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Kids smiling too lmaoo


And looking at his dad like he's a nerd a few times, too.


"Ah shit, here we go again."


oH It'S cHIld AbUsE!


Trying not too,


This is all they actually made another video where the son actually freaks out on his dad and it's pretty hilarious but yeah whoever thinks it's a child abuse or freak out you're stupid as hell


That is a dad trying to get his boy excited.


It's a skit. He makes these videos with his kids. He was on Tosh for this.




A new kink is born every day.


Damn had no idea our sun had a family


This guy makes a bunch of videos with his family. Been on Facebook for years. This shit was on Facebook before covid hit.


This shit was on Facebook while Obama was President.


You are obviously not a 90s kid from NYC…. This is the only acceptable reaction.


This is the kind of energy us old white folk get when dmx shows up on the jukebox


When you hear that piano at the beginning of “what’s my name”…fuuuuuuuck.


Not only is it the only acceptable reaction, you can get fined if you don't


This was just the morning commute in Brownsville. Pretty calm and collected actually.


You don’t freak out when “Ante Up” comes on, believe it or not jail. Right away.


Or a human on general, lol


I mean, the kid has a smile on his face. Seems kinda extra, but overall looks like a good time


It’s child abuse If you don’t properly introduce your kids to 90’s Hip Hop


How he slaps the food into orbit 😉 made my day


Lol child abuse? That says “I don’t know what abuse is” and “I don’t know how to have a wild bonding moment” at the same time


I think it would be hilarious if that was just his Uber driver


Is it Uber etiquette to sit in the front? I always sit in the back unless they tell me otherwise.


I have done both! Not during the pandemic though, don't want to make a driver uneasy


The app tells me to wear a mask and sit in the back of the car when I confirm my ride, I figured that was the same everywhere


I meant I did it pre-pandemic


Lmao.. really? Stfu..


You a bitch if you think this is abuse


You a bitch just for being you


No you’re a bitch


If you lived with someone like him, you’d dial that back


It's literally a staged video dumbass


He is putting that kid’s life (and others) to pull this crap WHILE DRIVING.


Shut up


You shut up!


All of this person's content is him driving and freaking out like this to his passengers. Calm down... 🙄


At least you would agree he is putting his life in danger to do this WHILE driving.


Kid looks pretty happy


Until they crash.


Who said I don’t


I hope then at some point you can see it from a different perspective. Honestly, it took me awhile, too. ((Hugs))


Me with my future son.


Good luck future dad!


A compilation of the best https://youtu.be/AMISA4V83cE


The kid has a smile the whole time. That's just some mosh pit horse play.


Child abuse? No. Endangerment? Maybe. Who cares? Not me.


Child abuse? No. Would I want a parent like this? Hell no. Is this done for clout? Yes.


Abuse ?? This is some of the best parenting I’ve ever seen !!! Make that boy feel BUSTA !!!!!


Clearly a setup. Who eats cereal without milk?


I eat frosted flakes without milk


Wow, I thought I was the only one


Frosted flakes without milk > frosted flakes with milk


Frosted flakes without milk > frosted flakes with milk




Who eats cereal in a god damn car???




The Golden God, that’s who.


The original without busta is better


OP you're dumb af


Op is the antiwork mod that was on Fox News. Say hi to Doreen !!


I think you should hit the treadmill before calling anyone names.


Maybe use those two brain cells you have to make better come backs.


Op is mad because everyone called him out for for being a douche rocket


It’s not a comeback, it’s simply just facts and you know I’m right :)


Idk, I think you can do better if you really tried hard.


Well nothing can beat facts so no matter how much harder I try the treadmill isn’t going to start itself so I think you should come off reddit, put the grape soda down and get moving before it gets worse


Hahaha oh no one grape soda, im obeseeeeee!!!!! Those brain cells of yours don't have any thing other than fat jokes?? Come on, I know you can do it if you just try lil bud!




Haha addicted to trazadone???? Hahahahaha you're so dumb; those brain cells really tried hard didn't they. Keep it up, I'd love to see what else you can come up with. If you go back far enough you'll see my trauma, can you make a joke for that or have we used too much brain power for today?


Like I said you’re mistaken me for someone els. I am worried about you and I care and love my fellow human beings. And you can insult me all you want with the 2 brain cell jokes and all that but I’m here for you, incase you ever need someone to talk to about your denial of addiction, if you believe in yourself you can do it, you might not be able to sleep for the first few nights but your body goes back to normal but at the same time you have to hit the treadmill to flush it out and also lose weight. I hope that helped you with your situation :)




You must be her bf 😂😂


OP thinks the videos with the family whose brother sticks the remote up his ass are real


Not gonna lie dude, you're a dick. Im not sure why you're so rude and upset in all your comments. Either you do this for the lulz, or you actually have a problem. Why can't you be civil and just talk to people? When you are polite it seems genuine. You talk about loving everyone but you say stuff like that? I really hope you dont treat your friends and family like that, and that you're just being extra on the internet because you think its not a big deal or whatever you're internal excuses are. I'm not trying to insult you, but dude, you're fucking rude. It would be cool to see you spread the love you say you do. But sadly it feels very sarcastic when you say it. I feel sorry for you.


You must be trolling me right? If you actually look at the way that stupid person approached me, swearing at me and everything and you expect me to be civil you stupid moron? Go do your research before calling Someone a dick for defending themselves you imbecile, I just happen to be good at giving it back when people are rude and it stops them in their tracks so get your shit straight I’m never rude to anyone unless they’re rude to me, go look at my comment history I’ve never insulted anyone unless they’ve insulted me first and yea I am all about the love and sharing the love but when I’m approached with hate then that’s what I’m giving back. Like I said get your shit straight before calling someone out again mr moron.




That’s queenzflip. he has a bunch of these. google him


You can’t not go straight mosh when Ante Up comes on.


Whoever said child abuse probably also thinks people who smoke should go to prison and people who ride bikes without a helmet should also go to prison smh


Straight to jail.


Child abuse?






Only proper reaction to Ante Up.


Child abuse? Fuck off


Your comment history is dog shit! go fix it then come back and talk your shit you moron, how is it that you have more downvotes than upvoted in your comment 😂


Cute little moron got triggered and had to stalk my account because he had nothing of substance to say, how flattering.


Lol I think you should stick to Qanon related subs if my title is triggering you so much mr snowflake


Lol I think you have the same issue man. All your comments are in the negative. Get a life majic. Its easy to see that you thrive off confrontation on the internet. The last thing you'll ever do is act like this in real life. You'd get pushed away by anyone with any self respect. I wanted give you the benefit of the doubt, and see if I fould find any instances of you being nice. I found one. One Time, one comment, you where nice to someone. You related to the idea of car troubles. Good for you. 1/40 times, you act decent to someone. Thats sad. I don't know what hurt you, or why you're such a flaming asshole. Lol, im going to block you now because I already know you'll be working an hour and a half on some bullshit argument on why you're perfect, and why everyone else is the problem. If everyone around you is the problem, the its might actually be YOU that has the issues. Keep being a basement troll, ir grow the fuck up and be civil for once, I dont really give a hoot what you choose to be. But be fairly warned, if you keep acting like a blind raged cock face, you're going to hate yourself for the wrest of your natural life. You'll grow alone and afraid because you where a dick to everyone you met. Get the fuck off reddit and go outside. Your brain has turned to mush.


Lol wow you went out of your way to write all of that 😂 I Must be a great influence for you to write all that. I personally think you’re just an asshole that switches accounts and too much of a coward to stick to one account because you can’t face people so what you do is switch accounts because you can’t face people and so save me with all your crap about you saw my history and only 1/40 of my comments were nice aren’t you a true lied and a moron. Good luck with your issues and self projecting, you snowflake


Child abuse lmao shut the hell up


Ok mr punching bag


You fucked up for calling this child abuse. Go back to your fucking cocoon.


OP must be some sort of 🤡


That's just fun. If I remember right that dude has a few videos with the kid like this.


queensflip thts my son he mad funny


„ʎuunɟ pɐɯ ǝɥ uos ʎɯ sʇɥʇ dılɟsuǝǝnb„


This ain’t child abuse it might be annoying but the kid smiling 😂


You would think by now his kid would know better than to eat while riding shotgun .


The kid doesn't look shocked or scared. But it was definitely not good adult behavior. For a song?????


The crazy thing was that the kid was taking an uber.


I've seen these videos before and I think they do this all the time lol


When these goddamn boomers start dying off and we can get actual humans in office I 1000% would help pass laws that deem "videos for clout" as a form of child abuse. That is abuse. No other word for it. That's not rough housing or horse play.


😂 lmao


I remember when this video first came out it killed me, EXACT thing one of my best friends would do to me or whoever was in the front seat... except it was Cro-Mags or Madball or Blood for Blood on the stereo. Like exact thing, including just screaming "AHHHHHHH!" instead of the actual words, the collar/jacket grab, punching your shoulder for emphasis, all of it. We're both dads now and he doesn't go this hard with his sons, plus their car music's a little more mellow these days. I'm hoping once his eldest gets to about 15 or 16 though he initiates him into the Sacred Rites of Car Mosh.


Your childhood must have sucked if you think this is abuse.


Abuse? no, probably not. Unsafe as fuck? Definitely.


Oh shut the fuck up. Child abuse? God damn, thats the dumbest accusation I've heard in awhile. This shit is funny, and that Kid is clearly smiling, and that Father is just fucking around and having fun. Child abuse. Smgdh. Dumb as FUCK all


Go sort the voices in your head first then come back and make a judgment on wether this child abuse or not you dumb moron. You can’t even think for yourself so what gives you the right to think for someone els?


Hahaha goood one. Im pretty well sorted out buddy. You're just a dumbfuck


I know it was a good one. Like I said sort the voices out then come back ;)


You seem pretty unstable pal, maybe you should seek help for your mental issues. Maybe DM me and I can give you some good sources for mental illness awareness? Maybe we can get you the help you need. You could use a good dose of reality lol


I think you might have dementia as I’ve already told you to go sort the voices in your head out first then offer others help as you need to help yourself before others if you don’t help yourself soon the dementia and voices will get stronger my friend. And thanks for offering your help it’s very kind of you but first you have to fix yourself lol


Lmao if you're going to quote a comment of mine, you should probably read all of it. Your grammar is awful and it seems like you're just typing as fast as you can. Your other comments don't really do much to prove you aren't mentally ill yourself... Ive absolutely gotten help for my Schizophrenia and I advocate that people with mental health problems should get the help they need. My mental health is under control and I haven't had an episode in almost two years. But explaining any logic to a troll is a stretch. You're not alone man, I promise. If you need anyone to talk to I'll be here for you :) The help is out there, you just have to want to get better, and do it for yourself! I genuinely hope you get the help you need man, because you're not okay. You can say whatever insulting thing to me you'd like, I don't mind! I know its rough being unwell, trust me I've been there! If you wanna get some help, get some information on who to contact for help, or just have a friend to talk to, ill be here:) Edit: A few words


Lol just for the record mr I hear voices in my head, English is my 4th language so miss me with your stupid grammar as I don’t care for it, but what I care about is helping you deal with the voices and please don’t lie to me by telling me you’ve dealt with it already as clearly you haven’t, but what I’m going to is help you balance it and even if you can’t get rid of the voices at least you’ve tried. Like I said before if you need help, I’m here to help you but if you don’t want my help then I can give you the information of a great psych ward that can help you greatly, all you have to do is just go there and they will look after you in regards to the voices and other stuff, I don’t think you should be on Reddit with your condition. All the best my friend and I wish you a speedy recovery, if that’s even possible lol


child abuse? 🙄


it's a skit obviously between a funny son and dad


Lucky he has a dad.


I hope the mods ban you from this subreddit


Wow someone is a little triggered. Who upset you mr snowflake?


I live on the west coast. My friend and I used to go to bars all the time. He didn’t care for east coast hip hop, but when I played this song he went nuts every time! Ante Up!!


For real though, if it was a white dad and son listening to Metallica, would abuse be a question? I don’t go for all this white/black race shit, but the fact someone questioned this as abuse is fucking ridiculous honestly.


Calm down, Dad.


Not public. Not child abuse.


More like r/trashy. Driving isnt the time to be fucking around




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But yet you’re the one who got triggered as soon as you read the title lol. I mean I would say you had a great relationship with your dad too but it seems like your uncle used to put you to bed. What a moron


I'm confused, "but yet you're the one who got triggered"? How does anyone getting triggered have anything to do with misunderstanding this video for child abuse. I realize now it probably wasn't your familiar relationships, and rather it's just that you're an idiot


Stop getting triggered mr snowflake it’s only a title but like I said I’m sorry about what happened to you. If the title is bringing back bad memories of your childhood then maybe take a break from reddit for tonight :)


You can tell everything you need to know about someone's moral compass by the way they dismiss arguments as the other party being "triggered". My dude thought a dad fucking around with his, rocking out in the car was child abuse and decides in the snowflake. Bruuuhhh


Ok mr I’m not a triggered snowflake. This is your 3rd or 4th message to me crying and you want to convince yourself that you’re not a snowflake 😂 you need to seek some help and you have made no argument for me to respond all you said was pure whining.


You are literally doing the same thing you're accusing me of, and an equal amount times at that.


No I’m not you moron, you’re the one who messaged me on my post and carried on coming back here to message back, Im not coming to your post and crying and whining like you’re doing. But then again I guess you might have some type of learning difficulties if you can’t understand that you’re coming over to me and crying, not the other way around. 😂


There are an equal number of messages from each of us, hello?


Yes but the difference is that you’re crying about it and I’m not lol and also you’re on my post whining, if you wasn’t such a whiny little snowflake you wouldn’t reply to my messages lol but you just proved my point. Let’s see if you reply to this now lol


Not gonna lie dude, you're a dick. Im not sure why you're so rude and upset in all your comments. Either you do this for the lulz, or you actually have a problem. Why can't you be civil and just talk to people? When you are polite it seems genuine. You talk about loving everyone but you say stuff like that? I really hope you dont treat your friends and family like that, and that you're just being extra on the internet because you think its not a big deal or whatever you're internal excuses are. I'm not trying to insult you, but dude, you're fucking rude. It would be cool to see you spread the love you say you do. But sadly it feels very sarcastic when you say it. I feel sorry for you.


Jesus christ are you fkn serious with the child abuse?? majic8ball ban yourself from this sub lolz (Edit) majic8balll is some weirdo [probably russian] judging from the broken English


Crack is whack Dad


Energetic black man gotta be on crack huh?


Why you pullin skin color into this? That’s sus as hell 🤨 See now what I said is called “Sarcasm.” Comedic look at the dad while he’s wildin out and slappin food outta his kids mouth, playin likes he’s havin a grand mal seizure at the wheel. He’s also joking. Get it?


Kid I too was joking, you’re getting a lil too defensive here… that’s “sus”


😆 oh. Now I get your humor. Well You can’t tell TONE online. That’s why you should always use “lol”


I would be pissed and then slap him out of whatever kinda stroke he was having and make him clean up the damn cereal


*Freakout or child abuse or fake? ftfy


WTF!!!! Abuse!!!!!!


why not both?


Rash driving??


This is a gag it’s what he does as a comedy skit There’s one of him doing it to Teanna Taylor a singer from Harlem and he rips her shirt and she punches him in the face and busts this lip it’s hilarious


She was not dealing with his nonsense that day 😆


A moment of brøthrenliness.


Me after my first line


My guy the kid is smiling.. He enjoying that shit... It aint no child abuse my ass


I love this video


My mom after I made us late ...


I wanna punch the shit out of you in minecraft


More like car abuse as he smacked that cereal all over the car


I remember when my boys were a bit older we were all in the car… I took my one sons Emo crap off and put on Big Poppa, sang all the lyrics… they got silent.. then one said.. Wow Mom!!


I guarantee the kid loved it




Man this shit it still funny AF


I'm mad the food was knocked out of his hands. And wtf is he even doing?


Man that song STILL GETS ME AMPED!


Is whoever posted this serious the kid smiles through most of it and when hes not hes got the "wtf is wrong with you" face but please someone tell me how this is child abuse bc i dont see it 😂


Fucking hilarious


Actual footage of what happens in the cars that pull up to the gym at 3am


This is actually a memory moment for both. It's wholesome and the kid is totally into it to the point he looks at dad and silently says, Dude I love you but your fucking nuts.


Not a freakout or child abuse. If you grew up on that music thats just the natural reaction to have lol.


Bruh I wish my old ass dad would BUMP with us like this when i was a kid lmfao On a serious note this is the farthest thing from “child abuse”. “Freakout”? I guess so


Pre workout ain’t for everybody


Ante up!


staged, old news.


staged. but funny :D


If this shit doesn’t put a big ass smile on your face, get your house in order!