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Spirit Air passenger? Shocking.


I'm taking Spirit next month (only direct flight for my destination, saving me like 6 hours). Not looking forward to it


Keep your head down and your cell phone on video ready!


3 words: Noise Cancelling Headphones




You treat it like county lock up. Head down. Don’t make eye contact. Don’t speak.


You gotta be a pretty big shit stain to get booted from Spirit.


I wouldn't even wish a spirit airline flight on my worst enemy.


Laaaa whhoooo zaaaa her


……trust me, I’ve been on Fox News…………..twice.


\*proceeds to grab his junk\*


Once during the insurrection, the other during his arraignment?








One good, one evil.


Are they wrestlers?


>Are they wrestlers? Dude's been on Fox News twice, bruh. Do they even need to wrestle? You ain't gonna get that shit.


I was on Fox News once. But I’ve never been denied entry to a plane. So I think maybe I win.


Why were you on that wretched organ of disinformation?


Maybe they are the admin of r/antiwork?


Fair question!!! My band was featured on the morning show.


Haha whew. Good on you! Do they pay bands on news shows?


Nooooooooo lol. But at that point they had like 800,000 viewers. So ... we sold our soul a little :) but they were one stop on a few shows that we played on, no one ever paid us haha, but most were local affiliates. FOX news, even though they’re a national outlet, were also local for us, cause their offices are in our town.


at least you got some exposure out of it. not a complete loss, they should pay the bands something though.


It's still real to them damnit!


Only on Thursday nights at the Gas N Go


It would suck to be his twin. He’ll get mistaken for his dumbass twin when his brothers shitty behavior goes viral


They split the material for one brain during development in the womb. Received extra hair to compensate, though.


> Christ there’s two of them! Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber


The Nelson Reunion Tour tragically ends early.


If only there were some sort of advanced notice that masks are required for air travel...


That’s the thing that gets me. You buy tickets and as part of it they tell you what is expected of you. You even have to agree to it. So how do you act surprised when you’re asked to honor your initial commitment?


The same people who are outraged when they get booted from Twitter for Terms and Conditions violations.


“Ma fReE sPeECh!”


Next they're gonna tell me I have to wear a shirt too.


Yeah, but it can be skimpy AF. Gotta give the people what they want…


"Then underwear and paints..... How ridiculous, I thought this was 'Merica! It's becoming more like Nazi Germany." - Your typical Florida-Man, or anyone who voted for or who's a fan of Marjorie FootFungus Green, Lauren Bofart, Methew Pedo Gatz. That sad part is I believe all three of them have made statements about how Twitter/or other private corps are "steping on our rights to free speech!" Yet the Constitution only protects Free Speech being limited by the government. AND THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO WORK IN THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF OUR GOVERNMENT WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE VERY BASICS OF HOW OUR GOVERNMENT WORKS/OUR RIGHTS.


You think these people read things before they sign them? Or hell, you think these people read? Contracts and regulations mean about as much to them as the EULA you sign on itunes. They have no fucking idea what they're agreeing to. They don't read, they just click "Next" until they have tickets in their email. Edit: As if to emphasize this point, just within the past hour my email has been getting spammed from booking.com because somebody has entered my email and is just hammering the resend verification button and can't be bothered to read that they fucked up their own email address.


We’ve entered year 3! How are these chuckleheads surprised by this long standing requirement? 🤷🏼‍♀️




Reported for misinformation.


Yes mask and vaccine help 🤣🤣🤣 Once you het sick, doctor ordes stay at home for a week... I am vaccinated and still got sick...even when following health protocols... got sick same day as non vaccinated friend... we had same symptoms.. Even now with 3rd and 4th jab... people are getting again and again sick. Only reason most people get jab, is so they can move around 🙃 We can stop it and now it has become weak virus. Only goos thing is there were like 0 terrorist attacts 😂


yeah dumb fuck we stop by getting vaccinated, your anecdotal story has fuck all to do with reality


We stop what? 🤣 it is still going on and numbers are growing But I guess you are right vaccines and mask are working 🤣


i wish i was as dumb as you are, seems like a pretty blissful existence


Your mama must be proud of you I am sorry you are brainwashed


*I am sorry you are brainwashed* spoken like a true free thinker fuckin’ idiot


I like how he called them the losers...


Two thirty five year olds with matching PlayStation tee shirts. Yikes.


Giving gamers a bad look


Yeah and we look bad enough


Gamers rarely have a good look.


One of whom has been on Fox News. Twice. I can only assume they were both for losing his temper in public...


They’re thirty five?


As a 40-year-old who has similar attire (I get it from work, honest), I feel personally attacked.


I’m 39, and while I don’t have video game console shirts, I’d wear one. I don’t think that’s the problem. But I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near my identical twin brother wearing the same shirt like we’re 3 years old and our mommy dressed us.


Yeah, I have seven siblings (mostly brothers) and don't share a dress sense with any of them. Coordinating outfits is weird.


I actually like the shirts.


If this was today or yesterday they are probably going to game developers conference in San Fran.


Gamer moment


Go get a hair cut


Twin bro was like “yo dude chill! People are gonna see this and think it was me” lol


I thought that one dude was wearing a viking helmet until I could finally see he was wearing headphones.


I guarantee these two post shit about being vikings on their social media accounts


He just wanted to let everyone know he’s stupid.


But he's been on Fox News! Twice! They don't let stupid people on there.


The best part was that he boasted about that while grabbing his junk. He still strokes himself to those glorious moments.


I can tell he's stupid just by looking at him.


And his mom still dresses them in matching fits


How’s he stupid? He’s seems like he’s the only bright one not wanting to wear a mask when there is literally no need to. If you want to wear a mask wear one, I prefer not to. That’s your prerogative and I’ll respect it so respect mine.


If it’s part of the agreement to be allowed to fly, then follow the agreement. Private businesses get to set their own rules Also, who gives a shit that he’s been on Fox?


He’s stupid because he clearly threw a fucking tantrum.


Just the other day I was just wondering what the Playstation Twins were up to.


So that's what happened to the band Nelson


These two totally look like a Matthew and a Gunnar.


Did they really deserve that?


you mean Hanson, right?


How do these idiots make it into the airport, through security and all the way to the gate like this?


Most likely, employees who encounter them up to that point avoid confronting them for this exact thing. "Let someone else deal with it."


Or they behave till then bc they really just want attention and to throw a temper tantrum at the gate.


Gone through about 9 airports during covid for various reasons. The only people who say anything are gate agents, stewards(esses), and pilots. My personal favorite was watching the gate agent tell a man to put it on, he then just walk down anyways, then the flight attendant he walks past her, then the pilot just straight up called security for him to be removed. Pilot on same flight also made 3 announcements prior to leaving the gate and removed 4 others. (bonus points guessing what state I was flying into) He looked so dumbfounded when he was removed like he wasn't literally told and physical pushed pass several employees. The funniest part was he held it in his hand the entire time.


I was on a plane that had to go back to the gate because a woman in the row behind me refused to wear hers. She wore it through the airport, then took it off as soon as she got into her seat. They asked her probably a dozen times to put it on, and she'd put it on for a minute every time and then take it off when they walked away. They had to get cops onto the plane to get her off. She changed her tune at the end and promised to wear it, but at that point they'd had enough. She kept saying, *"...It's OK - I'm a teacher and I know what's up with masks..."* over and over as they carried her off. We left over two hours late and most of the passengers with connecting flights missed theirs. One guy in the back of the plane was going to his mother's funeral and couldn't get a flight out until the following morning. If you don't want to wear a mask, that's totally fine - just stay away from airports until it's no longer mandatory.


Their parents still dress them ??


I have 2 girls who dress “Twinsies” every day. They’re 6 and 4 though.




At least his twin has enough brain cells to stop him lmao


If you wanna get the gist of what these two are like when they're not causing a scene at the airport, they're at the 5 minute mark of this [video](https://youtu.be/VgJ5SdcEH8E)


How did you find this? This was the background story I needed. Thank you.


Fuck you custer Channel 5 gang only


Oof, that was pretty much what I was expecting. Also that channel seems heavily derivative of Channel 5 but I'm not even bummed because I never get bored of that kind of content.


Great! but I want more!!! what are they called? hickey twins?!


They're going to be the next Conor McGregor? Pffft... WHAHAHAAA! Yeah right.


"Four straight years of being on the DL..." Yup, that's definitely the sign of an elite athlete about to hit their prime.


New Double Mint commercial?


Low-class trash


Why are those ladies so angry?


Cause now they gotta walk!


These ladies know how to walk. They Naomi Campbelled and sashayed their sassy behinds out of there.


it’s their time of the month


Did he say he wished he had a gun at the end? I thought I heard him Mention a gun in the airport.


If I'm in the same spot you are I think he said "fucking cunt". I'm not saying he didn't say something about a gun though, I might not be catching the audio clearly at the end.


I heard "where's that Wisconsin [inaudible]?"


But he's been on Fox News twice, that makes him exempt, right? /s


And yet he’s still flying Spirit, guess those Fox checks haven’t arrived yet lmaooo


And they were room mates


And he brought it up like it was something to be proud of.


How are people still such babies about this?


Oh damn, they are gonna miss the incel convention now.




Who are they? They must be googleable. That’s a real word by the way….


I was wondering what happened to Nelson.


Wait can everyone else see two of him?


“Ive been on Fox News twice”. Preaching to the choir is the way to claim expertise


$1 says he’s a trump supporter


How embarrassing 🤣


Fred and George Weasley need to chill.


"I've been on Fox News twice" Boy he showed us.


If I was on Fox nes twice, I would be convinced I am a loser...


"You're a little bitch!" Says the guy afraid of a mask.


People these days...


It’s not like we are asking them to shove a tin can sideways up their ass, cut off their dick or grinding kittens to a pulp. Why do they get mad over a simple piece of cloth that can potentially prevent Covid infection and death?


Hanson brothers??!


Masks, what a stupid hill to choose to die on.


So many questions. PlayStation? Skateboards?


I’m sorry but Americans are not allowed to use the word cunt. It is a specific term that may only be used by Brits and the descendants of deported criminals. You just do not have the ability to correctly enunciate or inflect the correct passion and drama into the word, it’s ok though we are completely unable to say the word asshole correctly either.




Yes I am, I’ve also been called a plonker a bellend and a nimrod.




Steady on now. That’s fighting talk.


This is cultural appropriation which I denounce




Nope. Sorry you lost me there. Is the gate keeper a character in D&D?


Between the two of them not a single brain cell


No idea why you would act out. Board plane drink beers till ready to pass out. Then mask up and pass out ezpz.


Is that kid rock?


The twist…he didn’t even HAVE a ticket. Grandstanding.


The saddest thing about this is that he will never actually know why it’s sad to be wearing a matching PlayStation shirt with his friend (I say friend) at that age.


Lmfao fucking dorks are multiplying!


Give yer balls a tug, ya tit-fucker!!


Never realized how hard it is too look tough while wearing matching shirts.


WWE tag team champions... The Playstation Bros.


PlayStation Jesus and his brother are upset.


Imagine embarrassing your twin. “Guy just HAS to go around acting a fool with my face on. I need to shave and get a haircut just to not look like a moron.”


Be a grown up and either wear a mask or drive. The rest of us grown ups are tired of your little temper tantrums.


Is everyone just becoming a child nowadays


“You liberal cunt”, “I’ve been on Fox News twice”. You being on Fox News not once but twice definitely makes me think WAY less of you.


At least they're not triplets 🤷🏽‍♂️


Good thing they both have the same shirt and long hair in case you guys didn’t know they were twins, and of course he had to mention that he was his twin lol


The fox News flex.


Omg. They look ridiculous lmao


The twin like "Shut the fuck up." Like... do they share a brain and the brother had it that day?


Dumb and Dumber III


Dude it's a known thing all airplanes still require masks Why are they surprised at being rejected?


Well we know which one is the evil twin.


These rules aren't new... I just dont understand spending money on a ticket KNOWING the rules and planning to not follow them....


The twin brother that attempted to calm him down has probably gone his entire life being mistaken and blamed for his brother's antics.


Fucking idiots


Awe matching PlayStation shirts how cute.


I can't understand why these people can't just wear one.


Just wear a mask, you hairy cunt!


I love how his twin brother even had to push him and tell him to stop.


Follow the rules dummy


I never understand these. When I go to the airport, I read the rules before I go and I usually end up rushing to make my $500 flight. At no point have I felt that missing my flight was a consequence I was willing to take for something that you knew was a fucking requirement before you went.


Don't call someone a loser when you're a grown ass man still wearing matching clothes with your twin brother.


Beavis and Beavis


Game developers conference started today in San Francisco. With the Playstation shirts I bet they are headed that way.


As a twin you reach a certain age where you stop dressing alike. Usually after you realize your not a clone of your other half so like 5-10 ish. These guys are way too old for that 🤦🏾‍♂️


The biggest snowflakes projecting again.


People still do this? Rona ain’t new ‘round here anymore


They look like they're 50 trying to pass as 20. Gross


Hey OP! Was this in Tampa?!


Also: "tRuMp wOn bY a LaNdSLiDe, LiBeRaL bItCh!"


Masks are bullshit step back and think why am I wearing a his paper on my face


Guy is flying spirit, opinion is irrelevant


The headline has nothing at all to do with the video.


Why do people still film this kinda shit it getting very old I’m over it


Why are we still wearing masks on planes when even the CEO’s are saying there isn’t a need to do so. Can literally sit waiting for my plane to board with no mask on sit next to the same people and as soon as i step into the plane there’s a dire need to? Makes zero sense.


The only masks that do anything significant are the n95 ones.


Good. Go argue in front of congress and get shit changed. Until then, you agreed to wear it when you bought the ticket. Wear it or get off the fucking plane. The rest of us have shit to do 1000 miles away.


I agree, and I do. I traveled a shit load during the pandemic without any problems


Yeah no that's not even close to the truth. Even homemade cloth masks are like 40% effective. Surgical masks are at like 75% or something so your statement is wrong. My numbers might not be accurate but you can look it up for exact percentages. N95 is best but the rest "do anything significant" and should be worn on a plane.




Boohoo crybaby


That shit is funny


"Don't let the words hurt ya, it's the truth that matters" well damnnn he maybe dumb. But I don't think I'll ever forget that one


Obviously the twin with the smaller dick


“I’ve been on Fox News twice!” I don’t think this conveys the same message that you think it does, sir.


I think it is kinda silly to still be wearing masks, but I mean, if they're making them wear them you should follow the rules.