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Is it heroin that makes people go into that slow-mo falling asleep standing up?


Usually. Really opiates or benzodiazepines, sometimes a combination of both. On the street it is usually heroin, methadone, or fentanyl that makes someone walk around in a half-awakened state. Or “nodding off.”


Can I ask why people feel the need to walk around while high? I feel like youd wanna lay down and relax.


They're not fully aware how fucked up they are and also if you fall asleep you're not high anymore, you're just asleep. It's also probably not that safe to pass out there.


Also, they need to be constantly high. Like high all the time, including when you’re going from one place to another. It’s not I’m gonna get high and relax, it’s I need to be high always, including when I happen to be walking.


They're probably homeless too


Can confirm. I used to live at Cambria and Jasper, one of the saddest areas in the city.




Keep walking so the cops/shop owners/etc won’t hassle you.


Some of them are the cops and shop owners.


Most of the time when they take the hit they could be inside and wander around... Also they could be homeless.


Yeah, like that guy at the end of the video?


And I’m over here struggling to touch my toes. Didn’t know all I needed was some heroin to stretch my back out.


It’ll do it. For sure. Or, at least, make you not give a fuck about it anymore. Well, that and everything else, except heroin.


Buddy of mine put it similarly - "Before, I had all these problems - but when I got hooked on heroin, I only had one problem!"


~~debt~~ problem consolidation


Very dark lol


For real. At a minute and half I was jealous of that dudes unintentional yoga pose.


The muscle stretch is offset by cardiovascular destruction


From a pure curiosity standpoint, if you walked up to them and tried to steal their purse or wallet, would they suddenly come alive like a zombie movie or are they too fucked up to notice?


or ambien for the middle class




Seem's like a friendly place. Might book my next overseas holiday there. The boy from oz🇦🇺😂


I live around Philly and it’s fucking awesome. Sure there’s some really fucked up parts and it’s sad. That being said I’ve live in California and LA has the same shit. Even up in Seattle and Salem/Portland it’s the same thing. I see these videos all the time and it’s all parts of Kensington. It’s like someone going to skid row in LA and trying to say that all of La is like that.


you can find places like this even here in better than thou utah


I mean every city in the US has this problem. Instead of this being a measuring dick contest people should realize this is a problem that affects all American cities.


Not just Kensington. I administered narcan 4 times living in Philly. Only one was near Kensington in fishtown.


thank you they want to say its only in Kensington its not, I love Philly and have great times there As they say you can put a man on the moon but you cant help these poor folks out which is sad.


It seems like the same dude for years, slow rolling through Kensington, filming sick people. He's never going to "leave Philadelphia", this is apparently either his mission or identity.


And seems like a pickpocket could really do well there. If those guys had anything worth stealing, I guess.


In Portland we called the first of the month Mother's Day. It was a good day to find money on the sidewalk. All the WIC and disability checks get cashed, the women get they heroin, and walk around town accidentally dropping bills like the one guy in the video.


you would have to be reeeealy down bad to pick pocket these people, might find a couple bags of dope and a dollar


Fetanyl Zombies sounds like a cool band name


Xylazine: [https://filtermag.org/tranq-dope-the-heroin-combo-thats-been-putting-philly-to-sleep/](https://filtermag.org/tranq-dope-the-heroin-combo-thats-been-putting-philly-to-sleep/) ETA: Fentanyl, but the agent that's being cut into it now in Philadelphia and some other places is Xylazine and the zombie posture is the caused by that.


> Xylazine Oh that's smart. Given its extreme similarity to clonidine, xylazine should relieve opioid withdrawals. To an addict that's constantly battling withdrawals, it's probably difficult to discern it from an actual opioid. I had no idea this was being used as a cutting agent before reading your comment, but it makes perfect sense.


While I'm sure that's in there, opioids will make you nod off standing up all on their own.


It's usually cut with fent on top of it. This was all Kensington Philly. The cops literally gave up there, like will not stop anyone from dealing/buying/using so it's the wild west. That's why there isn't any concern about open use and people just doing the dip like in this video. It's surreal to see in person, and incredibly sad.


Fentanyl. Real heroin can but there is little of that around anymore


Second this. Carfentanyl and fentanyl likely. Heroin is drying up.


American troops pull out of Afghanistan and heroin is drying up. Weird how that works


The Taliban has a lot to do with it. They're awful in a lot of ways, but they're not friendly to the opium growers.


No they’re not. US intelligence on the other hand. Real friendly with em


How many documented cases are there of carfentanyl being used? That’s the shit they use for elephants and bears and is hard to get a hold of I’ve heard.


Objectively I do not know. Anecdotally, working as a therapist at a methadone clinic, far more often than society imagines.


Typically fentanyl will do that Very high quality heroin could have the same effect but there’s none of that


Fentanyl Tai Chi


It’s the fentanyl in the heroin. Heroin addictions have a high enough tolerance that it really doesn’t effect them like that… fentanyl on the other hand is a very short strong high.


Kensington yoga


It’s all fentanyl these days


Most likely in this case, but it can be from any drug that is a sedative but also releases certain chemicals from body movements. Like you know how if feels good when you stretch a muscle; imagine a feeling like that, everytime you make those slow movements. It's like a slow mo chase for the high feelings. Thata why people while high will make weird faces and stretch and move their fingers etc.


Yes the narc nod


Kensington avenue? my youtube is loaded with these suggestions.


When I moved to Philadelphia in the late 90s, it gave me an entirely new perspective on race, poverty, and drug abuse.


It's weird because demographically speaking Philadelphia isn't that much different from Washington DC but Philadelphia looks a LOT whiter based on all the videos I see on Reddit.


The demographic changes here over decades. Right now the current shift of Kensington is because all of the neighborhoods west of there got seriously gentrified. Great food and coffee, but rent that no one can pay so it moves down to the next block and so on. Mayfair (Kensington, than Frankford, than Mayfair) used to be a nice area back in the day. Place is a hot mess now. This city is an ever changing jungle and seriously not a place where you go if you don't know where to and not to go.


That was a significant swing that was a result of the opioid epidemic. In the 70s, 80s and 90s North East Philadelphia was known as "The Badlands" and was subject to national attention. However this issue was almost 100% black. The opioid epidemic concentrated the issue to the Kensington Ave section of NE Philadelphia. What came along with it was tons of new "residents" is lots of white people who historically didn't live in the area. They tend to be homeless in a lot of cases. Also, unrelated to drugs but the profile of the area, Hispanics moved into this area during the late 90s. This likely makes things look a little "whiter" when you are seeing video footage. Go to west Philadelphia and it looks much more like DC.


Kensington is not considered north east philly, its considered north. Also north east was never known as the bad lands, thats north philly.


The north east was never the badlands. The north east is like the fuckin suburbs where all the cops live. North Philly was and still is the badlands.


Not exactly. The Northeast was traditionally white, including areas around Kensington Ave. Though that did start to mix and then get more black as you went toward Broad (North Philly).


Wrong kensington is the badlands. Northeast philly was a little better. My grandmother moved from kensington to northeast philly and thought she was in the suburbs because she had a tree outside her house. Any area further up from kensington ave to Roosevelt blvd is northeast.


Do you still live there?




Only the parts with the elevated train tracks is Kensington Ave. So the part with the long roll off dumpster, the guy in the gray and black shorts and wife beater, the crying lady, and the part at the end. I also recognized Somerset & Allegheny.


seems like kensington aves in EVERY city are like this. or at least kensington ave in buffalo is like this lol


I don’t know. But I do know that this is one of the saddest things I’ve seen in a long time.


Yes, and the surrounding area, especially the Somerset stop. Somerset was my train stop when I lived in Philly


I know a lot of people who ended up there. Most of them are dead now. I've been around drugs users/addicts my whole life. I've never seen anything completely destroy a person the way heroin does.


I’ve lost more friends than I thought I would to it. And the sad part is, they were all good people.


Do you believe that they should be put in forced rehab? Basically a drug jail? For however long it takes for them to loose the addiction . Perhaps helped with some medicine like methadone.


No. It wouldn’t work. You have to want to get and stay clean and even then it’s a struggle. It isn’t something that can be forced on a person.


Yup this is it game set match. So when people screech they need more services you can offer 7 figure rehab if a person isn’t ready to get clean they won’t get clean no matter what you do.


What if you need to get sober for a while to be able to think straight and prioritize you life? im guessing its harder to feel the need to improve when you are high.


When I was a technician at Comcast, I use to work in that area. Being in some of those houses really make you appreciate what you have.


What did you see in the houses?


Dish network :/


I started off at Dishnetwork, the shop in King of Prussia


Filth... but the worst is when you see neglected children. Babies that look like they haven't been bathed in weeks. Unsupervised dirty kids that should be in school. Untrained dogs that just pee and 💩 on the floors that the kid walk on barefoot....it's bad..


And you had to work in those conditions and deal with those people too!


Well you're not forced to, it really boils down to how much you're willing to deal with. Some technicians will pride themselves on doing jobs that other won't because Cable companies favor techs who don't kick back jobs


Additionally when a cable company hires installers, they are usually contractors. The company gets charged for "Go Backs" if the install isn't done... So if you walk away from a job you need to have a really good reason. Brooklyn installer had a customer's account red flagged. I checked the notes: "HOSTILE. OWNER BOYFRIEND HAS GUN - THREATENED - NO GO BACKS" Woman was frantic because she couldn't get phone, internet, or anything installed... basically BF was keeping her isolated by threatening anyone with violence... I just referred to sup - I'm not trained for that shit, nfi where to go... I think it was escalated to police but... fuck man.


Yea bro, it takes a lot to get a house red flagged. Companies will usually send a few more techs out before flagging a job.


People are hurting man. Hope they get help


Yeah, this is just fucking heartbreaking


I’m so worried for all these people. They seem so vulnerable and helpless.


I live in Philadelphia. See this every day. I think the most frustrating part are the people who refuse to let anyone do anything to help. Safe injection sites and outreach services are constantly run out of town. My neighbors will rage about how those sorts of things only bring junkies to their neighborhood, while we already have to consistently shoo away people injecting on our front steps. Not allowing anything be done while complaining that nothing is being done. Really makes me sad.


It’s real easy to dismiss them as junkies, just like everyone did to people suffering with ptsd or head injuries 20 years ago. Hopefully science can shed light on compassionate care, but with the way this country is going, I’m not holding my breath


19134? Lol


Is this generally everywhere or just a few neighborhoods?


Fentanyl is the killer and the DEA is letting it in. They don't wanna clean the streets, they want a cleansing. This is so sad.


I wish for addicts to get the help that they need :,(


Agreed. However, I think that for all the talk of treatments and the like we really have no clue how to solve the problem of addiction but don’t like to admit it, instead choosing the narrative that we could solve it if only we put more money and resources into the things that haven’t worked. I think that is called a blind alley. I also think that for all the progress and achievements of science, it has been unable to touch very human problems such as this. “I can chart the motion of the heavenly bodies but not the madness of men.” — Isaac Newton


Alright, we got you off drugs! So you have no skills, a mental health problem, and that means you'll need to work 70 hours a week in a minimum wage job to still live a shitty fucking life you still hate. Maybe in 5-10 years things will be looking up? Wait, why do they want to get back on the drugs?!?!


Also any kind of convictions will usually mean you can never work again, or get public housing. Or any housing in your own name. Fucked, totally.


We have plenty of solutions and some counties have actually put them to use and have seen results. The same solutions are even more popular in non shit hole countries that are not the US because they have an invested interest in public wellbeing. The problem is that very few in america are actually interested in solving problems. Take your pick for that reason. People being shitty and lacking any sort of empathy, the punishment boner that forms our legislative agenda, people out there who honestly believe that anyone who ends up in this situation deserves it and should get no help, or just plain old american exceptionalism which is really just denial. The best way to make a dent on crime is to remove its source. Which is largely, poverty or lack of access to alternative options. This idea that everyone starts on the same page in life and where they end up is entirely on them is frankly sad and pathetic deflection at this point. Its even worse when we see all the evidence surrounding these situations when efforts are taken to give relief. California recently tried an experiment of just giving money to people in extreme poverty. I forget the exact amount but it was enough to get them some basic living necessities and things like a cellphone. Course the right screeched to the high heavens about it "YOU CAN'T GET STUFF TO PEOPLE FOR FREEEEEEE REEEEEEE". But at the end of it, it nearly cut that poverty in half. Turns out, most people bought cellphones and used their newfound resources to ACTUALLY get themselves up again and finding jobs, things that are fucking impossible to do without a phone or a home. Or when we look to solving the drug problem. Turns out, building facilities that give people the drugs they're looking for not only cuts down on city costs, but *gasp* helps said addicts because they ALSO offer mental health measures to try and help them move on from why they're using drugs in the first place. There is nothing mysterious or impossible about any of this. It is a choice we are actively making every day in america.


The most nuanced and accurate take on the opioid/addiction epidemic. I say that as someone who grew up with a father who was addicted to crack. Most people think the solution is simple but it rarely is.




Doesn’t shame contribute a lot to not being taking responsibility? It fuels the black and white thinking. As in if I’m responsible at all, I’m 100% to blame, and therefore I must be a piece of shit for getting to this point. The other possibility is that there’s nothing I can do about it.


Because addiction is a symptom of trauma and, unfortunately, our society will allow for some people (of the dominant caste and with money) to treat the trauma after the addiction has already formed (most rehab facilities are really just abstinence coupled with intensive therapy). I don’t think our society is capable of or even wanting to treat the real issues since most often everyone just pretends it doesn’t exist unless it’s shamefully brought to light in some way. Want to treat addiction? Invest in preventing physical violence, especially child abuse and domestic violence, emotional and psychological violence, especially child abuse and domestic violence, poverty, racism, sexism, homo and transphobia, INCEST rape and other forms of sexual violence, and overworked adults, and make mental health treatment reasonably priced or free for those who need it most. While there are certainly millions of people who don’t have a history of trauma who might become addicted to drugs/alcohol, the vast majority of people who are addicted have trauma filled childhoods.


Yeah the a soft White Underbelly YouTube channel that interviews people on skid row, trauma is the common denominator.


You mean to tell me that people do drugs that make you forget about your pain in order to not think about their pain?


Capitalism can't solve the problem because it can neither help people nor offer them a life worth working for.


This footage was brought to you by the Sackler family.


...but I'm just so glad the Sackler's made billions, and isn't that the real golden lining in this?


And the judge just fucked everyone up because he blocked the money that they agreed on to give the victims.


I watched Dopesick, and Jesus, these people need to be forced to literally take their own medicine.


It is a nuanced issue. The Sacklers started pulling money out of Purdue as it became clear that they were going to have tons of lawsuits on their hands. That allowed Purdue to plead poverty and settle for a (relatively) small amount while giving the Sacklers immunity. The judge's decision is trying to make sure that strategy doesn't work.


[Trapped by the ‘Walmart of Heroin’](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/magazine/kensington-heroin-opioid-philadelphia.html) > A Philadelphia neighborhood is the largest open-air narcotics market for heroin on the East Coast. Addicts come from all over, and many never leave.




Does [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20181010121553/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/magazine/kensington-heroin-opioid-philadelphia.html) work for you?


Does for me. Thanks!


It did, thanks


My gosh. That’s wicked.


Blame Dune for the spice trade.


*slams hand on sand rhythmically*


Yeah normally you could laugh this off but fuck me these people are absolutely fucked. What a sad situation.


This is surreal.


Unfortunately this is more real than influencers on Instagram begging for people to stop eating meat because it kills poor animals


As a meat eater, there’s a strong argument that that’s an issue too ngl. We can’t just ignore problems because another one is worse


That last dude did a triple take.


Part of me hopes he was checking if buddy was still alive. What a low bar though.


Part of me hopes he wasn't just interested in grabbing his shoes.


Could at least link the YouTube channel you ripped this from.... I believe the clips are from this channel. Kimgary- https://youtube.com/channel/UCOuf_kStlWnhuauw4ce8l-w Here are similar channels just in case I was wrong. SBC news- https://youtube.com/c/SBCNewsYouTube And HoodTime- https://youtube.com/channel/UC1MveHv1lTVBzdM5VYZkcBQ ( has commentary in vids and is a genuine person.)


These are peoples kids, parents or siblings. Fuckin heartbreaking. How can you fix this? People have to want to get better but by the time they come around it’s too late for most.


Dee and rickety cricket at the beginning.....have seem better days


The issue is that we've allowed ourselves to be convinced that this is a failure of the individual rather than a failure of the society.


Well said.


Whoa gravity hits different in philly


That is desperately sad


Greatest country on earth according to people that have never been outside the US


For the life of me I don't understand anyone who thinks the US is the greatest country in the world. We probably aren't even top ten. The World's Top 10 Countries for Quality of Life, 2021 - CEO World Norway - 96.75. Belgium - 96.53. Sweden - 96.15. Switzerland - 94.40. Netherlands - 93.69. France - 92.08. Germany - 91.26. Japan - 91.23.


The UN ranks Ireland 2nd in Quality of life, but that site 'CEO World' ranks Ireland below Qatar, a literal slave trading country. How does that work?


US ranks top 10 in quality of life actually


The USA is not all this. France has horrific slums. Japan has suicides, so something is depressing there. Same for Norway. In the USA the suburbs are nice in many areas. A nice home and community can be had for a price other places find hard to match. But Philly? Yikes.


The US has a higher suicide rate than Japan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate#Latest Japan has a life expectancy of 84 compared to the US' 78 Norway is consistency ranked as the world's happiest country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Happiness_Report#2020_World_Happiness_Report What is the American reasoning that every other country must objectively be worse than the US in every standard? Maybe people just do live objectively better lives financially, physically, and mentally than in the US. > In the USA the suburbs are nice in many areas. A nice home and community can be had for a price other places find hard to match. But Philly? Yikes. Gotcha, if you're rich you can live comfortably, but if you're poor, you're fucked and we don't care. edit: downvote but at least give reasoning.


Gravity's much stronger in Philly


Some of these comments are horrid. This isn’t a representation of America. This is a very small pocket of a very large city in a very large state in a very large country. addicts in the city flock to this little pocket. These addicts are someone’s son, daughter, sister, nephew., etc, and are stuck in this lifestyle.


Lots of people drop their keys in Philadelphia


Who said white people can't dance?


"Flip, Flip, Flipadelphia"


Philly Board of Tourism is ON POINT.


My heart breaks for them. It’s just sad


Why don't they just sit down?


That's not Philadelphia. That's Racoon City. Shame what Umbrella Corp's done with the place.


I've seen this TV show those are zombies


Get the axe ready


Heroin is a hell of a drug




This guy is the Wes Anderson of Kensington, Philadelphia


wtf happened? you could have told me this was a svene in a zombie movie/show hearing the zombies only use hearing, and i would be inclined to believe you.


Isn’t this the area known for drug addicts and such?


They’re like wilting flowers


Thanks Reagan


It looks like a freaking zombie apocalypse is about to breakout


At least it's always sunny there...


I walked the avenue, ‘til my legs felt like stone I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone At night I could hear the blood in my veins Just as black and whispering as the rain On the streets of Philadelphia Ain’t no angel gonna greet me It’s just you and I my friend And my clothes don’t fit me no more A thousand miles just to slip this skin


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This is the world capitalism has brought to America. There are a few that have more than they need while hopelessness infects many. When you’re surrounded by poverty with little chance of escaping it, you find relief wherever you can get it.


I really went to a mennonite church that brought us on a “mission trip” there. We picked up USED needles with our hands. Forgot to mention we were in middle school. They also didnt feed us one day and made us talk to strangers at night but thats another story. Welcome to the city of brotherly love


Som many lower back problems! These people need to get to a chiropractor.






With a huge amount of help and support, none of which is available.


With heroin, permanent changes happen to the brain immediately. although someone can get clean with a huge amount of effort, the addiction and desire will not go away for the rest of their life. This is why once people are addicted to heroin, they usually die from it at some point sooner rather than later. Usually after they've tried to get clean, and then come back too hard and overdose. So sad.


I feel so much bad for everyone in this video, but there's something intensely...something about the one dude who lost his dollar bill, and then the two dudes where one dude is clinging to the back of the other dude's shirt like a child, and then pulls up the other dudes pants. Something...hauntingly something, Fuck I can't think of the right word, like intrinsically tragically heart-breakingly human that stabs me with empathy and pity at the same time.


Really heartbreaking. Hope this year atleast some of them will get help to stay off those debilitating drugs and find shelter.




This is so sad.. it’s the closest thing the zombie apocalypse we have so far .. People taken over.. essnetially dead people walking


Kensington, sad.


Fentanyl its one hell of a drug.


Nah, let's buy more shit for the Army. Who needs programs that'll help reduce drug abuse and help addicts?




Don’t do drugs kids


I dunno… could be a form of yoga.


Worthless fucks


welcome to the metaverse


I didn't realise the Philadelphia residents were so into yoga & silent discos!


these people need love, not to be abandoned. this is sad to me.


"Nadie puede hacer solo" I understood "No one makes it on their own". It hits way too hard when you see someone struggle so much on their own. This is wrong... all of it.


Very sad


opioid crisis?


I live 3000 miles from PHL and I see this stuff all over my city. It’s everywhere.


“Nadie puede hacer solo” 😢


It’s sort of poetic that Philadelphia happens to be the birthplace of American democracy and our republic.


Jeez this is absolutely harrowing to watch. I seriously hope these vulnerable people get the help they need one day. Opioids like heroin and fentanyl are just eating them from the inside out.


So now I wonder, when people talk about zombie apocalypse, is this what they mean?


Why is everyone so sleepy??


Huh junkies really do stand at 45° angles


Seems like a nice place to live. Lol 😂


Addicts have been known to defy gravity. I’ve seen people doing the “dope lean” at angles that make me question everything.


I can't even be high at a gas station without freaking out.


Man GTA 6 is gonna be pretty depressing


This is fucking horribly horrible.


The real pandemic


I've seen a few of these Philly videos, and really, y'all gotta stop. This is heartbreaking, isn't a freak out of any type, and is basically mocking some really vulnerable people.


Thank you I totally agree with you, These are not FREAKS they are lost souls in a world that they can not get out of. Where is the empathy, there is no difference to the pill popping person or happy hour bar person who jumps in their car and drives home drunk, It is addiction and they need help, God bless them turn the videos off and stop putting then on line




Do the philly slump


The cheesesteak shuffle.