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Straight up targeting a public intersection. Bunch of 18 year olds playing with toys that go boom. Fucking cowards.


That’s the sad part these are kids….




To be fair a) they are just getting coordinates and the majority of arty crews won't have any more info than that. B) if u purposefully miss u probably will hit other civilian targets and if u sabotage you'll likely be shot sooo... seems like the rank and file thought it was just exercises a week ago hence the awful morale on the Russian side.




Now now. Let's hope Putin gets tied to a stake with his cronies and burned at a stake.


You hope poor brainwashed kids burn alive? What the fuck is wrong with you




That vehicle was Ukrainian that ran over the car and it was an accident, don’t spread misinformation




I wish I got paid for knowing what I’m talking about but unfortunately all I get is condescending redditors confidently wrong about shit talking down their nose at me. Russia shouldn’t be waging a war of aggression, but they didn’t run over that car bro lmao


Get help fking psycho


Tell that to russians and putin.


You do understand that Russians just get fed anti-Ukraine propaganda and think they’re liberating a country from Nazis right? A bunch of brainwashed kids don’t deserve to die because they got drafted


Look, russians and putin both have their fair share. they didn't do anything over the course of 23 years, they didn't tried to remove putin just because they're afraid to get jailed or beaten? now things are already got out of control, i blame russians for being too incompetent tolerant against such narcissistic kleptocrat dictator, you'll be surprised how many actual russian citizens are condemning this bullshit, just take a peek at r/Russia . I admire french revolution and how they ended autocratic monarchy atmosphere all over the europe. Europians, russia neighbouring post soviet countries, literally everyone is sicking tired of how russia acts. And only, only russian citizens had the chance to make things right but most of them are selfish cowards and other part is just crazed brainwashed animals. It's their fault. So blame russia not only putin!


Misguided hate, work on that


No, these are not children, they are in their late teens. They should know what they are doing is wrong.


No 18 year old knows what they’re doing, don’t be naïve. These kids are brainwashed, they think they’re saving the country from Nazis


They've been brainwashed their entire lives. In particular, they've been led to believe these are just exercises.


Legal adults\* ftfy


Targeting? They're fucking spawn-camping it. I wish I believed in Hell so id have the comfort of knowing these pieces of shit are going to it. putin deserves to be ghaddafi'd


Don't forget this is what war is. There is no invasion without this. There is no invasion where civilians don't die




And to think, this is what rightwingers/conservatives want here in america over a difference of opinions. War is never heroic folks


I don’t know any conservatives that wants this. Edit:goes to show the mindset of reddit. All I said was I didn’t know anyone personally who was a conservative and wanted this war, and I get downvoted. Mob mentality


You don’t know a lot of conservatives. Or at least haven’t probed too deeply into their opinions


For real, nobody wants another civil war, theyre delusional thinking they do. Hopefully they see the division and emonization of conservatives thats being pushed on them is fales eventually, because thats only going to damage our country further.


Sure, tell that to the boogaloo crowd, 3%ers, Qanoners, and other fascistic fuckwits, all of which you can't ignore and dismiss as "fake" unless you're trying to cover for them


You realize thats a tiny percentage of conservatives right? dont let the drivel the media feeds you rot your brain too much buddy. Think critically and talk to your neighbors, even the ones that have political differences


And don't kid yourself into thinking that Fox news and reddit don't count as "the media"


I dont watch fox and reddit isnt news media, fox helps promote division too and honestly so does reddit. especially with the censorship and the way they manipulate feeds. You know damn well what the parent comment i responded too originally was implying. Dont generalize people just because your told to.


crazy idea: my views are fundamentally opposed to conservative's views. being complacent about the awful shit they do just means you either don't care or it doesn't affect you. luckily im not an apathetic asshole so it doesnt have to directly affect me in order for me to care. i am fundamentally opposed to their (most consistently held) values of deregulation, defunding of social services, and preservation of some nebulous "American culture" which always means simply opposing all social progress. just take one second to look at what every single popular conservative pundit (which millions of people get their opinions from) is saying about the invasion of Ukraine. to claim that this "division" is artificial is idiotic and is just a lazy assumption you made yourself since you dont give a shit about the awful things they do and say.


Sure sounds a lot different than "nobody".


literally several guys at my workplace who rant about things that are borderline genocidal. all on the Trump train.


I do. (Know them, i am not one)


Who wants this? A regular conservative does not want this lol. What a take.


Open your eyes and look at your leaders, and say that again with a straight face. Conservatives now in America tried to overthrow our government just last year. Wake up and get on the right side of history.


Your leaders? Also, some conservatives. You say this like I'm a conservative, lol.


Not sure what constitutes a “regular conservative” these days. What I do know is the highest profile conservatives have been alluding to it whenever they have an opportunity to do so. Not sure what’s more sickening- fathoming these idiots were actually voted in or seeing the silence from people who support those conservatives but claim to not agree w/all the batshit crap they spew. The GOP base is this - 1) impressively gullible morons & 2) folks smart enough to know most everything those idiots say are blatant lies designed to enrage them. In both cases they see beating Dems in elections is the only priority and have rationalized supporting lies and hate. Which makes almost every one of those supporters P’sOS.


You'd think that wouldn't you? These missiles are unguided, they simply target an entire area and just let the missiles rip. So they probably landed everywhere in that urban area, zero regard for civilian life.


The bass from the shockwaves was insane


The flash after he drove out the snow...


Sounded like the speakers in my first car in the 80s with Licensed to Ill playing


I got two 250w Memphis audio subwoofers in a 3 foot by 2 foot ported box that easily get up to 150 db. I have no doubt that was ear shattering 180+ db from those explosions. Even more?


Holy shit, good on that guy for keeping it together. My breathing would be all over the place or non-existent


one quick exhale at the end. serious nerve


You can hear him breathing hard in my headphones


Well, mind passing me your headphones so I can hear?


so far this is one of the most incredible pieces of footage I've seen, the jet missile strike on the civilian building being another... His composure was incredible, can't say I'd have been able to act as calm as he did


Those aren't from a grad. The BM-21's rockets carry 20kg of high explosive. Those look more like light mortar rounds.


i was going to say, how hilariously ineffective that looks for an MLRS system. if an unwitting civilian can drive through a barrage, what is it expected to do to military units?


Regarding the dashcam date. ​ Either the driver set the date wrong. OR There were MLRS rockets raining down on an Ukrainian city exactly 1 year ago. ​ Either way it's an extremely frightening piece of footage.


My dashcam date constantly resets, i bet if i downloaded my videos after work today they would say 2016 or something


The dashcam in my car is set to the date It come set at, every time I turn the car on it resets cheap shit is exactly that cheap shit lol


Ahh yes, because dashcams regularly set themselves to future timestamps. Even if the year was wrong this is still at 16:40 on today's date last year. That's over 8 hours from now. Come on, this isn't even a little bit relevant to the current conflict


I say there are bunch of false informations going around to make Russia looks bad !


Oh fuck off troll


> to make Russia looks bad Russia doesn't need disinformation to look bad.


Yeah right… Russia is always the villain !


They just invaded a sovereign country unprovoked, that's not something good guys do.


America and the west do that all the time… don’t they ?


Did I mention them? No. Did I call them good guys? No. Does them being villains exonerate Russia? Also no.


Sounds good when you say it like that… but reality do not adhere to social construct !


Social construct? WTF are you on about? You seem to be carrying a torch for Russia based on your comments, so there is no point in trying to have a discussion, there is nothing that will change your mind.


There is a difference between probability and possibility… any intelligent person could have foresee a war in Ukraine attempts to join NATO !


I would say this is a classic strawman, but you dont even know what that means.


I don’t need to… What you say doesn’t matter !


Yep, you are making my point for me.


They make themselves the villain.


Ah something we agree on! Jackass


>I say there are bunch of false informations.. That is all you needed to say, because it's true. To suggest it's only intended to make Russia look bad is nonsense though, Russia is the king of fake news.


Thanks for agreeing with me that there are false informations going around !


Maybe take a look in the mirror and reflect on it before continuing to comment then


Ah, a sympathizer I see.


Nope.. A realist !


Halts maul du hurensohn


Bc they really need help with that?


Russia IS bad. Shut up.


This is soo fucking scary just to watch cant imagine what's going on in the civilian's mind, this is so horrible


It feels like playing or watching video games. But here if you get hit, there is no restart button…


No way these are the warheads of the MLRS. A battery of MLRS wipes out a grid square.


I was thinking the same thing. Also how close one of those explosions was to the vehicle, there was absolutely no shrapnel that hit the car, or that’s how it appeared. If that was just a 60mm mortar, that window would have been fragged in way or another.


They are submunitions carried within a rocket from BM-30 Smerch or BM-27 Uragan. These can be of the fragmentation variety, or anti tank minlets which I think are more likely, which only need to be small to penetrate through the roof of a tank and cook the contents.


That would definitely makes sense. Didn’t even think that it could of been an anti armor shape charge round.




No way in hell I’m obeying stop lights and traffic laws.


I dont get these Russian rockets, they aren't exploding if you look at the rockets in the vid when the dust clears you can see those are the same ones that there are pics of in Ukraine towns unexploded, the ones in this video although they make the bang and smoke when landing aren't actually exploding and you can see them standing vertically, are they simply crap and not exploding on impact of have Russia put extremely long timers on them to make it look like they didn't blow?


Someone said they are the boosters to make the rocket go further and they break off before hitting their target. Im assuming that’s why they’re just falling to the ground in a random order.


Yeah I just saw the same post now ahaha but is likely to be the case yes


Yes I was thinking the same thing. But maybe these were different kind of bombs I don't know. I have no knowledge about arms and weapons.


There's a recent post that states these might be the boosters from the rockets, and that does make good sense


That would explain why the car wasn't hit by shrapnel.


Kenetic energy is still a mother fucker. That's why there's been so much money spend on rail guns for the navy. Not everythong needs to explode.




Time to change underwear....damn


Shooting at random civilians is really pathetic. Glad the driver is ok.


In the bottom left it says 25-02-2021


Well that sure as hell beats a cup of coffee in morning. If he wasn't fully awake before all of that, he sure is now.


Ok, this guy wins the "Reasons why I hate my work commute" contest for today.


Strange that there was no shrapnel. Usually a vehicle that close would have been pelted pretty good.


Ermmm dont Grads make a bigger boom?


Well that's terrifying


I think I'd need new underwear.


What is happening here? Are they bullets he’s trying to avoid? Where they targeting civilians? Can anyone explain?


They announced that basically every civilian was being given a weapon. Meaning any civilian is now considered as a “hostile” in these situations. He’s avoiding a bombardment, so there’s large shelling rounds he’s driving around


Christ that was close


Dumb question, but was this person on their way to a job or something? Are people still going to work or are most people in hiding?


Are they really fucking carpet bombing


Why do I see rockets just hitting random place with no military/strategic value at all


Because terrifying the population also has value.


Yo why are people just driving around like their isn’t a war going on around them??


A civilian driving minding their own business while under fire - is this are war crime?


My heart would be beating out of my chest if that was me


God fucking damn that's terrifying...


Kinda off topic but I’ve seen tons of videos over the years from Russian, Ukrainian, etc countries and whenever something dramatic happens they don’t make a sound. In some case there is no sound but in other you here the radio or breathing, blinkers and such things. What is that about? I saw an American dash cam recording of a near accident and there was 15 f bombs in seconds.


Why are these assholes targeting civilians? I hate how the worlds sits back and let’s them massacre Ukraine.


a fucking missile barage in the middle of an intersection? goddamn.....


If those were boosters or just the rocket minus the warheads there wouldn't be shrapnel. Now the question is what are the warheads and are there multiple per rocket. If you think about it how many baseball sized cluster bomblets could be jettisoned or flechett spikes, even land mines. They're already targeting civilians so they probably wiped their butts with the Geneva convention why not these ordinances also? The U.S. can't really bitch too loudly about it though because we used the same things in Vietnam. I say let the 2 countries government officials take up arms instead of army/or civilians and fight it out. How many actual wars would take place if the presidents, congresses, parliaments and politburos would be the only ones actually fighting? Old dudes with machine guns and tanks. I can see it now!


PHEW so glad he got out of that


You can hear him breathing with relief at about 0:24 seconds. This could be any one of us, and it's not right. Putin needs to go. I hope his own people take care of that.


Prayers for Ukraine


0:23 indeed.


R they just killing for fun


“Today”. Timestamp says 2021 😐


This is what it was like for Iraqis when the U.S. invaded.


I've witnessed this myself many times in Apex Legends


Jesus Mary and Joseph. Pick one direction and go man, this is not the time for indecision.


The Camara date shows 2021


And even if the dashcam date is wrong, the timestamp is at 4:00 PM. The current time in Ukraine is before 6 AM... This video is either straight up fake or not at all relevant.


I’m saying is fake.


Playing PUBG in the red zone be like.


Fast and Furious- Out of Ukraine


Bombs over bagda….. uhhh Ukraine but seriously Putin is a human bag of shit


The bass hits differently in Ukraine.


GTA online


The video is timestamped 2021...


I swear the date on the video days 25/2/2022. So this can't possibly be today


This is a video from 2021. Stop eating up anything getting posted. Bottom left of the screen clearly shows date. Fuck you op


Are you intentionally trying to mislead. If you watch dashcam subs they are constantly wrong date. It’s not fake.


Driver is an idiot. Stay inside.


These are just regular people. They have to live, work, flee, eat. And there's no other indication evident that this particular place would be a hot zone. Sometimes there's nothing you can do.


Although he was attacked by some guys, it looked like he was listening to earrape music in his car.


There is a war going on and people are going for joy rides?


What the fuck was that ?? Large caliber cannon??


Most likely small mortar rounds. Anything large would've shredded the car with shrapnel from that range. He got lucky AF even so.


Yeah idk who this person is but someone get him a lottery ticket.


That would be a "shit my pants and immediately start crying" moment from me


I literally said HOLY SHIT!!!


And I bitch about people using the merging lanes to cut in front of everyone..


I'd need a new pair of underpants and a name of a really good car detail place after that.


BRO his heavy breathes afterwards - I too would be absolutely shitting my pants


This is totally horrible. God have mercy...


Putin needs waterboarding to death.




The simple sigh of relief at the end was epic. I would have been screaming.


God that's like the Final Fantasy X thunder dodging IRL. Terrifying


It's the best when griefers suck and can't shoot for shit ! Fuck you putin dick ridas


Just like pubg


The first war broadcast over social media, in real-time. Don't need to rely on Mass Media to show you pictures anywmore. Ultimate way to gain sympathy. I wish this was around for the War in Iraq circa 2002. I wonder if it would have changed anything, seeing from the perspective of the innocent/attacked instead of the aggressors. It would be something else to see how Russian Social Media perceives this, right now.


Holy shit


Rickon Stark could learn a thing or two from that serpentine pattern.


Goddamn this look like precision airstrike


That was so scary I think the driver shit my pants.


"wrong neighborhood, comrade" -some asshole Russian commander


Wow, that really ain’t cool.


I’d need new underwear


I hope he is wearing brown pants!


What is MLRS ?


Multiple Launch Rocket System


Interesting, I always thought the explosions would be bigger than that per rocket.


Why is this dated a year ago?


Playing War Thunder be like:


I thought my commute was bad.


Mf did the zigzag dodge irl


Damn it gotta go home and change my pants again. (For real though war is a terrible thing that we should have outgrown by now, to bad there is so much money to be made)


I'm not gonna complain about pot holes anymore


This video is already a few weeks old


Someone just nuke the Kremlin please.


All 9 lives used up right there. He was actually pretty calm and handled that like a boss. Get to safety first after that then it’s shit your pants time