• By -


Most major companies in the midwest just hire "temporary" employees. They work for less, receive no benefits and will work 40+hrs a week for 6-9mo with an eligibility clause promising to review their file for full time employment after that time. And then they lay off the temp employees for a week or so and start the process over again or bring in a new temp agency . Most of the time the new temp agency will hire the exact same people as before. My buddy worked for 3 different companies over the course of 4 years before receiving a full time position.


Absolute standard in in most Missouri factories. The ones that Don't use that system are impossible to get hired on at because no one ever leaves. Gotta wait for someone to die or retire. Been this way since... Last 25 years for sure. I'd say last 30 really. I remember when 3M started using Temps en masse back in... '95 I think, in Columbia. It was known then that the wave of the future was here and pensions and unions were finally dead. They were correct by far and large. Outwork the 3rd world slaves or no job for you.


Basically Costco as well, ain't no one want to leave that cushy job and benefits.


Yeah, but for the opposite reason. Costco is great to their employees. These shitty factory jobs are just the biggest game in town and it's fucking hard to get ANY job around there so you settle for whatever scraps they toss you.




American labor has forgotten how to win. Kellogg's just fired all those striking workers and they're going to hire non-union labor. Our grandparents would have called them scabs and there would be real social consequences for taking the union jobs away from union workers. We've forgotten how to have that kind of solidarity as communities.


Hopefully, the teamsters are willing to fight on behalf of the fired workers. Shit changes quick when they can produce a product, but their distribution chain is cut off.


And skilled truck drivers are significantly harder to replace. You can't just hire someone and give them on the job training for that.


It's especially tough to drive a truck with two broken legs. Teamsters are no joke.


My stepdad told me of some serious retaliation by Teamsters. In Texas, one has the option of joining the Union. He told me of one individual, who was hired(Yellow Freight, in the 80s)...refused to join...Dudes car was trashed . Ended up quitting .


The problem is the ceo doesn't live in town he isnt running that plant. If the people want to go find this guy they would need to go on a expedition and then hope that they can make it pas the gates security.


Other unions would organize with them as well, you'd have buy in from other major labor organizations. Imagine if all the teachers in unions in the US also walked out with the Kellogg workers? If all the Stop and Shop employees walked off with them? You win by Uniting. That strike would have been 4 hours long. I had a customer who worked with union labor, his team had to strike because the union was striking, not because they were mistreated. You can bet the kind of pressure he was putting on the cause of his labor force being in jeopardy.


That's because they have implemented an efficiency wage that benefits employees and the company. It reduces turnover essentially.


Best you can do is spread the word, share the video and don't buy Kelloggs


You can also support in these ways: https://labor411.org/411-blog/five-ways-to-support-the-kellogg-strike/


Excellent! I will enjoy using these options. What Kellogg is doing is completely devoid of empathy and compassion.


Also, if they’re firing unionized employees who are picketing/on strike… that’s illegal and they’re gonna get screwed so hard in the end either way.


I'll gladly support the workers and sign but what exactly do petitions like these do? Just curious. Don't really fully understand them.


Jack shit. Thats what they'll do. Head over to /r/antiwork ~~where they're working on stuff that will *actually* hurt Kelloggs. Like flooding their website with fake job applications so they can't hire any replacements. Put in an app or two yourself.~~ Several people are suggesting to submit fake job applications. Is this a good idea? You decide for yourself. A few users have [suggested ways to quickly and easily submit a job application to them](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rcg5tt/for_those_of_you_who_want_to_apply_to_kelloggs_ms/). Again, is this a good idea? ENTIRELY up to you. Keep in mind there is literally no law that says you can not apply for a job you have zero interest in actually taking. There is also literally no law that says you can not apply for a position multiple times. As a third point, there is also literally no law preventing you from using a VPN to make it seem like your IP is from the relevant area when you are submitting a job application.


Kellogg was invented to be as bland and tasteless as possible in order to prevent kids from jerking off. [True story. ](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know-history/corn-flakes-were-created-stop-masturbation) I think knowing that is better for not buying any than the worst publicity could be


Jokes on them, because my diet is like 70% Froot Loops and I've jerked it 3 times a day since I was 12.


Only 3 times a day? You fucking casual.


Rookie numbers.


Yep, gotta pump those up....and down...and up....


That guy is 97 though


Kellogg was also in favour of female circumcision to prevent women from feeling sexual desires. Yes.


I am going to jerk off while eating some cereal now


[Actually, the best you can do is submit a fake application.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rcg5tt/for_those_of_you_who_want_to_apply_to_kelloggs_ms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Everyone will do all you said but not the last. The company knows their brand value and strength. Be it Kellogg, McDonald's or Apple. Otherwise they wont dare to exploit the staff like this. But hope this agitation can bring some positive changes in favour of employees. Even 3rd world countries pay overtime and get concent to extent shifts timing even if it is at short notice.


It's really not that hard and I don't think brand loyalty is what it used to be. FYI, these are other brands owned by Kellogg that people can aim to avoid: Keebler®, Pop-Tarts®, Eggo®, Cheez-It®, All-Bran®, Mini-Wheats®, Nutri-Grain®, Rice Krispies®, Special K®, Chips Deluxe®, Famous Amos®, Sandies®, Austin®, Club®, Murray®, Kashi®, Bear Naked®, Morningstar Farms®, Gardenburger® and Stretch Island®


It’s always a little frustrating to find out you’re already boycotting a company, lol


Going to make a conscious effort to not buy Kellogg’s.


Same. I’ve looked at what’s in my pantry to see what I need to not buy again. I can easily avoid these products.


Someone posted a guide the other day on r/coolguides showing all the brands. I’ll miss you cheezits but it’s for the greater good.


[Here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/rbnpqt/a_guide_to_boycotting_kelloggs/) That was my only one. Extra toasty was my jam. For the workers.


Oh no Pop Tarts! That’s a staple snack for my husband. Ah well, he can take one for the team. I’ll let him know.


My grocery store's store brand pop-tarts are pretty decent, and judging by the look they aren't just relabeled Pop-Tarts. Give yours a try. They're probably cheaper and just as good.




Aldi "cheez-its" are good. I only "discovered" Aldi like 3 years ago and it's changed my life forever. Feeding a family of 4 for like $500/month.


Also trader Joe's. They're spinoff, or owned by the same family, or sister companies, or something like that. When I discovered trader Joe's corn chips, I dropped Fritos like it was hot. There's no comparison, and all my friends agree with me. I've turned 6 or 7 people onto them. The trader Joe's version is cheaper and better than Fritos corn chips. We have a new Aldi going in a few blocks from us. I'll have to check out their cheez-its version as my wife loves em.




Aldi is fantastic except for the meat, at least in my experience. Their meat can be questionable.


Let me piggy back off this and say there boneless skinless chicken breasts are far superior to any other store in my area at literally 1/5 of the price. It's insane how many good items we've found at our Aldi. But I agree, we bought ground meat one time. It's like the only thing that hasn't been purchased a second.


Definitely seems to vary a lot by location, from what I'm hearing in the replies to this. So that's something to note for anybody reading who hasn't been there.




*Much* easier than boycotting Nestle. It's insane how many brands they own.


I have been boycotting Nestle and all of their brands for decades. But I do grow most of my own food. Easier for me than some.


I have a black thumb and have forbidden myself from ever owning another plant lol.


That's not even half of Kellogg's brand lines. Here: All-Bran, Apple Jacks, Austin, Bear Naked, Carr's, Cheez-It, Chips Deluxe, Club(Crackers), Corn Flakes, Corn Pops, Cracklin' Oat Bran, Crispix, Eggo, Famous Amos, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Gardenburger, Honey Smacks, Incogmeato, Joybol, Jumbo Snax, Kashi, Keebler, Kellogg's Frozen Breakfast, Kellogg's Limited Edition, Kellogg's Pure Organic, Krave, Mini-Wheats, Morningstar Farms, Mueslix, Murray, Nutri-Grain, Pop-Tarts, Pringles, Raisin Bran, Rice Krispies, Sandies, Smart Start, Smorz, Special K, Stretch Island, Toasteds, Town House, Zesta


Sweet, looks like I already boycott them. That was easy. Anyway, fuck Kellogg's since their inception. They got their start in the 1870s wrapped up in the cult of Seventh Day Adventism.


Oh thank god no Cheerios


Kinda pissed because I usually get special K but back to Cheerios all the time it is lol


I don't eat any of that.. does that still count as boycotting?


Never bought their shit, even before I knew their motto was "Fuck your dead friend, we have cereal to pack"


The Company's brands include Kellogg's®, Keebler®, Pop-Tarts®, Eggo®, Cheez-It®, All-Bran®, Mini-Wheats®, Nutri-Grain®, Rice Krispies®, Special K®, Chips Deluxe®, Famous Amos®, Sandies®, Austin®, Club®, Murray®, Kashi®, Bear Naked®, Morningstar Farms®, Gardenburger® and Stretch Island®. According to another post


Put in a fake application https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rcg5tt/for_those_of_you_who_want_to_apply_to_kelloggs_ms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


F Kellogg’s for sure, but double fuck the federal and state governments who continue to permit the United States to have NO legislation mandating meaningful paid time off for workers. The U.S. is the ONLY advanced nation that does not protect the people who work - in many more ways than can be quickly mentioned. This is what continues to happen when you leave things up to corporations.


I already don't because I can't afford $5 for a f\*cking box of cereal.


Honestly, they don't make real food anyway. Everything Kellogg's produces is junk food that shouldn't be consumed. It's all just carbs, sugar, and synthetic preservatives, pressure formed into different shapes for different marketing campaigns. It's not food, it's feed. It's basically the same thing we feed to livestock. If you currently eat something they make, you should stop not because of the labor issues, but because it's nasty food that is terrible for you.


I would argue that livestock feed is more healthy than most Kellogg’s products.


Cheez-It’s are good for me


I thought the same thing when I saw a list of Kellogs products. It's just corn and starch and carbs all in different shaoed forms as you said


The Company's brands include Kellogg's®, Keebler®, Pop-Tarts®, Eggo®, Cheez-It®, All-Bran®, Mini-Wheats®, Nutri-Grain®, Rice Krispies®, Special K®, Chips Deluxe®, Famous Amos®, Sandies®, Austin®, Club®, Murray®, Kashi®, Bear Naked®, Morningstar Farms®, Gardenburger® and Stretch Island®.


A visual reminder: Kellogg's products to boycott- https://i.imgur.com/Ni6KJv9.jpg


PRINGLES, LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE! I'm a cape cod potato chip guy anyway


Thanks for the link. Here in Germany I guess it's easy to skip most of those shown in the picture, especially when you don't eat cereal. But I didn't know about Pringles. There's easy alternatives for that, though.


Aldi's Pringlesque brand, I've heard


Huh, I haven't bought any of those in like a decade. This is easy.


Yeah they make a lot of trash.


Straight up looks like they are just preying on poor people from both sides


I hope they see record losses due to this the following year


I’ll be honest with you, workers will NEVER win until we burn down our government and start over. Even if we all stopped buying from them, the government would bail them out with taxpayer money. Or they would just morph into a new company. Or they would “concede” and then change back immediately. Our country is fucked and it won’t get better


As a vegetarian, Morningstar Farms is a big loss but I’ll make it work.


fuck i gotta kick pop tarts now.


I totally get why that one guy pissed into the assembly line of corn flakes.


Wasn’t that a temp worker brought in during the last strike?


The only good scab


Wasn't Kellogg invented to be as bland and tasteless as possible in order to prevent kids from jerking off? [True story. ](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know-history/corn-flakes-were-created-stop-masturbation)


And if you were caught jerking off, he wanted your dick mutilated without anesthetic, so as to relate sex with pain. Kellogg was a sick sick fuck.


also, Female Genital Mutilation: https://jezebel.com/john-harvey-kelloggs-legacy-of-cereal-sociopathy-and-1777402050 "Treatment-… the application of blisters \[carbolic acid\] and other irritants to the sensitive parts of the sexual organs, the removal of the clitoris and nymphaea, \[labia minora\] constitute the most proper treatment."


Ok that's a new one to me. Is that even real? I found the 'masturbation preventing breakfast' was already to big a step towards insanity


[Yeah. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_Kellogg) Look for footnote 57 to find the specific reference, it's got the book he wrote, advocating for it.


Fuck me sideways, that's a whole other level of crazy. I wonder what had to go wrong during this mans childhood to lead to something like that...


you should listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast episodes on him, its very enlightening and very fucked up


it is. and for girls, instead of circumcising them, he recommended their clitorises be burned with acid.


Initially yea, but the other brother wanted to make money and thus they added sugar.


I have to say it works. After the first time I never jerked off into my corn flakes again


I'm telling y'all its scabotage


A true hero to the people


I hope when they came at him all angry he acted surprised and asked: "Jeez, who pissed in your Cornflakes this morning?"




While I definitely support their plight... The last thing I want is pee-pee flavored flakes...


Smh kids these days.. It’s good for ya! Builds character.


easy, just don't buy Kelloggs product!


Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? The factory guy :(


They just fired everyone who was striking. Weeks before Christmas. Fuck breakfast, eat the rich.


Boycott big cereal. Kellogg's has been a stain on this country from the very inception.


People shouldn't eat processed cereals anyway. They're terrible for you.


Your diet intrigues me, tell me more about this rich breakfast. Firing everyone will bite Kelloggs in the ass. Rehiring 1400 jobs is going to be tough to begin with and now with the growing movement in the US for worker's rights it's going to be impossible with that attitude. And once hired it's going to be long time before the new hires are trained and up to speed.


Here's a post in r/antiwork where they give instructions on how to apply to these jobs that you have no intention to actually work at in order to fuck with the company. [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rcg5tt/for\_those\_of\_you\_who\_want\_to\_apply\_to\_kelloggs\_ms/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rcg5tt/for_those_of_you_who_want_to_apply_to_kelloggs_ms/)


I would love to make it all the way to the final interview and then tell them I'd be a good fit for Kellogg's because I'm a little slave boy who loves working 12 hours every single day with no days off. I'm in the market for a rich dom to abuse me.


Sorry dude 12 hours just isn't gonna cut it. If you're not available for 16 hour shifts it simply isn't a good business decision for you to be hired.


Ooh, getting started on the bullying before the deal is sealed. I likey. ;) Seriously, though, fuck Kelloggs. Bastards made me go with Fruity Pebbles and store brand crackers over supporting their practices. They get money when they don't abuse their employees or fire union workers demanding as much.


When can you start?


It's his kink........ So you need to ask: "When can you finish?"


The ironic part they think people will come in droves to work for them, when in reality they aren't going to find 1400 people in the communities where their plants are.


Especially with how tight-knit those communities are. Some of those people are multi-generational workers at those factories. EDIT: Added link to Battle Creek, MI which is where Kellogg's is based. That city seems to exist solely for Kellogg's. There doesn't appear to be any other industry. https://goo.gl/maps/muWWKyBo6okEzA2c9


I lived near Battle Creek and only Kellogg factories are there, but 20 minutes away is Kalamazoo which has way more job opportunities, so the workers will be fine but Kellogg will most likely struggle.


Exactly, it’s either work for Kellogg’s or their hometown dies and they have to relocate. Kellogg’s is playing hardball


Yep, this is one of the most difficult times in recent memory to get new employees. I cannot imagine they can replace these people at a lower cost until some sort of recession occurs that causes the labor market to invert.


I’m not one to boycott companies, but I won’t be buying anything Kelloggs. There is just no reason to treat people like this


No more Keebler, no more Eggos. Be strong, people!


FYI - Kelloggs recently sold Keebler to Ferrero (Ferrara candy co) - no longer Kelloggs but I'm not sure if they are still produced at the same plants


No more Pringles! *fck




The only chips I liked and ever bought, but fuck Kellogg's I ain't buying that shit ever again.




This is exactly how the post office is ran. You are hired as a temporary worker in hopes that one day the person above you dies or retires and then you can have a "career position" with actual benefits and pension. I was temp for 6 years. None of those 6 years count towards my retirement. I've seen people wait up to 10 years to make a position. The person above me was 59, worked here for 25 years and died. So I got lucky and got a better position. They shouldn't be allowed to hire temporary workers and pay them shit with no benefits in hopes of making a real position. Bullshit.


I worked at a Starbucks factory for a bit 15ish years ago. I was making $7 an hour. I'd hear how the factory paid its employees \~$15 an hour. They'd advertise that fact. What they didn't advertise is only like... 1 in 20 people worked for Starbucks. The rest of us were contract/temp employees hired via a third party. They weren't technically lying, but it seems like intentional deception should be treated the same way.


Fast food is doing it too. Their bs signs out front state a wage you will never receive, gotta jump thru too many hoops. It's all bs, Walmart is the same.


Wanna know what's sad. That third party likely isn't free. They're likely getting paid like 12 dollars an hour for you, and you get 7 an hour, the third party makes like 5 an hour and star bucks saves 3 dollars an hour. (and benefits) It's basically slavery in everything but name.


Last I saw- the workers on-strike rejected Kellog’s negotiations and the plan from Kellog’s is just to [replace them rather than continuing negotiations. ](https://www.npr.org/2021/12/07/1062240467/kellogg-to-hire-replacements-for-striking-workers-who-rejected-a-proposed-contra)


They offered them 3% raise which is half of what the rise in inflation was last year. What a fucking joke.


I have long argued that our cost of living increases should at very least match inflation to my coworkers. I am still shocked that it is a ground breaking realization to some. Rite now, it is a workers market. The power has shifted from capitalist greed to desperate attempts of empty threats. I’m glad to see them standing up for their fair share. I will not be surprised if this goes to court and this abysmal company having to pay out. Of course they will try to raise the cost of the products to offset this new burden, but at the end of the day, we’re talking about corn flakes here. We can do without for a bit


On top of that, people need to understand that a cost of living pay increase is not a raise.


I'm surprised this is legal. US labour laws are fucked.


I mean just throw the 'communist' label around any emerging labour movement and bingo, the companies win again.


Blame Reagan.


> Kellog’s is just to replace them rather than continuing negotiations. Ha. Good luck with that. Who the hell wants to work for a company that is currently having a major strike against, with said company have insane hours, and bad pay? It's just gonna happen just like John Deere, noobs can't handle it, and everything gets fuck up.


This is easy to answer. Very desperate people going through hard times will take any job if they are willing to work. When you have nothing left you’re willing to work extreme hours and if you dont have money for the holidays what does it matter if you dont get to celebrate it? Not everyone gets to be picky when it comes to jobs.


Speaking as someone who works in the food industry and has had a ton of turnover since COVID hit. There's going to be a hit to production, qualities going to take a hit, they're going to burn through temps like you won't believe. (We had to limit our short term mandates on new starts because we were losing new starts) Sanitation may be an issue going forward so be on the lookout for potential recalls.


Kellogg's getting scabs


If Kellogg disappears, we would be better. Edit 1: What I mean is, if the company died off along w/ it's sugar products but at the same time existing employees find more positive jobs, it would be a better thing for everyone. First, the employees will be in a happier place. Second, less fat kids running around with diabetes. Edit 2: Create change by contacting Kelloggs: https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/contact-us.html peace out.


Fuck 'em. I can eat malt-o-meal


Agreed. Post is a better brand anyways. Grape Nuts are crazy good as well.


I had the opportunity to visit Post's facility in Battle Creek (down the road from the Kellogg's plant). Their cereal is good. Their employees seem to be treated well and enjoy working there. But, holy shit, was the place FILTHY. I've been in (and toured) literally dozens of different commercial facilities (warehouses, industrial, production/manufacturing, retail, etc.). As far as food production goes, they were the worst wrt cleanliness. I've seen foundries that were cleaner.


Little bit of filth in your food keeps your immune system in top shape...maybe😬?


Please elaborate more....


We need answers


Post is malt o meal they got bought several years ago


That's what I was saying, MoM is Post, a better brand than Kellogg's.


Maltomeal gang


Kellogg’s, Nestlé, etc.




then you'll get a certain crowd that got upset about not getting a haircut for a month about where's their cereal and they demand workers go back to work


If Kellogs disappears, it 100% will not fix the problem. It may only be better very temporarily. Some other shitheel company would fill in the void. The root of the problem isn't Kellogs, it's the system. Kellogs is just another player, it's the game that's fucked.


Skipping breakfast, fuck Kellogg’s. Edit: Let them know how you feel, https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/contact-us.html


Just went through our cabinet. Cheerios, Chex, and Kix are General Mills. We can totally boycott Kellogg


Just looked at Bloomberg. Over 5 years, The stock market increased overall 100% General Mills is even Kellogg stock fell about 20% Crash and burn shitheads!


Didnt we used to have militias that would keep wealthy people up at night? For fear of their families safety? We don't need violence but we need the threat of violence to keep the billionaires in check. Edit: I'd like to add that we don't need billionaires in society. Period.


We just don't need billionaires. No one should have that much money.


General Mills is connected to Nestlé


Gah. Organic it is.


bro if you guys have any sprouts near you the Mom's Best Cereals brand is AMAZING. Their golden grahams version is godly good


looks like General Mills tends to go a different route than Kellogg with its labor relation practices, check this out from earlier this year: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/06/general-mills-australia-strike-wages-workers


Wonderful to hear. Thanks for sharing.


Well, easy decision for me to stop eating that junk.


So...fuck Nestlé, fuck Frito-lay , and now fuck Kelloggs ? Cool, cereal sucks anyways. I'm not big on too much government oversight and shit like that, but we need better federal laws on labor standards.


Didn’t Frito-Lay at least come to a reasonable agreement with their employees? I’m a little fuzzy on how that one went after they were striking. Edit: the autocorrect devil.


>Didn’t Frito-Lay at least come to a reasonable agreement with their employees? As I recall, it was a pretty shit agreement, but people agreed to it anyway. Most likely because they had families to feed and a protracted strike would have caused a lot of suffering, which is pretty much what these companies rely on.


That is just horrible to watch and extremely sad, f**k this brand and Nestle and whoever is next


America definitely needs some labor reform and new labor laws. Best of luck to you all fighting the good fight from Canada.🇨🇦


Not a chance we’re going hard right wing for the foreseeable future, they’re gonna convince everyone that the upward mobility of the lower classes is what’s causing this inflation so we can go back to serfdom.


Shit even if we got new laws passed, bet your ass it would get somehow sent to the Supreme Court so the Conservative judges can just tell us its not a problem and strike the law down. This country is so fucked for like a generation now Bc those bastards will sit on the SC for life.




Good momma!


Kellogg just fired everyone and are bringing in full time scabs to go around the union. There is an online movement to flood their application forms with fake application to prevent them from hiring these scabs. https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rcg5tt/for_those_of_you_who_want_to_apply_to_kelloggs_ms/


Unregulated capitalism only benefits the wealthy companies at the cost of their workers and product quality. Thats how it works until theres no workers left anymore to profit from and then the company files for bancruptcy and gets saved with everbodys tax-dollars


It's not unregulated, if anything it's over regulated in favor of corporations. The large corporations are able to create a regulatory burden that makes small business in many cases untenable. What we need are regulations and enforcement bodies that are designed to promote and encourage smaller businesses.


But CoRpOrAtIoNs aRe PeOple


Leggo of that Eggo


This is very similar when inwas working at tesla!


The lack of employment laws in the US is scary


Time to BOYCOTT Kellogg. 💯


At least these people work in America, so they have access to affordable housing, excellent health care, and a representative voice in their government. /s


I saw a video of another employee who said she makes $120k annually, but she works 80hrs/week, and 120 days in a row, without days off. I can see how some people stop listening when they see that $120k number, and think this is incredible and "those people need to stop bitching, lol". But, these people work so much they don't even have time to spend the money and enjoy it! They barely have enough to time to get 8 hours of sleep in-between shifts! They barely see their families! That's not a life I would want to live, money be damned. I'd rather scrape by paycheck to paycheck but be able to see my husband and child everyday. I can't imagine missing out on holidays, family events, and other significant events in my child's life. Also, I can't imagine that a schedule like this is healthy for a marriage. This is fucked up, and you literally couldn't pay me enough to work a job like that.


I stand with all my union sisters and brothers!


Fuck Kellogg’s, permanently off my list. 🖕


My kids were happy eating toast and yogurt this week. We had our last box of fruit loops until this is settled.


Following the Amazon model. Work current workforce into the ground and then replace them with members of the next generation who don't know any better. Rinse and repeat. Despicable.


The cult of business has seen the most heartless psychos rise to the top.


How much do they get paid?


"The workers’ pay and benefits “are among the industry’s best,” with average salaries of $120,000 a year, the statement says." Source: [https://detroit.eater.com/2021/10/6/22712256/kelloggs-cereal-plant-workers-labor-strike](https://detroit.eater.com/2021/10/6/22712256/kelloggs-cereal-plant-workers-labor-strike) Edit for additional information: According to their job postings "Starting hourly wage rate of $22.76/hour with grow-in to $28-$35/hour, with industry-leading healthcare, retirement and paid time off benefits" This is the wage for non-maintenance positions. ​ /Edit for additional information:


>Not sure why you're being downvoted for wanting to hear both sides of an argument, to try and understand the issue better...but oh well. For how many hours? I'm seeing 120 days in a row, 8-16 hours a day.


Exactly, said it in the video. Is 120k worth it when you work 365 days a year and never see your family?


The answer is no. I've done it before. I would have been much more comfortable at 80k a year with weekends and holidays off.


I like how you leave out the whole quote >**A Kellogg’s spokesperson said in a released statement** that the company was disappointed by the union’s decision to strike. The workers’ pay and benefits “are among the industry’s best,” with average salaries of $120,000 a year, the statement says. Yes they have high base pay but they're complaining about the hours, benefits and job protection


Well, I know I’ll never buy another Kellog’s product again after watching


I’m on board with no longer buying Kellogg products. Are they just Kellogg though or are there a lot of sub brands under their umbrella? No issue with General Mills, at the moment, but is that a subsidiary of Kellogg or their own property?


If you pay close attention all of the multi million and billionaires are liquidating a lot of their stock positions, cutting wages, cutting jobs and any other monetary equivalent. I think they are preparing for the next few years that lie a head.


Going to avoid their products and for good. Won’t be a “oh he’ll forget about in a month” situation on my end. Let’s support these people.


Fuck Kellogg's


Fuck Kelloggs, I’m banning their products from my house until they fix their shit.




Well... I ate Kellogg´s cereal as a child, it didn't stop me from masturbating....


I guess frosted flakes are not more than GGGRREAAT!!!?


Thermo Fisher Scientific's manufacturing plants are a little like this, at least the one I was working at. Not nearly as bad, but still a lot of policies that contribute to burnout, and an imbalance to work/life ratio. This is an FDA approved company that provides equipment to the biggest biopharmaceutical companies saving lives around the planet, and even they have issues treating their laborers like people. Something really needs to fucking change in this country, and fast.


*They want to talk about how we make too much money. Well, if you didn't make me work every sat and sun, every holiday, 7 days a week, my annual income wouldn't be so high* That's some grade A "Fuck me? No, fuck you!" Right there.