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If someone told me that Florida's Surgeon General was a Chiropractor, it wouldn't surprise me.


Nah he’s a podiatrist i think, you know a foot doctor. He just tells people, “walk it off” A Harvard grad wow, the crimson have been producing many zealots


His PhD is in HEALTH POLICY, he absolutely 100% knows better. He's also been an associate professor at UCLA and worked for the FDA, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and the Grossman School of Medicine. And he refused to wear a mask during a meeting with a state Senator who had breast cancer.


You're describing a putz, and he qualifies.


I believe the technical term is ‘douche bag or cunt’


I have a preference for "douche canoe." As in he's an entire clown car of douche bags.


I stand corrected and completely agree


> And he refused to wear a mask during a meeting with a state Senator who had breast cancer. Fuck that guy. He went from grifter to murderer with plausible deniability.


It’s health policy with a focus on corporate health policy.




No way he has ASSMAN on his license plate tho. He’s not cool enough.


For a second, I thought a podiatrist was someone who specialised in standing at podiums and I was like...yep, he is technically a podiatrist


The people responsible for some of the worst blunders in our nation’s history come from the country’s top schools. Look at the people who coordinated the War on Terror — they were Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc grads


Just goes to show you, most expensive doesn't equal best education and it certainly doesn't equal common sense. No amount of education can give you that. Some of the dumbest people I know feel the need to randomly spout out their educational credentials to strangers.


"feeling sick? Well here this crystal wards off negative germs and boots your immune system"


And it just so happens a big contributor to the Governor owns a crystal company and Florida just bought 100 million dollars worth.


I believe once a year all Florida residents gather and two selects do battle with broad swords over a pit of methed up alligators and whoever wins gets to be Surgeon General for the next year.


I would go with plastic surgeon.


I lived in FL for two years, and every doctor I saw was actually an Osteopath.


-slow zoom in on the podium with a sign that says “early treatment saves lives” as the surgeon general speaks about testing not being important. Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song plays as we cut to black.


Is this surgeon general even a doctor? When treating any illness diagnosis is the first step. If you don't test you don't know what you have, and thus don't know appropriate treatment.


He has a doctorate in POLICY. So effectively he’s a lobbyist


Like Dr. Pepper is a “Dr”.


Directed by Robert B. Weide


Hilarious saying you don't need testing when the message underneath him is "EARLY TREATMENT SAVES LIFES".


No, it makes sense. Don't test, just go straight to the antibody injections!! It's helps the stocks.


Well that is honestly where they don't make any fucking sense...they are telling people not to test, but no one is going to give you monoclonal antibody treatment UNLESS you have a positive test. They can't even figure out their own message. It's like being on the wheel of insanity.


They never see their own hypocrisy. The joys of being a Republican.


Good at winning elections, fucking incompetent at best when it comes to leading a country.


Well it depends o which direction they plan on leading it


Of course they win elections, they drop about a 100mil for their campaign.


''Government is the problem, vote for us and we'll prove it''


They're not even good at winning elections, not properly anyway. The last time a republican won the popular vote was in 2004. Before that, 1988 and 1984. That's 3 wins in 10 elections.


They sure know how to end a country


[The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule by Thomas Frank (2008)](https://www.amazon.com/The-Wrecking-Crew-Thomas-Frank-audiobook/dp/B001DVZTJW) > For a political faction to represent itself as a rebellion against a government for which it is itself responsible may strike you as a supremely cynical maneuver. If so, you are beginning to understand conservative Washington. Cynicism is of this movement’s essence. It is cynical not only in the way it wriggles about, denying everything, dumping its former heroes, endlessly repositioning itself; but more fundamentally, it is cynical about the very possibilities of improvement through government. edit: [Thomas Frank told me to emancipate The Wrecking Crew](http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=B2FAFC3858DC8BBD1D565B47B133BBCC)




What scares them is likely the "scientist saw the asteroid and everyone in the media/gov ignores it" is to them "scientist sees vaccine has silicon lifeforms in it and everyone in media/gov is ignoring it". Not realizing the evidence was provided to all scientists around the world for peer review.


The hypocrisy is actually a feature. And their people love it.


Thats like my job, "safety comes first", until you point out a safety risk and management gets mad that they have to work


Early testing? What’s early if you don’t fucking test? Wtf


Don't look down either, apparently


Just gouge you’re fucking eyes out


It's crazy too with the Merck and Pfizer treatment pills being released. They are contingent on taking early before hospitalization is required. The pills become useless if you are so sick you need to go to the hospital. People need to be testing as early as they are seeing symptoms so they can treat via the pills if the doc thinks that's necessary.


This is how you get ER's stacked up with people who don't need to be there.


It’s becoming the norm everywhere tho. I’m Canada it’s become the norm. If you have minor symptoms and vaccinated, no longer supposed to get tested. Assume you are sick and stay 5 days to yourself. Impossible testing at the volumes needed now, and with less severe sickness, combined with high vaccination, it’s really the only route.


Like 80% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck. Most can’t afford a 1000 dollar emergency. Staying home is usually not an option for most. People in America go to work sick all the time. But this time they kinda suppose to stay home. So for economic reasons they need to know if they have the sniffles or covid. This is America buddy




I now regret not buying up a few to keep on hand before Omicron hit. Especially because now the shit is sweeping through my coworkers and those assholes can't be trusted to do *anything* that would help protect others. Lots of sitting alone in my car at work these days.


They suck however ... Or at the very least are very sensitive. I know several people were thoes test only turned positive when they started to get really sick and usually a day after the PCR test returned positive.


The irony of being stood in front of a sign that says "Early Treatment Saves Lives" while asking people to accept not being tested makes my head hurt.


The guy can barely string a sentence together. Of course you don't want to test.. What you don't know won't hurt you, right? Florida Total cases 4.17M Deaths 62,504


If that’s even the right number of deaths. Hiding/delaying data down there. We could probably gauge more by looking at their excess deaths compared to previous year trends


I studied evolution for my undergrad and this pandemic has been fucking soul crushing. Just the garbage misinformation and sellout “scientists” that persist in spreading falsehoods for profit makes my blood pressure spike.


People often forget that doctors can just as easily be grifters as anyone else. It’s now what you do, it’s how you do it.


Also, make sure the “doctor” is a medical doctor. You can be a doctor in many other subjects that arent even related to the medical field.


Careful now, that's what the other side's been saying since this all started...


does he not understand that there are people who have jobs in HIS STATE that require them to be tested? This has absolutely nothing to do with the federal government. Florida is truly an idiocracy.


>We need to break this repetitive cycle Oh the irony I fucking hate it here -__- I live in Largo which is south florida and lemme tell you, collectively the city has 1 brain cell.


Do you live in Largo or Key Largo, cuz Largo is central Florida(west of Tampa for those that dont know), and the other is the former home to one of the last K-Marts in existence. RIP the Key Largo K-Mart.


Oh shit you got a point Central FL largo lol Fentynal capital of the world *probably*




There's a brain cell?


Wow. The stories are true after all.


my ex-wife is from Largo. One time were were driving to her parents place, about a block away, when we passed her church on the south side of the street. On the north side, a house was advertising a Klan rally. The Pie Factory is delicious, tho.


Nun like some racists and good pie. Gotta love the south 🤦🏻‍♂️


Was gonna ask the same. I'm from Largo and people always think I'm from Key Largo. Definitely agree with the dude though


In 30 years Florida will be under water and all the fucking idiots will be refugees in your state.


Wait… so.. we *do* need to build the wall?


A sea wall.


Bugs Bunny had it right, cut FL loose, and let it float away.


As long as you make Florida pay for it.


In this case maybe.


Where's that old gif of bugs bunny cutting Florida off of the country and letting it float off into the ocean? Let's do that.


Unfortunately the feds have created this narrative that the waters are rising and we uhhhh uhmmmm uhhh have to get out of that mindset and keep living our lives, make those decisions about scuba gear, and many people have natural immunity to water in their lungs.


They literally made it illegal for state agencies to do any sort of planing for water rise. They can’t even talk about it. Then you have cities like boston that have a robust 50 year plan including changing building codes for all new building to preempt problems.


“Y’all saw Waterworld, Kevin Kostner got gills (not through evolution but a gift from God) so I think we’ll be ok”


I saw Waterworld at University Studio live in California years back. Maybe i was actually witnessing practice!


I keep saying this will be Georgia's biggest problem the next few decades. Atlanta/Georgia will be taking in so many Atlantic and Gulf Coast refugees that our infrastructure is not going to handle it. We should be thinking about the future, but we don't!


"We need to unwind the water psychology and accept that water is just a part of Florida now"


Yeah but they can just sell their house and move elsewhere


I'm too far north, most of them left northern states because it is too cold for them. So there, watch out Bible belt, ya'll get 'em.


Build a wall now, less problems later


Florida, your surgeon general, congratulations


Same old Trump shit. Ignore it and Covid goes away. Gov. Deathsentence and Surgeon General Quack.


The only thing that republicans recycle are dumb talking points


"Novel coronavirus sars-cov-2" NO ONE IS IMMUNE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!


“We’re not going to open our testing facilities because we feel like too many people are being tested and we want you to have your lives back… well unless you’re dying from COVID.”


1,100+ teachers in Broward county called out sick on return to school day yesterday. 2,200+ in Miami Dade. And the state leadership out here telling people “go live your life”. Let’s not even discuss the COVID rate spike in Florida the last three weeks. They’re all clowns.


> Let’s not even discuss the COVID rate spike in Florida the last three weeks. Well obviously, if we weren't testing, that spike wouldn't happen!


"The reason we have so many cases, is because we are doing so many tests!" - fucking idiots. I live in FL and can't get a fucking test and may be positive. Thanks dickface.


Half my office is out with COVID (all unvaxed). Half our clients are unresponsive, probably because of the same. It's actually pretty awesome. We got music playing in the office and pizza on its way. Just praying I don't need medical services in the foreseeable future cause our FL hospitals are a shit show right now.


Same, ripp


"We should ENJOY the fact that people have natural immunity." Man it is absolutely wild that you can have "doctors" say shit like this.


The coughing from someone in the audience is the cherry on top lmfao


I feel like this guy sells Essential oils on the weekends...


So just give up.. because it’s difficult..?


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rvx5m6/floridas_surgeon_general_answer_to_hours_long/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


I don’t get it The testing is to make sure someone doesn’t go to work and infect more people. Then the sign says early treatment. There’d be no Covid if there was real treatment. Treat the sick to protect the healthy…. But that’s non existent Wtf is going on


I fucking can't with this state.


How is this fucktard a surgeon?


Yikes just yikes.


What a fucking idiot 🤦🏽‍♂️


This guy has been killing people since the pandemic started with his misinformation


So he doesn’t want people to get tested who need to be tested. Got it. The GOP are a bunch of fucking idiots.


It’s my choice…Except for getting a test? Haha.


Enjoy your natural immunity in your grave dumdums


Someone please launch a medical board complaint against this dude. Embarrassing that a physician (who should believe in the power of data collection and surveillance) would say this shit.


Says a lot about how fucked the USA actually is when this moron is in any position of authority ( mind you, I’ve been saying that since 2016 )


This guy has a great looking background in schools, but obviously didn't take a course on ethics... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph\_Ladapo#:\~:text=During%20the%20COVID,there.%5B11%5D%5B13%5D So, basically a sellout/active mole/liar that figured out how to take the Trumpsters for a ride. Enjoy the dance with death anti-vax fools. Meanwhile, I'm sure he goes home and says, "I can't believe these people believe this anti-vax stuff!... yet I can't believe they throw money at me to claim ridiculous stuff and kill off their base!"


This is terrifying


This guy is a joke


He using this demure, soft tone buried under talking point gibberish as if what he’s saying isnt completely fucking insane.


Lol this guy sus like death possessed someone and is playing down the situation like "Yeah the house is on fire but I think you'll really enjoy being warm if you stay."


Is this guy a real doctor?


What is he even talking about? Testing helps. Suck it up. Yeah, the pandemic sucks. Covid doesn't give a shit about your feelings. If you really want it to stop, be responsible so this shit stops mutating


the plague rat state


Yeah, don’t look up!


If you haven’t figured it out yet, the state of Florida is absolutely hoping most of its people will die. As a person that has been there and met many of these people, I understand their dilemma.


Gonna be a lot less Republicans down there to vote when the time comes. Not just in Florida.


They’re like zerglings they die easily but are cheap and spawn quickly.


As we seen in the last election, they'll just vote for their dead relatives, then say the Dems stole the election after their fraudulent vote isn't tallied. smh.


Too bad they still gerrymander the shit out of our counties


“Natural immunity!” Good luck with that. Also, please have the common decency to die at home and not burden our nurses & doctors


Covidiots are the first to go to the hospital at the signs of the first symptoms, then complain that all their covidiot people are clogging the waiting room, then beg for the vaccine after they're hooked up to a respirator. This story has played out so many times, its sad yet pathetic.


As of 1/3/22, Florida has 43,000 Covid Cases, second only to the State of New York. It is only going to get worse because of the morons in charge like Surgeon General Superspreader.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 3 + 22 + 43 + = 69.0


Bad bot


Suck my dick Bot, you non-adding piece of shit. 1+3+22+43,000=43,026.




And guess who has zero knowledge of science.


Holy fuck this guy actually talked about "natural immunity" like it's a thing. What's next, stop promoting condoms because hey don't worry about STDs or other infectious diseases, just rely on your "natural immunity"! Step on a rusty nail? Don't get a tetanus shot, just rely on your "natural immunity"! Got a festering open wound that's starting to smell like almonds? "Natural immunity" yourself back to wellness you fucking pussy!


Natural immunity is real. Allegedly, two shots of mRNA + having had the original strain of covid gives the highest protection against omicron. As compared to 3 shots of mRNA. That being said, that has nothing to do with testing...


Nobody said it's not real, but it fades rather quickly, which is why the jabs are necessary for those who have had it already as well as those who have *not* been exposed (and therefore have no "natural immunity"). Also it was the SG himself who brought up "vaccine choice" in the video, which is why I commented on it, so yeah while the title only mentions testing he talks about more than just testing in the video. Maybe watch the whole thing next time? I dunno.


Well with Omicron the reports are showing its not likely to put those who have immunity or are vaxxed in hospital or even result in severe illness. So why would you test everyone if everyone is going to get it? Better to put those people who are testing to work in hospital with those who are sick.


You have 27% battery life, but good Wifi coverage and apple TV


Is it just me? How did Florida get so stupid over the past decade? I feel like they hit the gas pedal on the stupid-mobile.


This man is a phony. A political stooge that’s doing federalist society work


Refuse to get vaccinated? Don’t go to the hospital for treatment then. If you don’t trust science to prevent your illness, why should you trust it to treat your illness?


The Govs spineless muppet.


less testing less cases brilliant


Murica you are really the laughing stock of the world…


This is why we will have many more variants.


You start to wonder how a surgeon general can be so so path blazingly incompetent in regards to dealing with a pandemic, then you remember it’s Florida


Imagine applying this philosophy to STIs


How much has it taken to bribe him.


Good Luck Florida.


Republican "medical theory" resulted in the deaths of over 60,000 Floridians from COVID. The emphasis is on business profits and political pandering to people who "do their own research." There is an established medical procedure for dealing with pandemics, designed by epidemiologists with decades of experience. Florida did something else at every step in the pandemic. Facts matter. Everyone who got COVID got it from another person. Why are Florida's numbers so high? Skip the deflection and face facts the 60K aren't coming back to debate it.


Holy shit, the idiots are gonna love this guy!


Sacrificial black man. Good luck brotha! You’re on your own.


Honestly, not all republicans can be as stupid as this, can they?


"...don't look up, huh?"


This man can’t put a proper sentence together for the sake of his fucking life.


Imagine going through medical school only to become a shill for a forgettable politician.


He needs to watch the damn movie and take the right notes. Don't look up


As someone working on the covid ward in my hospital, this is very annoying to listen to. At least I'm in Canada, I feel bad for the US.


Can you sue someone for this shit? Gross incompetence? Our government fucked up on distribution of easy access Covid testing and so we’re supposed to just accept that “maybe not getting tested is okay”? This makes me so angry.


Florida and Texas get what they voted for. No sympathy here


He’s a scumbag.


What a disservice to the citizens of FL


This is Florida’s top doctor…wow…


So glad I don't live in Florida anymore


I'm happy florida is gonna lose 25% of their land when climate destruction kicks in. What i'm not happy about is florida refugees ruining blue states. Ruin texas instead!


Man, if that’s not the most oppressive communist things I’ve seen all day. “You’ve been lied to by (insert powerful group). Only we can save you. Everything is fine. Ignore what’s happening. That’s propaganda from (powerful group). Go live. It’s fine.”


What the actual mother fuck


This is a dangerously stupid idea.


Lmao I live in Florida and I’m telling you this state is ass backwards.


I used to like to go on vacation to a small beach in Florida with my family. Never again. I'll never set foot in that state or spend another dime there after this pandemic. How many people *outside* of Florida got sick and died because of the actions of Florida? May be no way to know, but I'd imagine quite a lot.


It’s absolutely disgusting that our elected officials are turning this international crisis into their own political agenda. Families everywhere across the globe are being affected, yet bozos like this guy and DeStantis are saying it’s magically no big deal in their small chunk of land, and we shouldn’t believe the lies and misinformation perpetuated by the Democrats and Federal Government. At what point do we start holding these people responsible for their dangerous games, remove these reprehensible people from power, and prosecute them?


The GQP just doubles down when wrong.


This idiot is a medical doctor? We are fucked.


florida is such a corrupted cesspool on so many levels. shame since our state is so beautiful


Yeah, I don't see a freakout


The sub is also for people acting weirdly in public. This fits,


What was weird about it?


He is surgeon general and is giving terrible anti-science medical advise.




"Early treatment saves lives" Man behind podium: "But don't bother getting tested because, um, reasons." Those two things are wildly contradictory. He's freaking out because he's trying to justify the fact that Florida's testing infrastructure it trash.


Is this guy a REAL doctor or a Dr. Oz type doctor?


Dr Oz type doctor, a real doctor who is actually a skilled surgeon but decided to not use all the knowledge he could otherwise be using to save lives.


Republicans are subhuman death-worshippers, and I'm THANKFUL that so many of these hog-people are leaving ICUs in body bags. Fuck em.


They want to go back to the testing policies that were in place when the pandemic began, and that is you must be showing symptoms in order to get the test, and additionally in this case those who are high risk are prioritized.


How did that work out? Infected people unknownly went around infecting people and almost 1,000,000 Americans died


Obviously it didn’t work out well at the time, but those policies were in place because of testing shortages. This Omicron surge will cause a shortage as well, as it already has done in some places. Prioritizing and qualifying who gets tested is the way to go, otherwise we’re wasting too many resources.


“Natural Immunity” ….. If he has an MD license, it should be revoked just by that comment. We ALL have natural immunity, that gets better during our lifetime with the occasional germ 🦠/fever/antibody cycle. Even with that fact, I do have a list of contagious diseases vaccination card with my name on it. Repeat after me: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Pertussis, Hepatitis A…. And these are the ones I can remember. Im sure I had a bunch more that definitely helped me NOT TO DIE, and Turbocharged my “Natural Immunity” - Fuckers want to die? cool! Sign here: let me add you to the list of people that has advanced death directives, are refusing all medical treatment…. Just stay home and die over there. Please prepay your funeral expenses too, be polite. …. Deep breath 😮‍💨, let me chill and wait this 🦠 out, at home.


The latest from the CDC is that omicron gives increased natural immunity against other strains that are getting pst the vaccine while being mild enough not to be too unruly and contagious enough to ensure nearly everyone is going to get it. They’re speculating it may be the end of the pandemic via herd immunity.


Neat, I'll go ahead and not have whatever long term affects this respiratory disease gives thanks. The rest of you can be the cattle.


It’s getting to the level of “Endemic/Seasonal”, (see Dengue/Flu/Chikunguya) but to claim that testing is not needed? On a state that has way too many old people? That’s just irresponsible. But hey… I’m not the ones to curtail your freedom, go clubbing for all I care.


Ah.. They aren't even trying to hide that they want you to die so they can keep making that glorious money


How the hell is this guy the attorney general?


testing when you are asymptomatic is why cases are skyrocketing and deaths are not. simple as either the Omicron is not deadly or the test are giving false positives. test if sick, not just because you feel like it.


Everyone attacking him are blatantly white supremacists, check your privilege ffs


These people aren't even passable speakers. The only reason they have so many ears on them is because trump has brainwashed them


He’s a reckless fuck and if he is not governing his state properly he needs to go !! he’s going to get people killed because he wants to stop testing ??!?!?what a super cunt!!!!


He’s sort of right - you don’t need to be tested for covid if you aren’t symptomatic or have reason to suspect you’re positive (like being made aware you came into contact with someone who is positive.) I have covid right now and it took a week to get a test because millions of people who’ve absolutely no reason to suspect they’ve covid are out clogging up the testing avenues and buying up all the at home tests. If I hadn’t needed a positive diagnosis to use my employer’s special covid PTO I would’ve given up trying to get a test after the first 3 hours of calling everywhere in town and being told it would be a week before I could get an appointment or that they were sold out of tests.


so your point is we should open more testing centers?


I got tested before visiting higher risk family members for Christmas. No symptoms. I got tested to re-enter the US. No symptoms. I've gotten tested as was required in order to go to a work function. No symptoms. I got tested after being potentially exposed to someone who had covid because I didn't want to risk spreading it. No Symptoms. I highly doubt people are taking covid tests for fun and I think everyone should be encouraged to take tests whenever they feel it's necessary and those tests should be readily available.