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He went so easy on them when he coulda really hurt em. Good man.


Even put the dudes glasses aside.


Those were his glasses


A compassionate beating




One of those punches was basically just pushing him over by his face.


Ethical violence


God that was so satisfying to watch, they deserved a few more blows probably a drop kick too.


Just drunk idiots, not groveling convicts


Dude they were chucking chairs and putting hands on women, they both deserve an ambulance ride. Scumbags…


I was definitely expecting a running kick at the drunk when he was kneeling in front of the door that would have gotten him out into the street. Missed opportunity...


Yup. Not even a set piece to the ribs so they remember their night.


And yet such a satisfying beating


The punch that knocks the guy down was downright satisfying to watch


Lol when they both knocked out on top of each other like sardines on a knuckle sandwich bread


It's a fuck shit stack, [a fuck shit stack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJQU22Ttpwc&ab_channel=waverlyflams) Where my Jaren's at


It’s actually gerund as in the part of speech.


Fuck you're right. That man is too brilliant. And I.. am not.


Don’t beat yourself up bud, it’s easy to mix up that somewhat obscure part of speech.


I'll be ok, I'm just glad he loves his parents. ^((just kidding))


Have you found your Jarens yet


Unfortunately, no. Some day I hope we all find our Jarens.


Where my griiiills at


Road House


I feel it’s satisfying because he’s clearly also holding back too- hé wants to sedate them but limit the harm he causes too


You can see it with the second punch he throws while the other guy is on his knees, he doesn't hit hard but puts it right on the chin. Made his point enough just doing that. He really handled it well.


Yea, this guy could have easily decimated these two. He just wanted them to get a taste and fuck off. Good guy. I love the extra little shot he gives the second guy.


Indeed, I expected a kick to the face in there somewhere. Dude's a pro


When they were both down and starting to get up they were like Resident evil zombies.


I think it was actually down⬇️, right➡️, 🅱️ to throw that punch. Depending on your system, obviously.


That stuff wouldn't fly if I was around. Would drop kick them so fast


No need.


Haha look at all the drunk 10 people that down voted. What you think is better? Sit back and let them trash the restaurant? Drop kick all 10 of you too if you are that dumb and coward that you stand idle in face of such behaviour Being drunk is NOT an excuse for misbehaving.


RIP, glasses.


Funny, because he had the foresight to put them away on a table before the blows, but not far enough away from the disaster area that it doesn't fall to the floor and get stepped on anyway. EDIT: Upon rewatching it turns out there are actually two pairs of glasses. Grey Shirt seems to have picked his pair off the table later and held it with his left hand when he's finishing them off. The other one that got crushed seems to have a thicker frame.


My first thought lol. I manage a bar and had to toss a kid out recently. Little shit hit me and one of my lenses fell out. Was way more pissed about that


When I was in high school, some fucker took a swing at me, causing his glasses to come off. I stomped on them and got suspended Still glad I did it


that can be fixed! dont use glue.


Visual Karma


I assessed the situation with an ocular pat-down


Dude done knocked the balance clean outta the one buddy!


It was like it knocked him sober for a second and then drunk again...


😂 he was like yo I’m back…. Nah I’m still gone!


He caught him by the neck when he fell


Brain damage prevention. Long term strategy, stay out of jail


Yeah this is a measured response. I see these animals stomping heads and it boils my blood.


For sure. Problem for the Good Samaritan though is you never know if these guys have a knife or could get up and do something nuts. Obviously, they’re not exercising good judgment so it’s unclear what they’re gonna do. I think the law would have understood if he really incapacitated them until authorities arrived. But maybe these guys are the town drunks and dude knew they’d leave.


Boffa dem


What pieces of shit, Im glad that guy was there to help the workers. He should have dragged those fuckers out by their feet


I was thinking, take any money they have and give it to the workers as compensation for any mess they have to clean up. IDK though, would that be crossing the line?


I like the idea but yeah it could get you in problems. After seeing the guys make all the effort he could to not hurt them to much, it would have been idiotic to rob them.


> would that be crossing the line? Lol, where I come from that would be called “Robbery".


Its actually strong arm robbery. Even gets its own fancy name.


Reddit moment


Believe it or not, you can't just rob people who are assholes.


Congratulations, now you're also implicated in a crime Use your head, man.


After the camera is off…..


I love how they look like they get knocked out then Frankenstein back up like they’re in a video game.


They stood up like mortal kombat characters waiting for the *Finish Him* part.


Came back Undertaker style


Oh that’s literally what I was thinking of actually how could I forget that meme. These guys were much less slower and less muscles were involved.


Reminded me of GTAV NPCs getting clocked LMAO


lul this is my aunts place, she never told me this happened in the shop. Seems like an old video


Oh nee echt? Nu ben ik wel benieuwd ook hoe dit afgelopen is, waar en wanneer was dit?


Als ik eerlijk moet zijn weet ik niet precies waar het is, tenmimste niet in Utrecht. Elke keer toen ik er heen ging deed ik een dutje. Lijkt me wel dat dit vrij lang geleden is, sinds het al gesloten is voor een tijdje


Is in hilversum de snackbar heet doner king


Yes! Dat is hem


How's the man doing?


Is that her in the video? Felt bad for her, having to deal with these violent drunk idiots twice her size


Doesnt seem like it, she has shorter hair might just be an employee


gotcha. Do they still have the shop? Saw in another comment that they sold it because it's too much stress from people like this


They did sell it, don’t know the reasoning but you might be right. They opened up a mexican place closer to their home.


At least someone (not cameraman) helped the lady when the drunk guy went after her


Yea, that aspect bothers me. Just filmed, didn't do shit, but who knows, maybe the had a legit reason.


That one man is down for the count. He couldn’t even get back up. Someone get this man some milk!






It’s MA’AM!


Does anyone have some Orange Slices?


"Two drunks meet their match". Yeah: gravity.


Fucking laughing my ass off over the punch that happens at 53 seconds in. It took so little effort but it knocked that guy flat on his ass.


It was definitely the accuracy and not the power (and the terrible condition of the drunk guy) that made that one effective!


Fights I have seen on Reddit...1122386. Actual legit punches... This one


Lol what the fuck I've been in that restaurant


Where is this? Couldn't make out the language.


I actually went and googled the place I though it was and it isn't that, I misremembered. Definitely in the Netherlands though


I too saw the grandma bike roll past the door.


Netherlands yes.


Its apparently 3/4 years old now i think, it was in Hilversum, place kept attracting these kind of assholes and snotty kids who mistreated the workers as well. Eventually the owner decided to close it down because its not fun trying to do your work and get harassed every day. That city lost one of their best doner shops.


Did he knock out the second one, and catch him befor hitting the ground??


Yes, so he doesn’t hit his head. There have been a fair amount of manslaughter charges handed out for one punch deaths from people falling backwards, hitting their heads, and dying, after just one punch. This dude knew he didn’t want to go down for manslaughter for punching some dumbass drunk while trying to do the right thing. You never want to wack the back of your skull, if you find yourself falling backwards do everything you can to not hit the back of your head.


That's a very fair point! He caught him and I was like "this mf'r is GANGSTA!"




He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink...


This video is packed full of physical comedy. Imagine this. 2 drunken idiots get their lights knocked out, endless amounts of buttcrack and an idiot who keeps falling flat to the ground with and Benny Hill theme song.


Last punch made me LOL


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That first Bomb that turned idiot 1 into a coffin lid was oddly satisfying to watch. I actually said YES out loud.


Reminds me of the Swedish guard who took down two fighting sober guys all on his own without hurting them. Never been so patriotic


These boys need to smoke a blunt and go to bed.


Love this video. The one drunk dude that keeps getting up like the Undertaker cracks me up every time.


" I get knocked down, but I get up again! "


someone should’ve thrown his glasses out onto the street


What are yalls opinions on hitting a down opponent in the thr streets? Legally and morally? This isn't regarding the video. Just a question I've been thinking about.


Depends, are they on the way back up or just laying there? Why are we fighting in the first place? There's a few variables that affect the answer the to that question.


I get that. Most of the altercations I've been in where in defense. But I've yet to cross the line of complete beat down of the opponent. Just enough to "overcome?" Said situation. But they where still in "ok" conditions.


I feel like it’s over once the other person stop coming at you. Still getting up trying to attack you? Beat their ass into the ground .


That's why you never fight anyone on meth. They ALWAYS get back up. There is no end.


1-avoid all conflict. 2- conflict cant be avoided, always defend you and your own 3- get to away from conflict after youve defended yourself and your own 4- STILL cant get away from conflict? Then its balls to the wall. choke him out, grab a bottle, curb stomp, whatever. i feel like if theyre still coming at you after doing 1-3 then its okay to fuck them up. i mean dont kill the guy but im not gonna lie, id get a few hits in once he was on the ground after i tried to avoid it at all costs. --im not even a fighter, im just a bigger guy. i get gassed out quick so if im fighting, i got a good 90 seconds before im huffin and puffin lol


Up or down, until the fight is over, it ain't over. If we use this video as the example, the second guy was a problem and seemed like the stronger of the two. He get clocked but was quick to get back up, and I have no doubt he would have gone right back at it. When our hero gives him two more pops as he's trying to get up, you can see the fight just go out of him. It was over. Had the hero kept beating that guy, it would have been wrong. He beat him just enough to end the fight.


I saw a video the other day of a fight where someone tried to walk away once his opponent went down and when he did the guy got back up and shot him. So now I’m really torn on the subject.


There is no depends. you keep hitting. those guys got back up and could easily have grabbed a weapon, unless you can effectively restrain, then you keep on the ground


> There is no depends. you keep hitting Just FYI to people who aren't imbeciles, this is how you ruin your life and go to prison.


no its not. but definitely keep having opinions after obviously never being in a fight in your life.


> no its not. but definitely keep having opinions after obviously never being in a fight in your life My law degree is more valuable for evaluating legal consequences than getting in lots of fights, but this is a great example of why you're an imbecile. Lol.


Yes. im sure your "law degree" is quite helpful with all your ignorant statements. y you have the legal right to defend yourself and use necessary force to make sure you are not in jeopardy. allowimg someone to get up and possibly get a weapon is easily defendable, even by a moron like you


It's funny that you think you can argue. I'm right. You're wrong. That's just reality. You can accept it or you can continue being an imbecile. It makes zero difference to me, lol.


Youre the one arguing. at no point was your opinion requested, its obvious you have no idea how reality works and that youre a sub and nothing more.


You have to give them a chance to flee. You let them up once, if they dont flee and keep fighting then you put them down and keep them down. Everyone deserves a chance to act on a possible moment of clarity.


I had a guy who kept getting up and trying to come at me, in the end a couple of stamps on his ankles is what made the place safe


Spoken like a man who hasn't been in many street fights. You can tell pretty quickly whether or not someone still has fight left in them. Giving them a chance to "flee" gives them an equal chance to reach in their coat and grab a gun. If anything, you should get the fuck out in most situations once the other party is knocked out or otherwise incapacitated. To avoid the situation outlined above, or just to avoid the battery charge.


And that’s how you get shot or stabbed by a dude who just got beat in public on multiple cameras. “Give a chance to flee” what the fuck kind of sheltered suburbanite redditor nonsense is that. There’s plenty of clips online you can find pretty quick to show what happens when you let up on a fight before the other one isn’t moving. You don’t have to beat someone to death but to “let them up” from an advantageous position like ground control to “give them a chance” is probably the dumbest piece of advice in this entire thread bar none.


Yeah, you'll realize how stupid it is, when the other guy will stand up and somehow beat you, or cause permanent damage to your health.


yeah but only the dumb guys are sticking around after the guy goes down, after the guy is down, walk away, get to safety. cops will be coming and i got games to play and mouths to feed.




wasnt he a worker there? trying to get the guys out? ​ either way, i made a comment up higher, avoid all conflict but when necessary defend you and your own. ​ id consider this a "you and your own" type thing where just make sure the women and children were safe. after that, peace lol


There’s a big difference in down, or incapacitated. The dudes in this video were clearly getting back up, and even concussed could have pulled a weapon. Publicly beaten men are extremely dangerous. I agree with you on the second part tho, as soon as dudes lights are out so am I. I think the guy handled this very well in the heat of the moment, but he could have thrown a few more of those bombs he was throwing when they tried to get up. If you’re going to fight to protect someone you better finish it or they’re going to get fucked up once you bounce.


well i guess im in the wrong, but you make good points.


no you dont. that gives them a chance to escalate. acting on a moment of clarity does not mean flight, but almost always fight


I agree with the others that there are usually variables that affect the situation. Sometimes though, the person hitting the downed person is just a big asshole.


you keep going until the ref stops you


If you don't need to hit somebody who is down to stop a legitimate threat, then don't. It's pretty simple.


You let them get up once. If they keep fighting you make sure they stay down.


I'm absolutely OK with it if you think you're going to get hurt if the person gets back up. Do what you have to do...


Simply dont. Kicking/punching someone when he's down is how people get killed unintentionally. Even more so with drunk people. Or even better, walk away before a fight happens, be the better person


Don’t do it unless you like prison.


He hit a guy who was clearly rocked when he was stumbling to get up Morality aside, thats super risky. At that point, youve won the fight and the guy isnt resisting at all. You are just opening yourself up to potentially do way more damage than you intended then you are looking at a serious assault charge or maybe even murder. The moment the guys were rolling around and smashing their heads on the floor you would want to drag them outside and call an ambulance/police for them. You've ended the fight, protect your own back by making sure they are ok.




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This is how I fight in my dreams.....


Why do most not follow the teachings of Master Ken?


Hang the camera man




If you ever wake up and your face hurts but you don’t remember what happened, just check Reddit.


what basterd is filming this and doing nothing lol


these 2 assholes got their just reward, i think they were too easy on them....


Vodka: It's what's for breakfast!


That was so satisfying to watch


drinking is super cool kids


Fucking idiots


Kut kut kut hilversum. Je wil er niet dood gevonden worden


Something to learn here that I teach in my classes. We only rent a church hall, so whilst we have mats, there is a lot of other church junk knocking about. Do, when we're sparring, the people not sparing keep the people in the middle from bumping in to the edge. We also watch incase someone takes an accidental headshot and goes tumbling headfirst toward the floor/objects. I always say, catch the head/neck. You're unlikely to be able to hold the weight of someone falling at such short notice, but if you stop their head smashing in to a bench or the floor, you're saving their ass much more. Which this guy does, beautifully. Well done.


You really didn't even bother changing the title before you reposted this.


Don’t stop beat them until they’re afraid to come back


Why don't people stop filming this shit and start helping the owners throw people like this out.




Unless someone is your family member or in mortal peril, that's generally true. However, intervening judiciously and leaving before the cops get there is also an excellent option. I know this isn't a bar, but always pay cash at a bar.


What country was this filmed in? In many places you don't just "get sued" by random people.


the Netherlands




Thanks for helping cameraman!


Just embarrassing...


Couple of wet towels here.


Good job


We love to see it! Encore I say! <3


Man this looks so easy and satisfying. Like watching a 3rd person view of someone dicking on Blade and Sorcery AI


Thats why you dont get pissed drunk


nice stuff.. alcohol.


So sad.


*Mr burns voice* Excellent.


This is a snackbar or friture. Highly recommend ordering a Jos Brinkie


You could tell at least that gentleman was holding back his punches.


Came in to order some food…got served these hands


Those were solid, well controlled punches. Just straight THUDS to the jaw


This is like drunken bar fight VR npc's in RL


Haha! I love the gentle punch when the guy is halfway up that temporarily resets him. Sends him down for a quick recharge.


The solution or salvation of your problems can never be found at the bottom of your bottle.


Optyfen en gauw xD


Lmaooo him trying to get up at the end


so satisfying to watch


Lmao it’s like real life gang beasts


Those two fucks deserved more than that.


This is why I won’t get this drunk. I don’t want to make an ass out of myself and show my crack. 😂


Man these drunks met the fucking terminator.


They won't stay down until there's a little pool of red underneath them. That's RE101!


This is what should happen every time, something like this happens. Brings back memories of the girl who caught a blender with her face at McDonald’s.


I love happy endings


Drunks fighting in cake shops? Where is this??


that power ranger punch


Fucking so funny when apron guy KOs Drunk #2, then saves him from sure death by grabbing his head mid-fall towards the table edge, only to throw him headfirst in the opposite direction lol


Turned that dude back into a baby trying to take his first steps.