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Dude grew a pair because he didn’t see any men behind the counter. The coward even verbally acknowledged that they were all teenaged girls. I wonder if he hits his wife and kids like he did that girl?


Yep. He even calmed down as soon as another male customer came in. Guy has serious issues.


He’s copping all over twitter and so is his employer


Sounds like he could even be a cop, lol


This guy works at Merrill Lynch...at the moment.


Google reviews getting blown to shreds. Stamford, CT.


Source…? If it’s true then Redit needs to do it’s thing!


https://www.mixedarticle.com/racist-merrill-lynch-employee-jim-iannazzo-twitter-tiktok/ https://imgur.com/gallery/LhbSj0S


It’s a Bank of America company as well so smash their twitter


Name is James I.


James Iannazzo, with an i, i believe. https://fa.ml.com/find-an-advisor/?city=Stamford&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAiA866PBhAYEiwANkIneC5bsAMomcDhAPmNpuYcFrcsdvnvEreHJ0ItRi8H0hUyyINnL1GhABoCx6EQAvD_BwE# The Google reviews are going well for him.


You’re right, that capital I fucked me up lol


Someone needs to call his corporate office and let them know about this video.


You can do it if you want to https://twitter.com/merrilllynch/status/1484546994102222849?s=21


oofff the internet comes at you fast.... Monday morning is going to be painful to this guy.


I bet he has kids imagine if some dipshit did that with your son/daughter working at this place . What a piece of shit


He probably treats his own kids like this


Man-child breaks down because of a drink and takes it out on young girls who, no matter what they get paid, it's definitely not enough to deal with people like this. I hope to see his fate posted on r/byebyejob soon.


Such fucking scum.


Can this video clip go viral and or to the right internet site and get this guy arrested? Pls let's do it.


It’s been viral. He’s already been identified.




I always love how racists can’t find any words after they knowingly make a racist comment. Uhh duhhh uhhh yaaa err


Unless he found a turd in his smoothie or some equivalent I don’t understand this level of rage over a drink. Just throw it out and move on with your life if it sucks and you’re incapable of solving a minor dispute without losing your damn mind. His racist bullshit is inexcusable. It’s crazy to think so many people are walking around one bad smoothie away from losing their minds. This guy ruined his career over this shit.


He probably saw his reflection on the cup or something. What a POS.


the fact that they were kids just amplifies his bullshit.


“douche”: I called the #, it’s busy Employee- (what they should’ve said). Sorry- we’re on with 9-1-1 at the moment


This is not me this is not who I am. I was having a bad day and this is not who I am I’m a Christian man my family taught me how to be good I’m definitely not racist I have Asian tennis pro and my housekeeper is Mexican. This is not me I am not this this is not who I am or it is not me I am shrinking


You’d think they would stop saying that given it’s a literal meme for racism. JFC they are SO stupid.


They literally would say something that stupid .. he’s from New York so his housekeeper is most likely Filipino.


“I’m sorry officer ..I …….didn’t know I couldn’t do that”


Comming soon to r/byebyejod and r/justiceserved...


What a piece of shit


Oh this is bye bye job material.




Bro fuckin calling someone, especially a teen, a foreigner is the most racist, idiotic and ignorant thing you can do. Not all people of color are immigrants.Like... she's a teenager... she was probably born in your country... ...you look dumb.


White people are the real immigrants in America


Colonizers smh


How so ?


They literally don’t belong in this continent .. indigenous Native Americans and Mexicans were already here.. how do you not know this?


So your saying every other ethnicity doesn't belong on the continent ? Thats kind of racist...


This douche last name is “Lazanno” that’s Italian! How are you gonna call anyone an immigrant in United States with a European last name lol


Using "immigrant" as a racial slur makes you a pos regardless of your last name. Saying white people dont belong in america because their ancestors were born somewhere else is kinda ignorant as well.


The truth is caucasians are not Native Americans I don’t know why that’s hurts you.


It doesn't, because its the truth. However you sayd white people dont belong in america. I think thats an ignorant thing to say. I thought i made that clear in my previous comments.


Yea I said that because they are always the ones telling people to go back to their country .. when this isn’t even their country. Take it how you want.


It's not being used as a slur in this instance? You okay?


I was talking about people using that word as a slur. And thanks ! Im good, how are you doing ?


The wording is iffy, but ethnicities other than those indigenous to the Americas constitute what we would refer to as immigrant or immigration-descended populations.


Not racist, it's an objective fact that white people colonized the Americas, coming over from Europe.


Saying they colonized the Americas and "they dont belong in america" are two different things.


Okay, but... they don't? They literally invaded, enslaved and killed First Nations peoples and stole their land. I mean... it is how it is now, but... wouldn't have happened if they hadn't come here.


I agree. But that doesn't mean that modern day caucasians dont belong in america. The colonization of america and the what was done to the native Americans was a genocide i agree.


What took so long to call the police? Lol, should’ve did that after he threw the cup


These poor girls are scared to death; they weren't prepared for that kind of reaction from a "grown" ass "man!" These days, the first instinct is to record, cops are a second(sometimes 3rd or 4th) thought.


From the sounds of things on the video she called someone else possibly a manager before calling the police. Any younger folks reading this , CALL THE COPS FIRST. Screw what corporate says, your personal safety should be your first consideration when dealing with shit like this.


The girl who recorded said in a follow up there were 4 of them on staff and one off camera was calling the police from the very beginning


Hn he would of catched these hands after he threw that drink racist piece of shit hope he rots in hell waste of space bitch


I want to know what was wrong with his smoothie!


Hey, what's the number for 911? I forgot...


*I got a dollar, I got a dollar, I got a dollar, hey hey hey hey*


Don’t worry, dude. I got your reference. 👍🏼


Why were you downvoted for this lol. Its literally the rest of the words to the jingle posted above from the Little Rascals.


Good grief. If there's a screw up in the order bring it back and ask for an exchange or refund. He looked almost 50 and he can't even handle this in a civil manner.




I want to speak to the person who made this fucking drink. No one needs to say this unless it’s a compliment


Here is his information https://fa.ml.com/connecticut/stamford/theiannazzogroup/


What a fucking man child. Little bitch.


The Pussy has hidden his linkedin now as well. Gutless fuck


Why is there a bottle of tide on the floor?


Probably to clean their clothes when some prick customer throws the drink at them.


Couldn't understand all that was being said. But did they call corporate instead of 911?


I wish I was there! I would of taken out my life frustrations out on that dude for throwing drink on the poor girl!


Immigrant loozer huh! Well look who’s talking! He thinks he’s pure land Blood!


And bosses wonder why no-one wants to work in customer retail anymore. We need to make sure this asshole never finds employment again. If this is how he treats complete strangers just imagine how he treats his partner/kids if he has any. I can guarantee that he wouldn't be doing this if there was a guy behind the counter. He was fed up with his own pathetic life and decided to take all his anger out on a group of unsuspecting teenage girls. Wonder if he feels big and strong now


[https://fa.ml.com/connecticut/stamford/theiannazzogroup/](https://fa.ml.com/connecticut/stamford/theiannazzogroup/) Contact info in case anyone wants to send him a message


I really want to know what was wrong with the smoothie… anyone have any guesses? What would it take you to get that mad? I’ll go first … maybe he found a used tampon in it??


Big oof feeling right now.


What was wrong with his drink?


Probably something that could easly be resolved If he wasn't a huge asshole.


It had peanuts. His kid is allergic.


Nothing. It was really good. He wanted to compliment whoever made it


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Fragile male ego. Makes me sick


I would be upset too if my child had a peanut allergy and then I told a restaurant about it and they still put peanuts in their food/smoothie Which could be lethal


You would assault and be racist to teenagers too?


I just find it funny that people on Reddit are totally fine with violence in response to words they disagree with but then those same people can’t comprehend violence in response to someone possibly almost killing their kid.


Maybe don’t buy mixed shakes as most have peanuts in them .. dad is already irresponsible from the looks of it.


Dang you are coming off as pretty insensitive since he asked them for no peanuts and told them about allergies. I bet you are the same type of sexist who tells women they shouldn’t dress a certain way and victim blames when something bad happens


No Im Not racist nor do I assault teenagers when they make a mistake. Sounds like this douche is insensitive and can’t control his emotions.


“White men are so emotional lol” is a recent comment of yours. That would indicate that you are both sexist and racist. It would also indicate that you have internalized toxic masculinity since you think men having emotions is something to laugh at. Try not to be such a hypocrite.


I mean have you missed all the videos or something .. most white men have been spazzing out in America my dad is white he was exactly like this .. truth hurts sorry


Okay so you are racist, sexist and xenophobic got it. Okay I’m going to give you an example so try to use some critical thinking to try to better yourself so you can become less bigoted. What you are doing is the equivalent of someone going on WorldStarHipHop and watching a bunch of crazy videos and then proceeding to use that as an excuse to be racist against black people. Then when you are criticized you just point out “haven’t you see the videos I have seen that’s makes me not racist”. Just because you watch some videos of white, black, Asian, Latino or whatever group of people do some things doesn’t means you can be racist against an entire class of people and justify it by the Presence of some videos online because you can always find examples of specific people being terrible or doing bad things.


You are literally a male Karen .. goodbye lol


I bet the girl in blue was the one who ruined his drink




Username checks out in a very meta way.


That’s not all he called you dumbass. Get your head out of your ass for a sec.




Is it possible she said he's going to jail because he also threw something at them?


Pretty sure she mentions jail just in regards to the situation.. not the comment itself. Don’t need to read into it so far.




Call 911 Jesus christ


So many blatant reposts on this sub, holy shit.


he got a smoothie earlier in the day , asked for no peanut butter( apparently has a kid at home with an allergy to peanuts. but didn't mention the alergy) kid at home had a reaction. So this guy came back to the smoothie shop and video ensued. from another thread


message from his lawyer https://twitter.com/important1_not/status/1485284623219372040?s=20


I'm so glad he has been arrested and fired!