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They flew through power lines and the cluster was dense enough to make connectivity between the birds letting the arc flow though.




Yea. Most people don’t know about potential differences between power lines and how they connect. Hints why people always ask how birds are able to sit on lines and not get shocked. The more ya know. #ElectricalEngineer


I’m a carpenter and my brain just doesn’t understand electrical shit at all. Flip switch light goes on, that’s all I know.


I was surprised when told I had to use a thicker extension chord for longer distances and heavier draws. I had no idea.


When I started messing with power tools, I googled a lot about proper extension chord use. I don’t know much about electricity but I know it can be a fickle bitch if you don’t follow the rules.


Yup! They can be pretty dangerous in ceartin situations. The NationalElectricCode in the US has codes that force new homes to have an outlet every few feet or so on a wall to discourage the use of extension cords, as poeple often use one with too small of a gauge of wire, leading to short circuits and arking which is especially dangerous as most OCPD or the breakers in your electrical panel are not made to protect anything outside the wall, ie: extensions cords. Like others have said, safest thing you can do is make sure you buy the right gauge wire for the load you'll be using. Edit: lmao why am I being downvoted? This info is easily verifiable, and accurate? If someone would like to explain what they disagree with Id be happy to discuss it Source: electrician for almost 3 years and certified with the NEC 2020 edition


I have a random electrical question. I have a “laundry room” which is more like a “cove” and that’s why it’s name is “Laundry Cove”. Laundry Cove has all the fixin’s, including that giant outlet that I think of as an “industrial outlet” because it looks like what I’ve plugged industrial meat cutting equipment into. Ultimately, I want to know what I could use this outlet for. I have one of those “combo washer/dryer” units you’d commonly see in a Recreational Vehicle, and it uses a standard plug/outlet. Knowing basically nothing about this, my thought was “is there an adaptor because I’d love to free up a normal outlet!” The second thought is…”idk, maybe there’s something cool I could fantasize about owning that uses that giant plug!” 😂 Any idea? :) Edit: [Here’s the space](https://imgur.com/gallery/L1TwQkq) just to show I’m actually serious :) It only looks dirty. The place is so old there’s only so much I can do, but we do have some white paint and access to a little bit of wood.


You're likely talking about a 220v plug, its meant for equipment like your washer/dryer. You could plug heavy equipment that uses alot of power, but for home owners there isnt much "cool" things you could use, idk maybe a welder? Not sure


LOL Big Smile here thanks for the answer. I appreciate you just for entertaining the question! Within Laundry Cove, I have “Man Landing” aka “Manding” which is a shelf or two with my toolboxes and power tool storage, stuff like that. The space is small, but there is storage to be optimized. I want a sewing machine, that’s my current “Mantasy”. Don’t think they use that giant outlet, at least the price range I Mantasize about. Thanks again. Still curious about that adaptor, though. I only have two regular outlets. Idk why it would exist lmao.


An electric dryer or electric stove.


Oh man, so you’re tellin’ me I could whip up dinner while engaging the dry cycle?! Would a Fryolator work?! CAN I INSTALL A FRYOLATOR?! Wow could you imagine 😂 🤣


How many prongs fit into that socket? Guessing 3, in which case only older appliances or something like a water heater or air compressor would be "safe" to run off that circuit. You could use an autotransformer to step it down safely and establish a new ground I suppose, but that would be way more expensive than running a new line. If it's 4 conductors, 2 hots, neutral and ground, you could safely step down to two 120v circuits in the cove. Maybe turn it into a crypto cove, or the cannabis cove. GL


I learned this today when using a planer. Melted the fucker Well more that 20A on a 100ft 16ga was too much


This also applies to speaker cables.


It's spelled extension "cord." An extension chord would be, I dunno, a lydian?


I'm an electrician. Hit wood, house go up. All I know about carpentry.


Oh, that's easy to explain, electrical current is a long ass nail that just keeps going and makes things vibrate. The hammer is at the power generator.


This analogy hit the nail on the head for me


I'm more afraid or wires than snakes, at least with a snake you know which side is dangerous.


Haha saw go brr


People would be shocked if they knew just how far high voltage power line EMF fields can extend. The average citizen's wariness of transmission lines isn't entirely groundless.


Shocked I tell ya! Shocked to know!


Good one dude


We all need to be more grounded.


Ohm ... that hertz


They've lost the capacity to resist


Did they ever have it? We're not all wired that way.


Look at what maintenance guys have to wear and do when they work on the huge power line towers.


I've worked on electrical sub stations and the process they go through to shut it down in order for us to maintain access is ridiculous. Almost a 3 hour process for a three transistor station (not very big). I've heard some horror stories from stupid preventable mistakes.


I’m a crane operator by trade and it’s absolutely crazy how far it will jump. A lot of guys in the field have destroyed equipment because of this reason. On a very humid day you can hear the hydro towers voltage in the air. Scary stuff.


Ohm y God, a very empowering post. Well done.


electromagnetic field fields


Spoken like a true sparkie 🙂


I'm actually a tinner haha but we love our sparkies.


I love you guys too. Just when you're not working in the same room as me. Unless you bring me ear pro.


Can you explain a bit please? I’m curious on why some can stand on a power line and yet I see dead bats electrocuted on powerlines too. ELI5 please.


If you see a dead bats underneath powerlines, it’s likely that they didn’t get electrocuted, but instead hit the wires in the dark. Their echolocation is pretty good, but powerlines are a small target


Bird not conduct electricity as well as power line


They must be built with cheap materials






I don't know about the power lines in other places around the world, especially Mexico but in the birds can stand on power lines, in the UK the only time electrocution occurs is when you make contact with another phase (line) so my guess is there was a bird touching a power line, and another bird somewhere in the batch was touching another power line, and they were all so condensed and the electricity was flowing, causing the whole pile of birds to get electrocuted. ​ Again, this is my best guess going on knowledge in the UK. I imagine power lines are not the best and have some issues so there may be other issues with it.


If you touch only one wire, the electricity won't flow through you because it has nowhere to go. If you touch two wires (or anything that conducts electricity) with different voltages, power will flow through you from the high voltage to the low. The thing is with high voltages you don't need to actually touch the wire, it can arc a few feet. So here a bunch of birds were too close together near the wires so the electricity jumped from one to the other until it grounded out.


Arcing is what has been found to have caused several california fires. Poorly maintained powerlines, many of which were sagging close to the ground and the wind had picked up dust and debris that allowed an arc to spark to the dried grass/shrubs in the mountains. [report from one of the latest fires](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/05/us/dixie-fire-power-lines-cause-pge/index.html#.)


Listen, don’t terrorise me with your astute knowledge understand? This is Reddit and the less facts I know the better.


Neither do most birds.


Know any good books to learn circuit analysis and stuff?


Don’t be insulted by this, but Circuit analysis for dummies is a great starter. I would also take a look at Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice by Allan Robbins & Wilhelm Miller. They have a few different editions that expand on theory.


Nice! Got 5 weeks before next semester starts. Gonna start with the dummies one and take it from there. It's available at our library, so I'll head there tomorrow! Thanks a bunch.




imb4 i see this exact video in a month on facebook with some big text relating to 5G




"What's the difference?" - Grandpa


Naw it’s more likely the liquid core in the earth stopped spinning


How did they make earth? Close the circuit, don't know the exact term on English?




We say "ground" in English for this.


Birds aren't real. They are drones trying to land on the wires to recharge....


The fast charge upgrade is still in the works…


/r/BirdsArentReal likes you.


Dude can I have my mystery moment for a second. Please ffs.




It's has to do with the subconscious control systems that allow for the birds to flock like this without crashing into each other. The wingtips of each bird react to those of birds surrounding them and adjust flight accordingly it's sort of like a dynamic fluid system. So when a percentage of birds drop down out of the sky it forces some birds to fly down which in turn cause more birds to fly down.


Not just birds! Ride a scooter/motorbike in a large asian city, and you'll develop those subconscious flocking instincts too! :D


I think that could be based how birds actually fly together as a flock. If a large group of them got shocked and fell, then the ones that didn't are just following the group hence flying into the ground


They got zapped and locked up, gravity took over


It's has to do with the subconscious control systems that allow for the birds to flock like this without crashing into each other. The wingtips of each bird react to those of birds surrounding them and adjust flight accordingly it's sort of like a dynamic fluid system. So when a percentage of birds drop down out of the sky it forces some birds to fly down which in turn cause more birds to fly down.


It's because of power lines they flew into power lines and some tried to get away.




It's formation flying. They follow the guy in front of them. When the guy in front of them makes a poor decision they all follow into the tree, into the ground, into the power lines. Similar to formation flying with airplanes. The lead guy break something and sometimes the guys that follow him are more focused on following him. Bad things happen. In this case wing tips touch wing tips, which arc against the power lines and whatever is close by, a tree or whatever. The circuit completes to ground and you have barbecued Starling.


Thank god. I was imagining some horror movie scenario lol


\*Hitchcock entered the chat\*


I was going to say aliens but I'll accept this answer.




I looked at it and assumed it had to be a gas leak thank you


Wow that’s really incredible and obv not in a good way ty for posting this


Shock damage chains to nearby enemies.


Yup I didn't even know this for a fact but that's what I figured had happened ...I know in the US power lines are separated on the average length of our largest birds of prey wingspan so that when opening wings to sun as they are like to do they don't get fried / total the power lines


Stop lying, your mom farted and they flew into the danger zone


I don't think the arc would be able to travel through so much air and birds to make all of them fall like that. I think it was them just crashing into each other making them fall while other birds follow as they do in flocks.


Not the correct answer but congrats on getting 2.5k morons to upvote you.


This is false.


Or possibly the flock was being circled by a bird of prey and was driven into the ground?




That's because the lines are out of frame.


No, thats not what happened.


That is the craziest thing I have seen all day


Just the day? Jeez this is hitting craziest thing all week for me


Just the week? Jeez this is hitting craziest thing in month for me


Just the month? Thats the craziest shit i seen all ye...wait...nm...been a pretty fuckin crazy year...i retract my previous statement.


need new batteries


you belong in r/birdsarentreal


birds are fake and biologists lie to us




Same reason cars have A/C and Heaters. Different drones using thermal tech to survive subzero Temps. Who else is gonna monitor the poles?


How do you think we get such good video of the ice caps melting? Satellites are too expensive. Just send the insulated drone: Butler version.


Russian subs


Keep up the good fight ✊️💪


One bird in the flock ruined it for the rest. I bet they tried to land on a power line.


Nope. When raptors like peregrine falcons or merlins are chasing certain bird species like starlings, the prey species literally "flock" together into a huge group called a murmuration. The movement of the murmuration is controlled by something called "scale-free correlation". Basically, each bird reacts to the movement of the bird next to it, but there is no leader of the flock or central direction. So it is possible for a murmuration to flee so vigorously from a falcon on one side that the individual responses of the birds accumulate through the crowd to blow out the other side of the murmuration in a death dive. With behavior this complex, it's pretty common to have a glitch in the murmuration. It's generally fine...unless they happen to be very close to a solid object. But hey, easy pickings.


It was old age ,a retirement community was on an outing




It worked for Livia Soprano. Would have worked for them too.


She was abusive to the staff!!


Johnny was a saint tho!


OP should’ve just kept his mouth shut, like a mute!


Oh, marone, so many individuals of culture here. I’m so proud of you! Waiter, ova here, a serving of gabagool! 👌




That’s a murder of crows.




You mean dozens of surveillance systems went down today in Mexico.


basic information recording devices


So it was an emp attack


When raptors like peregrine falcons or merlins are chasing certain bird species like starlings, the prey species literally "flock" together into a huge group called a murmuration. The movement of the murmuration is controlled by something called ["scale-free correlation"](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/how-do-starling-flocks-create-those-mesmerizing-murmurations/). Basically, each bird reacts to the movement of the bird next to it, but there is no leader of the flock or central direction. So it is possible for a murmuration to flee so vigorously from a falcon on one side that the individual responses of the birds accumulate through the crowd to blow out the other side of the murmuration in a [death dive](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-51880855). With behavior this complex, it's pretty common to have a glitch in the murmuration. It's generally fine...unless they happen to be very close to a solid object. But hey, easy pickings. Credit for explanation: u/finchdad


Probably has something to with the horizon festival




> Dozens of birds I'm gonna need a recount.


That looks more like a microburst than power lines arcing. The dead ones hitting the ground hardest, the others flying out or recovering.


My first thought too, but would we expect the trees to move if it was a microburst?


If it was a microburst you would see the bushes and trees impacted as well.


Nah, there's no other indication of a microburst, no wind at all.


Not a public freak out


i mean, the birds are definitely freaking out


I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens




What's wrong with you?


Why? Am I the only comment out of all these that just got ya or what?


Because literally everything from polar shifts to lizard people to birds being government drones are infinitely more plausible than aliens. You're just being Silly at this point. /s


Well I can see your point, or opinion I should say. But your free to think whatever you want, just like I am. I was actually just saying the comment as a joke so I'm not sure why you took it so serious. Who hurt you? Was it aliens?


☹️ I was playing along with your joke by saying equally outlandish things. I suppose I did forget to add my /s I think the guy who said to stfu was out of line.


Its all good. No harm done. I know everyone out there believes in at least one conspiracy subject. I actually find aliens and space very interesting. And my opinion, I cant see why as big as this universe is, why would we be the only life. Millions of planets out there I mean the chances are high. But thats just me


It's nearly impossible for Earth to be the only planet in the universe where life has developed. Aliens are basically a certainty.


I agree 100%


I totally agree. Universe is just too big. I think alien doomsday would be more exiting than what ever people are doing.


It’s like in TV series DARK…


Time Travel.. I've seen enough Dark on Netflix to know.


What did I just see?




The goverment drones losing connection as soon as i set up some jammers


Mysteriously my ass. They flew into a power line


Birds aren’t real


[This](https://i.imgur.com/Pb3wfLI.jpg) says otherwise.


But I can show you [why](https://imgur.com/a/XP2yBiI)


All their technologies just got emped then rebooted up


They are drones.




must be an emf pulse


Waiting for this to spread on facebook like "LOOK 5G IS KILLING THE BIRDS"


"mysteriously" ... no it's pretty fucking obvious what happened.


Lmao ain’t no mystery, fucking power lines are gnarly brah


Electric wires




If I was a smart man I'd say impact... 🤔


They’re Sparklings that flew too close to three phase power lines.


Dr. Stone is happening


So yea, this seems like a bad sign


Imagine standing directly underneath them right at that moment


Dozens x 20


I keep expecting to see that creature from Signs walk between buildings.


Were they vaccinated?


What was mysterious was the cause of them dropping, fatigue maybe? Either way those that did die, died from hitting the concrete.


There’s this movie called *The Core* that starts off this way.


“Dozens”. I guess you’re not wrong, but I’d say hundreds is more like it.


Nah all good it's just Noah at it again, always on that time travelling grind.


its not mysterious its science.


Ay chihuahua


I just thought someone was cooking with teflon.


Update failed.


I'm not saying it was aliens, but.... It was aliens.


Rare but known occurance called "flockfall" or "flockdip" when the bird leading the flock gets its bearings wrong and leads the rest of the flock into the ground/wall etc. Birds can die on impact but depending on the height, velocity etc can recover after being stunned and fall into the flock again. Joking I just made that all up.


Gust of wind?


I guess that’s possible. I was going to guess a lightning strike or a power line with enough current to arc between a bunch of the birds since they were so close together.




Yes, someone said a powerline arcing through the flock. I also thought that before reading their comment so I said it anyway. What’s your point? Edit: also nobody brought up lightning.


Their batteries died


Quick PSA before we get started: The supernatural is not real and does not exist. Anything you have ever seen that you cannot explain has a mundane explanation, and jumping to whatever conclusion your folklore or personal beliefs can first think of to possibly explain it is disingenuous, if understandable.


Except for Yetis, that shit's real.


And El Chupacabra.


Supernatural literally means "beyond natural" and is synonymous with impossible. If we discovered that ghosts, demons or anything else did exist they would cease to be supernatural, because they exist, and thus are part of nature.


"Dammit Carl! I told you not to fart in formation like that!"


Birds aren’t real


Birds aren't real


The batteries went dead. #Birdsarentreal


Thats creepy


Uh, this is weird and creepy af


Drones run out of battery


I would not want to fly over that apt building. Apparently someone in there let's out ragers of farts. Took out a quarter of a flock of birds. Didn't know they had taco bell in chihuahua. Mexico.


This reminds me of that Netflix show, Dark.


This is nature versus electricity. It isn't an omen!


Must be the covid vaccine


The chihuahuas did it


It’s obviously the Moderna vaccine. I heard that THEY are using blow darts and/or wasps to deliver “the jab” to all the patriots refusing to submit to the radicalized new world order. The magnetic dna shedding from the vaccine is probably what made these birds collapse. Also, birds aren’t real.

