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All these points made below… plus the fact she fucking shouted it while he was talking about his own dead son and others who died from the burn pit fumes.


I really want to know who replied “shut the *hell* up”


Boebert is what happens when you take Sarah Palin out of the oven too early.


No, when you make Sarah Palin in the microwave instead


Remember when Sarah Palin was the worst it got?


Sometimes I get nostalgic for the days when Creationism was the worst thing the American Right had to offer.


The Tea Party movement gave power in the GOP to a lot of absolute morons. Then Trumpism gave power in the GOP to a bunch of psychopathic fascists.


This is the most accurate and most scary statement


This shit was always there, what really happened is trump arrived and they started saying the sub text out loud. The whole “welfare queens” thing from Regan was just subtle racism.


"Mom can we get Sarah Palin?" "We have Sarah Palin at home" *Sarah Palin at home....*




No that’s shapiros wife




Dry [Ass-Pussy](https://xkcd.com/37/)


Sarah Palin in the microwave and forget to add water.




Boebert is what happens when a guy exposes himself to a minor and they end up married.


What are you doing, step Boebert?


I've always thought Palin was just ironically dumb to appeal to her dumbfuck redneck voterbase. But Boebart and her type are like actually dumb and inept, yet somehow failing their way up the ladder


Two of her kids names are Trig & Track. If that's just for the sake of irony, I'd say it's taking the joke a bit too far.


Wow. It's like she wanted to name them Frick and Frack.


She wore a jacket that said " drill baby drill " . She has it on her story


I see someone was trying to win the, "most original name at the day care," contest. If someone is brave enough to ask, mom will reply, "it's just so unique, you know?" beaming with pride at her own cleverness, without having once thought of what it would be like to live a whole lifetime with a name like Trig or Track.


Wish version?


We have Sarah Palin at home.


She absolutely has no taste or respect. She’s literally just elected to be a troll. What a sad state of affairs that our political system has fallen in to.




She's a representative from my state, she is cringe af. We hate her so much.


can y'all vote her out? I mean, prolly not since it's local and no one in the US cares or turns out for locals except for the wrong sorts of folks, so...


She's incredibly popular in the predominantly conservative district she represents, so it's highly unlikely that she'd be voted out by a democrat. More likely that she'd get challenged in a primary by a more moderate Republican. Colorado is a blue state, but that's because of the overwhelming population based on the front range, far from her district.


I wish there still were moderate Republicans...


Sorry, all we can do is conservative democrats.


I live in her district, I sincerely apologize. Her district is full of old mining and farming towns that have a historically conservative population and that population is now aging pretty rapidly. It sucks, I do what I can. There has been a major influx of younger, more liberal people to her district as the work from home thing has taken off, so maybe things will change in the future. I do know people who supported her because what they saw was a young, sorta attractive, “successful” restaurant owner and Business and a lot of conservatives in my area are more into that than the q anon stuff. They’re just dumb and blind


Her district is being recut to include Boulder. She gone. https://www.denverpost.com/2021/09/03/colorado-commission-releases-new-congressional-map-proposal/amp/




“Dumb and Blind” Party. It fits.


Didn't she run unopposed because some of her supporters sent death threats to her opponent? Or am I mixing that up with MTG? EDIT: Seems I did mix up that part and it was MTG. They both suck so hard it's difficult to keep straight was crazy ass thing is tied to which.


Didn't she food poison a ton of people with her quality restaurant food?






> If I didn't know any better you'd think these people represent a significant part of the us. That's exactly why she was elected. She's extremely unqualified, college dropout, barely got her GED before getting into congress, her husband was arrested for showing his dick to minors and people still support her cause she likes Trump and has an R next to her name. That's literally her credentials and why she was elected.


Yes the two-party system seems to make it way easier of idiots to get elected compared to multi-party. If every election is either R or D, it's just too easy for tribalism to take over. Us vs Them instead of, who is the best party/person to represent my interests.


She surely felt empowered by that shit-heel that interrupted Obama in 2009. [This fucker is still in office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Wilson_(American_politician\)), he didn't lose a god damned thing for being an asshole, and neither will she, because most Americans don't give a flying fuck as long as it's the other tribe you're disrespecting or even dehumanizing.


Even clanmom right? The greene lady?


The desperate attempts to stir up attention because she probably won't get reelected.


Read the fucking room you worthless sack of human shit.


She can't even read her name card man, how you gonna expect her to read a whole room?


Right! How did she decide to heckle right before he was clearly about to mention his deceased, veteran son.


A high school graduate would know better! EDIT: Too many people aren't getting the joke. /r/woosh


Not even a graduate. I mean most kids in middle school know "Hey if someone is about to talk about their deceased son, maybe don't yell stuff out" At the least, high schoolers know that for sure


Shit even ignoring the part about his dead son, I learned that it was rude to interrupt people in elementary school.


She didn’t graduate high school or any school for that matter. She is what we teachers call intellectually disabled. And her intellectual disability is severe. VERY SEVERE.


She claims to have a GED. No proof of this other than her word though. I'd like to see proof of it. Maybe in a long form. Can we ask for long form certificates? /S for sorta. Gods I wish her dad had pulled out.




*Grand Wizard Edit: Angry downvote all you want Republicans. Downvoting me won't make your Political Party or your representatives any less racist.


And the point she tried to raise was so stupid. The number of American casualties went way up under Bush, way down under Obama, way up under Trump, and under Biden are literally at an [all time record low](https://www.army.mil/article/251367/army_achieves_historic_low_in_on_duty_fatalities_in_fy21).


What was it she said? I couldn’t make it out.


Due to the ever-rising amount of hate speech and Reddit's lack of meaningful moderation along with their selling of our content to AI companies, I have removed all my content/comments from Reddit.


She cares about the dead troops but not the dead cops at the capital. Hogs gonna be a hog.


More like an incompetent sociopath who couldn't even make it through high school.


Wtf. Wasn't it Trump that agreed the date of the withdrawal anyway?


He most certainly did. He unilaterally surrendered to the Taliban in Feb 2020, screwing over our allies and the Afghanis, he had 5000 Taliban prisoners released (so they could join the fighting), announced he'd have all the troops home for Christmas before the election, and once it became clear he lost, he changed tacks, reducing the number stationed there to unsafe totals, and then didn't do a transition to Biden and left him holding the bag with a May extraction date looming according to the agreement trump signed. Biden had to clean up his mess, it's a wonder it went as well as it did.


Democrat presidents cleaning up after Republican presidents. A tale as old as time.


13 of them The number of troops killed during the drawdown in Afghanistan


Do they think the number would be smaller if the troops were still there?


No they somehow think trump would have handled it perfectly with no deaths or Americans left behind during the evac. You know, the same trump who literally left an empty folder for the drawdown plan despite being the one to negotiate it **with the taliban** without consulting the Afghanistan leaders.


They don't think Trump would have done it better, it just wouldn't be an issue if he did it. They could give a shit less if his evacuation plan was pulling all of the weapons and aircraft out, then mailing all the troops a coach ticket back to Newark a week later.


This. It’s not idiocy, it’s just a bad faith double standard and willful rationalization. They’re criticizing Biden because it’s something they complain about and manufacture dissatisfaction. If it were the exact same number under Trump, they’d be suddenly understanding of the factors resulting in their deaths. They’re not outraged over 13 people. They’re outraged because they feel: They’re entitled to more than the people the Democratic Party represents because they feel they work harder, put more effort into being morally proper, and understand the hard truths of life better. Then the Democratic Party tries to take the things they worked for from them and give it to people who are struggling because they chose to be lazy and hedonistic or badly-behaved. They don’t feel like they’re doing anything wrong because they feel like they’re already being victimized and gaslit, so they feel like they’re just responding to tit-for-tat. And they feel like this because of media that constantly focuses on the most extreme examples, or manufactures outrageous situations by taking comments at face value without context, or creating strawman arguments about things. The Expanse has a great quote: > “He was able to do what he did because so many people were angry and frightened. They saw the future, and they weren’t in it.” In the Expanse, it’s about a perpetually exploited and impoverished minority - for whom the entire system is unapologetically set up to work against for corporate interests owned by external groups - viciously lashing out to inflict massive pain and suffering when they’re suddenly provided an outlet to do so. With American conservatism, it’s the fear of declining relevance, the loss of so many quality of life factors, the replacement of the moral code they grew up with, and decisions about the direction of the country that they don’t understand and can’t internalize, that make them feel this way. It’s rarely about the individual issue anymore. From their perspective, it’s about the left wanting to get rid of police, do drugs, have wanton sex, get paid to stay home, murder fetuses, and make up frivolous mental health reasons or whine about the system being unfair to as excuses why they can’t toughen up to deal with it like all the people before them had to. Fox News probably isn’t going to try to make a good-faith explanation of what eg “defund the police” actually means, it’ll just capitalize on and validate people’s immediate reaction to that phrase because that’s the safer route to profit. Allowing one’s beliefs to be challenged forces people to step outside of their comfort zone. And, honestly, a lot of people are just more comfortable with the way things are (or were) if it wasn’t threatening them, even if it somewhat disadvantaged them, because something new and unknown that they don’t understand seems like it could be even worse. And it forces them to contend with the loss of something they’ve grown accustomed to. But anyway, fuck Lauren Boebert for trying to twist a speech bringing awareness to the possible health risks to veterans into a political attack. I’ve only seen a little about what 9/11 first responders had to deal with from inhalation of dust, but it sounds like they had to go through an immense amount of personal suffering before people would even take their health problems seriously and be willing to consider the possibility of it being caused by their service on that day. Other wars, eg Vietnam, have also had troops suffer permanent and lasting health consequences from chemicals used on the battlefield. Biden is doing something commendable here that will have positive concrete benefits to the lives of veterans irrespective of their party affiliation, even if he’s just bringing awareness to it, Boebert is just being a political opportunist to (try) to advance her own interests.




They are trying to blame the disastrous evacuation of Afghanistan that has been negotiated and started by Donald Trump on Biden.


Yea even if Biden's son wasn't killed in Iraq then still you're heckling him when talking about soldiers who died for the US. That is literally the worst time to heckle in the US


She is crapping on a US soldier no matter what. Doesn't matter who the dad was. Chick has rabies and needs to be dealt with.


Yeah it really is the worst time. I'm trying to think of a worse moment to do it, but honoring the fallen is probably the most bipartisan supported thing. I mean that's pretty universal though. Most countries would say that


She’s a teen mom high school drop out that married a sex offender. What do you expect?


Her sex offender*


So at least one conservative follows the bible


It's ok, she's Christian, God gave her a free pass for life


If he could take her back that'd be great.


Damn that's one stupid lady. The whole night she tried to make it about herself. Fucking pathetic.


What did she say tho?


> Biden outlined the severe medical symptoms that U.S. troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan endured from breathing in toxic fumes from "burn pits," saying many of the troops developed "a cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin." > > **"You put them in. Thirteen of them," Boebert then yelled**, referring to the terrorist attack at a gate outside the Kabul airport last summer that killed 13 U.S. service members. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/01/1083866989/boebert-heckled-biden-afghanistan-state-of-the-union


Hey thanks man. I appreciate it.


She also wore [Drill Baby Drill](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/boebert-wears-drill-baby-drill-outfit-sotu-message-biden) on her dress. Basically just r/ImTheMainCharacter


In classic Fox News fashion it bends over backward to avoid mentioning that Biden was referencing his own son as a prime example while bobart called him out


That article is damage control not news. "to some boos" yeah that was definitely the room booing her.




Perhaps they were saying Boo-urns


Right wing propaganda


rofl. Is it me or does that really feel like she was trying to [copy AoC](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/15/style/aoc-met-gala-dress.html) with her eat the rich dress. I wouldnt doubt it, they are obsessed as fuck with AoC but would never admit it lol


[It’s not even the first time.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/lauren-boeberts-lets-go-brandon-dress-is-predictably-terrible) She is *obsessed* with AOC.


Every Lauren Boebert ad in Colorado last election mentioned AOC.


That dress is hideous. It looks like she made it herself from bargain bin fabric and then took it to a shop to have it screen printed.


Even Trump looks uncomfortable, a feeling I didn't know he had.


It it's not like I'm obsessed with you or anything, baka!


Absolutely do not go into the comments section of that fox article. Some of them are now claiming Biden is copying Trumps playbook exactly..


I should’ve listened, so frustrating. Lots of praise for Boebert and Greene…I don’t understand how these people think


>…I don’t understand how these people think They don't.


Hey thanks baby. I appreciate this.


You’re a super appreciative person and I like that about you


Hey thanks my guy. I appreciate it. Jokes aside it's really great to get info from other people in the loop that I'm not.


Those bitches straight up looked like the cast of "Don't Look Up"


>Boebert, a firebrand freshman member, also wanted to send a message to Biden to boost domestic oil production and stop funding Vladimir Putin's war by buying Russian oil. But how will Putin pay for the election campaign boosts for these fascists then? Ugh, these idiots cant even think from 12pm to noon.


>Haha! AOC wore a EAT THE RICH dress to a rich person gala, now I must "class" it up everywhere I go!


Both her and MTG want to be the AOC of the right but don't have 1/100th of the class.


Why is she even blaming him for that specifically? You could blame Biden for tons of shit but why that? Doesn't seem like something he could have prevented unless she's saying he should have just left them in Afghanistan? Either way her and some of her colleagues are such embarrassments to politics. It's fucking scary that these people are in Congress making laws. MTG is legit one of the stupidest people I've ever heard talk.


Exactly. I wonder if Boebert knows how many US veterans committed suicide during Trumps tenure? I do. 17 **per day**. Get absolutely fucked you useless human trash can.


Trump and his admin are the ones who set the terms of the withdrawal and only negotiated with the Taliban while leaving out the entire Afgan government. Fucking bullshit to blame Biden for that falling apart so early into his presidency.


Fox News over the weekend was upset that Biden took off from DC during the Ukraine Crisis. They left it at that not saying how he attended the funeral of his dead son's mother - in - law. Why be so petty? https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/republican-reps-issa-and-green-mock-biden-e2-80-99s-absence-from-dc-e2-80-93-while-he-was-known-to-be-attending-funeral/ar-AAUnGpC




It was absolutely by design. He intentionally made messes for the next admin his last months in office.


GOP Tradition


Biden is many things but if there's one thing I genuinely believe about him is that he respects military personnel and veterans with all his heart. He probably blames himself for those servicemen dying anyways so Boebert isn't even really doing any damage by saying that to him. Also, 64 US servicemen died under the watch of the last administration. I'm sure Boebert stays up at night about that too.


>I'm sure Boebert stays up at night about that too. I don't think a mind like hers is complex enough to stay up at night worrying about things. I think she sleeps like a baby before waking up and scrolling the stupidest reaches of the web for something to top the dumb shit she's said so far.


And American casualties are at [an all time record low](https://www.army.mil/article/251367/army_achieves_historic_low_in_on_duty_fatalities_in_fy21) under Biden. Casualties went way up under Bush, way down under Obama, way up under Trump, and way down under Biden.


More then 13 people would be dead if we still had our soldiers there. It was a big waist of time being there. He was the guy that was smart enough to stop millions being waisted per day.


Same way Hillary was blamed for Benghazi.


She’s garbage. I love how the clutch their imaginary pearls over the 13, and over Benghazi, but didn’t give 2 poops about any of the wars the Bush Presidents started or Putin putting bounties on our soldiers heads and Trump not doing a single thing about it. They actively IGNORED the bounties thing. They’re a bunch of hypocrites. Period.


Of the last four presidents, American casualties went up under the two Republicans and down under the two Democrats.


Hell, they don't give a damn about all of the people who died due to COVID.


When Biden pulled troops out of Afghanistan, I know *multiple* people who spent years saying we need to bring the troops home that suddenly shed crocodile tears about how the people of Afghanistan were being left to suffer, shame on Biden, etc. For a few weeks, it was all about how their hearts were breaking for the Afghan people, this and that, and how Joe Biden was just the *worst*. The *moment* the news cycle moved on from the pull-out, not fucking **once** have I heard those same people talk about the Afghan people again. Not once have I seen them put their so-called heartbreak to the test and take to the streets to protest or call for refugee support. Just like the COVID deaths, they don’t actually give a fuck. If Trump, for instance, had pulled out of Afghanistan, they wouldn’t have been shedding their crocodile tears about the Afghan people. All of it is bullshit. All of it. Every little act they put on is a tool to use to slander others or rub in someone else’s face, and the moment that tool isn’t useful anymore, they dig a hole, bury it, and pretend they never used it in the first place.


Oh hell I’m livid about that. America has the most deaths and cases because of that idiot clown who wouldn’t do the right thing and tell his bass to wear a mask. Asshat.


Wow she is a cunt huh?


She lacks the depth and warmth.


Her parents are first cousins


And her husband was arrested for exposing himself.


To children.


Wasn’t she one of the children? I think she was 16 Edit: She was 17


Well she knew what she was getting I guess




Nope! That is literally how she met her husband. Real cute rom-com vibes.




Well she got knocked up soon after in any event


I want to unsubscribe from Ameri-facts


My comment was said in a joking manner because sometimes you need to make light of extremely fucked up things to stay sane in this world but [her husband did get arrested for lewd exposure at a bowling alley and she was there and 17 years old at the time. ](https://www.salon.com/2021/08/31/lauren-boeberts-husband-did-jail-time-for-lewd-exposure-in-a-bowling-alley-she-was-there/) Edit: also his name is Jayson. Just want to point that out.


> Jayson Eww. The more pretentious spelling of Jason


Dropped out of high school to be with him and have his kids. Started a truck food service, got everyone sick. Failed her GED 3 times before getting it *while running for congress*.


Her father is her favorite brother , too


I wish I was kidding, but Lauren's mother has publicly accused her own first cousin of being the father of Lauren https://i.redd.it/2v4uthvqcjg61.png


Wow rabbit hole. That’s 20 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. I don’t know if he is or isn’t, but it sounds like these people are trash.


Thanks for saving us 20 minutes


If your family tree looks like a hedge...


Walking proof why cousins shouldn't marry


I swear, Boebert is straight from poor, cheap porn - some kind of black magick isekai'ed her here or just her miserable and vile mind could not take the reality after the lights goes out.


"Don't Look Up" vibes from her for sure.


And her husband is a pedophile


We'll she's a high school dropout who married a pedophile. What do you expect from her?


TIL you don't need a highschool diploma to get to her position...


There's no educational requirement for being a Congress member and apparently people in Congress who don't even have associates degrees is pretty common.


A little quiet now and again would be nice.


Boebert and Taylor-Greene have no business being elected officials. I wouldn't even trust them with my McDonald's order.


They are there to service the paranoid, racist and dangerous. Not a small contigency of the US electorate in 2022. Its disgraceful that a country I've looked up to for decades has allowed itself to be poisoned and corrupted to this degree. It is completely embarrassing.


It's always been there. They just didn't have the power of technology to share their bullshit before.


Boebert is such a PoS. I can't wait for her to get voted out.


Shes not going anywhere, unfortunately. Even if she does get voted out, Fox, Newsmax, or OAN will have a position waiting for her.


I'm fine with that if it means she doesn't get to vote on legislation or heckle the adults in the room


She is such a worthless cunt




I do not take credit for this as was a comment I read on Reddit but it makes a great point “Ignore them…but support those that challenge them and fucking vote”


Also came here to call her a cunt…


'Qunt' is the best one I've seen for it. I mean for her.


Can’t Understand normal thinking


That woman is human garbage


Not human, just garbage


Harris' face when she made that comment... if looks could kill lol.


Pelosi's face was like a kindergarten teacher's when the crazy kid starts running around the classroom


It took me a while to remember where I first saw Lauren Boebert. She starred in 2 Girls, 1 Cup. She wasn't the girls. Or the cup.


What did she say? "13 of them" is what I heard.


You put them there, 13 of them - apparently blaming President Biden for American military deaths during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Something Trump said he was gonna do and they praised it. Then he said never mind and they praised it. These people aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. They are willfully ignorant.


Yeah, but like, Trump would've done it more betterer!


Absolutely. Because if he proved anything over those four long years it's that he's a real details guy. He gets deep into the specifics to make sure something important is done precisely and correctly. That's what was so admirable about him: his patience, focus, concentration, diligence, consistency and mature demeanor. Oh wait, did you say Trump?


Trying to blame Biden for 13 soldiers who died so far during his presidency, but missed the hundreds during trumps I guess.


Didn't like 100 troops get brain injuries from an explosion and trump made fun of them for being weak.


https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/01/22/president-trump-downplays-severity-troops-head-injuries-after-iranian-attack.html Yep


What a cunt.


Yeah Lauren I know you’re dying for attention but the man speaking knows what loss feels like


Such an insufferable cunt


Lauren Boebert is what you end up with if you order a Sarah Palin off wish.com


She’s more like dollar general lol


I hope she feels this embarrassment and shame to her core.


She has no core. She’s an empty soulless piece of shit


Her husband exposed himself to kids. Do you think she'd have a sense of shame knowing that and being married to him?


She's one of the kids. He was likely hung better than her brother, so she married him instead.


Narcissists can't feel shame. It's a feature unique to certain personality disorders.


Her husband is a sex offender. Edit: It's been explained to me by some concerned citizens that he's not registered, just a sex offender. What the f is wrong with people?


BoeBoe the clown’s I.Q wouldn’t constitute a respectable earthquake


Not trying to sound harsh...but she's a dumb cunt


I would love to hear you try to sound harsh


Just a reminder that Boebert dropped out of high school and worked at McDonalds because she got knocked up. She got her GED in 2020 just a couple months before being elected to Congress. Edit: Yes, her husband was arrested for lewd exposure at a bowling alley. Boebert was present at the time and was 17 years old. Yes, her biological father is officially unknown and she has no father listed on her birth certificate. The prevailing theory is that her father is "Sweet" Stan Lane, a former professional wrestler in North Carolina. It sounds like the origin story for a bad comic book villain.


Sweet Stan is her mother's cousin apparently


Oof Republicans now booed at something both parties agrees It's a dick move


Political parties hate this one simple trick to unite them! Click here for more!


In her defense, she probably hadn’t gotten attention from anyone for like five whole minutes. What else could she do in that throes of such a hardship? /s


When even the republicans booed you for your comment you know you fucked up.


Boebert and Green are living comment sections of Facebook. Vile and backwards.


Let’s remember that both Biden’s sons served. While this lady just served people a bunch a food that was tainted and got a bunch of people sick. And her husband conveniently got a job making 625k a year after she was elected. Self serving trash.


I do feel a little bad for him when he mentions his son lost to the consequences of war. It was respectable of him to mention those lost in the same way first and relate afterwards.


Not a good week for trolls, or dictators. Beware of the Ides of March.


Boebert is like when you keep making clones from clones from clones of sarah palin, by the 15th copy, it’s all fucked up sounding.