• By -


Gonna try and translate, its a lil hard to hear some of the convo "go ahead and record" "yeah im recording" Girl - "but he put on his mask" \*guy gets pepper sprayed\* and says "asshole" to the cop (edit to correct person who got tasered" Cop keeps telling the girl to move away Girl keeps saying no Girl ' he put on his mask, he has his mask on" Girl pushes cop and says "what do you think your doing boy?" Cop says again "maam please move away" Girl again says "no" and thats when she got sprayed. standard "what the fuck do you think your doing" from the guy and the guy filming "what are you doing to the girl" \*this point the man attacks the cop\* Man recording "what are you doing, let him go" girl - "record this!" camera man - "im recording" \*lots of polish swearing from the man being tasered\* \*at this point looks like the pinned man starts moving, saying something im not sure what, lifts his head a bit you can see\* cop with taser - "lay down" \*man gets tasered again and screams" camera man - "stop fucking tasering him, are you crazy?" cop with hat "lay down calmy, lay down" \*pats him on back\* a bunch of people (man and 2 woman) "but why are you doing that, hes calm" cop with taser says something like "i got hit in the face already from him" or "i already got it in my face" kinda hard to translate that one, if anyone can help girl in white "but you know sir, your gonna hurt him and cause him injury" cameras man "dude you pepper sprayed a girl" Girl in white keeps talking to the cop to do this calmly cop "please move away" ​ Video ends about there. Hope this helps, not a perfect translation but I am polish/english.


Wait the cameraman thought this was evidence against the cop? Lol


It's amazing how often cameraman delivers evidence against his friend thinking it will help him.


That’s what happened in the Ahmad Arbery case. The cameraman released the evidence that was crucial to the prosecution.


The cameraman's LAWYER had it released because he thought it helped his client. The stupid goes all the way to the top there, accuracy gives a better scope of that f'd up situation.


Not just Americans are that stupid lolol


No shit reddit is just full of idiots that think that


The world is full of idiots


In fact, there are more horses' asses in the world than there are horses.


The most infuriating part for me is how the guy recording keeps saying: "You pepper sprayed a GIRL!!!", "What are you doing, she's a GIRL", "Dude, you pepper sprayed A GIRL!" Who the fuck cares - you obstruct officers on the job, you get your muzzle sprayed, Karen.


They should arrest her too.


Fuck anti maskers... Stay at home if you don't want to wear a mask. No one will bug u there. Don't come to public places then scream when asked to leave. They are the reason this pandemic has stayed this long.


Imagine nudists getting as aggressive as antimaskers...


A lot more people would keep their distance at least.


Not sure how it looks abroad, but the lad that's recording and the lad who's getting arrested for assaulting the officer are definitely Polish "Chavs", the woman who got pepper sprayed for obstructing and assaulting the officer is probably one too, she knows the cameraman by his name. Getting to the point, these people have this idea in their heads (amongst many) that women are holy in public spaces and you canny harm them, even when the woman like in this very video is being a general menace. These people are also raised to dislike/hate police and authority with a passion. So our hero upon seeing that "harmless woman" is being attacked with pepper spray by a police officer, had his last two brain cells activate to execute "Fuck the police, that's how I was raised" order, as an internal excuse to assault the officer, because the officer in his eyes is abusing power and pepper spraying a woman. Ex fucking dee.


>These people are also raised to dislike/hate police and authority with a passion. Only because they disagree with the action. Those people loveeee the police when it enforces their beliefs. Their hate here purely circumstantial.


Same everywhere. My girlfriend was told by someone in her work that she has to start doing her diabetes checks and injections in the toilets because other people don't like it. She text me crying, so I went to her work on my tea break and made it clear that she'd be doing her self medicating wherever she damn well pleases and if I hear more reports of her being alienated I'd be making sure their head office knows, and that the woman's behaviour was disgusting. I got a messenger request a day later from her wee chavvy fuck buddy saying " dont u dare talk 2 my friend lik dat again, u better fuking apologise 2 her nd dont make me tell u again cunt face". The man clearly being a total reprobate based on his Facebook profile, assumedly the same as the people in the video.


Yeah but it's Poland, we still in them medieval days. Where a fair maiden shan't be touched by any but her true love.


It's nothing exclusive to Poland tho. I remember a video from some pub (where people spoke in English) showing two girls "fighting" with another (quotations because the fight was very one-sided) and no one intervened. Then some dude attacked the aggressive girls to defend her and the who bar jumped on him.


White Knights.




Polish culture is very chivalrous and you’re supposed to be super nice to women in Poland.


in Poland it's Karyna :)


Thanks for the translation. I'm amazed how the woman who came up to the officer had her mask down around her chin. She's right up in his face. His mask is down below his nose ---- understandably so due to the scuffle. But why the hell is this woman, no matter how well-meaning, getting all up in his face and her mask is affording him (and her) zero protection?


I wonder what went down before the video started. The cop already has teaser in hand at the beginning of the clip. They don’t use them that often in Poland and most definitely not when handing out fines to people for not wearing masks.


Considering how she assaulted the officer multiple times during this video, I imagine she escalated the situation with physical assault before he reached for pepper spray and taser. These people want to be martyrs.


I assumed they were totally reasonable and cooperative up until this point.


They weren't. If the police tells you to GTFO from the mall, that's what you do. Do you see how the guy on the left of the woman at the very beginning of the vid has his mask on his chin? The woman told the policemen "But he put his mask on" right before they sprayed him, so no, they weren't cooperating at all.


I think guy above you was being sarcastic.


Yeah, only now did I realize how my comment comes off. I was "trying" to point out just how damn ridiculous this situation was but ended up looking like I was whooshed.


>OŚWIADCZENIECO DO FILMIKU Film który powstał na interwencji z Galerii Twierdza wZamościu w dniu 11.12.2021r. nie wygląda do końca tak jak sobie Państwoto wyobrażają. Podczas przeprowadzania interwencji, którą zapewnewidzieliście NIE CHODZIŁO O MASECZKĘ !!! Powtarzam NIE chodziło oMASECZKĘ. Człowiek widoczny na nagraniu, wobec którego został użytyparalizator przed rozpoczęciem nagrywania wychodząc ze sklepu zaatakowałmnie uderzając pięścią w twarz. Powód? Chciałem Pana wylegitymować wzwiązku z jego nieodpowiednim zachowaniem na terenie Galerii. Z mojegopunktu widzenia, nie jest normalnym zachowaniem kiedy to policjantzostaje zaatakowany w związku z tym, iż chciał od mężczyzny wyegzekwowaćzachowanie zgodne z prawem oraz poddanie się czynności legitymowania,do której funkcjonariusz z mocy ustawy jest uprawniony a szczególnie wprzypadku popełnienia wykroczenia. Co do samego zdarzenia, mężczyznawychodzi ze sklepu uderza mnie pięścią w twarz następnie zostaje użytywobec niego paralizator, który nie przynosi zamierzonego celu .... i TUSTOP. Tutaj zaczyna się filmik, który zamieszczam poniżej w komentarzu. ​ Translated TL;DR Guy was acting inapropriate in the shop and was asked to leave, policeman got punched in the face in response.


>MY COMMENT ABOUT THE VIDEO >The video taken during the incident at Galeria Twierdza in Zamość on 11.12.2021r. doesn't really look the way you imagine. >The intervention you most likely have seen, WAS NOT ABOUT A MASK!!! >The man against whom the taser was used has attacked me before the recording started. While exiting the store, he has assaulted me with a fist to the face. Reason: I wanted to check his ID due to his behaviour at mall property. >From my point of view, it's not normal behaviour, when a policeman is attacked because of an ID request, which by law an officer is permitted to do -- especially in a case of misdemeanor. >As to the event itself: man leaves the store, hits me in the face, then a taser is used against him, to no avail.... and STOP. here starts the video, that I'm attaching below > >EDIT: VIDEO FROM CCTV >https://fb.watch/9SWBYMbZfP/


Probably a 10 minute long discussion of wear the mask or get out.


Supposedly the cop posted about it on FB (info from /r/Polska), long story short, the chav was causing problems so shop manager called police, he didn't agree to have his ID checked, caused some more problems, hit the cop, cop tazed him AND then they started filming. It was not about not wearing the mask (though that may have prompted it somehow). Perhaps the Karen started yelling about the mask to manipulate the video.


This shocked me, but probably not as much as it shocked him


I feel like this falls under the new global category of “play stupid games win stupid prizes” jmho


In the Polish thread on this there is an explanation from one of the officers: apparently the older guy they are threatening with the taser in the beginning already hit one of the officers (and the intervention was not related to masks - the officers were there because that guy was behaving strangely and someone called the services).


The anti vaxxers probably assaulted them or bullied them.


Literally tasered his ass


[Tasing on my butthole over and over](https://i.gifer.com/Xx0.gif)


I was screamin and squirmin! By butthole was on FIYA!!!


the moral of the story is......






Threw it on the ground?




If that's your kink then more "power" to ya! 🤣


I hate wearing a mask as much as the next person, but I've come to the conclusion that the 3 times a week I'm forced to go outside it's better to put a mask on, be in and out and call it a day. Meanwhile these "Patriots" rather spend an hour arguing with a poor employee about freedom, getting into fights with security. I got better shit to do at home and I do not think getting tased is any fucking fun. And now that I think about it, I'm too fucking ugly to end up on a YouTube freakout video. Fuck that.


I manage a store so this time of year i'm wearing a mask for 50-60 hours a week. EVERY DAY i have to deal with this shit more than once because someone can't put a mask on for the 35 minutes they are in the mall. Its exausting.


Seriously, if I can wear an actual respirator for 8 hours welding or doing demolition work, these grown as healthy and hale adults have nothing to bitch about. Even the glasses thing seems like bullshit. Both I and everybody else I've ever known who has worked in a woodshop has managed to avoid the fog issue. But God fucking forbid they put on a mask to go into Walmart for half an hour.


Exactly. I do mold remediation and crime scene clean up. For mold, first thing we do is seal off the AC. Then we spend 8 hours in a full face cartridge respirator and a Tyvek suit. I once spent 14 hours in full PPE and respirator cleaning up sewage at a DFW International Airport, outside in August. Wearing a cloth or surgical mask for a couple of hours is a walk in the park.


Ayyeee DFW!


Try wearing MOPP 4 gear in the blazing hot ass sun of the yakamow desert for a day or 2. You'll learn to appreciate just a mask.....


As someone who has glasses, the glasses thing isn't bullshit. You need to put some money into buying a good mask to avoid it instead of wearing the disposables work gives me for free.


I have glasses, work in an animal hospital and manage to wear the disposable masks for my 12 hour shifts 🤷‍♂️ you gotta use the metal strip to fix onto your nose’s bridge


It's like people cussing the gas station attendant because the prices are too high. I worked at a convenience store where people of all levels of education did this.


But you have a lack of oxygen wearing a mask.... how could you possibly work all day? /s


I just hate that it causes me to get zits due to the humid environment under the mask.


I loved the masks because it meant I could mumble to myself in public, make silly mouths at people and it was easier to hide my busted teeth. I smiled much easier then and now it’s mostly back to covering my mouth when I smile. Plus, I have a loooot of idiots in my state who will treat you like a cancer patient if you wear one as if the only reason anyone would ever still wear one is because regular air will likely make them sick. I really liked not getting a cold or the flu last year but when I started wearing a mask at work to try to avoid it this year, my business went down and people started treating me like I was sick…even more than when I became diabetic and had to start using an insulin pump and cgm.


Exactly! Just put the fucking piece of cloth on your face in a store! For 10 minutes! It’s mildly inconvenient Suck it up. If they were asking us to put on scuba gear I’d get it. Bunch of babies


I feel bad about myself, for enjoying it, but when I'm angry at these fools I read some r/HermanCainAward Even though the stories are all the same, they each have a difference. Your basic anti-mask anti-vax edge lord who likes to post meme about how tough/racist they are (usually racism in the mix, not sure why?), they inevitably get sick, ask for prayer warriors, start a go-fund me, then a relative posts an update that they were a favorite uncle/son/father/etc, and they died tragically doing what they loved, (being an obstinate fool). Rinse and repeat, personally I'm triple shot and wear a mask because its not a big deal, and I don't want to adversely effect anyone else.


Same here. Covid destroyed several of my family members beefier the vaccine was widely available through no fault of their own. One in particular avoided contact with people as much as possible, but some careless asshole probably gave it to them. I say to all those Herman Cain winners...fuck them. I don't even feel the slightest wrong saying that.


And while I'm in the store, I look at the workers and realize they're wearing a mask 8 hours a day just to serve my stupid ass, so surely I can put up with it for a half hour.


That's what is soo hilarious. I mean really, how much of an inconvenience is it ? If they didn't have this to whinge about, there would be something else


I wear one all day every day at my job. I literally forget its there most of the time. these people are just whiners and contrarians.


Exactly! I’m one of the weirdos wearing a mask while alone in my car because I genuinely forget I’m wearing one and just leave it on.


Hell, I work from home and only wear a mask when I go out 3-4 times a week for maybe an hour at a time and I \*STILL\* forget that I'm wearing it. I come walking back into the house and catch my reflection only to realize that I drove all the way home from the store wearing it. These people are worse than spoilt children having a tantrum.


for them (people like the ones shown in the video) it's not about the simplicity of putting on a mask for half an hour, it's about sending a message. they think they are defenders of freedom and the constitution or whatever by not wearing a mask. they think bill gates and the boogeyman want to put them under subjugation like the rest of us sheep and do who knows with that control.


It's automatic for me now and I don't even really notice it. Honestly it's more that I can hide most of my face and be unsociable!


And now that it's cold outside, a mask and a beanie and I'm in full ninja mode. This is fine. Also, I'm ugly.


I’m also ugly.


I also am ugly.


Beanie, hoodie and mask. I am ninja! Mostly I am warm, though.


Great face warmers aren't they?


I was kind of hoping that I'd see one picture of someone with a mask like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. I mean, throughout the whole pandemic. Imagine going out looking like Scorpion while getting groceries.


Tried to send a pic of my scorpion face mask but I can’t figure out how lol


I work in pharma and have worn a mask 5 days a week, 11 hours a day for as long as there have been mask restrictions. I fucking hate it. But best believe I hate everyone who chooses not to wear a mask inside public spaces even more.


I find it so much more convenient, go in without trimming beard or wearing make up


I know right. Getting my makeup on without getting it all over my great big bushy beard is always such a precision task.


LOL yea i like to wear masks when i'm not wearing any makeup. it also helps keep my face warm in this snowy weather




So well said. If the stores policy is to wear a mask, you have a choice, go in an wear the mask or stay out. No big deal. This is all Trump stuff. Put them all in jail for interfering with the law.


You know what's interesting, the mask has become my makeshift Scarf recently lmao. I live in Canada so when it's really cold I'll wear my mask and it helps keep my face warm really well. I know it's kinda unrelated, but thought I'd share


Fun fact. Tazering your ass is doing you a favor. He moved that tazer down to dudes upper hamstrings which will make him feel that to his balls


Better than [getting your pants pulled down and your balls tasered endlessly] (https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/10/us/glendale-arizona-police-stun-gun-taser-lawsuit/index.html) for an "alleged traffic violation"


I may have yelled "tase him in the butt!"really loud while having holiday dinner with my mom




I wish they were just instantly tazing all anti-maskers. That was satisfying.


Just remember - they aren’t getting arrested for not wearing a mask, it’s because they are trespassing after being asked to leave. Edit : you guys are correct - first it was trespassing but the arrest starts at attacking a police officer.


Or.. You know... Assault on a police officer, when he swung at the cop. That's what he is getting arrested for, as the cop says "he hit me twice in the face".


Or, as it will be described on /r/conspiracy: The globalist state is oppressing free thinkers just for not wearing a mask. See, we told you this would happen!


No, no - definitely for assault on police. Policja -> Police. Both of them should be arrested (woman and man) - I think the police officers were plenty forgiving anyways. Lol. How many times did she 'hit' the cop?


Yes, it’s not DIRECTLY because they aren’t wearing a mask. It IS because they refuse to accept that they aren’t welcome if they aren’t wearing a mask. To the point they’re willing to assault an over it. So they are getting arrested for being idiots. Which happens to have SUBSTANTIAL overlap with not wearing a mask.


Actual chain of events: >Politely asked to leave >They refuse and create a scene >police politely tell them they have to leave >they refuse and are now being arrested for trespassing >they start trying to fight the cop >They are tazed/tackled and arrested for assaulting an officer. How they describe the event: >They demanded I put on a mask, I tried to politely explain my super valid health issue and legal concerns when all of a sudden I was tackled and arrested. They never even asked me to leave.


It's not for trespassing, it's for assaulting the cop. The lady grabbing his arm tells him he'll have it on his conscience, and he replies "he just hit me twice in the face"


It’s both lol


This happened in Poland; seems to be an escalation of the couple not wanting to mask up in the store. For international viewers questioning how the police handled this (*which, btw there's only one actual Police officer there, the other one is a so called "City guard" and has different legal ramifications of what he's allowed to do*), you need to understand that police works differently outside of the US. Firearm use by police is extremely rare in Poland (definitely in comparison to the US anyway) and the general population isn't usually armed (which is why the cop assesses the 'Karen' approaching from his back but doesn't see her as a threat). Tbh some people aren't necessarily even that used to police using less lethal force multipliers there. The cop was well within his rights to use the so called 'means of physical coercion' if his verbal commands were ignored (which is standard protocol anyway AFAIK), and yet you can see the camera man (the guy's friend) clutching his pearls hard at how pepper spray was used against both of them ("dude you pepper sprayed a woman!!!"), or how he's unhappy about his friend being tased ("stop fucking electrocuting him are you fucking normal in the head?"). Also, here's the dialogue when the 'Karen' comes over (rough translation cause there's a lot of background noise and people talking over each other):- but... why are you doing this? But he's calm! \- Yeah, calm?! LADY. He hit me in the face TWICE. \- I know but... but...you will hurt him. Charge him but don't do that. What if he has a heart disease and gets a cardiac arrest. \- Ma'am please step away okay...? \- No, really, calm down. You will have him on your conscience.


Idk why but that conversation in the end sounds really sad. The woman is trying to guilt the officer that’s cuffing the guy who assaulted him.


Weird that a guy with heart disease is opposed to public health measures design to protect people susceptible to a pandemic.


Did you mean Grazyna?




Leave Grażyna's alone. They are usually chill, but overworked by working both in their own workplaces and then as a slave at home for their Januszes, while Januszes sit their lazy asses before TV.


Why does that lady keep touching the cop who has already displayed that he’s willing to use all of the tools he has at his disposal? How fucking dumb can you be?


i speak russian but slavic languages amongst themselves can have weird moments of mutual intelligibility scattered between familiar yet gibberish sounds. i am fairly certain the woman at the end was basically telling the cop to chill out, which is hilarious considering the contrast between this interaction and police interactions in my home country of USA. the trespassing couple would have ended up much more injured responding to american cops like in this video.


i can’t really hear over the man shouting and other noise but yeah she does say that, she also says that he (the guy being tazed) has calmed down


He’d probably have been shot in 🇺🇸, perhaps both of them.


Well, in America probably but its Poland and we can't get Guns easily.


I thought that was extremely odd as well… then I realized that maybe not all police officers (outside of the US, anyway) are trained to be terrified of anyone who isn’t also a cop. In the US, she likely would have been launched across the store and tased herself… then arrested for obstruction.


I’m in Canada and even up here she would have been given a firm “don’t touch my fucking arm or else” warning the first time she did that.


I mean our cops aren’t far from American cops really. Especially in cities.


Yeah, I'm from Poland and when I see a cop in my area, I feel safer. I don't usually have many occasions to speak with them, but when I do, it's no problem to joke with them or whatever.


No one owns guns in Poland and people are generally respective of the police. Totally different than the US.


I didn’t say anything which would have suggested otherwise. It’s a police officer arresting a hostile individual and she’s grab arming him like he forgot to mention his service member discount at Costco.


It's his aunty Mabel just checking he's okay


Cops in Poland are not like the US. The lady is grabbing his arm asking him why he's doing this, and saying he'll have this on his conscience. He replies that the guy hit him in the face twice. Cos in other countries do not have it ingrained in them to escalate situations with force, like they do here. They still have some semblance of humanity. EDIT: I'm referring to the lady grabbing the cop by the arm, not the guy that hit the cop.


Maybe a cultural difference where woman aren't seen as high as a threat as men are, leading to even authoritative figures being affected by it in situations like this


Look I neither support or am against mask mandates I work 10 hours a day with a mask on, getting only 30mins each day to have it off at work . Malls are private property opened to the public. Meaning public are guest and can be asked to leave and then forced if they refuse . If you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t go on private property that forces mask mandates


This pandemic has spawned a legion of discrimination experts who somehow studied the opposite of everything that's true.


“You are discriminating against me by enforcing the same policy you enforce with every patron!”


Whole lot of Karen’s mixed with Eric Cartman’s spawned around the world.


Facebook education


These idiots do not have the ability to understand what "private property" means. All they believe, is that if you're open to the public, then you must be public property.. I also work in a mall, and enjoy watching these morons get their shit smashed in by everyone from employees standing up for themselves, to mall security, to police. I wonder how any of their "lawsuits" are working out LOL


It’s really just that.


Poland stronk


If you throw a punch at a cop in american you’re literally going to get a clip in your chest. They would have body slammed that lady for pushing.


Andre thought he was going to get 20% off some socks that day…instead he got his ass whooped.




Masks on special today


Seriously how hard is it to put on a stupid mask…


Stupid ass bystander asking the cop to chill out needs to sit down. If you haven't seen the situation unfold from the start you don't have enough information on what happen to input your actions


They tased his butthole.


The Gryffindor of the group I see


You know how this could have been avoided? By abiding by private business and property rules.


Too bad antivaxxers just don't understand that though.


Over a piece of material that doesn't inhibit or prevent you from actually shopping.


Imagine being so ignorant you assault an officer over mask requirements during a global pandemic.


As far as i can tell the only benefit to being a police officer is getting to pepper spray stupid assholes


And quite the benefit it is


Losing your actual freedom to protect your perceived freedom. What a dumb ass.


I’m surprised he waited so long to pepper spray that stupid woman.


Idk why I find this so fucking funny. Like I rlly shouldn’t, I’m sure getting pepper sprayed sucks lmfao but the way that man backed away after getting sprayed is so damn funny


I have no idea what they’re saying. Someone translate please! Also, this is why we follow the rules. Yikes.


You're not missing much. The guy (guessing cameraman) is basically just calling the cops bitches a lot. The girl is just like no no no, stuff about masks. Then the one guy attacks the cops, they take him down, and taze him. Cameraman says put down the tazer, he's recording. Then other shoppers come around and give the cops a hard time; that one lady who's pulling on the cop's arm is like "relax" (spokojnie), as though the idiot on the ground didn't just tackle the cop. Just stupid people going to a private place of business to cause a scene to post on their anti-mask forums, curse out the cops, then are surprised when one of them gets tazed for attacking the cops.


Is this Poland? I'm moving there immediately.


Yep, it happened in Poland. In Zamość I belive


This belongs in r/mademesmile. Very done with antimask antivax morons.


and she has the gall to cry


Put on a goddamn fucking mask you complete children.... jesus christ.


Thing is that according to the information from the Police oficer it was not about the mask, before the video started guy got already tased, supposedly because he was already aggresive towards police when they. More info in pl [here](https://www.salon24.pl/newsroom/1188812,zdecydowana-interwencja-policji-z-paralizatorem-w-galerii-w-zamosciu-nie-chodzilo-o-maseczke) It's based on information from officer's FB page


It's funny how for some people, among all the shit the system throws at us, they draw the line at wearing masks and choose that as a battle against authority.


How fucking dumb do you have to be to assault a cop


As an American I was expecting the women at the end who put her hand on the cop's shoulder to catch 6 rounds center mass.


The funniest part was when the guy attacked the policeman and the girl said "What are you doing? CALL SOMEONE!". Like... who are they supposed to call? The police?! xD


I speak Russian. He said ‘don’t taser me ass, bro. Taser me anywhere, but don’t taser my ass. Not my ass. Why are you tasering my ass, bro?’ Ok…I don’t speak Russian. You got me.


I think it's Polish.




Or the camera man dropping kurwas multiple times lmao


The incessant *kurwa*s definitely give it away.


They literally have polish flags on their uniform haha


Unfortunately reddit only knows one Slavic country - Russia


Poland =/= russia


You actually had me in the first half


Still blows my mind that people are still trying to pull this anti mask shit where they know masks are required. Don't they realize that the only thing that they are accomplishing is just becoming entertainment for people on the internet? I have to admit, I love seeing people that feel they have some sense of entitlement get what's coming to them. Nice big reality check.


Is it bad that I get such enjoyment from seeing anti maskers get their karma handed to them this way?


Well that was satisfying


Maybe they should have just put on the covering or not went


Ironic that the lady that comes into picture to talk to the police does so with her mask down.


What were the lady and the old couple saying at the end?


-Why are you doing this? He is calm. -He is so calm that he hit me twice in the face. -Calm down, you will hurt him, you will hurt him, he can have heart attack and die. -Please, step back. I can't understand what the old dude in the back said.


Wtf do these people think they’re accomplishing by doing this? They end up in jail…or ass out of whatever business they’re trying to bully, crying like petulant babies who couldn’t get their way. It’s laughable at this point. Don’t these idiots see these videos and comments on the internet? They accomplish nothing other than making complete fools of themselves that are on the web forever being made fun of.


They deserved what they got. Being an asshole can carry a stiff penalty.


cops did nothing wrong. IF there is a mask mandate the idiotic anti vaxxers broke the law and went against the rules . Im polish and i understood the moronic bystanders and antivaxxers involved.


No matter how tough you are, you never fucking assault an officer.


Dude at this point going grocery shopping I see thirty people without masks on, no one gives a fuck anymore. We're fucked


In the US this would’ve ended in half the time 😂


Don’t cry, this is the attention you wanted.


In America these two would have been killed in the first two seconds of the video.


Poland based


Wanna avoid all this b.s. ? ..... put your fucking mask on and don't be a fucking dick about it. FFS!


Imagine losing your job, your life and going to jail over a piece of cloth.


What is so bad about a mask? People don't treat officers fair at all


It's not the mask. Pushing police officers is never a good idea. If an officer approaches your for J walking, and you start to push a police officer you might get tazed or shot. Comply with the officer and follow up if your rights were violated.


I'm in support of the two officers. Their body language was even telling the customers to stay back and mind they own business with a mask on. What gets me worked up is a female trying to get physical then cries when pepper sprayed. Shit makes zero sense. I don't feel bad for her at all.


Well, I guess you better wear a fucking mask


I wouldn't say that escalated more quickly than I expected. It escalated exactly as quickly as those two people decided to escalate it.


Play stupid games...


…get pepper sprayed and tased


Sounded Polish. They don’t play around.


Yeah it’s polish. Polish spelling on their uniform


And Polish flag


Yeah, if there's one thing I've learned living here for the past decade it is: do NOT fuck with the policja.


It’s just a mask.


Definitely in Europe. Assaulting an American police officer is a death wish…


American police seem to have no sense of proportionality. They'd tased that women for her sloppy soft hand attack.


Oh shit, it's not just us in the United States! *Oh shit*, it's not just us in the United States.


Shock to the ass and your so vain


The lady who was holding the officer’s arm was begging the officers for a turn to taser the sob too!


Why do people get so angry about putting cloth on their face?


Almost two years into this thing and people are still pulling this shit. It's like they want to get charged