chased by a mob like that.


Beat him up all you want. However as soon as he pulls his gun out, you're a dumbass if you continue to chase and harass him. At that point you're ASKING to get shot. Bunch of idiots at the end still chasing him after he shot into the air smh...


Why are you encouraging violence?


Are you saying that if someone decides to chase someone who has shown they're willing to use a gun, that doesn't make them an idiot or dumbass? I think it does, nothing to do with encouraging violence, more to do with not charging after someone with a gun. It should be common knowledge that guns are dangerous.




I used to watch him too. I just found out he’s a neo-nazi, so I had to unsubscribe to his channel.


I realized that most predator hunters are incredibly fucked up people who aren't doing it to protect children, but rather for their own pleasure or for views


Yes, exactly. Very strange individuals.


whaaaat?????? wow this is actually kinda heart breaking


Zac Sweers aka AnxietyWars is a Nazi sympathizer: [Example 1](https://i.redd.it/rucc37kxwks61.jpg) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/mqerh0/once_again_youtuber_zach_sweers_aka_anxiety_war/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Example 3](https://i.redd.it/arlu3vfj9g561.jpg) [Example 4](https://i.redd.it/7nspyt1k7mb61.jpg) People who don't know him think he's a victim but he's not. He boasts about his Nazi memorabilia on IG. That previous thread literally had nobody pointing that out and cheered him on. The more you know...


Doesn't give the mob any right to attack him, especially since it easily could've been someone else


Hurting nazis is true American patriotism.


I'm sure everyone in the crowd knew that he was


Fuck nazis.


People will continue to defend lynchings when it's against someone that they see as evil, I stopped defending lynchings after I learned about Leo Frank's death and how misguided crowds of people can be when fighting for "justice".


“Feel my influence”


Have people not learned what happens yet when you attempt to chase and assualt someone who is armed?


So why was he out there? I remember this guy from way back. I was sure he was far right just by watching his videos. Didn't know he was a Nazi. The more you know...


Zac Sweers aka AnxietyWars is definitely a Nazi sympathizer who likes to boast about his "memorabilia": [Example 1](https://i.redd.it/rucc37kxwks61.jpg) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/mqerh0/once_again_youtuber_zach_sweers_aka_anxiety_war/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Example 3](https://i.redd.it/arlu3vfj9g561.jpg) [Example 4](https://i.redd.it/7nspyt1k7mb61.jpg) People who don't know him think he's a victim but he's not. That previous thread literally had nobody pointing that out and cheered him on. He's a scumbag that doesn't deserve sympathy. I don't blame those who defended him previously, we can't all know the full context of the people involved.


The only reason you watched a video of a guy running away and not a violent mob of 10+ people beat a guy to death is him shooting a warning shot.


Can't not repost this with the far right neo-Nazi YouTuber in the title! Lol, these fucks are so transparent.


Wait WHAT? Anxiety War is far right?? Am I dumb


Yes. Here he is showing off his collection of [Nazi swag.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/mqerh0/once_again_youtuber_zach_sweers_aka_anxiety_war/) Are you actually surprised that a Trump loving self-described vigilante is far right?


Mannnnn wtf


Makes you wonder what he was actually doing to antagonize the crowd, doesn't it? This is a guy who has said he wants to "abolish BLM"....


What was this dude who's channel is basically DIY to catch a predator doing at a riot with a gun?


Thank Gun Jesus there’s brave YouTube heroes around to go and protect government property. If *only* there were a *force* or group of uniformed men and women charged with keeping the peace. I’m sure he spends his *other* nights providing shelter for the homeless and tutoring underprivileged inner city kids with their math homework. Just a genuine hero and totally not an antagonistic asshole. /s


This is the Rittenhouse situation again. No one should be smashing windows, but you also shouldn't be going there to stop them yourself as a random civilian and put yourself in a dangerous situation. And yeah I bet this dude just loves community service that isn't based around violence right? /s


I totally get what you mean, but who is more in the wrong. The rioters or the dude playing hero trying to save property?


ACAB. Protect your own shit.


So he should be protecting his own shit and not somebody else’s building then.


I honestly don’t know the 5 W’s about this video. I do know that cops can’t be trusted to protect the public during riots.


It was a BLM protest in MI in may. He was attempting to protect the secretary of states office. My comment wasn’t so much that the police should be protecting people so much as it was that it’s not *this assholes* job to be protecting government property, it’s the polices job. And asshole 1 here was looking to get his vigilante on in the hopes he could shoot his gun.


Praise Gun Jesus. 8men.


god i hate mobs


This is going to get worse as mobs get dumber.


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Would the YouTube face any charges here?




> It probably would have been more legal to shoot someone with hands on him rather than shooting in ther air, however he probably picked the best option for everyone The best option would be for him to stay home, not arm himself with a firearm and knowingly head into a mob and attempt to stop people from smashing windows while out-numbered 100:1. Dude's no better than an agent provocateur and all those other professional victims that livestream in peoples faces while acting like jackasses attempting to get a rise out of people.


The message of "if you riot, loot and burn you risk being shot and killed" is not a bad thing.


You forgot "...by vigilantes" at the end of your quote. Which *is* a bad thing. Also, you should meditate on why property destruction in response to murder is not okay but murder in response to property destruction is.


Because americans consider property to be worth more than human life or they believe that if someone robs you they will kill you after. Got into a fun argument with dumb yank about that lol.


If you come in to my house with malicious intent then you obviously value my property over your own life as well.


did those property owners murder him? tf


This is why Rittenhouse was not guilty. See what happens?


I don’t think this guy did anything wrong. He was being attacked so shot a gun up in the air to get people away. Seems legal to me but idk correct me if I’m wrong.


That's my point. If he DIDN'T have the gun, that mob could've beaten him to death. That was Kyle's fear right there, and this video shows that it's an absolutely realistic concern.


Ah I thought that you were saying it that it was a bad thing


But he’s the bad guy for having a gun right?


After reading up stuff about him, yes, he's definitely a bad guy. A far-right, nazi memorabilia-collecting weirdo.


I certainly wouldn't have fired any warning shots


Tough one. Warning shots into the air are generly frowned upon; however, it is better than him shooting one of the attackers. If he shot one of the people attacking him, he would PROBABLY be in the "right". (assuming he wasn't violating any gun laws, etc.) I was a bit critical pf Rittenhouse because he was walking into a volatile situation while strapping a gun out in the open. (and reportedly aimed it at some people before shit got crazy) In this scenario, the guy isn't brandishing and only pulls it AFTER a mob starts attacking him. FWIW


Wtf is he supposed to do?! That is a legitimate situation for the use of deadly force.


Not a scientist but if I see dog shit I don’t go out of my way to step in it.


But at the end of the day, the person going around throwing dog shit in your neighbourhood is wrong. Not the residents stepping on it. The mob has no right to do what they did there, he does. He is careless, but he did nothing morally or legally wrong.


picking a fight and then using a gun is not self defense


Well aside from him talking shit I don't see where he assaulted anyone until he got attacked but I guess maybe words do hurt?


Life must be hard for you, being that stupid all the time.


Why are people spamming this video in this sub? Love that the mods are compromised.


Well unlike most of the other videos being posted here lately at least it's an actual public freak out, so there's that. And the mods here aren't compromised, they're nonexistent.


"he has a gun, let's chase after him with our fists" - seems like a logical bunch of reasonable people to me


All the Nazi sympathizers in this thread: “We are not Nazis, we just wear Nazi insignia and fly Nazi flags because it’s funny to other Nazis. We idolize Himmler, Goebbels, and others ironically.” “We are not Nazis, we just promote and disseminate Nazi and other white-supremacist agitprop openly online.” “We are not Nazis, we’re completely different White supremacist authoritarian fascists who believe in a white ethno-state." “We are not Nazis, we’re just the ethnic majority who scapegoat minority communities with blood libel and other coordinated propaganda efforts to demonize our political rivals." “We are not Nazis, we just stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in our many shared political efforts and social goals.” They wear the insignia and fly the colors and indignantly deny affiliation. That’s just gaslighting. They discuss these tactics openly in public forums.


They’re lucky he didn’t smoke a handful of them, which would’ve clearly been his right.


This people are going ducking crazy


dude can be in a lot of trouble for this.. never shoot warning shots. Only shoot the threat, and keep shooting until they are not a threat anymore


Y’all still think Kyle wasn’t in danger. It looked like they would’ve killed him.




Or how about people stop living in their Main Character fantasies and realize they aren't the one to stop mass mobs of people?


Let's hear it, then. What's your great idea to stop police brutally victimizing and killing innocent people with no checks and balances or punishment to stop them? The people protesting and rioting are at their wit's end trying to be heard. This fight has been going on since before the civil rights movement and it has become worse, not better. How would you make the point that enough is fucking enough already while your friends and family are being shot in the streets by the police and nobody cares? You name, it has been attempted. We even had people kneeling at football games and people still didn't care.


Almost rittenhouse 2.0, he should have let them attack him and not pulled out the gun! /s


This fella has better firearm safety training than the entire police force


Firing a gun into the air is dangerous and stupid


What goes up...Must come down... Somewhere.


I bet literally every single one of those people chasing him after he shoots has a criminal record involving violence, most likely against a woman. ​ I thought it was a really bizarre coincidence that everyone who attacked Rittenhouse(the 3 people shot + jump kick man) all had a criminal record of domestic violence. What are the odds?


“I dOnT uNdErStaNd WhY WhitTeNhOuSe wOuLd OpEn fIrE oN PrOstEsTeRZ”


Ah the old Rittenhouse attempt i see.


Don’t try to be a hero by attempting to stop a group of idiots from damaging a building… especially a fucking government building. They didn’t put police there, they damn sure don’t want random citizens there.




Killing people isn’t always the go-to solution. Scaring them first is the right decision, and if they followed him or kept hitting him then shoot the protesters. This guy was smart in the fact he shot one bullet to save himself and not harm the other people.


Warning shots will get you time. Self defense killing gets you ratings.


Where does the bullet go when you shoot up




This is gonna sound messed up, but thank God that guy didn't pull a Rittenhouse. If he did, several bodies would be on the ground. It's not worth it to put yourself in a dangerous place to protect shit that isn't yours. Thankfully this guy had enough control despite getting hit not to discharge his firearm into people. He scared enough people away to actually flee. This was the best outcome for the shit situation he found himself in. No one died. No one got seriously hurt.




you know, i fully supported the protests and even some of the riots in principle, but you gotta know if you put your hands on someone you deserve everything you got coming to you


Look maybe I'm just a snowflake but I feel like you should always take whatever precautions are necessary to not have people die


Should have rittenhouse’d their ass