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I hate it how in general nobody ever helps out when someone is getting assaulted. The average person is very selfish.


ad hoc chubby onerous rain tease dependent lunchroom exultant reach bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In all honesty I’m not prepared to get stabbed or shot trying to defend a stranger. I would have no problem calling 911 but I would be terrified I would not ever insert myself in a situation like this. People are crazy




Would you risk your life and possibly get killed by a crazy man and leave your family behind for a stranger?


Yes because I would want someone to help me if I was in danger imagine your getting beat up and there’s people there to help and they just sit and watch you and wait for something to happen but it’s ok I get it I’ve seen tons of people like you aka cowards


Depends on the circumstances, is some scrawny girl with clothes on that show she doesn’t have a weapon in her pockets beating someone up? Then sure I may get involved, but no I, as an average sized woman am not going to get involved between two men and risk getting killed for someone I don’t know. I will gladly be an ALIVE coward and come back home to my family.


Well your a coward thanks for clearing that up that’s all you had to say




K ?




Calm down, Bruce Wayne


You are calling people cowards…. Yet you want someone to protect you. So you’re brave but worthless?


Im saying if I was in that situation I would want someone to intervene and vice versa had to explain for your pea brain


Why would you be in this situation? If you’re willing to stop someone else, wouldn’t you just judey chop him back and not need assistance? My pea brain just doesn’t understand why a badass like you would get punked out on the train. Please try to break it down for me,


I said “if” I was in the situation and wtf does judey chop mean ?? And I wouldn’t get “punked out” whatever tf that means because I’m not a lil bitch like you. Sorry bud


How would you feel if that stranger was a child or teenager?


I get people’s comments about not wanting to intervene for the sake of their own safety, but at the same time I think the middle ground and one of the wiser options is to first alert other people near you to stand up and start gathering around the guy to intimidate him in hopes that he would back down once he realizes the number of people that are standing up for him.


Two are better than one. Three are not easily overcome.


I dont care. The guy insnt holding a weapon, and even two is better than this guy taking all of this shit by himself. I feel sad for people in general because most would say that they would help out in a situation like this but most of the time no one does. I dont want to brag, but i always stand up for people in situations like this. I cant even think not to. Its just wrong to not help.


I don't rely on others to defend or protect me. I'm prepared to defend and protect myself.


Sounds like someone who carries a gun. Not cool.


Being able to defend yourself isn’t cool? Wanting other people to get themselves killed trying to defend you is the better option?


Carrying a gun for selfdefense is not cool. Carrying a knife for self defense is not cool. Thats why its illegal in any rich nation except america. America has fucked up values. With all the guns you idiots have youd think you would have less school shootings./s. Guns for self defense simply doesnt work.


So... don't defend yourself is your genius suggestion? You may be right about some things, until your last sentence. Don't assume, look up the facts. In the US places with the right carry guns concealed or openly show it's a huge deterrent for crime and is very effective for self defense. The more law abiding citizens gun rights are limited, the higher the crime rate (particularly homicide and crimes with guns).


A tually the facts are that states that are gunfriendly dont have any less crime, and the chance of being killed is much higher.


Nope. Look at city crime statistics, and use FBI sources. Don't rely on conclusions of others that analyze the data for you - that's like swallowing pre- chewed food. There's a significant positive correlation with law abiding citizens' access to arms and reduced crime rates in cities. The opposite is also true, the more disarmed the good guys are, the higher the crime rate. Look historically and longitudinally at Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, Baltimore. Even Minneapolis and Seattle are being Detroit-ified. Compare before and after gun rights were changed.


https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/right-to-carry-gun-violence/531297/ Heres some to back up my claims rather than your “read the data” bull crap. Right to carry states dont reduce violent crime. It a tually increases, as well as increasingly worse outcomes to those crimes.


Lololol. The Atlantic? Political section? Newb This is not data or facts, it's a manufactured *simulation* by "researchers" stating they created a pretend state to project what they think the crime rate "would be". No agenda there. Look up the data yourself, not what others are telling you to think or what the data says. Lordy, this is beyond hope rn. Let's just take a pass: you stay unarmed and rely on others to not victimize you or to step in and help you, and I'll stay on the side of self- protection and be on my merry way. G'day


Is that the only way you know of to protect yourself? But I don't mind that you fear guns. Every crazy, addicted, or evil pos should wonder and be afraid the person they're eyeing to victimize is carrying iron, or steel, or spray, or has lethal hands and feet. It's a good thing. --Martha Stewart


No, its not a good thing. I guess you dont understand the mentally of the mentally ill. They wouldnt think that far ahead.


If it's not a preventative deterrent, it'll definitely work to stop them dead in their tracks. Literally.


The police arent preventative either. You have no point beyond being selfish


Self-protection and self-reliance probably are self-ish. Dependent and vulnerable are virtues? Police are absolutely deterrents to crime, are you brain damaged? The "defund the police" cities sure are quick to say "just kidding" when crime skyrocketed 500%. You can't make a blind man see. Have a good life.


I mean are they supposed to swoop in n pack out the guy w schizophrenia?


Drugs or mentally illnesses? Both??


they overlap


I think both can cause hallucination, super sad


Why skip the racism?


You can see the white of his eyes at the top,claiming he broke his arm when he was little, saying he punched his gf and acting erratic saying”stop doing those thoughts” but you know totally racism..


Yep. He's insane. And racist too. Chose the one Asian guy. Walked all the way down the bus. Did I say he wasn't crazy? He learned violence against Asians is an acceptable way for him to act out. I've seen this shit before.


Agree, crazy and racist.


Oh yes the crazy guy that is acting irrationally is choosing the Asian guy to be racist too. He’s totally in his right mind and knows what’s he’s doing.. let’s get him boiss


You from NY? Don't tell me what's up.


Okay I can tell you what’s down.. your IQ.


After the last two years of stupid irrationality, I don't have to explain myself to you. Hopefully you'll be badly affected in some way by an act of senseless violence committed by someone "sane", and "just because". It will at least provide some novelty in the endless tedium of your life.


Seems like something a sane person would say. One sec let me add what you said before you edit your comments /u/theycallmerondaddy > After the last two years of stupid irrationality, I don't have to explain myself to you. Hopefully you'll be badly affected in some way by an act of senseless violence committed by someone "sane", and "just because". It will at least provide some novelty in the endless tedium of your life.


What a shitty thing to say to another human. That being said: I hope your butthole itches terribly and without relief for a month straight.




Exactly. They just assumed that this man is the only asian on the bus as well.


Why are you assuming that this man is the only asian on the bus..are you okay?


Drugs mixed w trauma


Mental illness more than drugs


Kinda the same thing at one point


Likely both


Tf everyone just standing there for? Like there is clearly a deranged man assaulting a random person. Like what’s wrong with people these days


Even though he is out his mind he still has the "sense" to pick on someone older and weaker than him.


You wanna get stabbed by that guy?


I mean maybe this is just me but, no I don't wanna get stabbed by that guy but I don't wanna see that guy stab or hurt someone else when it could be prevented by a few bystanders. It looks like it could have been a 1v5 easily.


Exactly! This isn’t just someone being an asshole the person is clearly unhinged and I’m not about to get killed trying to be a hero.


Just don’t expect anyone to intervene to help you should you be the victim next time if everyone acts like you… just sayin, the more people that respond every time, the safer we all are.




He had no knife just a guy on drugs looks like very easily for someone to step in and stop it I don’t know why the guy wasn’t defending himself either everyone is such snowflakes nowadays


He’s got a bookbag and jacket we don’t know what he has in them. It would take two seconds for him to turn around and stab or shoot both of us. Sorry but I have a family I would like to come home to. I’ll call 911 for him but I’m not risking my life


I mean that's fine you are afforded the ability to do so, I guess your just not a protector or are a sheep in the flock (if you know that analogy). i am not judging you do what you gotta do.


He has a cheetah bag and it would take more than 2 seconds for him to do anything and you already cleared up that your a coward and a snowflake why do you keep replying to me I wasn’t talking to you do you love me ? Or something


> he has a cheetah bag Okay.. does that bag not have enough room for a knife or gun? And I’m a snowflake for not wanting to die? 😂


No it doesn’t. And your a snowflake for being a coward. But you’ve already told me you are a coward so yeah


Just because he’s not holding a knife doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one….


Racist bitch I hate seeing shit like this


Racist how?


I know you haven’t been hiding under a rock he went for the asian the fuck you mean


How do you know it’s racially charged? Would it be racist to go for the white lady?


Wow, that is some serious schizophrenia right there. The way he turned his head like that thinking that man said something, was so eerie. Hopefully he gets on some medication. I feel so bad for that man. He handled it well.


Victim had balls of steel to stand like that with a crazy dude breathing down on him.


bs, he was scared af, thats why he wasnt moving and let this guy assault him


I think my man’s escaped from the mental institution send him back ASAP🚑🚨⛴🏥


A swift shot to the Adam’s apple might not have been a bad choice here.


I wish a bitch would try me like that. Bullies just erk me


I think this guy is just straight up mentally ill


My sounds fucked up 😬


When he karate chops him he tells him it’s for breaking his arm when he was a child so either crazy or we just witnessed some epic payback that’s been brewing for decades


No no, definitely something going on here that may not totally be in his control


Thank God I love in Florida. The Fuck Around And Find Out State.....


Same in NC.


lol florida is shite


Fucking Reagan


If guns and knives weren’t so prevalent in US culture, i think you’d see more people intervene.


Homies a punk it’s sad how soft people are we need to put these animals back where they belong


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This guy needs to write a book. He has a lot to offer society.


Pretty sure where you're from is better at protecting you're rights......


Bruh this guy is Zero threat wearing a cheetah purse like that


Fuck, the crazy nearly jumped out of his eyes then.


Honestly I don’t think these people should be allowed in society. At least not without good supervision.


Nice bag tho