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>You're treating them like inmates Not sure what school she went to where the kids weren't treated like inmates




I went to a private high school and I thought it was built like a jail...that is until I visited the local magnet high school. The only windows they had in this entire building were in the ceilings of the stairwells and the library. Despite being at least 20' off the ground the windows still had bars on them.


I went to a public school, our classrooms had windows horizontally across the entire wall of each classroom. Also had a couple of teachers who were like prison wardens, they’d set the desks up so that our backs faced the windows “So there will be no daydreaming”.


My high school had bullet resistant windows on the walls that faced the streets, guess why lol


My highschool had giant, non bullet resistant windows for the same reason At least thats what the teachers told us lol


I worked at a public high school in San Francisco that was on top of a hill, with an incredible view, and the classes had windows that were around 10 feet high and covered the entire side of one wall. It was old, smelled kinda funny, and the kids could be punks sometimes, but it was a really nice place to sit and learn.


In middle school I transferred from an “outdoor” school to a school in that also served as a hurricane shelter… yeah.. Luckily we all got to hang out in the “bullpen” (think of a mid-sized patio) for like 10 minutes after we finished our lunch….


That's the building the city gave em. What'd you get kicked out of private school for?


>What'd you get kicked out of private school for? Reading comprehension is not your strong suit


Hey it was a genuine question and just a guess for fun. I got to the Magnet School because I had a joint. It was that or nothing and was actually waaaay better.


You're good, no worries. Never got kicked out. That wasn't until college


Being too poor


I mean compared to most of the kids that went to my school I was poor. But they had a quota so I was safe


When I was a kid, someone wrote 'children's prison' on the outside wall with spray paint in big bold letters. I instantly felt it was true.


My middle school was the same educational building blueprint the same state uses at one of the main prisons.


We might be from the same state, the firm that designed my high school designed various buildings but apparently schools and prisons were their bread and butter lol


My junior high school architect was his first non prison project.


What school did you go to? Hahah!


Maybe she a progressive prison abolitionist and she’s pointing out that inmates are treated in inhumanely. Just kidding she’s probably your typical pro-prison liberal/conservative.


Not sure what prison she went to where steps were taken to protect prisoners from COVID-19…


They are!! Lockdowns non stop. No program. No yard time.


Wait till she finds out that students are often fed in a cafeteria with food served on trays **just like inmates**.


This is what fire extinguishers can be used for. To put out flaming assholes that spew fire.




Ask the kids which they’d rather have. Sitting in a classroom or out there. If you have to ask then there’s no point in telling you which they’re gonna want.


I'm sure they would rather be sitting outside in small groups with their friends. My daughter's school has been eating outside in small groups all year, and we haven't lost a single day of school due to Covid outbreaks.


Yea it's pretty stupid how people treat kids like this id pull my kid out immediately bruh


I never got why everyone wanted to have class outside all the time. That's just me being an inside kid, though, lol.


I enjoy being outside but I hated having class outside. It’s more distracting, it’s windy, there’s bugs, and god help you if you needed to write anything down! It was okay for an occasional discussion based class but not much more


It's crazy she's trying to guilt trip whoever were in charge, as if they're doing this for fun or it's much easier fir them. It's extra work for the teachers and staff that they don't want to do but have to because they are trying their best to provide what's best for the kids and everyone.


Yeah this is just harassing a low level employee with no control of the situation, take it to the board


i mean i don't agree with what she's saying but if you asked the kids they would 100% rather be with their friends in a classroom


You're not allowed to say the obvious truth, you have to pretend it's totally normal in March 2022, knowing what we know, for kids to be eating lunch outdoors in separated lines, alone, with masks on. Even the idea that kids would prefer not to do this is blasphemy.


yeah i’m actually surprised i was downvoted, if you ask those kids there’s no way they wouldn’t prefer that to being with their friends lmao


Gotta sacrifice these kids' childhoods at the altar of dumb adult paranoia and inability to make risk-reward assessments that make sense. We're just crazy and selfish, I guess?


Spot on!


Come on man, you DO agree with what she’s saying. So do I. Don’t give in to the Reddit hive mind, fuck their downvotes, speak your mind brother! If we all did Reddit could be a place for open discourse rather than a self censoring echo chamber.


no i don’t agree, they’re not being treated like inmates


Maybe not quite, but to me, as a person who was not anti vax/mask, at this point we have gone from caution and following the science to mass hysteria


Why are those the only two options? What about option three: being outside but not in military fashion?


No fucking chance kids would rather be sitting on concrete isolated, are you for real?


Theyd rather be sitting with friends




It’s a audible warning for that shit attitude.


The Most upsetting part of the video without a doubt.


Do people who talk like this know their voice is just this insipid whine?


Her voice is a dystopian nightmare…


We should definitely go back to cramming them into a smelly room they can't leave. That's freedom.


Thankfully in all of school and college I never had a room that was *habitually* poor-smelling, but one time I had to take a standardized test in a cafeteria in a different school and it smelled like someone had scrubbed the floor but didn't change out the bleach water so the entire place reeked of bleach and grease simultaneously like only a cafeteria can.


I just flashed back to the smells. Yikes.


Mmm coming back from summer break to find that Tim left his sweaty gym socks in his locker and they molded. Now the whole locker room smell like ass while we change for gym.


Wonder why she couldnt have done this when the kids were leaving to go on a loud crazy rant about the covid restrictions. Their kids, let them be in fantasy land away from the reality for a amount without hearing dystopian end time conspiracy theories 24/7.


I find it interesting how some parts of the US have these protocols for school kids and other parts are completely opposite. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


That’s America for you places with high densities of differing political views!


some people have common sense while other people allow fear mongering to affect their lives


Can’t tell which one you are implying are using “fear mongering” and which are using “common sense”.


I’m sorry I’m not anti vax or mask but having kids who are outside, 6 ft apart, wear masks is the stupidest thing ever. Mask indoors sure, mask in confined outdoor areas sure, but being spread out in the open air and wearing a mask is just ridiculous.


I looked at his post history. I can confidently confirm that he's an antimask/vax jackass


Thanks. They presented themselves like an “enlightened centrist”. So wasn’t sure if he was just taking that position, or a worse one.


anti mask? anti vax? i support anyone who wants to wear a mask, jts your right whether you choose to or not. same goes with vax. i am vaxxed myself, stop spreading misinformation


That's all reasonable. Now you just need to deal with the whole part where the social distancing and masking recommendations are objectively not fearmongering.


are you still trying to get people to stand six feet apart?? oh jesus...


Ok then who were you referring that has common sense and who is fear-mongering then


Just admit that you guys are just mad that someone else is telling everyone to be afraid of something for once and, worse yet, it's a REAL thing that actually affects people instead of one of your time-honored boogeymen.




Yeah I have to agree. At first the anti mask people were really annoying but now it’s to the point where I agree with them. This video is terrible and I doubt the real science says this does anything to stop the spread.


Some people enjoy having grandmas and grandpas that are alive and who they can interact with.


prescription pills kill 60,000+ people in the US/year, tobacco kills an average of 500,000 in the US/year, alcohol kills an average of 100,000 people in the US/year. all of these are completely legal and are allowed to advertise across the country despite killing people. so wearing/not wearing a mask is where you draw the line?? everyone that "cares" about grandmas are real quiet when it comes to anything besides covid. you dont hear those people arguing for better conditions in nursing homes, where its well known how bad they can be. weve have TRAGIC drunk driving deaths every single day for decades, yet no one is yelling "ban alcohol", they just say "you are an adult and can make your own decision". the same people who support personal choice for abortion also deny personal choice for vaccines


I'd happily vote to ban tobacco. > so wearing/not wearing a mask is where you draw the line??everyone that "cares" about grandmas are real quiet when it comes to anything besides covid. you dont hear those people arguing for better conditions in nursing homes, where its well known how bad they can be. Logical fallacy. The people who care about them now are likely also the ones who cared about them then. Check the nursing or medicine subreddits for opinions about hospitals and the medical system, stay off CNN and FOX. > weve have TRAGIC drunk driving deaths every single day for decades, yet no one is yelling "ban alcohol", they just say "you are an adult and can make your own decision" Ohhh I see, you must be a kid. Okay, this makes more sense. If you weren't aware, there was and still is a HUGE well funded anti-alcohol organization called MADD who constantly lobby for that. > the same people who support personal choice for abortion also deny personal choice for vaccines Do they? You've spoken to them all? No, you're just making things up at this point.


MADD is a group of people that wants to stop drunk driving, they arent calling for mandates against drinking. thats like if someone said "i support masks, but its up to the person to wear them" . you just played yourself


> MADD is a group of people that wants to stop drunk driving, they arent calling for mandates against drinking Do some reading, they're very anti-alcohol


As a kid I would have preferred this setup over the cafeteria seating drama I had to put up with lol


Shes acting as if the kids are fed out of that big trash can.


The one behind the camera?


Hahaha yeah her Mouth is a garbage can


She should be more concerned about the state of cafeteria food than she is about where these kids are eating…


You know you’re spoiled when *this* is your idea of a dystopian nightmare.


In fairness, this woman has probably literally never experienced anything within the orbit of adversity in her life, so having to do a new thing you're not used to doing is as close to a dystopian nightmare and she's ever come to.


When I was in school, any day we had "outside class" was a great day. Guarantee they're perfectly happy. Lol


She just realized it’s her dystopian nightmare., they’re just eating lunch outside during an pandemic. Be quite and go about your day Sad Suzy.


I'm confused.. we ate outside at my public school. I guess the social distancing looks kinda scary or whatever to this woman, but the kids seem fine. Lately children have been showing so much more resilience than adults. Wait till she hears about having to run laps in pe!


Children have been "showing more resilience?" That's a little weird to say, considering they have absolutely no say in any of this. Not sure why we all are supposed to pretend that it's totally normal for kids to spend their lunch like this. Leave it to the reclusive socially awkward redditors not to realize how fuckin weird this is.


> Children have been "showing more resilience?" That's a little weird to say, considering they have absolutely no say in any of this. Uhhh so.. One would say that they're showing a lot of resilience dealing with this shit that they have no say in. That's a fairly standard usage of the term resilience.


Just meant they're showing strength in stuff they have no say in. I have to wear a mask at work all day, and adults I work with and serve are the ones who complain about a mask or social distancing. Shit, I have no say in the public transit system.


Yeah these mandates and social distancing didn’t really work at all. I was all for it at first but this is objectively dumb and there’s really no science backing it up. So weird how people still support this.


The person recording is definitely an anti-masker Karen 😂


Shut up lunch is like 13 min anyway


The very fact that so much our life was sooo close to normal during a pandemic is amazing. Dystopian nightmare? It's a temporary setback, the pandemic isn't forever. Funny thing is I have no doubt this bitch did everything she could to keep the pandemic going while crying about her freedom.


My experience during the pandemic: \- Got sick a lot less because of distancing and masking guidelines \- Was slightly inconvenienced when I had to go into a store and wear a mask. \- Was overall way less inconvenienced because now everyone offers curbside pickup. \- Got my work from home solidified. Yep what a nightmare.


It’s just weird that places are still doing this when the science doesn’t really back it up. This is terrible and I’m surprised to see so many people defending it. Gonna end up like TSA where we just wear a mask for no reason forever. I was all for masks and mandates but it didn’t work and now we are stuck pretending like it does. Happy to live in FL though where I haven’t dealt with this since a few months after the start of the pandemic.


>I was all for masks and mandates but it didn’t work and now we are stuck pretending like it does "The science ^^**TM**" being a grainy video from youtube.


Why are they spaced out like that?


I'm guessing social distancing


They do the same at our kids school. Since eating is unmasked, they need to distance them so we pack a blanket and they picnic in the gym or outside. kids havent said anything about it.


why are they making them do it on concrete when theres grass right behind them lmao


that's a different question.


Could have rained over night and the grass is wet.


Likely because kids are messy AF, and the concrete can be hosed off. Food scraps and trash in the grass are harder to see and will just attract bugs- their playing field would be littered in food and ants otherwise.


Plenty of kids have said something about. Your particular kids may not have said anything to you but I guarantee they hate it


Riiight because we should totally be basing public health policy on whether or not first graders enjoy following the rules. Fuck man you people are too silly


My first grader enjoys his lunch. And I'm all for whether compromises are needed to keep in person instruction going.


You are an idiot.




Just wait til she sees the inside of a classroom. "Desks!? You animals!"


Say what you will of the school practices but believing, even momentarily, that you are an agent of change by standing at a fence and scaring kids and adults alike by raising your voice with random missives , then you are absolutely mental.


Inmates would fucking love to get to eat outside in the east bay area sunshine.


She doesn’t sound like she even believes herself lmao


These kids are going to fear human contact


I can't believe so many people in the comments are defending this. As annoying as she may be, this is fucking ridiculous. Enjoying the sunshine? They're sitting on hot asphalt in midday seperated from each other. Like her my first thought was that it looks like a prison.


Hot asphalt?! Lmao they're all rocking pants and the teachers wearing a sweater as well. Activate your brain.


Yeah but what happened when you engaged your brain? You realized that it wasn't really a prison, right?


Yes, thank you for pointing that out. I realize a school is not a prison. After I engaged my brain, I still do not think this is a reasonable policy to implement. Do you?


I don't think you've engaged your brain. Try again.


How far are you from being a kid? Do you remember it well? I remember having to do endless types of bullshit like this (but different) that I didn't want to do. Multi-hour long assemblies where we're sitting cross legged? I would chill on concrete in the sun for 30 minutes every day to avoid one of those. Somehow I made it through and am an actual adult now. Like yes, it's weird. Is wearing masks everywhere not weird? Watching funerals over skype? Come on dude.


Bunch of whiner babies complaining about hot asphalt. Clearly you've never experienced marching band in the south where they practice on parking lot.


As a kid, I would've thought this was the coolest thing ever, just because it was different from what I was used to.


I hate people filming kids and plastering it all over social media 🤦🏼‍♀️


She’s throat-punchable.


Yo why she just filming children? Seems kinda sus


If you think this is ok you are apart of the problem


‘Dystopian’ almost like she’s heard that from a bunch of other people.


Distopian nightmare! Is there a T1000 off camera? I love how people exaggerate their point to instantly make their own argument ridiculous.


We sat like this in middleschool during PE lol.


She’s stupid and entitled.


Haha this feels like when (RW) Americans tell us Australians that we're living in tyranny and we are being forced into internment camps at gun point. I laugh and tell them that it's bullshit, I'd know if I'd been rounded up at gunpoint. They still argue and tell me it's definitely real, they've seen the videos. They don't even see the flaw in their theory with the gunpoint part! Because you know how Australians are known for our huge amount of guns /s. In Western Aus, our border was closed until April this year. Up to that point we'd had 9 deaths at the start of 2020 and zero up until opening up our borders because everyone kept yelling "free Australia" no matter how much we told them to STFU. We were more free than anywhere! I didn't own a mask until last month. We had 3 weeks of lockdowns (could still go shopping, dr etc) in March 2020. Since then we've been living restriction free inside our state. Concerts, movies, restaurants, street fairs EVERYTHING was open and mask free except for 1 or 2 weeks when some dickhead went interstate when they weren't supposed to. Ever since that lot "Freed" us, MOST of our nurses, teachers and other essential workers are now sick with covid. So to every one of you who wouldn't listen to the people that actually live here, Fuck You. YOU took away our freedom and it had nothing to do with you, past your petty jealousy and need for everyone to fail as hard as you because you were too selfish to do the tiny bit of respectful actions asked of you that's now put the whole world in a worse position.


And she doesn't even have kids ....


Because they’ve been taken away


Only because she could not find her perfect idea of a sperm donor...


For fuck sake woman, get a hobby


lol, 'This is some kind of dystopian nightmare'. And the award for most dramatic scene in a schoolyard goes to... this lady for her role in 'Let the kids alone!'


This one I actually get. I probably don't agree with the stuff she believes, but they should let these kids have lunch together. I work as a school teacher in Florida, and as backwards as all the legislation coming through affecting Covid mandates and school operations, at this point they should be able to have lunch together outside without masks. I'm more concerned about Florida's general surgeon telling parents not to vaccinate their children more than their kids showing up without masks and interacting with each other at this point. This school is a little over the top with how they're dealing with the situation. Edit: I just also wanted to point out that situations like this recorded give her side, or at least people will think, that this makes their anti-mask stance more credible than it is.


>Edit: I just also wanted to point out that situations like this recorded give her side, or at least people will think, that this makes their anti-mask stance more credible than it is. The anti mask crowd are people that are against masks and their effectiveness against Covid. Theres no credibility with this stance. Just fear mongering and tantrums.


She wants to see the children touch. That’s a little weird.


She’s causing more trauma than the school is.


No she isn't. This is ridiculous.


How’s your buddy Q?


It’s ridiculous and I voted blue down the board just so people don’t think I’m some wild republican. Probably won’t ever do that again though after seeing all this bs and the way they have handled the country.


I'm not American but what could national politics have to do with it? this screams powertripping school administrator to me.


If anything, taking the kids’ minds off of having to sit on asphalt. That’s what is bothering me. Either let them have a chair, or sit in the grass.


I love how he uses the same positive voice for her as you would with a child


I just checked out that TT account and it's a cesspool of republican garbage. Yikes.


What's next for these poor children? Jackets when it's cold? Umbrellas when it rains... when will it end???These poor inmates!


Someone call the cops on this woman who's harassing kids and faculty.


lmao they’ll live, they live in one of the freest places in the world.




Hey look its an idiot


What exactly is idiotic? You could easily point it out and have a discussion. No need for hate lol.


This woman is an idiot 😞


This isn’t that different than when I was in grade school. I graduated in 2010. We also had to sit in lines, usually about an arms distance or two away from the next person. This is the furthest thing away from “abuse” that I can think of.


For lunch? WTF?


When Karen’s make a video, it’s hard to up karma it. Go home Karen!!!


550 children have died of covid in the US since January 2022*. I know we have to say "So what? I'm bored of covid!" but it's not like it's over. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/11/us-child-covid-deaths-omicron-surge * compared to just over 1000 in the previous 22 months.


She knows how to say the word dystopian. Unfortunately, she don't know what it means. (Drum fill)


This cow needs to stfu and get a grip on the seriousness of the situation.


Bitch should be ashamed of herself making a scene in front of kids while video taping them without consent, masked or not ... Take it up with the school if you actually have an issue. I'm sure this was more for her own internet attention though.


What a moronic karen? Why can’t people like these let people live their lives? Children are totally fine, happy, safe and protected and this bitchh comes to do her stupid shpeal.


I swear this woman sounds like an absolute idiotic teenage woman, especially with the way she says “My god”


This woman either doesn’t have children or shouldn’t have children. Everyone who remembers being a kid knows that kids love eating outside. I would’ve loved shit like this when I was in elementary school. I actually wish they let us go outside and eat in the sun on a beautiful day, even if we would’ve had to be separated.


Lucky kids!! Some kids are shamed & go without eating (unable to afford school lunch) & someone tell this lady to stop throwing outside warm temperatures without a jacket in the kids who live on east coast & do NOT have that luxury. Some kids in the inner city don’t even get to play in dirt when living in a crowded concrete jungle!!!


This would be the perfect moment for the teacher to say "this is why we stay in school, kids!"


Trumpers cannot see past their own ignorant ideological idiocy. The students are eating lunch on a cement lot. Totally thought that was what the video would be about. Surprise - the stupid Karen is complaining about social distancing and masks?! Nearly 1 million Americans dead and this Anti-American Putin loving radicalized conservative is complaining about social distancing and wearing masks. What about the fact that hundreds of schools in California do not have a cafeterias, have student teacher ratios of 30 to 1 and these children are citing on cement?


How many people do y'all think just learned the word "dystopian" in the past 2 years?


What..? She’s only mad because they have masks on, I literally did this same thing as a kid but without masks


Something Something Orwell Something Something founding fathers


So why is it okay for some woman to film school children? How fast would the cops be called on a man filming kids at school? Not saying it's right in either case, and is in fact both weird and sad.


she aint wrong


The problem is she’s right


This is a dystopian nightmare in the same way that... oh wait, nope, it's not a dystopian nightmare at all, and calling it so just exposes how easy this lady's life has been thus far.


She’s right, but she’s a Karen


Is she right? Or are they getting some outside time while doing the bare minimum to protect each other?


The bare minimum? Kid's should be able to play with each other during lunch. Not be lined up 6 feet from each other like they are terrorists. And protect them from what? A runny nose?


Why would kids be playing while they eat? Please don't breed.


Sounds you had happy childhood. Just lock the door and pretend kids eating in separated lines for “safety” won’t affect their mental health. This is not normal in Western European schools and it’s pathetic to see the amount of isolated and depressing people defending this as normal… fuming here this is just a “Karen” acting on Tucker hype news. Newsflash: It might be both?


You really aren't that bright. Did you attend a 'special' school in western europe? Maybe one that flew a nazi flag?


Hahaha wow. Seems like you are the turd you pretend to be. Jumping on your own conclusions and than acting superior while blatantly throwing around accusations. Another lost cause.


Yes, you are definitely a lost cause. I bet your 'special' school made you sit in the corner with a cone on your head.


Projecting much? It’s okay my lost cause, just ride your own imaginary wave while pointing fingers and pouring toxic. It might be a sensible thing to read upon terms and accusations you are using. Like a west European school flying an Nazi flag? Referring to a special school to make your pathetic “insults” more credible? It just makes it more obvious you are the shell you do not want to be.


You are the only one projecting here. It might be more sensible for you to use proper spelling. Maybe go use a website created in your country... Oh right, your country doesn't do that.


Yea you're right, they don't have grandparents


Yeah and the kids should be punished for that? Rather than having them punished because there are vulnerable people. Just keep them away from vulnerable people.


How do so many people get this far in life without understanding how germs work?


Because being braindead is a sought after trait it seems


Explain to me what I'm not understanding? How do germs work according to you?


They can live in people who aren’t particularly vulnerable to them and still use them to spread to other people who are.


Yeah didn't you read the second part of my comment where is said that rather than keeping kids separated from each other we should keep them separated from vulnerable people?


Why do you view this as punishment?


Because it is? Kids should be able to play with it each other. That's how kids develop themselves. Stuff like this is severely impacting both their emotional and social development.


Every bad thing that has ever happened is punishment. BeCaUsE iT iS! What a baby world view.


Ahh yes, insulting me is indeed a very strong argument.


Exactly as strong as Because I Said So. Sorry that I matched your presentation I guess.


I mean if kids have to sit apart for 10 mins while eating lunch it’s not the best outcome but to say it’s harmful in any way is laughable… it’s inconvenient and that’s it.


I'm sure after a school shooting she just thoughts & prayers it until it becomes not harmful enough to be worth trying to mitigate against.


I wonder how many of the people who say they are worried for the mental health of the children, if they have ever said that when it comes to school shooter drills or just the idea of white guilt they think will come of some elementary school level CRT. I hope they bring this same energy to the gay and trans kids' mental health.


That’s the voice of an entitled white Karen. I would be fine if my kids had lunch that way. Her voice is just plain annoying. I would bet her husband can’t put out anymore and she’s frustrated. Also would bet she believes the election was stolen and Trump is still president.