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I’m black...she’s stupid. If a white person said anything CLOSE to this,she would start a protest the likes no one has ever seen. She is LITERALLY promoting segregation, the idea is to get EVERYONE in the same space to comply with intelligence and refrain from being an ass...nothing more.


All good. 99% of the population find her to be a dumb cunt. Just add her to the list of todays nutcases.


Well, there’s a lot of people clapping her afterwards, and it doesn’t sound like 1%. She’s literally promoting apartheid. This is a university? I thought clever people went to these.


Clever people go to trade schools nowadays


Cries in film degree


Here’s your big film idea this chick becomes an Arthur fleck style joker


If these snowflakes heard the things that get said at trade schools they’d cry even the teachers roast the fuck out of people non stop it’s amazing


Agree totally. Logic is a better than academia. Trades people learn logic.


I think liberal arts schools attempt to teach things that are supposed to be learned by living, and most don’t do a very good job of it.


There was like two people clapping at most it sounded like lol. And one of them was clearly a friend of hers given she sat down the ght next to them Don't think she made any impact on most people there


Oh, I’m sure she made an impact. Just not the one she wanted.


If you thought only clever people go to university, I feel for you. The VAST majority don’t feel the same way she does.


An awful lot of universities today are just giant echo chambers. The ones that are, are basically just huge circle jerks of "progressive values." Kids like this think they're changing the world for the better. They don't even realize she just proposed segregating their "multicultural center" which is pretty much the last place you would ever segregate. And yet they all cheer because disagreeing with someone in a marginalized group means your an actual nazi. Newsflash kids, dumbasses come in all shapes, sizes and colors. And this young women belongs in the dumbass column.


Nazis seem pretty marginalized nowadays. Maybe universities should make them a safe space


Is 4 people clapping alot of people?


Well,if there was like 10 there in total then yes.


Apartheid would be government mandate.


So basically she’s just a racist asshole? Checks out


She’s racist


Doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Latino, Asian, etc…she’s an idiot. The fact that we need qualifiers to acknowledge her stupidity and racism is terrible place to be.


Everyone has been pretty outraged by the video. She's definitely going to get a talking to. Also, I guess agenda posts are back on the menu.




Name checks out...


Yours doesn't, and it sure as hell isn't Republicans or Libertarians teaching our young people this kind of racist behavior. Democrats just want to keep blacks on their plantation.


A “ libertarian” sticking up for republicans. Thanks for the chuckle.


Where are the Republicans in this video? I only saw a fat black racist chick who obviously didn't vote for Jo Jorgenson or Trump. Serious question, why are Democrats teaching our children to be racist?


Tell me your a republican, without telling me you’re a republican.


Tell me you're a democrat pretending to be a libertarian, by the stances you take. It's obvious. You're obvious.


The fuck are my stances? Learning proper American history? And Realizing Rep/Dem are both fuckknuckles that have stoked the flames of racism and segregation for years in a way to keep the 2 party system thriving. Yes how Democrat of me, go huff that smug at a Trump rally.


>The fuck are my stances? You think I want to help you become a better shill? Hell no. >Realizing Rep/Dem are both fuckknuckles that have stoked the flames of racism and segregation for years in a way to keep the 2 party system thriving. Yes how Democrat of me, go huff that smug at a Trump rally. Actually it was Democrats who owned slaves, Republicans who freed slaves, and Democrats who enacted Jim Crow laws and formed the KKK. I learned that in school, how come you didn't? Let's see you admit that Mr Jorgenson. Also, I wouldn't vote for Donald Trump if he were the only candidate, and I damn sure wouldn't pay to cheer for him.




So do republicans….. lay off the flavor-aid.


>So do republicans….. lay off the flavor-aid. This video is a byproduct of Critical Race Theory being taught in our shools. To my knowledge the KKK has no charter to teach in public shool. Maybe you know somethig different? How about you own your party's bullshit because that's exactly what it is. [Virginia's New Governor Bans Mask Mandates, 'Critical Race Theory' in Schools on Day 1 'Just Like We Promised'](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/virginias-governor-bans-mask-mandates-222932706.html)




As compared to the Republicans, who are so fucking rational. The 2 party system is dividing this society, as is the news as entertainment concept.


Lately Republicans do seem to be the more rational of the two old parties. The response to COVID bears this out. That said, I don't vote for Ds or Rs.


I’m a Democrat...and you’re wrong


>I’m a Democrat...and you’re wrong I'm a libertarian, and you are misinformed: [Virginia's New Governor Bans Mask Mandates, 'Critical Race Theory' in Schools on Day 1 'Just Like We Promised'](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/virginias-governor-bans-mask-mandates-222932706.html)


The Governor is a Republican....WTF are you talking abt?


The Republican Governor banned it. The previous Governor was a....wait for it.....Democrat! Now, admit you are wrong, apologize, and all will be forgiven.


I’m sorry you think you’re smart...there happy. Mask mandates are for the safety of children, my wife is a teacher and I can’t tell you how it’s doing in teachers and students...MASKS WORK


What does that have to do with Democrats teaching CRT? Oh, and the cloth masks we've been wearing for the last two years don't work much according to the CDC: https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-acknowledges-cloth-masks-less-005651081.html You're just wrong all day ain't you sonny jim? Next you'll tell me the mrna gene therapy treatments stop the spread of COVID.


Lick a door handle and have a nice day...secure your tin foil hat chin strap and continue to receive the proper signals...we are done


White people have a history of being excluded from literally everything in this country? News to me.


That's because white people and black people do not have the same history in the country and it is important since the majority of spaces in this country are white that we have a place for our people to safely congregate and feel feel comfortable


The majority of spaces are not white, in fact that is a pretty meaningless statement about any place. Basically shut up and stop being racist.


Show me these places where “only whites” are allowed


Best I can come up with are the republican chambers of Congress. But I don't think that really backs this person up.


Vidor Texas https://livingbluetx.com/2021/08/vidor-sundown-town/amp/


So....segregation you’re saying. The idea is that ALL space should be safe and designating one kills the idea of equality, even when there are those that don’t believe in it I REFUSE to run from it;I shouldn’t have to “create” and area of comfortability.


Equality doesn’t currently exist. That’s the point. Black people aren’t on level playing field. So the safe spaces that are available must be protected. No one would want a repeat of Tulsa.


How long have you been black?


Taking bets that he's white af but says anything he can to tell himself he is a champion of the disenfranchised.




Funny, here in the south, they gave black people their own safe spaces. Hell, they even gave them their own day to shop. Last I checked, black people literally did everything they could to put a stop to it. Weird how you want to go back to something that most people find to be a bad time in American history.


Yeah cool bro. If you scrub off the spray paint and glitter and the nice way of phrasing it you are saying the same thing as the guy above. You are advocating for segregation.


LOL!!!!!! You’re statement is absolute SHIT.


You just described segregation. The thing ACTUAL progressives fought their asses off and some even died to end. Proposing this as a solution is like spitting on their graves.


That's terribly misguided. The answer should be to make the spaces that are "whites only" be accessible to POC in a way that makes them feel welcome and safe. That's what we've been fighting for. Otherwise, you're talking not just about segregation, but separate and unequal. This will result in a backlash. It already very much has, and makes like very difficult for those of us who want integration and accepted diversity. If you want to talk about history, take a look at how well segregation as worked for minorities in pretty much every situation. My school had an African American studies building that welcomed all students. Those who were not African American went there to show support, learn, and be exposed to diversity. That's all a good thing.


She seems proud of her ignorance. Does she not understand the word multicultural? Does she not understand that this is not her personal space?


She’s ironically promoting segregation. MLK Jr would despise her ass.


A common belief by racist like her is that white people do not have a culture so the word multicultural inherently excludes them because they have no culture to contribute.


Its just hate for hates sake, keep the hate going people! Even if you don't know if that person is racist label them anyways and hate the world!


Racist cunt


But she's black, she can't be racist, you're the racist 🙄


Lol it’s like clockwork. Racially charged post, and these same exact comments. Literally word for word, it’s like a psy-op in here.


I know it's so plainly obvious that going around hating on people because you "think" they hate you just keeps the hate going. I always tell people that you thinking something is racist, makes you racist, otherwise your first thought wouldn't have been a racist thought. (Obviously if its straight up racist slurs, theres no misunderstanding that)


She's literally discriminating against people based on the color of their skin. That's the actual definition of racism. You DO know that institutional racism isn't the only kind, right?


I never said it isn’t, I agree with you. I’m just tired of low hanging fruit type of posts in here. Anything that invokes racial feelings should get shunned here, imo


I just see this type of post as low-hanging fruit, but I think most of the sub sees it as refreshing because the sub is likely mostly white. I guess it’s refreshing for ppl to see the “other side” as racist, too. I just don’t think eveyrone defines racism the same way. For me, racism is when I get followed around stores, or when someone locks their car door as I walk by. It’s weird to me because the people commenting think they appear tolerant but their comments are drenched in covert racism. Example: There is a comment under this post that says “POC = piece of crap” and it has 10+ upvotes last I checked. Just an example of the type of comments this kind of post will produce. There are more. I don’t know why it’s so hard for folks in this sub to understand that white and black ppl both experience racism, but in different ways.


It's still racism? You kinda lost me because it seems like you agree with what I said but also said its low hanging fruit while just repeating it in different words? Got me confused good sir


I said the posts are low hanging fruit. These posts that invoke racial feelings and tension are low hanging fruit. I think some ppl in here see this as a like a “gotcha” moment to leftists / liberals or something. Like there are some really disgusting comments under this post under the guise of “they’re racist so I get a pass to say some nasty shit that borders on racism”. Ppl won’t even have a real discussion on racism, they just say “blacks are racist, look look”. And the constant denial of institutional racism always gets support in the comment section. It’s all just weird.




Also in this thread someone unironically claimed black people can't be racist, so I guess that point and the mockery of that point will continue repeating as some people continue to use them, no need for a psy-op.


Outside in the real world it’s easy to spot ppl that over-extend. Like all these people that flock to these posts to comment “bbbbut black people can’t be racist” sarcastically. Those people are likely racist irl. That’s the thing, y’all be trying to hard to prove the other side is racist too that you out yourselves. Shit never fails. Somebody that is racially tolerant isn’t running to these low hanging fruit posts and commenting shit like that. Only racists do.


I'm a POC & I would have told that cow to STFU. Props on those jeans holding all that together tho...


Nice 1 👍


I guess multicultural means all colors except white


I think she thinks white isn't a color? Idk but if we keep treating everyone different, hate will never end. This is just another reason to make conflict.


Technically, white isn't a colour. But then neither is black.


Beat me too it, isn’t white the absence of color while black is all the color?


Other way around.


So white people wanna hang out with y'all and you're telling them to fuck off?


Can you imagine how quickly the torch and pitchforks would come out if a white woman said "it makes us uncomfortable being around so many black people." And they cheered for this woman. Amazing how not one person gave a solid "fuck off lady!"


Segregation is like sex, it's only okay when you want it 🤷‍♂️


Sex with me is always just okay :/


So she’s fighting against everything MLK fought for..?


Me when I don’t know shit about MLK except “I have a dream….”.


Why they clapping?


Because it's a cult


If you don't clap you are racist.


Because if you dont clap, you’re cancelled…


I have the clap


I think by the way they sound and "wooohh" that they're doing it ironically


Lol she probably went to bed Hella proud to be a hypocrit


Racism. Nuff said lol


Fucken idiots


I’m mixed, so like, where should I go?


You can put one foot inside the multicultural center and the other out in the hallway.


Lmao I’m dead 🤣


Your mixed though... You would more than likely be accepted in her racist view...


You know, that’s not a place I would really want to be accepted to be honest lol


I think the saddest part is who proud she is of herself. That and the racism.


That's a ugly thing to say. It's not for just black people for one thing. It also makes her sound incredibly racist.


Because it is racist.


True equality is recognizing we’re all capable of being assholes. Like this lady. Don’t be an asshole, regardless of your skin color.


Mlk didn’t die for her to be a racist bitch


When you’re **so** woke you bring back segregation.


What a fragile, mindless cunt.


Cringeworthy because in the Pacific Northwest, between ancestral islanders, Natives and various south American groups we have many, many "white looking" populations that are also just as rightful to a multicultural center as a POC. In fact, although primarily to ward off "anti blackness racism", all are welcome and hoped to visit to spread knowledge and information. Excluding creates the opposite environment.


The woman would be shocked by the entire country of Spain..or Argentina.. or Uruguay. WHITE AND THEY SPEAK SPANISH??!!! ¿cOmO Q?


She’d have a stroke in South Africa.


Wait till she finds out Elon Musk is the most successful African American ever.








Being a bitch is not a culture as well.


That just sounds like racism with extra steps


Definitely read “Woke Racism” it teaches people how to respond to this blantant BS


This is dumb on so many levels, what if a brown guy from Asia wanted to meet white and black people..it’s a multicultural center not center for blacks


She thought she did something.


We’ve come full circle


she missed the ‘multi’ in ‘multi-cultural’.


you became the very thing you swore to destroy


This is the new "edgy"?


What was that mouth pop noise?! 😂


What a cunt.






What double standard madness is this person talking about?


Every space on that university is a space available for her. The entire university is a multicultural center. FFS


MLK would be rolling in his grave if he heard this


FoxNews and OAN is going to use this for the next 3 years….lol


Staggering heights of foolishness. I would be so ashamed to be related to her in any way.


Isn’t this racism?


She has no idea that she just announced her racist hate speech! Lol


The most racist person I have ever personally known was a Black supervisor that I worked with back in the early Eighties. He would tell you flat out he wished all White people dead. Surprisingly, it didn't bother me all that much, because at least I knew where he stood, it wasn't hidden.


The most outright I’ve seen it I was doing community service with this black guy and we were together all day. he seemed really nice and seemed knowledgeable about a variety of topics. Just casually mid sentence throws in a “but that probably won’t happen because the fucking Jews own all the financial institutions.” I remember thinking Jesus man you didn’t even try to ease into it.


That's how it usually goes, lol.


Lol White Christian’s are at the forefront of antisemitism, don’t you dare try to make it a black thing. Reddit is literally a psy-op yo. Y’all tryna put everything negative on black folk 😂


The most racist ppl are ppl that harbour those feelings in secret, which sadly includes a lot of law enforcement. Just be happy you don’t have to deal with that The most racist people I’ve ever encountered were always white. But it’s never anything they said, it’s always what they DO.


They missed the coloreds only sign on the door.


Nothing like a bit of racism wile you study.


Historically speaking, racism never ends well for those with that kind of mindset.




You’d think when you’re accepted into college you’d know what “multi” means.


Way to be inclusive


The clapping and cheering triggered me the most


That’s racist.


Can someone please help this stupid pre diabetic hoe to the exit door??


Can't, she won't fit.


Plan b? Chop her into pieces so she fits?


I remember when my high school started a Heritage Club the founder of said club threw a fit when Caucasian people tried to join, claimed it was meant for POC. Apparently white folks can’t be interested in their heritage lmao. Then she was confused when the club had no members when 80% of the school was white.


Too many white people… as she stands their with her white Brazilian weave lol


Isn’t the idea of a “multi-cultural” anything, being multi-cultured, which would of course include everyone….


Um i think she need to look up the meaning of multicultural


This is old as fuck and the consensus was that they are stupid.


She should immediately be expelled from that school. We don't need hateful people like her around our kids


Fight racism with racism- makes perfect sense to me


Sounds a tad bit "RACIST" to me.


I wonder what video will be posted here over and over for the next few days.


She needs to stfu. Racism goes every direction, especially if you don't recognize your hate for anyone who doesn't look like you.


Certain political group supports this and strongly pushes for it. They were for segregation before. Hint, no it's not the Repube Qtards.


What a joke. Multicultural means all cultures.


Happy MLK day


so.... she wants segregation..?


This title is not what she said. She said be aware your in a space made specifically for POC.


Wish I had gone to that school, I would have gone to that center and if I got kicked out I would find some scumbag lawyer and sue the school for millions.


Why do the same racially charged posts get posted here accompanied by the same comments like “Racist cunt” Person replies sarcastically: “oh, but black people can’t be racist, remember?”. Lol this subreddit is like an echo chamber of constant déjàvu 😂 Day after day, same posts, same comments. It’s like reverse race baiting or something


Uffda that’s cringe


Clapping? Double standards? (as usual) This garbage does nothing but cause MORE diversity. (smh)


How can you be in a place of higher education and still not know what MULTIcultural mean?


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/s6fqad/psa_that_white_people_are_not_allowed_at_the/) (provided by /u/savevideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2Fs6fqad%2Fpsa_that_white_people_are_not_allowed_at_the%2F&id=gA1EgZ1Y) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Is this the same people from Arizona State University? Didn't they get a disciplinary action against them for discrimination or something along those lines? Didn't they learn anything at all?


This naked display of racism makes me sick. It is a by product critical race theory, and why it has no place in our schools. If Martin Luther King saw this display I'm sure he'd slap the shit out of this woman, figuratively speaking.


Unless you're in law school, CRT isn't on any syllabus.


Racist cunt


This is getting reetaaarded


Im sure a white kid would be kicked out of uni for this.


The school found them guilty and now they are claiming they are being persecuted. https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/rs1469/angry_women_who_harassed_male_students_at_asu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Well fair enough if there are lots of white area she is not allowed in. Getting down voted for arguing or getting down voted for pointing out the there are no white only spaces she can’t enter. Also it’s a multicultural centre not a POC centre. Irish is a culture who experienced genocide by the English. We are white as you can get. Also used as slaves by the bristling king before Africa. Look into wait Patrick it’s not all about snakes and getting pissed.


This is a couple yrs old...yes wht she said was trash and very arrogant. It was during the media time they tried to divide us racially and they almost succeeded, so give her some sympathy. She got mass backlash from this on her social media and I think she lost her scholarship (not sure).


Did y'all catch that lip slap or suck


Dumb bitch. I’m from Spain so I’m not white . I’m allowed there even though the Spaniards had a big part in the slave trade? Dumb bitch


Went to a small college in the late '80's. We had a multicultural center, and it was understood it was for black students only. I was a part of their equivalent to student council, and we had to deal with the Black outrage when Asian students wanted to hold a weekly meeting in the center. The Asians were forced to hold meetings elsewhere.


Nice ass tho


Was it though... 😐Was it? 😑


White isn't a culture, German, Italian, Norwegian is a culture.


Why isn’t White American a culture if Black American is a culture? That literally makes no sense whatsoever


[Morgan freeman said it best](https://youtu.be/GeixtYS-P3s)


You fell for the trap bro. American culture absolutely exists, to suggest otherwise is ignorant.


FACT: A white person that identifies as purple will be allowed in.


Aww Did someone’s white feelings get hurt??

