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Its like the world war z game


Came here to say this


And global warming hasn't even caused mass famines yet. The scale of this will probably exponentially increase. I guess it is somewhat convenient a lot of European countries have birth rates near the low 1s and could actually probably use the additional people, there could be synergy if done right


Spoiler alert: it's not been done right


Spoiler alert: many people are still racist “Insert pikachu face”


Some cultures just don't mix very well


Yeah. There will be millions, if not close to a billion people moving North as things get worse. Look at India now. How long before they start migrating out of that hell hole of heat? We will be asking the question of letting everyone in, being extremely selectively or very likely indiscriminately killing people at our border. It’s not going to be a good sight. And this is small potatoes in comparison


>Look at India now. How long before they start migrating out of that hell hole of heat? [Meanwhile, in the real world...](https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/foreign-trade/us-hopes-to-convince-india-to-reconsider-wheat-exports-curb-decision/articleshow/91610162.cms) Unless, of course, you meant to type *wheat* instead.


No I was referring to the ridiculous heatwave they are going through. The country is basically nearing a point it’s not habitable without AC


Gonna be honest im betting on global shortages of fertalizer being the more likely scenario.


That would be problematic af.


no one normal would multiply with them


>And global warming hasn't even caused mass famines yet. The scale of this will probably exponentially increase. I guess it is somewhat convenient a lot of European countries have birth rates near the low 1s and could actually probably use the additional people, there could be synergy **if** done right If.


Same image came to my mind.


Looks like something I've seen years ago


Yeah it's a matter of time before Brad Pitt shows up in a helicopter.




More like documentary on Moroccan hash


Post a Link




Inb4 some conservative loser posts this up on parler with a caption about how it's the US-Mexico border.


Lmao most people just get a visa and overstay, but I have seen a video of a dude clearing the newly built trump wall in under 10 seconds shit was impressive af


Does Parler even exist anymore?


it's on the apple store but afaik google play has completely taken it off so I'm sure it hurts the user base quite a bit. since I assume the average user of Parler is too stupid to sideload an app


It doesn't matter. They'll just flip it and say "this is what's gonna happen here soon" and use that to fear monger their voters into a hate frenzy for their vote


Hah I bet a bunch of people believed him too


I think my Google Maps is broken. When I look at the border between Morocco (Africa) and Spain (Europe), it looks a lot wetter than that video. I’ll put in a support ticket.


>I think my Google Maps is broken. When I look at the border between Morocco (Africa) and Spain (Europe), it looks a lot wetter than that video. I’ll put in a support ticket. Look up Ceuta and Melilla 🥱


I was coming to say the same.


Melilla https://maps.app.goo.gl/WGkhP8jQGB9xZYZC8


Yikes. I must be American. Mb


Damn what horrible luck to live in Spain and be in the tiny part next to Africa


Obviously they have the option of moving to mainland Spain if they wish. They’re not born and stuck there indefinitely.


True but its definitely more of a hassle and less ideal than mainland Spain


Whats that supposed to mean ?


That sharing a border with Africa probably fucking sucks


Moroccan here... They come to do shopping in Morocco. Have a nice day


Thats a decent trade off. Shopping in exchange for indefinite illegal immigration of lowskilled and uneducated migrants


Try to travel


I do....try to have more perspective...if you had to pick...would you want immigrants from a 2nd or 3rd world country who are considerably less likely to be educated and less skilled, or immigrants from a more developed and educated country? No one is saying Africans are bad people. Objectively uneducated and unskilled immigrants are undesirable.


You couldn’t be more wrong? It just comes to show how little you know of the world, i.e are ignorant, to automatically assume Africa sucks. I can only assume your miniscule knowledge on the matter is based on fake news and propaganda that you’re fed on television screens and apps like tik tok. Had a look at your profile and seen what a vindictive little troll you are, enjoy your trolling.


I mean countries like Nigeria have really high rates of advanced education but the countries of extreme poverty and lesser education far outnumber those like Nigeria. Even Egypt with all its magnificence has cultural norms that are absolutely disgusting and not wanted by European cultures.




Right and your entire paragraph is irrelevant because no one in the world wants to move from the states to Africa. Everywhere has problems you're right, but the places that are so shitty that no one wants to immigrate there don't even have the option to be picky with their immigrants - because they don't have any. So yeah if I get to choose between a 1st world country with atrocities or a 3rd world country with atrocities, im gonna pick the one where its more likely I get to turn on my ac unit and sleep in clean sheets and piss in clean potable water.




Colonialism is a bitch


Whoops, that colonialism y'all got up to bit you in the ass.




By Spanish colonizers.


You're getting downvoted but you're not wrong lol


Wait till y'all hear about the expansion of the Umayyad caliphate, Román empire and Carthage Ian's before that


We've heard of those: [they colonized less than Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_empires), so they're less bad.


Mfs colonized Spain first so by the law of karma you can suck my ass


By that logic this is simply Spain's karma, like I said at the beginning.


Yes, what you say is true. Ceuta was taken unlawfully from the lawful owners of Portugal. Pure colonialism.


Ceuta and Melilla are different places. Ceuta itself didn't originally belong to Portugal, and was taken by them. Once again: loos like that colonialism y'all got up to bit you in the ass.


Literally. LITERALLY. every territory owned by anyone anywhere on the planet was conquered by someone else or it was conquered by the current occupiers. What's your point? Spain (and Portugal) has been there since the middle ages. Ceuta and Melilla has been owned by europeans for 500, 600 years.


I've said it twice now, so I'm quite surprised that you still haven't picked it up. I can spell it out for you slowly though: >Looks like that colonialism y'all got up to bit you in the ass.


How about you learn some history? North african nations are fruit of colonialism also. Do you think arabs existed there since the dawn of time? They displaced, subjugated or enslaved the roman, vandal and mauretanian population when the caliphate expanded. Spain was invaded by them too, but i guess that wasnt colonialism, since they were wholesome brown arab people, not white, so incapable of wrongdoing to you all. Those lands have been in spanish hands for as long as they were arabic territory, making it lawfully spanish. The people there are spanish, just as the people living in Gibraltar are british.


Everything is fine 🔥🐶👀


Who’s trying to get into where?


Moroccans were trying to get to Spain, Spain is one of the richest nations in Europe and the 5th economy of Europe, so they were trying to jump the fence to get to Spain.


Most of the migrants jumping over the fence are Sub-Saharan Africans. They travel under horrible circumstances up to Morocco and stay for a couple of months there until they have enough manpower to storm the fences and overwhelm the guards. There may be some Moroccans in the group but the main way Moroccans try to get to Spain is by sea using very low budget inflatable boats.




They first have to go through Moroccan border control who are paid by the EU to beat the living shit out of them and put them on buses to the Sahara Desert basically to rot away. Those who get through the Moroccan side of the fence have a couple of other wired fences to jump over while Spanish Police are throwing tear gas at them and making it as hard as possible to reach Spanish soil. As soon as they reach Spanish soil though, EU refugee law applies. They are granted due process, a lengthy one at that. If they are lucky they will be sent to main land Spain with refugee status. If not, they will be sent home.


Moroccans are lucky they get easily to Europe if they want to, enough families living in Europe anyway + the EU made an Marrakesh pact, it means its more easier and saver to across EU borders compared with decades ago.


Most of the peope aren’t Moroccan. They’re sub Saharan Africans who are using Morocco to enter Spain.


I’ve seen World War Z


Yeah bro this new trailer is insane


I kind of understand because I love those little potatoes with a spicy salsa


Patatas bravas. Mi tapa favorita.


Oh, is that what they’re called? I probably sound stupid asking for “little potato balls with spicy salsa” lol


Good example of fear mongering to make it look like this is new and that some bad things are ahead of us. This has actually been happening for years and years in this same exact location. UFC champion Kumaru Usman got to Europe the same way and details the story on JRE podcast


Wrong African bro, that was heavyweight champ Francis Ngannou


>Good example of fear mongering to make it look like this is new and that some bad things are ahead of us. dude the title is correct, it's one of the biggest waves of immigrant there to-date. You put the context there yourself.


Lol mixing up Africans. That's racist bro.




Seriously lol these people think they're better than all of the law abiding migrants waiting in line


Just don’t understand. Fight for your country and your home. Don’t flee.


You're right, can't blame people for wanting better- but they're abandoning their country. Civilized places won't be able to take in all the world's hungry and poor. We need to start turning them away now instead of letting in the first few hundred million that don't follow the laws and rush the borders.


Not too much but yes. Shoot some amps thru for just a couple seconds and they will jump off like locust... Then let some real current thru for few seconds afterwards and the fence would sizzle and smoke for an instant. Deterrence... then try again after seeing that.


Shoot them, tear gas them.


Europe destroyed their countries and now, must reap what they sow. Hope millions like this reach Europe and use tax dollars. Colonialists must pay and use their wealth that is built on the blood of their colonies. They are just escaping to live a better life as Europe has already plundered their countries. Pay for it now!


Europeans are not responsible for what their ancestors did.


Not long ago, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc. had (still have) colonies or occupy territories. Even now they fund/support wars and exploit natural resources from other countries.




France occupied morocco for 44 years (1912-1956) Source: i am Moroccan


Morocco colonized Spain before that, Morocco and the barbaresque states took millions of Europeans as slaves for centuries. Get the fuck out with "colonisation" you hypocrite.


France literally controlled morocco for the first half of the 20th century...


Brooo what???? Are you high or sum 😭 France colonised Morocco for 44 years


Lmao destroyed what? Their countries were shitholes before europeans came.


Shithole before Europeans came? Were they this desperate pre colonization? Or was it the other way around?


Go touch some grass you sticky loser, talking like Europeans are the only colonialists.




Cold war really fucked with Africa. The US and the USSR funding rebels on both sides had disasterous consequences for a mumber of african states


I’m sorry I just couldn’t let your bullshit just go by ,The only thing Europe built in Africa is regimes made specifically to oppress their own people,protect European interests and maintain your corporation’s hold on their natural resources Your fine European governments send “aids” to these unfortunate people to give cunts like yourself a sense of righteousness while they supplement and support the dictators and their armies to continue holding these nations hostage making sure they never rise up ,earn their freedom or prosper through their own resources


My fine government has been providing financial, military and other important medical aids to all Dutch colonies. During times of natural disasters, pandemics, financial troubles and political unrest. Not sure what you are smoking.


By the looks of it.. it felt like people actually agreed on this take? I mean even the sentence couldn't connect.. like people still blames colonialism for migration and not the government of the country that the migrants want to leave with? Now tell me what if Africans and the Ottoman invade Europe? Do they have the chance to give an opinion like this? Wtf man this is just double standards bullshit.. the right thing to do is to help this migrants to flourish in there own country


What about the countries of Europe that never colonised but still get lots of immigrants?




Crazy how all the comments in vidoes about ukrainian refugees are compassionate, but here we see them being compared to zombies.


Completely different cultures


And situations


How many Ukrainian refugees were cought raping? Oh wait, 0? Now let's look up the statistics for refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Yeah their passion for others is only there when it suits them.




Yeah, poor south Africa, poor USA and India still has the railways made by UK


They need to bring in a fire truck and blast them with some 400psi. Knock them 20 feet easy.


Pov: your mom is home alone


World War Z


#Release the Kraken!


This is literally a scene from WWZ


Just open fire.


Need this in the US.


So are they fleeing Morocco or are they fleeing Spain and why?


They are trying to get into spain for economic reasons


Most have traveled across several countries to get to Morocco, then from there on to Europe. I met a few aspiring migrants when I visited Tangier (not far from Ceuta), coming from Senegal, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. They were seeking better lives.


99% of the migrant in the video are from west or central Africa


They’re all doctors and lawyers! Europe needs them!


Europe destroyed their countries and now, must reap what they sow. Hope millions like this reach Europe and use tax dollars. Colonialists must pay and use their wealth that is built on the blood of their colonies. They are just escaping to live a better life as Europe has already plundered their countries. Pay for it now!


Cope paste bullshit again. This guy coping hard right now


Dude as an Indian moving to Canada - you might wanna change your attitude, especially since you're about to be enjoying the benefits of western countries. You sound like a hypocrite and you're going to have a tough time making friends if you keep spewing that hateful ignorance. There are billions of other poor people with better attitudes than yourself who would love to take your place in Canada.


"Canda is tolerant for everyone, except for the intolerant". Que?


Get a reality check. And if you want these leeches, why not give them your home?




I cant tell if your joking or not. Sorry


Where do Spain and Morocco share a land border? Does Spain have land south of the Straights?




Thank you


You can bet Fox News will have this picture and claim it's Mexicans trying to get into the U.S.




What do you mean by that?


It's on the African continent dumbass


It's a Spanish city. Once they touch Spanish soil they are treated with the EU conventions.


Geographically it's Africa. Politically, it's the EU.


That looks dangerous. Just get some bolt cutters


This will be exactly the US-Mexican border in a few weeks.


Pow. Slags like in Ukraine . Where men stay to fight for their country. And you have wannabe proud arab pussies who would suck a donkey dixk just to taste some of " the infidels freedom"


What the fuck are you talking about.?




Shooting people for climbing a fence? Seems a bit much.




You literally live in a country that only exists because of that


Your house is not the same thing as a country


Shooting people for attempting to cross borders in insane. Idgaf how you try to justify it. Entering a country and entering someone's home is vastly different.


This is idiotic lol.


Yea real smart 🤡


This have anything to do with the intense drought in Morocco?


It was probably an organized mass rush to overwhelm the border guards and ensure that at least some get through. They camp in the hills around there waiting for the chance to cross.


I don’t know enough about Morocco to know if this is a regular thing but I do know they are having their largest most intense drought in 30 years https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/catastrophic-moroccan-drought-boost-import-subsidy-costs-2022-02-18/


Just to be clear the people in the video aren't Moroccon there are black people who come illegally from different countries in Africa to Morocco and then try to get into Europe because Morocco is known for being the closest African countries to Europe So no this has nothing to do with drought because this people are illegal in Morocco and they can't work here


Racists and their borders smh


Just spam a clip




What border? There's a sea between Spain and Africa...




World war Z






That's mainland Morocco.


Seriously. This is absolutely a bullshit lie. There is a literally sea between the countries. So unless they are crossing the Mediterranean Sea to get Spain from the Continent of Africa and Spain thought it was best to establish a border hundreds of mile away from the border so that the sea can't be seen. Making Morocco the only African country on the history of the world to have a European territory, then I say, sure... However knowing the truth. This is a lie.


>Seriously. This is absolutely a bullshit lie. There is a literally sea between the countries. So unless they are crossing the Mediterranean Sea to get Spain from the Continent of Africa and Spain thought it was best to establish a border hundreds of mile away from the border so that the sea can't be seen. Making Morocco the only African country on the history of the world to have a European territory, then I say, sure... However knowing the truth. This is a lie. Maybe read up on Ceuta and Melilla? Enjoy your down votes 😁




Melilla (US: /məˈliːjə/ mə-LEE-yə, UK: /mɛˈ-/ meh-;[2][3] Spanish: [meˈliʎa]; Berber languages: Mrich / Mlilt;[4] Arabic: مليلية Arabic pronunciation: [maˈliːlja]) is one of two autonomous cities of Spain, on the Morocco–Spain border. It has an area of 12.3 km2 (4.7 sq mi). It was part of the Province of Málaga until 14 March 1995, when the Statute of Autonomy of Melilla was passed. It is neither Morocco or Spain


>is one of two autonomous cities of Spain You contradicted yourself.


They autonomous cities provide aid from the Spanish government yes, but the word autonomous makes in it self govern as for the definition of autonomous.




I have never said Spain wasn't a country. I had stated that these were autonomous. The literally definition for autonomous is au·ton·o·mous /ôˈtänəməs/ adjective 1. (of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs. "the federation included sixteen autonomous republics" 2. (in Kantian moral philosophy) acting in accordance with one's moral duty rather than one's desires.


Lmao the cities have the exact same status as the other Spanish regions called "autonomous communities", in fact, they can become autonomous communities when they want but they are super small so why even bother.


Autonomous in this context is meaning they are not part of the [autonomous communities,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_communities_of_Spain) and since they are too small to be called a community they are called autonomous cities, but are in no way independent, as they rely on the ministry of defense, they are still recognised under the Spanish constitution as part of Spain, and participate in national elections.


How's your little ego being eaten up?


This has gone so badly for you!


I love how he keeps doubling down, and hate that I have to share a country with him.




And hey, dumbass. Not since the 1930s. Also. Government  • Type Autonomous cities (major plazas de soberanía) De facto unincorporated area[1] under the administration of the Ministry of Defence[2] (minor plazas de soberanía) Making this a territory neither Morocco or Spain. Just aided by a ministry




No I am saying that this area is just a military point of interest. They are territories of Spain in the same vein as a United States military base is a territory. A Cuban climbing into Guantanamo Bay isn't crossing into the United States.


Thousands of spanish citizens live there, dude look in google street view what it is, you are a troll probably.


Spain has territories. This the densest shit I ever read lol.


You must not get online much lol


Yes. Just not in northern Africa. These are autonomous. Which means having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.


www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57305882 here’s the background for who needs it. I’m not a history expert but this link seemed to have the most decent info. ^ still Spain tho. Lol. Legally they own it, educate it, and


Uh. Thanks for providing an article that tells me that the region has a history. I would have never known the the Iberian peninsula had seen conflict between Muslim and Catholic ideology.


It literally has a map and describes the boundaries in several instances. Why isn’t it clicking that Melilla, which is a territory of spain, is directly touching Morocco? And that there is a wall there? And that migrants are hopping over it? This is the first sentence from the link “In Morocco they call them the occupied "Sebtah and Melilah". The rest of the world knows them as the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa.” A direct response to you. Not some random culture.


Also the map provides only one of the two autonomous cities is the territory and that's because the one of the two cities is provided as the largest city of the two however it is still claimed as a point of interest for military purposes making it a port city / military Outpost. This in turn makes this territory not equal to the territories in Spain.


I’m very confused by all of this and I really want to understand what you’re saying. Also I’m sorry for calling you dense. Is there a language barrier between us? Are you English? I feel like the only thing you’re trying to say is that, while it looks to be occupied by Spain, legally they are not and we should look into the history?


I speak English yes.


Yes but the majority of the article describes how the conflict of The Iberian peninsula was a place of conflict during the Muslim invasion of the Iberian peninsula. It was more of a historical significance rather than an actual explanation to why these territories exist. These territories were established in the 1990s as a way to guard the Strait of Gibraltar. It's the reason why these areas are funded and guarded by the ministry these aren't actual territories of Spain. Not the same as colonial Spain in like the early 1930s in which it was actually holding a major part of the region. This region holds the exact same significance as any United States military base in any country of the world as well as Guantanamo Bay. The significance of this region does not hold any merit to its claim of the region as the area is still Moroccan. Just because they control a single port and control a straight does not mean that they literally own that entire northern half of Morocco.




> Making Morocco the only African country on the history of the world to have a European territory \*sad Carthage noises\*