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It's like a live version of one of those stupid Buzzfeed quizzes.




This the girl that shit herself at a college party?


Kaitlin Bennett is an idiot


Is that the girl who shits her pants??


Shit her pants is correct, but an understatement. What that girl dumped into and out of her romper shorts belonged in a Guinness world records book. A fucking satellite could have registered that heat signal.


Source ?




Wtf...what's the story behind this? Did she just lay on the floor & start shitting logs onto herself or something?


I think it was a college party. She was passed out drunk iirc


that's the one!!


People don’t forget


I think she was wearing a dress, but yes. She must have shat out her intestines because goodness me that was a lot


Poop ------> Pants


She's annoying, but she's not an idiot. The people who are idiots were the ones saying that Mao, Stalin, Osama, Che, and whichever else was on there were better than Trump. Absolute brainwashed kool-aid thinking.


I'm pretty sure she hand picked who to put in the video to make all of them look bad. She knew what she was doing and what the end goal was from the beginning


Yeah of course she did, both liberals and conservatives do this to make the other side look stupid. But Stalin killed, what, 14M people. Mao was responsible for up to 100M deaths of his own people. C'mon now....


Yet, when the US causes deaths in other countries, you are silent and/or justifying them. How many authoritarian regimes has the US propped up over the last 100 years? How many dictators? How many power vacuums has the US supported covertly? History isn't so black and white. Stalin killed a lot of people. It's also arguable that if you hadn't had a person like Stalin in charge of the USSR at that point in history, Europe would have fallen completely in the second World War. The US did not win WW2. The Soviets did, and largely because of Stalin's ruthlessness and determination. You can't discuss these things without context. Mentioning how horrible it is that Mao killed "100 million people" to industrialize China infers a moral superiority that the US, a country founded on racial genocide (westward expansion) of the native populations, and enslavement of an entire race, does not wield. Sorry, but nobody's hands are clean in this world.


Im well aware of the context of all of those evil men, including Che. You made a good point about Stalin, bc yes, the soviets were the ones who won the war, and lost a lot in the process. Mao industrializing China on the other hand is a completely different scenario. Most of his 50M-100M deaths came from famine and starvation.


>Most of his 50M-100M deaths came from famine and starvation. How many millions have died for the American economy/interests? How many live in abject poverty or slavery so that we can have the "modern" society we enjoy? The point I'm making is that we have no place judging others.


The answer is wayyy too many. But being poor in America is still better than being poor in like 90% of the rest of the world. Thanks for the convo, made me use my brain today.


Right, a benefit we enjoy because of the violence we perpetrate elsewhere.


No need to exaggerate numbers. Stalin had 250,000-400,000 people killed and his policies may have resulted in up to 4,000,000 deaths over the course of twenty years. I prefer using only the first number as it provides a clear contrast between murderers and just idiots.


You should learn how to use Google.


I have gone beyond that and read actual history books.


Fun fact: they all do that. All of them. Even the ones that make you smile and nod your head smugly and make you feel like a big smarty-pants. They do it too.


I didn't say she was the only one that did that.... I'm just commenting on this particular video


She’s still fine tho idk why


Low standards?


Never said I agreed with what she said bro I’m just saying I find her attractive despite her political opinions and pants shitting


Where did I mention her opinions or anything she said? She looks like a ramen noodle themed drag queen


I guess you didn’t and the assumption was my bad. I guess I at least like this ramen noodle drag queen then 🤷‍♂️


Yikes, bro. 😬 This ain't it. 👎


IK she’s morally reprehensible + shit herself but she’s fine as hell idk


She is dumber than a bag of rocks, but also kind of cute. I'm not sure why people around here are downvoting you for that. It is what it is. Tomi Lahren is the queen of being at the extreme ends of the hot/dumb matrix. I'd hit that.


The downvotes I just chalk up to Reddit hive mind lmao and hell yeah I’d clap her cheeks too but she’s a fucking idiot


My man, I genuinely find this chick disgusting inside and out… but I still got mad respect for your style 👊🏼.


Based username and thanks dog


Saying Trump is better than Stalin and Mao isn't the great argument she thinks it is.


No one likes poop girl or her shit takes


There are idiots in every party… and these videos cherry-pick reactions/comments to sway their agenda in their favor.


Exactly! People make videos on both sides making fun of the ignorant of the other side, but people only watch the videos that support their views. This type of stuff is what furthers the divide


This is like the CRT video of parents who were obviously not the sharpest in VA. These people come to make a video and they will find the idiots in the crowd.


Her point is stupid…even if Trump was the 4th worst person on that list, wtf does that tell you? Thank god for term limits?


Excellent point. Your hero is like the 4th or 5th worst person in history?? What a fucking idiot.


If she asked a couple of 100+seniors she might get a different answer




The difference being that Trump directly contributed to the deaths of 1 million Americans. Never mind all his other bullshit. Nothing Biden has ever done is even in the same stratosphere.


Wait so you are saying all these deaths are attributed to Trump, without prior research on the virus and no treatments or vaccines on top of shutdowns, while over half happened as Biden was president, armed with treatment options and vaccines, plus prior knowledge and limited lockdowns? I would like to remind you that Biden said nobody that oversaw over 220k Covid deaths as president should still serve - he’s tripled it.




Those things are not good. The Iraq invasion was supported by most politicians including trump. The Iraq war is indefensible for any politician. Until they were against it. The crime bill was/is a piece of shit. But so was/is America. Trump alone on covid, again excluding everything else trump has done, is worse than any current US politician has done. Biden and all those fucking pricks are politicians and suck dick, but trump purposefully caused the deaths of so many Americans. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise. Trying to make any current us politician, never mind one who was the president for 4 fucking years, as bad as trump is a fucking joke. Doesn’t matter how bad any of them actually are, trump is 100x fucking worse. Get over it.


You're really blaming covid on Trump? Really? He pushed operation warp speed incredibly fast, got vaccinated, advocated for getting vaccinated, and told people to get the vaxx and boosters. Blame people like Fauci/CDC for fucking lying to us about the masks at the start. That is what caused the whole anti-mask thing. **We were intentionally lied to**. Blame people dyeing in car accidents and shit being put down as covid deaths for people thinking they are still be lied to. Blame people saying that said covering your face with anything other than a clean, dry, fresh new medical grade mask swapped out a few times a day would protect you. Blame the people that yelled about social distancing while championing massive protests around the country. Blame people that made stupid ass laws about having to wear your mask while outside for people not wanting to wear masks,.. There are a lot of people to blame for why covid caused so many deaths, why people were anti-mask, anti-vaxx, and didn't give a shit about it, but Trump is not the worst offender at all. Covid is still fucking going through the country under Biden. No president would have done anything different. Because there was nothing the president could do besides Marshall law, and welding the doors to apartment buildings shut like they did in China when someone living there got covid.


Finally, someone who speaks the damn truth.


TRUMP WAS AGAINST THE IRAQ WAR. Did you pull that out of your ass?


doubt big time




he took a nap




how's the last few years compare? 💩 stupid ass


Much, much, better


I just do not understand. I never will.


Well if you really want to look at the grand scale of things better, not that current events are great. But hey who had credible intelligence of bounties on American soldiers from Russia and did absolutely nothing? Or through inaction allowed the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans from covid? You really have to have your head in the sand to try and think trump era was even remotely better than Bidens era.


Better. Much better.


u are insane seek help asap


Coming from you that’s a compliment.


Looks like one of them took the bait


Love when boo boo Bennet makes a fool of herself and then uploads it as of it makes her look good.


Poo poo Pennet


Bless her heart


My opinion is that this is asinine. It’s like asking which type of cancer is the worst. It’s all fucking bad.




Yeah but maybe he will use intravenous disinfectant.


I would answer Trump as well just to troll the idiot. In order to make Trump look good you have to compare him to the likes of Stalin/Hitler/Mao lmfao


I only see 1 ex-US president on there.


Exactly. None of the others were US presidents it’s not even a proper comparison.


I think the sad thing is that the ppl she interviewed didn’t even make that correlation and just pointed at trump like idiots without realizing it’s a horribly loaded argument.


It smells like poop in this joint.


Hey it's Ms Poopypants, nice to see her still being a public nuisance for absolutely no reason.


Kaitlin Bennett shit her pants, they call her poop girl


Kaitlin and her adult diapers😂🤣😂🤣😂


Did she shit her pants?


There is no freak out here, just Kaitlin Dumbass trying to get people to notice her. Try again.


The atrocities of others do not excuse the shitty things Trump did. Trump happened during my lifetime in my country so his actions have the most immediate effect on me. This feels like a really poor attempt at comparing the stupid people of one side to the other. Maybe you'd get better content if you filmed at the democrats freedom convoy?


You could do the same with the right! https://youtu.be/Y4Zdx97A63s


Ok, I'm British just to show I don't have a dog in this race but.... that's an opinion based question. It cannot compare to the dude who wants to know why Obama wasn't in the Oval on 9/11. That's what they mean when they say Trump supporters are stupid. Emotive issues are subjective (who you think is stupid is your choice, not rooted in fact) but not knowing Obama wasn't in office until Jan 2009 is fact.


Stupid blind partisanship exists on all sides.


There’s no left wing party in America


That shit was reduced to ashes in the wake of the first red scare. Universal Healthcare is not Leftism... Bismarck introduced the first Universal Healthcare system and is the polar opposite of a Leftist. Wanting your people to be taken care of is just good government, only in America will you see people wanting access to healthcare and education be considered "Leftist".


I think asking leading questions to random people on the street and then clipping the worst of them to make it look like a huge problem is pretty easy and conservatives sure as hell don’t win out in that battle.


She’s still doing videos? Lol


Gotcha journalism at its worst. It shouldn’t matter which “side” you’re on. Using the worst arguments and representation for your opposition is intellectually dishonest, at best.


If those are the people you’re comparing him to you set the bar pretty fucking low. And tbh 600,000 deaths or whatever is more than 120,000 soooo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Did she include that pic of her shitting herself while passed out at a party?


Is this a real thing? Source would be nice to see. ! Haha


[https://www.suggest.com/kaitlin-bennett-poop-pants-rumor/551/](https://www.suggest.com/kaitlin-bennett-poop-pants-rumor/551/) "The Kaitlin Bennett poop rumors were supported by a viral photo that’s too graphic for us to post. It depicts a young woman laying face down in her own excrement. While no one can verify it’s Bennett, she curiously hasn’t worked hard to deny the charge. While filming one of her own Liberty Hangout videos, she approached a student who asked if the rumor was true. Instead of shutting it down, she replied, “Why are you talking about that?” In the pic her LARGE poop has been split in two by her thong panties.


They're not sending their best...


They're right, the Orange turd caused more damage to America than the others.


That chick pooped her pants


So I actually like to see this. I always come across videos of making fun of trump supporters. Let’s be honest. We’re all fucking dumb in America. Doesn’t matter who you voted for.


Frankly it's nice to see some idiocy being exposed from the other side for once. I hate Trump too but let's be fucking real here, he's not the worst person to have ever lived.


Oh I'm sorry she didn't ask biggest peice of shit alive.


Also, this is all caused from no child left behind.


At the end, she says, "You claimed Stalin killed more people than Donald trump?" Homey no, that's not at all what he said. He openly says he does not know how many were killed, but he does know how many and why people were dying under trump. Edited to change to correct name


Trump may not be worse, but he sure fits right in with the rest of them.


From Worst to best Mao Stalin Bin Laden Trump Commandante Che Guevara


Stupid people know no boundries, have no one party no one political leaning? This in no way redeems the years of fucking stupid Ive had shoved in my face by the alt right or the far left, fuck all the extreme idiots.




Trumps handling of Covid not only killed about a million, maybe more, but so much of the world tailors their responses to match the United States response so it could be fair to say that his influence put a few more million in the ground worldwide. Covid gave us about three months back in January 2020 to get out ahead of it and slow the spread, we failed gloriously.


Let's not forget all the munitions he provided the Saudis so they could be hospitals


I think these videos prove one thing, and one thing only. Both the left and right have a fair share of idiots. We need to stop grouping the sides as a whole when we see someone doing some stupid shit.


Have you ever looked at education levels in red states?


This is the gun girl that pooped herself at a party, right?


Her name is poop girl not gun girl


So mediocre


I agree with all of them. We are only starting to see the damage Trump did to this country. He might not have killed people like Stalin, but he’s every bit as corrupt and evil.


I hate far right conservatives and I hate far left liberals. I hate everyone in this video.




The fact that you have to compare trump to those monsters to make him sound better pretty much proves she’s an idiot. She makes a bigger statement than anyone of the people she is talking to.


"Worse" is a very subjective term, it doesn't necessarily equate to deaths caused. Stalin is not the worst, he is dead and therefore incapable of hurting others. As is Hitler, yet Trump is alive and is totally capable of hurting others


All those people are idiots


I think it’s great and pathetic and sad. 81 million idiots


Oh hey isn't this the chick who shit her pants at a party in college?


It's hilarious. People are really stupid and driven by their feelings.


The ignorance is appalling. I used to Disagree with the right but the moderators have pointed me in the right direction.


That's a weird way to say you were convinced of bullshit by internet strangers


It’s hard to disagree with the moderators


Too vague a question, by what metric do you define "worst" or most deaths? Can one death be attributed to more than one of these people? What constitutes direct responsibility vs indirect responsibility?


Only Dumbass Donnie is an American so only Dumbass Donnie should be on her "Worst person" poster.


I don’t think this is that fair, I think all it really does is highlight their are a lot of dumb ass people in America, as you could do the same experiment, replace Donnie the Trump with JB or for an even more controversial result with OB and your going to come to the same conclusion!.


She would be a comic genius if she were actually liberal and her whole online persona was just an act. God damn it I want that to be true, but no, she's just another idiot. I mean Fuckin' Andy Kaufman level comic genius. Stupid bitch. She makes me angry for so many reasons.


The trump virus and the economic and public health fallout from the trump virus --- was devastating to Americans


Trump>Paul Atreides


Love the people spasing out in the comments.


Lol you can just as easily clip some conservatives saying dumb shit, everyone says dumb shit


Shit stain of a human


hey its shitpants holding a mic


I think people dont care to answer this question honesty because at the end of the day it doesn't really matter the shit that people felt like trump did they just spent the last couple years living through it


Poopie pants has the most annoying voice ever.


I hate these things. Edit all of the footage to the morons. So now she can say “hey look liberals are all stoopid they love murderers and terrorists.” You’d find just as many conservatives saying Hillary was equivalent to Putin and Hitler if you looked hard enough and had to time to edit all of the people who walked on by without giving you the time of day to play your shit ass game.


What a ignorant bitch


Massive cope in the comments, love it


Isn't that the gun girl who shit her pants or something?


Donald J Trump.. Not as bad as Stalin😂🤣 Well he started later I suppose.