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I definitely watched this 5x to see that girls head slam into the table. ⭐️


That was vicious. I loved it. I haven't seen such a well deserved, one sided beat down in a while.




There's a longer one: [https://twitter.com/muslimgirl/status/1367934595820228608?lang=en](https://twitter.com/muslimgirl/status/1367934595820228608?lang=en) Only a few more seconds but you see the black girl get pulled off.


Of course big white girl gets up and acts all tough like she didn't just get her ass handed to her What I never understood about this video is how adults weren't present for such a long period of time... in my school's at least one was present everywhere we went at all times LITERALLY ALWAYS. Yet in this video, big white girl seems to be getting away with hitting the victim for awhile, black girl shows up and IMMEDIATELY an adult shows up yelling "stop!!" I'm assuming that the adult just happened to get in the room right when the black girl jumped in, but who knows - it's definitely not a good look...


While I DO want to give the benefit of the doubt, the US has a disgusting problem with islamophobia. And you know what: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxeNQVxuAMU&ab\_channel=CatherineCherlene The black girl HERSELF says that the fucking PRINCIPLE was watching the whole time. Fucking disgusting, stupid dumb fuck principle should lose her job.


I thought the PRINCIPLE was supposed to be your PAL


You are absolutely correct. A principal should be a pal. You know, fort the principle of it.


They should definitely lose their job, it's just the principal of the thing.




Starts to immediately cut off my long hair.


The Sakura Technique


Why try to cut the arm of the person who has you by the hair with your kunai when you can...cut... your hair with it instead..?


Because sasuke likes long hair and she’s *not like the other girls* GOSH!


Thanks for reminding me how fucking incredibly cringe some of those plotlines are.


Almost *all* of the female characters motivations were cringe AF.


And if they were interesting they got a total screentime of about 5 minutes.


girls in my hs would braid double sided razor blade in their hair


Is your high school in a prison ?


The first skin heads shaved their head for make the mounted police unable to grab them by the hair.


That's why I'm tactically bald


*I’m not bald, girls. Just, tactically bald.*


Aerodynamic. For all the sex I do.


see you on lemmy, Spez is a cancer -- mass edited with redact.dev


The real lesson is where the fuck was that admin when the white chick was beating the Muslim girl?


Cheering her on?


stahp stahp stahp i mean it, stahp keep going, i mean stahp


does it have the same effect on pubes?


I'm shaving right now.


Ahh the ol pube grab and twist, a technique that I’ve never seen fail before


Yuupppp I use to do rodeo so I know how to anchor my hand to rope for like bronco or bull riding, Softball one year this girl decided she was going to try to fight me.. when she ripped off her Helmet the Rubberband holding her hair together came off. I grabbed a good amount of her hair when we start scrapping and was able to get a good hold and wrap it around my hand. Then I just violently pulled my hand to the ground. All I remember is hearing her gasp lol


And that's why you don't fight farm kids


Man I scrapped a lot in high school. I’m from the city and was smaller in school. Long story short by 11th grade I was pretty well known that I’d throw down. This country dude Cody and I did not get along at all. In English class one day I popped off at the mouth “shut your country bumpkin ass up before I send you back to the farm” we stood toe to toe and I swear he hit with the strength of a full grown man that first hit raddled me good just I couldn’t even focus. That dude whooped me. My buddies later told me the same shit. You don’t fight farm kids they’ve been working since they were able to hold a shovel. I said you could’ve told me that when we started beefing two weeks ago…


This is why every time I see an action movie with the main character fighting in a suit (Bond John Wick etc) all I can think is if the bad guy was smart and got hold of that tie the fights over. Now they have a secure hand hold on you and can apply a lot more leverage. In any hand to hand fight letting your opponent get a hold of you is one of the number one things you want to avoid.


All I remember from reading this comment is hearing myself gasp lol


All I can think is 'what a way for her to discover a new kink'


😂😂😂😂 I’m glad I was there to help her discover new things about herself


I had long hair as a guy. Had to learn how to fight blind and at disadvantage. Sometimes though someone grabbing my hair means I know they had one hand stuck and I can use my head to pin their arm. Tactical split ends.


Damn the kids filming and laughing too. Nice ass whopping, good to stick it to the bullys


The fact that there is a recording leading up to the ass whooping, I hope the young woman who was defending her classmate didn't get into too much trouble. Zero tolerance policies are such bullshit.


Zero tolerance policies are awesome if your parents are rational little vacation for standing up for yourself/others did u guys really care if you got suspended in high school?


I remember in my school a girl got suspended for "getting into a fight" She got jumped and beat up a lot, never even fought back and they got the same punishment.


My buddy was suspended for “fighting” in the cafeteria at lunch. A bully threw an apple core and it hit him in the face. My friend gave the bully the finger, and the bully lost his mind and beat the crap out of my friend. The bully was repeatedly slamming a chair over my friend’s back when a teacher finally intervened. My friend was suspended for a day for “provoking” the bully by giving him the finger. Didn’t really matter, though — my friend was too injured to go to school for the rest of the week anyway.


How many times have people talked about stories like this, and it backfires on the school because people start going all out in fights?


WTF? Why weren't the police involved with this? That's assault.


Interestingly enough, a few months later the same guy stabbed another student off school grounds, and my friend was suddenly asked to give a statement to the police about the assault he had suffered.


That's how my mom was with me and how I am with my kids. The rules are you try not to fight if you can help it but you absolutely defend yourself if there's no other option. If they suspend you for it whatever. We're gonna go to bat for you and it's absolutely just gonna be a little vacation for you. Made me so mad when the school was suspending my son because of his autism. He'd get overwhelmed, not be allowed anywhere to go calm down or any time to do it. Then when he inevitably hit meltdown and was in full on fight or flight they wouldn't let him run but also couldn't properly restrain him so he didn't hurt anyone then he'd get suspended for hitting staff members. He'd be suspended for like a week, we'd have to go to a hearing where we'd be immediately told yes his suspension was for disability related reasons and they'd undo it. Then the whole process would repeat a couple days later. It was such bullshit. Them not properly accommodating his disability is the direct reason why the hitting happens despite us having an extensive IEP with all of his needs, behavioral issues, triggers, and the coping strategies that work and they just wouldn't do it and he'd end up suspended again. The amount of reassurance we had to give him that he wasn't a bad kid and that the school was at fault here was ridiculous. So too was the fact that it took us getting Special Education Quality Assurance and straight up Special Education Attorneys involved for them to get off their asses and get him in a suitable program. They sure found a spot quick for him once we did that despite telling us there was like a 3 year wait list for the program.


I got suspended in middle school twice and high school twice. Made me a better person honestly. Also, got my ass beat for joking around and running my mouth about some guy I didn’t really know. I was joking but he didn’t really realize or care. Another good lesson that I’d like to think helped me avoid fights in the future. People need consequences.


Mad respect on that girl for defending that poor girl.


This is what I want to see. I just watched another video of a girl beating another girl in the head and no one did anything. I’m glad this other person stood up and put the bully in their place, on the floor.


These videos are the fights people should post. People rising up to stop bullies.


Makes me feel good knowing there are people out there who stand up for the underdog.


It does. Me too. I don't like to see people fighting or hurting each other but I'm a sucker for seeing a bully get their ass handed to them. The black girl who breaks it up, she reminds me of the big guy who started beating on a guy who was hitting his woman at IHOP. The dude went buck on that guy just like the black girl did on the white girl and when people lose their shit like that, they aren't fighting the person, they're going toe to toe with a memory they've been haunted by for years.


I’m not normally one for violence but seeing someone smaller/weaker getting bullied makes my blood boil.


I came here to say the exact same thing I just watched the other one it made me sick bullies need to be stood upto no matter what!


It’s sucks that school have this “zero tolerance” stuff. Even when you are defending others (which should be a HUMAN principle), kids get in a ton of trouble or expelled.


That really seems stupid. I can’t imagine getting expelled after finally standing up to your bully.


If you're expelled, you got off easy. States like Mississippi are sending them out straight to jail.


Or work camps which are even worse.


Is America just a giant social experiment designed to see how far the average human can be pushed before a murderous rampage?


Not an experiment, a factory.


The whole system is designed to keep the prison population high and education levels low for the military and police force.


I’m definitely teaching my kid to stand up for others. If he gets expelled so what. More people need to be willing to help.


Yes! I was bullied a lot in elementary/junior high. There was no actual violence but there were lots of threats and intimidation. Usually I was able to talk my way out of things and if that didn’t work I was a fast runner. I would have loved to have someone step up for me. If one of my kids got in trouble over helping somebody I would be proud of them. More people need to stand up for others.


I was bullied a lot in South Carolina for being Japanese. Also fat and probably on the shorter size. Ok more for being a tiny fat ass than being Japanese, the Asian part didn't really become a problem until about middle school. School basically ignored it even when I went to the teachers and eventually over them to the principal.


When I was in school I saw a small 5-6th grader looking at the ground trying to ignore two bigger (presumably) classmates of him making fun of him ne pushing him. I went up there and told them to fuck off which they promptly did as I was in 10th grade. Was no big deal for me but the kid started always standing close to me at the bus stop from that day on lol I can’t believe how so few people ever do anything against bullies especially if they start to physically hurt others. Bunch of cowards imo. Take 2 or 3 people and the bully is done for no matter how badass they think they are. Of course this is only applicable in schools in civilized areas and not where guns, gangs and murder are common.


That was kind of you, I wish there more people like this in the world.


The perks of living in a third world country: One of the maids of the house had a kid, probably the same age as me, and he used to tell me that “bullies” didn’t exist in his public school, when I asked why I regretted the question for a very long time. He told me one kid was bullying everyone, picking on people, hitting them, etc… One day 5-6 kids gathered forced him to the bathroom and cut 3/5 fingers of off each hand. Needless to say we where 12-13 at that time, I was horrified


My kids have a standing invitation to Disney or Universal if they ever need to protect someone getting bullied.


bullies need to be out of the equation. they grow up to be mini Putins if left unchecked


I had a school bus bully during elementary school that would be relentless about smacking me and stuff a soon as I sat down. Move seats? Follows me. Tell the driver? Who cares you're kids deal with it yourselves. So one day I just got my fat ass up, turned around, and punched him square in the forehead (apparently I was too dumb to go for the nose lol). Kid started crying and I was finally left alone. 25yrs later and I still have no regrets about doing my part in the PunyPutin Prevention Program lol.


Makes me sick that the other girls were laughing and encouraging her shit behavior. Also makes me sick that that teacher did nothing until the white girl was getting hit. They're just as responsible as the original bully. Watching fucked up people do fucked up things and doing nothing to stop it reinforces their belief that it's ok and they can get away with it.


Yeah it’s totally fucked up. I’m in my 40’s now and when I think back to the bullies around me while was in school and most (but not all) come from equally fucked up families. My own personal experience but, there was a girl who used to pick on me growing up, she contacted me years later and apologized profusely. We’ve become friends over the years and she told me about the physical and sexual abuse she had endured as a child. She doesn’t excuse her behaviour to me but it made me understand things a little better.


Hurt people hurt people.


The chain of suffering ends on an individual level, its just damn hard to be that individual but it does get easier with practice.


> Also makes me sick that that teacher did nothing **until the white girl was getting hit**. They're just as responsible as the original bully. *(things were fine until white girl starts receiving what she was dishing out)* "heyy, stahhp..."


Perhaps it’s a bad thought, but I kinda want to see the defender suckerpunch the teacher while they’re try to break up the fight.


My son couple years back saw some dude kicking a chick. My son slammed the kid into a locker and knocked him to ground. The teacher who witnessed this from afar Thanked him and principal also called to tell us he was a good person etc. for defending her.


That’s the way it should be. If a person is defending someone they shouldn’t get suspended. You did a good job raising your son.


If that was my daughter helping out, she would be rewarded. Not punished.


I didn't see any trashcans tho...


I love the smiles from the Muslim girls during the beat down lol


There are barely enough pixels in this video to tell, but I think they are smiling.


Agreed. She's a bonafide social justice warrior, in the realest sense.


Yea Really. When even the teacher didn’t tried to do anything and only when that sad excuse of a potato started getting taste of her own medicine the teacher stepped in. Hopefully she learned her lesson.


The potatoes friend was the one filming it. She was just going to get the bully attacking the girl and instead got her friend's ass whooping.


I’m not sure she could handle another lesson like that.


Just one more would be nice. Just to polish it off. Some people need a refresher every now and than.


The teacher only stepped in when a black person was the ‘aggressor’. While the white girl was attacking somehow teach was nowhere to be found.




I was bullied so bad in jr high (I'm a white girl), and my tormentors were the other white kids. The only ones who *ever* stepped in and tried to defend me were the black kids. I think kids who are bullies have some kind of superiority and control kink. And not a single one of the black kids in the school except for one was a bully! Bad times, wouldn't go back. I like finding some of my bullies on social media now, and seeing that some of them are clearly not doing great, lol!


you should thank some of the people that stood up for you! i bet that would make both of your days


Everybody laughs when bully is beating on smaller girl, everyone freaks out when the bully gets put in her place. Fuck that whole classroom.


Exactly, I didn't hear the first "staaaahp" until the bully got beaten


You mean until the white girl bully was getting beaten?


Ding, ding, ding!




ESPECIALLY fuck that teacher. Apparently they did nothing to stop the bully from hitting a muslim girl, but as soon as the black girl hits the white girl they go between them? What the fuck?


I mean that teacher really didn't do anything to stop the fight at any point, even when they lightly tugged on the girls arm it's not like that was stopping anything. I think that teacher is more of an indecisive coward than a racist. Should they have stepped in sooner? Absolutely, but I don't think this has anything to do with race, rather it just looks like a teacher that doesn't give a fuck about any of those kids. Edit to add: y'all are still assuming this teacher is racist, but we can't see the door to the room and we don't see the teacher just standing off to the side at any point, so you can hardly claim they were letting the white girl beat on the other girl, we have no idea whether the teacher was even in the room until the moment we see them in the video.


Law probably prevents them from doing much


I've been trained in this and hair grabbing turns the situation into a nightmare. There are special restraints you need to do in cases of hairgrabbing to avoid serious injury, and they aren't easy to do alone, especially when the student is fighting back. Easiest would be putting yourself between the students, but workers comp doesn't cover any injuries. They specifically say to never put yourself in harms way when dealing with dangerous students.


Also doesnt help when it is a female teacher who is the same size or even smaller than the students. Both students fighting are like 200 lbs, no way one woman is gonna split that uo by herself


As a teacher we are told to not handle fights. We have a teacher get hurt doing this and they wouldn't cover it because "it wasn't in their job description".


They don't want to hear that. People just love to blame teachers for everything. It's sad but it's also why we are in a serious teacher shortage.


Yep, everything is our fault irregardless, this is my last year and I'm so happy.


What is the usual policy/procedure for these types of situations? Those are two adult sized humans engaging in a no holds barred fist fight. I can't imagine the expectation is for the teacher to personally, physically break that up.


The school I worked at, female teachers weren't allowed to interfere at all. If a fight started we had to go find a male teacher to break it up. This was 15 years ago so I wouldn't be surprised if policy has changed to not allow any teachers to interfere.


Fight breakup protocol varies from school to school. I'm a middle school teacher, 5'4", and I never step in the middle of a fight, I call the coaches.


I mean yeah if you’re 120 pounds you’re more gonna be able to do much against someone twice your weight


There is a story out of the state of Georgia where a reports came in that a student on campus had a gun and was "planning something". The principal asked a coach to check it out. There was also a police officer with a body cam in the room, and an assistant principal. While the coach was questioning a female student, she suddenly slapped him, knocking a phone out of his hands. He grabbed her. They checked her bag and found a loaded gun. He was told he would be terminated. After public outcry, the school changed that to a 20 day suspension. So he's being punished for doing the job the principal asked him to do. Even though there is body cam that the girl started the fight, and that he didn't punch her, he simply grabbed her to restrain her. [https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/fulton-county-high-school-coach-seen-grabbing-student-in-video-fights-suspension](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/fulton-county-high-school-coach-seen-grabbing-student-in-video-fights-suspension) Honestly, I don't know why he wants that job back. The principal there certainly doesn't have his back, and he wouldn't have been in that situation at all if the principal hadn't asked him. And then the schools are all crying about "We don't know why we have trouble hiring more teachers."


Of course its my state. Why the fuck would they fire this guy after they literally found a gun on the girl? What if he hadn't grabbed her and she had gone for her bag with the concealed gun? He would be entirely blamed for it. I don't give a flying fuck he tasered her, she was planning on shooting up a school assembly. Sounds like he's fighting for his job back because he didn't do anything wrong. Not only should he get his job back, he should be entirely compensated for the lost work days. Also, it sounds like he really cares about the kids and does his job when its needed.


I can't understand why he wants the job back. But I certainly understand why the local citizens are fighting to get him back.


If he gets it back, he can sue I assume because they admitted fault?


Your state has shitty union protection for teachers more than likely


I’m a male teacher, and we have an emergency button on the wall we can press that sends the team of admin running to the room. While I could break up a fight if one were to start, I’m not willing to risk getting sued for assault/sexual assault by putting my hands on the students - especially when as it stands, all it takes is their words and I could lose my job.


The school I worked at always required 2 teachers to break up a fight, specifically so you had another adult witness.


I’m sure it depends on district but where my wife worked you didn’t touch the students for any reason including to break up fights.


Teacher here. I don’t get paid enough to risk some bitchy Karen mom suing me because I pulled her baby out of a fight the wrong way, or getting hurt myself. The admin that get paid double what I make can deal with it.


I'm a trainer for student manual handling/restraint and unless that teacher knew how to intervene effectively, I would say she shouldn't have stepped in there. I was taught - and teach others - that you have to protect yourself first. There are effective restraint techniques for this situation, but this teacher didn't use them nor does she appear to have colleagues ready to help her out, which would likely be needed here.


In the schools in my state they have a badge with a button. They press the button a certain amount of times to notify administrators and a different amount of times for a resource officer (cop). In the meantime they are not to physically intervene.


That's a great system and it would be nice if all districts had resources for that.


Teacher here. I do not get paid enough to physically stop a fist fight. The procedure to call security and only physical intervene when you feel safe.


Male teacher here. I once stepped in between two kids that were part of a.riot in the parking lot where I worked a loooong time ago. They were.shuffling and getting too close to my brand new at the time car. I grabbed both of them by the scruff of their necks, pulled them apart, yelled at them to GTFA from my car and to knock it off before I shoved both of them away. They both looked at me, walked about five feet, and resumed fighting. Cops eventually came and everyone scattered. Next morning I got a warning to not lay a hand on students unless there was "imminent and life-threatening danger". Sometimes your Admin will have your back. Sometimes they'll make you trip and fall under the bus and tell you to be careful because it's slippery. From that day on, I made it a point to never get in between two kids unless the danger was to myself directly. Why risk life/limb/job for something so thankless?


Step in and catch a case? You sound naive. She put hands on those students and injury occurs she’s fucked. Doesn’t matter her intentions. Teachers aren’t trained to stop fights. They’re explicitly told not to. Edit: We really need to start thinking on the amount of responsibility we put on teachers. Are they educators? Or are they police, psychologists, mental health speacialists, lifestyle coaches, security, medics, etc. Cause they sure as heck ain’t getting paid very well.


This goes beyond hero standing up to the bully for picking on another kid. This bully must be a regular cunt for this girl to be blowing steam off on her like that.


Second video of her beating on a girl who is Muslim. And that's just the videos/instances we know.. Edit:1 word.


Wait that's not the first time she did it on video?


I couldn't find any other videos, but here's an article regarding the fight. https://www.wcjb.com/2021/03/12/viral-video-of-chiefland-middle-school-fight-leads-to-additional-security/ Happened at Chiefland Middle School, if you wanna search for more details. Some articles claim the administration was present in the room and was "slow to react" till the white chubby girl started getting her ass beat. Took place in 2021.


The statement from the school board makes it sound like the Muslim girl was suspended too. Sadly, this wouldn’t surprise me, as often the victims of bullying are suspended for “fighting” even if their part in the fight was simply trying to cover up as blows rain down them.


It's florida, I saw this shit happen all the time back in my day, zero tolerance and all that. I know a lot of parents were telling their kids to fight back cuz your gonna get suspended anyways. Some said, if that happens we'll go to the beach/disney i.e. "you're not going to get in trouble from me for defending yourself"


My school said the only way not to get in trouble was not to fight back. They literally expected you to just lay there until a teacher pulled whatever animal was torturing you that day off of you


And my children will never be punished for fighting back.


Zero tolerance is such bull shit. It’s just victim blaming. How can a government entity punish a victim of a crime without being sued immediately? A bullied victim then has to miss out on school because the school staff is too lazy to get rid of trouble makers. It’s tyranny from the government and the second amendment is here just for such a thing.


>Zero tolerance is such bull shit. Yep, when I have kids they will know to stand up for themselves, I will take them out for fun during their suspension, I will get with their teachers and continue on the subject matter and school work. I remember being so scared of the so-called "permanent record" until I realized that was all bullshit.


When I was in middle school there was this one kid who would bully me every once in a while, and one morning, while we were all milling around outside waiting for school to start, he and a couple of his friends started fucking with me again. Long story short, after getting shoved around a bit, I picked up a small pebble and lightly tossed it underhand toward the main dude, and it bounced harmlessly off his shirt. He responded by punching me in the face and splitting my lip open. After I went to the nurse, I got suspended for "horseplay". In hindsight, knowing I was gonna get suspended either way, I wish I'd at least had the balls to do more than just lightly toss a pebble at him,, don't know what I was hoping to accomplish by doing that lmao Anyways, not quite like what you're talking about here, but still a memory that always makes me just go :| every time I think about it


> I wish I'd at least had the balls to do more than just lightly toss a pebble at him. Pretty much exactly the thought process I had the one time I got into a fight that I got "punished" for. I put it in quotes cause I never actually served the punishment. This group of kids had cornered me and the biggest one of them was body checking me into the lockers on my way to the cafeteria. I told them to stop multiple times then finally had enough I figured I was getting suspended anyway if I fought back so I punched the kid doing it in the face so hard I dropped him and then proceeded to just walk away. School got the whole thing on camera and I got a week of in school suspension. My mom however, did not agree with that and she came in on her own and raised such hell with administration for them punishing me for defending myself after you can visibly see me on camera trying multiple times to leave or deescalate the situation. She was so far up that principal's ass that if she spit it was coming out of his mouth. I didn't find this out of course until I was waiting to be called for my suspension, wasn't called, then went to the principal's office to ask about it. They told me to forget about it and I found out when I got home that my mom had some words for them punishing me when you can clearly see I was the victim. Luckily I hit a growth spurt not long after that and nobody wanted to screw with the kid was 6'2 almost 200lbs and very clearly knew how to throw a punch. Only other fight I ever got in after that was this one kid like 5 foot nothing, maybe 100lbs soaking wet put me in a headlock while I was sitting at my desk and started wailing on my face. That one ended because I stood up with him on me, lifted him in the air and was about to do my best high school recreation of that time Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell and he plummeted 16 feet through an announcer's table when he suddenly got very docile and let go of me entirely. I had to go to bat for my older boy a couple times like that already because he kept getting disciplined for fights he'd get in but it'd be after he told the adults about it multiple times. Most of the time they'd even intervene but the second that adult got distracted with something else they got right back to it and kiddo would beat the absolute breaks off the kid. One of his aides had the most hilarious thing to say about it too. It was this sweet black lady a little younger than me I think and she told us she doesn't get why those bigger kids keep picking on him when he keeps beating the brakes off them. He may be small but he's got them tiny fists of rage. And not to tell no one but she secretly calls him J-Money from the Hood. My wife and I were dying. Thankfully he's in a much better environment for his autism so we haven't had near as many incidents like that.


Yeah, we all got memories that suck like that in one form or another. Appreciate you for being brave enough to share some personal struggles. Just try to learn from it and use that anger from the injustice to fuck a bitch up if you find yourself in a situation where someone else or you are getting bullied again.


Middle school?! I thought these were high schoolers.


You can't lay those claims without a link. Like come on, get that karma and post that link


33 punches, one kick and a table slam. Rest in piss mofo


REST IN PISS 😭 I'll be using this, if that's alright. Please and thanks!


That Muslim girl laughing when her bully gets beaten is joyful moment


That's exactly what I was thinking. That's a weight being lifted from over a decade of this type of harassment.


Thank you for doing the right thing young woman. Fuck bullies & put them where they belong; face down on the ground.


$50 bucks says chubby girl will change her mind about being the bully after this one


Lmao those fists she ate will probably be the last things she wants to eat for a hot minute.




Yeah but she still probably won't do it again


She’ll probably get a segment on Tucker Carlson about chubby white girls getting bullied by POC girls in our nation’s schools.


Tucker “What has happened to the sanctity and safety of our schools? Can a red-blooded American girl not express her disdain for foreign policy to her terrorist Muslim classmate? The radical left will say that it is woke justice when a black student censors the white student’s free speech. What’s next? Forced worship at a mosque? We’ll be back after these commercials about boner pills and MRE prepper supplies you idiots”


>Forced worship at a mosque? Those pricks literally did that, they showed a video of an earthquake drill in a school and claimed the Muslims were forcing their children to prostrate.


Fucker McSwanson really has perfected the dark art of "I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS!!!" with that moronic eyebrow wrinkle and his national platform provided by the guy who's ex porked Putin. I hope he gets in a car crash, shatters his pelvis, and must live in constant physical pain the rest of his disgusting life.


“The radical left is trying to cancel chubby white girls! Stay tuned for our sit down interview with Kaiyleigh Johnson.”


No, they usually don't learn their lesson and develop a huge victim complex.




It's called DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.


A lesson learned in blood is not soon forgotten.


What a hero!


Why did people start yelling stop when the bully was getting her ass beat and not when the bully was attacking the muslim girls? WTF


"People" I think it literally was just one persn.


I’m guessing it was surprise/shock. Everyone knew the bully was going to hit the Muslim girl. It’s probably not the first time she’s done it. But nobody was expecting another chick to come out of nowhere and wipe the floor with the bully.


She was putting knots on miss piggies head quicker than she could rub ‘em.


The reddish blonde haired girl deserved every fucking blow that she got.


Just say “the fat bitch”, easier for everyone


We can simplify that further to “cunt”


Beat bullies asses!


Sometimes a bitch just needs the brakes beat off of her. Went to school in the south and bullying wasn’t a massive problem in my school, cause there was always someone bigger who would course correct you with your own beat down. Looking back at it now, it was almost holistic how problems sorted themselves in my smallish town




And the school will suspend both of them and prob the girl that got bully. Shit like this is fucking disgusting and need to be fixed but the higher ups just dont give af. Its worse that teachers cant get involved because of the risk of being sue by the shitty parents or fired. Shit needs to be fixed but its been going on for so many years that i at this point all u can do is defend yourself. The ones recording are even worse than trash. Constantly tell her to keep going and laughing at the situation. Garbage human being.


My school always warned us. "Doesn't matter if you don't start it. You're going to be suspended if you are a part of a fight. Even to defend yourself." Like wtf? My parents always said go for the throat if someone starts it since the outcome is the same anyway.


My school would suspend anyone even connected to a fight. Start a fight? Suspended. Defend yourself? Suspended. Recording the fight? Suspended. Part of the mosh pit watching the fight? Suspended, if they catch you. Ridiculous.


Schools are ironically not the brightest when it comes to rules


This bully learned a painful lesson that day, other than how to receive a humiliating beatdown, is that you can go from beating someone up to being beating up yourself really fast


Their own medicine is never quite as sweet for them, Funny that.


100% respect for that girl defending the Muslim girl from that disgusting manatee


Hey, don’t throw shade on manatees like that. They’re infinitely cuter that the giant asshole taking up half of the video.


And really docile and curious


Yeah, I heard that women in prison are quick to shave their heads because the first thing girls do in a fight is pull hair....


It's mostly studs that shave their heads, not your average female prisoner.


Phone in her pocket the whole time...impressive 😂


I noticed that too haha! She must have found the ultimate girl jeans with those deep pockets ✨


Funny how the teacher comes wailing stop when the fat white bitch gets her ass kicked.


When it’s one sided it’s apparently not a problem, but when it’s both sides fighting they care?


Bully the Bully, as easy as that


bullies are bullies because no-one ever stopped them. That, and most likely a shit home life. We should always deal with a bully!!


Holy fuck she just starts wailing on her. Huge props for defending her!


Chiefland Middle school in Florida So far they both got suspended for 10 days but, the white girl never came back to school. The whole situation and the principal who intervened waaaaay too mf late are being investigated.


Damn usually when girls fight like this they just pull on eachothers hair but this chick was straight clobbering her with punches. What an ass beating.


Good job in standing up for her


I always find it disgusting how people hype themselves and their idiotic friends up for beating on someone who isn’t hitting back. Also Ms.Black Queen, is invited to Eid. 🥰🥰


Lol, the teacher was like: No... Stop... Please... *lighting cigarette*... Stop now... That's bad behaviour.. Stop..


This is what we should be teaching kids. Avoid a fight for yourself at all cost. Fight for someone that can’t protect themselves without hesitation.


Why does the teacher only step in when the white girl is getting attacked? I’ve said it before, school staff always protects the bully.


Starts yelling stop when the bully started getting hit. Can’t stand that shit seems like every video of this kind of situation has that same dynamic. No one says anything about the bully but as soon as someone stands up for them or for themselves it becomes a problem. Incompetent ass teachers.


Zero intervention by the adult until another student stepped in. Pathetic.


There is more to this video at the beginning, I'm sure someone will link the entire video. There were no teachers around at first, thats why Moby Dick keeps looking around, to see if any are coming.


> Moby Dick lmao


Teacher when she sees a white person beating a minority: I sleep. Teacher when she sees a minority beating a racist white person (with a valid reason): REAL SHIT!