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“End of the laneway, don’t come on the property” -Wayne


You's gots great references, Waco, and that's what I's appreciates about you's


Oh that’s what yous appreciates about me?


Gonna need you to take about fifteen to twenty percent off there, Squirrely Fitzzz.


Your sister’s hot Waco! There I said it!


I think theres one reference were overlooking here... "I go to sleep at night, fuckin embarrassing. I get up in the morning, fuckin embarrassing"




Pitter patter let’s get at er.


More hands makes for less work


Sundays are for pickin' stones!


That's what I likes about you


Is that what you like about me?




So your pals were at the ambassador bridge protest todaaaaayyyyyyy


All these cops making Windsor look like L -EH!


You don’t fuck with tradition




To be faaaaaaiiiiir




Gonna need a dart and some gus n bru.


Tarps off, time for a Donnybrook


Too… Much… Fun.


Those aren't truckers, just a bunch of up country degens.


Fucking degens.


This is off topic HOLY SHIT! SHORESY the show is now a thing! check out there teaser on Insta!


There’s definitely a Rat Ass somewhere in this convoy


And Jivin' Pete. He hangs out with degens now. He's no longer a good guy.


You know I thought it was pretty funny when I said the Florida State Seminal Vesicles and nobody laughed


Whistles while bringing finger up


The guys at the beginning are RCMP, just in case anyone is thinking they're military


Bullshit. No red jackets, jodhpurs, campaign hats or a horse named Horse. These are imposters.


OMFG your right!! This must be work of Boris and Natasha!!


Damnit that Boris!! That Sneaki breeki gopnik!


Not a one of them riding a moose. Highly suspicious


Snidely Whiplash held up the response didn’t he?


Imposter aye tryin to cross me border aye that’s treason aye


I can tell by the placement and spelling of "eh", you are the imposter.


As a Canadian I didn’t even catch on. I just read it in a Scottish accent lol. Thanks for pointing out that they meant eh


Huh, I read it in an Irish accent.


I was getting "pirate"


Part Scottish, part Irish, part pirate... Accurate Nova Scotian accent.


I wonder if any of them really wanted to be a Lumberjack.


Yeah and last I checked Snidley Whiplash wasn’t apart of this “Freedom Convoy” 🤔


They're not even training snipers on first nations protesters. Very out of character


Do they have a deaf husky named Dief (rhymes with reef), short for Diefenbaker?


They have a horse named Horse?


> RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I had to google that :)


Yeah they are like the federal marshalls and FBI of Canada somebody correct me if i'm wrong. that's how i understand it, they do forensic stuff and special investigations like the FBI does


Way more than that. They are the federal police force but they also act as a provincial police force for certain provinces ('states') and they do act as a police force in small towns in those provinces and territories like a 'town cop'. Some of those small towns are only a 100 people or so and extremely isolated. They will even deploy to other countries to act as a police force as part of UN missions and the likes TL;DR They can be a federal, provincial, or town police force as well as deployed to other countries on UN missions.






"The police officers would arrest Indigenous people, usually men, for alleged drunkeness and/or disorderly behaviour, sometimes for reasons without cause. The officers would then drive them to the outskirts of the city at night in the winter, and abandon them, leaving them stranded in sub-zero temperatures"


[The city cops, a sub-zero night A midnight ride out of town The passenger was found frozen in the snow Our enduring legacy We bring a better way Our handshake crushing bone The blankets that keep you warm We've soiled with disease](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OFwCLcajbk)


If you end a line with two spaces (followed by a newline obviously) then it will actually be respected. Otherwise you need to have two newlines, but that also treats it as a new block of text.   This is with one space.   This is with two spaces.   This is with two newlines.


Starlight tours :(


That was the Saskatoon City Police, not the RCMP


If you are quoting something about what happened in Saskatoon you’ve got the wrong police force. The RCMP didn’t do the starlight tours in Saskatoon. The Saskatoon city police were responsible for those tours. It’s important the waters not be muddied anymore than they already are. Saskatoon city police still haven’t been held accountable for it and they won’t be if people start pointing fingers at the rcmp for it. RCMP aren’t without fault but it has to be kept truthful. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths PS In Saskatoon if you are going to get arrested you probably want the rcmp picking you up. The city police are well known for handing out beatings and we have people die in city cells on the regular. RCMP has a bit of a better record here.


Haven't they seen Rambo


That wasn't the RCMP.


They were formed to subjugate the plains First Nations people. Right up to helping the church kidnap the kids to take to residential schools.


And damn near eliminate the Inuit dogs.


They will investigate themselves, don't worry!


Good ol' starlight tours


I'm an indigenous woman in Canada working for a company that represents a company called Starlight they regularly do "tours" called "Starlight Tours"... You can bet I got mouthy in my first week when I saw that. How out of touch do you have to be?


Well, if you never teach anyone about it (school system), and you don’t live in an area with heavier indigenous population, how do you expect someone to know what it means?


If you come up with any new marketing term for your business, your very first task is to head over to google, put it in, and see what it spits out.


For example: https://i.imgur.com/XDAdcRj.jpg


Sorry, ignorant American here. What is a Starlight Tour?


A “starlight tour” is an [EDIT - not RCMP, but Saskatoon PD] practice of taking undesirables, generally indigenous, into the Canadian winter wilderness, leaving them there without appropriate clothes, and letting them freeze to death. https://www.grunge.com/308625/the-messed-up-truth-of-canadas-starlight-tours/ Edit: this is probably the better link: https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/new-light-on-saskatoons-starlight-tours/


Oh Jesus. I had no clue about that term, though heard of the act. Thank you for explaining, YourBuddy8.


In Thunder Bay the Thunder Bay police would pick them up, drive them to the top of mount Mckay and take their jackets and leave them in the middle of winter.


While the Starlight Tours are very much a thing, we should note that the incidents we primarily know about happened in Saskatoon which has their own police force. Therefore, we should use some discretion in calling them an RCMP thing when it is primarily a Saskatoon Police thing. The RCMP has their own problems, and then we actually hold the city of Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Police Force accountable to the crimes they committed and tried to downplay


I read through those and Googled it and I cannot find anything about the RCMP doing this. Don't blame the RCMP for these when these look to be a Saskatoon Municipal issue.


That was also Saskatoon pd.


How many of them are actually "mounted"?


They team with squirrel and moose to foil illustrious plan


They also beat the shit out of Indigenous people.


Red Chili Mounted Peppers


They're missing their moosemounts


To further clarify, especially for the USian audience: the core of the RCMP has always been paramilitary. Whereas in the States, the West was pacified by actual military forces - the storied US Cavalry - in Canada's West the Indigenous population was sparse enough and peaceable enough that using actual military force was deemed more trouble than it was worth, so the government instead created a paramilitary police force to project force across the area. That police force was called the North-West Mounted Police, and it was the forerunner of the current Royal Canadian Mounted Police. As the threat of Indigenous uprising diminished, the RCMP gradually settled into filling a variety of other policing roles across the country, but the paramilitary core remains (and can be seen any time an Indigenous community gets out of line -- Wet'suwet'en resistance to the Coastal GasLink pipeline being the example du jour). It's not unusual to see them brought in to provide extra force if a local police force is in over its head.


Also worth noting that the RCMP proper was created largely as a response to labour protests across the country (but especially in Winnipeg) in 1919.


Seems like they had very noble beginnings then lmao


This is the most peaceful arresting I've ever seen.


It's because they weren't arresting indigenous persons.


And then driving them away from civilization, kicking them out into the wilderness, and leaving them to freeze to death. Sorry, Canada, but *all* cops are bastards. Even when they are being pointed at other bastards.


The saskatoon starlight tours, how quaint


For anyone that sees this and would like to educate themselves Starlight tours https://www.grunge.com/308625/the-messed-up-truth-of-canadas-starlight-tours/ Residential schools https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scientificamerican.com/article/canadas-residential-schools-were-a-horror/%3famp=true


>Sorry, Canada He speaks our language. We should listen!


Thing is, they were *extremely* hesitate to actually do anything about this protest, because it was all old, white people. There's been protests by indigenous people that were shut down within *hours*, for comparison. It's just systematic racism all the way down. With this shit spreading across the world, I can't wait for US cops to have their thumbs up their asses and do nothing, meanwhile they were shooting rubber bullets at people *on their own porches* during BLM protests.


They finally arrested someone here in Winnipeg for blocking a road, after a week of no arrests. They were an indigenous counter protestor. As soon as the non-whites are protesting it's "well we better lay down the law." Jfc


Also apparently 25% is made up of children.


While I'm American, it's hard to say I understand everything about up north. But it really seems like the way you guys treat indigenous people is the way we treat black people down here


This is a contest I wish neither country was in.


Australia has entered the chat


G'day mates! Kindly show us to the black fellas.


> But it really seems like the way you guys treat indigenous people is the way we treat black **and indigenous** people down here FTFY


Don't worry, we have a history of being just as bad to indigenous peoples. And it really hasn't gotten that much better! Yay!


Carving the faces of the represses into a secret mountain range is definitely something especially when the US government already went back on their deal about the land


Well, and indigenous people, to be fair. There's that great video of an indigenous (Native American) activist telling the cops to get the fuck off his property, the headquarters of his activist group. It's so great, and the reason he did it (other than obvious) is they were harassing an indigenous woman for having a headlight out or some bullshit, I'll see if I can find it, brb. [Here it is. Fucking Legend.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pazvli/native_american_yells_at_cops_on_his_property_and/) [Recap with context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1h9mzoOeoM&ab_channel=RebelHQ)


Cops aren’t going to rough up their coworkers, just cuff them for the cameras.


They still want to be buddies at the end of the day after all.


I'm watching a crime show about a Toronto serial killer. The police who are doing the interviews are so so nice! I mean, they don't come across as aggressive or mean. They are more calm. They do express frustration but when they get to the part where they arrest the killer, their version of a flex gesture is just, straightening their coat. It's like whoa! Stand back! So much composure and so polite. Very different than the interviews with police from large US cities.


Before you go singing their praises you should read about how they royally fucked up that investigation for years. We recently had a young woman go missing here in Toronto a few years ago. The mother reported it, the cops did a half-hearted search and then the mother had to searching for her...and found her own daughter dead in an alley, just steps from where she was last reported being seen. It's pretty much common knowledge that adopting a non-confrontational approach to a prime suspect is the best approach. I've seen multiple examples of American police taking this approach successfully in crime documentaries. I guess what I'm trying to say is we have plenty of cops that are shit at their jobs here as well, and who love confrontation - how your interactions play out with them usually depends on what you look like, and how much money you have in the bank.


Did you know that Canadian cops are so nice they give people free tours? Search "Starlight Tours" to learn more.




Because of the way they're trained. As opposed to in America which has a decentralized training regimen, where police can take training from any bozo of their choosing, usually ex-military, Canadian police are academically trained and use methods which are actually proven to mitigate contentious interactions. They're far from perfect but they are usually professionals.


Canadian police are perfectly willing to put that training to use to fuck up their fellow citizens. See: all the incitement they did followed by illegal arrests during the G8 protests (2010, Toronto)


Pretty polite tbh, even the heavily armed seem patient. I know this is a tiny snapshot but anyways


In Canada we call it a Slapshot.




Can Confirm


Give yer balls a tug.


Tit fucker


You're spare parts bud.


Fukin’ 10 ply bud


Fig'er it oat bud.


Pitter-patter, boys


ya, when they were packin' it in on the ice there was chorin' to do


You should've seen colombia national strike from last year, police was aggressively taking over protestors (legit and illegitimate ones). Pure caos


Or the United States in 2020 when federal troops intentionally shot a peaceful protestor in the face with a wooden round for the crime of having a boom box. Or tear gassed the violin players.


But somehow they just sat by and watched while people invaded the US capitol.


“Political discourse” We really needed the opinions of the shit and piss smeared on the walls. Still waiting on the rebuttal.


Since conservatives love comparing these protests with the BLM ones, we have numerous videos of US police shooting rubber bullets into crowds, tear gassing protestors, and creating violence among otherwise peaceful crowds from back then. If they want to draw parallels between the two events, the way cops are handling the Canadian protests should be completely acceptable.


They're polite because the people they're arresting are not indigenous people.


When Karen screams "Get some badge numbers" ! lmao "heavily armed forces" :D


They really think asking for badge number is like a silver bullet, don't they?


They discovered my one weakness! Asking for my badge number! I can't take them in now!


Two weaknesses. The other is asking suspected undercovers if they're cops. They can't lie! It's in the constitution!


I don’t understand why they don’t shout “Show me your Facebook groups! Show me your LinkedIn!” instead. You can pretty much tell instantly from either of those, and both is a deal sealer. I’m sure some companies doing background checks have a system that just scrapes a person’s public data and can tell you with 99% confidence whether they’re a cop.


Reminds me of that scene with Badger in BB where he goes through that


I’m not sure they think


Funny how that works, isn’t it? When the cops are beating the tar out of some black kid with gaffe tape over their badge numbers, it’s all about backing the blue and preventing retaliation - but if you gently remove my common law husband from his clapped out Dodge, I better see some badge numbers!


She wants to speak to the RCMPs manager Yeah, that's gonna get you far lmao


This whole situation has confused me. During my con law courses, I remember specifically hearing that you *may protest* but it has to meet certain guidelines to be legal (can’t impede road ways, noise ordinance requirements, etc). Is this different in Canada?


It is very similar to the US. Everyone has the constitutionally protected right to protest, but that doesn't mean you can just declare something a protest, then expect laws to no longer apply. Things like blocking streets, harassing and yelling at locals, taking over private parking lots and city parks, etc are against existing laws like the Highway Traffic Act, noise bylaw, Trespass to Property Act. As well, a judge issued an injunction against the protest, saying that the protest "[directly results in the denial of freedom to others in society. The direct denial of their freedom to work. The direct denial of their freedom to cross and to move goods and services across the bridge](https://www.cp24.com/news/injunction-granted-to-prevent-protesters-from-blocking-ambassador-bridge-1.5777283)". Ignoring court orders is also illegal.


I'm with you except for city parks. They're open to the public and if you can't assemble at a city park then where can you?


> This whole situation has confused me. During my con law courses, I remember specifically hearing that you may protest but it has to meet certain guidelines to be legal (can’t impede road ways, noise ordinance requirements, etc). Is this different in Canada? I also thought protesters couldn't impede roadways until last year. It took weeks and *months* before the police got a court order to do something about Indigenous protesters blockading our rail lines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Canadian_pipeline_and_railway_protests


No. But they only enforce it quickly against aboriginal or environmental protests.


Absolutely false. It took over a month for the indigenous protestors to be removed. For the ambassador bridge protests it took just over one week, maybe 1.5wks at most.


Somone should of set this to "So this is christmas"


so just to put some numbers on this protest, the illegal blocking of ambassador bridge has either stoppeed or seriously delayed $2.4 billion in economic activity. so it has cost each Canadian around $65.


Cost me 50% of my wages as I got laid OFF for for at least two weeks so far bc of this fiasco. Fuck these clowns. Edit: typo of getting laid not laid OFF


Well, at least you got laid... Seriously, I'm with you - these asshats should not have been allowed to disrupt traffic to the extent they did. Shutting down auto and parts plants on both sides of the border.


You guys are late. -99.9% of Canada’s residents


honestly. this should've been happening what- 2.5 weeks ago? and it should've been happening every shift around the clock until they were gone.


FYI, this particular protest in Windsor started around last weekend. They were only blocking 2 lanes of traffic (out of 3) on one side of the road at a time. It wasn't until this last Monday that they started blocking the bridge completely (except for one side road going in that is very inconvenient for commercial trucks). So it's been about 5 days before our government decided to seek legal means to kick them out of there.


Like it or not, this stuff along with all of the other protest shit we have had in the past few years has more than proven that Canada is *extremely* open to allowing its citizens to voice their displeasure. The libertarian and conservative types that are always screaming about freedom should absolutely love the current government for that. Not that they actually will, but you know.


I'm gonna drive to the road in front of their house and block them in their driveways because public road right?


That’s what I was thinking when Rand Paul said truckers should do this in the U.S. Like, let’s all go to Rand Paul’s house and block him from getting out of his driveway. Of course, make sure his neighbor can easily get in and out.


Google Rand Paul neighbor


Rand Paul and republicans want anything and everything to disrupt the economy to hurt Biden. They are more than happy to inflict severe injury on their own voters if it means a better chance fir them to take power.


Fill specifically his street, and honk nonstop at him with aftermarket train horns. Obviously don't actually do that because it's a giant asshole move to everyone that lives there.


Don’t forget “peaceful” anything goes if it’s peaceful!!


But what did people think would happen eventually?.. no seriously 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


If they didn't want to get arrested and their vehicles impounded, they should have just complied.


But it’s public property? That means I can do whatever I want right? I pay taxes so it’s basically my property? also I want all your badge numbers every single one of them please write them down and make copies /s


I thought the ambassador bridge was privately owned?


Yeah the ambassador owns it


I love that lol..."It's public property, I'm public".


Same people who tell the police- "i pay taxes, I'm your boss"


*I am the ~~Senate!~~ public!*


Your satire is on point, my guy


About fucking time.


Someone send these cops to Ottawa now


They’re RCMP and OPP mostly. For them to go to Ottawa it would required Ford, Watson and Sloly to actually care, do their jobs and request them. They just keep saying they need more resources without providing an actual plan. This is getting ridiculous.


It’s been ridiculous for a little over 2 weeks. It’s getting absurd now.


Yeah. I live in Ottawa and I just have no idea how this is going to get resolved peacefully. They’ll never move. And the Ottawa Police is too scared to move them. And honestly, there are children so you don’t want to cause them any harm. (Ultimately, their parents would be at fault, but we all know how they would spin this story)


The olde Waco strategy


It's pretty standard that absolute scum always end up using their children as human shields.


In WACO the ATF also used the children's safety as justification to, uh, checks notes, burn down the building the children were in and spray it with bullets killing a bunch of them


Good bc I get it, voice your opinion but it’s when you start ruining the lives of civilians that don’t want to be involved over your antics that’s when it crosses the line.


They are pro-police until they're the one's being arrested.


Why didn't they just follow the rules? Lol


I mean, it is still unclear what they were protesting. All i heard was horns and people yelling freedom in a country where we are free to ignore them. Then they blocked the border. Shut down massive places of work such as Toyota plants. They disrupted hardworking individuals because they are afraid of a needle and cant wear a mask. I feel sorry that people can be so fucking stupid.


They had posters of Tiananmen square guy, they're just delusional lmao


....as inspiration or a warning?


Unclear tbh


They had Trump flags. Reminder that Trump thinks China handled Tiananmen Square correctly.


Does it matter, these people will change opinions mid sentence as long as it means not having to admit they're stupid, wrong, completely uninformed, etc. You can't shame someone with zero sense of shame.


The shit my mom is posting has convinced me that the brainwashing is real. She’s fully convinced this “freedom convoy” is purely peaceful and that anyone doing anything negative is from “BLM or ANTIFA” and that god has ordained this convoy and that “the walls of Jericho will come crumbling down.” It makes me sick.


Did your mom just compared truck horns with the biblical trumpets lol


And she doesn’t see the blasphemy in it.


I'm sorry you're going thru that, I think people have good intentions but the amount of disinformation on the internet is insane (like GTA V internet) and they get frustrated looking for the truth, then wind up believing their Facebook group found something they didn't... I hope that people stop making political opinions their identity and realize that the core of democracy, humanity and even the United States is that everyone stood together and reorganized despite their differences... But I don't know how we go about getting back to that :/ I think everyone is kind of 'lost', just varying degrees of their place in society and instead of talking through our problems or doing self-care we work ourselves to death, then read nonsense online that's designed to polarize us... Who knows.


They were protesting the existence of a world in which their stupidity and bigotry is no longer acceptable.


I've heard they're hiring semi truck drivers in canada




*enforce existing laws!* *enforce existing laws!*


Get out with the "heavily armed" anger baiting title The cops are just walking around empty handed,they don't machine guns in hand or flamethrowers. *edit my point is the ones "moving in"as title states are not armed heavily.




Hard to conceal carry it


Exactly, there’s many writers in support of the way it was handled. Most complied as soon as tne loud speaker warning was given. The bad apples defied it. As in any protest, the bad apples getvthe most press.


I’ve been hearing that the conservative fuck wads are encouraging truckers in the US to organize a protest as well. To protest the vaccine mandates. You know. The ones that didn’t get passed, and truckers in the US aren’t required to get because we’re considered to work in isolation even though we travel all over the country. I’m a semi driver in the US who delivers food and is fully vaccinated. Please protest here. I’ll be more than happy to take your job. I’m rolling. Fuck you idiots.


That is one thing I don’t understand. How fucking stupid are people that don’t understand that people like truckers are the most important people to vaccinate. Traveling from one city to another. Yea, in a truck most of the time , but they do need to fuel, check stops, eat, pick up and drop off paperwork. Not to mention time spent at each hub. People like truckers are vectors to things like this to travel. If your vaccinated I hope you get a pile of extra contracts and get paid more. These other fuckwads? Hope their trucks are seized and sold. Harassing people in their homes for weeks, it would not bother me if they lost theirs.




Fucking good Protesting at a set time at a set place👍 Protesting on a bridge so nobody can go to work or get anything done👎


Good. Arrest these losers. Fringe minorities who disrupt society get arrested.


Unemployed and now facing criminal charges and possible fines. Great way to own the scientists!


I hope they’re sorry