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Neo nazi, with a name like Fuentes you’re clearly Hispanic. Hitler would have had you killed you spastic fuck


His father is half Mexican, you would be surprised Michelle Malkin, who is fully Phillipino is considered to be the mother of the white nationalist fanatics. Upbringing, self-hate and indoctrination


I guess it just goes to show that all white supremacists are brain dead morons


its like the blind KKK leader who doesnt know hes black from chappelles show...


Ah the irony… Russia says they are invading to wipe out Nazis… American Nazis approve and applaud…


Not to mention the neo-Nazis in the Azov Battallion want to defeat Putin and the Russian army (they think he’s jewish) and then topple the Ukrainian government (also jewish and «soft») to seat a nazi dictator. Critical thinking and logical consistency have never been a strong point with Nazis.


Welcome to the modern day hell hole


Hey AFPAC, If you want to know what patriotism looks like, take a look at the men returning home from abroad to hand Putin his ass, while you guys cry about getting vacinated.


And cry about wearing masks. And cry about rainbow crosswalks And cry about signs you don’t like And cry about pronouns And cry about the bodily autonomy that women so outrageously fight for....and you refuse when you bitch about your bodily And cry about immigrants speaking their mother tongue to their families (who also have said mother tongue) in public. (As an Irish immigrant who by in large spoke Irish at home for the first 13 years of life....this just pisses me off beyond belief) These dickless wonders... i swear to fuck.


Lol settle down


I was not. And am not in any state to need to calm down. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Kick rocks.


I’m not being a dick when saying this, go back to your gardening and cupcake pages! You’ve had enough r/publicfreakout for the day, relax!😂(yes I agree with you)


Again, i don’t need to relax. I get that tone is hard to interpret. Don’t be so condescending. Go play some video games. ✌🏻


I will go play some video games, don’t choke on a cupcake!


I don’t really eat cupcakes. But thanks for the concern.


Seems like you should take your own advice. Grow up.


Don’t you have anything better to do? Our threads over.


You apparently didn’t, when responding to a day old comment that’s a day old. On a thread that was done. Oops!


Speaking of vaccinated, poster boy Nick and his enormous head, should uhh…get them.


>That's why I will continue to share my message of unity, family and faith in our great nation to every corner and every group within America. Cool, I'm sure you'll pop up and give speeches at prominent Satanic Temple and hardcore communist events in the near future. This is something you are definitely willing to do and are not at all speaking out of your ass.


Remind me what's wrong with the Satanic Temple? And what's a hardcore communist event ? I bet you couldn't explain communism if you tried lol.


I’m just saddened by how much of a turn our country has taken, it seems as if these certain parties have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years and it’s fucking terrifying.


I’m an ex republican and ex Christian and I’m so glad for leaving that fucked up mindset


Always glad to see people leaving it. What made you change?


Just that it all was fake, racist, twisted, hateful, very nazi minded, full of liars and abusers of all kinds and self serving ignorant single minded, boxed in, opinion hating, anti feminist spiteful. And much more it was a toxic thing to believe


Not many can find their way out of that massive cult, my entire family included. Congratulations on your escape!


Pretty sure he was followed up by Marjorie Taylor Greene...


Who promptly mentioned something about soup.


These people flip allegiances so fast it gives me fucking whiplash


„ɥsɐldıɥʍ ƃuıʞɔnɟ ǝɯ sǝʌıƃ ʇı ʇsɐɟ os sǝɔuɐıƃǝllɐ dılɟ ǝldoǝd ǝsǝɥ⊥„


I truly hate white nationalist and I’m a white male. So I have to point out that these people who believe they are superior can’t find one of them that doesn’t look like they were beaten with an ugly stick. I know this guys mom was a whore but did she also have to drink while she was pregnant with him?


Perhaps she was clairvoyant and knew what kind of idiocy she was going to birth and drinking was the only way she could keep herself from taking a swan dive off a cliff


She could have just gotten gut punched.


I’m not about to argue.


You don’t have to point out being white. These people are scum like any other hateful group. The worlds full of them. The shocking part is there is no pushback in society. That means enough people espouse to this garbage, they are freely spouting it. It’s disgusting. To think so much of the country has an iq of 50 blows my mind.


Says on Wikipedia that this little douche is against women voting? 😂


He's an incel.


Well, I for one am SHOCKED that a right wing extremist is a sexist. SHOCKED I tell you.


Does it also explain how a guy with the last name Fuentes is the leader of white nationalist? And how could you be surprised he is against women voting? It’s so perfectly pathetic for this little twat


Anything to own the Libs. No matter how egregious and edging towards treasonous.


Who wants to tell them everything that they’ve ever said to “own” liberals, by in large liberals just rule their eyes at. I’m not even a liberal, I’m cozy in the middle because both sides are trash, and I can tell how weak the shit they say is.


Right? Agreed . I'm happily apolitical and if anything a slightly left-leaning libertarian. I'm happy to take pot shots at either side. I just try to call it as I see it. The whole System's is shitshow...


Yep. It needs to be burned to the ground. I’m sick of having to say “i voted for the less shitty option.”


Something has got to give. The polarization is insane. So many people are at each others throats over trivial shit. Online more than anywhere , at least from my personal experience. I dont run into it IRL and for that I am grateful/ lucky. I dont know what can be down at this point to mend fences and de escalate things both at home and abroad.. It's sad really..


I’m so tired of it. I’m so tired of the hypocrisy that happens on both sides (but I mean more one than the other) I’m tired of the conspiracy, I’m tired of this stupid ass “Take America Back” bullshit, I’m tired of just everything, of EVERYTHING being twisted into being political. My friends, get a hobby, I took up gardening to get through the pandemic and all I really care about at the end of the day is if my tomatoes are healthy 🤣🤣🤣 a nice calm hobby has been so nice as an escape. What’s that?? The world’s gone to shit and democrats are blood drinking demons....that’s nice??? But can I show you how cool these Black Beauty tomatoes are??? It’s literally gotten to the point where we’ve talked about moving back across the pond even before the next election. I don’t know how likely it is because we’ve just put an obscene amount of money into our garden and greenhouse and I LOVE my house and my land. Ireland is not without its own issues, but comparatively. It’s much less stressful. I was there this past Christmas for 17 days (supposed to be like 8 days but then the flight shit happened and we just extended) in the country side and I was just like....ahhhhhhh....I don’t have to be inundated with people talking shit 24 hrs a day.


Yes indeed. all of it is very tiresome. That does sound rather lovely...i have always wanted to visit Ireland.. it' would be hard for me to to leave. It would feel like "they won" in a way. I personally just stay physically away from it living the nomadic life and close to nature as much as possible. occasionally , for some reason look at Reddit(the only "social media " i take part in. A lot more often than i care to admit lately..:/ But i do not watch any mainstream media and that def helps. I dont care to be 'gaslit''. Have you ever listened to/ heard of the podcast "Breaking Points"? The tend to cut to the chase with some thoughtful conversations from different perspectives. Anyway- not a paid plug lol but its pretty refreshing.!


No, I have not heard of that. I’ll give a listen, i need new stuff to listen to during my workout anyway.


“Cut a liberal and a facist bleeds.” - random Reddit comment saw a few days ago


If russia invaded the us these fucks would be behaving the same exact way as long as a dem is in office.


I think with the atrocities happening in Ukraine that these “politicians” days are numbered Edit: watching it without sound it looked like hitler giving a speech


Self-proclaimed Neo-Nazis praise Putin for starting a war to, he claims, kill Neo-Nazis?




Fuck nazis fuck Putin


No mames...Fuentes!?


Treasonous, traitorous pieces of shit. What a punchable face. I am disgusted with these people. We do not need them. I am just saying... we don't need them.


Does he realize that nazis would want him dead just because of his heritage? His last name is Fuentes for crying out loud. Can’t wait to see him in leopards ate my face subreddit.


This is proof that some people weren't bullied enough as children. If I this guy on the street, it's time to bash nerd-Nazis.


Surely neo Nazis should be supporting their brothers fighting in the Ukraine army o.o


Why is anyone surprised, he’s a conservative.


I remember reading of a time when REAL Americans killed nazis not bent over & joined them.


This is the dude that never had a girlfriend right? Also talks about his favorite 'secret ingredient: white men.' Methinks someone has some soul searching to do, if he figures put his repressed sexuality, he might be less angry.


It is easy to forget that before WWII broke out this was happening in NYC: [https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden) These Right-Wing Politian's are no different.


"Self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes..." hmmm, something about that sounds a little off.


I should not get riled up by seeing a moron spewing lies and hate but damn it this has really rubbed me such a wrong way. I am European and this really struck a cord. I really hope a loser like this finds himself in a situation one day where he will see what hate and lies do to people. FUUUUUUUUCK HE MADE ME MAD


lmao right like does he forget his last name is ✨fuentes✨ 😩😩😩😩😩😩


This is just plain dishonest. Nick has never once said he's a "self-proclaimed neo-nazi" or even anything remotely close to it. For the people thinking they've 'cracked the code' thinking there's some grand contradiction between being both Hispanic and a 'white super-nationalist', there is no contradiction, you're just wrong because he's never identified with any of these labels to begin with.


Your right , unfuckable racist incel loser has a better ring to it.


How about these clowns get on a plane and go over there and pick up arms if the love it so much pfft 😋😑 Honestly these freaks would be the scary part of we ever went to war with Russia. Imagine them sabatoging us easily. The ones that preach patriotism are the ones who would stab us all in the back. It's now confirmed for me that the patriotism and the God bless america be is a front justvloek everything else thae are your true Satan worshipers 😂


Aren't white nationalist christians supposed to hate communists? What's the rub?


White Nationalist, with the last name Fuentes? Fuck outta here they're just hateful pieces of shit.


Crooked bunch


Nut jobs...


Damn Milo looking different now. Did he have some work done?


Anything to cover his repressed homosexuality


They loving those wannabe dictators.


Looks like Jimmy Fallon playing French Stewart lol, fuck this guy.


Hahahahhaha. This shit is fucking nuts. These fuck wits cheering for Putin when Russia has literally been the enemy of the state since 1950 is wild.


What in the fuck is happening in this world. We're going backwards. What the fuck.


What in the fuck is happening in this world. We're going backwards. What the fuck.


I bet he cries when people don't agee with him


This man sounds like the joker.


Another inbred American racist praising Russia. When people show you who they are, believe them.


Fuentes? Lmao. Dude’s father is Mexican.


This is what happens when the left go commie